#not the most annoying piece of misinformation people have put on my posts but its still misinformation
sonknuxadow · 9 months
why are people so obsessed with spreading misinformation about sonic on every random sonic post with more than a thousand notes i just opened my notifications to somebody saying sonic satam and sonic underground were airing at the same time No the fuck they werent what are you talking about
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goatlingsvent · 2 years
Finally posting this response after taking everything in, and letting some things settle down. This is a response to current GAD users on the edge with pineclub and it's listed members, specifically the anonymous poster as well, who still continues to hide regardless of revealing many others and dragging them into a rabbit hole of shit.
I don't care if any of this offends you or the opinions you believe, because you were never closely involved with any of us, therefore have no right to put out intentions and thoughts for us.
Not a single person listed in that post of yours was involved with the activities Sonny did outside of the club. We're not as sick and twisted as you're painting us to be, because if Sonny posted these kinds of "things" seen here, around the server, they wouldn't of been involved with us for as long as they were. As you had pointed out, Sonny is manipulator, and a very good one at that. They had almost all of the club members fooled with their "innocent mentality". We all genuinely believed that Sonny had no ill intentions , and only had some strange interests.
(In fact, they had posted their OCs and inflatable pictures in the official goatlings server from what I remember, and rarely did so in our server. Everyone can attest to this.) Regarding the minors, there was a small collection, however we took the precautions to identify who and what they could access. The " 18+" channel that was there, had some suggestive comments at MOST, and was restricted by a role to those under 18. I am not a parent to these minors either; I should not be responsible for what other children are exposed to if it's out of my hands. I controlled everything that was. Also a majority of those minors were extremely inactive.
-- continuing on with Sonny
Obviously, those innocent interests weren't so innocent now that everything has been revealed. We're fucking disgusted. More than you know. We knew this person, and the fact that they did these kinds of things right under our noses? It's horrific. Perhaps we did gloss over these things, we're really not that interested in the links people have in their bios, nonetheless people we hardly talk to. The fact that you (poster) were somehow also a part of this group, and had went into so much depth to uncover this, yet avoid telling us at all? Is just so strange. Why tell the people not even involved, and then attach US to the issue. You caused witch hunts and misinformed reports against members who were just as manipulated by Sonny's innocent persona, and even against members who had left the club or became inactive for months on end. The fact you unearthed a horrible person is good, but bringing innocent people into it is irresponsible.
Pineclub was deleted days before this went down, since the whole reason why was that it had just become inactive. This "Hierarchy" you all preach, is just a group of people who made friends, and also have lives outside of goatlings. If you can't grasp the idea of a friend group, and instead call it a 'hugbox' or whatever words you used, then, that's just sad.
You can dislike me or think I'm annoying, but don't you ever dare associate me or my friends with someone as disgusting as Sonny. To those hounding after Nico, back the fuck off. You're all hungry witch hunters who think they're doing a good thing for the "drama community", when in reality you're being just as shitty as this blog's purpose. If you can't piece together the fact that Nico was also manipulated by Sonny before the truth found its way out, and that the response it had to finding out, which was blocking and pushing away from them, an obvious indicator of someone who feels betrayed, then idk what to tell you.
Everyone involved has Sonny blocked, and members who are recovering from being wrongly hunted down are trying to get comfortable again with the site. However, the persistence many of these idiots have to uncover them again and drag them back in is frustrating. Get a life.
Again, to the poster, if you're finished hiding behind an anonymous shield while you encourage others to go after my friends because of your anger, then my messages are open. This is a really old reply to the whole drama. I'm sorry if people think that I don't care or had wanted to sweep it all under the rug. It's been taking me and my friends a long time to deal with all of this.
0 notes
autumn-foxfire · 4 years
I got a response for the Qs, theres so much I- they brought up the villain goes here for the manga cover are you kidding, funny they said twice reaching up to pull hawks down, when their thing is to fly free. I adore the twice and hawks scene partly because of the shadow-view shift, hawks face is shadowed showing how twice sees him but then it pulls back and shows what's actually happening, hawks doesn't like this. I dont see hawks kill one to save the many as a "huge big flaw" But. (1)
Shigaraki, ahh I love him but he's such a pain, they bring up his speech thing, he goes on about how the heros hurt their familys to save others, he brings some valid points about sweeping some things under the rug, I hate that they blame that on the heroes as if they have ultimate control over society and the way the system works. "heroes solve the problem by punching" what are they meant to do? Ask the murderer for same tea? i genuinelu don't know how I'm meant to react to these, (2)
Like yeah the system and society is pretty shit, something needs to be done, someone like shigaraki bringing this up is hilarious, he's caused so much pain and panic, he's not trying to reform the way shit works, him preaching about it like he's doing something to fix it is insane. (3)? next ones a long one cause I'm ranting lmfao
Because I'm petty and a lil shit, this person brought up minetas "weren't actually wrong were they, just like the heroes actions" and didn't give any other context, with just that quote and the shot of hawks obvi looks like it's condemning the heroes and hawks. Put it in context like its meant to be read and you get "out efforts, weren't actually wrong were they, just like the heroes actions, I mean just look at this in the end it was all just worthless" MAKES IT READ COMPLETELY DIFFERENT (4)
EDIT (I missed it off by accident XD): To sum up, I feel so lost, my mind hasn't been changed and I'm confused as to the point of all of that. I want to ask more questions and they were so polite but I just, I don't understand, the only thing I can focus on is "the villains have a point about hero society, them taking the mineta quote out of context to fit a narrative, just shigaraki as a whole lmfao, and them ignoring half the scene with hawks and twice. I don't ~ understand ~ but aight.
Kudos to the person being polite even if they are very misinformed (usually I’ve noticed people who hold similar views to be very defensive) but their points are still extremely weak at best.
Also... I want to apologise in advance about my long answer to this ask T-T
First thing first, I’ve already disproven the ‘villains are always in the top corner’ point in a previous post which I will link here. It’s not a thing that exists and is just something someone made up to support their narrative that Hawks was supposed to be the villain in that scene. Most likely Horikoshi was trying to show the fight and Hawks, having wings, would obviously be placed in the top of the cover. Sure we can see symbolism and similar poses in famous artwork but without knowing if Horikoshi had any inspiration from them, it’s all just speculation.
Also, the POV shift is such an important part in chapter 265/6 that it’s so frustrating that so many people ignore it. We were supposed to sympathize with Twice first, we know his trauma and how he feels about being betrayed and then to see Hawks look down at him so emotionlessly? It was supposed to hurt.
However, then the scene shifts and the shadows start to lift from Hawks face. The cold expression Twice thought he was seeing wasn’t a real thing, in fact Hawks was looking at him with an expression of sadness and regret. Personally I think the shadows were supposed to symbolize how far Twice had fallen into villain ideology that he was unable to see that his ‘enemy’ was just as broken up as he was about the confrontation. I think that’s why the cover called it ‘one’s justice’, Twice was blinded by his loyalty towards his found family that he was willing to commit atrocities in their name meanwhile Hawks had to confront Twice and treat him like a villain even though deep down he thought he was a good man and wanted to help him.
It’s not Hawks fault that Twice continued to try and kill people and he had to resort to the only way he could stop him before he was killed by Dabi himself. This is just speculation but I’m pretty sure Hawks had determined that stopping Twice was probably the last thing he would do and he wanted to at least protect the heroes and give them a fighting chance.
As for Shigaraki’s speech, I’ve also brought up in the past about how Shigaraki completely dismisses the villains and their role in modern hero society which was interesting to say the least. As much as Shigaraki can draw attention to some of the issues in hero society (the over-reliance on the heroes being a big one), as long as he continues to ignore what actually causes a need for heroes to exist (villains) there will be no changes made by him. Also, a villain can make valid points but still ultimately be wrong and needed to be stopped, in a manga I fell in love with (thank you again @tozhan XD) the antagonist had a genuine reason and logic behind why he was the villain, however he was still stopped in the end because killing a bunch of people, no matter your logic, if messed up.
And as you said, “heroes solve the issue by punching” except heroes only react to villains, they do not start the fight, they only put an end to it. You can’t expect people to not resort to force when a group of people are actively trying to hurt others. Also that’s just ignoring how many heroes do restrain villains instead of just ‘punching’ them (Best Jeanist is a big example of that but Hawks has shown to do the same by lifting villains up in the air with his feathers and waiting for the police to pick them up). Sure, heroes probably should give villains a chance to surrender however most villains we’ve seen in the manga/anime have already been in the middle of a crime and so asking them to stop would be useless (and the one hero that did try to give a villain a chance to surrender was demonized for it).
Shigaraki really shouldn’t be the mouth piece people use to show everyone society is shit considering he killed a bunch of people first before trying to preach to the heroes (and you can’t even use the ‘it’s self-defence’ logic considering Shigaraki was planning premeditated genocide basically).
Also, I find it hilarious how so many people, especially the people that hate Mineta, were quick to jump on his words to defend their narrative even though in the chapter before that we had Majestic tell the students to not doubt themselves and then afterwards we see Shigaraki’s body breaking down showing them that interupting his operation did have an effect and gave the heroes another fighting chance.
People really need to remember that a Gigantomachia rampage would have happened anyway. Sure we can question the heroes poor planning (I’ve been annoyed by it for awhile now) however all the heroes did was strike first before the villains could. This would have happened regardless of whether the heroes attacked or not so Mineta’s words don’t really mean much when you think of the PLF’s future plans.
The heroes aren’t wrong for responding to an obvious threat and I don’t know why people are acting like they are. The PLF wasn’t a group of innocent people, they’re essentially a terrorist organization planning to kill millions, the heroes needed to react when they were all in one location otherwise cities would have been doomed.
If you want, you could direct the person to this post and see how they respond to my points. I’m kind of curious how they would respond to everything I’ve addressed here to be honest.
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kaz3313 · 5 years
Crowley is a totally very bad demon who does very demonish things. Like take care of a bunch of orphans
Inspired by one of @rainydaydecaf s text post! I wrote this in a day
Also thank you @thetimtimjr for tagging me in the post that inspired this!
( I have only seen to episode 3 so no spoilers in the tags or replies please! Thank you)
Tw: though this is mostly fluffy comedy stuff there is a sucide attempt (unsuccessfully). Also if anyone needs this tagged as anything feel free to ask as always!
(Please reblog and hope you enjoy 😊)
"Misstah Crowley are we there yet?" One of the children tugs at the demons clothes.
"I already told you; were not going anywhere. Were waiting for the storm to pass," he gently pushes the child away but he comes back to his side.
"When is the storm gonna pass then? Can it be now?"
"I don't know kid, now butt off before you're tossed into the sea," Crowley growls. At first a face of horror passes over the kid but it quickly leaves as another child pipes up.
"He won't throw you overboard, Asher, nothing to worry about," She's older than the other but no more than 14.
"I can-" Crowley begins but stops hearing one of the many infants start crying.It took him two hours to rock them all to sleep. "Oh look what you did. Now they all will wake up,". He is right as babies wake up one after another crying in confusion or empathy, as it is rather hard to tell which is which at such a young age, and Crowley desperately tries to calm down each while simultaneously answering the older children's questions.
"So whose ship is this?" A girl in rags asks, he'll have to have Aziraphale miracle her some better clothes later.
"Noah's Arch," he whispers rocking two wailing infants, twins actually.
"Is he a friend of yours?" A boy who looks as well off as she did pipes up.
"Ehhh, I met him once or twice," the meetings Crowley is referring too is when he passed the man by while tempting other people to acts of evil in his town.
"Is they're another arch?" The girl asks. A group of children has formed around some of them helping with the babies or toddlers but others just to listen to what he has to say. Odd to say the least; Crowly has definitely spoke to groups of people at a time, and many listened with such interest, but not often answer earnest questions. Much less earnest questions he's answering truthfully.
"No, no other arch," the one twin started fussing again. "Shut up," he says to the baby but instead of a harsh tone his voice is sing songish.
"Then where are all the parents at?"
"Alright enough questions, I didn't bring you on here to annoy me," Crowley hisses and more of the little ones wake up crying. Great, more to deal with.
"I'm bored,"
"I'm hungry,"
"Alright! Alright! Go-" He looks around. He could always have them mess with the animals but they could get eaten by a lion as well as get caught by Noah. No, keeping them down here is a necessity but he couldn't constantly entertain them. Then Aziraphale catches his eye. He's in the corner reading various books and scrolls he brought with him on the arch. How he could bring those instead of children Crowley will never understand (and quite frankly even though he wished to confront him about it he also didn't want to hear about the 'ineffable' or have him get fussier than the babies and run away for a century). "You see Aziraphale- Yeah, go bother him. He'll read you stories," Many of the children rushed toward the unsuspecting angel and the ones who remained Crowley could manage.
"Cr-crowley?" It is late at night, despite not needing to sleep both demon and angel are exhausted, and he doesn't expect one of the children to wake so soon. Of course he doesn't really know what to expect with kids.
"Yes," Crowley responds.Being a demon, he can see in the dark and her expression of fear is clear. "What are you doing up? It's bad enough I have to feed those little things every hour do I have to do that with you?" At that she gives a small smile.
"No, nothing like that. I just had a scary dream is all,"
"Ah, those happen," Crowley has put nightmares in many a mind before, mostly to sway them, but never in a child's.
"It was about the arch flooding cause there were too many people. It sunk to the bottom of the sea and the fish ate everyone's bones," she states her eyes wide as she recalls the fake memory.
"Morbid," Crowley replies biting his lip not sure how to comfort the child. "Arch is really sturdy though. The instructions to build this thing came straight from God so if it sinks that's on heavens hands,".
"It sank cause we're not supposed to be on here. We aren't are we?" Her voice cracks and tears start to roll down her cheeks.
"Now don't- come on sit here," he taps the place beside him and she follows his instructions. "Everything is uh, complicated to say the least. Whether you're supposed to be here or not depends on which side your looking on it from. But one thing, and the most important thing, is I wouldn't bring you on here for nothing. Like do you think I want to babysit for who knows how long while the storm of the century is outside if I didn't think it was necessary?"
"N-no, " she gives another shy smile and wipes her tears with the back of her hand. "I guess not,"
"Exactly, your obviously a smart kid. If I wasn't absolutely positive this stupid boat was going to hold I wouldn't have even tried," he says and she wraps her arms around in a hug. He pats her back not sure how else to respond.
"Thank you Mr. Crowley, that'll make my nightmares go away for sure! You're a saint!" She says chipperly and before he can correct her she skips off to bed.
"You're so very evil Crowley. What an evil deed reassuring a child," Azriphale says with a grin of his own.
"And how long have you been here? I thought you were taking to Noah and his "holy" family. Never mind, bug off angel. I'm always evil and saving this brats is against the divine plan so its evil," he reasons and the other just shakes his head reading yet again.
Feeding the kids is Crowley's least favorite parts (he had to do it at least three times! Not even Aziraphale ate that much) of the day. They were all whiny like usual only this time is 10 million times worse since they whined about not having enough food despite Crowley giving them as much as they could possibly need.
"She got more then me!" One kid yells pointing at a teen girl.
"Do you want more?" Crowley asks grabbing a piece of bread to give to him.
"Well, no but it's not fair!"
"Life isn't fair and actually this is a very small part of your life that will be fair so deal with it," Crowley snaps and the kid begins to cry. "Damn- Aziraphale!" He calls but sees the angel with his hands full as well as a toddler climbing him. He wouldn't be able to comfort the kid for a while.
"Kid, kid, listen. This is ridiculous. Just stop crying, you're fine. You're well fed and you aren't hurt and-"  Crowley leans down but the kid continues to wail.
"I need to pee," A little girl says in his ear.
"Good to know," Crowley responds.
"I need to go now!" She yells and Crowley tilts his head away from her.
"Then go; you don't need my expertise you've done it plenty of times before," she whines again, kicks his shin, and walks away.
"Timothy is hungry," a teen hands him a baby while she calms down the still crying child.
"Does, Tim Tim need food? Hmmm, little pile of squishy flesh is hungry," Crowley asks reaching for the bottle of never ending milk. The baby cooks in response then hastily drinks the milk most of it going down his chin. "What a messy Tim Tim," he states as the baby sucks the milk down as if it's the last he'll ever have. He takes out a handkerchief cleaning up the giddy baby. "Out of everyone you've got to be the happiest baby. Did you know that? Did you know that, Tim Tim," At saying this Crowley heard a voice call his name and he looks up. Azriphale just mouths the words 'what a demonic demon Crowley is'.
"I'm the scariest demon in hell," Crowley tells the kids and most of them laugh excitedly.
"R-roar then! If your a demon roar like one!" A kid calls out.
"Roar? I'm a demon not a lion! I don't roar," he states.
"How do we know your a demon then? I think your just a weird kind man!" Another kid states.
"A man couldn't all bring us on an arch with plenty of food and drink. Nobody is that kind" A kid scolds the other  " Mr. Crowley is just an embarrassed angel,"
"I'm not an angel!" But many kids already are murmuring in agreement of the severely misinformed kid. The actual angle in the room gives a small chuckle "I can turn into a snake; the one that tempted Adam and Eve!" Crowley states.
"Do it then! Snake! Snake!" The kids begin chanting the word. Crowley sighs closing his eyes and starts to form into the cold blooded creature.
"H-he a snake!" Most kids laugh in glee only a few run to Azriphale in fear. Crowley can hear a kid concerned that "Mr. Crowley got eaten by a snake". The angel is sure to reassure that Mr. Crowley did not get eaten by a snake instead he can turn into a snake. The younger ones don't exactly understand the concept and are happy to see Crowley in his usual form again.
"Only saving kids and teens huh? What about those who were on the edge of things?" An older teen guy asks while the kids eat there bread and listen to one of the other teen's stories. Besides Azriphale the charismatic storyteller has been the most help especially since in the past she had to take care of ten kids. She definitely is the most experienced.
"Not sure what you mean on the edge," Crowley replies sipping a bit of his wine.
"The day the storm came in, the same day you found me at the market, was my sister's 18 birthday," he states. Crowley doesn't say a word feeling the air thick with tension. "We were twins but my birthday was the next day...she wasn't brought here, was she?"
"...no," The teen, or rather the adult (though he still looked like a boy of maybe 16 at the most) stands up.
"Everyone is gone? My family, friends, mentors? My house, destroyed?" He asks but doesn't expect an answer. Instead he walks away, starting to go up to the deck.
"Aziraphale, one of the humans left," Crowley walks over saying in a hushed voice.
"Left?" Aziraphale questions.
"He went into the storm; seems really upset. Just check on him to make sure he doesn't get caught. I have babies to feed in a little bit so I'm asking you. And… I think you might be able to convince him to come down here," Crowley explains.
"Well alright but you owe me a lunch for this," Crowley rolls his eyes but nods agreeing to the favor.
Azriphale found the man getting pelted by rain while he stood on the edge of the ship. He didn't turn around yet he spoke at hearing the angel's footsteps.
"The world from end to end is empty and void of life. Completely wiped out except for this ship here. This ship that has a family, animals, and then about a hundred stow-away children," He says his voice monotone. Azriphale doesn't explain that many places were spared; it doesn't feel right to correct the distraught human."Do you know how many people were out there? I don't even know. But surely all those people didn't deserve death? They didn't deserve to be pushed into this raging sea and drowned when they're body tires of the condition. If God wants us dead couldn't we just be strikes down by a bolt of lightning? Why make us suffer?"
"The plan of the almighty is ineffable; even to me," Azriphale says then adds "But, against many odds, you're alive! So let's go back inside before your clothes get wetter," the human lets out a sad chuckle.
"And after? Once this passes I have no one. I'm alone in this world...God wants me dead? Was that part of the plan?"
"Well, a little bit but something plans go differently then expected especially with demonic intervention and-" Azriphale stops as he sees the human toss himself forward.
The angel's wings jut out and he swoops down to catch the spiraling human. It's an experience that sadly Azriphale has done many times. In total he's saved 1200 humans in the last century who've tried to end their life. Sometimes by spilling their poisonous drink or whispering encouraging words in their ears but only four in total has he caught. This man will most definitely be his fifth.
He reaches him grabbing on and pulling him upward. A moment later and the human would've plunged head first in the icy sea and if not killed by it  would at the very least got a concussion.
"Now, now, it is not your time," Azriphale has his arms around the other's chest and can feel him shivering from the winds whipping around them. He positions his wings to shield the fragile being from the strongest winds.
"Apparently my time is past due; God wants me dead I'm just giving him his dues," He struggles in Azriphale's grasp but his grip doesn't loosen.
"Don't talk like that, let's dry you off and-"
"My sister would take care of the neighborhood kids. She'd feed them, she  raised me and my brothers since she was ten. She taught us manners and we'd attended church every Sunday. We pray before every meal and even after. She stole from a man richer than a king with manners akin to a pig! That is her only crime and yet she's under many feet of unmerciful water dead to this cruel world! Was that fair? Should she have died, angel?"  He yells out struggling against the other.
The man-no he really is just a boy- kicks with such force that Azriphale is forced to use a miracle. He falls asleep instantly no more shouting or protesting follows. He looks so peaceful sleeping, most humans do, and the angel frowns to himself. He'd awake just as agitated as before, perhaps even more, and could potentially try to commit suicide again.
Azriphale clicks his tongue thinking of a way to stop this humans distress. He said something about a sister did he not well...another miracle is performed; this time erasing all memories of her. It definitely wasn't his best miracle but couldn't be called his worst either.
"I'm so sorry," Azriphale mumbles out but over the roaring sea no one can hear him.
"You have wings? Does Mr. Crowley have some too?" A curious child asks touching Azriphale's feathers. A toddler to his right has decided the feathers are an excellent teething device and is trying to desperately get him off.
"Yes I do," Crowley says picking up the toddler presenting him a finger instead of the feathers he could choke on.
"Can we see?" Another asks walking over to him staring at his shoulders as if she could already see them.
"Maybe," He replies. "If you all are good for dinner and go to bed on time you can see them," Cheers follow Crowley's statement.
 The baby babbles at Crowely and since no one else is around he babbles back at her. She giggles continuing 'talking' to him.
"I hear you; pretty cramped place huh? But right now you have to go to sleep; can you go to sleep?" The baby happily replies with nonsense. She's the last baby awake but it quite a stubborn one.
"Go to sleep, little talker and maybe for once I'll get a break," he sings a tuneless soft lullaby. "And with my break, I'll get to bother, Azriphale! And he'll just read his books, or eat his food, and ignore me, because he is gooooood,".
The baby closes her eyes but Crowley continues his made up song "Go to sleep, little babe, and hope we'll get off this ship that's driving me insane," he finishes with a few la la's and the baby is fast asleep.
"Papa?" A small toddler walks running into Crowley head on. He steps back before falling on his butt "Papa?" He asks again.
"Nope, not a Papa," Crowley says patting the confused child head. "Just a demon doing bad,"
"Papa!" He exclaims and Crowley sighs.
"Nope. Very disappointed you didn't get it the first time,"
"Now this is a little excessive don't you think? How many times do I need to say no?" Crowley asks putting his hands on his hips. He might as well humor the toddler.
"Pa-pa! Papa! Papa!" He claps his hands.
"Can your Papa turn into a snake?" The boy nods. "Really? I doubt that. Can he strike fear into anything and everything?" Again he nods. "Is your dad a demon? If so I might know him,"
"Papa!" He claps again.
"Is your Papa's name Crowely?"
"I don't think so," but the child giggles in response.
"What a good parent you make Crowley," Azriphale states grinning (and dare Crowley say the smile is devilish?).
"Papa!" The toddler exclaims to Azriphale and he goes bright red.
"It seems the little one doesn't have a big vocabulary,"
"So that's what it is angel?" Crowley gives his own grin. He nods in response.
Six days pass before the rain stops and the sun comes out; and just as Azriphale says a rainbow appears promising to never flood the world again.
Crowley can be thankful for that. He isn't sure he can take care of hundreds of kids again. Though with all the hugs they give him he can't complain too much.
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treehouseart · 6 years
Why Reblogging Is So Important to Artists | Why Being Nice Online is Important | Storytime
First of all, I wasn’t going to talk about this. Because I thought it wasn’t needed, because I thought there was enough information out there asking people NOT TO REPOST ART and if we do, at least give PROPER CREDIT.
But there isn’t. That’s alright. Let’s talk about it.
 Two days ago I was approached by the lovely @vaugleysassygrunt​ who told me someone was reposting my art. They said this person had been changing their url all day (and they’re still doing it) and sent me a hyperlink to the art they had posted. It was one of the comics from my on-going Sanders Sons series, a sequential comic I have been working on for almost a year. It was pretty dear to my heart (and the context was pretty important as well). 
My immediate thought was “Oooh boy, my first art thief, that’s so exciting”. All the big ones get those. Along I went to this person’s tumblr and was about to send them a message when I saw they had already addressed the issue by saying they found reblogging annoying and that’s why they preferred reposting. That they never claimed the art was theirs.
Of course my first thought was “if you don’t like reblogging what are you doing on tumblr?”. But we shouldn’t give in to our first thoughts. They’re often rash.
So I get into a conversation with said art thief and try another way. Because THERE IS another way. We can’t nunchuk our way to awareness. This is what I wrote:
Hi, friendo! I'm sorry people are giving you a hard time, but crediting art is very important for us artists :( It's how we make our carreers. I understand you don't enjoy reblogging, but it can help people find our art and find more of our work if they need to. I also am really embarrassed to have to ask, but could you please credit sandersssons-comic or sanderssons in the quadruplets AU? It's a series I spent a lot of time on and I would hate it if people only read a part of it. Thanks and have a good day :D
They repond right away. Telling me they accept my apology (?)
Also that they found the image on google images.
Also asking how much artists get.
FIRST LESSON TO TAKE FROM THIS: Google Images, such as Google itself, it’s an image SEARCHER. It COMPILES images from the whole internet. An image being on Google Images DOES NOT MEAN IT’S UP FOR GRABS. Google Images provides the proper source of the picture.
BESIDES, Google Images can be a great tool for finding the author of an artpiece. Just go to Google Reverse Image Search. You can do it from your phone and from your desktop. Just put the image on and Google finds the original source for you!
So I proceed to explain to this person that artists don’t make much. Most of us get money from comissions that depend on the complexity. Some get Ko-Fis and Patreons and online shops with stickers and key chains and some other goodies.
They say: 
I don’t mean to be rude but you could just get more money by being an art teacher or something that pays good minimum wage. 
And you can imagine this big red flag raising in my head. Disengage. Disengage. Disengage. But this was a HUMAN BEING. And a misinformed one. I had already made contact. Might as well. I explained that we DO NOT WANT other jobs. This is our jobs. This is our choice of carreer. And it’s not hard to respect.
Reminder, that should go without saying: YOU DO NOT HAVE A SAY ON PEOPLE’S LIFE CHOICES
Our friend says they don’t understand cause they’re in high school and they don’t draw a lot (as if art knowledge just comes by osmosis when you draw a lot)
I said it was totally cool not to understand. Because it is
SECOND LESSON: SOMETIMES PEOPLE DON’T KNOW THINGS. I came back to tumblr for the Thomas Sanders fandom. A fandom that thrives on kindness and caring and validation of different people  
They thanked me for being cool and explaining things and asked if we could be friends. I said that absolutely
(After our little talk, they started giving credit to the pictures they could find. Read as: the ones that had signatures on the image)
We talked yesterday a whole part of the day. We get acquainted. They’re finding themselves as non-binary, they’re in high school. Things like that. I tell them I’m 20 and in college for journalism
In this proccess I explained how comissions worked and, again, why reblogging and not reposting was important
So yesterday night I’m already in bed when they message me “Hi”
I responded I was tired and going to sleep. They said they were going to bed too. And that they hated when they were accused of something they didn’t do. Which was stealing art
And I said that, indeed, they weren’t STEALING art per say. But reposting was a dick move. They got PISSED. So I tried to find an analogy they would understand.
Ok, think of it like this
You've painted a tradicional piece in oil and put it in your gallery with other paintings
Someone can't come and take the painting off the wall and put it on their gallery
Even if they say it's yours... It doesn't bring more people to your gallery. It exposes your work... But that's mostly it. 
To which they replied:
The Mona Lisa got stolen once and people have made counterfeit paintings in the past 
Which, goes without saying DOESN’T MAKE IT OKAY. Just because someone already murdered another, it doesn’t mean we can go around on a killing spree.
Besides, tumblr has original content and tools to get replicated inside the website. And so I told them.
And then again:
Why are the majority of people here artists who clearly don’t realize they can get a part time job? 
And I told them, AGAIN, they do not want part time jobs. They want these jobs.
They said I lied then, when I said art didn’t pay well. And proceeded to say they didn’t understand why people want to be starving artists.
I was also making them upset.
I tried to explain further, but they blocked me.
Fortunately, I was able to send one last message and I think it’s the biggest message I want to pass here.
I'm sorry I'm upsetting you but I've been nothing but respectful
Be respectful. Even when you’re mad. Even when people are rude. Kill them with kindness. If they’re too immature to listen to you, that’s on them. Practice what our dear youtubers preach (Thomas Sanders, Jack, Mark). 
This person is still reposting, yes. They’re giving credit, but still reposting. It’s a start, I believe. It’s more than I would have gotten sending a hate ask. 
So now, princes, princesses and non-binary royalty, I give you the
Artists are ENTITLED TO THEIR ART. You. Are. Not. It doesn’t matter if it’s on tumblr, on google images or on the street. If there’s a signature or not. Getting money for it or not (also, since I’m here, don’t forget that art is not only visual arts, but also videos, music, podcasts and a bagillion other things. If it’s not yours, don’t post it)
You DO NOT get a say on how people should get their wage (just like you don’t get a say on how they dress, on where they go, or who they love)
When you REBLOG, you help the artist to get known. It costs nothing. When you REPOST, you’re a dick. You’re not helping anyone and you’re giving yourself more trouble than just clicking a simple button
It’s okay not to know everything, but listen when people talk respectfully
Don’t be hard on people when you can be nice. Aggravating people will only make enemies of people who can be friends
Be mature enough to accept sometimes you’re wrong
BONUS ROUND: I believed we were done, but I saw this post short after. I didn’t think it was relevant to include, but I feel like I must say something.
I’ve had it with everyone being nothing but mean and antagonizing me. I’m not the bad guy and I really want to kill myself or leave tumblr. I’m never accepted by anyone or anywhere. Hell its hard to tell my friends I’m into men and women or that I like certain things. I get rejected constantly so goodbye forever 
And later proceeded to post normally.
Please notice that your life BEING HARD does not make up for BEING A DICK and REFUSING TO BE EDUCATED. I will not refrain from telling you the truth R E S P E C T F U L L Y to protect your feelings just because you’re LGBTQ+ (specially because the you being B part was totally new information for me in this post/and I’m in the community too).
So since I’m giving moral lessons, do this for your friends. We should not stand for something we do not agree. Real friends will respect your side and reconsider. If a person hostilizes you for having a different opinion - or, in this case, being right - they’re not someone you want to have around.
PS.: I will not disclose this person’s identity because it’s irrelevant. I’m only posting this in hopes it can help someone else
PPS.: I ended up did reporting this person for giving my comic specifically the wrong credit
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gossamer-scraps · 6 years
All of them; you don’t even have to reblog the post, since you’re me.
- gossamer-scraps
Thanks for the ask!
1. When did you start playing?
Ashlynne's irl birthday is November 1, 2014.
2. What was your first characters race/class (profession)?
Sylvari guardian. As previously discussed, it was not what I was expecting.
3. How many characters do you have?
Depends how you count: ~11 that I play; 20 total.
4. Whats your favourite race?
Haven't got one.
5. Whats your least favourite race?
the male norn model Ahem. I definitely have the fewest charr, but that really comes down to the lack of armor skins that I thought would look interesting/good on their models. So while it's not true from a lore perspective by any means, from a purely ingame perspective I guess it’s charr.
6. What do you prefer PvE or PVP?
PvE. I bet I might like PvP as well, but I just never came across an opportunity to really get into it.
7. Have you spent IRL money on the gem shop?
Once, on a present for someone. Given how things have gone with Arenanet, I feel a bit bad about not having been slightly looser with my wallet. I do think the developers deserve more than the (I just checked) US$135 I've spent for more than 4 years of entertainment.
8. Whats your favourite zone? 9. Whats your favourite city? 11. Whats a piece of gear you always transmute because you love the look of it so much? 17. Whats your best guild wars experience? 18. Do you have a favourite character from the lore? 21. Favourite weapon skin? 38. Best memory in guild wars? 40. What bothers you the most about the game if anything?
Oh, man. I bet back when I played non-raid content in this game and developed my own fanlore, I'd have really interesting answers for these if I gave them some thought. But I really don't remember at the moment. I may come back to some of these.
10. Whats your favourite PVP map?
Absolutely no idea. I've only played like 4 of them. I can tell you which ones aren't my favorite (all of the ones I've played).
12. How many achievement points do you have?
10,534. I expend no effort collecting AP; in fact, I used to enjoy not having that many.
13. Is it okay to ask to RP with you?
Sure! I prefer to do that kind of thing outside of the game, though, for a number of reasons; the most important of which is that I like to keep records of everything in case something really compelling comes out of it and it could be made into a story.
14. Is your guild open to new members?
The actual guild I rep: Yep! They're not on Tumblr though. The "guild" I made, [PS] Please Stack: Sure, why the hell not. Message me if you want in.
15. Have you ever been really angry at the game? why?
Yeah, probably? Though most instances that might count are being really angry at people's behaviors within the game. Things bother me about the game itself all the time, but I can't think of a time off the top of my head that would qualify as "really angry." I'd put the over/under as like 5 times though.
16. Do you enjoy jumping puzzles?
Yes, especially when I experience them entirely within the game. I haven't done a ton oh I'm apparently at 35/44 on the achievement category, though a lot of jumping puzzle experiences in the game aren't on there. But in any case I don't usually go out of my way to do them.
19. Is there a class you like the idea of but the gameplay doesn’t match up for you?
Years ago I wrote a post about this. But... pretty much all of them don't match up in my opinion. I treat the lore implications of each class completely separately from the game-mechanical implications, with few exceptions. As far as classes I particularly dislike the play of but want to like, revenant definitely takes the cake, as I can't stand any of its unique mechanics (energy, not customizing your utilities, few weapon choices, the animations, etc). Guardian too: I still want the defensive, supporty knight class I signed up for at launch whose mechanics all apparently went to chronomancer. (Necromancer doesn't qualify because neither the idea nor the gameplay appeals to me particularly.)
20. How far have you made it in SAB (Super Adventure Box) if you had the chance to play it?
I think I beat W1 on normal? I don't remember, it didn't interest me that much.
22. Do you have a legendary? Which one or ones?
I have nevermore and sunrise/twilight/eternity. If I collected 3 more chak eggs I'd enough stuff and gold on me to instantly craft a set of legendary armor and another legendary weapon, but neither seems worth the cost.
23. Whats your favourite legendary?
Hopefully the upcoming ring, since I'll probably make it in that case. But hm... maybe the wielded version of the flameseeker prophesies? Or nevermore? I wish astralaria's metal parts were less flat-looking, maybe with more than one color to visually differentiate the gears. The shining blade's pretty nice too.
24. Is there a race you hate with a passion?
I looked through the whole list, and... nah. The closest would be halloween creatures, due to a general dislike for most of the holiday, but that’s not their fault, and they don't do anything particularly bothersome to me. Can't blame them for being pointless and unfun ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
25. What class do you hate to face in PVP?
Let's go with scourge, because standing in a shade and dying of conditions is kind of boring? But honestly I have no idea; I don't PvP.
26. Are there any players you look up to?
Hmm. In small ways, a few, like DEKeyz from back in the day. But I don't think there's really been a player who I met who I thought, "I aspire to live up to the example you set" or anything like that. Rare is the player whose skill at ingame things is notable who isn't also annoying or an asshole in some way, and the ones who I only know from public comments don't get a pass until proven otherwise. If I was being optimistic, I’d like to think a few people might be okay, like Knox from [Ren]. And purely on ingame skill there are a lot of people.
28. Do you play with sound on or off?
Off. I've pretty much always played games mostly without sound. Not sure why.
29. Do you stream GW2? If so where can I watch you?
I could! I've considered it, but I don't know anyone who would watch, and I don't have any particular GW2 content to stream.
30. Are you obsessed with in game fashion?
Yes, arguably. I'm very particular about it, and I don't make characters without putting hours into how they look.
31. Do you have a favourite dye?
Nah. I'm sure there are some I like a lot, but it's all down to how they're used (just like my favorite color).
32. Whats the best glider skin in your opinion?
I'm still waiting! I've been ready to snap up the first glider skin I really like ever since HoT came out, but none has tickled my fancy or whatever the saying is besides the classical glider which I've got right now. iirc I used to like the old ad infinitum glider, but I don't like the changed version and I certainly don't want to spend 1300g on it.
33. Have you ever had to block someone?
Tons of times. This is video games; I’d be surprised if I didn’t. Though, to be fair, none of the blocks I can think of were out of “necessity” in that none of them were actively reaching out to me or anything. They were just annoying/offensive/etc and I saw no value in remembering they exist. So perhaps I’m lucky in that regard.
34. Weirdest map chat experience?
Uhhh... hm. I bet it was back in the HoT-meta-grinding days. In the aerodrome, nothing is at all unexpected. Nothing comes to mind though; the memorable stuff is just offensive or annoying, not weird.
35. Do you have 100% map completion on any of your characters?
Only a few. They were all for the gifts of exploration to craft legendaries for profit. I used to keep track of how many I'd sold, but I don't recall anymore.
36. What type of player are you? Hardcore, Casual, Semi-hardcore, Barely online.
This is such a wide range, so it’s hard to specify. Among all GW2 players I'm sure I'm hardcore. Among raiders I'm still probably hardcore. Among hardcore raiders I'm probably semi-hardcore to casual. 
37. What are the top three tips you would give someone just starting to play?
I would prefer to give them a lot more than 3 tips, and do so in voice chat over a long period of time. Otherwise I try not to get involved with that. I can't stand trying to correct other people's misinformation or judge how much or how little background someone has when they ask a newbie question without really getting into it. Like, I used to read the reddit and answer new players’ questions, but the number of other commenters who’d chime in and be totally wrong or obviously unhelpful drove me nuts.
39. Do you stick to one character mostly or are you an altoholic?
When you get to this point in the game, you really have to be comfortable with a roster of characters. I guess there are some exceptions, but those are still people who have a main but can and do play every class. But ever since basically the beginning, I've switched between a bunch of classes and builds as was appropriate for the situation. I dunno how much that counts as being an "altaholic" though; I've made a new character for non-mechanical reasons probably 3-4 times, which may be many or few depending on who you compare it to actually I just counted and it's like 7, so... maybe. You be the judge.
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ismael37olson · 7 years
A World of Pure Imagination
For the last 27 years, I've been watching and promoting the St. Louis theatre community, and it's grown and matured and diversified in so many wonderful ways in that time. It's been so cool to watch us evolve into what we are now, and to see where we're headed from here. It's an exciting theatre scene, with an incredible range of experiences to offer, quite often created by brilliant, fearless theatre artists. But four or five times during that period, someone has come to town and told us all -- sometimes more explicitly, sometimes more subtly -- that the rest of us making theatre don't really know what we're doing (we do), that St. Louis is behind the times (we're not), that St. Louis theatre artists don't know as much about theatre as people in New York or Chicago (not true), that the work this new person or group is doing is profoundly new and unprecedented (it rarely is), that only these outsiders have the full truth (they don't) and they will save our city and our theatre community (they won't) with the wisdom the rest of us sorely lack (we don't). Usually this emerges from a scary mix of hubris and ignorance. It's rare that these folks actually take time first to get know what our community offers and the dozens of active theatre companies here; they just open fire. Usually they have worked with some teacher or group who's taught them some very cool things, but now they think only that teacher's ideas are worthy, that these ideas have never occurred to anyone else, and that all opposing opinions are stupid and misinformed. These folks think they've achieved full artistic enlightenment (they haven't). Perhaps their biggest problem is they don't know the most important thing about making art: there are millions of answers, not just one. I remember one guy who came to town and started a company called Broadway On Your Doorstep. He declared that he was going to show the rest of us how to properly market theatre and build an audience. We all giggled at his buffoonery. Within a year, the company had folded and he had disappeared with the last performance's box office receipts. More recently, someone moved here, announced the creation of an "immersive theatre company," and then proceeded to tell us all repeatedly that past productions of immersive theatre in St. Louis weren't really immersive. Without having seen them. She insisted that her definition of what's "immersive" is the only legit one; that what other people may think is wrong, and that her company is the only company doing "truly" immersive work here. It's not.
Many of us were both amused and annoyed. For the record, there have been quite a few pieces of immersive theatre in St. Louis, including one of the coolest shows I've ever seen, Trash Macbeth. But that doesn't count because then she couldn't be the first and only. This has happened periodically over the years. We listen to newcomers like this pontificate, as they tell us how woefully backward we are, we watch them alienate a big part of the community, and we laugh at them. Usually the work these people do is mediocre (which might explain the desperately overblown rhetoric), though once in a while, the work is actually really good, and you just have to separate it from its pontificator. Now, in all fairness, I sometimes get criticized for having strong opinions myself, and that criticism is sometimes legit. But I never claim that only I understand musicals, that only I am bringing contemporary musical theatre to town, that only I am privy to the Great Secrets... I often have strong opinions about theatre because I think about it a lot. Pretty much all the time. I've written six books about musical theatre, I've written nine musicals, and I've directed over a hundred musicals over the last thirty-six years. I have an informed opinion and yet still, I usually don't offer that opinion unless I've really thought it through. If I haven't, I'll post articles and ask for opinions. Often opinions are offered that really illuminate the topic for me. I have learned so much about the issues surrounding race from the people on Facebook. And there's so much I have yet to learn, about theatre, about psychology, about audiences, about our changing culture, about race and gender and orientation. It's a complicated world. So why do people feel compelled to act like there's nothing else they can learn? Still, when I put my opinions on art out there in public, particularly if I state them strongly, and particularly if my opinion is outside the mainstream, there are lots of people on social media who can't wait to start a fight. And more often than not, they want to fight over something they inferred from what I wrote, rather than something I actually wrote. But like a dog with a bone, they cling fiercely to their outrage, even though they're arguing against phantoms...
Recently, I posted in the St. Louis theatre group that musical theatre actors ought to think about taking dance classes -- not to become dancers, but just to get more comfortable with and more in control of their bodies, that it can make a real difference. I've said this in the past to several actors, and I felt like more people should hear it. Dozens of people thought my post was great, and several local choreographers thanked me for saying so. But a couple people were deeply wounded because they thought my post implied that they're not already great onstage, that they might have room for improvement, that continuing to learn is a good thing, that even top professionals keep studying their craft. What was I thinking? One person essentially told me that my post said he should never perform in a musical again. (It didn't.) One woman reacted with an Angry emoji. In fact, she was so Angry that she took the time that afternoon to put Angry emojis on everything I posted in the group for the previous couple days, including a post about how The Muny wants people's "Muny stories" for their big anniversary next year. Yeah, that damn Muny would make me angry too! She and her emojis sure showed me! I'm thinking maybe she was scared by a choreographer when she was a child...? Such is the internet. Still, for those of us making art, few things are more important than thinking about it, talking about it, debating it, and Facebook is a great forum for that. And whatever drawbacks that may have, it still has great value. So I'll keep talking and writing and trying to figure it all out. Until next time... Long Live the Musical! Scott from The Bad Boy of Musical Theatre http://newlinetheatre.blogspot.com/2017/10/a-world-of-pure-imagination.html
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