Explore tagged Tumblr posts
alienoriana · 3 months ago
Where is the lost Hugh Grant/Meg Ryan romcom, Tumblr?
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alicewhitesblog · 7 months ago
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Please read my full story by following #alice@nothinghill here on Tumblr.
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fickleoptimism · 2 months ago
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hey i'm jb and i don't know use my phone for anything so forgive the bad formatting. girl dad, washed up academic decathlon competitor, lover of all things caffeinated. probably at waffle house pondering the homer's iliad for the hundredth time this month, or in your spam since chats hates me. please free me from purgatory via nothinghils.
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lunastryinc · 2 months ago
Reserve Julien Baker for nothinghils, would anyone like to plot?
All yours! Give this a like if you're interested in plotting x
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joinstatic · 1 year ago
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⸻ // thanks for tuning into static ! please view the following welcome page for additional information about your acceptance.
dominic sebastian, bartender -> hollcwpurple ( he/him )
faun edith, streamer -> buscemimami ( she/her )
georgiana ricci, choreographer -> swimmingxstars ( she/her )
jacob elordi, actor -> romanticterrors ( he/him )
julien baker, musician -> nothinghils ( she/her )
kathleen belsten, streamer -> comforttzones ( she/her )
lannan eacott, youtuber → uninstallroblox ( he/him )
lily rose depp, actress & model -> supernovapops ( she/her )
louna lerman, screenplay writer -> paledfleur ( she/her )
lucy dacus, boygenius → lilpwssyboi ( she/her )
madison beer, solo artist -> fruitpuddles ( she/her )
naomi mcpherson, muna → fendergenders ( they/them )
noah sebastian, bad omens → lobstercrocs ( he/him )
olivia cooke, actor -> icedbooba ( she/her )
park 'rosé' chaeyoung, blackpink → tatercrocs ( she/her )
park jihyo, twice → mcdoubleson ( she/her )
phoebe bridgers, boygenius -> dudelycharm ( she/her )
rachell hofstetter, streamer -> sweetsurrendcr ( she/her )
tatum jones, club owner & streamer → hqneybeez ( she/they )
taylor swift, solo artist -> boringblueguy ( she/her )
wyatt baker, musician & model → anothersparexo ( he/him )
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abyssalhq · 1 year ago
stare into the abyss...
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andrew garfield | actor | svvamplights
camryn bardot | bartender | bonegxth
cristal ramirez | musician | aroughcristal
eleanor calder | model | nothinghils
fletcher shears | musician | rottenopera
hayley williams | musician | vclcanogirl
joseph quinn | actor | heyvalentines
julian baker | musician | briarcrowns
kim dracula | musician | killdozerthorns
mattie shears | chef | clawslikeacat
taylor swift | musician | staarpoo
wyatt shears | musician | isthiswyatt
zendaya | actress | puffystckers
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onsieluenkeli · 2 years ago
Látjátok DTK-nál egy egyszerű NothingHill poszt mekkora nézettséget produkált?! Ugye látjátok?!?!?!?
Azt magyarázom már vagy egy éve!
Azt, hogy az emberek nem nyugger cikkekre, örökös kioktatásokra, agyzsibbasztó tanácsokra, meg mindenféle ghöthes, depressziós, mentális beteg írásokra vágynak, vagy gusztustalan témákra, hanem valójában laza, lightos, egyszerűen csak jóleső bejegyzésekre. Valami rövid, érdekes, aktuális és fiatalos oldalra.
Olyan a WMN mintha a NőkLapja, P-Novák Éva és az NTRTEA keveréke próbálna lenni... Csak ők már vannak, és többre már nem igazán vágynak az emberek egy nap. Nézzétek meg Pottyondy Edinát, tömve van 30-asokkal, és 40-esekkel, és elképesztően laza és életrevaló nagycsipa mindenki nála. Ők, az olyan olvasók nem hiányoznak nektek?
Van hogy úgy tudtok legjobb érdemi munkát végezni, az olvasóitoknak segiteni, hogy nem nyomjátok a szemükbe az amúgy is frusztráló problémákat, hanem egyszerűen csak feldobjátok a Napot! - Nem hiszem el hogy ti is élvezitek azt a sok lehúzós cikket. Én például majd belepusztulok jobb filmajánlókért, akár nosztalgikus retro ajánlókért is. (A Telexen, és a 444-en is mindig olyasmiket olvasok, ami érdekes, és jobbá teszi a napom).
Sosem értettem hogy emberek miért nem tudnak változtatni, ötletezni, fejre állni ha kell... Miért nincsenek reggeli ötletek, nasik, egészséges kaják? Miért nem epic sztorikat mutattok, elmebeteg gyilkosok helyett?
A DTK-nál az a felkapott NothingHill poszt mindent elárul helyettem is!
Én régen ívben kerültem a vitaminokat, ma pedig ott tartok hogy két ládányi (óriás)citromot csavarok ki jégkockának, vagy éppen most rendeltünk le 40kg +30 kg almát télire. Érdekelt, rá vettem magam, és úton vagyok ilyenekben. Nem akarok beragadni, és betokosodni... és a katatón körök miatt kiégni.
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tecnabytes · 2 years ago
💕 polaroid headers posters 💕 if you use,please like or reblog !!
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anothersmileplease · 4 years ago
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astridkindt · 5 years ago
What a weekend...
Het was weer een ge-wel-dig weekend en we hebben er alles aan gedaan om zo veel mogelijk in Londen verder te verkennen. Vrijdagavond zijn we samen met STW gaan eten in ‘Prezzo’, een Italiaans restaurant recht tegenover mijn stageplaats. Daar hebben we lekker gegeten en het was zéér gezellig. Na ons uitje keerden we allemaal samen terug naar ons appartement om daar nog een film te zien met wat snacks en drankjes.
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Zaterdagochtend zijn Tiani en ik vroeg vertrokken naar Nothing Hill en hebben we de Portobello Market bezocht. Daar was ik erg onder de indruk van het aantal bezoekers en het vele, magnifieke eten. Ook de gekleurde huisjes waren betoverend om te zien. Tiani en ik hadden (natuurlijk) weer een klein hongertje en besloten daarom een gezellig, klein bakkerij’tje binnen te wandelen en een bom calorieën binnen te werken🙄. De drukbezochte straatjes hadden ook zeer veel leuke winkels die erg in de smaak vielen, ook bij mij. Na het vele stappen zijn Tiani en ik samen een koffie gaan drinken in een gezellige koffiebar en hebben we daar vele uren gespendeerd. Toen we vertrokken uit Nothing Hill, zijn we naar Oxford Street gegaan en nog wat meer geshopt om ons weekend compleet te maken. Een erg geslaagde dag dus!
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Mijn zondag begon heel erg goed, eerst lang uitslapen en dan een lekker ontbijtje + middageten om de dag mee te beginnen. Hierna zijn Sieben, Tiani en ik vertrokken met ‘The Tube’ naar Holborn waar The British Museum gelegen is. Daar zijn we een goed uurtje binnen geweest om alles te kunnen bekijken wat ons aansprak. Na het museum zijn we nog iets gaan drinken en daarna weer vertrokken naar Shepherd’s Bush om uit te rusten van een kort maar zeer aangenaam weekend!
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alicewhitesblog · 7 months ago
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Chapter 11
The door clicked open and without a second glance back into the train, Toby stepped through the carriage door.
He was now standing all alone in the middle of Nothing Hill. There was no sarcastic welcome back comment from Grimesludge, in fact there was no Grimesludge or any sign his carnival!
Toby looked all about him, there was no evidence what so ever of a carnival ever being up on top of Nothing Hill. Toby kicked at the detritus that had collected over the years on the summit wondering what to do next?
Although he desperately wanted to go home, he was kind of enjoying the challenges set for him by the strange man. And he wanted to tell him that, against all odds, he had completed all four trials, even the one he set for him. He wanted to be given that reward of finally being allowed to go home. Toby felt robbed of his victory parade.
He looked at the gold coin, his last gold coin. What was the purpose of collecting these coins? These were his gold medals and he had no-one to show them too.
He let the last coin fall into the pocket of his jeans and heard it 'chink' as it joined the others. With his hands in his pocket he walked aimlessly about feeling that the whole thing had been a bit of an anti-climax.
It was during these wanderings that Toby saw in the now familiar grey mist of Nothing Hill, some flashing coloured lights. Had the carnival moved? Quickly, Toby made his way towards the lights. He now stood at the edge of Nothing Hill, the flashing lights were in fact coming from a giant arrow pointing down the hill. On the arrow was one word, ‘Home’. And leaning up against the sign was Toby’s bike! He immediately went to grab it, however, coming out of the mist Toby saw a large white plastic hand snatch the bike away from him.
He looked up to see standing next to him a large round laughing policeman. He had big rosy red cheeks and a mechanical laugh that started broadcasting out of his frozen plastic smile. The policeman shook his head while with his free hand he rubbed his fat blue tummy.
Toby had no idea what all this meant. A moment ago, he had missed the carnival, now seeing this laughing policeman preventing him from taking his bike. He definitely wanted away from here.
Toby tried to tear his bike out of the policeman’s grip but this seemed to make him angry. His jolly big grin turned into a threating frown. The laughter into a growl. The shaking of the head became more intense and the tummy rubbing more animated.
Toby was scared, he thought about abandoning his bike and making a run for it. But just suppose this policeman made a grab for him also, preventing him from leaving Nothing Hill he could be stuck up here forever!
With all the commotion, the coins in Toby’s jeans started to jangle. He thought again about what use they were to him. Then he looked once again up into the face of the policeman to see its down turned mouth.
Maybe, thought Toby, just maybe. He fished in his pocket for a gold coin. He heard it for a moment then popped it into the policeman’s open mouth.
The down turned smile moved a fraction in the upward direction. OK, thought Toby. He tossed another coin in the wide-open mouth. A smile was beginning to form. Toby tossed the remaining two coins into the laughing policeman, his large ‘U’ shape smile returned and at the same time, Toby saw the white plastic hand move off his bike. Without hesitation, Toby leapt on and took off down the hill.
Mr Grimesludge came out of the fog with a big smile on his face. He looked over the edge of the hill to see the last glimpse of Toby Jennings disappear out of view. Was he disappointed about losing Toby’s soul? Not at all. He had to admit that Toby deserved to keep his life, he’d been a worthy opponent. There will be others, there always are. Drunken young men looking for adventure before a wedding or ghost hunters in search of fame. Grimesludge turned away from the edge and allowed the fog to swallow him up.
Toby coasted all the way down the hill, he was trying with all his might to remember everything that had happened to him so he could tell his friends. But somehow the further he rode away from the summit of Nothing Hill, the cloudier his memory became.
It seemed the images of clowns and bumper cars were being replaced with images of ghostly gallows and deceased faces of the condemned. By the time Toby had reached the bottom of the hill, he couldn’t remember anything about the Nothing Hill Carnival.
He was pleased to see that the storm that had forced him to divert up the Hill had passed over. The sun was back out and his ride home along the road would be less fraught with danger. He had no idea how late he was now, he just hoped his mum hadn’t called the police to report him missing. Facing his parents was going to be ugly. The least he could expect was to be grounded every night for a mouth after school.
Toby reached his street and dismounted outside his front garden gate. He pushed his bike up the path and placed it in the garage. Now taking a deep breath he went into the kitchen by the back door.
His mum had her hands in a bowl of flour as she turned to see Toby walk in.
“Hello, love. You’re back early. What, no-one around to play with?” She gave him a smile and returned to her flour.
Early! Toby thought. He took the cell phone out of his pocket, it was fully recharged and according to the time he had only been away half-an-hour!
Toby’s mum wiped her hands on a tea-towel and went over to him. “Where have you been? “You're covered in spider’s web and what’s this gooey stuff in your hair?”
She didn’t wait for his explanation, which was good because Toby was struggling to remember himself.
“Go and have a shower, we might as well have tea early now you are home.”
Toby went out into the hall and was about to head upstairs to the bathroom when he saw a flyer on the hall table. He picked it up, it read; ‘CARNIVAL!’ in big cheerful letters.
Toby shouted back to the kitchen, “What’s this about the Carnival mum?”
She came out to him. “Oh! yeah that came through the door just before you did. Me, dad and your sister are going down to the Green later this evening. All rides half-price, opening night promo. Do you fancy coming?”
Toby looked at the flyer, what was that thing he was meant to remember? He ran his fingers through his hair and played with a piece of spider’s web.
“If its OK with you, I think I’ll just watch TV.”
Author note:
Thank you for stopping by. If you are wondering what all this is about. Follow #alice@nothinghill on Tumblr to read the full story.
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lunastryinc · 2 months ago
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Please welcome and follow our newest members below. You can use the quick follow here! Be sure to check out member triggers and tags to use (linc.intro, linc.selfie, etc), as well as the plot call page!
Hwang Yeji ~ Idol ~ nefariousmiku
Julien Baker ~ Musician ~ nothinghils
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joinstatic · 1 year ago
can you hold julien baker for nothinghils please? thank you x
i can absolutely do that !
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conatic · 3 years ago
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Lille Flandres Gare SNCF
Café pâtisserie Notting Hill
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beajarenojewellery-blog · 3 years ago
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I am back from @goldsmithsnorth Sheffield enjoying a little bit of a down time 💕, organising the studio, catching up with projects. I will be uploading onlineall those beautiful new pieces for you!!! Watch out the stories and online shop in the upcoming weeks , also working in a couple of commissions. I love this time of the year! Do you ? Bea x #beajareno #beajarenojewellery #beajarenojewelleryonlineahop #backfromashow #backatthestudio #onlineshop #shopatatelier #shopethically #shoplocal #shopsmall #shopsmallbusiness #london #londonjewellerybrand #ethicaljewels #lovelifeloveyourjewellery #portobello #nothinghill (at Ladbroke Grove) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cf84wBHoL_Q/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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omtripsblog · 6 years ago
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Nothing Hill right before Christmas. . Толкова стилно и уютно се чувствахме, докато кръстосвахме улиците на известния лондонски квартал в първите дни на декември. . . #london #nothinghill #nothinghillhouses #uk #british #britishstyle #travel #travelblog #blogger #wanderlust #globetrotter #doors #neighborhood #londoner #happyinlondon #yogiblog #calmwalk #explore #explorelondon #tbt #travelphotography #photography (at Notting Hill) https://www.instagram.com/p/BrjuQNbD6SG/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1aw8cl6429y02
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