#not to say the butches who do all fit those expectations are somehow stereotypical or bad or something i admire them greatly
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i have to come up with three pitches for a publication for my artist book class and one of them i came up with like i was originally thinking a general broad kinda girls love fun mag thing but bc of rambling and thoughts i had yesterday i thought it might be fun to make a butch centric one but specifically for what i would deem as not the expected image of butch. very much for those of us who aren't so macho and masculine and tough. who lean a little softer. a little more effeminate. who get questioned on the validity of our butchness. more boyish. im not quite sure how to describe it but kind of in that realm. i guess perhaps in general an exploration of maybe in general venturing into just a more unexpected style of. bc you know even those who do appear that way can still have a behavior unexpected with such a look. i guess perhaps, overall, a more tender exploration of butch. so many people see quotes about how butches are quite tender people when you know them but i dont think they always know what that means or how it presents. very much a how i view myself as i often feel not up to par with butch expectations in a variety of ways, whether it be presentation or sexual preferences or interests or perception of self.
#very silly but im thinking of at least in ideating form maybe calling it honey. with a tagline like for the sweet and tender butches.#i know perhaps im revealing my own uninformed views as well here and presumptions. i know a lot of things i just described are not so#emphasized in current time but at the same time it's weird. not as prevalent but still more than you'd expect. still so many expectations#requested of you in every area of your life that some of us are just not going to fit into!#not to say the butches who do all fit those expectations are somehow stereotypical or bad or something i admire them greatly#< i dont think anyone was thinking that but i got scared in my mind.#but ah. i often feel part of those butches who just arent quite up to par with what people want.#im very boyish. im rather effeminate in ways that borderline girly. im shy. im no dom top nor want to be. i often need my hand held#im not very tough at all though i like to play pretend aesthetically. im far more a follower than leader.#though i also know of butches who look like they fit the bill then dont have personalities people expect of them or want them to have.#while ppl that dont fit their vision and look of butch have those personality traits they desire but get no chance due to that look#i dont know. blah im all over the place but the point is i got to thinking about it yesterday#i am someone who i would find it fair if someone tried to question my butchness and go how could you be one when xyz? i wouldnt blame them.#but it doesnt mean im not one. i am. im just a little different in how others may expect.#static.soundz
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I would like to ask you all of the pride questions from that one post.
Dammit Steve XD
Gender and pronouns? Female and she/her are fine, as far as i know i’m cis. i don’t care if you call me dude, though. Dude can be anyone.
Romantic orientation? i use demi-whatromantic, with demiromantic as the microlabel. Most people know whatromantic as quoiromantic or quoi. i think what/quoi is typically known as a microlabel, but i relate to that more and feel it describes me more compared to demi which is why i focus more on that aspect.
Sexual orientation? In lamest terms? Asexual. In my terms? Stereotypical ace. In specific terms? S-x repulsed asexual.
Past labels you’ve used? i didn’t use anything before discovering asexuality because naive and oblivious, as far as i know. Before demi-whatromantic i briefly used demiromantic as a placeholder even though that didn’t totally feel right on its own.
How long have you been using your current labels? Asexual since late October 2017 and officially, or i guess out, since February 2018. Demi-whatromantic i think has been for maybe 6ish months now?
What made you pick your name? i had no say in my name lol. I haven’t changed it at all
What names have you gone by previously? Unless nicknames count for anything, just my regular boring name.
What names have you considered using? i’ve only ever considered using other names for me as a Pokemon trainer in the games which is obviously not the same. But, for the record, every time i start a game using the male trainer i’d use the name Larry.
Do you like your flag(s)? i don’t focus on the demiromantic flag as much, only because i feel less of the connection to compared to ace and what. The asexual flag has definitely given me a new appreciation for purple, but as a former art student i’ve been taught that black is typically the absence or color and white encompasses all the colors. so i do wish the ace flag had more colors just so i can stop referring to purple as the “only” color. i definitely appreciate and like the look of the whatromantic flag, but i don’t think as many people are aware of what it looks like or that it even exists. i especially love the shade of blue used in it.
Favorite flag(s) visually? Gonna be unoriginal and say the gay pride flag just because i love rainbows.
Favorite colors? Blue has always been a favorite of mine, and i used to gravitate mostly towards lighter shades of purple but now i just include purple in general.
Favorite animals? Puppies, kitties, bunnies, hamsters, monkeys, ponies.... Actually, probably best just to say adorable fluffy animals.
Favorite things about being LGBT+? i like having an explanation for being me. i don’t look my age to begin with and i definitely don’t act like it. So people assuming there’s something wrong with me mentally because of it, or wanting to avoid me in general.... i know people have their feelings about stereotypes and a lot of times it is negative, but for me knowing that a stereotypical ace basically describes who i am, it feels reassuring. And i like knowing that i don’t have to act or think or do completely of what’s expected of me because in a heteronormative world, being LGBT+ completely flips that around. Even if to me, it doesn’t always feel like i have a place because i don’t know many queer people and i don’t get involved in things in general, somewhere in my mind i know that there’s a place for me.
Are you dysphoric? Not that i know of.
Are you religious? Nope. i don’t fast, i don’t keep kosher, i don’t go to temple, i never went to Hebrew school.... But it doesn’t make me any less connected to my religion and, as selfish as it sounds, i still wanna make a point of it and remind people, hey us Jews exist, too!
Are you questioning your identity? Some parts of it i do question sometimes, mostly in terms of aesthetic attraction. But i fluctuate with including that attraction in my identity. And i do question how much, if at all it does or could play a part in my romantic attraction.
Are you in a relationship? Haha, funny. Nope.
Are you out of the closet IRL? For the most part, yes. It’s primarily in terms of saying i’m asexual or just queer, but part of that depends who i’m talking to, if or when it comes up in conversation, and how comfortable i feel talking to people about it.
Is your family supportive? i honestly don’t know if my extended family knows, even though i do post pride related things on my Instagram which some of them do follow and i have posted about it there. But, as annoyed as my mom can get with my ace jokes or comments sometimes, she accepts me for who i am and supports me, and has, probably before even knowing the term asexual existed, had an assumption a typical relationship happening for me was slim. And i know without a doubt that if my dad was still around he would definitely be supportive of me and not cared what i identified as, what i looked like, who i liked or didn’t like, or anything like that.
Favorite LGBT+ celebrity or historical figure? Neil Patrick Harris is definitely one of them, and i think another favorite is probably Demi Lovato.
Favorite LGBT+ couple IRL? Neil Patrick Harris and David Burtka. i love NPH and the family that he and David have are just the most precious things ever! Plus the way they go all out for Halloween every year? HELL. YES.
Favorite LGBT+ canon character? First one that comes to mind is Asami from Legend of Korra. Because Asami. Another one is Cyrus Goodman from Andi Mack. i loved watching his journey on the show and also knowing that there are kids who were watching Disney Channel that could not only relate to and look up to him as a queer character but also as a queer Jewish character. Plus he was just the most precious character and i just wanted to hug him!
Favorite LGBT+ canon fictional couple? Korra and Asami from Legend of Korra; Stef and Lena from The Fosters; Kat and Adena from The Bold Type.
Some characters you headcanon as LGBT+? Elsa and Honeymaren from Frozen 2. Don’t get me started, i will NEVER shut up. I’m going down with that ship.
Some LGBT+ pairings you ship? i know i already said Kat and Adena from the Bold Type. As of the current season they are - spoiler - not together and have not been done the justice to them as characters or their relationship. I continue to ship them, i love the chemistry the actors always have between them and how believable it is for their characters, and i’m just anxiously waiting for the day when they can hopefully FINALLY get back together.
Any celebrity crushes? If by crushes you mean celebrities i admire, look up to, think are cute, and would probably watch almost any show or movie if they were in it? Zendaya. The same has also applied to Corbin Bleu.
Any fictional crushes? As long as the same rule applies to the previous question and also includes being obsessed yet completely in control of that obsession and that character is also a muse for creativity? Elsa.
A trope you dislike about your identity? Probably that it’s a phase or i just haven’t met the right person yet. It took me probably too long to know let alone even understand why i didn’t think so much of romance or relationships and why i was never looking for or really wanting an actual relationship. For the most part, that’s been my whole life so to say my whole life is just some kind of phase or imply that i’m living it wrong? Just. No.
A trope about your identity that applies to you? Maybe this falls more under the stereotypical asexual label, but that aces can be very childlike. i’ve always been a kid at heart, i never really acted like my age, and yeah i can be really naive or clueless about a lot of things.
Something you wish people understood about your identity? Probably just that people understood it’s an actual identity. It’s not a choice, it’s not a phase. It’s not a label someone created just to be able to fit in somewhere or for sh-ts and giggles. It’s an actual, legitimate, real identity.
Something you dislike about being LGBT+? I feel like i can’t fully comment on it because sometimes i don’t fully feel LGBT+. Not having more than a couple of friends who identify as queer, not actively getting involved in the community or really wanting to be around people in general...i can only say what i dislike based on what i’ve seen online. And what i don’t like is that the LGBT+ community is supposed to be that - a community. It’s supposed to be a place where we can all relate to each other somehow, support each other and rely on each other. It’s supposed to be a place where, regardless of what label or how many labels we use, if we’re not straight it’s our place. We belong. But people still find a way to want to kick people out or treat people badly just because they don’t understand or agree on the label. Or maybe they don’t like or understand why someone chose a certain label or doesn’t have one at all or just uses queer. People still find a way to exclude and ignore and that’s not fair at all.
If you’re not cis, do you want HRT and/or surgery?
If you’re not straight, who was your first same-gender crush? Are we still going by either of my crush definitions from earlier....?
Do you align with any gay subcategories? (Butch/femme, bear/twink, etc.) Not that i know of. I don’t think i even know a lot, or maybe any of the subcategories at all besides those mentioned.
Do you have any LGBT+ idols? Elton John is the one that comes to mind. Knowing the life he had, the addictions he struggled with and ultimately overcame, becoming an activist and philanthropist especially for HIV/AIDS, growing up on his music... He dealt with a lot and has gone through so much but he’s come out so much stronger and has not only had a successful career but has also tried to do his part to help others for a cause that he believes in.
Do you own pride merch? Would you like to? A pride hat, 2 pride scarves, a few pride pins, an asexual lanyard.... i would definitely like to have a t-shirt with an ace pun at it at some point, though.
Do you have a type in partners? Probably water. Or were you talking about actual human partners and not Pokemon partners in the games?
Do you have a type in friends? i actually don’t think i chose any of my friends. As far as i can think of, all of the friends i do have came into my life kind of by accident or by chance and they’re the ones who have stuck around. i do think most of my friends though have senses of humors and are loyal, although the closest ones are definitely WAY more levelheaded than i am! XD
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Beautiful Monster (Part 3)
so this is the last installation that will be posted on tumblr! the complete fic will be posted on ao3 later tonight has now been posted on ao3!
also this was supposed to be my New Year’s Day gift to you guys but i just didn’t have a chance to review it like i wanted to in time so it’s just gonna have to be a (way) belated New Year’s gift lol but on the bright side inspiration did happen to strike for the threequel fic during the interim of me finalizing the edits for this fic so it all worked out in the end and you’ll actually be getting a double feature/double belated New Year’s present cause the latest chapter for that will be up soon too (most likely by tomorrow)!
Summary: Zayn is a homeless vampire who, unbeknownst to Liam, has been routinely breaking into Liam’s van for a warm place to sleep. When Liam catches him in the act things end up going in a direction no one expected. And then shit gets weirder. Because Liam might also be hiding some secrets of his own…
Part 1 here
It’s a Thursday afternoon when Niall pops by out of the blue.
The doorbell rings and Zayn goes to answer it cause Liam’s in the middle of feeding the dogs their dinner. He figures it’s probably just someone trying to sell something anyway and he’d rather just let Zayn be the one to tell them to bugger off, but he snaps up when he hears a familiar voice on the other side, that familiar Irish brogue that he’d recognize anywhere.
“Um���hello. You’re not Liam. Liam does still live here, yeah?”
Zayn nods politely. “He does. Who’s asking?”
“His mate, Niall. And you are?”
Zayn perks up at this news, seemingly excited to be meeting a friend of Liam’s, sticks out a hand and smiles brightly. “Zayn, Liam’s live-in booty call.”
Liam blanches, rushing over to the door stiffly.
“Um, Niall, hey,” he says, ushering Niall inside quickly, hoping the previous topic of conversation goes forgotten. “I didn’t know you were in town, when’d you get in?”
“Just a couple hours ago. Only here for the weekend really, but I came straight here cause I had to see my Payno of course. How’ve you been, mate? Pretty well I’m assuming,” he says with a grin, dropping his bags just inside the door and turning back to size Zayn up appreciatively.
“Uh, yeah, you know, same old, same old mostly. Work’s been good and the dogs are okay, can’t complain. Zayn is—” he stops, not quite sure how exactly to describe what Zayn is and opting instead to just skirt around it. “Zayn’s been a great help. He’s just, um, he’s staying here temporarily until he can get back on his feet.”
“Oh…okay.” Niall nods but he still looks a little confused, though he doesn’t inquire any further, maybe sensing somehow that it’s not something Liam’s really eager to talk about right now in front of present company.
Zayn smiles at Niall politely, offering to take his coat and Niall shrugs out of it obediently, kicking off his shoes in the process.
Niall follows Liam into the kitchen as Zayn goes to put up his coat and bag and when they’re a safe distance away Niall leans into him and says, “So, what exactly is going on here? Is this, like, a roommate situation? You short on cash or something and renting out your couch? Or are you two dating and you decided to jump the gun and let him move in early or…? Cause, I mean, I know I miss a lot sometimes when I’m gone especially when I have no cell service but when I last FaceTime’d you a couple months ago you said you still weren’t seeing anyone and now you’ve apparently got a live-in boyfriend? What’s the story there?”
Liam shrugs, avoiding Niall’s eyes. “None of the above but also sort of…all of the above?” Liam sighs, scrubbing a hand over his face. “It’s complicated, okay? But he’s not my boyfriend. We’re just…”
“Sleeping together while you let him stay in your house till he gets back on his feet?”
Liam looks at him miserably but Niall raises his hands in defense. “Hey, I’m not judging. If it works, it works. As long as you’re happy, you know? That’s all that matters to me. And I mean, he’s well fit so, y’know, good job there.” He smirks. And then a thought seems to occur him and leans in a bit closer, lowers his voice even more, serious now. “Does he know about your…you know?” he asks.
“No,” Liam says emphatically. “And I plan to keep it that way.��
Niall nods solemnly in understanding, dropping the subject and Liam’s grateful.
Niall’s the only “normal” mate he’s got who knows about his secret and has still stuck around. But he travels a lot, always backpacking through Europe or spelunking in Asia or hitchhiking across the Americas (yes, Americas as in plural, as in hitchhiking his way from Canada all the way down to Argentina) so Liam usually only really sees him about twice out of the year most years—for the holidays and whenever else he happens to be in town and decide to pop by Liam’s out of the blue like he’s just done. They’ve been friends pretty much since they wound up roomed together at uni, where Niall, the only actual geography major Liam had ever met, would stay up late talking Liam’s ear off about all the places he wanted to travel to (not that Liam minded cause Niall’s a great storyteller and Liam actually learned a lot from him over those years about all sorts of different places). When Niall discovered travel blogging and found out there was a way he could actually get paid to travel he jumped at the opportunity and has been pretty much steadily country-hopping ever since they graduated. They talk on the phone as often as they can when Niall’s got service or access to decent working wi-fi and Liam’s got a whole drawer full of postcards Niall’s sent him over the years. But even though they don’t see each other as often as Liam would like Niall’s still one of his best mates and apparently still knows him too well.
He stays for dinner and after a bit the slight awkwardness hanging in the air seems to dissipate and the three of them are eating and talking like they’ve all known each other for years instead of just him and Niall. Niall regales them with stories of his latest travels; an incident with goats stealing and apparently trying to eat his luggage in Papua New Guinea, the triumphs of winning over and befriending the meanest donkey in all of Greece, how he was unofficially adopted by one of the elders in a bamboo-weaving village called Ngũ Xã and now has a Vietnamese grandmother.
Liam laughs so much his cheeks are sore by the end of the night, as are his abs, but such is the usual with Niall. As is also the usual with Niall though is the inevitable goodbye and Liam’s already dreading it before it comes but he’s still glad to have had this surprise visit at all even if it was a bit awkward at first. As he hugs Liam goodbye Niall promises he’ll be coming home more often from here on out though and that’s enough to warm Liam’s spirits for now despite his too-sudden departure as Niall sees himself out with a wave and bright grin, rucksack slung over his shoulder. And then Liam is alone with Zayn again. Alone with his own uncertainties and feelings and his messy thoughts.
“So what do you guys actually do at these conferences?” Zayn asks in the van on their way back from another highway roadkill stock-up just before Liam’s due to leave again. “Do you just, like, sit around eating barbeque, crushing beer cans against your heads, arm wrestling and organizing pissing contests whilst talking about construction stuff?”
Liam snorts, flashing an amused grin at Zayn. “Is that what you imagine we do? Like a giant frat party or something?”
“Well, yeah, I mean, it certainly sounds kinda like one. I mean you meet every month at some super secret location that—considering you have such shoddy service the whole weekend has gotta be, like, way out in the wilderness somewhere—just to eat a bunch of meat and drink beer with a bunch of other guys for three days. Sounds a hell of a lot like something a bunch of frat boys would do to me.”
“Bit unfair of you to assume that everyone who’d go to a construction conference is a guy, and a butch one at that,” Liam says deftly trying to change the subject.
“Touché. In retrospect, I guess that was an unfairly stereotypical judgment to make,” Zayn concedes with a nod. “But seriously though, what do you guys actually do besides grilling meat cause I’m having a hard time imaging what riveting events you could possibly get up to at a construction conference that would make everyone wanna come back as frequently as every month. D’you lot, like, exchange insider secrets on the performance of the construction trade in the stock market? Make elaborate bets on who’s gonna sell the most piping this year? Build a giant secret fortress in the woods? I mean, like, what is it?”
“Christ, look, it’s just a gathering of a bunch of like-minded people where we can just get together and blow off a bit of steam for a few days, okay?” he snaps, tone a bit too terse, a bit too defensive, although it’s not entirely a lie. Not really. But anyway he hadn’t even meant to snap, it’s just Zayn’s asking too many questions and it’s both not the time nor is Liam in the right mood or headspace to deal with being given the third-degree right now, even if it is half-jokingly. He’s wound up and on edge and he just really, really wants to get on the road already and be far away from here and away from Zayn and all his questions. “It’s not that big a deal, alright, so can we just drop it?”
Zayn raises his hands in defense. “Okay, okay, sorry. I didn’t mean to pry. I know you tend to get kinda testy and stressed out before these things, I didn’t mean to upset you, I shouldn’t have pushed.” Zayn’s quiet for a little while before he says softly, tentatively, like he’s afraid of setting Liam off again, “But maybe—I mean, I don’t know if you’re allowed to bring, like, a plus one to these things, but maybe…if you are…maybe one time I could come along with you—I mean, only if you want of course—but it’d just be nice to meet some of your mates, you know? I mean it’s been three months and I haven’t met any of them yet except for Niall, although, like, if you don’t want me to that’s cool too, I totally understand, but I just thought it’d be nice to, like, hang out, you know, like outside of the house.”
Fuck. There Liam goes again not thinking about anyone but himself. He hadn’t even considered that Zayn might feel like Liam’s hiding him. Like he’s a secret to be ashamed of. He wishes he could tell Zayn that that’s not why he hasn’t met any of Liam’s friends. That it has nothing to do with Zayn himself or their current living arrangements or Liam being ashamed of him and wanting to hide him away or keep him a secret.
But he can’t tell Zayn any of that without inviting more questions that he won’t be able to answer so instead he just mutters a noncommittal, “Maybe,” and leaves it at that, knowing full well it’s an empty half-promise because Zayn knowing anything about what actually goes on at these weekend gatherings would be a monumentally bad, bad idea.
Predictably he finds out anyway.
“What the he—Liam?” There’s a gentle touch at his shoulder. “Liam…Liam?”
Liam blinks gritty eyes open to bright sunlight streaming down on him, Zayn’s blurry face slowly coming into focus above him, sunlight bracketing his head like a halo. There’s a soreness that penetrates every muscle in his body, every fiber of his being, sunk down into his bones, his very cells, pumps through his blood like a visceral thing, but none of that’s new. This isn’t where he’s supposed to be though. The previous day is a blur and as usual he’s groggy as all hell but he’s aware enough to know immediately that this is not where he usually wakes up. Not where he’s supposed to be waking up. The grass, the trees, they’re too familiar. As is the face still currently looming above him.
“Zayn?” Liam croaks hoarsely in confusion, trying to sit up, to re-acclimate himself to this body.
“Are—are you…okay?” Zayn says, eyes full of concern as he looks Liam over.
“Course,” Liam says automatically without thinking. That gets him an even more concerned look from Zayn and Liam sits up properly, trying ineffectively to clear his throat of the raspiness that he already knows won’t fade for at least another couple of hours as he rubs at his eyes and takes in deep breaths of the crisp winter air to wake himself up fully. It’s not until he’s more alert and full awareness of the situation catches up to him that he realizes just how fucked he is—how this must all look to Zayn—and finds himself scrambling for some sort of halfway believable explanation but coming up completely blank.
He’s naked, covered in dirt and possibly a bit of blood, being woken up in his own backyard miles from the “conference” Zayn believed him to be at and smelling like absolute filth. And his first response had been to act like everything was totally fine and this was all completely normal—which it is for the most part, for him, with the exception of waking up in his own backyard. Zayn though is looking at him like he has two heads and Liam shakes his head quickly, trying to backtrack.
“I mean…um…” Liam falters, grasping at straws for to how to explain any of this without revealing everything he’s tried to keep so carefully hidden. “…Would you believe me if I said I was kidnapped and I have no idea how I got here?” he tries.
Zayn just blinks at him.
“So…your not-butch, not-all-male, not-douchy mates from the construction conference...that you just told me wasn’t at all like a frat…kidnapped you, stripped you, and left you naked and covered in dirt and blood in your own backyard…all as part of some sort of elaborate hazing ritual?” Zayn repeats slowly, squinting at Liam dubiously.
Liam nods, fidgeting in his seat at the counter in a lame attempt to avoid Zayn’s eyes. He’s showered and fully clothed now and nursing a mug of tea Zayn made for him to “warm him up” after being left naked in the freezing cold for so long. He doesn’t bother telling Zayn that he doesn’t really need it. The cold doesn’t much bother him in his other body, and even once he turns back it takes a little while for normal human sensitivity to really set back in anyway.
“So, then, are they gonna bring back your van too? And your clothes and all your other stuff that got left there?”
Liam looks up at him, startled two-fold. One, because he hadn’t expected Zayn to actually believe him, though he supposes he still might not but it could just be that he doesn’t wanna pry and is just willing to go along with it because he thinks it’s what Liam wants. And two, because he hadn’t thought of any of that himself and is now wondering how the hell he’s gonna reach the others to let them know what happened (and see if they can bring back his stuff for him) without his phone.
“You know, on second thought, I don’t think I wanna meet your friends after all if they’re the kind of arseholes that would pull some shit like this and just dip. Leave you with your dick swinging in the wind. Literally…” Zayn says, plopping into the seat next to him at the counter and shaking his head.
To be continued...
[Read the full rest of the full fic now on ao3]
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PSA: This is not a definitive guide nor am i an expert on anything, this is a post made by a young adult on the internet and is opinions and thoughts- before you read please understand that.
I think if you are struggling to understand he/him lesbians use of their own pronouns there are three helpful things to remember- they may not all be entirely to do with lesbianism as a whole, but i believe they explain some things that may assist in coming to a better understanding of pronoun use you may be unfamiliar with.
First is that butch lesbians exist and are not just an aesthetic style choice, butch lesbians identity is complex and while it occasionally feels as if it's understanding has been simplified by peoples misunderstanding nowadays (butch is more than how you dress, my friends.) i'd really recommend doing some reading on lesbian history if you can access it, to understand lesbians who's connection to their identity is different than what is considered traditional womanhood.
Understanding on a deeper level what being butch can mean will make it easier for you to understand lesbians who do and identify in ways you may be thinking of as stereotypically or traditionally "for men".
Which is in air quotes because, and i cannot stress this enough neither he/him lesbians nor butches are men.
Secondly. Non-binary is not so much a third gender that's assigned pronouns is they, every non-binary individuals understanding and connection and expression to and of their gender is different and that makes it present more as a....spectrum or collection of individuals.
Thinking of it as M, F, and X is a very base level entry point and only helpful up to a point imo.
There are non-binary people who use she, he and many other pronouns, and that does not make them not non-binary.
Many, such as myself, may also use non-binary as a more...blanket term for their gender when others either do not fit right or feel too (or not enough) complicated.
I am not a separate X but rather somewhat adjacent and fluidly changing through percentages of She and an undetermined They, as my connection to womanhood is present alongside and with my identity as a non-binary individual outside of that.
It may fluctuate in how strong i feel and explaining it to a cis person in a full and complex manner would be......frustrating, so i choose the entry level, more basic explanation and label of non-binary, rather than going into depth with how my relation to gender changes and ripples in between two points (but never fully reaches either).
My experience is not every non-binary lesbians experience, but already you see that people are not as easily categorised into what basic level explanation we are given- it is fairly vital to understand that people cannot be cookie cut into three categories.
This does not invalidate binary genders either, while gender may be fluid for some, it is not for others- the existence of those like me who are in flux does not not invalidate trans people who's gender is solid, and it does not give an excuse to treat them as fluid either.
Which brings us onto the next point.
Gender, much like sexuality may be fluid for some and not for others- you can have both exist at an individual level but you cannot impose one over everyone.
The possible fluidity and non-traditional use of gender expression and pronouns by a non-binary person or he/him lesbian does not, and should not invalidate or be imposed on a binary trans person who does not identify that way- especially as using the excuse of gender being fluid or non-existent is invalidating their truth and experiences, on an individual level.
This also works vice versa, it is important to understand that while we have group terms and connections and groups, gender is still very much an individual understanding and experience- even people who use and share the same label will feel different and have different experiences!
The existence of one does not invalidate the other due to the complex and personal nature of identity.
If people are using fluid gender identity to be transphobic or invalidating towards binary trans people, it is not because the concept of fluidity at an individual scale is transphobic.
It is because that person is transphobic, be it deliberately or in a misguided sense.
People using pronouns in a non-traditional and non-binary sense is not transphobic, nor the root of it- if we were to somehow delete all he/him or they/them lesbians or anyone who uses pronouns outside of what we impose of expect of them, people would still be transphobic.
It is important to understand once more that everything is on an individual level, if a lesbian uses he/him pronouns that is not a statement nor attack on someone else's identity- it is also not an excuse to use pronouns a binary trans person is not comfortable with or does not identity with!
Again, gender is fluid on an individual level and not a blanket sense!
To make this easier to understand we can take my sexuality as an approximate example of the individual vs whole at work.
There are people who identify as pan or bi, or many other sexualities, for whom their attraction is fluid, they may like people of any gender equally and see no choice between them, they may fluctuate between liking one more than another.
I, as a lesbian, am not fluid in that. I am, for want of a better phrase, as sturdy and unchanging as concrete.
There are no days when i am attracted to men, and never will be.
But my identity and theirs exist unchallenged together, because the fluidity (or lack of) is individual.
If someone was to use their existence to invalidate the structure i have as a lesbian, that would be wrong, but their mere individual existence is not.
Truth is subjective between individuals, but this does not make each truth less right, or valid.
Pronouns will be very gendered to one person and less so to another, they will mean one thing to one and another to another. This is the nature of all things and does not invalidate either, or make one more true.
I realise i have rambled terribly bu i have tried to address three points i have seen brought up about and around the discussion of he/him lesbians.
In summary, lesbians have history and a connection to their identity and gender that is complex and very different than what you may expect, non-binary individuals do not all only use they/them and some may not at all as it is more than just a third gender that only uses those pronouns, and gender and pronoun use is quite a personal and individual thing and fluid and more structured connections can exist at the same time without invalidating each other.
If i may also clarify that i am not presuming that every he/him lesbian is butch, or non-binary or anything at all- again, everything is individual.
This whole post has merely been several points that could potentially factor into an understanding of he/him lesbians, based on arguments against them and confusion about them i have seen.
I would also like to say i am not a he/him lesbian and such i cannot answer or help further than this, this is me speaking as a non-binary lesbian who uses They/She pronouns for whom some of the arguments against he/him lesbians also apply to. I hope i have not spoken out of turn and i hope i have said at least something useful, but in the end my only concrete point is this:
Peoples identity is individual and not yours to understand. The internet age gives rise to a culture of feeling entitled to explanation and the right to explanations of and from others- Something i have yet to put blankly is my final closing point, which if none of what i've written has helped you understand then this may be the most important.
Nobodies gender or identity is your business and is not required to be explained to you, nor that you understand it. It is complex, it is individual and it is not your business nor right to have access to validate or invalidate it.
Have a lovely day, and if you feel the need to add a negative or hateful comment or reply here, know that i'm not going to pay attention.
Also it shouldn't have to be said but this post is not for transphobes, terfs, truscum or the like and if anything i've said made you believe it was- it wasn't.
Also also if you feel the need to refute any of these points with your own identity and how it does not abide by these rules....please remember the point about it being an individual thing. That was very crucial to this post. Please read it in it's entirety before making an opinion, or simply ignore it if you won't. Thank you, may your day be warm and safe. Take care.
#oh look im having thoughts above my station again#im going to smack my little grubby fingers away from keyboard next time
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