#nothing romantic they were and still are all platonic/familial 💖
fruitypie-daydreams ¡ 1 month
Selfshippers what was the first fandom you ever had any kind of selfship relationship in and how old were you (you can just answer the first part if you don't wanna do the second)
I'll go first for me it was NCIS and I forget how old I was but I was a very little kid lmao. I didn't even know what selfshipping was at the time I just loved daydreaming about being best friends/family with the NCIS team lmfao
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sparklingpax ¡ 1 year
The little things...happenings of seemingly little importance. But in long and tiring course of life, it’s often those little moments of nothing which occur, that we remember forever. 
A/N: GUYSSS ok so I know I took an age and a half to actually write this, and yes this is actually the thing I polled about writing, but that’s because...this isn’t just one story....it’s a couple short ones! Tried writing just one, but I didn’t like that very much....at least, not alone. One you might have already seen, but I’m adding it for the sake of adding it....idk. Hope that’s alright ^^’‘
Point is......idk, this was a fun little experiment of writing I wanted to try out, and I just hope you enjoy it. I really really love the idea that the Decepticons were somewhat of a family, too. In fact, the way it’s like, highkey canon.....is so good qwq 💖 I didn’t really get to touch on every dynamic I enjoy, but I will eventually....and believe that because as you know with me, eventually always happens, even if it’s like a year+ of waiting.....sorry
And some extra things: 
Set in canon (disclaimer ig, I know the difference between hcs and actual canon and I understand that setting it in canon does not make it canon, but it is still in that setting...things have been crazy lately so I just felt like clarifying that!)
I definitely have a couple typos and oddly-written stuff here....I’ll be modifying it in coming days, but for now....please just ignore it?? ;w; 
The POINT of this was to focus on mundane things (a couple of exceptions) so...idk, sorry if that’s not to your taste?? Yay if you enjoyed it tho???? o///o’
Im...gonna put this here I guess: the only romantic relationship here is Giga/Mega....they’re literally married, anyway. As for everyone else...platonic friendship/familial type stuff! Just...to be clear! :]
All of these take place at like different intervals of time, it is not one big "linear" story
....anyway...with all that said....enjoy! 
“Would you please cut that out.”
 The boy across from him abruptly froze, making Hydra realize the sting of his tone. He hadn’t intended that, of course, but…he was busy…
 “Sorry for snapping,” he mumbled, not looking up from his laptop. “But if you keep tapping your pen like that, I can’t focus.” 
 Cancer seemed as if debating to pretend he didn’t hear him or to simply not respond. Well, maybe he was only left with one choice, he realized, as his quick glances likely gave away the fact that he’d heard Hydra. He opted to move his textbook to his lap and slowly put his head down on the table to read instead.
 They lapsed into silence, but an awkward one now. 
Hydra felt a twinge in his stomach. He didn’t really mean to snap at the boy, and part of him wished he’d left it alone altogether.
 Well…what’s done is done. 
Cancer had taken to the library area of their expansive base to catch up on some studying of his own. As he wasn’t exactly able to attend school…this was as best as it'd get for an education. 
Well...for now, anyway.
As he was self-studying, he’d also found he had a tendency to fidget as a method to focus better, and usually no one minded the noise it made because there was no one around. 
Today, however and unfortunately, he wasn’t alone in here as usual. 
 His eyes flitted up and down quickly, stealing a quick glance at Hydra. 
The man was staring intently at something on the screen, brow furrowed in thought. Every so often, he looked to his left, probably referencing a book of his own. Then, he’d type…fix his glasses, check the book again, and type, type…
 “Can I help you?” 
 Cancer gasped, realizing he must’ve been staring, and ducked his head back to reading his own book so fast…that he hit it on the table’s edge. 
 His head against the wood coupled with the choked screech of an exclamation of pain made such a loud noise that Hydra jolted a bit and stopped typing. When the noise died down and was replaced with silence, he found his gaze ticking upwards, almost hesitantly. 
He found himself swallowing, wondering if the boy was alright. On the other side of the table, Cancer had his head down, and seemed not to be moving, except for…
 “Cancer-kun?” Hydra said rather softly. In fact, in a softer tone than he’d expected to give, actually. He made a face at this tangential thought briefly, then abandoned it immediately and tried again when he didn’t get a response. “Oi, Cancer, are you—”
His brow furrowed again, fully with worry this time. Why was he…?
Oh, he realized suddenly, Cancer was crying. It took a moment for him to move again, taking a couple steps around the table and coming up next to Cancer, who seemed to shy away as he got closer. 
He’s crying, Hydra, you made the boy cry. Good job. 
 He felt a bead of sweat on his forehead as he realized he was far from well-versed in how to deal with something like this. But then, there was also common sense, which he thought to try. 
 First, I need to apologize. 
He made an awkward noise, adjusting his glasses. Then, he took a seat next to the boy. He was suddenly having flashbacks to similar experiences with Buster. Except then, the two had been young children, and he knew Buster closely…
“Are, uh…was that you?” 
You’re supposed to ask ‘are you okay,’ dumbass. What the hell was that? 
But it seemed to grab Cancer’s attention, and he peeked up at Hydra for a couple moments before rising, a hand gently over the spot on his forehead where he’d slammed into the table at full force. Hydra made another noise of surprise, then cleared his throat and tried again. 
“Cancer, are you alright?”
“Sorry–” Cancer responded right on the tail of his words, rushed and quick. He swallowed and stood to leave, a blush—of embarrassment, Hydra surmised—spreading across his cheeks. He began to gather up his textbook and note papers, and Hydra though to just watch him go, except…
Fix this, Hydra.
His eyes widened. He could also imagine how unhappy Mega would be if she found out—even if this had been an accident. Still, beyond avoiding her anger, Hydra felt a twinge of guilt. 
 “Cancer, wait,” He finally said, and thankfully, the boy froze again, staring at him. 
 Hydra awkwardly pushed his glasses up again before saying, “I shouldn’t have snapped, so I'm…sorry,” he repeated his earlier apology. “I was trying to focus, I was into my work…”
He wasn’t sure it was enough, but it was enough out of him for the moment, he thought. Hydra let his words hang in the air, saying nothing else.
For a couple seconds, Cancer looked away, said nothing. He seemed to be debating leaving with a wordless huff or staying. Then, he seemed to choose the latter, dropping his stuff back on the table,and plopping back down in his seat. 
His expression had now morphed into something of an indignant pout. Hydra winced when he noticed the color of the bruised spot when the boy finally removed his hand. 
“Er…do you need me to take you to—”
“This is nothing!” Cancer cut him off quickly. He still hadn’t looked back at him. Hydra let out a sigh on the quieter side, fishing for the words to say that might relieve the tension here…
“What were you doing anyway that was so important?”  
The sudden, mumbled question came as a bit of a surprise. Hydra rubbed the back of his neck for a moment in thought. 
“Well…nothing, really, just…” He shrugged. “Language study…” 
Cancer shifted next to him suddenly. He was staring intently at him now. 
“Wait—me too.”
“Oh? Which one?” He gestured at his own textbook. “I was studying Chinese, though I haven’t…made much progress at present.”
Cancer’s eyes sparkled, his reply treading upon Hydra’s last words– 
 “Oh, I can help!!” 
Hydra’s eyes widened.
Of course—that’s right, he remembered, Cancer had come from China in the first place. He spoke Chinese.
Cancer nodded earnestly.
"I'd…appreciate that, Cancer-kun,” Hydra said slowly, with another awkward glasses adjustment. He seemed to relax a little in posture. “I really would. Thank you.” 
The boy practically beamed with pleasure at this proposition, the last few minutes seemingly all forgotten now. Hydra still felt kind of bad, however, which he also found odd because usually he didn’t really care. 
It was almost the same as…
“Stop saying that!!”
“Shut up!!” 
“Nii-san, stop–that hurt!!!” 
He saw in his mind’s eye, the fuzzy memory of the face of Buster as a small child. 
It was on a cloudy day, many years ago now, on a day when they’d been fighting during recess at school. What it was about, Hydra couldn’t recall even then.
It had started as a simple scuffle, a few kicks and punches, but it only continued to escalate with every passing moment, until Hydra found himself, with little hesitation, putting Buster into a chokehold and twisting his arm. 
He’d felt nothing as he did that—until the piercing cry of the boy seemed to send a shock through his bones, and he jolted backwards, releasing him instantly. Unable to speak, he watched Buster stumble to the ground, staring up at Hydra for a moment before looking away quickly. He was trying to steady his breath, obviously in pain but not wanting to cry.  
There’d been a growing crowd of kids around them, their eyes boring holes into him from all angles.
Hydra was starting to feel so guilty he wished he could disappear.
He’d wanted to say sorry, to take it back…but the most he could do was grab Buster by the other arm and pull him away from the crowd, dragging him along until they came to a secluded area near the side of the school building, where they sat down in silence for a while. 
Hydra found himself still gripping Buster’s smaller hand, surprised that he was shaking.
He hadn’t meant to…he hadn’t…
“Hydra-san? Ano…”
The man jolted, realizing quickly he’d probably spaced out. He tried to keep a relatively neutral expression, looking around the room quickly before asking, “So…what language were you looking at?” 
 Cancer replied without missing a beat, “Japanese!”
Hydra raised an eyebrow in curiosity. “You’re already quite good at it, Cancer. Why?”
The boy shrugged.
“I’ve got a lot left to learn, and…I don’t know a lot of words…and stuff....” He looked to the ceiling briefly, as if trying to think of something. But, Hydra understood what he meant. 
 I still don’t quite have a complete handle on this language, but I’m pretty solid in a lot of it…
“I can…help you too, if you are ever…confused,” he found himself saying slowly. Cancer’s eyes lit up again and he moved closer, clapping his hands together. 
“Yes, of course, I–”
Then suddenly, Cancer seemed to remember something, and he spun around, grabbing his books and belongings. Hydra simply watched, not sure if he should continue speaking as he watched the boy scamper off in the direction of the door. 
But, before he left the room, Cancer came to a stop at the top of the steps to the exit, turning and smiling again at the Godmaster.
“Xièxie, Hydra-san! See you at dinner!”
Hydra felt a smile twist the corners of his lips. 
What a…funny kid.
Link to Mega/Giga story 1
Summary: uhhhhh.....fluff w them, kinda? Pretty scene descriptions? Ummmmm........yea! Please read, I liked that one ngl
Giga bowed his head, lower and lower until his forehead grazed the floor. 
It was cold and hard. Out of the corner of his vision, he watched Mega, Buster, and Hydra do the same. 
“Failure again! This is unacceptable!!” 
“Please, at least understand—that we managed to destroy an entire city, which was part of what you had hoped—”
A tongue of electricity seemed to stretch out with rabid hunger, licking both of Giga’s shoulders, leaving behind thin lines of blood. Having experienced this many times, Giga uttered a grunt of pain, but nothing more. 
Beside him, Mega flinched, out of a combination of fear and concern, but did not dare raise her head. Her own skin seemed to tremble in uneasy anticipation, of its own lashing, if it were to come, that is. 
“Do not presume what I desire!” 
The sound of Devil Z’s voice reverberated in the skulls of all present in the dimly-lit, damp cavern. It sounded with a disembodied quality, not to unsimilar to the Decepticon emperor itself. It was not as soundwaves in the air, but rather a sound he allowed their ears to hear—something inexplicable, that sounded as if it rang around into the open air of the room, and at the same time, blasted only between their ears. 
It was a chilling, commanding sound. It faded slowly, every remaining wave piercing to the last. Everyone did their best to remain still and obediently silent. 
The dark frustration dripping from his tone felt akin to being in the crosshairs of a madman with a gun in hand—having taken aim at the head, with a trembling finger on the trigger. 
Giga and Mega knew their power, likely so did the Godmasters. If if were anyone else, they would not have bent a knee—they’d not have even batted an eye. 
 But they were at the moment, powerless in the face of this ruling being, who could kill them with but a fleeting thought. 
 In the face of their superior…but not their master. 
 “...and you will come up with another plan—quickly! I shall not be hindered in my conquest of earth due to mere insects!!” Devil Z snapped, when the last words had finally faded to quiet. After another pause, he spoke again, “or any useless underlings.” 
“Yes, Great Emperor!”
The four’s voices in unison echoed in the cavern, loudly and firmly so as to appease the Emperor. And, it seemed to work…a weight seemed to lift off the air—something that no one could explain, but which always occurred when Devil Z would at last leave their presence. 
It was a good feeling, and everyone remained still, near-flattened to the ground for a moment, before Giga made a noise and shot upright. It was an indignant noise, that reflected the feelings of the others in the room. 
One by one, they each lifted their heads and stood up again, not speaking for the moment. 
“How shameful,” Buster muttered, almost to himself, breaking the quiet. “We keep upsetting the Emperor with our failed endeavors.” 
But everyone, including Buster, knew that it was not frustration at their team that sparked Buster’s words. 
Perhaps instead, what he would wish to say, would be something closer to how shameful it was, that their Emperor did nothing to aid them. 
They were not privy to their leader’s ultimate goal, which was definitely something more than what they had been led to understand. 
They were lashed with insults, pain, and threats should they ever fail, no matter what they did or tried. There was no such thing as a small victory, which even months before there had been. 
But their leader had further grown more unstable. 
Unspoken was the thought: Is this what a great leader is? 
Frantic rage and frustration sparked the air when Devil Z spoke.
He contradicted himself, went with incautious courses of action that no longer had structure except for destroying as much possible, all at once.
“We will do our best to satisfy our leader’s orders, and we will crush the Autobots,” Mega said, with conviction enough that Buster flinched. But her eyes spoke a different story when she ran them across the other three standing before her. 
Hydra stepped forward, making a fist and raising it a little.
“Mega’s right, we will come up with a plan—we always do,” he seemed to reaffirm, patting Buster on the shoulder. 
Everyone seemed to speak in stunted words, as if someone was listening. 
It was as it had been for the last few months, when they had begun to fear their leader, but not in the sense of awe. 
“Well then, everyone,” Giga said at last. “So we shall. But I believe there’s something more important, first.” He looked to Mega, who seemed to understand what he was hinting at, grinning a little herself. 
“You’re absolutely right, Giga-sama!” Buster exclaimed, eyes seeming to light up a little. "We’re having Cancer’s birthday dinner tonight, aren’t we?”
Giga nodded, with a low hum of affirmation.
"So let us get to work. We have only a few hours before the kids return.”
“You two can handle the table, correct?”
“Yes, sir!” Buster and Hydra responded, standing tall. 
“Then do so.”
With a nod, they turned and exited the kitchen, leaving only Mega and Giga behind. The pair worked in silence for a few heartbeats, the sound of Giga chopping vegetables against the sizzling of the pot Mega was stirring. 
“Perhaps if we dig a large hole in the forest and push Ginrai into it, we’ll satisfy our Emperor,” Giga mused with chuckle. “He’ll dent his chassis and…die!”
“Or maybe if we blow him up again, he’ll actually stay dead! Rid us of our troubles…”
They sighed at the same time, seemingly on the same train of thought. 
We have to deal with this, or die trying…what options to choose from! 
He turned at his name, finding Mega staring at him. Her eyes seemed to be chiding him gently, her smirk telling him not to worry about it. 
It was amazing how well they’d grown to know each other, where looks could say more than their words needed. 
“I know,” he huffed, returning to cutting the vegetables. “We have time to come up with something, and we will. Tonight is Cancer’s party.”
“And tonight is also a feast for everyone in this family to enjoy. We will not allow anything to…” she suddenly trailed off, unable to remember the saying she’d wanted to finish with.  
“I don’t believe that was it.”
“Rain on us?” Giga tried. He scraped the chopped pieces into a red bowl and began tossing them about gently. He could gauge what she was trying to say, of course, but it seemed he’d forgotten, too.
Humans and their odd idioms and sayings, he thought as Mega laughed in response. 
“Well, am I close?”
“I’m not quite sure…” she turned off the stove and leaned against the counter, lost in thought. 
“Darken our bubble?”
“That’s not a saying, is it?”
“Maybe not,” Giga put the bowl down and turned to face Mega, folding his arms. He realized this would greatly bother him if he couldn’t figure out what the saying was, and soon. The same applied to Mega. 
It was simply their nature, one could surmise. 
“Make waves in our…boat.”
“Isn’t it, ‘rock the boat’?”
“You’re right! Then just, ‘make waves’?”
“No, no, not that…”
“Rain over the water?”
“Be a…wet blanket.” 
 After a moment of silence, Mega burst out laughing, which made Giga start to chuckle. It was on the cusp of their tongues, and yet they couldn’t quite—
“Rain on our parade!” 
“Parade!” Mega said suddenly, eyes wide. Giga seemed to catch on immediately. 
They made the exclamation in unison, then dissolved into laughter. How ridiculous this might have been, but it was enough to get their minds firmly off the scolding and lashing from earlier. At least, for a few moments. 
When their laughter had subsided, Mega found her eyes ticking towards the fresh cuts on Giga’s shoulders, no longer bleeding, instead bruised a faint purple. Below it were the faded marks of other scars, all from failures to please their…’great’ leader. 
Giga knew what Mega was looking at and reached out to put a hand on her shoulder, letting his finger brush it gently. 
She had some of her own, and she knew they hurt like hell for a week at least. 
“If it means protecting them, then a few cuts don’t hurt,” he said softly. “Thank goodness the kids were out today, right?” 
Mega nodded, sighing. Her eyes spoke many words of worry and sadness. Giga’s seemed strained and apprehensive. 
Decepticons were not without honor, he had often thought. Yet everything they had been doing on this Earth as of late, under the command of Devil Z, even things of their own doing…had seemed only to put into jeopardy the very morals by which Mega and Giga navigated their existence.  
Much of what they were beginning to see—beginning to realize, rather—was further and further from the honor they had thought they were upholding. 
The honor…of the Decepticon cause. 
The honor of any great warrior.
The honor of any great leader.
 And that was a scary thought.  
 “We’ll fix this.”
“Yes, we will.”
“We are not his slaves.” 
Giga and Mega smiled,  in agreement, eyes glinting with a malicious sharpness. 
“And in due time, we’ll show him that.”
 “Exactly,” Giga nodded firmly. “Now, let us finish this dish. Tonight, we drink and feast!” 
 Wilder stood at the entrance to a huge, white building, staring at the tall, glass door that slid open and closed as people filed in and out, many carrying bags if they were exiting. Somehow, he’d never seen it before. 
 Then again, he wasn’t familiar with every store in the area. Still, a place this big…
 It was a mall, at the head of a busy street, with a noisy road of cars past the sidewalk. 
Buster marched from behind him and stood in front of the door, hands on hips and a triumphant look sparking in his eyes. 
“Welcome to my favorite store!” He announced gleefully, starting in. Wilder whistled in some amazement, and then followed him in. 
He’d been on his way back from lunch when he’d bumped into Buster on the sidewalk. Enthusiastic to hear the teen had the rest of the afternoon off, Buster asked if he’d be willing to go somewhere with him in the city before returning to headquarters. 
 Wilder actually didn’t mind hanging out with Buster, either. He’d planned to read manga in his quarters for the rest of the afternoon, but…he was also curious what the errand would be. And, curiosity winning out, he’d accepted the invitation. 
 “We’ve only one stop to make today!” Buster called over his shoulder. 
 The two of them got on an escalator. The lights and colors of the shops and walkways bustling with people danced below them, and Wilder was reminded of how it felt to stand atop a roof in the middle of the night, watching a festival parade go by with old companions, years ago.
 He turned his gaze forwards again, scanning the area of the floor they were coming to on the escalator. 
 “The…Uniqlo?” Wilder asked, as they got off the escalator and drew closer to a store with the name engraved to the sign above the entrance. 
 Buster responded with a chuckle, reaching out and patting Wilder on the back. He proceeded through the front, unzipping his jacket as he entered. For a moment, Wilder stood, studying the outside of the store, then he shrugged, and followed Buster in.
 “So, how are things for you here?” 
 Wilder was surprised at the sudden question, shrugging before he said anything. They walked through the first shelves of clothes in silence before Wilder finally spoke.
 “It’s a…home I didn’t really think I’d have,” he almost mumbled. It was like he had a hard time saying it, but not for the reasons one might think. And Buster immediately understood that. In some ways…he felt the same. 
He doesn’t know if it’s real—to stay. 
And really…Buster didn’t know either. Of course, he wanted—just as much as anyone else on their team—the victory of this war, to crush the skulls of the Autobots who kept causing them shame, defeat…pain. 
Buster regarded the boy, whose burning passion to do something with his life—to become something, someone…and smiled.
 “Wilder-kun,” he said, after some moments of silence had passed. “Would you like to know why we’re here?”
Wilder sighed and messed with his hair, the smirk on his face seeming to indicate his usual air of confidence had returned.
His young eyes sparked with energy again, not dark, reflective thought. Buster knew that well, too. 
Smile, not a sweet smile, but the smile of victory. Of confidence and power. One that pushes back against being used, and...being doomed to your fate...
Somehow, without saying anything, the look in Wilder’s eyes seemed to understand what Buster was thinking.
“Beats me,” Wilder responded, then held up a shirt. “But this shirt looks really cool.” At this, Buster chuckled, patting the teen on the shoulder and guiding him forward, shirt still in hand. 
"You're correct! We’ve got some work to do on your wardrobe, of course!” He laughed again, jovially. Someone looking at a row of pants gave the pair a side-eye, but didn’t say anything else. 
 Wilder continued walking, feeling some strange warmth he didn’t usually feel unless he was with Cancer and Bullhorn on a really good day. It was…nice. He momentarily looked back at Buster, seeing his blue eyes flicking from one section to the next, then back down at his feet. 
Those pompous Autobots are going down, Wilder suddenly had the fiery thought, fist clenching. If for no other reason, than to protect this…my only home. For that, I'll take down anyone I'm ordered to, or burn any building. Just you watch.
 “Well then, Buster-san, I’m in your hands. Let’s do this!”
“That’s what I like to hear!”
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joanquill ¡ 3 years
May I request how Albert and Louis will treat William's fem! s/o? The Moriarty brothers have such a familial bond, the way they act around this sister-in-law would be adorable 💖 Thank you so much!
Albert and Louis with their Sister-In-Law
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Tag/s: Fem!Reader, Platonic!Relationship (Albert and Louis), Romantic!Relationship (William), Headcanons
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When William announced to the two of them that he was planning to propose to you, Albert and Louis were excited.
When you and William started dating, Albert was the first to welcome you while Louis was still wary of you.
They both trust William’s choices, but you can never be really too careful.
They both see how important you are to William, and they want to make sure that you honestly feel the same for their brother.
You first opened up with Albert, usually wishing him a good trip when he leaves and having small talk about books, William, the plan, and such as you drink wine.
He would even buy you little souvenirs during his trips and share his wine collection with you, basically treating you like a little sister already.
Louis was the hard one to get close with.
You usually tried to get close to him by helping him around the manor and sharing tips and tricks you learned with cooking and cleaning.
He slowly opened up to you, seeing how you were actually a genuinely good person who cherishes his brother.
He usually has you taste-test the new dishes he discovered and listen to your opinions and suggestions.
So when William decided to tie the knot, they were both happy for you.
You noticed that Albert seemed happier, and even Louis was in a good mood.
William just laughed it off as he took you somewhere private, preparing to ask you.
At the wedding, Louis definitely got emotional and almost cried while you three tried to console him.
Nothing much changed after you two got married.
You and William usually just get all smiley when you feel your ring on your finger.
Albert still likes spending time with you talking about books in the library or talking over some wine in the gardens.
When Albert comes back from his trips, he always has some gifts for you and some gossip about the nobles.
William sometimes complained that Albert was spoiling you and sharing trivial information.
If you ever did attend a party with Albert, I feel like you two will just have a good time gossiping about the visitors and enjoying the food.
Louis was more protective of you, though.
He didn’t like the idea of you doing a lot of housework, but you insisted that you wanted to help him.
You two still love sharing recipes and domestic tricks around the house as you both work.
You’re the only one he trusts to be left alone in the kitchen.
You’re also his self-confidence booster and cheer him up when he needs it, and he loves that you always pull him back on his feet when he feels down.
Long story short, they love having a sister-in-law, and William is happy that you’re his wife and his brothers love you.
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sparrowmoth ¡ 2 years
A, T and Z for the ask game? <3
@moorsgrimhilde Thank youuu, my dear! 💖
A - Ships that you currently like a lot.
I’m completely, utterly, madly obsessed with Matchablossom. 👉👈 I’m planning to write fic for them at some point, which is the highest honour I can bestow upon an OTP djakgjsdkgkd.
I’ve also got lots of TWST dynamics, romantic and platonic, on the brain. Jamikali and Malvil my beloveds, plus ultimate besties Jamivil, etc, etc. I want to write (more) fic for these ones, but my muse has been shy so idk when it’ll happen.
And ofc ofc I’m STILL and forever into Jaylos, but after thinking about nothing but them for two years straight, I’ve been letting them cool off a bit so I can enjoy them fresh, you know?
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending? 
I wouldn’t seriously die defending any of my headcanons since I find it… off-putting when other people unironically treat theirs as Secret Canon, so to speak, but that said, hmmmm, here's some faves...
Descendants: Carlos and Mal are nonbinary. Carlos and Evie were best friends growing up (out of my way, book canon djakgjksdg). Jay has dyscalculia. Jafar murdered Jay’s mother (I wrote a short fic about that particular headcanon). Some years after getting to know him, Roger and Anita decide to surprise Carlos with one of their dalmatian puppies as the ultimate show of trust and belief that he’s not like his mother (I wrote that one into a short fic, too). Beast is cheating on Belle with Fairy Godmother and everyone knows it.
TWST: Jamil has a pet tiger (remember how we talked about this, yeah, it lives in my head rent free). Kalim is like a Disney princess with animals. He opens his window and wild birds just come and perch there and sing to him and climb all over his arms and shoulders and he has one-sided conversations with them because he’s actually really desperately lonely and always yearning for no-strings-attached connection.
Vil has a cat (you: “named PRADA” and ur so right for it), which Malleus gave him. The cat is white and fluffy and has the soul of a diva idk ajskgjsdkgd. Malleus plays piano and violin well enough to perform at a concert hall, but he never brags about it or plays for anyone outside his family and, later, Vil, so it’s a little known fact about him. Vil plays guitar (as a hobby, so he’s pretty low-key about it; he likes to relax by sitting alone in his room in comfy clothes and composing songs on the acoustic guitar he inherited from his mother when she passed, which is another headcanon I have about Vil) and flute (professionally trained for a role, but it’s not his passion).
SK8: Kaoru doesn’t use labels, but if he did, he might choose nonbinary or genderqueer. Kaoru and Kojiro are both cat people. Kojiro likes to sing while he cooks and has a really beautiful voice, but he doesn’t seem to realize it; Kaoru thinks about complimenting him on it sometimes in moments of weakness. Kojiro’s hair is naturally curly, but he straightened it for a while in high school. Kaoru and Kojiro end up adopting Miya at some point. How it happens matters less than that they do.
Magi: Ja’far is ace and Sinbad is aro. That’s the most important headcanon I have for them. 💕
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go!
FREE SPACE. NICE. I’m going to use this free space to ramble about how much I love you, Sofia. I know we’ve talked about this before and even just the other day, but I’m so happy the Descendants fandom brought us together and I’m even happier that you got me into TWST (and SK8!! You’re responsible for that too djsakgjksdg). I just love our conversations, they’re so much fun and you always vibe on my wavelength. You’re so sweet and so passionate and upbeat and funny (I’m still thinking about that “with your tears?” line DAJSKGJSDKG… I stg I’m going to incorporate that into the fic when I write it) AND JUST I think you’re really neat and I am a fan. Of you. djsakgjkdsg. 💖💖
A - Z Fandom Asks
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