#not tagging mapleshade or mapleshades vengeance because this is just something I PERSONALLY dislike
spiremassk · 1 year
controversial post but I couldn’t finish mapleshades vengeance because she constantly thinks so poorly of every other woman in existence. thats not unique in warrior cats, I can deal with it, but mapleshade being portrayed in the fandom as some girlboss feminist just made it hard for me to put up with that. mapleshade is a person who hates women all while being called a girlboss.
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Hi! I’m a big fan of reading your background character lists, and I look forward to seeing more things you write! I just decided to start posting about my warrior cats rewrite, but I have positively no clue how to really start. Would you have any tips? I look up to a lot of rewriters, but I also don’t want to seem like I’m copying people. ^^’ Thank you and have a nice day/evening/night!
Thank you! I've been enjoying doing them.
I have many tips! In no particular order:
Tackle the big issues head on. Don't be afraid to work on the biggest issues. Recreating the Tribe or dismantling the series' xenophobia can be hard, but once you start working on them you'll find that they're easier than you think.
Don't be afraid to take criticism on your ideas for these issues. Listen to people, and don't be afraid to ask others to use an idea or one similar to it. I asked Bonefall about fire/cooking (even though they put a blanket yes on everything). As for me? My ideas are also open source. Just tag me, because I wanna see what you do!
TAKE. NOTES. I said no particular order but this might be the most important thing. Do not be the Erins. Do not rely purely on the wiki, or your brain. You will forget things.
The family trees are a nightmare, do not be ashamed to create a visual, or apply "x generations after no longer counts" rules onto it to prevent bloat if you dislike a large clan to make other cats mates. I have a 3 generation rule.
If you find yourself getting frustrated with a detail, put it down for a bit.
Don't be scared of not being 'realistic' enough. The series is already quite unrealistic (Cats not being able to see in the dark, knowing what sweet things are, the medicines and plants that would be toxic irl, monogamy in cats, the sizes of other animals, etc). Be weird.
Another extremely important rule. Build up your side characters. For all its faults, Arc 1 had amazing side characters. No one in later arcs has personality beyond a handful of Shadowclan cats, and some Thunderclan cats that were unceremoniously killed off during TBC or between The Last Hope and The Apprentice's Quest, while Brackenfur rots away in the elder's den.
If you ever need help, don't be afraid to reach out. This Fandom is quite passionate about these books, I guarantee someone will have something.
If you need a starting point for where to write? I'd recommend 3 different points.
Into The Wild (Easy Mode)
Dawn of the Clans (Medium)
Mapleshade's Vengeance (Hard Mode)
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redux-iterum · 2 years
Ok, we all get why you despise Greystripe... but Spottedleaf, Frecklewish, Mistystar, Rootspring?! Why... :'(
You know what? Just for you, I'll give you a brief rundown of my hatred on each character. Enjoy the anger under the cut!
Greystripe: Just...just look through this tag.
Blackstar: I've discussed this here and there, but the short of it is that the Clans seem to have completely forgotten that he was a willing assistant to two tyrannical leaders, got kicked out of his own Clan for being evil, and murdered a cat for the crime of being a half-breed. The warriors' reasons for disliking him are because he's from ShadowClan and he's a little grumpy, not for any of his actual fuckin' crimes. Add to that the fact that he's a gullible idiot who let some outsider nearly destroy his Clan based on lies that he should have been able to figure out were fake, and you have an idiot asshole who just hurts ShadowClan.
Spottedleaf: Aside from the creepy nature of her romantic tension with Firepaw (not -heart, -paw) and her obsession with him after her death, she doesn't have a damn thing going for her. She's, what, pretty? Smells nice? Keeps mourning that she never got to be with her True Love? She is a hollow character with "Firestar" as her only personality trait. Thistleclaw's manipulations are the sole interesting thing that ever happened to her, and you can guess for yourself why that's fucked up.
Leopardstar: Look. I get it. She's a popular character. Strong Female Hero, Queen of the River Clan, Blah Blah Blah. I don't care. She's an unpleasant bitch that let her Clan be walked over by Tigerstar (who we'll get to in a second) because she was "in love with him". And then she spends the rest of her appearances being an asshole. Fuck that. Why don't you do something beneficial to the other characters for once?
Frecklewish: Bearing in mind that I only read the Wiki pages of Mapleshade's Vengeance and Frecklewish herself, I can at least say that this character is awful. She forces her way into Mapleshade's business, to the point that she won't even leave her alone as she's giving birth, and does a complete 180 at the reveal and screams at her for "betraying" her and wants the kits she was previously obsessed with out. For why? Those kits not being her brother's, which Mapleshade never said they were? Bitch assumed and made it her business to micromanage the entire thing. She's not awful enough to go to the Dark Forest, but boy is she a fuckwad.
Tigerstar: Did you know he has a superpower? He has the magical ability to make everyone around him stupid as a rock so he can act evil and do horrible things and get away with them. If it wasn't for the fact that everyone just drops every IQ point they have where he's concerned, he would not have gotten nearly as far as he did in the books. StarClan gave him nine lives, Bluestar dismissed his dangerous behavior, EVERYONE bought his story about Ravenpaw of all people being a traitor, so on and so forth. All it would have taken is one person getting their brain back and asking a single question about what he was doing, and he would have failed and been killed. It's purely the writers getting him anywhere. It's bullshit.
Thistleclaw: I don't think I need to justify this one. He's a predator (which I still find a bad choice for the writers to have made), he's an asshole, etc. I'm disappointed that they failed so hard to make him dangerous in Bluestar's Prophecy that they had to backtrack and make him a monster in a side story, when there was no indication of that, like, ever.
Mistystar: Just read The Broken Code and you'll get it. For a recap, she just agrees with everything the obviously evil people say, to the point of almost letting Bramblestar run her Clan for her. She's unkind to her own Clanmates, refusing to let them back in even after it's clear that they didn't deserve their punishment. She's a terrible leader, made even worse by her going as stupid as she did and just doing whatever Bramblestar says. It's ridiculous.
Lionblaze: Boring. He is so goddamn boring. He's overpowered, so he can't lose any fight. He goes through the same Dark Forest arc Bramblestar did, and that goes nowhere. His personality is dishwater and I never had it in me to care about him, even back in the day when I was first reading the third arc. And let's not forget that he had so many kits that ThunderClan is one big incest clusterfuck now. I desperately want him to die.
Rootspring: God, did you see him in TBC? He's so self-pitying and whiny! He won't drop his crush on Bristlefrost (and the fact that she dies and he doesn't still pisses me off because she was infinitely more interesting) until she says she loves him back out of fuckin' nowhere. He's constantly going "weh, why do I have to have an embarrassing dad, why do I have to have powers, oh, woe is me, I have a lot to be grateful for and I refuse to acknowledge those things". God. It's pathetic. Grow some nads and quit complaining about your life, dipshit. Shadowsight has seizures and almost destroyed the Clans, and he's not bitching nearly as much as you are.
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heather1815 · 7 years
20 Warrior cats questions
I wasn’t tagged, but i really wanted to do this challenge.
1. How did you get into Warriors?
When i was, maybe around 12 or 13, i was browsing through youtube when i stumble upon the SSS warrior cat animated series. From there i watched other animated projects related to warriors, i had no idea what was going, then i did a little research and discovered the series. And just a year later, i finally got my hands on Into the wild.
2. Favorite Arc?
Well, i haven’t read Omen of the stars yet, neither Dawn of the Clans (But i want to read it soooo badly!) nor Vision of shadows. Which leaves the first three series to choose from. I’m going to go with The prophecies begin, just because how well it is written. Maybe it’s because it’s the first series, but even today the story still holds up. I was so excited to start reading Power of three, but was kind of disappointed by the amount of filler it was put in. And i was really interested in the New prophecy arc at first but after they reached the lake, it kind of dragged from there. So the first series it is.
3. Favorite Book? (excluding mangas, super editions, novellas)
Oh that’s a tough question!
I think it will be a tie between “The darkest hour” and “Long shadows”. The darkest hour was the epic conclusion to the first series, and everything before was building up to this big moment, and it was just so cool to see the four Clans uniting to stand against BloodClan. Though the only nitpick that i have is that it’s kind of lame that the big bad is killed off so easy just so we can get a new “surprise” villain. But Scourge is cool, and i like him. (Yeah, i know he’s overrated, but i still like him as a villain)
“Long shadows” in my opinion was the first true warriors book that i have read since the end of the first series. Don’t get me wrong, not to say everything else was bad before this book, it just didn’t keep my interest from beginning to end. Some conflict stuff happened here and there, but that’s it. So much stuff happens in “Long shadows” and none of it was filler. I remember every single detail that happened in that book. And of course, there is the great fire scene near the end and the cliffhanger ending.
4. Favorite Super Edition, Novella, or Manga?
Okay, i’m going to cheat a little here and pick one for each.
For favorite super edition, my personal favorite is Tallstar’s revenge. I love the way WindClan is portrayed in this book. Tallstar’s point of view is very interesting, especially when you notice the change when he comes back. His relationship with Jake, of course. I haven’t read all of them, i’m currently reading Firestar’s quest and it’s good so far. If i had to rate the super editions i read from my favorite to my least favorite, the order would be: Tallstar’s revenge, Crookedstar’s promise, Firestar’s quest (Again, i’m still reading it, but so far from what i have seen this is where i would rate it. May change the further i progress in the story) Yellowfang’s secret, and finally Bluestar’s prophecy.
My favorite novella is “Mapleshade’s vengeance”. I love how dark it is. How it shows the darker side of warriors, the way Mapleshade went from a loving queen to this tormented, sick and twisted cat with a thirst to kill everyone who wronged her. But the interesting thing for me, is that she isn’t doing this for herself. (For the most part) But for her kits.
And for the manga, well... the only manga i read was “The rise of Scourge”. So i guess this is my favorite! XD
5. Favorite Clan?
ShadowClan. As much as i love the development and culture of WindClan from Tallstar’s revenge, ShadowClan is the one that catches my interest the most. I don’t remember now from where i read it, but when i saw this: “It was often said when the Clans were in the forest, that the cold north wind of the mountains chilled the ShadowClan warriors' hearts.” I thought this was so cool. ShadowClan is often judged to be the “slytherin” of the series. The obvious bad guys/bullies, and i think they deserve more. I haven’t read VoS, but from what i have heard, they are once again in the tyranny of some rogue. Can’t they catch a break for once? I wish this Clan was represented better.
6. Favorite Character?
Only one? Can i mention several? This is warriors after all. There are lots of characters! Fuck it, i’m doing it anyway.
Hollyleaf, love her character arc and i ship her with Fallen Leaves. Jayfeather, his grumpiness is really appealing (Unlike some other cats that i know *Cough cough* Bluestar *Cough cough*) his point of view is very interesting and i was always looking forward to read his parts in the books. Brambleclaw, and i do say “Claw” rather than “Star” because i don’t know how he is as a leader. I liked his struggle to set himself apart from his father, and his relationship with Squirrelflight. Cinderpelt, she deserved better. Yellowfang, grumpy grandmother with sharp tongue (Too bad her character is ruined and tainted further on into the series) Crookedstar, he suffers and goes through so much and yet he still becomes such a great leader. Brokenstar, no i don’t like him in the way that i understand what he went through and his motives are justified. I like him for how cool of a villain he was. (I like villains okay?) He killed kits by training them too hard, he killed his father, he banished his own mother, and ruled over ShadowClan with threats. He was so diabolically evil, how can you not love it? Whitestorm, he was very cool as this wise and respectable warrior. Um... i think that’s it.
7. Least Favorite Character?
Raggedstar, Crowfeather, Rainflower, Leopardstar, and Onestar.
I hate everything about Raggedstar. His character, his relationship with Yellowfang, his actions. He’s so whiny, and really despicable. I don’t care if you have daddy issues or not, you don’t manipulate the one you love just because she decided to become something else.
Crowfeather had so much potential, and i originally liked him in the new prophecies series. But then he became cold and uncaring, and i guess you could make the argument that’s what the Erins were going for after his failed relationship with Leafpool. But he should have been more honorable! Actually be loyal to WindClan because he is loyal, and not because he has to. Taking Nightcloud as a mate just to prove his loyalty is such a mean move, because he essentially used her. And then when the truth comes out about the three, he completely shifts the blame solely to Leafpool, and gets away scotch free! He better get a good redemption in Omen of the stars or else... i’m going to get angry.
Rainflower, Terrible, terrible mother. I hate her so much.
Leopardstar, not much to say in this one. I just don’t think she’s a very good leader, nor did she do much of anything to deserve her position. And she got on my nerves.
Onestar, what’s there to say about this douche cat that hasn’t already been said? He was great as Onewhisker, then he got his nine lives, and i guess one of his gifts was the gift of being an ass because after he became leader his character decided to change and become a complete jerk for no reason. So much for keeping the peace between ThunderClan and WindClan, am i right Tallstar?
8. Most Aesthetically Pleasing Cat?
This is going to be kind of a strange one: Ivypool, even though i don’t know much about her i really like her design. I like tabbies.
9. Favorite Leader?
I like Blackstar. He’s grumpy most of the time, and yeah, he makes some bad decisions. But hey, so does all of the other leaders. I personally would not mind to see a super edition about him. He used to be the deputy for both Brokenstar and Tigerstar, and when the position passed onto him, he stepped up and became a honorable leader. I would like to see this change more closely.
10. Favorite Villain?
As much as i like Brokenstar, i have to go with Mapleshade. She’s the queen of the Dark forest basically. I think she’s still around, if i’m not wrong? But the way she has solely devoted herself to revenge, to even manipulate a kit into basically selling his soul to her at the cost of his loved ones lives, is pretty messed up. Also, can i say that we should have more she-cat villains in the series? We need more she-cat villains in these series. I am so tired of big scarred tabbies going around being evil and stuff. 
11. Favorite Medicine Cat?
Jayfeather. He’s a good medicine cat who’s not afraid to call out on StarClan’s bullshit when he has to. And he always does what is needed of him to fulfill the prophecy.
12. Overrated Character?
Bluestar. At this point, you are probably thinking i hate her guts, aren’t you? I don’t hate Bluestar, i don’t think i even dislike her. But the fandom treats her as if she is the greatest thing ever. If anyone so much as utters that they dislike her they are immediately showered with a storm of hate. How dare anyone dislike Bluestar? She’s fine guys, but she isn’t all that. Calm down. You can love her, of course you can, but we can dislike her too you know.
13. Underrated Character?
Dustpelt. I like his background development. He hated Firestar at first, and i guess he had a thing for Sandstorm. But then he met Ferncloud and discovered a softer side to him, and became a really loyal and devoted warrior.
14. Favorite Minor Character?
Longtail. He started off as a generic bully character, but he got development and managed to redeem himself in the end. Too bad he was put in the elders den. By a rabbit, of all things! (Which btw, why did the Erins send him off to the elders den for? I never got that) Also for honorable mentions goes to both Brackenfur and Runningwind.
15. Favorite Pairing?
I have so many! Fire x Sand - Good development, Squirrel x Bramble - i love me so love/hate relationships, Holly x Fallen -  They helped each other out and have a cute relationship, Willow x Crooked - They are adorable, and of course Tall x Jake - So precious.
16. Least Favorite Pairing?
Crow x Night - He used her, end of story (In fact, might as well put all Crowfeather pairings in here, their all terrible) Spider x Daisy - This was completely out of nowhere, and he was never there for her or their kits. Spotted x Fire - Forced.
17. Favorite Friendship?
Brambleclaw and Stormfur, they were very good buddies during their journey to see Midnight, and i’m glad they kept the friendship even long after.
18. Favorite Moment?
Bluestar’s death. I swear i don’t hate her guys! I just really liked this moment, and thought it was a good conclusion to her character. Her reunion with her kits is very emotional.
19. Most Tragic Death?
It’s a tie between Stonefur and Cinderpelt’s death. Stonefur kept fighting til his last breath in what he believed was right. In front of an audience no less! Cinderpelt, despite everything she went through, was not afraid to lose her life to defend Sorreltail and her kits.
20. Favorite Battle / Fight Scene?
The climax to “Eclipse”. Kind of out of nowhere, especially with the great battle against BloodClan in “The darkest hour”. But this battle is so suspenseful. It’s not kept in the point of view of one single character throughout the whole thing, it keeps switching between Lion, Jay, and Holly as different events keep on happening. It’s Wind and River teaming up to drive out Thunder, leaving them no choice but to team up with Shadow. The four Clans fighting against each other, only to be stopped by the sun being blocked out. It’s a great scene, and i get the chills every time i re-read it.
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