#note to self have someone float the idea of a human rights act to nobunaga
ryuojun · 2 years
their job titles vs what they actually do
While there is no equivalent to junior warlord under the shogun, Nobuhiro fills the niche. He works mainly in an administrative role as a go-between for Nobunaga and whomever is petitioning him. He directly oversees the restoration of Chrysalia (read: asks the warlord Ruolan what she needs and puts Nobunaga’s stamp on it). Independently he invests in a few mines up in Dragnor.
Once one of several generals in Dragnor, Kazue is now the sole general of the shogun’s army. Strictly speaking, she'd be the one coordinating the warlords should another conflict arise. During times of peace her main focus is security within the region and at its borders. Her fingers are on the pulse of most military movements to ensure no one’s doing a neighborly invasion.
Osamu’s job is what it’s always been: Captain. He takes orders directly from Nobunaga and commands the squadron under them. When not on the battlefield he organizes guard rotations and the like. While Kazue is his superior, she holds a lot of respect for him and seeks his guidance before she issues her own commands. Osamu may initially object to an order, but when it comes down to it he puts enough faith in Nobunaga to not defy them.
Junkei is a bodyguard, pure and simple. During the unification wars he was in charge of training gunmen. The three rows of shooters to allow for reload time? That was him. He technically reports to Osamu but their standing with one another is one of equals.
On paper Ayumi is head of household staff. In reality she views herself as the best at whatever task she sets herself, so why not take on a few extra jobs? This mostly manifests itself as keeping track of supply movements and the treasury. Sure, other people do the books, but she’s the one compiling them. If a discrepancy is noticed she’ll resolve it before it needs to be brought to attention. At times Ayumi will take it upon herself to act as jailer and interrogator, with all that implies in a region without a human rights act.
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