oh-september-girl · 6 years
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I’m curious to know if there has been studies done on the benefits of being extra concerned about germs (germaphobe) vs general cleaning (hand washing, clean up but not being too worried about how dirty a counter is in a communal kitchen). I grew up on the 3 second rule, picking off dirt from the butter on the toast if it fell face down before eating it and saying a quick prayer if something was questionable (past the expiration date, but smelled, looked and tasted ok). I feel that it’s because of this that I have such a strong stomach and that I don’t get sick very often. I also think that this whole “kills 99.9% of germs” campaign is actually bad. There is such a thing as good germs, plus that .01% that doesn’t die becomes resistant to any cleaning agent or medication, then mutates and grows a whole new kind of germ that we can’t fight against. If anyone knows of a study on this subject, let me know. . #germs #rubsomedirtinit #blessthefood #3secondrule #itllbefine #notafraidofgerms #germaphobe #Scientificstudy #clover #brickwall #strong #resilience #growwhereyoureplanted #shamrock
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