#not that you can cut autism outta sexuality or the other way around
horsesource · 29 days
I guess that is what drives me crazy about us speaking/masking autistics. There are plenty of nonspeaking/non-masking autistics whose semiosis cannot be successfully recuperated by a semiotics of power. And I think if there is any revolution to autistic flows it has to be with them. Because with speaking autistics who identify as autistic, they're begging to be recuperated! The a-signifying flows of autism are captured (enthusiastically!) and it becomes a rote deadening--"you feel uncomfortable in the gaze of another? you wiggle your foot? that's your autism." Everyone rehearses the signs of autism and how to detect them. Autistic flows can be “breathing spaces”, can be resistant to "the dictatorship of the signifier", but "autism" becomes just another (very convenient) signifier when it turns into "there it is! your autism. now it makes sense." We'd be better off dancing and spitting and humming and exiting or repurposing these technological platforms that hierarchize our semiotic flows instead of trying to detect signs, gestures for meanings of autism in videos posted on said platforms
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gallus-rising · 6 months
for p1: current favorite ship/first favorite ship and p2 current favorite character/first favorite character. also top 5 pokemon for 3
i'm afraid i can't give you first fav ship/character since my memory is terrible and also i'm probably over thinking it and trying to go too far back 😔 first fav character was assuredly someone from Digimon tho lol
ok under the cut because it got longish lol
current favorite ship: currently suffering from ekumob brainrot 😔
when I started shipping it if I did:
ok their friendship was already very important to me but when the broccoil arc was animated?? idk for some reason that Activated something in me..... there was also this one popular fanartist on twt who's since moved on from mp100 that def contributed. no idea where they are now but i hope they're doing well 🙏
my thoughts:
oh god we'll be here all day. they r. Good
What makes me happy about them:
hhhng human/monster ships always make me happy just because (´ ∀ ` *) but something specific to them is the slowbuild trust between them?? most of my ships are built on canon friendship stuff and mp100's platonic relationships are particularly good. i wouldn't be able to properly describe it w/o going into full series meta lol but this is a good place to start probably
What makes me sad about them:
we all know that mortal/immortal pairings never end well :']
things done in fanfic that annoys me:
there isn't enough fic for them for this to rly be applicable :''']
things I look for in fanfic:
thing i'm desperate for in both fic and art is ghost Dimple. get that claw guy outta here he is a mere means to an end
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: 
ekurei is always fun but Mob is aro to me u-u i'm shipping him in an aro way. i promise it makes since in my head
My happily ever after for them:
just very chill living together. Mob seemingly lives alone and his normal friends feel a lil bad for him and try to set him up w someone every once and a while but Mob always politely declines. when Mob is busy Dimple spends time with the extended S&S crew because those are his fwiends 🥺 sometimes Dimple is gone for a few days but he always comes back home <3
who is the big spoon/little spoon:
depends on whether Dimple is in Big Ghost mode or Little Ghost mode lol but i feel like they both equally enjoy either role
what is their favorite non-sexual activity:
Mob astral projecting so Dimple can possess his body and do the sorts of normal human things he misses. just. small ghost Mob hanging out while Dimple goes on a walk or has dinner or takes a bath or w/e. also. small ghost cuddles 🥺 tiny ghost Mob and tiny ghost Dimple snuggling 🥺🥺 Mob's unconscious body is about 5 feet away ig
current favorite character: bouncing around between various Dungeon Meshi characters atm but let's go with Laois
How I feel about this character:
autism to autism communication
All the people I ship romantically with this character: 
no one. he is aroace to me u-u
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
i don't say this lightly but the Touden party is the found family of all time oh my GOD
My unpopular opinion about this character: 
as an autistic/autistic-coded characters he is ofc subject to Pure Sunshine Syndrome UwU so most of my unpopular opinions are just canon facts lmao. he's very smart and a capable leader, charisma is just his dump stat
also i know someone wrote a meta post explaining this way better but Laios is just so angry. the post was mostly about how in most media the character who is autistic misreads the social situation is always in the wrong. the character must always realize they've committed a horrible social taboo and eventually apologize to everyone for their bad behavior. but Dugeon Meshi lets Laios be angry. like yeah!! why didn't ppl just explain things to him?? he gets mad when other ppl pretend to get along w him but actually dislike him and are waiting for him to get a clue. so yeah, Laios is a chill guy but underneath that he is just so angry at the world all the time. he's pissed off ppl treat him like a freak for acting sincerely, he's pissed off ppl treat his sister like a freak for her natural talents, and Kabru is super valid and right for assuming that Laios hates humanity bc he kinda does a lil (tho not to the extent that Kabru thought ofc)
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
let him have fangs and glowly cat eyes and all that. he needs to live out his furry/otherkin dreams.
my OTP:
my cross over ship:
you know what???? Venom.
a headcanon fact:
top 5 favorite pokemon: hhhhng picking just 5 is v difficult so consider this incomplete. listed in no particular order because i'm bad at that 😔
turtwig line. i yelled when the Big Torts appeared in Detective Pikachu
porygon line. split line evo where you can evolve proygon2 into porygon3 which is stated for Sp. Def vs porygon-z's Sp. Atk WHEN!!!!
pidove line. fav regional bird. unfezant is Peak bird design
smugleaf snivy line. it's a skink that evolves into a legless lizard what's not to love??
klefki. L + Ratio + Prankster + Thunder Wave + Spikes + Dual Screens + Light Clay. Taunt users DNI
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