#not to mention it damaged him so much he got amnesia and didn't even remember a lot of stuff including names of his family members etc :
thoseyoulove · 10 hours
Not justifying Armand, but you don't get through that amount of physical, sexual, emotional abuse, brainwashing, isolation etc to the point of amnesia and dissociation since you're a human child until you're a centuries old vampire (and vampirism amplifies their traumas and emotions) without accidentally reprogramming your brain in a really messed-up way. Specially when you're stuck in a teenage brain forever. This is not someone that lived a safe and privileged life, not even a remotely decent one, and decided to be evil. In many ways Armand forgot or didn't even get to learn what is meant to be human and have a healthy lifestyle and relationships with people. Obviously, it would take him a long time to catch up with his humanity and even develop a sense of identity (one of his many issues too).
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thepokyone · 3 years
Good Timing
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Pairing: Loki x Reader (ft. Tony, Steve, and Thor)
Content/Warnings: angst; fluff; mentions of injury
Words: 2.1k
A/N: Hey guys, I'm back! Sorry for such a long delay between posts. I was gone for two weeks for work and ended up having to work way more than I ever expected. However, I'm here with two Loki requests that I decided to combine into one fic from an anon and @fandomsstolemylife00, so I hope you both enjoy! This is in a nice marvel universe where nobody died and everybody got the happy ending they deserved. You're welcome.
"Where is she?" Loki's angry voice carried down the hall, and Steve grimaced.
"You need to stall him, Tony. He can't see her like this," Steve said, casting a worried glance towards the closed hospital door behind him.
"If you think I'm getting between Reindeer Games, who probably looks about as crazed as he did during New York, and his injured soulmate, you got another thing coming, Rogers," Tony said, shaking his head. "We try to stop him and he'll probably get even more unhinged."
"Loki! Loki, slow down," Thor said, and both Asgardian brothers turned the corner into the hall where Steve and Tony were standing.
"You can't go in there acting like this, Loki," Steve said, folding his arms across his chest and not moving from his spot in front of the door.
"You have no right to tell me what I can and cannot do, Rogers, especially when it involves my soulmate. It's the negligence of you and your fellow 'mightiest heroes' that landed her here in the first place," Loki spat, shaking off the restraining hand Thor placed on his shoulder.
"Y/N knows the risks going into these missions, same as the rest of us. The only ones at fault are the ones that did this," Steve said levelly. "You need to calm down."
"Calm down?" Loki repeated, a dangerous edge to his voice.
"She doesn't remember anything, Reindeer Games. You go charging in like you lost your damn mind and you're going to scare her more than she already is," Tony cut in.
Loki faltered. "Doesn't remember- what?"
"Amnesia, from the blow to her head. The doctors say it's temporary, but don't know exactly how long it will be until she recovers her memories," Steve said. "We don't want to stop you from seeing her, really, but you need to be calm."
"I can be calm," Loki said, looking faintly ill. "You have to let me see her. Please. All I want to do is keep her safe."
Steve exchanged a glance with Thor, who nodded, and he stepped away from the door. "Alright. But if you stress her out, you're leaving. Soulmate or not."
"Understood," Loki said stiffly, not sparing the three Avengers a second glance as he opened the hospital room door and walked inside.
You were resting in bed, your head partially bandaged and your arm in a sling. Your eyes were glued to the TV, which was tuned to some nonsense reality show, though you looked to him when he entered.
"Y/N?" Loki asked cautiously, his tone soft. The cold persona he had worn when speaking with the three Avengers outside had melted away.
"Yes. At least, I think so. Everything's a bit fuzzy," you said, offering him an apologetic smile. "Sorry, but do I know you?"
"It's Loki," he said, hoping his name would spark some kind of remembrance in your head.
"Oh. That doesn't ring a bell. Sorry."
His heart sunk, but he gave you a small smile. "It's alright. The doctors say everything will come back eventually."
"I hope so. It's disorienting, not knowing who I am," you said, reaching up absentmindedly to fiddle with the bandages on your head.
Loki reached out and caught your hand before you could do further damage to yourself. "Don't do that."
You blinked at him. "I really did know you, didn't I? We were friends?"
"Yes," Loki said. No matter how much he longed to, he knew it was wiser to not mention the soulmate bond the two of you shared. He didn't want to overwhelm you. "We were friends."
"You feel familiar. Moreso than the others," you said uncertainly. "Will you stay?" Loki's heart ached; he wanted to do nothing more than hold you until everything was okay again.
"Yes, of course I'll stay. I'll stay as long as you want. In fact, you might get sick of me," he said, and you smiled that smile that you had only ever used with him. Perhaps your memories were not so out of reach as the rest of the Avengers thought.
"Good. I've got nothing to watch but trashy television and Tony Stark - who is famous or something, I think? - won't stop asking if he looks familiar yet. It was getting annoying," you said.
Loki rolled his eyes. "Yes, that sounds like Stark. I can read you something instead, if you would like."
Your eyes lit up. "That sounds great. More fun than... whatever this is." You gestured vaguely to the TV.
"I'll read your favorite," he said, summoning your favorite book to his hand and opening to the first chapter.
You gasped at his display of magic. "How did you do that?"
"Magic," Loki said, smiling. "Perhaps later I can show you more."
You slowly nodded, evidently speechless. "I can't believe I'm friends with a celebrity and someone who can do magic."
"You're friends with several celebrities, actually," Loki said. "And I am infamous in my own right."
"Infamous?" you asked curiously.
"That's a story for another time," he said. He didn't want you to fear him for all he had done, not when there was so much that had occurred between you that he could hardly summarize it. "Back to the book."
"You're no fun," you pouted, and he smiled.
"On the contrary, I am quite fun, and once upon a time you agreed with me," he said, laughing as you rolled your eyes at him. "All will make sense in good time, darling."
Good time, however, lasted much longer than Loki would have preferred. By the end of the second week, you were no closer to regaining your memory, though apart from your amnesia there was nothing much wrong with you. Loki visited you every day for as long as he was permitted (and occasionally longer, if you pouted enough). After your second week, you were released from the hospital under the care of Tony Stark and moved into Stark Tower where you would stay until your memory finally returned.
"You can stay too, Reindeer Games, but only because you're good for Y/N," Tony had said, crossing his arms. "And if you destroy my tower again, I'll shove you off the top like I should have done before."
"Understood," Loki said. He didn't bother mentioning that, should he destroy the tower again, there would be no top for him to be shoved off of.
"Loki," you said uncertainly after nearly a month passed and you were nowhere closer to regaining your memories.
"Yes, darling?" Loki asked idly, flipping a page of his book.
"I- never mind," you said hastily.
Loki looked up. "What is it? There's clearly something on your mind."
"It's not important," you said, but he could tell from your tone that it very much was.
"You can hardly expect me to believe that," he said.
Your cheeks darkened. "You said we were friends, right? Before?"
"Yes," Loki said slowly, daring to hope that he had some idea of what you were trying to ask.
"Were we ever... more than that?" You were determinedly not looking at him, instead staring at your hands.
Relief bled through his system. "Yes, we were. I suppose I haven't been entirely honest with you, so I ask your forgiveness." He rolled up the sleeve of his right arm, where the first words you had said to him were permanently marked on his skin.
"The soul mark?" You asked curiously, tugging up your own sleeve. "Was I your soulmate? Before?"
"You still are," Loki said, voice soft. "I am sorry I didn't tell you. I didn't want to overwhelm you."
"It's okay. I understand. It would have been too much at first but now… I'm just relieved it's you." You ducked your head, embarrassed, and Loki found himself falling in love with you all over again. You rubbed the back of your neck, still flustered, and continued. "I had this dream last night, but it felt too real to be a dream, you know. We were walking down the streets of a beautiful city, hand in hand, laughing about something."
"I'd imagine it was Asgard. We would roam that city a lot, you and I. I enjoyed seeing everything through your eyes, how you'd light up when seeing the little shops and bakeries," Loki said.
"I want to remember everything," you said, leaning forward to grab his hand. "You don't know what it's like, not knowing who you are or anything you've done. I want to be me again, who I was before."
"And you will be," Loki said, brushing his thumb across your cheek. "All in good time, darling."
The doctors had said that, when your memory returned, it would be all at once. Not only were they right, but you learned that good timing, it seemed, was something of a cliché.
"And this is where Thor and I learned to ride. It was one of my favorite activities as a child. Thor loathed it," Loki said, the two walking hand-in-hand through the grounds of Asgard's palace. It was your first time back in Asgard since your memory had been lost, and while your memories still remained just out of reach, you had several times felt a strong sense of déjà vu.
"When did you last go riding?" you asked him, the two of you leaning against the fence and watching the horses that grazed quietly within the pasture.
Loki made a thoughtful noise. "A few months ago, I believe. I find myself with less and less time to spare."
"We should go! Please?" you asked hopefully.
Loki, who had long since accepted the fact that he could hardly deny you anything, agreed. "Certainly, darling. One of the horses here is yours, after all."
"What?" The question came out as more of a squeak as he pushed off the fence and strode towards the stables, pausing several paces away to offer his hand to you.
Loki smiled as your fingers intertwined with his. "Yes. A gift from my mother."
"A thank you gift for putting up with you?" you asked before you had the sense to keep the quip to yourself.
Loki laughed, eyes dancing, and squeezed your hand. "Something like that, perhaps."
He waved off the stablehands, saddling his horse as you watched.
"We'll do yours next," Loki said, leading his horse (a tall and broad black stallion named Ebon) out of the stall. One of the stablehands took the reins from him. "Yours is just a few stalls down. You named her Argent."
Argent was dapple gray, tall and dainty, and greeted you with a nicker when you and Loki entered her stall. He helping you saddle her, his cool hands guiding yours through the motions. "Was I a good rider?" you asked him, feeling a sense of familiarity in the actions.
"Quite, once you got the hang of it. I still remember the first time you saw Ebon. I didn't realize your eyes could get so big," Loki said, laughing lightly. "You were terrified he would buck you off, though he is the most well-mannered stallion in these stables."
Your heart held a fierce ache to remember this, these memories that seemed to make him so happy. He finished helping you secure the last buckle, oblivious to your silent longing, and his chest brushed against yours as he turned in the cramped space.
Finally, Loki seemed to notice the odd expression on your face. Whatever he saw in your eyes made his cheeks tint red. "What is it, darling?"
You weren't sure what made you do it. Just that one second you were staring into his eyes and the next you had bridged the space between you, your lips colliding with his in a desperate kiss.
And everything fell into place.
"Oh," you breathed, the silent exclamation swallowed by his mouth as his hand ran down around your waist, pulling you closer.
Argent whinnied impatiently, bringing the two of you back to reality, the two of you breaking apart. Loki chuckled, still holding you close enough that you could feel how it reverberated in his chest. "Making out in the stables like a teenager," he said, just loud enough for you to hear him, still chuckling.
"I remember," was all you could think to say amidst the memories and thoughts and feelings that had flooded your mind.
"You- what?" Loki asked, laughter dying. "Truly, you remember?"
Your mouth was stretched into such a big smile you felt it might split apart. "Yes. I remember everything."
"My Y/N," Loki said, smiling too as he rested his forehead against yours. "I did tell you, didn't I? All in good timing."
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bteezxyewriter12 · 2 years
Pairing- Tae x Named Reader
Word count- 5.4k
Includes- Angst, mentions of suicide, amnesia, mentions of seizure, sex, oral, face fucking, face riding, riding sex, pussy eating, love making, missionary sex
Masterlists- check out for more fics
📝Prompt Series Masterlist 📝Masterlists
📝BTS Masterlist 📝Tae Masterlist
🌟gifs are from google
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I'm sitting in my office, looking over the list of people who are scheduled to die today
This of course doesn't include accidents where the person isn't scheduled to die yet
There's a lot dying today
I'm going to be so busy
I sigh, getting up and getting the scythe
This thing is stupid
I haven't had to use it for centuries
But I have to carry it so people know it's me
I gave up wearing the robe
I hated it to begin with and now I opt for suits, mostly Gucci
But when I wear suits, the dying soul think I'm just another person coming to see them
Hence the scythe
I look at myself in the mirror
I hate this job
I didn't used to
Not when I was first asked to take over for the last reaper
He was the first death reaper but he got tired of doing it
He wanted a chance to be human
He was searching for a replacement for a long time
Then he came upon me six centuries ago
I was a soldier in what is now Daegu, South Korea and I was fighting in a war for my king
I was stabbed with a sword and as I laid dying, death came to me and asked me if I would take over his job
I was young, twenty four years old and I didn't want to die
And the concept of living forever was appealing to me
So I said yes, he trained me and I became death
I loved this job so much, up until about a year ago
I push the thoughts away
I can't dwell on it, I have a job to do
I turn and leave the office
Just as I close the door, she suddenly appears in front of me.
Where am I?
I look around and it seems like I'm in a office
I was walking to work one second and now I'm here
I turn around and I have to stop a gasp
In front of me is the most beautiful man I have ever seen
And he's looking at me
He looks like he was sculpted by an artist
Tall, Curly black hair, sharp jaw, an cute beauty mark on his nose
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And his eyes are such a beautiful dark brown
I feel myself falling into them
Suddenly he shouts, "I thought I told you to get lost! You can't keep dying to meet me. We are over, you hear?"
I blink confused
I don't know who he is
Why is he yelling at me?
"Uh who are you?", I ask
He stares at me in anger
"Cut the shit Joanne. I told you we can't be together. I told you I don't want you anymore!"
Ok, apparently he knows me?
And we dated I guess?
"I'm sorry but I don't know you. What's your name?"
"Joanne what the fuck kind of game are you playing? I told you last time you tried to die that we're over!"
Last time?
That means...
"Oh I see.", I say, "We must have known each other before my amnesia"
His eyes widen, "What the fuck are you talking about? Last time you said you'll keep doing whatever you had to to see me again."
I did?
I don't remember
"Oh uh well you see when I woke up in the hospital a year ago, I didn't know who I was or where I was. I didn't even know what happened. I couldn't remember anything. I was told by a woman who said she's my mom that my name is Joanne and I tried to commit suicide"
I remember the fear of waking up and not knowing anything
Not remembering people or any of my whole life
Twenty three years gone
"You tried to commit suicide?", he gasps
"Uh apparently. I don't remember. My mom said that I took a whole bunch of pills then left my apartment. I guess I was getting woozy or sleepy and I walked into a busy street. A car hit me and I was taken to the hospital. They saved me but I had a lot of damage to my head and it caused amnesia. The doctors don't know if it'll ever be fixed", I explain
His face pales as I tell him this and he looks shocked
"You don't remember anything?", he asks
I shake my head
"No. Just bits and pieces that come back to me when I look at a picture or smell something or hear a story. But I've never seen a picture of you, so I can't even recognize you from that."
"I'm sorry, I didn't know", he chokes out
"It's ok. It's not your fault. I've just been trying to get back to normal for the last year. But I don't know how I got here"
"You're here because you're dead. Or about to die"
I blink
How am I dead?
And why am I not more panicked?
"How? I was just walking to work and now I'm here."
"Something must of happened for you to die", he answers
I think about what could cause me to die
"Maybe I got a seizure and fell somewhere"
"Seizure?", he gasps
I nod, "I developed seizures after I woke up a year ago. I had a lot of them when I first woke up. But they found the right medication for me after a few months and I haven't had one in seven months"
"Then why would you think you had one?", he questions
"Well because the medication helps to prevent them but doesn't stop them completely. I can still get one every once in awhile"
He's silent, with a look of distress on his face
"Well uh, you're not scheduled to die today, so I'm going to send you back"
I'm not scheduled?
There's a schedule?
But I guess this is good, I get another chance of life
But there's something I want to say to him
"Ok. Thank you. But there's something I want to say first"
He nod, "Go ahead"
"Look apparently we know each other and we were together. And I just want to say I'm sorry if I hurt you or did anything bad to you"
He blinks, "What?"
"Well you seem very hostile towards me and I'm guessing that's because I did something to you. And I just want to say I'm sorry. I don't remember how I used to be but I'm not that person anymore."
He's silent
"I'm sorry if I hurt you.", I finish
"Uh ok. Thanks.", he says questioningly
Well there's nothing else I can say
"I'm going to send you back now", he tells me
"Ok. Thank you"
He nods and I see the office fade away
What the hell is going on?
She has amnesia?
That's why she's stayed away from me for a year?
She doesn't remember me
I need to sit down
I almost passed out when I saw her again
I miss her so much
She's the reason I hate this job
I love her so much
And the miraculous thing is she loves me
I'm death and she fell in love with me
Even after I told her who I was, she didn't care, she just wanted me
And we had an amazing relationship for three years
But I knew it couldn't last
She's human and I'm not
She'd age but that doesn't bother me
What bothers me is that I'd have to take her when her time came and she'd be away from me forever
And she could never have a normal life with me
Never have children, never have a family.
I didn't want to take that away from her
She didn't care but I couldn't do that to her
So I ended things
And I had to do it by making her believe I didn't want her, that I didn't love her
The things I said to her hurt her so much
"I don't want you", I snapped
"What? You're not serious Tae?", she said, panic in her voice
"I said I don't want to be with you. I don't love you"
"Tae what's going on? Why are you saying this?", she asks, tears falling down her face
It hurt so much to tell her these things
"Because I fell out of love. I'm death and I'm going to live forever. Why would I want you when I could have any girls I want?"
"But I love you Tae", she whispered
"Well that's too fucking bad"
She tried to keep me from ending things but I had to
Seeing her cry like she did that day killed me
It was the hardest thing I've ever had to do in my life
And she just apologized for hurting me now
That was a punch to my heart
She never hurt me, I'm the one who hurt her
But she apologized anyway
When she just told me the last time she saw me was because she tried to committed suicide, I almost lost it right then
I hurt her that badly that she'd rather be dead
She was hit by a car and I stood there screaming at her to never come back, telling her that I didn't love her at all when she came here last year
And still after all that she told me she still loved me and was never going to stop trying to get me back
After a year of not hearing from her, I thought she moved on
But she didn't
She doesn't remember anything
Not her entire life
I can't imagine how scary that is, to wake up and not know anything or anyone
And for her to be here again something had to happen to her
Something bad
And I need to know what it is
Walking into her hospital room, I find her in the bed, unconscious
I have to hold in a scream
She has a huge bandage on the right side of her head and a bruise under her right eye
The right side of her face has scrapes all over them
It's late at night so no one is here
Visiting hours are over
I sit next to her bed and hold her hand
"I'm sorry baby", I tell her, the tears finally coming
This is all my fault
Everything that happened to her from the second I ended things is all my fault
"I love you so much", I cry
"Excuse me. You can't be here"
I look up and a nurse is standing in the doorway
"What....what happened to her?", I get out
"Just tell me. Tell me and I'll leave. I couldn't come before and I had to see her. Please", I plead
Her face softens, "Let me get her chart"
She walks to the door and takes a folder out
"She had a seizure and fell, hitting her head on the curb as she was crossing the street. It caused a subdural hematoma and needed to be drained. Unfortunately the blow was substantial and she's in a coma"
A coma?
No she can't be
She has to wake up
"Is she going to wake up?", I ask panicking
"Unfortunately, we don't know. It's up to her whether she wakes up or not. There's nothing we can do for that"
I nod, crying more hysterically
"I'll give you a few more minutes", she says, "But then I'll have to ask you to leave"
I nod again, "Ok"
The nurse leaves me with her
I can't believe this is happening
She can't stay in a coma
She has to wake up
I need her
I can't stay away from her anymore
This past year was torture
I was so stupid thinking I could stay away from her
She's my everything, my one
I never found the girl I was supposed to be with when I was alive
But I found her as death
She accepted me as I am and I was stupid to let her go
I won't be stupid again
I stand up and kiss her lips softly
"I'm going to fix it baby. I promise"
I walk to her door
Time to talk to God
I hear noises as I come to
Machines and voices
There's a pounding in my head that's very intense
Where am I?
I open my eyes, slowly, the light in the room making my eyes tear
I groan from the pain
"Jo? Oh my god Joanne!", I hear
I turn my head slowly to the voice, blinking the tears away so I can see whose talking to me
A face comes into focus
"Mom?", I ask
"Yes Jo. Oh my god, you're awake!", she says through tears
"James go get a doctor"
I hear footsteps leaving the room
Now that my eyes are fully open, I look to see my sisters and mom looking at me
They're all crying
I guess my brother went to get the doctor
But I don't see Tae
Why isn't he here
"Mom, where's Tae?"
She gets a look on her face that I can't read
Where's Tae?
Is he hurt?
He can't be, he's death
"Jo. Um Tae isn't here"
I don't understand
"Why not?"
"Jo what do you remember?"
I think back and I remember being with Tae
We were arguing
Then the emotions slam into me
He...he left me
Pain hits my chest fast and hard
Not physical pain
Emotional pain
It's taking over and I feel like I'm dying
He told me he doesn't love me
He told me he hates me
He never wants to see me again
"Mmmm...mom", I choke out, starting to cry
I remember everything
The suicide attempt, talking to Tae when I died from that, the amnesia when I woke up, the seizures
And talking to Tae again
When I didn't remember who he was
How he yelled at me as soon as I got to him, telling me not to come back again
He still doesn't love me
It's ripping my heart out
"I remember mom. I remember everything", I cry
"Oh Jo. I'm sorry", she says hugging me to her
I can't breathe
It hurts so much
"It hurts", I wail
"I know Jo. I'm sorry. You never had a chance to deal with it when you had amnesia. I'm sorry."
I don't want to feel this
I can't
I wish I was dead
Tae should of never sent me back here
The door to my bedroom opens
"Jo, are you hungry?"
"No mom", I answer, laying in bed
"Joanne you have to eat. And you have to leave your bed. You've been locked in this room for two weeks"
I can't deal with this now
"Mom, just go away"
"Go away. I'm not hungry, I don't want to go outside. Just leave me alone!", I shout
She sighs but I hear the door close
I hate my life
Why couldn't Tae just let me die?
The pain of not having him is killing me
I went from one bed in the hospital to another in my room
I refused to go to my mom's house so she or my siblings have been spending nights here, watching me
I just have no motivation to do anything
I don't have to go to work
They gave me time off to recover
I don't do much anymore
Just stay in bed, sleeping or watching some dumb videos on my tablet
I get up to use the bathroom, brush my teeth and shower
Showering is exhausting but I'm not going to be gross
I eat sometimes and whoever is with me gives me my seizure medication and whatever else it is the hospital prescribed
I just don't want to get up
And I don't have to
A little while later my bedroom door opens
I get annoyed
"I said leave me alone mom!", I yell
What doesn't she get?
I know that voice
I sit up, staring at Tae
Am I dreaming?
Oh god are those pills making me hallucinate?
Or is this a side effect of the damage the fall caused to my head?
I really don't need that right now
Seizures are enough
"Jo?", he asks, coming in and closing the door
"Am I fucking hallucinating now? Great just great", I mutter to myself
"No baby you're not hallucinating. I'm here.", he says coming closer and sitting on the bed close to me
"Uh ok. Why are you here? You said you never wanted to see me again", I say, my heart breaking again
"You remember me?", he asks, sounding hopeful
"Yeah Tae. I remember everything. I wish I didn't"
"Don't say that Jo"
"Why not? It's true"
He doesn't say anything and I just want him to get to the point
"Why are you here Tae?"
"I came for you", he says
"So I'm dying today? I'm on the schedule?", I say flatly
At least I won't have to feel this pain anymore
And honestly I don't care
He looks me in my eyes
"No baby. I came to be with you", he says softly
What is this now?
More torture
"What?", I ask confused
"After I saw you and you told me what happened to you, I went to see you in the hospital. I hated that you were hurt and everything that happened to you was my fault. Because I told you I don't want you"
"Ok... It's not your fault though", I say
I know my actions are mine and not his fault
He may have been the reason why I did things, but I still chose to do them
He didn't make me
"Yes it-", he starts
"What does that have to do with you being here?", I ask cutting him off, "You don't love me why do you care what happens to me?"
He shakes his head, "I do love you Joanne. So much"
He told me over and over he didn't
What game is he playing?
"What are you talking about Tae? You're not making any sense"
"Jo, I love you. More than anything. You're my everything baby. But I knew that you'd never have a normal life with me. Never have kids or a family or do anything that a normal girl can do. And one day, I'd have to take you when it's your time and after you pass over, we'll never see each other again."
I'm getting angry
I told him over and over that I don't care about kids or a family, if I can't be with him
I knew what I was getting into being with death
I'm not stupid
"I told you I don't care about a normal life! Being with you is not your decision to make for me! I know what being with you means and I don't care!", I shout
He nods, "I know. I shouldn't have made the decision for you. Everything I said to you I didn't mean. At all. I love you so much. I do want you. You're the only girl I ever wanted. I hated being without you. It was torture"
I know what he means
Being without him is tearing a hole in my chest
But nothing has changed
I'm still human and he's still death
Everything he said is all still true
Why is he changing his mind now?
"Why are you telling me this now Tae? Nothing has changed"
"Yes it did baby"
I raise an eyebrow, waiting for him to continue
"After I saw you in the hospital, I couldn't just leave you like that. So I went and talked to God"
I choke on air, "What? You talked to who?"
"Are you serious? He's real?"
Tae nods, "So is the devil"
Oh my g....shit
My world just flipped
This is insane
He's real
I look up and silently apologize for all the shit I did when I was a teenager
I thought I was such a badass back then
Instead I was just a massive idiot
Then I ask Tae, "Why did you go talk to him?"
"To bargain with him"
I'm in complete shock
"I...uh..I...I", I stutter
"I asked him to help you. To fix everything. To bring you out of the coma and stop the seizures. He asked why I would ask for that and I told him"
He told God he loves me?
He nods, "I told him I love you. I told him about us. And apparently he's not as mean as people say he is. When I was done, he said he'd help me without me having to give him anything"
I'm impressed that he got God to help him
"So God helped you and made me better?", I ask
He nods, "But that's not all."
It's not?
What else did God do for him?
"He made me human."
"What?", I exclaim
"I'm human now. Remember how I told you I became death?", he asks
I nod
I remember how he said accepted death's offer to take over for him
"He said that if I could find someone to take my place, he'd let me be human again. And be with you"
"Be with me?"
I don't think I can be anymore shocked than I am now
Tae nods, "You are destined to live a really long life. And he said that since it's been a long time since I've been human, he can designate how long I can live for. So he did it to match your life span"
My mouth drops
I can be with Tae for my entire life?
I can't believe it
"I found someone who was in accident. Someone who was like me. Young. I offered to them what death offered to me. And she took it. I spent these last two weeks training her."
Death's a girl now?
And he had to train her?
Huh I guess it is like a normal job if training is needed
"Today I woke up in an apartment. My apartment. And my heart is beating again. I didn't want to come to you immediately. I needed to figure out what to tell you. And to be honest I was starving"
That makes me smile
I know he didn't need to eat when he was death
"When I knew what I wanted to say, I came here. You're mom was upset when she saw me but I told her I was stupid and here to get you back. She made me promise not to hurt you again and I did"
That sounds like my mom
Tae reaches to me and takes my hand, "I love you. And I'll make everything up to you. I just want you back Jo. Please take me back"
"Yes", I answer without hesitation
He looks at me and repeats hopefully, "Yes?"
I nod, "Of course Tae. I love you. You're the only one I want."
He smiles his gorgeous smile and comes closer to me
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His lips touch mine in a kiss and fireworks explode in my vision.
When I kiss her, my entire body flood with heat
Just like every time I kissed her
When she wraps her arm around my neck and slips her fingers in my hair, I shiver from her touch
I missed her so much
I was so scared she'd tell me to fuck off
But she still loves me
And now we have our entire lives to be together
I've never been more happy in my life.
"I love you Tae", she whispers
"I love you Jo", I answer
Then she pulls me back to her, kissing me again
I pull her close to me and I'm so relieved when she presses her body to mine
Feeling her body against me feels so fucking good
I missed her so much
Her arms go around my neck and I'm so happy to feel that
"Baby", I whisper
I want her so much
I haven't been with her in a year but I don't know if now is the right time or if it's too soon
"Yes Tae", she answers, looking at me
She runs her fingers in my hair, feeling so good and I love it
"I want you too Tae."
That's all I need to hear
I pull her onto my lap and she comes willingly
She crashes her lips to mine, her tongue in my mouth
Yes fuck
I kiss her back, pulling her shirt up
She lifts her arms up so I can take it off
Her hands move to my shirt, unbuttoning the buttons quickly
When she gets them all undone, she pushes the shirt off me, her hands immediately running all over my back
Her hands are so small and warm as she touches me
She moves off me, standing and undoing my pants
I lift myself up, pulling my pants and boxers down
When she gets everything off, I pull her up, my lips on her stomach, trailing kisses all over
I feel her hand run in my hair, making shivers run up my spine
I love anyway that she touches me
Hooking my fingers in her shorts and panties, I slowly pull them down, kissing lower
I hear her breath hitch when I get to her pussy
I lick her, moaning and loving the way she feels against my tongue
Pulling away, she steps out of her clothes
I grab her, making her squeal
Laying down, I pull her on top of me until she's over my face
Holding her hips, I pull her to my mouth, burying my tongue in her pussy
She's already so wet and I missed how she tastes
So fucking good
"Tae", she moans
Fuck me, I missed hearing her moan my name
And I really miss hearing her scream my name
Which I'm so going to make her do
"Feels good baby?"
"Yes Tae fuck. I missed your tongue"
I laugh
"I know baby. My tongue makes you scream."
I know I what she likes and where she likes it
I love her so much so I learned her body so well
What she likes, what drives her insane, what can make her cum over and over, how much teasing she can take
I was never like this with any other girl I was with
I've been death for six centuries, I've been with human women before but it was always just sex
I didn't care about the woman or tired to make her feel good
But from the first time I was with her, even before I fell in love with her, it was different with her
She wanted to please me, make me feel good and it made me want to please her
Then I fell in love and all I wanted to do was make her feel good
And I still do
I don't even care if I cum as long as she does
Multiple times
But she won't have that
She makes sure I orgasm too every time
Sometimes more than once
She's just the best in every single way and I will never be stupid to leave her again
I lick her clit and she yells loudly
"Yeah baby. Scream for me", I ask, then suck on her clit
"Fuck TAEHYUNG!", she cries, her hands gripping mine tightly
I keep going, sucking harder and faster
"C'mon baby. Gimme your cum. I want it so bad. I haven't had it in a long time.", I tell her
I attach my mouth to her again, squeezing her hips as she yells in pleasure
She's almost there
I'm so excited to taste her again
I feel her legs start to shake as she orgasms, screaming my name
Her taste floods my mouth and I moan, swallowing greedily
She's so fucking good, I love it
When she finishes, I keep licking her
"More baby. I need more", I beg, "Do you want it?"
"Yes Tae. Yes"
Fuck yes
My tongue flies all over her pussy, swirling, up and down
I can't fucking get enough
"Fuck my face baby. Fuck my mouth. Please", I ask
Her hips start moving against my mouth, grinding against my tongue
I fucking love this
She gets so into it and my tongue can get everywhere
I slide my tongue inside her, then lick back out, then back in
"TAE fuck yes baby. Don't stop."
I know she loves this
It can make her cum in seconds
And honestly I love being inside her in anyway
My cock, my fingers, my tongue
I just love being inside
Squeezing her ass hard, I moan, "Baby cum on my tongue"
I slide my tongue in her as far as I can
"TAEHYUNG!", she screams, orgasming again
Her pussy tightens and throbs on my tongue that's in her and I taste her cum
It coats my tongue and she tastes so fucking good
"Yes baby, yes give me more", I whine, still tongue fucking her
"Tae, oh fuck Tae"
Her breathing gets harder
She's close again
I love giving her orgasm after orgasm
She gets so much pleasure, I love watching her
Her cum floods my mouth again and I greedily drink it all up
When she finishes, I lift her up and slam her on my cock
"Fuck TAE!", she cries
"Fuck baby. I missed you around my cock", I gasp
"I missed you too", she moans, starting to move up
"No baby. Stay on my cock. I want to feel you for a little longer
"Oooo...oooo....ok", she stammers
She's so horny, pulsating hard and fast around me, getting more wet
I love the feeling of her soaking my cock
I need to fuck her
Putting my hands on her hips, I move her up then slam her down, thrusting up as well
I go in so deep, making her scream in pleasure
"There TAE!"
"Ok baby girl. You don't have to do anything ok? Just let me make you feel good"
She bites her lip nodding
Gripping her hips I move her fast, bouncing her on my cock and slamming her spot at the same time
"Yes Tae, fuck. Oh god", she cries, her hands gripping my arms so hard
"Good baby?"
"So good Tae"
I smile at her, happy I'm making her feel good
"Fuck baby you look so pretty on my cock. You're pretty pussy taking me so well"
"Mmmm", she whimpers
Seeing her leaving my length soaked in her juice is so hot
"Gimme your pretty cum baby. Soak my cock", I plead
"Tae", she moans, her body arching as she cums again
"Ffff...fuck", I stammer, feeling the insane pleasure she's giving me
When she finishes, I rolls us over, getting on top of her
Her legs wrap around me and I continue to move, slowing it down
"I love you so much", I tell her, running my fingers in her hair, looking in her beautiful brown eyes
"I love you more than anything", she whispers back, "My Tae"
I nod, "Always baby. I'm always yours, I swear. I'm not leaving you again"
"Don't Tae. Please don't. I need you"
I nod
I know
She does need me just like I need her
And I was so dumb to keep us apart.
But that will never happen again
"I need you too baby. Always"
She lifts her head to kiss me and I meet her lips, pressing mine against hers
Her hips move, meeting my thrusts, making me go so much deeper
"Mmmmm", she groans against my lips
She feels so good, spasming around my cock so much
I know as soon as she cums, I am
I won't be able to hold it back
I kiss her desperately, tongue against hers as we move together
She clings to me, holding onto my back hard, my hand squeezing her thigh tightly
Hitting her spot, she explodes, spasming around my cock, shaking under me as she moans and keeps kissing me
Her orgasm triggers mine and I moan in her mouth as I spill inside her, pleasure running all over me
Oh my fucking God, it's so good
So incredible
After, I lay down next to her, holding her tightly in my arms
"I missed you Tae. So fucking much", she whispers, looking at me
"I miss you too baby. You don't even know. The thought of living without you forever....it was torture"
She shakes her head, "You don't need to anymore Tae. I'm here, you can stay with me forever"
I nod
I will
Nothing will take me away from her
"We're going to have a long happy life together baby.", I promise her
She smiles, "I can't wait Tae"
Neither can I
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roswelldetails · 4 years
RNM 2x06 - Sex and Candy
Maria’s (Heather Hemmens) investigation into her mother’s disappearance leads her and Alex (Tyler Blackburn) to the home of a mysterious boot maker named Travis (guest star David Anders). Meanwhile, on her journey of self-discovery, Isobel’s (Lily Cowles) night out leads her into the arms of someone unexpected. Finally, after making some major scientific strides, Liz (Jeanine Mason) is dealt a devastating blow. Geoff Shotz directed the episode written by Rick Montano & Vincent Ingrao (#206). Original airdate 4/20/2020.
Max and Isobel's fight:
Lights start flickering when Max starts getting aggressive and then get brighter as he gets more worked up.
The first attempt to expel it seemed like he was causing an earthquake.  He blew out all the windows in the gym, knocked Isobel down, and there was shaking.  But it didn't seem to go beyond that room - no damage is seen when Michael arrives or around town.
Note, after the earthquake thingie the lights go out 
His hands are doing the electric power thingie and THEN he also grabs the lightning.
I think Isobel used her telekinesis to stop it and then push it away, which seemed to work...but if so then why couldn't Noah do that last season? 
Was it the sheer volume of electricity? There was definitely MORE than with Noah.
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Michael uses his telekinesis to manually reset Max's heart.  This is very smart of him. Note that he's using his own heart/pulse to get it right.
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They are using the antidote to Liz's serum to try to heal Max's mind. 
Michael says that they've been giving him antidote injections for three days (time jump).
Three days of antidote and no new memories for Max.
Isobel remembered her blackouts within a few hours of getting injected with the antidote in 1x10.
Note: Liz hesitated using the antidote this way in 1x10 because Isobel could still be dangerous and they didn't know about the 4th Alien yet.  There doesn't seem to be a similar hesitation with Max. Because Liz trusts him more? Because him forgetting her is more personal? It's not like there isn't a chance that Max is still dangerous…
Maria arranged a Mexican market in the Pony parking lot to subsidize her income.
Buffy the Beagle is Forrest's dog!
Maria comments that the meteor shower makes animals act strange. And humans too.
Forrest and Maria are organizing an open night mic at the Wild Pony.  Free drinks for performers.
Maria clearly approves of Forrest and Alex getting to know each other.  She smacks Alex for his awkward flirting.
The bootmaker's farm is about an hour outside of town.
The Science:
Kyle and Steph are watching a "surgical separation of craniopagus twins".
Craniopagus Twins = twins attached at the cranium/head. (Aka not a heart surgery).
"Did you know, ever since 1947, twin births in Roswell are higher than the national average? Maybe it's aliens."
Speaking of awkward flirting…. "You're just my favorite person I can't stand."
The Spanish:
Le cambio una bolsa de chiles para mi papá...for the free fries next time you come to the Crashdown.
Liz is bartering.  She says basically, I'll trade you a bag of chiles for my papa for free fries next time you come to the Crashdown. 
Note, the captions for this are wrong and use the Spanish word for grasshoppers instead, but you can clearly hear Liz say chiles. Thanks to @rosaortecho for pointing that out to me.
Max says:
I'm trying to eat clean. Uh, tiene carne seca sin como se dice, preservativos.
He's trying to say, basically, does the jerky have preservatives. 
Quiere carne a sin preservativos?
Basically, you want meat without condoms?
Lo siento. Uh, no lo entiendo.
I'm sorry, I don't get it.
Él quiere decir conservantes.
He means preservatives.
Gracias. Estoy embarazado.
Thank you. I'm pregnant.
Michael asks Max who he's texting. Max says everyone has been messaging him but Cameron is the only one who hasn't responded, which isn't like her.
Wildly curious who he was texting though.  It's not like he's a social butterfly. His mom? The sheriff? Who? As I pointed out to some friends the other day, he spent his 21st birthday getting trashed with his SISTER. This is not a trait of a guy with lots of close friends.
Just as another note, Michael says he ghosted her. When exactly was that? Yes, Max ran out on her in the middle of a handy in 1x03, but they addressed that the next day.  She "broke up" with him in 1x07, but they were still good right up until she left town. 
"Does he seem different to you?"
Alex and Maria playing "Never have I Ever" in the car. Good way to do background on characters.
Maria has never cheated on a boyfriend
Alex has never been in a real relationship. Not even "Kellie Sommer-something".
Alex says that whenever he was with a woman he was trying to disappear.  Except for Sophomore year after Battle of the Bands. Seven Minutes in Heaven in Haley Moore's hall closet. Alex and Maria kissed and it was Maria's first kiss (and boob graze).  She always thought she'd marry Alex. Had to come up with a new plan after he came out. 
Alex says "I did too."
"Kissing you in that closet was the first time in my life that I enjoyed touching someone."
Max picks up Liz for their first date…
Just as a note, Save Tonight was the opening song in the pilot of OG Roswell. During the "oh, Max Evans is staring at you again." exchange between Liz and Maria.  So, it might go well with new beginnings or something ;-)
The Science:
"Psychogenic amnesia limits retrieval of stored memories, but if we light up your limbic system and gustatory cortex with some familiar signals…"
"Your milkshake might bring all my memories to the yard?"
**Note, second reference to this song in the context of Liz bringing Max milkshakes. First was in 1x06 by Isobel. Hmm. 1x06 and 2x06… maybe they should crack this joke in 3x06 too.
"Sometimes when people wake up from comas they have different personalities, different tastes even…"
Everything you ever wanted to know about psychogenic amnesia:
But, my main takeaway is that it's a specific type of amnesia where there's abnormal memory function but no brain damage or other clear cause of it.
Limbic system:
Basically the part of your brain that stores emotion, behavior, and long term memory.
Gustatory cortex:
Basically the part of your brain that processes taste.
Maria compares Michael to Chad because he starts fights and lies.  Alex disagrees and lists ways that he was doing good things:
He lied to protect his family from Alex's family.
He shouldered the burden of a murder he didn't commit for ten years so that Isobel didn't have to.
He pushed Maria away to protect her - which might be a good thing too because of all his baggage. 
First Date:
Max went to Ranch camp one summer and dislocated his shoulder while trying to read Lord of the Rings on horseback. #nerd. 
Liz references the gala as not their first date, but there was also the desert in high school.  I guess she doesn't count that either. 
Side note: Cam and Liz talked about him peacocking in 2x03, but that kinda felt out of character at the time to the Max we knew.  This Max DOES seem like he's peacocking a bit. Got dressed up, taking Liz horseback riding. He admitted to trying to one up whatever they did together before. Just an interesting (to me) observation.
Liz looks panicky when Max suggests truth serum (because Science!Liz probably could make truth serum), but once she realizes he means whiskey she's like, "oh yes, that's fine." Oh Liz… 
Diego details:
They were engaged just last year
Liz left without saying goodbye
They were working together on the Denver study
They would come home and keep talking about work
He had ideas to help improve it
They both spoke The Science
He pushed her to get better at The Science
When the funding was cut she realized she loved the work more than him
Liz couldn't figure out how tell him that so she packed her things in the middle of the night, hit the road, changed her phone, and blocked him on Facebook.
**This is the first time LIZ has mentioned social media. Interesting given the crap Maria keeps giving her about it!
Travis and fresh warm milk. What is up with it??
"Nice ring. Does it keep you from burning up in the daylight?"
David Anders introduces himself as Travis.
Just as a point of interest, Maria researched enough to find the bootmaker, figure out where he lives, but she didn't get his name??? 
Vampire Diaries/Originals reference.
Travis says he can't help with car stuff.
The milk was from a cow named Jennifer.  He milked her for the last time today. (Creepy).
Weird contradictory statements from Travis:
"You're the best thing I've seen in a long time."....
"Mm, I'm sorry. So many customers and all their ugly faces get all sewn up and stitched together in my mind."
"Yeah, that's the woman that bought them boots. While back. Nice lady. She paid cash."
Second reference to animals behaving strangely during a meteor shower:
"Meteor shower's got my girls singing a bit off key tonight.  Jennifer, she likes a good lullaby."
"Okay this guy is going to turn us into skin suits." (OG reference? Or just general sci-fi?)
Meteorchella at Planet 7 (Coachella-style party during meteor shower?) with any excuse to add sparkles!
Kyle says he's at Planet 7 because he's trying not to hang out with people from high school.
Isobel says she's trying to have fun without feeling like prey.
Don't think the details of Kyle/Isobel dancing matters all that much, but as a point of amusement I'll share that in the panel on Tuesday night they shared that Lily whispered something different to Trevino on every take...And they got progressively dirtier to the point that she finally felt like she crossed a line and profusely apologized.  Also the lick was a Lily addition. 
Max's confession about killing the drifter:
Kind of an interesting thing, comparing the first version of the drifter story in 1x06 to the 2x06 version. 1x06 was more dramatic, but 2x06 was more personal, I think. 
"There are moments that define our lives, and there are moments that divide our lives. Incidents that separate us into two different people: who we were before and who we will be after. Forever…One day we were children and the next we were something else. I was a killer. Michael an accomplice.  And Isobel...Isobel was broken."
"I killed a man once, on a camping trip. This drifter came out of nowhere, attacked Isobel.  I wasn't even thinking. I killed him. With this. I arrest people who kill people. Most of them usually regret what they did. You know, you can just tell that they're forever broken. It's like a piece of them dies with their victims. So when I could feel that darkness, like I had to kill, I wanted Isobel to let me die. Because I couldn't risk hurting even one innocent person. Cause life just wouldn't be worth living."
Kind of an interesting narrative choice to confess to murder on a first date and then have the girl just brush it aside. 
"No, it just hit me why you're so happy and idealistic, and I feel like an idiot. You are that way because you don't remember me. It's a clean slate.  It's like when you got out of the pods with whatever memories you had erased it's probably for your own good."
"Last I heard you were the love of my life."
"Your cohorts, they left out some details. Cause if you had your memories I'm positive the worst thing that's ever happened to you is connected to me. And I can't bear the weight of making you remember that again."
**Note, second time this has been implied.  Last time was by Michael in 1x08 regarding the alien symbol.
"...it's gotta have some connection to us right? Maybe it was something we saw somewhere before the crash."
"Sorry, are you, Max Evans, acknowledging that we must have had lives before we hatched out of the pods? You never want to talk about home."
"Hey, Roswell is home. Look, I'm sorry man. You're right. I've spent a lot of time not talking about where we come from or why we're here.  Keep thinking I can pretend the past away and just be normal. But if Isobel's blackouts are some alien thing, then I need to know more. Okay, and this symbol? That's all I have to go on. I mean don't you think it's strange that we don't have any memories? I mean, no parents, no language. We weren't infants, man. We were seven."
"I just figured our memory faded. Over 50 years in those pods. Maybe it was just time. Or maybe whoever put us in those pods doesn't want us to remember."
Travis and Trevor's house...with added bonus of his ring that Alex comments on.
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Leather ribbons/strips on the wall are for (from?) Hayley and Gertrude. More cows, I presume. 
There's also a framed Purple Heart on the wall next to a photo of Travis?
"War really messes with a man's mind.  Gets it all twisted up.
Timeline issue!! Alex says Mimi was missing for 3 weeks, but according to the clearly established timelines in 201-203 it was 4 weeks (or a month ish).  I wrote about this here:
Maria put her jacket on a scarecrow to trick Travis. And did she leave it there?
(Answer: yes. She doesn't wear it for the rest of the episode. Smart of her, actually).
Michael sees Trevor come out of the house and is about to shoot him. Maria immediate knew it wasn't Travis and threw herself in front of Michael's gun
Trevor shoots Travis.
A bullet from the Crashdown shooting falls out of Max's journal.  Does it look like it has blood on it? Or maybe just ketchup? If it's THE bullet it would make a lot of sense that he kept it hidden - evidence that Liz was shot. See this comparison between one of Wyatt's bullets in 1x02 and the one Max finds in 2x06
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"Sorry about my twin here. He's had a rough go."
"Combat does not make you an axe murderer."
"No, it wasn't the combat. It was the R&D. If a paramilitary group ever asks you to take part in a study, you run the other way. He showed up a few weeks ago. Locked me up out back. Lucky y'all showed up when you did. Gave me a chance to escape."
R&D is a military acronym for Research and Development. (Aka...The Science.)
Priscilla - the cow Mimi's boots were made from.
This is literally the only direct information gained about the boots from this little sleuthing excursion. 
Well, and that Mimi paid cash, which isn't like her.
Side note - I didn't really know what Paramilitary meant, so just in case any of you are also not good with military stuff, Paramilitary groups are like private armies. Like, I dunno, the private security firm that Jesse and Cam discussed in episode 2x04. 👀
Male doctor operating on Steph clearly states:
"All right we're approaching an arterial junction."
A female doctor replies and its less clear.  What I hear is...Blood gasses are back? Anyone else hear something that makes more sense than that?
He replied something like...the stint through here
She says something about pH levels.
Max admits that he didn't know what would happen when he decided to bring Rosa back.  He just wanted to fix the worst thing that ever happened to all of them.
"I can't believe we were Shyamalan'd by an evil twin."
I think Alex is referring to the twist ending? Or maybe just the insane axe murderer stuff.
M. Night Shyamalan wrote and directed the Sixth Sense, Signs, Split, etc…
During this scene is the first time we see Michael's tattoo… it's on his arm. I struggled with getting a cap of it, but I know there are gifs going around.
I had every intention of detailing the dialogue in the trailer scene, but before I could get to it, Carina posted the script, so I didn't think it was a good use of my time. Here's the script:
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The next morning, Alex calls the Sheriff from outside the trailer for an update.
The Sheriff tells him that Travis and Trevor burned their home and ran...weren't caught by the sheriff.  Which means we may not have seen the last of them.
The Spanish:
"Oh my God. Dios mio, Max. I took off your pants before I even said I love you. I'm some kind of zorra."
Dios mio basically is Oh My God! So Liz really was spiraling. She went, "Oh my God, Oh my God..."
Zorra - female version of Zorro. Basically a vixen, bitch, prostitute… the internet has all sorts of fun words that it translates into. 
"I call this one Visceral Werewolf Part 2, dedicated to my boy Chee Chee, may he rest in peace."
Can we have more Bert? Bert is the best. Also kudos to his goofy friend who is wayyy too excited about this.
Forrest's slam poem:
Locked up for days,
Time slipping away,
On my knees I would pray to break free from this cage.
But bargaining for keys, you forget hidden fees.
And wishing for what you’re missing ain’t the same as living the dream. 
And now I’m fighting to stay on this side of the cage.
Even though I know a part of me wishes I’d stayed. 
Ain’t no prophet or rebel or savior or devil
Could have predicted, fought, cheated or leveled. 
A life with potential that’s squandered, 
A comfortable cell is a question I ponder. 
Am I a free man or a prisoner wanderer?
Max's memory flash:
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Young Max, chained to the ground as described in 2x03. 
Max looks scared.
He's dressed all in white like the 1947 aliens after the crash (As shown in 1x12 and 2x03).
He's in a cave or something like a cave. 
Holes in the wall are glowing an orangey red color.
The ceiling is like the alien ship material with the alien symbol in it.  
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A figure approaches from behind him, bends down, and places a hand on his shoulder.
It mirrors the figure approaching Nora in 2x03 and touching her shoulder before burning the military men...probably the same person? Noah? The stowaway? Someone new?
After the figure touches Max, he looks at the hand, and then a red glow lights his face.
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1. Xocoyotzin Herrera "Esperanza"
2. Jose Luis Lepe "La Carreta"
3. Eagle Eye Cherry "Save Tonight"
4. Lousiana Red "I Done Woke Up"
5. Whissell "Magnetic"
6. Stop Dead "Alchemistress Dance"
7.  Orville Peck "Turn To Hate"
8. Kim Petras "Close Your Eyes"
9. Orville Peck "Queen Of The Rodeo"
10. Moontricks "The Fall"
11. Years & Years "Hypnotised"
12. Jordan Critz Feat. Birdtalker "Through Your Eyes"
This time I couldn't find the Whissell and Stop Dead tracks on spotify - however the Stop Dead track is referenced at being by Chelsea Dawn in the closed captions.  Which I did find. Trying to confirm this. Let me know if anyone else had better luck!
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