#note from ada: peace is usually an option as long as both parties agree to at least try
orareaper · 5 years
Kayn loves violence, he will usually agree to spar on days he works out on. Speaking of violence, he will go towards it, even if peace is an option.
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Counting On Season 9 Episode 7: A Bachelor No More
John & Abbie get married. Jessa & Ben announce they are expecting their third child. If you’d like to vote in our Baby Seewald #3 poll, click here! 
Two Quick Notes: (1) There is a some miscarriage discussion in this episode. That section will be marked with [TW:Miscarriage] and [End TW: Miscarriage] so you can skip it if you prefer. (2) Because we have Lauren Duggar (nee Swanson) and Laura DeMasie both playing large roles in this episode, in order to distinguish them I have used "Lauren" for Lauren Duggar and "LDM" for Laura DeMasie.
At the guest house, John and Abbie are making their unity candle. Neither of them has made a candle before. The producer asks them to recount how they met. John says they met at First Baptist Church of Ada where his parents were speaking, and they started texting and did not stop. About a week later he asked her to court him. Abbie says she wasn’t looking for a husband but meeting John was the right thing and they was a lot of peace in it. John says from the beginning of their courtship he was planning how he was going to propose and took some time to get it right. A few days short of 6 months after meeting, they are getting married at the same church they met at. They are both excited that it is their turn.
Back to candle making, Jennifer is also there to help them make a candle. First, they smell all the different options they have for scent. The producers have all the other couples, the twins, and Jana & Laura DeMasie ["LDM"] smell the scents, including one that is anchovies scent which no one enjoys. Neither John nor Abbie has really read the directions but they are having fun. First they are making candles for their moms and then they will make the unity candle. They add a lot of color to Michelle’s candle and Abbie worries it will turn out black. It fades as it dries, and now it is time to make the unity candle. Abbie wants it white, and so John goes over to the shop next door and uses a torch to burn the color out. Abbie is a little concerned he might burn off his eyebrows, but John is never concerned and it worked out. They finish their unity candle and they are excited that the wedding is even closer.
At the main house, Jana, LDM and some of the brothers are packing up to head to Oklahoma. Jana and LDM are decorating and coordinating for the wedding. Jana says the distance is concerning and they are really trying to ensure they don’t leave anything behind in order to make this work. Jana says it looks like they are moving for like a year. One of the brothers jokes that you should just elope. The producers ask Jana if she or any of her siblings would elope, and Jana says she thinks all couples have that feeling during planning. The twins and Jason agree because they feel their future spouse would want a ceremony and the Duggars like having all their friends there.
The team arrives in Oklahoma and they begin setting up. They begin at the hangar that Abbie and John have selected for their reception. The team begins unloading the tractors into the space. Jana says the theme is “Love is in the air” from Abbie. First things is to raise up the drapery that they will have going across the ceiling. The boys try to set a ladder up on the fork lift, which worries Jana. The brothers explain it is redneck engineering. The producers ask the other Duggars to explain that, and they say it is improvising with what you have to fix a problem, like duct tape or zip ties. Jana wins on the ladder thing, and the decorating kicks off. Jana says this is the first wedding she is in charge of, and also her twins wedding, so she wants to make it special. John says he knew Jana could do it. The twins and Jason agree that they would never want her position, it would be too much for them. Jana says she is bad at delegating and she is trying to learn. The centerpiece of the room, essentially a plastic circle holding up the drapery that will span the ceiling, is completed, and the drapery starts taking shape.
[TW: Miscarriage] At Josiah & Lauren’s, they are sitting at the piano preparing to practice the song they will sing at the wedding. Lauren is worried about singing in so large a crowd, and Josiah says to pretend it is just the two of them singing together. Abbie says this song has been sung at three out of the four of her siblings’ weddings. They begin practicing together. Lauren says they have been holding up as you would expect since the miscarriage, that it has sped up their marriage and that she thinks about the little one everyday and they are getting back to their routines and hoping they will be blessed with another little one. Jessa says she cannot imagine the grief Lauren is going through, and it is just about being there for them and trying to support them. Lauren said after the miscarriage, she lost a lot of blood and couldn’t walk, so Josiah would carry her. She says she has never seen someone serve their wife so much and he has taken such good care of her and that she wishes her baby could have known that. [End TW: Miscarriage]
It is rehearsal dinner day. The family is gathering at the main house at 6am preparing to leave for Ada. Travelling for the wedding makes it more difficult than usual. Jessa says when she is back at the house she goes right back to that older sister role and starts making sure everyone has dress shoes packed. Jessa says that her parents are taking a large van and she and Ben and taking their minivan and they will be travelling together.
The wedding team arrives at the church to set up that location and it should be done by 5. The hangar was done around 1am but they are happy with it. Jana says the church is a lot easier and they should be ok. The brothers get to work setting up the arbor, which they tried to get as ready as possible for at home. There are still some snags, and Jana comes over to figure it out. There is some disagreement about the best way to proceed but eventually they all figure out the issue and the arbor goes up. LDM says she and Jana work well together and they always forgive each other when they disagree. They know that they have a long couple days ahead of them finishing up for the wedding, which LDM says will take “25% hard work, and 75% more hard work.”
Abbie and John arrive at the church for their rehearsal day, and they are excited. LDM welcomes everyone to the rehearsal and Abbie says it finally felt real once they started rehearsing. Bob Gray II will be their officiant, and he is a pastor whose church John attends when working in Texas. Abbie’s father is going to officiate the vows as a special touch. Lauren recalls her rehearsal and she was excited to get to kiss him. Joe says he was excited and ready to get married. Austin said it felt like it took an eternity to get there but once they got there it was so fast. Jessa says it is hard to wrap your mind around getting married. John and Abbie say they are ready to kiss, and that the rehearsal went great and the wedding is really happening. John is looking forward to seeing her walking down the aisle.
At the hangar, Jana’s team is back at work to set up tables and chairs and add some finishing touches. There is an issue with the lights but the team is working on setting up the tables with Lauren Caldwell. The lights turn out to be a bigger issue than expected and Jana has people set up the tables. Jana is stressed, but everyone is working toward the goal and trying to make this happen.
It is the morning of the wedding, and John and Abbie arrive at the church and they are excited it is their big day. They decided to not to have a first look, and so they will begin getting ready in their own suites. Abbie’s friend from nursing school does her makeup, and one of her sisters is doing her hair. Abbie is giddy with excitement.
The guys are at the hangar pulling together the final details with some vendors. At the ceremony, Lauren and Jana are going over flowers and Jana is putting the finishing touches together. Jana is a bit concerned about running on time, but Lauren says it will all be fine. Destiny, Abbie’s friend from nursing school, says Abbie wanted glitter for her big day as well as pink and she is obliging her. Ms. Renee shows Abbie the dress and she is delighted with the sparkle. John says Abbie is a glitter girl so he is a glitter guy. The producers ask Tyler and Jackson their opinion about glitter, and neither of them are fans because it sticks to you and it is too girly. John also says he doesn’t like that glitter sticks to you but it's ok if he gets it from being close to Abbie.
Jeremy is vacuuming, since he offered to help, and he is now worried that the vacuum left marks on the rug. Jinger says LDM will have him scrub them out next.
Joe puts the boutonniere on John, since he is the best man. Joe says their age difference felt like a lot growing up but they are a lot closer now and he is glad to be there for his brother. They are about 20 minutes late for pictures, but LDM says that is fine since she built a lot of time into the schedule.
Abbie reveals her dress to her bridesmaids and she loves all their sparkle. Abbie says she really felt like a princess in her dress and she is really excited. Jana says her dress is really fitting for her sparkly personality.
Meanwhile, in the sanctuary, the Duggar brothers are planning a prank with a drone to deliver the ring. Joe knew about the prank and was all for it- it fits John and it won’t really affect the wedding. Jason says they might not even notice the prank.
John and Abbie do picture with their wedding parties. Abbie says she had convinced herself she would never get married and John had made his bachelor til the rapture jokes but the day is finally here. John says Jer or Jed can have his “bachelor til the rapture” saying if they want it. Joe cannot believe this day is here but he is happy for John. Abbie says it is hard to believe she is finally the bride this time. Jana cannot believe it is her twin’s big day and they have become even closer through the planning and she cannot believe this day is here.
John’s photographer tells him to do a “Zoolander blue steel” and the producers ask the Duggars about it and only Jeremy knows what it is. Joe and Kendra try to make the faces and they are so freaking cute. Ben tells Jessa they have to try, but Jessa keeps laughing.
Jim Bob takes John back to the place where John and Abbie met and how fast their relationship has gone. Michelle says she loves Abbie and they will make a great couple and they will be great parents someday and they are so excited for them.
The procession begins getting in order as it is nearly go time. The parents make their way in, and the mothers light the individual candles on either side of the unity candle. The groomsmen and bridesmaids make their way in, and the little ones as well. Abbie’s dad tells her that “this isn’t rehearsal, this is the real deal” and she agrees. Her dad also says “I hope he doesn’t fall over” and Abbie says she is worried she is going to cry. The processional starts, and everyone rises, and the doors open for John, who beams.
Abbie and her dad make their way down the aisle, and John says seeing Abbie in her dress was amazing, and she took his breath away. When asked who gives the bride away, Mr. Burnett reads a little piece about how they were only given her for a season by God and now transfer to this man. They make their way to the stage. John and Abbie hold hands on the stage as the pastor talks about how much prayer had gone into that day and then Mr. Burnett takes his place to oversee the vows. He reminds them it is a covenant and then says they will make their own vows. Abbie said they wanted to make their own vows rather than just recite something more traditional. John reads his vows to Abbie, calling her a “virtuous woman, and all the things on earth pale in comparison to you.” He says he will lead her by example, and gives himself wholly to her and will keep his eyes only for her and “purposes to lead their family as they follow Jesus, to kiss you when you least expect it…just because I love you so much.” Abbie goes next, calls him a “gracious gift from God,” and “keep my heart only for you.” She includes the passage from Ruth about going where he goes, adds “and fly where you fly,” and says his people will be her people because “your God is my God.” She says she will take his name and stay by his side, and ends with “I love you, Sugar Muffin.” [full vows available here] The other couples talk about the nickname Sugar Muffin, some of them missing it in the vows. John jokes that she doesn’t even eat sugar, or muffins, unless they are gluten and sugar free. Josiah says he sometimes calls Lauren Sugar Baby just to get her attention- not really. John and Abbie says they don’t get embarrassed about it.
It is time for the rings, and the preacher says he cannot find Abbie’s. It is time for the drone prank. Abbie says she wasn’t expecting any pranks. Joe catches the ring. Ben says his reaction was a facepalm “really?” moment. Jeremy says you expect something like this at this point. Joe passes the ring over to the preacher. John says he was waiting for the prank but it worked perfectly with the theme of the wedding. The preacher jokes that he is so grateful the drone didn’t hit them, and then guides the couple through the exchange of the rings. The next step is to light the candle, which means it is time for Lauren and Josiah to sing. They then sign something on the back of the stage. The song concludes, and the preacher concludes the ceremony and pronounces them husband and wife. He then says that John may kiss his bride. John kisses both of her hands first, and then her shoulders, her forehead, her cheeks before finally kissing her mouth. John says he planned that and wanted to take it slow and wanted to live the moment. John says that half the wedding comes to see the kiss and the other half comes for the cake, so they wanted to give them their money’s worth. Abbie knew what was coming and she said she would follow his lead. The siblings say it was unforgettable, and Kendra says it was awkward to watch. Lauren just wanted him to kiss her already. Jason literally said “go get a hotel room” and Austin says Abbie is a trooper. The producers asks if they will reenact the kiss. Lauren and Josiah make a joke out of it. Ben kisses Jessa once and she tells him to stop. Jim Bob and Michelle even reenact it.
It is reception time, and we get to see Jana’s hard work pay off in the hangar. Some of the drapery was knocked down by the wind but that is ok with them. John and Abbie are announced into the ceremony and make their way to the stage. They cut the cake and nicely feed each other a bite, but then lick frosting off each other’s fingers. Then they kiss. Abbie is really grateful so many people came and John thanks the crowd. The other couples say they have a lot of good getting to know each other better and firsts to go.
John and Abbie make their way to the plane, and Jana gives them both one big hug before they get into the plane to take off. John is looking forward to all the wonderful everyday things of marriage. John lifts Abbie into the plane and does a quick walk around of the plan before flying them away. John says they are looking forward to settling into their little house and being together.
At the end of the episode, a few days after the wedding, Jessa and Ben are spending time with Jinger and Jeremy. A friend had some little girl hand-me-downs to pass on, and the Seewalds added a little card which said “there is a 50% chance we might be asking for these back next summer.” After a minute, the Vuolos realize they are having a baby and they are surprised but excited for them. Jessa says she is 10 weeks which is earlier than she has previously announced but she wanted to tell them while they were in town. The family talks about all the announcements from this year: Josiah & Lauren’s wedding, John & Abbie’s wedding, and the births of Gideon, Garrett and Felicity. The producers say what if there was another announcement and the family says its about the time of year for another baby. The family is excited for them. Kendra cries because she is so excited for them. The family gathers to celebrate their special announcement. Spurgeon says they are going to eat pizza at Granny’s house. They are nervous about having three babies around and they have a lot to work on. Ben is excited to see Spurgeon, a little older, see the new baby since Henry probably still won’t get it. Kendra says she also has a baby itch and would be thrilled for #2. The twins say there could be three babies and three marriages at the same time. Joe and Kendra says they are planning a house, still doing car work and they be open to more kids in God’s timing. Kendra says they’re letting Garrett grow up a little bit. Josiah & Lauren are hoping to grow their family. Jinger and Jeremy are looking forward to watching Felicity grow this year. Joy says Gideon is starting to move around and walk a little and she hopes they will have #2 soon. Ben says they are in the groove so might as well throw another one in the mix.
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