#not to mention the other guy. who. claimed a hole was out of spec because IT WAS HOTTER IN INDIA WHEN THEY PUNCHED THE HOLE
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anonymusbosch · 5 months ago
oh goodness. The one self-proclaimed 6sigma black belt I've met had the most frustrating understanding of statistics I've seen. Thought 30 samples was the minimum for any kind of significance, wouldn't hear about anything with fewer and wouldn't want to sample 30. When I told him I'd used a specific test for significance on nonconforming parts he was confused by the idea that I had calculated the result by calculating the means and standard deviations and kept asking me for a screenshot of the software. Brought in the most wildly nonconforming parts. And I will not get over my disbelief when I raised that a bunch of supplier data were clearly fabricated (wow you got the same variation in dimension on two completely different dimensions, in the same order for all 90 measurements on each part, and you did this one EIGHT DIFFERENT DIMENSIONS???) and couldn't get him to believe it until I presented it in front of a dozen other engineers whose jaws dropped at the audacity
i think about him often. every time I measure a part, probably, or think about statistics. someday I will let go of all this but it hasn't happened yet
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bunnymcbunnister · 5 years ago
SPN Season 15 Spoiler Sheet, update 9/30
Some nuggets today! Some casting news, a con tidbit, some tweets from set, and an ep. 2 description. Enjoy!
General Info (oldest to newest)
There is likely to be 20 episodes
They are filming the 4th episode 1st, which Jensen is directing
Returning this year are: Rowena, Ketch, Eileen,Amara, Adam, and Kevin
Jared and Jensen know the ending. Jensen struggled with it at first. Misha does not know the ending as of SDCC
Matt Cohen and Richard Speight Jr. will direct
Sam, Dean, and Cas will struggle with the concept of free will and if they ever really had it
The focus will be more on Hell than Heaven
There is hope to wrap up some Wayward Daughters storylines in the back half of the season
They are adding a whole extra day to filming to do the final scene (Implies logistics- lots of returning people?)
Brad Bucker used the word “romance” when asked about Sam and Dean’s arcs. Did not specify who.
Chuck will be more of an absent protagonist in the 1st half of the season (but he in in ep 4)
At the beginning of the season Dean and Cas will still have a rift. They will reconcile “at some point”. Jensen claims as of script 4 they still have friction. This has been repeated several times, from Misha as well. He indicated Dean is still mad at Cas, but Cas doesn’t feel to blame for Mary’s death.
In an interview, Kripe indicated that the series ending would have “peace” for Sam and Dean
Not much new at the TCA’s, but it was said it is “unlikely” Jeffery Dean Morgan will be back since his last appearance was such a good end note. There were some jokes about a Castiel spin off. Hell, I’d watch.
There will be a special tribute ep, not clear if its one of the 20 or additional
Misha will be in 15 out of 20 episodes this season
According to Dabb, Sam and Dean are going to start to lose people who, in past seasons, we would’ve never lost — and lose them in a very real way. Our guys are going to realize there’s a certain finality, and some of the things they’ve relied on to get through the day — people, talents, things like that — they are no longer going to be able to roll out. And that’s going to throw them for a loop (Unfortunately, my guess in Rowena)
Also according to Dabb, Jack is still in the empty and “he’s not coming back in the near future” (this makes no sense. He’s on set for several episodes- interacting with the boys)
Cas’ deal with the Empty may come up later in the season.
Kevin will return.
Season 15 promo: https://youtu.be/V232RpcCdTY
Christan Kane (Leverage/Angel) will star as “Leo” an “old friend” of Deans. Unclear which ep (my guess is 7 because he used the present tense in a tweet). He is an old friend of Jensen’s. 
Episode 15x01
Title: Back and to the Future
OFFICIAL SYNOPSIS: Picking up where we left off last season, Sam, Dean and Castiel are left to defend the world after all the souls in hell have been released and are back on Earth and free to kill again.
Written by: Dabb
Director: Showwalter
Filming Dates:  7/30-8/9 (no filming 8/5 for Canadian holiday)
Airdate: Oct 10
Photos: http://www.ksitetv.com/supernatural/supernatural-season-premiere-photos-back-and-to-the-future/196183/
Promo: (for at least ep one and two) ttps://youtu.be/V232RpcCdTY
Sneak Peak:
Castiel? Yes Jack ? yes
Guest stars:
Other Spoilers/info:
The first episode will start right where the previous left off
Misha posed with the John Wayne Gacy clown
Jensen posted a series of pics- one clean shaven, one vid of him shaving, and one where he    appeared to be in character with blood and dirt on his face and in Dean plaid, but with his beard… confusing- some time jump theories are developing for ep 4.
Jensen was photoed filming (wearing an FBI jacket)outside with Alex
Misha and Jared filmed outside with a woman and young girl. They were running from the clown guy and a few other zombie looking creatures. CAS WAS NAKED (haha just no trench) and holding a shotgun. It could have been rehearsal and there was no camera in the clip shared by a fan which might explain the coat? Another fan said it was hot and Misha kept taking the coat off, so I’m sure this just a piece of rehearsal footage.
Alex was filming in white sunglasses. Other set photos indicate he had makeup on his eyes making them look burnt out. There is some spec that Jack will come back blind.
Misha posted a pic of the 4 of them in the impala
According to Variety, the boys will escape the zombies in a temp shelter. They are working together, but Cas feel “detached.” Misha seems to indicate that Cas feels unfairly blamed in Mary’s death and is deeply upset about Jack.
Episode 15x02
Title: Raising Hell
OFFICIAL SYNOPSIS: SENDING OUT AN SOS – Sam (Jared Padalecki), Dean (Jensen Ackles) and Castiel (Misha Collins) call on Rowena (Guest Star Ruth Connell) to help keep the evil souls at bay and get an unexpected assist from Ketch (Guest Star David Haydn-Jones). Robert Singer directed the episode written by Brad Buckner & Eugenie Ross-Leming (#1503). Original airdate 10/17/2019.
Written by: Buckleming
Director: Singer
Filming Dates:  8/12- 8/21
Airdate: 10/17
Sneak Peak:
Castiel? YES Jack ? YES
Guest stars: Ruth Connell, David Haydn-Jones, Rob Benedict, Emily Swallow (?)
Other Spoilers/info (newest to oldest):
A set was a high school set up to be a shelter.
Chuck, Ketch and Rowena will be in this. Maybe Amara too. Emily Swallow was in town for only a short time, so I imagine it would just be a scene or two
Ghosts/zombies were seen on set. There will be a scene with Rowena attacking them that includes at least Dean and Cas.
There will be one longer scene in a park.
Alex was in sunglasses again - not sure if this is a costume thing or an Alex thing
Ruth posted two vids of Misha claiming that he had filmed several scenes, but had no dialog - over three days so it must be a scripted reason (A spell? Chuck? Is he giving Dean the silent treatment?)
Ruth posted a video with her trailer, but the video showed Alex’s as well, so Jack
Misha posted from set in costume. Minus the coat again, but I’m still blaming the heat…. But he was without in the two Ruthie videos as well… soo……? I don’t know. I still think it’s a heat issue.
Night shoots are scheduled in a warehouse. Hand painted signs indicating quarantine were nearby
Episode 15x03
Title: The Rupture
Written by: Berens
Director: Charles Beeson
Filming Dates:  8/22-9/2
Airdate: 10/24
Sneak Peak:
Castiel? yes Jack? yes
Guest stars:  Ruthie Connell
Other Spoilers/info (newest to oldest):
Part of this ep will take place in hell as well as the cemetery where Jack died at the end of last season
Misha mentioned a scene at VanCon with him, Sam, Dean, Rowena, and Jack
Sam Smith was on set, but I would imagine she was visiting as she was in town for VanCon
Episode 15x04 (filmed out of order)
Title: Atomic Monsters
Written by:
Director: Jensen Ackles
Filming Dates:  7/18-7/29
Sneak Peak:
Castiel? Probably not  Jack? Probably not
Guest stars:  Rob Benedict
Other Spoilers/info (newest to oldest):
Jensen mentioned  a guest star “fan favorite”  that hasn’t been seen since season 7 that is no longer in the business. Guesses include Becky, who hasn’t acted in a while but isn’t exactly a fan favorite, Meg, who hasn’t acted but she was in season 8, and Balthazar or Frank or Jo or Rufus, but all act frequently. Jensen doesn’t always have the most accurate season memory, so he could be off on the season. Since this seems like a Chuck episode, my guess is Becky but I hope for Meg. SOURCE UNCONFIRMED- I haven’t seen this in a reliable source, so take it with a grain of salt.
There was a beaver mascot on set… it looks like they are filming at a school called Beaverdale
Jensen and Jared filed outside in fed suits
Chuck will be in this one. Jensen directed him first alone with his beard unshaved (so maybe a solo Chuck scene or him interacting with others/not the boys). There are also theories of a time jump in this ep.
This will be a one off, classic monster hunting episode with some ties to ongoing storylines. Sam and Dean will leave the bunker to keep their skills sharp
Jensen directed
Misha will not be in this ep
SD Comic Con was during filming
Episode 15x05
Title: Proverbs 17:3
Written by: Yockey
Director: Speight
Filming Dates:  9/4-9/13
Sneak Peak:
Castiel? No  Jack? doubtful
Guest stars:
Other Spoilers/info (newest to oldest):
This will most likely be Yockey’s last episode.
Matt Cohen was around, but I imagine he is following directors to prep for his own debut directing.
Scenes were filmed in the bunker and in a wooded area. A woman could be heard screaming in the outside scene.
Episode 15x06
Title: Golden Time
Written by: Meredith Glynn
Director: Steve Boyum
Filming Dates:  9/16-9/25
Sneak Peak:
Castiel? Yes Jack? Not sure
Guest stars:
Other Spoilers/info (newest to oldest):
Misha tweeted from set in costume, so Cas.
Misha also tweeted a pic in blood spatter with two bullet holes in his shirt
Ruth also posted a pic of herself covered in blood
At least Ruth and Jared filmed in Rowena’s apartment 
Episode 15x07
Title: Last Call
Written by: Jeremy Adams? (total guess, but he posted about things going on in the SPN offices and he hasn’t written one yet, plus he tweeted about being a “Kaniac”)
Director: Amyn Kaderali
Filming Dates:  
Sneak Peak:
Castiel ? Jack ?
Guest stars: maybe Christian Kane? Maybe?
Other Spoilers/info (newest to oldest):
Misha posted from set in new shoes- very shiny with well tailored pants. (The next day he posted in full Cas costume,so just new shoes?? Another outfit with new shoes?)
Misha and Jensen made a video from set. I feel like if Jared was around he would have been in it since it was about money raised? This was on a Friday, and J2 usually don’t work Fridays. Maybe a Dean Cas scene?
There will be a battle scene in this that Jensen mentioned he was looking forward to and we would enjoy. 
Episode 15x08
Written by:
Filming Dates:  
Sneak Peak:
Castiel ? Jack ?
Guest stars:
Other Spoilers/info (newest to oldest):
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woildismyerster · 7 years ago
Too Sweet
Jack had worried that Crutchie would be taken for a sap by a girl someday, but the reader puts that fear to rest.
Crutchie was too nice for his own good.
Jack had always worried about it a bit; what if the poor sap gave more than he could afford because of a pair of sad eyes and a convincing story?  It’s why Jack let Crutchie sleep in the penthouse, why the boys sometimes snuck extra pennies into his pockets if his cheeks looked hollow.
The greatest worry, one that practically gave Jack a heart attack, had to do with Crutchie meeting a girl.  Maybe the kid would pick a real winner, but Newsies usually ended up with girls not much better off than themselves.  With Crutchie’s admittedly low luck, he would probably try to woo a girl who would accept his money and time without intending to return any of it.  She would drain him, leaving nothing but a tragic husk of a boy who had foolishly expected the best from everybody else.
That was one reason it caused quite the stir when Crutchie came home one evening with flushed cheeks and new buttons on his shirt.
Elmer had been the first to notice.  “Whoa, Crutch, I didn’t know you were such a big spender.”
“Huh?”  He looked down and grinned.  “Nah, I didn’t buy ‘em.”
“Did you find them?”  That was doubtful, since the buttons were shiny and red and smooth, but the only other possibility-
Crutchie grinned, slightly baffled and very pleased.  “They was a gift.”
Race’s eyebrows were buried in his hairline.  “From who?  Jack?  His favoritism is so obvious I could choke on it, I swear-”
It shouldn’t have been possible for his smile to grow, but it did.  “From a girl.”
Race leaned in, a smirk growing.  “Our Crutchie, the ladies man.  A pretty girl?  Where do I get one?”
“She’s one of a kind,” he said.  His fingers brushed over the buttons with delight, but a new factor occured to Albert.
“Wait, how’d they get on the shirt?  I didn’t know you could sew.”
Crutchie blushed now, clearly embarrassed as he said, “I can’t.  She sewed ‘em on.”
The room erupted.  Jokes about seeing girls was always fair game, but this girl was something else.  Maybe Jack had worried about Crutchie giving too much to a girl, but they had never imagined a girl wooing him so hard he turned to a puddle of goo.
The teasing intensified as the days passed, but none of them could tell what girl was the suitor.  
“She’s gotta be somebody buying a paper, right?  We knows everybody else Crutchie knows,” Specs mused.  The group of the boys huddled in a circle, quickly eating mildly squashed sandwiches before hitting the streets again.
“Maybe, but the boy’s right about one thing,” Race admitted with a smirk.  “He’s got a smile that kills the girls.  Even without the limp, he could sell papes without a problem.  Could be any girl getting blinded.”
“You’s right about that,” Jack said.  He had stayed out of the theorizing, claiming that Crutchie could handle himself, but now he came and squeezed Race’s arm in greeting.  He threw an arm around Specs’ shoulder and gave a soft punch to Mush.  “Could be any girl.  Don’t wreck it for him by scaring her off.  If any of you’s scare her off, you’ll be answering to me.”
“Come on, Jack, have a little faith.  We won’t scare her off,” Finch said, mock aghast.
Mush laughed.  “If a girl is gonna be good enough for our Crutchie, she had better not be scared by us.”
Jack had meant it when he said that he wouldn’t interfere.  He knew that Crutchie needed to do this by himself.  Still, he had decided to interfere just this once.  While he was telling the others to back off, he kept one eye over his shoulder to see how long he would need to distract the guys before the girl left.
You didn’t usually read the newspaper, or at least you hadn’t, but the sweet boy had started a new phase in your life.  It had all started with a chance encounter.  
You were a seamstress in the downtown.  It was a great opportunity for you, really, and you knew that your family was thrilled.  An apprenticeship with a tailor was a guaranteed career, but you had been terribly overwhelmed.  After finishing a repair late, your boss had made you deliver the package yourself.  You had been riding your bike frantically in the middle of rush hour.  Biking had never been your strong suit, so it was no surprise that you wiped out.
Your tights had torn.  That was the first thing you noticed.  They were your only pair, so you stared at the ripped and slightly bloody holes at your knees for several seconds before realizing that you were still in the middle of the rush.
A hand tugged insistently at your elbow, dragging you to the sidewalk.
“Miss, what are you doing?  You’s gotta get out of the road,” the boy said urgently.  You looked at him with surprise, but didn’t take any of his appearance in as more of your stupidity sank in.
“The clothes!”  They had flown everywhere when the paper holding them together tore.  You staggered to your feet to grab what you could, but you knew that you couldn’t get it all on your own.
After several moments of searching, you held a pile of dusty, but thankfully undamaged, clothes.  You were a mess, your knees screamed, and your parents would kill you when they saw that you had wrecked some of your clothes that you couldn’t repair yourself, but you might not have the cost of the clothes taken out of your paycheck.  It would take months pay it off.
You turned to see the boy holding a jacket out to you.  You had missed it in the mad rush, but he had grabbed it for you.  You grinned at him, and when he smiled back, you stopped breathing.  He was the most beautiful thing you had ever seen.  Messy hair, dirt smudged across his chin, and a smile that turned your legs to jelly.
“Thank you so much,” you croaked.
“Don’t mention it,” he said.  He half shrugged one shoulder, drawing your attention to the crutch and the oddly angled leg.  When your gaze travelled up to his face, he was looking away.
“Are you selling papers?”  The question came out of nowhere, maybe just a desperation to look in his eyes again, but it worked.
“Yeah?”  It was more of a question than an answer.
You pulled a penny from the pocket of your skirt.  It would be coming out of your lunch, but you wouldn’t have enough time to eat anyway.  “Can I have one?”  You took the jacket and the paper, smiling at him again.  “What’s your name?”
“Crutchie,” he said as he waved his crutch a little.
“Crutchie,” you echoed.  “Is this your spot?”
“The whole city is my spot,” he replied.  After a pause, he admitted, “I usually sell here, yeah.  Why?”
“I’ll be back tomorrow,” you said.  “And don’t call me miss.  It’s Y/N, and you have saved my hide today.  I owe you one.”  The last part was called over your shoulder as you jogged back to your bike.  You didn’t miss the surprised smile that graced his face.
You had owed him one, sure, but you have more than filled that quota.  You had repaired a tear in his hat, sewed new buttons into his shirt, and split an ice cream cone with him, but you kept going back.  You paid extra for newspapers when you could, saying that you were tipping him for one reason or another.  Your parents were baffled by the sudden drop in money coming home, but you told them that business had been a little slow lately.  They didn’t need to know about the boy you had met.
“Hey, Crutchie,” you beamed.  “What’s the headline?”
“Pretty girl sweeps all of Manhattan off its feet,” he said in an official voice.  
You briefly glanced at the headline, warmth flooding your cheeks.  The front page screamed about a plague in California, but the dreadful news didn’t weather away the delight pooling in your belly.  You slid three pennies into his hand.
“What’s this for?” he asked, surprised.
“I heard that models make good money these days,” you replied with a smile.
“Geez, picture me, a model,” he laughed.  You loved the sound, even if it was a little self depreciating.
“Believe me, Crutchie, you are the handsomest boy on this side of the Atlantic.  If I had more to tip you, I would.”  You winked at him, enjoying the way his smile went a little goofy, and turned to go.  You would have to dash if you were going to have time for lunch before your break ended.
He grabbed your hand, staggering a little to keep his balance against the crutch.  “Wait!  Y/N, hang on.”  You turned back, squeezing his hand a little.  “Could I walk you home from work tonight?”
You froze.  You had thought maybe he was sweet on you, but you had never imagined that he could like you well enough to walk you home.  He would probably meet your parents if you did that.  What would they think?  
A sheepish smile bloomed on his cheeks, but his eyes dulled a little.  “It was just a thought, you don’t have to-”
You lunged forward to press your lips against the corner of his mouth.  “I get off at seven.  See you then?”
You were backing away when the wolf whistling started across the street.  The two of you looked over to see a small crowd of boys beamed.  There was a flurry of fists pumping, delighted hopping from one foot to the next, and ecstatic waves.  One boy, standing at the front of the group, rolled his eyes and gave Crutchie an apologetic smile.  He shrugged as though to ask what can you do?
Crutchie gave a huff of irritation, but you could feel the fondness thrumming through it.  “I’ll see you at seven.”
The both of you were as red as the buttons on his shirt, but you felt as light as air as you went back to work.
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dailytechnologynews · 6 years ago
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Downsizing from ITX to ATX...wait...what?! | My Cerberus X impressions (warning, LONG)
Case Photo
Product Configuration Page
NOTE - While his post has been essentially cross-posted, for /r/hardware I have adjusted the focus to be more on the case itself, and less on the "look at my PC build" aspects, in order to be more in line with the subreddit and rules. IF the mods still feel that this isn't quite right for this sub, I understand, and thank you for what you guys do :)
Purpose and Problems
Configuration and Results
What's Next?
I recently switched from the NZXT H200i (mini-ITX, ~26L) to the Cerberus X (E-ATX, ~19L). After a few weeks of usage and testing I wanted to go ahead and give my thought process and results.
Purpose and Problems
I had been attempting to downsize my PC case while maintaining adequate thermals. More importantly, I wanted lower noise output as the case was going to be right next to my head.
I started with the NZXT H200i, which I bought at launch in December 2017. But that brought with it some unforeseen problems. The EVGA G2 PSU that I was using completely covered the bottom intake, while completely choking off the GPU from air. Temps were higher than expected and I tried several workarounds. If your PSU completely closes off the bottom intake, you're going to have a bad time. The GPU and PSU trap air between them, causing the GPU to cook itself. You need negative pressure and an open bottom filter to get that air out of there. And even then, the thermals/noise become only adequate. I wanted my PC to be as quiet as possible, and when a case is 2 feet from your head, you are going to hear fan noise.
To clarify, this is what I mean by fan noise. I've heard people tell me that the Noctua NF-A12x25 is silent up to ~1,500 RPM. Some claim it's quiet at up to 2,000 RPM. It's not. At least not when 2 feet from your head. I have to run mine at around 900 RPM for effectively total silence. So clearly, I have a more stringent definition of silence for my specific use case, so now you should have an idea of what I was going for.
The MSI GTX 1070 Ti Titanium that I was using, and it was running at 77-82° in World of Warcraft at up to 2,100 RPM on the stock fan curve. It ran cooler and quieter in other games, but still warmer/louder than I would like. There's something about WoW that pushes cards to a higher power draw despite not being a modern looker. Since this was my worse case scenario and the game that I play the most, it's what I'm using to measure temps with. Also, my case is above the forced air vent in my office, which is bi-directional. So in the summer it's fine with A/C blowing at it. In the winter? With heat blowing at it, it's a problem.
Enter the Cerberus X, manufactured and distributed in North America by Sliger. I had a few criteria for a replacement to the H200i, and they were:
Able to accommodate a wide range of parts, not too many compromises
Opaque panel so I didn't have to color-coordinate the interior
Ability to allow for good airflow without the need for liquid cooling
A small footprint so that it could remain on my desk
Support for ATX motherboards for the next round of upgrades
The Cerberus X appeared to be the solution to my problems.
Configuration and Results
I knew that I wanted to do air cooling exclusively, with a tower-style cooler. I opted to maintain my Cryorig H7 (which does fit, if you remove the included side bracket). This meant a few things. First, I'd need an SFX or SFX-L PSU, so I opted for the Corsair SF450 Platinum (I did try it in the H200i for about a week, and it didn't make an impact, surprisingly).
Then, I needed to come up with the case fans and layout. I opted for four Noctua NF-A12x25 PWM fans. I used two for the intake at the bottom, one as a front/bottom intake, and the last one to replace the stock fan on the H7. You can see the layout HERE. I apologize for the lack of cable management. The idea behind this fan layout is positive pressure (all 3 case fans pulling air in) plus convection cooling (heat rises), forcing most of the warm air either out the top vent or forced out the rear by the CPU cooler.
Finally, I needed to swap the GPU. The MSI GTX 1070 Ti Titanium was 140mm tall, but with the power connectors, it went past the 154mm allowed for the side panel. So I got the MSI RTX 2060 Gaming Z. This would be a sufficient side grade as GPU performance wasn't an issue for me. The rest of the system specs:
Intel Core i7-7700k
EVGA Z270 Stinger ITX motherboard
G-Skill Ripjaws V 16GB (2x8GB) DDR4-3000 CL 15
Samsung 960 Evo 1TB NVME
And that's literally it aside from the aforementioned PSU and GPU. I really could have gone with a smaller case, but I'll be switching to an ATX platform later this year or early next. Just getting ready.
First I ran the system with the MSI Titanium. I wanted to see if it cooled down. This was more like an open-air test bench as the side panel could not be put on. Temps dropped from a peak of 82° to 67°. Fan RPM plummeted. It was quiet. Mission accomplished. Time to put in the 2060, put on the side panel, and see how bad it gets.
The new card? 63° under full, sustained loads. I can get it to spike to 65° if the home heating is going full blast, but the card quickly knocks it back to 63°. Fan RPM is typically around or under 1,200 RPM, with an occasional push to near 1,300. It's quiet. In fact, it has one minor issue. For lighter gaming loads the temps will on rare occasion drop into the low 50s and the fans will eventually cut off, so you can hear them spin back up briefly when the temp surpasses 60°. But it's a short burst and not very loud.
My next concern was CPU temps. The setup that I have greatly favors the GPU. Using an extremely conservative fan curve on the Cryorig H7, gaming temps tend to be in the 50s (I can get into the 60s in Forza Horizon 3 and Rise of the Tomb Raider). This is a few degrees warmer than the H200, but nothing to complain about. Using Handbrake, my most demanding CPU task, it fluctuates between 67° and 70° C. That's with the Noctua NF-A12x25 attached to the H7 running at only 1,335 RPM. This thing is silent! (CPU is not delidded, but I'm also running at stock speeds).
No case is perfect, so here I'm going to mention ALL of the flaws of the Cerberus X.
First, it's not a mass-produced case. As such, the price is higher than what a similar mass-produced case would potentially cost. However, there's no mass-produced competition so while the price is high, we can't say it's a poor value for what it gives.
Next is the overall design. It is not filtered (though you can order compatible filters), so dust will be a concern. I'm going to watch this and see how bad it gets, and if necessary, I'll move to the filters down the road.
Another issue with the design is that there is almost zero thought given to cable management. Basically, everything was put into making this as compact as possible while housing larger parts with fewer compromises. Yes, you can use an ATX mobo, an ATX PSU, a 280mm AIO, and a fairly large GPU. But there's no room between the rear-side panel and the mobo tray. Absolutely none. So you'll need to get creative with the cable management. No big deal for me (as you saw from the mess in the interior photo), but those who opt for the windowed panel will take issue with this to some degree.
While the case supports E-ATX, ATX, and ITX, there's no standoff holes pre-drilled for MicroATX. So keep that in mind if buying this case over the non-X version, which supports both MicroATX and ITX.
Finally, the top vent/panel. In white, I can see what look like black dots along the top, because the paint job is less than perfect. Basically in many of the holes, at the edge of where the hole meets the top, there's a small chip in the paint. This is in the majority of the holes and from where I sit it's quite obvious, and you can see it HERE (zoom in if needed), though it's more pronounced in person. I suspect this will be an issue with the white and red versions, but fine for the black and grey. I'm ok with it, but if you're OCD, get the black-top option for your white or red case.
In summary, the flaws are price, lack of included filtering, lack of included cable management options, lack of MicroATX support, and chips in the top white (and likely red as well) panel.
I outlined above what I was aiming for in a case. The Cerberus X met or exceeded every requirement. The flaws that it has either don't impact me, or can be mitigated through reasonable measures (separate filters, black top). Every time I purchase a product there's some form of compromise that I have to make. Not this time. After 4 cases in 3 years, I think I've finally found the successor to my Lian-Li K10B, which I used for 7 years (May 2008 - August 2015).
I highly recommend the Cerberus X for users who want an ATX tower that is extremely compact, won't make you compromise on every piece of hardware like an ITX chassis would, and offers solid thermals. Oh, and...so long as you can fit it within your budget ($235 - $360, depending on configuration).
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