dxntgetbxt · 10 years
notgonnxdie, youjustchxnge ,automatonisms & kiramillerx liked for a starter
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[ Soft and quiet, that was how it had started. Quick small movements, carrying there bodies across the ground. Remaining low to the ground, to keep there selves out of site.  A routine supply run, one that Nathaniel had always ran, with one or two of there camp every day.
On any occasion, it was always empty. With maybe three or 5 walkers. And easy maneuver. Not this time, and the sound of that moaning, constant, edged with echo had drawn feet to a stop. Back pressed flat to the building. His heartbeat thudding in his chest. You could smell death, wretched perfume of death and soured mildew.
It was then that one slight squeak of the rusted metal stair case, that had drawn the dead in there direction. There had to have been, at least 15 maybe 20 of them. It was by luck, good fucking luck that they were able to get inside the door, and that the door was unlocked. But trying to close that door.
Force of will, and strength weren't going to work. Not with hands reaching, gnarled fingers gnashing wildly at any surface they could grab. But with enough man power and Nathaniel, along with Austin and Kira. 
This wasn't the area the three of them wanted to go, but it was where they had been forced too. Constant pacing, and window checking to see the status outside. But the softest of noises drew guns from there holsters. Steady nerves, balancing the gun tight in His right hand. Eyes glancing around the corner. He knew He had seen shadows, but there wasn't that low moan that always went with the chance of walkers.
No, no, this was other, living people. And it seemed that they didn't know they weren't alone. 
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