#noti flow
redtsundere-writes · 3 months
Tyrant's Favorite | Sukuna Ryomen
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Chapter 8 “Differences” is available now!
King!SukunaRyomen x Servant!FemReader
Summary: You used to be just another servant among the army of humans operating under the command of the terrible king, Sukuna Ryomen. An ordinary human who only knows how to wash, clean and cook. Until one day, he notices something in you that you hadn't seen before.
AO3 or Wattpad?
Preview ↆ
Sukuna hates mornings. Birds chirping, getting out of bed heavily and watching the sun conquer the skies are things he despises with all his heart. Just a curse that lives in a gigantic dark castle in order to have to deal as little as possible with sunlight. The windows with bloody roses, besides serving as decoration, have specific colors to mitigate the intense day to day light. Sukuna rubbed his eyes as he made his way to the dining room for breakfast at a slow pace as he was just waking up. As he approached the door, he heard the servants encouraging themselves to work faster. 
“Good morning, my king,” the servants said in unison once the great conqueror of their lands entered the room. 
The table was set as it was every morning. The tableware was elegantly placed in front of each seat, the candles were symmetrically spaced between the empty spaces and a subtle lemon scent could be perceived from how clean everything was. The servants lined up against the perimeter of the room as usual as they heard the king approaching. Sukuna inspected the faces he saw each morning, making sure no one was missing. It was strange not to see you in your usual place. Mrs. Inoue had not seen you at breakfast time or in the kitchen. She was so worried that she had already thought the worst. She wanted to ask the king about your whereabouts or the confirmation of your sudden death, but she didn't have the courage to do so.
“Did you inform her that she must have breakfast with me?” Sukuna asked Uraume as soon as he sat down at the head of the table. 
“Yes, my king, she must be getting ready,” Uraume answered as soon as one of the servants served him his breakfast: fried eggs and shredded meat, human, of course. 
The door opened again, interrupting the king's first bite. Finally, you have arrived. Your figure was wrapped in a beautiful dress that had been made especially for you. A pair of braids framed your face while a crystal tiara rested gently on your head. Your neck and wrists were adorned with precious jewelry that cost more than your old cabin in the countryside. Even though you had no royal blood, you felt like the princesses you used to see at balls. Sukuna was so used to seeing you in your uniform that he dropped his fork in shock. 
“Good morning, everyone,” you greeted with a small bow before entering the room. 
All the servants looked at you in shock for dressing so extravagantly. It was the first time you felt so many eyes on you, completely exposed even though you were clothed from head to toe. You just smiled and made your way to your new seat, the right side of the king. Mrs. Inoue was on the verge of tears of happiness to see that you were not dead and better than ever. 
“Good morning, my king.” You bowed respectfully to him. Mrs. Inoue overtook another servant to pull your chair, the perfect excuse to approach you. 
“Are you all right?” She whispered in your ear. You just nodded as you took a seat. 
Sukuna was still enthralled with your extreme change in appearance. He had known you as an ordinary girl in a hideous brown dress full of dirt that hid your good attributes. Now you stood before him in a beautiful purple dress with gold flowers decorating your chest and flowing down to the skirt. The sleeves that subtly rested on your arms allowed him the exposed skin of your shoulders that used to be covered by the uniform. Since you always wore a white scarf, I had never noticed your pretty hair color. You were a diamond in the rough that just needed to be polished to shine among the stars. Quickly, you noticed that Sukuna was just looking at you with his lips parted as if he wanted to say something. 
“Is something wrong?” you asked, confused. 
Sukuna quickly returned to his reality, picking up his fork as if nothing had happened. He coughed a couple of times before looking away so it wouldn't show that he loved your new look. His heart was beating like crazy and he didn't know how to make it stop. 
“That color doesn't go with your skin tone,” he complained, pretending that was the reason he was looking at you so intently. 
“Do you think so?” You asked while looking at the contrast between the dress and your skin tone. 
It had been a long time since you had worn a dress as beautiful as that one. I repeat, you had never worn a dress as beautiful as that one. Your mother used to buy dresses for you, but they were a solid color and not the best material, as she bought the ones that were within her financial means. You had forgotten how tedious it was to wear a corset so tight to the body and heels that hurt your feet. But, it was nice to pass in front of the mirrors and see something nice on the other side. 
A servant soon arrived to serve you a breakfast similar to Sukuna's, but with mutton instead of human flesh. You bit into it, happy to be eating something other than porridge after a long time. You missed eating meat after the time Sukuna invited you to eat with him for the second time. You were very excited that from now on you would always eat with him. 
“Your tutor is coming today," Sukuna informed you. 
“My tutor?” You asked confused. 
“He will make sure you have the necessary intellectual tools to be my wife and the mother of my future heir. He will teach you literature, mathematics, health and give you piano lessons,” he explained before drinking from his wine glass. 
That last thing got you very excited. You couldn't wait to learn to play like the professionals. In your head, you could already imagine all the songs you would learn. The king could be a heartless being, but sometimes he was generous. 
“He will arrive in the afternoon for you to welcome him, since he will be living here from today on,” he ordered before continuing eating. “You better not waste his time.” 
“I will try my best to be the best student.” You smiled before continuing to eat. That only made Sukuna's heart flutter even more. "Is my heart failing me already?" He asked himself. 
Open fanfic commissions!
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stardewimagines2 · 1 year
A moment alone (Sam X Farmer)
A/N: My old blog got deactivated and this is a draft I had saved on my laptop and really wanted to get this out, hope you all enjoy - B
"I'm glad you're finally doing this" Leah puts down her glass and leans towards me, so I can hear her over the loud music "me too! Everyone seems to be having fun!" I look around, some people are dancing, others are talking in huddles and Sam was leaning on the wall behind me, our eyes catch and he waves, I wave back and then turn back to Leah, she raises an eyebrow "you gonna make a move? My cabin is pretty packed right now, you definitely have an excuse to get close" I roll my eyes "Leah, we've talked about this he has a thing with Penny" she looks over to the dining room where Penny is in deep conversation with Abigail, my gaze follows hers and she says "well if that's the case why isn't he stood with her and stood there" she quickly has a look over my shoulder "staring at you?" I tilt my head, confused I quiz "wait, he's still staring?" she nods, then with furrowed brows looks over again "looks like he has something to say" then a look of embarrassment flashes across her face and quietly says "Oh I looked too long! He's now coming over!" I find myself standing up straighter and as I feel his presence behind me Leah states "I'm going to get a drink" she rushes off, leaving me and Sam alone I can't help but look at her discarded drink she had put down earlier.
I gulp, why does this man make me so nervous? Why does it feel like I'm in school again with a stupid childish crush? "Hey" he smiles and then is seemingly distracted by the song changing, a pop punk song sounds throughout the cabin, bouncing off the walls. I turn to the speakers to see Leah standing next to them, she flashes me a wink before resuming a conversation with Eliot. I suddenly feel warm hands clasp around mine and turn back to Sam, who is dancing "this is my favourite song, you have to join me" I laugh and start moving my body with his, imitating the way he's moving. He pulls me over closer to the centre of the room where a cluster of other dancers have gathered, his soft hands leave mine as he gets more and more into dancing, I really can't keep my eyes off him he looks so at peace and is clearly having fun, it warms my heart to see. While staring I accidentally bump into Emily who's next to me, I turn to quickly apologise to her and then Sam leans into my ear "want to go outside? I'm boiling" I'm not, but the idea of being alone with him doesn't sound bad. I nod and weave through the crowd behind him as we make our way to the front door.
I close the door behind me as we step outside, he looks into my eyes and sighs "how are you?" I nod "yeah I'm good! I'm just glad Leah finally did all this" I gesture to her cabin "getting everyone together for a party is a really good idea you know?" he nods ever so slightly and I can see him struggle to make eye contact with me "yeah no its good" well this feels...awkward. Sam usually talks my ear off and conversation flows but now its stagnated, she shakes his head and laughs through his nose "ok not my most subtle work" I furrow my brows "what do you mean?" he avoids eye contact and then meets my eyes again "well I've been wanting to talk to you all night, clearly I couldn't even wait for my favourite song to finish, we weren't even dancing for that long, I wasn't even hot and when we get out here I can't even do small talk" he's now mumbling and not even saying a whole lot so I interrupt him "are you ok?" he stops and for a moment everything is still, I can see him struggling to speak, so I give him the time as I stay silent and lean against the wall as I wait "I-" he clears his throat "when I'm hanging out with you I feel like it's never enough time, I want to be hanging with you all the time, while you're doing your farm duties or you're in the mines or you're fishing and I hate fishing!" I laugh, not knowing where this is going, he doesn't notice this and continues "and I've been trying to figure out why I feel that way, I love Seb and Abi and Penny but I don't find myself feeling that way about them as much as I do with you" He must of been holding his breath in as he exhales loudly
"and I think I really like you"
My eyes widen as what he just said hits me, I have so much to say but one question sticks out to me more than anything else "wait, I thought you had a thing with Penny?" He tilts his head "what? No, Penny's great but I've never seen her in that way" I feel like an idiot, why didn't I ask that sooner, I've had feelings for him for this long and I stopped myself from saying anything because of something that's not even true, Leah will find that hilarious. "I- I genuinely thought that was the case, I stopped myself from telling you that I like you because of that" his eyes widen "wait you like me too?" I nod and joke "and you like me?!" we both laugh and as we quiet down we meet each others eyes, I find my gaze dropping down to his lips and back up at his eyes only to see him looking at mine. He steps forward, a soft gaze meeting my eyes, my breath quickens as he gets closer and closer to me until I'm trapped between him and the cabin wall, he voices drops "can I-?" he trails off so I finish "kiss me?" he nods and then I do, he leans in and his lips touch mine, all of my senses are taken over by him, I can smell his aftershave, I can hear his soft breathing, I can feel his skin against mine. Feeling impatient I snake my hand around the back of his neck and pull him in even closer, his body now even closer to mine. The kiss gets more and more passionate as I part my lips and feel his tongue enter my mouth, our breathing gets heavier and heavier before he pulls away and sighs "I have been waiting for that" I giggle "so have I" I look down to his lips, up his eyes and down to his lips again.
"I'm going to ask something"
"Want to spend the night at mine?"
He laughs "and what would we be doing?"
"whatever we feel like doing?"
"sounds great"
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polyspice · 2 years
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My good friend, Martin Whiskin and myself, have been pondering with a project for a while now.
Every Tuesday at 5 in the morning, we get up, and record an episode of our new podcast "Hidden By Design", which we are super proud of.
This have turned into this series of episodes, that covers the basics of design.
Martin Whiskin is the attentive student, and I am the teacher, explaining that Design is everywhere. And that we are all designing stuff every day, without knowing it.
Its great, because Martin Whiskin is an amazing student! He asks clever questions, and challenges his teacher in every episode.
Today we released the 5th episode about Flow, where I explain how this concept is important when you are designing things for others.
You can find it on Spotify and a bunch of other platforms as well.
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dsdatingdramas · 2 years
That one time at school camp…
Preface: I am a primary school teacher
How does one perfectly encapsulate the flirting, sly glances and comments that lead to one of the most memorable evenings of my life to date. I have crafted this tale into two sections. The lead up and The date. Feel free to skip the modern day attempt at romance and move to the date.
The lead up:
After a long day circumnavigating the globe with 124 children and 13 adults via a bus, a ferry and the waewae express, most people were off being helpful, I as per usual was on entertainment. The teacher voice had arisen, I was talking absolute shit - The dad jokes were free flowing, and mid pow-wow my eyes meet unfamiliar pair, an incredible shade of green, a smile filled his face, I smile back before looking in panic for any other adult to fill the silence if just created. I’d lost my train of nonsense in this interaction. Incredibly smooth on my part as per.
The following morning yet another cheeky smile fills his face as we cross paths. He’s just being friendly, it’s his job, I remind myself before quickly finding anything but Robin Hood to divert my gaze to.
After dragging kids around the island on our day hike, I’m persuaded into a game of handball (which of course I believed I was going to win) I see Robin Hood walk over, I find myself flustered and trying to remember how to act casual. “Can I play?” Fuck, an accent to complicate my *it’s school camp, nothing can happen* commentary, which by the way the only thing keeping me from asking him if he’d like to get married and have 2 kids. By this time I’d already let the group chat know I’d met my husband (a weekly occurrence.)
That evening I received copious amounts of shit from my colleagues and parent help about the “boyfriends” I had acquired at handball. I quietly enjoyed that others had picked up on the strange and suspenseful connection conspiring between Robin Hood and I.
On Wednesday, the universe appeared to be on my side. Archery in the morning with Robin Hood; what a treat. Although not the ghost moment I had imagined, I was mostly spending my time enjoying Robin Hood’s hands skilfully navigating a bow and arrow and making bets with the children about who’s a better shot, Robin Hood or I, whilst I won, my bruise says otherwise. In the afternoon instructors typical swap activities however, Robin hood had arranged to swap with his mate so we could spend the rest of the afternoon together (and with the 11 kids too I suppose) At this point I’m convinced he’s keen. After naively ignoring my opportunity to give him my number when he handed me a clipboard and his phone (incase I needed the calculator) to add up everyone’s scores, it was time to head to free time. I had to find a reason to talk to this man again, he couldn’t possibly swindle his way into spending all day with me again tomorrow. “Do you like birds?” I dumbly spat out on my way out of archery. I then continued to be my charming self and ask to borrow his head torch so I could see the birds (one of my least favourite creatures might I add).
Thursday rolls round and he hasn’t come to find me, so like any twenty-something trying to contact the hot man I spotted in public; I turned my tinder radius to 1km - great success!
During dinner my boss approached me and inquired about why I wasn’t going to see this man. After dutifully informing her that I was on the dorm roster that night she quickly readjusted the roster “it’ll make the best story” funnily enough she was absolutely correct (as she always is).
The Date:
I was giddy in preparation, like I too, was young and dumb again. I panicked over what to wear, as if this man hadn’t seen me in my camp clothes this whole week.
I dumbly tried to navigate my way to the our meeting spot without a torch luckily his laughter at my attempt led the way. I was met with a hug and a strange conversation about the eels. We wandered down to the lodge where the penguins are said to be nesting. He quickly closed the gap between us noting that my lack of a torch was great ploy for hand holding, little does he know that I have disgustingly sweaty hands so simply laughed it off and awkwardly held his arm like it was the 18th century. Robin Hood quickly became Steve Irwin showing me the diverse range of creatures on the Island and their hiding places - we met penguins, geckos, takahe, weta and many pukehoe. His story’s to accompany each animal oddly charming. I did just love hearing him speak, calm, assertive and always with a hint of flirtation.
We landed in a bay about 1km around the island from camp and for once this week, under the stars in this bay I felt a sense of tranquility, like the children and my colleagues seized to exist a mere kilometre away. We chatted about many topics some fun and some more serious, he shared his love and excitement for running (red flag) and I shared my love and excitement for blankets on a rainy day. In a romantic setting things quickly escalated to some indoor gardening (outside? I might need a new euphemism). Without getting into too much detail his carefully firm approach very much filled my cup. It was a more intimate experience than I anticipated. He contrasted the carnal nature of this interaction with affection and tender - a closeness I had yet to share with any man on a first date. I couldn’t forget to mention the beautiful view of the gulf, although the lack of geographical knowledge from both parties allowed for attention to be focused elsewhere.
Not long after enjoying the moonlit beach (hoping for dolphins) we decided to head back to his humble abode, which sat at the top of the hill.
Once we had ensured that his roommates were asleep or not brave enough to make a comment about how annoying our chatter and laughter was; we relocated to his bedroom, where two things stood out.
1. Once we’re warriors open on his dresser, I didn’t pick Robin Hood to be a reader
2. A beautifully made bed with crisp white sheets however a unzipped sleeping bag in lieu of a duvet (which he did pre-warn me about, but it didn’t seem to surprise me any less, maybe I hoped it was a joke)
Robin Hood continues to amaze in the bedroom. The aftercare was phenomenal; my first proper hot shower in weeks, a chat about our life goals, words of affirmation on tap and a lingering cuddle. I reluctantly made my way back to my own bunk, as I was sure his boss would not appreciate his hospitality, as much as I.
So, is Robin Hood the meet cute my work friends and I dreamed? probably not. Most 20 year olds don’t move half way across the world to marry the first women they meet however if another date is on the cards, a trip to Kmart for a duvet seems far more fitting than the hike up we discussed.
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scrapesaladofficial · 1 month
Noti Flow Tshirt Style09
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A t-shirt with a print just hits different. Keep your look bold yet chill with this men’s crew neck t-shirt. It’s so smooth, stretchy, and comfortable you’ll want to wear it all the time. • 95% polyester, 5% elastane (fabric composition may vary by 1%) • Premium knit mid-weight jersey • Four-way stretch fabric that stretches and recovers on the cross and lengthwise grains • Regular fit • Blank product components in the US and Mexico sourced from the US • Blank product components in the EU sourced from Lithuania This product is made especially for you as soon as you place an order, which is why it takes us a bit longer to deliver it to you. Making products on demand instead of in bulk helps reduce overproduction, so thank you for making thoughtful purchasing decisions! Read the full article
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strongroofingsrq · 3 months
Hurricane Season Survival Guide: How to Protect Your Sarasota Roof
Hurricane season is an annual challenge for homeowners in Sarasota, Florida. Each year, the threat of these powerful storms brings a mix of anxiety and preparation. While stocking up on supplies and securing windows are standard practices, one of the most crucial yet often overlooked areas needing attention is your roof. Ensuring your roof is ready to withstand the intense winds and heavy rains of a hurricane can mean the difference between minor damage and a complete catastrophe. This guide will provide you with essential tips and advice on how to protect your Sarasota roof during hurricane season.
Understanding the Importance of Roof Maintenance
Your roof is your home’s first line of defense against the elements. During a hurricane, it bears the brunt of the storm's fury. Regular roof maintenance and timely repairs are vital in keeping it strong and resilient. Neglecting your roof can lead to leaks, structural damage, and even total roof failure, which can be costly and dangerous.
Pre-Hurricane Roof Inspection
Before hurricane season hits, it's essential to conduct a thorough inspection of your roof. Look for signs of wear and tear, such as:
Missing or damaged shingles: These can be easily torn off by strong winds, leaving your roof vulnerable.
Cracks or holes: These can allow water to seep into your home, leading to water damage and mold growth.
Loose or rusted flashing: Flashing helps direct water away from critical areas. Ensuring it is secure and rust-free is crucial.
If you’re unsure about the condition of your roof, hiring a professional to conduct the inspection is a wise investment.
Reinforcing Your Roof
There are several steps you can take to reinforce your roof and increase its chances of surviving a hurricane:
1. Install Hurricane Straps and Clips
Hurricane straps and clips are designed to secure your roof to the walls of your home, providing additional support against high winds. These devices can significantly reduce the risk of your roof being lifted off during a storm.
2. Seal Your Roof Deck
A sealed roof deck prevents water from entering your home if the roof covering is damaged. This involves applying a special tape or membrane over the seams of the roof deck, creating a barrier against water infiltration.
3. Upgrade to Impact-Resistant Shingles
Impact-resistant shingles are designed to withstand the force of flying debris during a hurricane. They are made from more durable materials than standard shingles and can provide an extra layer of protection.
Regular Roof Maintenance
Routine maintenance is key to ensuring your roof remains in top condition throughout hurricane season. Some maintenance tasks include:
Cleaning gutters and downspouts: Ensure that water can flow freely off your roof and away from your home.
Trimming overhanging branches: This reduces the risk of branches falling on your roof during a storm.
Checking attic ventilation: Proper ventilation helps reduce the buildup of moisture and heat, which can weaken your roof structure over time.
Emergency Repairs and Preparations
Despite your best efforts, hurricanes can still cause damage. Be prepared to make emergency repairs by having the following supplies on hand:
Tarp and roofing nails: To cover and protect damaged areas.
Roof sealant: For quick fixes to minor leaks.
Ladder and safety gear: To safely access your roof if needed.
Post-Hurricane Roof Inspection
After a hurricane has passed, it’s crucial to inspect your roof for any damage. Even if it appears intact from the ground, there may be hidden issues that need addressing. Look for:
Loose or missing shingles: Replace them promptly to prevent leaks.
Debris buildup: Clear any debris to prevent further damage.
Water stains on ceilings: This can indicate leaks that need immediate attention.
When to Call a Professional
While some roof maintenance tasks can be handled by homeowners, others require professional expertise. If you notice significant damage or are unsure about the extent of necessary repairs, it's best to call in the experts. Strong Roofing Sarasota is a trusted name among roof companies Sarasota FL. Our team of experienced professionals can provide thorough inspections, repairs, and maintenance to ensure your roof is hurricane-ready.
Final Thoughts
Protecting your roof during hurricane season is a critical aspect of safeguarding your home and family. By conducting regular maintenance, making necessary upgrades, and being prepared for emergencies, you can enhance your roof’s resilience against the elements. Don’t wait until a storm is on the horizon; take action now to ensure your roof is ready to weather the storm.
Strong Roofing Sarasota is here to help. If you're looking for roof companies Sarasota FL, Strong Roofing is the best choice! Contact us today to schedule your roof inspection and estimate Take the first step in hurricane-proofing your home now!
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antennaweb · 4 months
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notiziariofinanziario · 4 months
Alibaba ha reso noti i risultati finanziari del trimestre conclusosi il 31 marzo 2024
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Gli utili di Alibaba non hanno soddisfatto le previsioni degli analisti finanziari. Il colosso cinese della vendita al dettaglio online ha annunciato un utile per azione (EPS) rettificato di 10,14 RMB (1,40 USD), inferiore di 0,13 RMB rispetto alle previsioni degli analisti finanziari, che avevano previsto un EPS di 10,27 RMB. Nonostante questo calo, il fatturato dell'azienda è aumentato del 7%, raggiungendo i 221,87 miliardi di RMB (30.729 milioni di dollari), leggermente superiore a quello previsto di 220,32 miliardi di RMB. Il valore delle azioni della società è diminuito del 3,4% dopo l'annuncio, riflettendo le preoccupazioni degli investitori per gli utili inferiori alle aspettative. L'amministratore delegato di Alibaba, Eddie Wu, ha spiegato che i risultati trimestrali sono stati influenzati dall'enfasi posta dall'azienda sul miglioramento dell'esperienza del cliente e sull'espansione delle operazioni di vendita al dettaglio online a livello nazionale e internazionale. Ciononostante, i minori guadagni sono stati un fattore significativo nel declino del valore dell'azione. L'aumento dei ricavi di Alibaba è stato attribuito a un incremento del 7% rispetto allo stesso periodo dell'anno precedente, come ha sottolineato il direttore finanziario Toby Xu. L'azienda ha inoltre registrato una riduzione del 96% dell'utile netto rispetto all'anno precedente, principalmente a causa di una perdita netta sugli investimenti in società le cui azioni sono negoziate in borsa, a fronte di un utile netto derivante da tali investimenti nel trimestre corrispondente dell'anno precedente. Gli investimenti dell'azienda nelle attività di vendita al dettaglio online e gli incentivi per il mantenimento dei dipendenti dell'affiliata logistica Cainiao hanno portato a una riduzione del 5% dell'utile rettificato prima degli interessi, delle imposte e degli ammortamenti (EBITA). Inoltre, la liquidità generata dalle attività operative e il free cash flow sono diminuiti significativamente, rispettivamente del 26% e del 52% rispetto all'anno precedente. Nonostante queste difficoltà, Alibaba mantiene una prospettiva positiva sulle sue prospettive commerciali. L'impegno di Alibaba nel migliorare la soddisfazione dei consumatori attraverso investimenti strategici in prodotti competitivi dal punto di vista dei costi e in progressi tecnologici si è tradotto in una maggiore fedeltà dei clienti e in una maggiore frequenza di acquisto. Questo approccio, unito all'aumento del numero di membri 88VIP, ha contribuito a un aumento a due cifre del volume e del numero di ordini online rispetto all'anno precedente. La divisione cloud computing dell'azienda e i gruppi internazionali di vendita al dettaglio digitale hanno entrambi registrato un aumento del fatturato, con quest'ultimo che ha ottenuto una crescita del 45% rispetto all'anno precedente. Il miglioramento delle capacità di vendita e consegna online a livello internazionale è stato fondamentale per questo successo. Questo articolo è stato prodotto e tradotto con l'assistenza di AI e verificato da un redattore. Per ulteriori dettagli, consultare i nostri Termini e condizioni. Read the full article
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micro961 · 5 months
Margó “Sto”
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Una canzone elettro-pop, caratterizzata da un beat incalzante e synth avvolgenti, è un invito al movimento fisico e mentale
«Una canzone che parla di cambiamento, di movimento, cercare di uscire dal guscio e risalire dal fondo. Per troppo tempo sono stata ferma, scrivere questa canzone è stato catartico.» Margó
“Sto”, il nuovo singolo di Margó, è il grido d’inquietudine di chi vuole riemergere dal fondo. Una canzone elettro-pop, caratterizzata da un beat incalzante e synth avvolgenti. Queste sonorità rafforzano le finalità del testo: un invito al movimento, fisico e mentale, per allontanarsi definitivamente da una situazione di stallo e superare i confini spesso posti da noi stessi.
Il brano è stato scritto da Margherita Silvestrini (Margó), Brian Riente, e Matteo Gabbianelli che si è occupato della produzione presso la Kutso Noise Home.
Margó è una cantautrice romana. Respira musica fin da bambina; i suoi brani, le cui sonorità rarefatte e sognanti richiamano il dream-pop di Aurora e l’electro di Billie Eilish, danno voce ai suoi pensieri, descrivendo luoghi, esperienze e stati d’animo. A maggio del 2021 esce il suo primo singolo “Se piove” con cui vince il Lunatika contest. Nel 2022 ha partecipato al Premio Bruno Lauzi di Anacapri, aggiudicandosi il premio alla miglior musica con un suo brano originale “Non sai”, ancora inedito. Il 22 Luglio dello stesso anno, la sua canzone “Le parole che mi hai detto” è entrata nella playlist editoriale Fresh Finds Italia ed è stata in rotazione su Radio Sonica. Nell’estate del 2022 è in finale al Meeting Music Contest di Rimini e nel 2023 è tra le finaliste del contest Onda Rosa Indipendente del MEI. Inoltre, come componente dei Flowing Chords, ha collaborato con noti artisti quali Achille Lauro, Diodato, Noemi e Margherita Vicario. L’uscita del singolo “Domenica” corona il successo di Margó alle ultime audizioni televisive di X-Factor dove ha raccolto il consenso unanime della giuria. Con i tre singoli rilasciati nel 2023 e le prossime uscite, Margó ci anticipa quello che farà parte del suo primo album, interamente prodotto da Matteo Gabbianelli presso la Kutso Noise Home. Etichetta: Kutso Noise Home
https://open.spotify.com/artist/1eYdJYk9MreSYi7gpuJ8QF?si=cinQkN-TiO_NWdgW83wkw https://www.instagram.com/sono_margo https://www.youtube.com/@margo8917 https://www.facebook.com/Margo.0fficial https://www.tiktok.com/@sono_margo_?_t=8jH5OeXTSOv&_r=1
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lamilanomagazine · 1 year
La Spezia: EMIS KILLA in SUMMER TOUR 2023, martedì 11 luglio 2023 ore 21.30, Piazza Europa
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La Spezia: EMIS KILLA in SUMMER TOUR 2023, martedì 11 luglio 2023 ore 21.30, Piazza Europa. Martedì 11 luglio 2023 alle 21.30 il rapper milanese Emis Killa, con il suo Summer Tour 2023, aprirà il cartellone estivo dei concerti in programma sul palcoscenico all’aperto di Piazza Europa, nell’ambito della rassegna organizzata dal Comune della Spezia con il sostegno della Regione Liguria. Emis Killa, pseudonimo di Emiliano Rudolf Giambelli, classe 1989, nel 2007 partecipa al concorso “Tecniche Perfette”, dove vince il titolo di campione italiano di freestyle. Inizia a pubblicare i primi lavori, “Keta Music” (2009), “Champagne e spine” (2010) e “The Flow Clocker Vol. 1” (2011). Nel 2011 pubblica il disco “L’erba cattiva”, e il singolo “Parole di ghiaccio”, vince il “Best Italian Act” agli Mtv Europe Music Awards e il “Best New Artist” agli Mtv Hip Hop Awards. Nel 2013 esce l’album “Mercurio” che include la hit estiva “Maracanã”. È protagonista di uno degli eventi hip hop più noti al mondo, tutt'oggi l'unico italiano ad avervi partecipato, i Bet Hip Hop Awards. Dal 2013 al 2016 conduce “One Two One Two” su Radio Deejay e “Goal Deejay” su Sky. Nel 2015 conduce gli Mtv Awards e pubblica “Keta Music Vol. 2”. Nel 2016 è tra i giudici della quarta edizione di The Voice e a fine anno pubblica “Terza Stagione”. A fine 2017 esce “Linda”. Nell’estate del 2018 pubblica la hit radiofonica “Rollercoaster” e successivamente il singolo “Fuoco e benzina”, entrambi inclusi nell’album “Supereroe” a cui segue “Supereroe – Bat Edition”, anticipato da “Tijuana”. A giugno 2020 ha condotto “YO! Mtv Raps” la versione italiana del leggendario programma di MTV USA interamente dedicato alla musica rap. Nello stesso anno firma con Sony Music Entertainment e il 18 settembre pubblica l’album “17” con Jake La Furia, certificato disco di platino e anticipato dal singolo “Malandrino”, certificato disco d’oro. Il 26 febbraio 2021 esce il repack dell’album “17 - Dark edition”. Nel 2021 pubblica il mixtape “Keta Music vol.3”, certificato disco d’oro e terzo capitolo della saga che ha caratterizzato e accompagnato tutta la produzione del rapper. Biglietti disponibili sui circuiti on line Ticket One e Vivaticket e al Botteghino del Teatro Civico. Botteghino del Teatro Civico (ingresso da Via Carpenino). Orari della biglietteria: dal lunedì al sabato ore 8.30-12.00, il mercoledì anche dalle ore 16 alle ore 19. Info: tel. 0187-727521 Email: [email protected]... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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princeofgod-2021 · 1 year
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John 1:4
We will eventually have to define PROPHECY in details but we have to peruse the concept of Secret Things thoroughly.
There are also Secret things in the context of things God will reserve till an appointed and appropriate time of [first] release as information to Men.
There are info that Men cannot manage - because of restrained spiritual composure - till certain times in life.
Joh 16:12-13 "I HAVE A LOT MORE TO TELL YOU, BUT THAT WOULD BE TOO MUCH FOR YOU NOW. WHEN THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH COMES, HE WILL GUIDE YOU INTO THE FULL TRUTH. He won't speak on his own. He will speak what he hears and will tell you about things to come. GW
What you need to see in this is that these kinds of Secret things are useless in the lives of those who have not yet been filled with the Spirit of God.
These secrets have embodied Divine properties for Divine Purposes. You can’t bear them because they’re too strong for natural men.
Joh 7:38-39 IF ANYONE BELIEVES IN ME, RIVERS OF LIVING WATER WILL FLOW OUT FROM THEIR HEART. That is what the Scriptures say." Jesus was talking about the Spirit. THE SPIRIT HAD NOT YET BEEN GIVEN TO PEOPLE, because Jesus had not yet been raised to glory. But LATER, THOSE WHO BELIEVED IN JESUS WOULD RECEIVE THE SPIRIT. ERV
Therefore, in this context of Secret things, there are things that will never be revealed to certain men because they reject God and can never have His Spirit in them.
They will remain in the dark.
Luk 8:10 And he said, TO YOU IS GIVEN KNOWLEDGE OF THE SECRETS OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD; but to the others, they are given in stories, so that seeing, they may not see, and though they give hearing, THE SENSE WILL NOT BE CLEAR TO THEM. BBE
The Secrets of the Kingdom of God to be revealed here are not exactly about how things operate in heaven or how the Angels or Spiritual world runs its programme, but merely about how God’s Kingdom and Power relates to, preserves and manages the Creation Mandate for Humanity.
Luk 10:9 Heal the sick in that town and SAY TO THEM, ‘THE KINGDOM OF GOD HAS COME UPON YOU!’ NET
Miracles started happening in stupendous ways and beyond comprehension.
Though there have been miracles in the past, Jesus brought the manifestation of exceptional exploits to humanity.
Mar 2:11-12 I say to this man, ‘Stand up, pick up your stretcher, and walk home.’” IMMEDIATELY THE MAN SPRANG TO HIS FEET IN FRONT OF EVERYONE AND LEFT FOR HOME. When the crowds witnessed this miracle, they were awestruck. They shouted praises to God and said, “WE’VE NEVER SEEN ANYTHING LIKE THIS BEFORE!” TPT
These were the hidden parts or elements in Prophecies, which Men of old gave but didn’t even understand what they were saying.
They just had to carry out their duties without question.
Now the uniqueness of these kinds of secrets are that even Angels didn’t understand what was said.
1Pe 1:12 God revealed to these prophets that their work was not for their own benefit, but for yours, as they spoke about those things which you have now heard from the messengers who announced the Good News by the power of the Holy Spirit sent from heaven. THESE ARE THINGS WHICH EVEN THE ANGELS WOULD LIKE TO UNDERSTAND. GNB
Some of such Prophecies only gave a glimpse of God’s intentions but the details were kept till an appropriate time and age.
But apart from Info for Men, there is another cogent reason why such items of God’s purposes have to be kept secret: satanic intrusion and manipulations.
Notice that it is [first] a Secret WISDOM.
It is wise to keep some things secret and avoid unnecessary opposition because of immature exposure.
The devil thought killing Jesus was the ultimate affront and potent disruption to God’s plan.
Doesn’t he just love killing everything?
You see, part of that Divine Secret was revealed in that statement of Jesus above but in Parables, even to the devil, who was as blind as any natural bat in daylight.
This is getting exciting but no space here.
Keep this thought till next lesson, as I pray that God will reveal Himself totally to us all in the depth of our Souls, IN JESUS NAME.
Join us on Friday for the continuation of this thought-provoking Subtopic.
Keep Shinning!
Brother Prince
Wednesday, June 21, 2023
08055125517; 08023904307
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fanfiction time
Funny not go, as senses detect, their is a time delay Garth Thunderdome
Funny not go, as senses detect, their is a time delay Garth ThunderdomeA Short Story
by spongo squee
Jenny Blast From the Past was thinking about Garth Thunderdome again. Garth had a funny sence not to not go, as senses detect, their is a time delay volcano with tall mountains and pointy rocks.
Jenny walked over to the window and reflected on her not so under the zero countdown of time surroundings. She had always loved the same pine smell of sweet scented variety wardrobe, with so many inventions, many years pass with its thirsty, tan to maintain the father of times job over their. It was a place that encouraged her tendency to feel doesnt know what happened.
Then she saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was the a funny not go, as senses detect, their is a time delay figure of Garth Thunderdome.
Jenny gulped. She glanced at her own reflection. She was a charming time displacement, special charm, beer drinker with solid fingernails and brown eyelashes. Her friends saw her as a jealous, joyous juggler. Once, she had even helped an unlawful childhood of squee cross the road.
But not even a charming time displacement person who had once helped an unlawful childhood of squee cross the road, was prepared for what Garth had in store today. very dr who
The clouds danced like running inot things that we strongly belive to happen lizards, making Jenny finds that of the luggage of holiday time. Jenny grabbed a peculiar moment of squee that had been strewn nearby; she massaged it with her vocal chords, of squee.
As Jenny stepped outside and Garth came closer, she could see the xenophobic glint in his eye.
Garth gazed with the affection of 6403 admirable robot flowbot eager elephants. He said, in hushed tones, “I love you and I want a pencil to draw for a time machine.”
Jenny looked back, even more finds that of the luggage of holiday time and still voicing the peculiar moment of squee . “Garth, my Jackpot was an abundance,” she replied.
They looked at each other with everything is confusing feelings, like two great, green goldfish jogging and flies to the squee, with happens to cause at a very notiing , inquires how to travel birthday party, which had classical music playing in the background and two intuitive introsepection uncles rampaging on the river, of flow of robot flow to the beat.
Jenny regarded Garth’s tall fingernails and pointy eyelashes. “I feel the same way!” revealed Jenny with a delighted grin.
Garth looked on reaching, finds the shop of dystopia, his emotions blushing like a poised, pong piano.
Then Garth came inside for a nice drink of squee.
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cards-and-creatures · 2 years
Randomisation In games: Art study 1- Complete
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Art Study 1: Final Results
I have completed my first study of this project, based on two inspirations, Piotr Jabłoński and Hirohiko Araki. Using David Bowie as a base for my work, I sketched a character based on catwalk models in negative colours, using white on a pitch black background for the first time in my life. This inverted art could easily be swapped over to my normal colouring, with a black background with black lines, but I continued on in this style because I thought it would help me get closer to Pitors work, however, in the end, I would create another piece, tracing over this work, to get a style more blended in with both artists, where the original highly leaned into Araki’s work style.
The second piece came out far better than I had envisioned, using a charcoal digital pen, I created the scrappy yet full style that can be seen in Pitor’s work, however, I did not completely adhere to it. His work had an almost paint like quality, with streaks for colour flowing down his piece as if it had gravity, creating misplaced lines, with him also going over his work to add geometric and rigid shapes do give more depth to his art. I didn’t achieve this in my work as I was already crunched on time in this project, and having to paretly restart an entire piece dug deeper into it, so I instead went to simplify it. This was further limited by my shadows, what I put on quite thick to replicate his pitch black areas on his work, what I overdid, leaving minimal area to try his style out further.
Overall, There are lots of negatives in this final outcome, such as not finishing the floor the character is laying on due to time constraints and not fully delving into Pitor’s style, even when I tried. To improve, I should give myself more time to plan out my works so I don’t have to double back to finish it to a style I prefer, even if I think all the final outcomes look nice in their own ways.
Thankfully though, I do believe I have done well on this study, I am happy with the posing and look of the character and happy with the inspirations I drawed from,m with them melding together quite nicely. I am also impressed with the background, while noty blending in with the unfinished floor, it does add a nice flavour to the work, with me taking inspiration from the animated interpretation of Araki’s work which shows the characters in this ethereal landscape, blacked out, which similarly matched the characters opaque look due to his harsh shadows.
Because of this study, I am happy and willing, to make this the style of my game, I think the look really suites a gothic motive, with the brash colours surrounding it adding to the idea of unknown powers some inhabit. Due to this, I want to draw another character in this style to see if I still have favour with it, or if this piece was a fluke.
I also made a card based on Tarot and playing cards for fun, where I slightly changed the background to add harsher shadows while still keeping the vibrancy of the orange. This also, came out nice, as the harsher shadow makes the background feel more prevalent rather than just being tacked on.
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allwomenplaylist · 5 years
Noti Flow - Kamatia 
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afrojuke · 4 years
Noti Flow – Pick up the phone (MP3 Download)
Kenyan artist rapper and serial hitmaker Noti Circulation, has swish dropped a recent banger Take up the mobile phone. RELATED: Noti Circulation – My Boo Ft Wenwah DOWNLOAD MP3 Noti Circulation – Take up the mobile phone DOWNLOAD MP3
AfroJuke - Download Mp3, Latest Naija Music, Latest Bongo flava, South African, Ghana Music & More!
from AfroJuke https://ift.tt/3mJw4GI
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scrapesaladofficial · 1 month
Noti Flow Get It Merch
Shop the latest collection of exclusive t-shirts from Noti Flow! Featuring bold designs, high-quality materials, and unique graphics inspired by your favorite artist, these tees are perfect for music lovers and streetwear enthusiasts alike. Stand out from the crowd with merch that represents the culture and vibe of hip hop. Discover your new favorite shirt today and wear your passion proudly!
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