#note that if the physical version added more like these I wouldnt know yet havent gotten around to play much of it
greater-shade · 2 years
Inscryption Timeline
I decided to write down a complete chronological timeline for the events of Inscryption, based on all instances of actual dates or timeframes we are given.
Most of these are taken from the in-game file names seen throughout the story, like the Luke Carder videos and the Act Select.
I thought it would be interesting to see all of them listed in their proper order to get a better feel of how these events went down.
around 1992 or later:
-The video game Inscryption is developed by Kaycee Hobbes and her co-workers under GameFuna
(Note: The ghoul named after Kaycee Hobbes found within the game is written to have died in 1992, and also speaks in a manner that seems contemporary for that general timeframe, so the game was likely developed around that year or afterwards.)
June 6th:
- Luke Carder discovers an old photograph of one of his first Aquaromans cards, and is reminded of his sister El
June 9th:
- Luke continues to document old photographs of him and El
June 10th:
- Luke finishes documenting his old photographs, ending with the last picture taken of him and El together
January 4th:
- Luke documents a photo of his reaction when his video channel hit 100 subscribers
The year during which the events of Inscryption occur:
(Note: The exact year is never specified in-game. Because of the meta story aspects, one could assume the story takes place in 2021, though Daniel Mullins has also mentioned he was more thinking of it taking place around 2010.)
September 15th:
-Luke records a Catch Monsters pack opening video and pulls Birchkin and Bandog, but chooses to scrap the footage after getting interrupted by a phone call
October 2nd:
-Luke purchases four vintage Inscryption card packs from Mrs. Hobbes at a garage sale -Luke records the Inscryption pack opening video and finds coordinates scribbled on one of the cards
October 3rd:
-Luke follows the coordinates and digs up the disk containing the Inscryption video game -Luke purchases a floppy disk drive online
October 10th:
-Luke starts playing Inscryption
October 11th:
-Luke starts his 3rd or 4th run in Act I
(Note: Leshy's dialoge if this file is loaded in the Act Select would indicate that it's the 3rd run, but a lack of the Woodcarver tutorial would indicate it's the 4th run or later.)
October 12th:
-Luke sends an e-mail to GameFuna, asking about Inscryption
October 13th:
-Luke starts Act II -Luke records a video asking his audience about Inscryption
October 14th:
-Luke receives a reply e-mail from GameFuna
October 16th:
-Luke starts Act III -Amanda shows up at Luke's front door -Luke calls Mrs. Hobbes on the phone to ask about the card packs -Luke investigates the incident surrounding Kaycee Hobbes' death as well as other things relating to Inscryption in depth
October 17th:
-Luke finishes Act III and Inscryption is deleted -Luke attempts to record a Secrets of Legendaria pack opening video but stops himself -Luke hears someone in his house as he attempts to sleep
October 19th:
- The halted upload of Inscryption resumes and is completed (Note: based on Secret Ending title)
And that’s all of them, as far as I can tell.
Obviously there are more events that occur, but these are the only ones I can safely tie to a certain date or timeframe like this.
Note that for some of the events that take place during the same day, we can’t be certain in what order they occured on that day.
In any case, I did enjoy putting this together.
Some of these really do feel different after realizing in what context they happened - like for example, Luke being unable to bring himself to finish that video, and him hearing someone in his house at night both happening on the same day where Inscryption was deleted.
It adds something to it, I feel.
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