mzindependent87 · 4 years
(I feel like)...take 2
im pissed...just poured my heart out....for it to delete...if only shitty thoughts deleted that simple from my brain. a simple swipe would clear thoughts....imagine? if you had the chance to clear bad thoughts from your head... would you? just your head though....dont gt greedy
I feel like its day one all over again;I hope i bounce back to feeling like day 10 or 25....quick...; And i dont think its Just because the Ex showed up after a whole month of no contact...its also because the guy i have a little crush never sent a “Hey” today
Its a little weird how my head works...I feel like When The Ex shows up...the crush stays away. they know nothing about each other... but its true...i dropped the ex and the crush and i Made time to see each other...finally. i wish I could of hung with him when he invited me for a walk on Saturday.... ugh. maybe Next Week. 
But why do girls look past the guys that throw themselves at them....i legit had a guy offer me his home today. he told me if i would stay there a few days...it would be a dream... he admitted to liking me A LOT...pero no...here i am crushing on someone who i barely know....and im feeling all kinds of twisted cu of the ex’s decision to show. I know ill get past the ex again...its just that i feel like im day one again... and this is why seeing him was not in my plans, why blocking him was what i was doing.... i legit have a folder in my phone full of the screenshot collection i have to remind me why thats done and why it would take some serious work for him to ever be who he once was. 
I dont have Boy problems.... I just feel like i have multiple people in my head....each one wants a guy of their own.... at night i sit all the versions of me and come back to reality.... 
Celly ur happy being single and u dont need ANYONE to make u feel high but yourself. We call this a moment...so have it, feel it, cry, do what you gotta do... you really did love him...but now its just whats left... nd its not what it was and it will never be. he will find someone better for him and i promise you will too . if not in this lifetime perhaps in ur next life... but u cant get down about him again....u cant.... u cant be bella when edward left....not again... hes bella...u left....and u had reason to.....the new guy would be a fool to not see who you are.... but him being new...u know nothing..... there’s so many more people and ur limiting urself....stop... see the world and see what the world will throw at you.... u deserve more...u know ur worth...stop shrinking urself ...grow...grow so big it makes the right person come on and tell you....ur everything... but until then.... its ok...have ur fucking moment.... the wound is open again.... its up tp you how long it takes to heal....
do the work...quierete.....
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