#nothing says let's re-add cut content like using people's voices without their consent and putting literally no effort into your mods
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sainz-zayn · 4 years
Constant love (Up to you)
He always asks for your consent and leaves everything up to you.
Warnings: Insecurities, suggestive themes, virginity loss, a little pyhsical violence.
Word count: 3k+
Disclaimer: All characters and event in this story even those based on real people are entirely fictional.
This Story is Inspired by the song: Up to you
By: Prettymuch ft. Nct Dream
But in a little more mature way.
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Jungwoo is your boyfriend for almost three years and you couldn`t ask for more than his love and affection. You`re always happy when you`re with him you love the way his eyes lit up whenever he sees you. 
Your favorite thing to do with him is cuddling or either cooking. Jungwoo loves skinship so much like holding your hands every time or back hugging you. You always love it when he`s clingy but sometimes you feel like you`re being unfair to him because he always asks for your consent when he wants to do something that can make you uncomfortable even though he`s been dating you for years now. 
You feel sad or sometimes guilty when you can`t give him what he needs as a man. Which leaves him sexually frustrated but that doesn`t stop him from loving you dearly. Jungwoo knows that you`re still not ready and he respects that. He`s ready to wait until you`re ready. 
"Y/n, are you okay?" You look at your side to see Joy talking to you. 
"Yeah, why?" You asked her before grabbing a glass full of water. 
"You Kinda look down today, to be honest." Joy looks at you with worried eyes, She looks at what you`re staring and now she knows why. 
You don`t know why but your anxiety is attacking you again. Yes, when it comes to your relationship with Jungwoo you`re always insecure. Your eyes wander to Jungwoo and Seohyun, you wonder if Jungwoo is enjoying his time with her. Your biggest fear is losing him or someday he`ll leave you. 
"You`re fidgeting your fingers again Y/n. There`s no need to be jealous, you know that Jungwoo loves you and only you." Joy said reassuringly.
"We both know how much I don`t like Seohyun right? like she`s always getting on my nerves. Also, don`t forget what she did to us in High School."  Yeah, you and a few of the boys know that Seohyun is a bully back in High school and Jungwoo doesn`t know that. 
"I know, I know now calm down we should leave and go somewhere else before anything happens" You and the other girls leave Taeyong's house before going to the mall. 
You enjoy the time that you have with them. Y`all eat anything that you want to taste and wandering around the mall to buy new clothes and dressing the girls to the point that you didn`t realize what time it is.
It`s currently 11:00 pm when you open your phone. Because you forgot that you turned it off before leaving Jungwoo at Taeyong`s house. 
"Oh shit!" You whisper to yourself so the other girls won`t worry about you. 
30 missed calls!? 50 unread messages!? from Jungwoo. You`re surely dead when you get home.
"Guys I have to go or else you know what will gonna happen" You just hug them before leaving first. You`re kinda nervous to go home because you`re sure that Jungwoo is waiting for you to come home.
Jungwoo is so worried that he called you 30 times but still no answer nor text, and what makes him even madder is that you leave without telling him or texting him. That's how he ended up drinking, he doesn`t know why but he just wants to.
"Where have you been!?" You`re startled at your boyfriend's loud voice. 
"I-I just go out with the g-" He cut off your words without letting you explain.
"Without telling me!? Do you know how worried I was!? It`s fucking late at night and there you are enjoying your time with your best friends. Completely forgetting that you have a boyfriend that is waiting for you!"  You just look down because you know that he`s right.
"Baby I`m sorry I forgot to turn on my phone. Trust me I don`t have any intention to purposely ignore your calls and text.”  You plead.
"Even though I`m jealous that your spending more time with Seohyun than me" You whispered the last part so he won't hear it but he did.
"What?" His eyes soften realizing what you feel and why you leave. 
"What`s, what?" You asked him while your eyes are wandering around to avoid his gaze.
"N-nothing" He stuttered and you wonder what`s with the sudden change in his attitude.
"I`m sorry for raising my voice at you" He said. 
"Did you drink?" You asked him softly before putting the bag on the couch.
"Yeah, a little I just need something to accompany me while waiting for you" He said and he peppered you with his kisses starting from your forehead, cheeks, lips, and neck.
Jungwoo doesn`t know what has gotten into him. He let his body talk, he caresses your back softly and the two of you stayed in the same position for at least a minute.
"I`m sorry I don`t know what has gotten into me. I`m sorry if that makes you uncomfortable" He said and clear his throat. You turn around to face him. You`re sad that you can`t give it to him but sooner or later you have to.
"No, don`t worry baby it`s okay." You tell him and you can see the disappointment that he tried to hide but you can see it in his eyes. 
" I`ll leave it up to you if you wanna spend the night when the time is right." You`re happy that he`s trying to comfort you even though he didn`t get what he wants from you. That is why you`re insecure about yourself, what if he`s not happy anymore because he`s always waiting for you. You hate that you still take your time even though you`re ready.
"Just remember that whenever you`re comfortable we can make that move" Jungwoo sigh before giving you a peck on the lips. 
"Let`s go to sleep now baby, you must be tired." 
The two of you enter your share bedroom and after a minute of laying on the bed Jungwoo falls into a deep sleep.
You wakeup without Jungwoo on your side and you feel sadder at what happened last night. He leaves early today I thought he said, he doesn`t have any schedule for the whole week but why is he gone?
Does he already eat breakfast or he leaves without eating breakfast? Jungwoo knows that you hate it when he`s not eating breakfast you'll always say.
"It`s okay to skip lunch or dinner, breakfast is the most important but it doesn't mean that you should skip dinner and lunch just because I say it`s okay to skip it." and he will just stay quiet because he loves it when you`re showing your motherly side.
You`re cellphone vibrates and you saw a Dm notification from an unknown person. You quickly check it and you're surprised at what you saw. You don`t know if you should cry or you should be mad, you should be... You don`t know anymore.
You look at the picture again to make sure you didn`t saw the wrong person but it`s real, it`s Jungwoo with Seohyun they look happy together.
"Nothing is going on, right? hanging out with a girl is normal. Calm down Y/n, you know is Jungwoo is not capable of what you`re thinking." You said to yourself to make you calm down.
"Here we go again! Y/n stop being insecure about yourself" You whisper at yourself and after long thinking, you just let them maybe Jungwoo have something important to do with her and that`s not bad.
"Hey, I know right he`s super handsome and I`ve been watching his dramas and movies. Don`t tell this to win-win but they have similarities" Joy is fangirling through the phone and saying how much he loves this one actor name Im Siwan.  
"I know right plus he`s attractive no doubt he`s your type" You stifled your laugh because you`re teasing her about her liking him.
"Yeah, yeah whatever" Joy said.
"I know that you`re rolling your eyes at me now even though I can`t see you Joy" You replied.
"Oh my god, how did you know? are you a psychic now Y/n, or are you stalking me? cause the last time I remember you`re a surgeon" She said changing her tone into a playful one.
"Oh, c`mon shut up!" The two of you laugh in unison when the door suddenly burst open.
"Joy I gotta go, bye love you." you end the call without letting joy bid her goodbye.
"I`m home" Jungwoo walks to the sofa to kiss you but you turn your head to the side making his soft lips land on your cheek.
"Hey, you okay?" He asked with disappointment in his eyes.
"Yes, I`m fine" You replied dryly.
"Uhm... Whom are you with earlier?" You asked with hesitation in your voice.
"I`m with the boys" He said while rubbing his temples softly.
So you`re lying now? How could you?
"Yeah right with the boys" and you smiled at him and he can see that something is off with you today.
"Can`t you just tell me what is wrong? I`m really tired right now I don`t want any problem to add up." He said making you offended.
"Okay, then I`m sorry if I`m causing you a problem just by asking you a simple question that you didn`t answer honestly. Now, Kim Jungwoo I`ll ask you the same question again I swear if you still answer the same thing I`ll leave!" He`s taken aback at your sudden outburst making him gulp. Yes, he lied it`s because he thinks that it will be better if you won`t know anything that happened earlier.
"Okay, I swear I`m with the boys but if you`re talking about this morning. I`m with Seohyun" You're trying so hard to control your jealousy right now because you want an explanation from him.
"W-why?" you stuttered.
"It`s because, because..." Jungwoo doesn`t know how to explain it but you need to know.
"It`s because of what Kim Jungwoo? are you fucking cheating on me!?" Your patience can`t wait anymore but you didn`t mean what you have just said to him.
"W-what!? of course not. Why would I do that when I`m completely contented just by having you." He exclaimed.
"Now let me explain and hear me out."  He explained everything that happened this morning and you feel guilty for thinking that he`s cheating on you.  
He said that he meets Seohyun this morning because he wants to personally talk to her. To make her stay away from him because Seohyun is hitting on him despite knowing that he has a girlfriend.
"I`m sorry" You whispered while caressing Jungwoo`s hand. You gave him a short kiss on his forehead before standing up.
"You don`t need to be sorry, baby." You`re startled at his voice. Oh, you know how much you like hearing Jungwoo`s morning voice.
"You know that I can wait until you are ready right? because that is not the reason why we are in this relationship." Jungwoo taps the other side of the bed signaling you to lay on it again.
"I know baby but I can`t let you be like this you always leave everything up to me even though we`re dating for years now." You scoot closer to his embrace.
"You don`t need to rush yourself we can do it albeit slowly" Jungwoo said making you more comfortable in his embrace.
"I love you, Jungwoo" You said.
"I love you too. By the way, get ready I`ll be picking you up at 8:00 pm" He said.
He`s waiting for you to greet him but nothing. He wonders if you forget what day it is. But no, you didn`t forget it, it`s is a special occasion for the two of you.
"Okay baby" you smile sheepishly at him.
Tomorrow is your 3rd anniversary and you`re more than happy to celebrate it with him.
You wear your favorite black dress, Which goes above your knee and perfectly hugging your curves.
"Tonight is the night Y/n, no need to be nervous" You said to yourself at the exact time you heard a car honk outside your house. You hurriedly go downstairs and you see Jungwoo leaning on his car with a bright smile.
"You look gorgeous as ever, babe." He said before opening the car door for you.
"Where are we going tonight?" You asked him still acting like you forget what day it is today.
"At the club, they are waiting for us today are you sure you didn`t forget anything?" he tried to point out and he`s so obvious that he`s looking for an answer.
"No why?" you asked.
"Nothing" he smiled and you wonder how long you can keep up with this thing.
"Baby we`re here" Jungwoo said and he gets out of the car to open the door for you.
"Thank you" you kiss him and the two of you go inside the club.
"What's up dude!" you heard mark greeting Jungwoo with a fist bomb.
"Y/n! Y/n" You heard Joy and Irene calling you by whispering your name.
"Tonight is the night there`s no more turning back since today is a special occasion for you and Jungwoo." Irene said and she gives you a teasing wink.
"I know that`s why I`m all dolled up today" You said and you met Jungwoo`s intense gaze. To the point that you can`t help but blush, you approach Jungwoo and he opens his arms for you to hug him.
"Happy anniversary baby I love you so much" And he pulls you into a more tight hug you can`t help but smile while inhaling his manly scent.
"I thought you forgot about it" He leaves a kiss on your forehead and you look up at him.
"I would never forget this day Jungwoo, this is a very important day for us" You smiled and he let go of you to grab a drink.
"C`mon guys let`s have a toast for the two love birds here!" Jaehyun said making Mayjun stifle her smile because of Jaehyun`s cuteness.
You raised your glass too for everyone to follow when the guy that is with Seohyun said something disrespectful that makes Jungwoo`s blood boil in anger.
"Who is that sexy girl?" The guy said at Seohyun.
"Oh, that? she`s Y/n. Now, can we stop talking about her it`s annoying
"She looks sexy I wonder how good she is in bed" The guy said.
Jungwoo heard it and that is his breaking point he grabs the collar of the guy making everyone shocked.
"What did you just fucking say!?" Jungwoo asked and he can`t control his emotion and everything happened so fast. The guy punches him and the guy got punch by Jungwoo and he fell to the ground.
Doyoung and Jaehyun quickly hold Jungwoos Shoulder to stop him from fighting the guy.
"Babe, Calm down" You look at him worriedly and the little cut on his lips is bleeding.
"Watch your man!" The guy said with a perverted gaze on you.
"You should watch your mouth!" Jungwoo fights back and he tried to remove Jaehyun and Doyoung's hands on him. And he did it, he punch the guy for one last time before grabbing your wrist to run away from the crowd.
Your friends look confused but they managed to block the guy that is ready to chase the both of you.
"Kim Jungwoo!" You warn him but his giggles echo through the halls and you laugh with him while happily running.
"How can you laugh right now when you`re completely hurt?" and the two of you stop in front of the elevator and you go inside it. He looks at you as if you`re his whole world.
"Because I`m always happy when I`m with you" He drags you into a room and you`re heavy breathing right now.
"I checked us in, in this hotel we can rest here for the night and also that door." he point to a white door. “It is connected to Jaehyun`s and Mayjun`s room so it`s easy for us to communicate and their room is connected to Johnny and Yoona`s room.” He said and kisses you on the lips. You`re not even shocked at why he knows the hotel  so well, it`s because cause he owns it.
"C`mon I`ll treat your cut on the lips" and you drag him in the bathroom to clean it.
You lean more closer to him, even though the two of you is dating now for three years he's always fluttered when ever you`re being affectionate. Just in time he quickly pulled you into a passionate kiss making you shocked.
"Nobody`s watching I got you all alone no Interruptions, it`s hard for me to hold my own and hold back" He said and his forehead is leaning to mine.
"Tonight I don`t want you to hold back baby" You whispered in his ears seductively.
"Before we hit the road if you ain`t ready to go, just tell me that you`re sure." He said with sincerity in his voice.
"Tonight you can do whatever you want" You said back.
"Just wanna make sure, you`re sure" He smiled and he's now touching your legs slowly.
"Remember when you said to me that "If you wanna spend the night when the time is right". That night is tonight baby" You hold his hands slowly guiding them to your waist.
"The distance between you and me, is it okay this close?" He asked you while slowly taking his time to understand what`s happening right now.
"I will keep up with your step, so nothing to worry about" He added.
With that, he kisses you passionately everything about the kiss says it all. Love, lust, and needs.. Jungwoo carries you to the bed and he loosens the tie of his suit.
"Ain`t no pressure but we can keep this right here if you want me to stop baby" He said again. Oh gosh, why does he always ask for your consent.
"Tonight I`m so tired of making you stop and denying you baby so there`s no turning back" The softness and neediness in your voice are so obvious.
"If you`re down and you`re ready to rock, I`m not gonna make you stop." He replied seductively making you bite your lips in anticipation.
"I can`t hold back now baby" He said.
"Then don`t hold back" you said.
"That`s it, enough talking, and let`s do this"
He covers the two of you with the blanket and he makes sure that his name is the only thing that will come out of your beautiful lips.
Meanwhile, in the other room, someone is complaining.
"What the fuck!? I know that my two best friend is enjoying their time but I need to sleep too" Mayjun said covering herself with a pillow making Jaehyun laugh at her.
"Shut up Jung Jaehyun!" And he did stay quiet.
"Okay, now I have an idea mayjun to make you sleep" Jaehyun peppered Mayjun with kisses.
"Oh, shut up your horny ass jaehyun!" and mayjun throws the pillow at him.
"C`mon Kim Jungwoo! I swear shut the fuck up!" Jaehyun yelled so that you and Jungwoo can hear them.
You and Jungwoo laugh at them and you clean yourself and change with new clothes.
"I`m sorry! you can now sleep peacefully!" You yelled back at them making Jungwoo laugh and nod his head a little.
"Thank you, babe, or else my boyfriend won`t stop bothering me" Mayjun yelled making the four of you laugh.
"Let`s sleep now baby you must be tired because of daddy" Jungwoo said with a smirk.
"Stop with the dirty jokes Kim Jungwoo" you slap his arms playfully.
"Okay, okay good night I love you" He said with sweetness in his voice.
"I love you too baby only you" and you kiss him on the lips.
Consent is one of the most important things in a relationship and you`re lucky that you have Kim Jungwoo the one and only man of your life and will always be. And that`s how your constant or endless love relationship with Jungwoo last more than you could Imagine.
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missemarissa · 7 years
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Fandom: The 100 (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Bellamy Blake/Clarke Griffin Characters: Bellamy Blake, Clarke Griffin Additional Tags: kink meme prompt, guard!Bellamy, prisoner!Clarke, Power Imbalance, Inherent consent issues, Pre-Series, Age Difference, clarke is 17, Rough Sex, Size Kink, Angst, Smut, Explicit Sexual Content, Dirty Talk, Under-negotiated Kink, Alternate Universe - Met on the Ark Station (The 100) Series: Part 1 of Kink Meme 2017 Summary:
“Be clear, Miss Griffin. What, exactly, are you saying?” He demands, his voice thick and graveled.
Clarke considers her words carefully. He could easily use this against her. Does she really want to tack another charge onto the ones she’s already got stacked against her? She smirks, because what more can they possibly sentence her with? She already knows she’s going to be floated at 18. They’re not going to let her live, not when she knows that the ark is on its last legs. She has literally nothing to lose.
She slides her hand back up his chest, teasing at the buckles of his uniform. “I’m saying, I’ll do anything…” She curls her fingers along the collar of the jacket, and assures him with a sultry smile, “You can do whatever you want to me…”
“You know that bribery is against the law, Princess.” He says, with a hint of intrigue. His voice is a rough sound she can practically feel rumbling through her core.
She cocks an eyebrow, “What are they going to do? Float me twice?”
Thank you to @bellohmyblake, @raincityruckus, @bilexualclarke, @youovercomeit, @insideimfeelinpurrdy, @sithkylor, @marauders-groupie, @openhandorclosedfist, @electricalice, @bittyab18 and @shere17 for being such solid cheerleaders with all of this. Seriously, you guys have made this fandom and all its drama so much more bearable. 
Full Fic under the cut (Or read on AO3) 
The first time Clarke meets the handsome guard, she’s been locked up for 47 days. At least she thinks it’s been 47 days. The first few were a sedative-induced blur, so she’s not sure how many she lost there, but she’s still got a while before she feels like she needs to be concerned. 
She isn’t sure what makes her take note of this guard. It’s not because he’s young. Most of them are young – The Skybox isn’t exactly an exciting post, so when it comes to assignments, the people who lack seniority are assigned here until they can move on to bigger and better things. So, no, it’s not his youth. It’s probably because he’s hot. Like, incredibly hot. His skin is so dark and pretty, even though most of it is covered by his uniform. She wishes she could see more of it. His face has nice, well-defined angles, a jawbone so sharp it could cut glass… And there’s something exciting about the way his eyes sometimes linger on parts of her, causing a sudden urge to squirm underneath his scrutiny. 
Something makes her remember this guard the next time he comes. And the next time. And the time after that. She learns his name, Blake, when another guard calls him from the hall one day. She’s not sure if that’s his first or last name, but, well, it’s something. 
It’s the same routine every visit. 
“Prisoner 319, hands against the wall.” His voice bellows, echoing harshly against the featureless walls of her cell. 
Every time, she obeys. But today, she gets… creative about it. She pops her ass out - enough to be noticed, but subtle enough to deny. She grins to herself when he trips over his own feet on his way into the cell. Still, he recovers quickly and manages to carry on as if nothing happened. So, the next time, she does it again, maybe with a little more sway, more dramatics… She gets a little thrill at the clearing of his throat. It’s not much. Hell, it’s barely anything, but it’s not like she has a lot here to keep her entertained… 
She can’t really predict when she’ll get a visit. She learned early on that they stagger the checkups. The practice makes sense – it keeps the prisoners from being able to calculate when they might have to submit to a search, making it easier for the guards to find contraband. 
The guard, Blake, allows her to turn around and stand up against the wall while he performs the customary search of her room. He turns over pillows and shakes out blankets. He always re-folds them, puts things back how he found them. She appreciates the gesture, however small. It feels strangely… considerate. Like maybe he feels bad that doing his job imposes so much on her. She likes him. 
Clarke’s visits are different in a few ways. She’s in solitary, so they pay extra attention to her mental state. She thinks it might also have something to do with being the daughter of a council member – They don’t want to have to explain to a person of such high authority that they weren’t paying close enough attention to catch onto self-harming behavior. And they certainly don’t want to have to explain a suicide. It’s easy enough to bury the truth if the delinquent is an orphan, but when it’s the daughter of Abby Griffin, some things just can’t be swept under the rug. 
Guardsman Blake asks the same questions every time, and she replies with the same monotonous answers, crafted so people won’t pay too much attention. She already gets special treatment. She doesn’t need to add to the reasons they’re watching her. 
One day, he surprises her. He talks. She’s deeply thrown off because he goes outside the scripted questions, sending her down a rabbit hole of over-analysis, wondering why he’s gone off-script. She’s silent while she thinks his question, and by the time she realizes that she’s been quiet for too long, she’s forgotten what he asked in the first place. 
“I’m sorry, what?” She asks, confused.
Guardsman Blake chuckles, softly, “I just asked where you got the ideas for your drawing, there.” He nods at the floor on the corner of her cell, where she charcoaled a landscape, a forest with a river cutting through it. At least, what she thinks that might look like. She doesn’t let people see these, always makes them small enough to wipe away with her sleeves when she hears the telltale sound of people entering. Now that he is examining her work, she feels naked. Exposed. Profoundly vulnerable, despite the drawing not being remotely personal in nature. 
“Oh.” She shrugs, “Earth Skills – you know the videos they had us watch for the modules?” 
He nods, studying the shapes of the trees, and she feels a bit cracked open under the scrutiny. “Yeah, I see it.” He tilts his head, “You know, you’re not supposed to have sharp objects in here.” 
Clarke looks at the charcoal in her hand, “I… I didn’t think this was really sharp.” 
His gaze peels into her, and she wants to shrink back into the corner because this feels like too much. She’s gone so many days now without significant human interaction and this extra attention is… overwhelming. He reaches out and wraps his hand around her wrist, and just the contact of his skin on hers somehow burns. She pulls her hand back, but he tightens his grip until she drops the bit of charcoal into his other palm. 
He clucks his tongue while inspects the object, keeping his hand wrapped tightly around her wrist. “This might be contraband,” He says with a smirk. She grabs for it, but he holds it up out of reach. She panics at the thought of it being taken away. It’s true, she shouldn’t have it. She knows her mom arranged for it to somehow get to her. It’s her only form of entertainment, the only thing that keeps her from going out of her damn mind in this box… She can’t bear to lose it. 
“Please! You can’t-” She shakes her head, tears welling up behind her eyes. He has a teasing glimmer in his eye, and his cockiness bothers her. She blinks back her tears and stands a little straighter, pulls at her wrist but finds his grip is still too strong on it to pull free. “My mother is on the council, and if she finds-”
The teasing smile drops from his face and he yanks her closer. “Oh, you think your privileged status gets you special treatment here?” Clarke shakes her head quickly, realizing she just pressed the wrong button for this man. She chastises herself for using the wrong threat, for invoking status against someone who, she guesses, has an axe to grind with the council. What the hell was she thinking? Most of the ark has a reason to hate the council. 
Her fingertips are tingling, cold and bluer by the second, now. She pulls on her arm and yelps, “You’re hurting me!” 
His face flickers with an apology that never makes it to his mouth. He loosens his grip just enough to allow blood flow to return, but not enough to actually let go. “Mommy isn’t here, Princess,” he spits out the name with venom. 
Clarke glares, “Don’t call me that.” 
He shakes his head, “I wouldn’t say you’re in a position to demand anything right now, Princess.” She hates the way her core curls with arousal at the angry tone of his voice, hates the way her hand already misses the harshness of his grip on her arm when he drops it. “You’re lucky I don’t call this in right now.” 
She snaps her gaze to his. Maybe he won’t turn it in… Might he even let her keep it? “Please, I’ll do anything, just…” She looks away, “It’s all I have. It’s the only thing in here that keeps me from losing my mind.” She looks him in the eye again, sees the way his gaze flickers quickly to her chest and back. Oh… “Anything…” She repeats, pressing forward so that her breasts graze his bicep. 
He sucks in a breath, body tensed, but doesn’t otherwise respond. Okay, fine. She’ll have to up her game. She’s seen this in movies she used to watch with her friends… 
She can do this.
He stands in place, so she steps closer, completely in his space. Her hand comes up and hovers over his form, not touching, like she can’t make up her mind where to she should set it first. She sees the way it shakes, so she presses it against his chest, just to keep herself steady. It’s unnerving, the way he stares at her, like he can’t decide if he’s disgusted or intrigued.
She stares at his broad chest, realizing she’s very much out of her element here. In the movies, seduction always fell into place quickly with just a few moves, never meeting resistance or apathy. Certainly not a hard or confused stare… She slides her hand down, ready to give up, but before it can go far, his own suddenly claps over it, keeping it firmly in place. She sucks in a sharp breath of surprise and looks up at him, eyes wide. 
“Be clear, Miss Griffin. What, exactly, are you saying?” He demands, his voice thick and graveled. 
Clarke considers her words carefully. He could easily use this against her. Does she really want to tack another charge onto the ones she’s already got stacked against her? She smirks, because what more can they possibly sentence her with? She already knows she’s going to be floated at 18. They’re not going to let her live, not when she knows that the ark is on its last legs. She has literally nothing to lose. 
She slides her hand back up his chest, teasing at the buckles of his uniform. “I’m saying, I’ll do anything…” She curls her fingers along the collar of the jacket, and assures him with a sultry smile, “You can do whatever you want to me…” 
“You know that bribery is against the law, Princess.” He says, with a hint of intrigue. His voice is a rough sound she can practically feel rumbling through her core. 
She cocks an eyebrow, “What are they going to do? Float me twice?” 
He narrows his eyes, the shadow of a smile tugging at the corner of his lips, even though she can tell he’s trying to suppress it. She’s won, and she knows it… 
“Anything?” He asks, still skeptical. 
She nods, her other hand finding its way to his jacket to play with the zipper. “Whatever the hell you want, Sir.” She bites on her lip, watches his eyes flare with something exciting, though a little frightening. She wonders if maybe she’s in over her head, if maybe this is something she’ll regret… It might be, but still, this is far more interesting than messing around with charcoal drawings for hours on end. 
Without warning, he whips her around so her back is to his chest. He pins her arms behind her with one hand, holds them tightly in place by the elbows. His other hand slowly travels over her front, between her breasts, until he rests them just under her neck. His thumb and fingers are splayed across her collarbones, dipping into the hollows formed with each heavy breath. 
“Whatever the hell I want…” He chuckles, lips by her ear, voice dark and ruthless, and oh, god, altogether thrilling. 
She nods, tensing up at the way his fingers dig into her skin, crushing at her bones. He doesn’t move but his breath is harsh, ruffling her hairline. Her chest rises and falls opposite his, like some fucked up symbiosis of movement. His hand slides back down, slow and steady, tracing the outer curve of her breast and wrapping into the dip of her waist. The weight of it as he travels lower is intoxicating. 
“Oh, god,” She gasps, her body arching into his touch as he kneads at her ass, grasping and twisting the flesh of it in his large hands. 
He growls, a menacing sound if she ever heard one, “You sure you know what you’re asking for, Princess?” 
She struggles against his hold, curious just how strong his grip is, and finds she’s unable to break from it. She feels a jolt of excitement go straight to her center, tempered by a flash of apprehension, because this man is already proving to be more… forceful than she anticipated. What happened to the nice guy who folded her blanket after searching it? Where is the guard who gave her gentle smiles for her obedience? Who is this man in his place?
She's not sure who he is. She just knows she wants him. Badly
“You sure you know what you’re doing?” She hisses, trying to meet his aggression with her own. It gives her a flare of power despite the rather defenseless position in which he’s holding her. His grip on her ass gets a little meaner, pulling from her needy whine as she throws her head back. “Come on,” She pleads, wiggling against him. 
He huffs, “You’re fucking demanding, aren’t you, Princess?” This time he says the name with a little less malice, though it’s still laced with a hint of annoyance. She knows he’s provoking her. It works. She tilts her head to look at him, gives him a pointed glare so he can see just how irritated she is. He returns it with a satisfied smirk, tightening his grip on her elbows. 
“Maybe if you’d deliver-” she’s cut off by his hand wrapping around her front, splaying across her stomach and pulling her back against him. “Fuck…” She gasps when she feels his erection against her back. 
“Don’t you worry, Princess…” He says, grinding himself against her. “I’ll fucking deliver.” His hand darts from her stomach to her chin, swiftly jerking it to face straight ahead. “Eyes forward, understood?” 
She nods, a humiliating rush of wetness seeping into her underwear, “Yes.” 
He pinches her breast, hard enough to sting through both her shirt and bra, “Yes Sir.” 
She whimpers, jerks in his grip, but obeys. “Yes Sir.” 
He chuckles, but gone is any sweetness or amusement. It’s a harsh, ugly sound. It scares her, yes, but she can’t deny the inkling of excitement she feels bloom inside that fear. His hand slips under her shirt, quickly finds her breasts, freeing them from the cups. The sound of ripping seams alarms her for a moment, but then he flicks his thumb over her nipple and that’s the last thought she can spare for her undergarments… 
He has yet to let up on her arms, and her shoulders ache from the awkward stretch. She pulls against him, “My arms-” She whispers, but gets no response. She tries again, a little more humble, “My arms, Sir.” 
“That’s better,” He tells her as he loosens his grip and releases them. She rolls her shoulders and his hands come up to massage them. The gesture is unexpectedly kind and throws her for a loop, but she doesn’t stop him. Within seconds, the ache is gone and before she can stop herself, she leans back against his chest with a sigh. Then, just like that, the moment is gone.
“Hands against the wall, prisoner.” He demands roughly, leaving no room for negotiation. She quickly complies, shivering as his palms travel in firm paths over her sides, under her shirt, gathering it up to expose her chest so he can grasp at her breasts again. “Your tits…” He breathes, “They’re fucking incredible…” It hurts, the way he grabs at them, pulls on the tender flesh. It’s a confusing sensory input when he pinches and twists at one nipple while he gently grazes the tip of the other. 
She nods, smiling, trying to steady her shaky form, “I’ve heard that before.” It’s true. She learned quickly that she could use her assets to manipulate situations in her favor. Other guards seemed impervious to their charm, but she always had a feeling that Guardsman Blake would have a weakness for them. 
“I’ve wanted to get my hands on these for a while…” He pinches her nipples tightly between his fingers, pulls them away from her body. Her hands curl against the wall, fingernails scraping against it in search of something to grip. She’s feeling light-headed already and he’s barely done anything yet… 
She pushes her ass against him again, grinding against his erection, a surge of victory flashing through her when his movements stutter. He releases her breasts, brings a hand to her stomach and squeezes her body to his, and she could swear she can feel him get harder. 
“Fuck…” He curses against her hair. The clink of his belt buckle echoes through the room, the hiss of his zipper loud as he pulls it down. His sigh of relief as he pulls his cock free is absolutely electrifying. She wants to feel it in her hands, but resists the urge, keeps her hands where he told her… But she needs his hands back on her. Needs their harshness, compelling her to feel something besides the apathy of solitude. 
“What do you need, Princess?”
His hand is back on her body, and she notes that his jacket is off, his forearm bare. His fingers curl under her waistband, but pause at the button. “Tell me what you want.” He asks impatiently. His tone sends a chill down her spine and she has a sudden sick fear that no matter what she tells him, he’ll take her however he wants. 
Would he stop if she asked? Did she really push him over the edge? She abandons that train of thought, not wanting to consider what it means, that the thought of him losing control makes her feel even more turned-on.
“Hands,” she pants, “Hands… fingers… please.” She isn’t exactly proud of her breathlessness, but this is unlike anything she’s ever experienced. 
He grunts, making quick work of her button and zipper. His fingers slip into her underwear and she hisses at the roughness of his skin when he parts her folds. He doesn’t wait before sinking a finger into her. 
“Fuck, you’re wet…” He remarks with a thick hum. “You like it rough, Princess?” 
She sucks in a sharp breath at the invading digit, “I- I’ve never…” She’s never had rough or even really imaginative sex. She always figured she had enough life ahead of her to try new things, so with her partners in the past, she always engaged in familiar comforts. This? A little mean, kind of harsh? No, she’s never done it like this before. 
“Never had it rough?” He asks, more curious than mocking. She shakes her head and he murmurs something about experience and dying but she can’t make out everything he’s saying over the rush of blood in her ears once he adds a second finger. 
His hand is huge, and with two fingers buried inside her, he’s still able to wrap his thumb around the front of her pubic bone to envelop her mons in his fist. Her clit rubs just right against the palm of his hand this way, and he seems pleased with her eager mewls. He blessedly continues to move his hand with precision that threatens to take her apart despite his painful grip on her cunt. 
“Is this doing it for you, Princess?” He asks, his tone laced with amusement and surprise.
She nods, keening when he curls his fingers inside her, hitting a good place she can never seem to reach on her own. He chuckles, and it sounds like ridicule, but she can’t quite bring herself to care too much when she’s this close to climax. His treatment is rough, but it’s faster and more effective than her own fingers have ever been. 
That delicious pressure builds in her core, “I need-” She starts, but doesn’t know what she needs. But he seems to. He moves his hand faster, his rough fingers dragging, no, digging against that place inside her. And it still hurts, but it’s a good hurt (so good). She comes with a guttural moan, a shiver of bliss shooting through her, walls clamping down around his fingers, his breath hot against ear. 
“That’s a good girl, so good for me…” She hears him say over the ringing in her ears. “You’re tight, Princess.” He remarks, “So fucking tight, but you’ve gotta relax for me if you’re gonna take my cock.” She tries, she really does, but his fingers keep winding her up when he scissors them inside her, stretching them against her still-quivering walls. 
“I’m trying,” She says. She feels something wet on her cheeks, and realizes with a start that she’s crying. His fingers stop moving when he sees her tears. 
“Fuck…” He recoils, “What the fuck am I doing?” She can hear the self-loathing in his voice, the sudden disgust with himself. He starts to pull his hand back, but she slaps her palm over his forearm, holding him in place with a desperate cry. 
“Please!” She sniffs back her tears and angrily wipes them away with the back of her other hand. She realizes she’s removed them from the wall, against his orders, and she finds herself hoping he’ll do something about it. 
He sighs behind her, his hand still on her cunt, but no longer gripping so harshly on it. “I shouldn’t have-” He begins. “This is fucking wrong… You’re a pris-” 
Clarke cuts him off, shaking her head, “No, please, I need this.” She squeezes her hand over his muscled forearm, drags her palm up and down it until she feels him relax a bit. He drops his head on her shoulder, turns his face into her neck and breathes deep, sending shivers up and down her body. 
“Fuck…” He says, then presses his mouth in a slow kiss to the side of her neck. Goosebumps break out over her whole body with the wisps of breath over her skin. 
“Yes…” She nods, frantic. “Fuck me… please.” 
Guard Blake’s head is heavy on Clarke’s shoulder and she can feel his thick swallow while he considers her plea. Her free hand makes its way to his hair, fingers tangled in the strands, surely messing up the slicked-back style he always wears. 
She asks one more time, dropping her head against him with a choked cry, “Please.”
He breathes her in deeply, and without his jacket in the way, she takes a moment to feel his solid chest as it expands against her. The fabric of her shirt sticks to the sweat on her back, the near-sodden material pulling on her skin as she squirms against him, desperate for a reaction. 
“Alright,” He exhales against her skin, “Alright, I’ve got you.”
Relief shudders through her with his acquiescence. She gives his arm a gentle squeeze before letting it go, and he slides both hands to her waist. He pulls her underwear and pants together over her ass and pushes them down her thighs. She steadies herself with a hand against the wall, twists her hips and shimmies, then steps out of one pant leg, not bothering to release the other one before she grinds back against him. 
She gives a contented hum at the contact. His erection is hot against her bare back, and she wishes she had more time to appreciate what she’s realizing is a very large cock. She feels a flash of apprehension at the size. This might be more than she’s ready to handle. She shakes off that thought as his fingers find their way back to her center, more gently than before. He parts her folds, slowly, sweetly, while he steadies her with his other hand on her hip.
Clarke grasps her bare breasts with her free hand, tweaking and pulling on one, then the other… She drops her head forward while he sinks two fingers back into her cunt, slowly stretching her. She’s grateful for that courtesy, now that she has an idea of his considerable girth. She still hasn’t properly touched him, but enough clues are there to give her a rough estimation – she’s certain that he’s far bigger than anyone she’s been with before. 
It doesn’t take long for her to get impatient. She drops her hand from her tits and grabs onto his wrist between her legs, trying to get his attention.
“That’s enough,” she pleads, “Come on…” 
He huffs, seemingly amused by her impatience. He wraps his other hand over her wrist and pins it to the wall in front of her, joining the one already there. She leans her weight against her palms, bending forward at the waist at a slight angle. He’s taking too long, so she arches her back, grinds her ass against him, grinning a bit at his strangled response. 
"I've got you," He says, and finally she feels his cock sliding between her folds, slicking himself up with her arousal. She lets go broken little whimpers when he bumps her clit, her limbs jolting at the touch. Her jaw goes slack as the bulbous head pushes in, stretching her with his girth. He stops just inside, letting her tight opening adjust to his thickness. She thinks for a moment that maybe she should’ve let him prepare her a little longer because she’s already feeling a little light-headed from this. 
“Just breathe for me,” He directs, and she blows out a breath she didn’t know she was holding. When she inhales again, she feels the cloudiness in her head begin to dissipate. “That’s right,” He coaxes, “Just keep breathing with me, okay?” She does as she’s told, feels each of his inhales and exhales in her cunt where his cock rests heavily inside. Her body shivers at the soothing dance of his fingers up and down her side. She lets herself fall farther forward, bending her elbows and letting her forearms rest against the wall. 
“Give me more,” Clarke begs as she rests her forehead in the crook of her elbow, not daring to move the rest of her body. Her face screws up in discomfort as he pushes a little farther in. She comes up on her tiptoes, like a reflex, as her body resists him, but he carefully pulls her back down, holding her in place with a large hand wrapped around her hip. 
“Breathe again,” He urges. She hisses this time, fingers clenching in a fist against the wall as she takes more of him in. 
She feels him opening her more and lets go a wrecked moan, "Oh god..." His free hand comes to her breasts, holding and supporting each one in his palm, as if to examine and compare the heaviness of one to the other. She keens when he playfully rolls a nipple between his thumb and forefinger, distracting her from the stinging stretch of his cock as he fills her, bit by aching bit. 
“You’re doing so good, Princess.” His encouraging tone makes her feel fluttery inside. An altogether foreign feeling after so many weeks in solitary confinement. “Just keep breathing.” Finally, she thinks he might be all the way in, and he stops moving again.
“Are you-” she falters, unable to come up with the words to ask if he’s all the way in. He knows, though.
“Not yet… Can you take a little more?” He asks, voice careful but cracking at the edges with desperation.
Clarke shakes her head, “Just… I need a minute.” She thinks maybe after she relaxes, loosens up, she’ll be able to take more. She isn’t sure how long that’ll be. She’s never tried to “loosen up” for something this large.
She feels his fingers dig harshly into her hip, knows they’re going to leave bruises, proof of how much it strained him to remain still inside her, to hold himself back from thrusting completely in. She’ll relish the marks until they fade, until the evidence of their dalliance is gone and she's left wondering if it ever happened at all.
“That's alright,” He assures her. “You don't have to.” He shifts on his feet, and she feels his movement with her entire body, even more intensely than before, now that he's filled her so much. It's a mesmerizing sensation, feeling so completely connected to him, like he's somehow part of her.
Clarke releases a throaty moan when he shifts again, feels herself clench down around him, and his responding groan is exhilarating. Just the little bit of movement, that slight drag of his cock against her walls, starts to feed a fire deep in her core.
His voice is strained, “Tell me when I can-”
She cuts him off with a frantic nod, “You can… You can move.” As he pulls out, achingly slow, she swears she can feel every ridge, every blessed vein as it passes through her over-stretched slit.
He blows out a strong breath, “Goddamn, Princess…” he says the name with startling affection, running his large hand up her spine and back down her side, then settling in the curve of her waist. “If you could see what I'm seeing right now.”
“Tell me,” she rasps, not caring how desperate she sounds.
“Fuck,” He swears. He pauses, as if to consider how filthy he wants to be. His breaths are heavy and loud in the air, and every moment of anticipation makes her body scream for more. Finally, he continues, voice raspy, “Your tight little cunt is stretched around my cock, and it's…” She hears him scrub a hand over his face before it comes back to her waist. “It's fucking incredible.” He pulls out until just the thick head is still inside. She gives a languid hum when she feels him tease her opening. He huffs, “It’s like your pussy is clinging to me.” She groans into her arm, visualizing his words. A heavy sigh forms deep in her chest when he starts to push back in, this time more easily than the first. And the next time even easier. And the time after that…
She feels her tension ease up as the sting of his stretch fades, giving way to pleasure. He bends forward, leans his hand on the wall above her head. She looks up at it and finds herself captivated by the knotty network of veins, follows them as they converge and begin to twist up his muscled forearm. Never has she been so turned on by hands as she is right now. His body is bowed over her own, so close she can feel his restrained grunts as he sets an unhurried rhythm. His actions are careful and deliberate, like he’s worried she’ll break. It’s slow and languorous… almost sweet.
It’s not enough.
“More,” She begs on a choked whisper, “I need more.”
“More what?” he asks. 
She makes a frustrated noise, “Like you were doing it before.”
“Before?” He sounds confused.
She breathes out, still mildly unsure of her request, “...Rough.” She arches her back and splays her hands against the wall, presses her weight into them to push herself against Bellamy. She lets go a shocked gasp alongside his unrestrained growl, as her body yields to the rest of his cock. She takes a moment to just feel him, buried to the hilt inside her.
She can practically hear the conflict in his mind while he considers her appeal, but to her delight, he doesn’t take long to come to a decision. His hand twists into her hair, abruptly pulling back and forcing her body into an even more severe arch.
“Rough?” He cocks a brow when she glances at him, a flicker of skepticism in his eyes, maybe a little unsure of Clarke’s demand, still wondering if she can handle it.
She narrows her eyes, now even more irritated by his carefulness. “You heard me.” To emphasize her point, she pulls off a bit and aggressively grinds herself back on him. Her eyes slam shut as his cock surges deep, his rumbling growl vibrating through her, it’s all so much. A licentious cry tears from her throat, the loud noise cutting through the room, bouncing off the walls.
His large hand flies to her face, covering her mouth so fast that a loud slap rings through the room. With the impact, her mind goes blank. It stings, and for a moment, every thought in her head is centered on the echo of his palm connecting with her skin. She feels her cunt clench down, a wave of arousal crashing over her as she abruptly comes back to the moment – her aching pussy stretched tight over his thick cock, her mouth covered by a hand so big, his fingertips nearly touch her ear.
She knows it was accidental, an unintended consequence of trying to keep them from getting caught. A bout of shame courses through her, because she liked it. Her wanton moan is muffled by his hand, but very much there.
“Fuck,” he curses under a panicked breath and loosens his grip. “I’m so sorry, that-”
She claws his hand away from her face, shaking her head, uninterested in his apologies. “Again,” she pants, ignoring her embarrassment at the throaty croak. “Do it again.”
He contemplates it for a moment, then covers her mouth. She realizes he misinterpreted her demand when he’s careful with the motion, doesn’t let his hand slap against her skin. She wants to correct him, wants to tell him that’s not what she meant, but then he crushes his palm hard against her face, twisting her hair a little harder around his fist, and yeah that’ll do.
She moans, a wanton sound from deep in her chest, when he draws his hips back. Her walls quiver around him, as if she’s unwilling to let him go. The movement is almost painful again given how strained she already is. Still, the sting is welcome, craved, even. Somehow, it reminds her that she’s human. For weeks, she’s felt lifeless, numb… Her drawings are a small indulgence, but barely enough to keep herself from caving under the desolation of her solitude. She misses feeling. Even the devastating sorrow of losing her father would be preferable to the anesthetized state of emotion to which she’s wasted.
But this guard, with his harsh treatments and short temper, opening her wider than she’s ever been – he makes her feel more alive than she’s felt since before her life went to shit. His roughness is invigorating and spins a heavy coil of need in her abdomen. When he moves again, it’s almost too much. He pushes in, forcing her open and driving everything from her mind but lust for more.
“Feels so fucking good,” He growls, the guttural sound sending shivers through her body. “Clinging to my cock like this…” He gives an extra push every time he bottoms out, a move that sends a shock up her spine, the pleasure-pain mixing deliciously with the sting of her scalp and the grind of his hand against her mouth. “…Wouldn’t have pegged you for rough,” He remarks, already sounding winded from the exertion, or maybe they’re limiting oxygen to this sector already. “This rough enough for you?” He asks against her neck, taking little nips that prickle her skin.
Clarke shakes her head, because it’s not. She wants to feel the world stagger again, like she did when his hand struck her face… She liked the way it tasted, the way it stunned her senses. He moves his hand away from her mouth and she gasps out, “I want-” but cuts herself off, unsure how to ask for it.
He halts his movements and loosens his grip on her hair, “What?” He grunts, “Tell me what you want.”
“I-“ She words it sixty different ways in her head, but can’t seem to get a single one to reach her tongue.
He responds with sigh, slightly irritated at its edges. “Come on, say it.” He urges.
“When you hit me.” She whispers, wishing she could sound less small, less weak, less fucked-up for wanting something so debased and wrong. “I-” She clears her throat, “I liked it.”
His breath tickles her skin when he chuckles, “Is that right?” He sounds a little disbelieving, like maybe he isn’t sure he heard her right. “You liked it?” His grip on her hair tightens again and he wraps it around his fist, pulling it back so he can see her face from above. His smile is a little wicked and sends a bolt of excitement through her. Suddenly she feels a sting radiate from her cheek, drawing out a hungry moan. “Like that?” She still doesn’t see his hand when he repeats the action, but the crack in the air rings in her ears with the slap and draws a filthy groan out of her.
She hisses, “Yes… fuck.”
“Rough… Alright, Princess.” His tone holds dark promises that shower her senses with anticipation and need.
He makes her take him, over and over, bottoming out each time, making her feel every brutal inch of him. He holds her head in place, fist tight in her hair while he fucks her open.
“Fuck, you do love this…” He growls, smacks her cheek again, “You feel that? How your cunt squeezes me every time I slap you?”
Clarke nods, moaning a litany of fuck, and god, and yes. She’s so sensitive and thoroughly stretched out, every movement of his cock in her swollen slit sends a jolt of white-hot pleasure through her body. The tension builds, becoming unbearable, in desperate need of release.
“Come on,” He grunts, picking up the pace of his thrusts. “I want to feel it.” He’s insistent in the filthiest way. “…wanna feel you come on my cock.”
She’s so, so close – she can nearly taste it (or maybe she bit her lip a little too hard). She just needs something to get her over the edge. Her hands curl into fists, blunt fingernails digging harshly into her palms and cutting half-moon indents she’ll find later.
“I need-” She starts, but her thoughts are too chaotic form the words. Somehow, he knows. He slides his hand down her front, between her thighs, finds her swollen clit and rubs it in tight, rough circles that match his rhythm. He snaps into her with a renewed vigor and there it is... Her body tightens around him and he answers it with an appreciative groan.
“That’s right… Fuck, I can feel it.” He rasps and wraps a hand over her face again, trapping her wrecked cries. Her lungs fight for air while his voice rumbles over the blood rushing through her ears, “Just let go for me…”
She does.
Every muscle in her body goes taut with bliss, pulling so tight that her bones hurt, until her orgasm finally crashes through her. The force of it shakes her from within, pulsing to the beat of her heart. A sharp streak of pain shoots from her shoulder, and she vaguely registers his teeth sinking into the flesh as his thrusts lose rhythm.
His cock jerks and spasms as he comes inside her.
His body curls powerfully around her, amplifying the warmth and tingles that scatter over her skin. A darkness flickers at the edges of her vision, growing steadily wider while her limbs are overcome by an unsettling flimsiness. She vaguely registers her body falling forward.
All she hears as she collapses is a distant “Oh, fuck…”
 Clarke snaps into consciousness, drawing desperate gulps of air into her lungs. Her skin is covered in a cold sweat as her mind tries to grasp where she is. Confusing currents of pleasure pulse through her, swelling from her core out to her fingers and toes as a soothing shhh resonates in her ears. As her breaths even out, an alarmingly unfamiliar scent floods her senses. A panic rushes through her and she thrashes against whatever is crushing her ribs. The movement makes her suddenly aware of the stretch of her cunt and all at once, she remembers where she is.
The guard…
His arm is slung across her body, holding her firmly against his chest as he soothes her shakes with warm utterances.
“Shhh, you’re okay, Princess.” He murmurs softly, “I’ve got you…” The gentleness in his voice is instantly soothing. She nods and brings her shaking hands to grip onto his forearm where it crosses her body. Her fingers tingle where they meet his skin. She drops her head back and closes her eyes, feeling his chest expand with each breath. The repetition lulls her, and she finally lets herself surrender to the soft euphoria that flows through her.
“What happened?” She whispers, finally.
He huffs, “I didn’t realize my hand was covering your mouth and nose… I accidentally blocked your airway and you fainted.”
Clarke nods weakly, “Oh… How long was I out?”
His thumb rubs an absent pattern against her skin. “Not long. A few seconds, maybe.” She can hear the flustered undertones in his voice as he explains. “Your legs gave out and you closed your eyes, kind of like a long blink. Then you suddenly came-to, pretty confused.” She cranes her neck to look up at him and he meets her eyes with a remorseful expression. “I’m so sorry. It’s my fault.”
She cracks a half-smile and curls her fingers over his forearm, “You’re forgiven.”
He looks relieved as he closes his eyes with a nod. He shifts his weight a surprised yelp escapes her lips. Her cunt is so swollen and tender, that every movement he makes reverberates through her body with jolts of pleasure-pain.
“Wait!” She protests as he begins to pull out. He halts for a moment.
“It’ll be more uncomfortable the longer we wait.” He explains, his voice gentle and apologetic. 
She nods, “Oh…” She winces as he pulls out with merciful slowness. His cock is heavy and softening as it slips out, leaving her with a sense of emptiness in its absence. A surprised gasp escapes at the sudden warmth of his come as it drips out of her, down the inside of her leg. The trickle gets as far as her knee before he grabs a spare cloth from a box and catches it, wiping carefully up her inner thigh and patting her clean.
“Here, step in there,” He instructs as he situates her pants so she can put them back on. He doesn’t say anything to fill the silence as he helps pull them back up her legs and over her hips, then carefully fastens the button closure. He stands up again, pulling her shirt back down into place and smoothing it over her body.
“You doing alright, Princess?” He asks.
“Clarke.” She corrects. “My name is Clarke.”
He ducks his head, but not before she catches a hint of a smile on his lips. “Bellamy.”
“Bellamy.” She repeats, enjoying the way her tongue curls around each syllable. It’s a good name.
He nods toward the forgotten drawing on the floor, “You shouldn’t hide those.”
She frowns, confused, “What do you mean?”
He tilts his head and considers her question as he shrugs his jacket back on and zips it up. “Your drawings are really good… Don’t hide them.”
“Okay…” She nods slowly. She cracks a small smile at the way he shuffles his feet a little awkwardly. “Thanks.”
Bellamy gives her a quick nod, cheeks visibly reddened.
“I mean it.” She gestures vaguely between them, “For everything... Thank you.”
Before he can say anything else, a noise comes through the radio on his hip, calling for guards to disperse a developing brawl in another cell. “I’ve gotta-“
She waves him off, “I heard – sounds like they need you.”
“Yeah, something like that.” He makes for the door. As it opens, he hesitates, turns back to face her. His mouth moves like he’s going to say something, but the words don’t materialize, cut off by the rush of guards running past her cell. He steps out and gives her a final nod as the cell door slides shut.
Clarke sits on her bed, wincing at the ache between her legs. She lies back on the threadbare pillow, already consumed by thoughts of Bellamy. Her eyes close and the memory of their liaison plays on a loop. She smiles, thinking about what she’ll do next time they meet.
 He doesn’t come back.
 Days, then weeks tick by without hearing from him. At first, she wonders if he got promoted to a better post. He didn’t even say goodbye... It makes her feel sick… Used… Angry. Over time, the anger fades, until one day she’s gripped by the sudden fear that someone saw them. She tortures herself with guilt, wondering if he got in trouble for fucking a prisoner he was guarding. If he was punished because she tempted him too far.
On his advice, she stops hiding her drawings. They get bigger, covering the walls in murals of the Earth she sees in her dreams.
She thinks of him less often as her eighteenth birthday draws nearer. The date of her execution looms, distracting her from thoughts of freckled cheeks and dimpled chins.
Eventually, she starts to forget small details, like the shape of his eyes, then bigger ones, like the sound of his voice. Until she starts to wonder whether it happened at all. Maybe the memory was just a dream.
Maybe Bellamy Blake never even existed…
 A month before her eighteenth birthday, Clarke wakes up strapped to an exodus ship hurtling towards an irradiated Earth. The chaos of the landing is overwhelming, and she struggles to get the attention of the flustered teenagers, bustling about with their newfound freedom. When someone mentions opening of the dropship door, she panics and makes a run for the ladder.
“Stop! The air could be toxic!” She pleads as she lowers herself down.
The answering voice grips her with painful familiarity, stopping her in her tracks. He looks her in the eye, recognition flickering briefly before he schools an authoritative smirk on his features.
“If the air is toxic, we’re all dead, anyway…”
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