#not sure if this sketch is comprehensible but. ill do my best
spiderziege · 1 year
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*minecraft cave sounds*
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warmau · 5 years
{Special} College!AU Shinwon
*this post was commissioned | find all my college aus here | commission info
major: media management 
minor: rhetoric 
sports: brags about how his long legs are perfect for volleyball, but screamed bloody murder when hongseok spiked the ball in his direction once so you could say,,,,,,,,shinwon’s not a sports person
clubs: drama club (less for the acting, more for the strutting), public speaking, and of course - it’s not a club per say - but the fashion department always loops him into helping them out as an impromptu model
shinwon,,,,,,,,,,really didn’t think he’d even end up going to college,,,,,,,,,,,,,
really he was sort of set on debuting as a model and working it out from there 
but after a while, waiting around for work just got boring
so he left the agency he’d signed up with when he was still in highschool and applied to college
much to everyone's collective shock, his parents, sister, and himself included
hui: im so proud he took this step, you know shinwon is bright and im sure he’ll use his brain for good.
shinwon: exactly! 
shinwon five seconds later: actually i just realized i have to do homework again and i think im going to drop out?
hongseok: i knew it
shinwon’s reputation is all over the place - he’s kind of known as being messy, beautiful beyond comprehension sure,,,,,
but he’s messy messy
from his dorm room 
cluttered with magazines he’s been featured in, his guitar stands, vinyls which no one understands why he buys like this is the twenty-first century ......, and clothing strewn from the lampshade
to his dating history 
pretty sure he’s had a hook up with someone from every department available on campus like pre-meds, literature, music, hell even someone in egyptology was smitten by his good looks
and of course ,,,,, his personality 
from playing childish tricks on tired masters student jinho, to owning the student held fashion shows with impeccable grace and posture
yuto affectionately refers to shinwon as a rubix cube made of spikes, flowers, and a little bit of hot sauce
shinwon thinks it’s such a compliment, he tries to lean over and grab yuto in for a kiss 
(which is refused with an almost punch to the face)
he’s definitely a force on campus and is famous for different reasons with different people
but if there’s one thing shinwon has learned from life it’s that he really cannot stand to give two shits about what people say about him behind his back
not like he’s going to hear it anyway
and he’s blunt to the point where it’s sometimes too much and hongseok on occasion (many occasions) has had to just pick shinwon’s six foot tall body up
and carry him out - as shinwon continues to spew well-deserving facts at whoever it is that tried to start with him
(or any of his friends. someone once made an offhanded comment about yeoone who is way too nice to say anything and shinwon just stopped in and turned on his gucci boots heel to be like “come again?”)
loves when cute shy freshmen get all nervous around him like 
“oh my god, he looks like a marble statue! wasn’t he on that one magazine? he’s so pretty~ he must be so cool~”
shinwon: basking in it
hongseok: trying so hard not to tell them about how shinwon is nothing close to cool
has the worst diet imaginable - lives on fast food
and he does NOT work out which adds more confusion
pre-meds will be like “hey,,,,,,so,,,,,,,,,do you have like ibs or something? or is your stomach literally made of iron?”
and shinwon just slaps his scrawny tummy and is like “i don’t know man, but this machine runs smoothly!”
more clothes than he knows what to do with - likes brand names, but cannot afford them unless he has gigs - says he doesnt but totally owns a cheap tracksuit that he lazes around in during campus holidays
backpack covered in old rock band pins
always steals his classmate's pencils
notes stained with coffee 
binders unorganized, lost his textbook at a nightclub 
really again - does not look like he belongs in college LOL
does media management because it still keeps him in the loop of fashion, but without all the actual drawing and sewing
because no one trusts him near a sewing machine or fabric scissors
the rhetoric minor was a big surprise - but shinwon just goes
“i get grades for talking good”
jinho, twitching: “talking well. you can’t say “talking good”
shinwon: “talking sexy ;) hahaha”
jinho: ill kill him
he is an enigma with a shit-eating grin ,,,,,,, 
but he’s also hot. and has perfect proportions,,,,,,,,,,
you,,,,,,,are a fashion major,,,,,,,,who knows the legends about ko shinwon
about how he’s nothing but fire to play with 
that being said
you are absolutely, utterly, one hundred percent, totally infatuated with him
he’s been your muse since you first stepped into the fashion building and saw him making his way down the hall
half of someones finished project still pinned to his shoulders, messy orange hair pulled up with bobby pins and that smile
almost,,,,,, angelically,,,,,, twisted? 
you had no idea how to describe it - but you had remembered him and even though you knew no one else's name yet 
he was the person you could visualize in an instance
you’d learned his name at your first student held fashion show, where to your dismay he had already been picked by someone else to be their model 
and they’d skipped past calling out for him 
you repeated it again on your lips in a small whisper “shinwon”
it was unique, it was different, and you really really started liking it
everything about him was unique, different, and you can guess,,,,,,,,you were really starting to like him
not like you would ever act on it though
shinwon seemed untouchable, not because he was standoffish - actually he seemed like he’d be super easy to get along with
it was because he was just,,,,,,,,he was just so ,,,,,,, unusual 
and you wouldn’t consider yourself a shining star, you were like everyone else
waking up, doing your schoolwork, trying your best to breakthrough in fashion 
you had a small group of friends - you had your regular hangout spots - your favorite kind of coffee flavor
you were simple, you would say, and shinwon was not
that’s why he gave you so much inspiration
if you were one speck in the galaxy, he was like a whole milkyway 
you had started off just admiring from afar, but as time went back you started sketching too
at first it was what you could conjure from your memories of him
the flashes of him around the fashion department, when you saw him in the library, the orange hair - the sparkling oak brown eyes - the over-the-top outfit he pulled off effortlessly
and when you think you’d filled up half of your sketchbook with stills of him
you started to envision him in your designs
actually, you had lied, you were a simple person
but your mind was not - you might have stuck to simple tones and patterns in your wardrobe 
but when it came to clothes you made, you were vibrant and loud and risky
some of your professors had initially mixed up your work, thinking your submitted designs were someone elses
because well ,,,,,,,,,,,,, they just didn’t match
your designs were for someone,,,,,,,,,,,,,,someone like shinwon
bursting with confidence, immune to shame, always ready for a thrill
your goal had quickly went from being able to saying hi to him in the hallway 
to one day having him wear an original creation of yours
but getting shinwon as your model was a feat
either he wasn’t doing the show at all, or he was everyone elses number one pick
with long, lithe limbs and an almost wonderland like face
that is ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, until the final project for the semester came up
you were expecting it all to go as usual
the older fashion majors would get first dibs on their models - someone would pick shinwon (if he was even showing up)
and you’d only have to go back to drawing him with your designs rather than seeing them come to life
but to your almost painstakingly obvious shock
that was not the case
shinwon did volunteer to model for the final project - but,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,no one was picking him
actually - everyone was actively avoiding him
and when your turn came around you couldn’t believe you were finally getting to say it
“i’ll pick ko shinwon.”
suddenly there was a swarm of muffled whispers - you couldn’t hear anything clearly but as shinwon strode over to you 
he gave you a once over and winked - and the was enough to make your entire body flare up
after everyone got settled with their models, you were shaking with anticipation as shinwon slipped into the seat across from you 
“are you cold or am i just so handsome you can’t help shivering?”
he jokes, running a hand through his hair for added effect
you answer, stupidly unsure of what else to say
he lets out a laugh, leaning over to pat the top of your head which once again sends you into a blank
“cute, so - let’s see what you’ll be dressing me up in huh?”
he leans over and you flounder as you flip to the page with the outfit you’ve chosen to create for your final
it’s inspired by 80s punk and glam - rhinestones, spikes, rainbows 
shinwon’s eyes light up when he sees it and he looks at you with a giant smile
“where have you been all my life - this is totally my style!”
i know,,,,,i made it thinking about you,,,,,,,,,,,
is what you want to say - but you just stutter over your words instead
“o-oh, im glad you like it,,,”
he nudges at your elbow and you think electricity rides up your spine
“can’t wait to wear it! by the way-”
he moves his body, gracefully around the table so he’s standing beside you now
it makes everything else melt away as he leans in closer to your face with his own
“don’t listen to what people say about me - and trust me, ok?”
it’s,,,, cryptic - and in the moment you had no clue what he was talking about - but he’s your muse
and he’s inches too close to you 
so really - it goes over your head as you nod with moonstruck stars in your eyes
shinwon says his goodbyes and tells you to text him when you want to do measurements
you only realize after he’s gone that,,,,,,,,,,you don’t have his number 
so you approach an upperclassmen who usually works with him and politely ask if she might have it
she stops what she’s doing and sighs
“you really picked shinwon for your final project - you’re crazy!”
you look around - not sure if she’s really talking to you - until she huffs
“this is the final - you can’t rely on someone like him!”
someone like him?
“wh-why not, he’s done other shows?”
she shakes her head
“other shows aren’t the final project. he might just not show up on the day or he might get the clothes dirty. he’s fun when there are no consequences but you know this is worth fifty percent of our grade right?”
you’re left sort of speechless and she just mutters that she pities you as she scribbles down the number in your sketchbook and hands it back to you
you turn and realize other students are eyeing you from their station
a lot of them are already doing measurements on their models, while yours 
well shinwon just left
you hadn’t stopped him - he just said he had to go
you feel something twist in your stomach but you ignore it
he had said it right - not to listen, and to trust him
the first couple of weeks go by,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, perfectly
you finally suck it up after typing and deleting a text to shinwon about measurements
spending nearly half a day trying to come up with a casual and cool way of asking 
and all you get in response is a misspelled “yeha” from him when you make a date and time
you think it’s goofy and cute
and shinwon does show up 
charming, joking, making you embarrassed and happy all in the same breath as you take his measurements
wiggling his eyebrows when you ask him to take his shirt off for the chest measurement 
excitedly rambling about this underground show he’s seeing on the weekend 
mind you - you and him haven’t ever had a conversation before this
shinwon just naturally opens up - having no problem doing the talking as you either 1) stare at him like a puppy or 2) nod enthusiastically in agreement to whatever he’s saying
you’re pretty sure he can tell how much you admire him and with anyone else you’d be dead from the shyness
but with him it’s like,,,,,,,,,it’s like he’s a celebrity to you 
so it’s not that bad to be so so so enamored 
his flirting doesn’t come off as anything romantic either, just part of his persona
and despite those doubts from other students
“he could just now show up” “he isn’t super reliable” “he might go to a party and just forget in the morning to show up!”
it doesn’t happen - when you need him, shinwon is there
and it’s like a dream come true - watching your outfits slowly come to life on his perfect figure
there is a hiccup at some point
shinwon agrees to meet you on a thursday evening for some help - you had initially been shy about asking him to come and look at fabrics with you
you don’t really ask models for that kind of advice
but when you’d mentioned - he’d been the one to get all giddy at the thought
and, with your heart over the moon, you waited outside the fashion building
for two hours
your phone was barren of any texts - any calls 
and even though it hit 10 pm and the store was closed - you stuck it around for a little while
but he ,,,,,,,,,, didn’t show up
it’s fine! he probably had to cram for an exam or something - he seems like the type to push studying to the last minute
you make up the excuse and nod to yourself, happy with the conclusion you’ve drawn
pushing down any doubt that might have tried to bubble up
and it’s just a hiccup - because shinwon bumps into you three days later and snaps his fingers 
“AH! we were supposed to go shopping right? i totally forgot! please forgive me! shinwon has been a bad boy!”
he clasps his hands together and pouts and you laugh, telling him it’s totally fine
yuto and jinho who are beside him look confused and so shinwon introduces you as you shyly hand over your sketchbook 
because shinwon insists you show his friends your outfit planned
“wow, you’re so talented - these look so much like shinwon.”
yuto compliments, flipping to some of the old drawings you had of shinwon
you forgot about them and try to stutter out an excuse but shinwon is already sticking his nose between the pages with wonder
“woah! you’ve drawn me so much!”
you clasp your hands together - awkward and shy 
jinho takes note of the way you can’t help but smile as shinwon continues to muse about how much he likes your drawings
and when you finally get your sketchbook back - shinwon promises he will never forget when you ask him to do something again
he does this by taking your hands in his own and giving them a squeeze
you’re so happy you can’t even speak and again,,,,,,,,,,,,jinho takes note of that
as you scurry past them - realizing you’re late for class now, he turns to shinwon with a tilt of his head
“they seem really sweet. are you sure you’re being nice to them?”
shinwon rolls his eyes
“im always nice”
“no - you did forget to go shopping with them.”
shinwon puffs out his chest with a whine
“because i woke up on the roof at like 5pm - i didn’t remember my own name hyung. now stop grilling me about it - they weren’t mad and so why are you?”
jinho pulls his lips back into a tight line - yuto breaks the tension with a question about lunch and shinwon ignores the side glances jinho still throws his way
you really aren’t mad, just like shinwon said
because he shows up when you ask him to for some extra measurements and test runs on the runway 
he’s the same silly, weird, and lovely boy as usual 
playing with the sleeves of the half-finished top piece you’re working on -
showing you the new candy bracelet he got 
putting his arm around you when he leans over to look at your new sketches
knowing damn well your head goes spinning
“you’re cute when you get all nervous - do you really think im that handsome?”
he makes the joke again and you try to answer but all you can squeak out is “yes?”
he even offers to make it up to you for not showing up - the offer is to go to mcdonalds but it’s still sweet - and you assure him it’s fine, you’re not angry - not at all
but ,,,,,,,, the happiness of those moments with him dulls as more and more hiccups begin to happen
he texts you that he can’t make it to the practice runway - he’s sick
you understand
then he doesn’t text you or tell you anything on the next one - you don’t have your model and all the students shake their head with pity at you
the final date approaches faster
and shinwon,,,,,,,,,,,,,goes ghost
you don’t want to be that person and over text him - but you have to, this is about your grade
suddenly the worries you’d been told about in the beginning of all this start coming true
maybe he got super sick - i should ask his friends, but i don’t know them that well - did i do something wrong?
you don’t get it - every day without word from him is another day closer to the final runway
it stresses you out and you notice the acne coming in - the refusal to eat because it makes your stomach sick 
you’re running across campus because you’ve pulled another allnighter working on your designs and fell asleep on accident
when you slam right into someones chest
your books go flying, the yogurt you had bought falls and explodes somewhere behind you
and when you look up you see ------- what was his name ------ jinho?
“oh gosh, im so sorry”
you mutter, leaning down to get your things
jinho realizes you’re scrambling and he helps you - for which you bow over ten times and apologize again for bothering him
but before you continue on your run he asks you, much to your shock
“have you seen shinwon?”
your face pales and you can’t move forward even though you know class has started
you shake your head slowly and jinho lets out a sigh
“how long has it been?”
“maybe two weeks....”
“ah. ill talk to him.”
you perk up - and then just as instantly your shoulders sag - you shouldn’t be so excited over someone whose been ignoring you for no apparent reason
“no it’s ok-”
“isn’t he supposed to be helping you with your project. it’s not ok - he’s being a brat.”
you don’t want to argue because jinho is older and closer to shinwon, but you also don’t want it to seem like you’re begging for his help
“please,,,,,just ask him if i did something wrong?”
you look into jinho’s eyes and it clicks for him
“you like shinwon don’t you?”
your books fall out of your hands again and this time it’s not because you’ve been knocked over
you just don’t know how to answer the sudden question - because you really,,,,,,,,,,,,don’t know
“he’s my muse.”
you start
“and im just,,,,,,,i just don’t want to lose that.”
jinho leans down to help with your books again, he gives you one last look before turning and heading toward the dorms
you don’t even bother getting to class anymore - you just drag yourself to the workrooms in the fashion department and sit beside your final project
it looks much less extravagant on the mannequin then it does on shinwon
and when you open your sketchbook it flips to one of your first drawings you ever did of him
it hurts to think about him.....not even because of my grades......but because........
you shake your head and lay it down on the table
no, you always have to remember what you say. you’re a small tiny star - that boys a milkyway.
jinho finds shinwon in the bathroom of the dorm, the ramones are blasting from his phone and he’s got his hands covered in black hair dye
jumping when he sees his older friend, shinwon grumbles that jinho should at least knock 
but jinho crosses his arms, stern gaze unwavering on shinwon
“why are you ignoring that sweet fashion major who obviously idolizes you?”
“im not ignoring them - they’re ignoring me.”
shinwon points a finger
“and no one ignores me, you know this.”
he turns to look at himself in the mirror - making a face as the old orange goes back to his natural thick black
jinho cocks an eyebrow
“really? i just bumped into them and the poor kid looks like a mess.”
“are you saying im lying - look at my phone!”
jinho picks it up from where it’s charging on the bathroom sink 
“this isn’t your phone........ is it new?”
“yeah - my last gig gave it to me along with some free clothes, my old ones on my desk but im using this one now”
he scrolls through the texts messages, gagging at some of them, and he finds what he can only assume is your number
it doesn’t have your name - all it says is 
“cutest fashion major ive met in a hot minute”
jinho opens the messages and ,,,,,, it’s true - shinwon has sent an abundance of texts to you but ,,,,,,, none of them are answered
it takes three minutes for jinho to figure out what’s going on
he picks up shinwon’s old phone - find your contact (saved with the same corny name) and opens it
shinwon typed your number in..................wrong
and in his old phone are the messages from you that going unanswered
jinho groans
“ko shinwon - you’re an idiot.”
shinwon pokes his head out of the bathroom - “i know that, but what did i do this time?”
you pick your head up after what seems like hours - drool embarrassingly on the edge of the workroom table
did i fall asleep here? guess i missed more than one class.......
you stretch and look down at your sketchbook with tired eyes
“oh you’re awake?”
you jump at the sound of the voice and nearly fall out of your chair when you see shinwon sitting across from you
he’s,,,,,,,,,he’s got black hair now - and he’s not wearing his usual outrageously expensive outfits
he’s just got a flannel over some simple jeans
the sleeves are rolled up and you see those candy bracelets he loves making, the silver rings you’ve sketched on his hands a million times over
“wanna hear something hilarious?”
he pulls his phone out and grins
“i was texting the wrong number for a whole two weeks - the person must think im insane! well,,,,,,,,they wouldn’t be wrong.”
you don’t understand - you look down at the screen and see the  contact name
“cutest fashion major-”
“ah ah ah don’t look at that - look at the texts.”
he waves his hand and you read them one by one
“hey - do you need me for measurements? you know my body is always ready!” “hey hey hey” “doesn’t a designer need their model?” “are you mad at me? did i do something dumb when i was drunk and i dont remember?” “heeeeeeeelllllllllloooooooo?” “ill make it up to you~ shinwon was a bad boy wasn’t he?” “hey, is everything alright?”
you still don’t really understand - you look up and shinwon is resting his cheek on his palm
“i got a new phone which is why i wasnt getting your texts and you weren’t getting mine.”
something that feels better then relief washes over you
“o-oh, i thought you just ,,,,,,,,, you just didn’t want to help me anymore?”
shinwon makes a dramatic noise and jumps up from his seat - pointing at the outfit on the mannequin
“and miss out on wearing THAT masterpiece, never!”
he rounds the table
“it’s the best design ive ever seen - from the people here and from the magazine shoots ive done.”
he looks at you and for the first time they’re not those crazy, sparkling with mischief eyes
they’re almost,,,,,,,,,,,,soft
“i really love it. i won’t let you down.”
suddenly the stress and the tiredness that had hung over you seems to vanish
you get up to and smile up at him 
“well then - i should finish it quick. i won’t let you down either!”
shinwon grins and when he reaches over to ruffle your hair like he’s done many times before
it’s like gravity refuses to let him - instead all the wires in his brain connect and he puts his hand on your shoulder gently
tugging you into his chest and into a hug
he smells like ,,,,,,,, fresh laundry and there’s the residual lingering from the hair dye
but there’s also the smell of his skin and the warmth of his tall frame
it sends an earthquake through you - but it makes you feel safe too 
and shinwon,,,,,,,,,,,,shinwon can’t believe that there’s someone on this earth who fits so perfectly into his arms
for the first time in...............ever ...........shinwon pulls away and misses the feeling instantly
he doesn’t show it - he starts blabbering to forget the mess starting up in his brain
and you are content, as always, to go along with him
shinwon feels like something has taken him over when he offers to walk you to your dorm and you think nothing of it
waving goodbye as you go inside and some students pass by shinwon in awe
ko shinwon,,,,,,,,walked someone home? and is staring at the spot they just stood in with - is that - is that -?
this time shinwon keeps to his promise - actually he probably goes up and beyond that
he even starts asking if he can come over and see your progress
sitting beside you as you work - much to the shock of everyone else
because,,,,,,,, shinwon is never one to sit still
he’s there for measurements, the show, and then he’s out
doing whatever it is he does on campus
someone asks you about it - but you just go “he wanted to come!”
it doesn’t seem all that remarkable to you - you’re just happy to see he’s proven everyone who doubted and didn’t pick him wrong
you start to talk more too, you get excited as the final project comes to a close and the day of the fashion show approaches
you explain to shinwon the colors you chose, the fabrics, the inspo 
and he stares at you in wonder this time
but you just can’t wait to see him under the lights - glittering like the beautiful model he is
on the day of the show - you’re excited to see your friends and even some of shinwon’s show up 
and as you get ready behind the stage - tailoring the pieces to sit just perfect on shinwon 
he watches your fingers work and your concentration and you apologize when you lean in to apply some makeup to his eyes
but he just welcomes it - your touch which was just like everyone elses when this started
feels like heaven all of a sudden
you hear your professor call out the order for the models - shinwon is last and it makes you nervous but you’re also happy because
this outfit is showstopper - it’s shinwon to a T 
and it deserves to be the best, so it should be saved for last
you fix one of the lapels and make sure shinwon’s accessories are in order before you take his hands in yours
you look into his eyes - it’s dark behind the curtains but shinwon sees you clear as day
“thank you - you’re the only person who could wear what i’ve made. shinwon, you’re my muse.”
you breathe as you say the word - the word you’ve wanted to say for so long now
“im your muse?”
“yes, im honored to make this outfit for you. and im so happy you worked with me. i couldn’t have done it without you. you look so beautiful-”
shinwon can’t stop what comes over him 
it’s not stupid lust like it usually is with him - it’s another worldly force this time
it’s what they sing about in all those love songs - all those songs about wanting to be connected to someone 
“no - you look beautiful.”
he presses his lips to yours before you can finish your sentence
and his name is called out for the order
he rushes to the line and you 
you are frozen - unsure of what just happened
am in a movie? did shinwon just ,,,,,,,,,,,, kiss me?
you can’t even process it - one of your classmates comes and tugs you toward the audience
you look over your shoulder and shinwon is staring at you from the line
oh my god - i think shinwon just kissed me for real.
the fashion show is a haze - you want to pay attention, but you keep touching your lips 
it’s not until the shinwon steps out into the limelight and struts with everything he’s got 
flaunting your design, making it move and sparkle just like you had seen in your vision
the crowd all let out a wave of oohs~ and the professors who are judging seem to be impressed
and when he makes his way to the turn - he spots you - the background music seems to stop 
the people seem to disappear
he was fucking right - you are beautiful
you get rave reviews on your outfit - people flock to you after the show to ask about it 
you want to answer questions and thank everyone - but you are looking for him
you’re looking for shinwon
who is in turn, looking for you - ignoring the people who try to get in his way
he pulls you out from the conversation - waving off the complaints of others 
and tugs you through the crowded stage until you guys are alone - stuffed into a corner of costume racks and abandoned makeup stations
“shinwon why did you-”
“am i just your muse? am i just someone you idolize - or do you - do you -”
he has never struggled this much in his life
you’re looking at him with such purity that it feels overwhelming as he puts his hands on your face and kisses you again
you melt into it and he eats it up - until you’re caught by stagehands who usher you annoyingly back out into the mess of people
jinho, yuto, hongseok and hui who came to see shinwon spot you guys and jinho’s eyes avert right to your hand - in shinwon’s
he smiles - he knew all along
because yes, you looked at shinwon like he was the only man in the world but 
jinho had never seen shinwon text someone seven times in a row
and he sure as hell had never seen shinwon reject an oncoming hookup like he had for the past couple of weeks
“so - something you want to tell us?” 
hongseok asks, and hui looks at you and then at shinwon
shinwon shrugs
“nah not really, just that ,,,,,,,,,,, well,,,,,,,,,,,”
he shakes your hands a little and you go red
“looks like ko shinwon is off the market! sorry ladies and gentlemen - i think ive found,,,,,,,,,,,,what’s a word for it,,,,,,,,,,,,,, my muse?”
so dating shinwon,,,,,,,,,is like a whole new world for you
you were always so sure you’d be a secret admirer - at most someone who got to work with him 
but now you were like ,,,,,,, you were his significant other ,,,,,,,,,,
you were basically like an overnight star
you showed up the next morning after the fashion show and everyone was just like
shinwon is so dramatic you know he opened up his contacts and deleted nearly everyone he’d ever fooled around with and you’re like
that’s not necessary and he’s like
“once im committed im committed. i should delete hui’s number too i think he has a crush on me”
hui in his composition class: my shinwon senses are telling me im being clowned 
no one knew,,,,,,,shinwon could love someone so hard
for most of his life he’s taken everything happy-go-lucky, he’s always just lived by the flow
but now he’s like ,,,,,,,,,, he’s like a changed person
you are the only thing he seems to put real effort into 
which you actually know isn’t true, shinwon takes modeling seriously and although his studying is slacking
you are there to encourage him 
because jinho and hongseok poking at him for never doing his homework is not going to get shinwon a degree
so you offer to help him study and your first dates consist on you trying to get him from a D to at least a C+ in most of his classes
he probably doesn’t even know how to properly use excel so you’re like babe let me 
as you date him, you realize that the uniqueness you fell for in the first place stays true with shinwon
there’s so much more to him - like his musical talents and his secret nerdiness
and also the anxiety that sometimes spikes in his throat and that he plays off but that now,,,,,,,,,now he has someone who’ll take these thing seriously
you can see it - when he can’t figure out his schoolwork or when a gig gets canceled on him
the furrow of his brow - the silliness gone from his face and in the beginning he tries to keep up appearances
but you just pull his long body down to yours and you tell him that nothing in this world is going to stop him from being successful
“you were born to shine, shinwon. it’s why i saw you for a second and never forgot”
“babe.............omg you had a crush on me from first sight?”
“im trying to be serious ko shinwon”
him wrapping his arms around your waist and tugging you in closer “i know but like oooo a crush on me hehe you’re so cute”
you: rolling your eyes but also it’s true,,,,,,kinda
he gives you a tour of the infamous madhouse dorm - stock full of vinyls, his guitar, and brand name clothes on the floor
you’re kinda like “ooo this is cute” picking up a sweater off the floor and he’s like that’s versace i think?
you: and it’s on the floor
shinwon, shrugging: i ran out of hangers
oh my god shopping for anything with shinwon is a trip he somehow always tries to buy something that’s shiny and not useful and you’re like hey hey no 
you become his impulse control - like at least 75% of it. the other 25% is jinho yelling at him over the phone
he’s such a cutie pie he loves making those candy bracelets with little rainbow charms and he makes some for you with your favorite song lyrics
which he hums as he puts on your wrist
and you promise not to take it off - which shinwon is more proud about then he should be
gives you nose kisses a lot - ruffles your hair a lot - asks you to sit on his lap and you’re like no we’re in public 
loves it when you sit behind him and put your hands in his hair as he flips through the tv channels or plays a video game
won’t admit how much it kinda turns him on when you tug it - but you learn 
you once are making out and shinwon keeps trying to tug at your shirt and you’re just like “listen to me shinwon, stop rushing me.” and oooooooooh my gooooooooooood
he thinks he sees stars
you most of the time: his precious angel who he can make all blushy with just some cheesy words
you also: bosses him around and points out his bullshit (which he is very into)
you and shinwon probably rock halloween parties - even though you’re not to big on the whole scene - you make the costumes and they’re killer and shinwon is just like
“they made this. for me. only me. only i get to wear the clothes they made”
complains about how when you’re a rich famous designer everyone else is gonna get to wear your masterpieces
makes you promise you’ll make exclusive outfits just for him
he does the MOST embarrassing thing ever
he marches into the fashion dept workroom one afternoon and he’s like “everyone, psa: when im a model i want to by chosen by ONE person and ONE person only - you know who!”
he winks your way and the whole room (including you) groans
like no one was planning on it anyway shinwon - he just lives for theatrics doesn’t he
his modeling gigs usually last a long time and go late into the night and he doesn’t expect you to stay up or anything
maybe send a text and a photo or whatever
but when he comes back to the dorms and you’re waiting in his bed wearing one of his led zepplin tshirts he just 
he just gets all giddy - can’t keep his hands to his damn self
but also shinwon is a bad texter to everyone 
but you
you get constant updates and constant photos which are demanded to become your phone background now
hongseok told you to change it to hui as a joke once but you guys were both like 
no,,,,,,,shinwon might actually cry 
jinho basically adores you because you actually do your work and try to help improve shinwon 
but he’s also big brother mode where he’s like shinwon you better not screw this up or i will end you :) 
yuto silently agrees - so does basically everyone else
jealous shinwon is ,,,,,,, like a yappy baby puppy
wooseok visits campus - a younger friend of the groups and he doesn’t know you’re dating shinwon
but he thinks you’re SOOOOOOO cute and tells everyone and shinwon just goes huffy like
“no. mine.” and wooseok is like oh ok- 
shinwon: “see my phone wallpaper - it’s us kissing. see these sneakers - it was a gift from them on our anniversary - see this bracelet on their wrist? i made it and -”
everyone: OK SHUT UP
you finished your old sketchbook and you wanted to throw it out - but shinwon salvaged it and sometimes he opens it and traces the sketches you did of him
and he just,,,,,,,,,,feels so good knowing you’ve loved him for a while - and he thought he’d never have something so real and powerful 
you once jokingly tell shinwon as you’re sitting cross-legged across from him in the park that you used to say you were a tiny star and he was a milkyway
and he just blinks and shakes his head
“no - if im a milkyway, you’re my entire galaxy.” 
and then hung his head because OK CORNY but it’s true,,,,,,it’s so true
shinwon is always opening up the world for you - from music to art to whatever 
he’s still your muse - even if he’s your boyfriend
but now instead of having to see him from all these miles away - like he’s some untouchable force
he’s sitting beside you
strumming on his guitar, hair messy and only an arms length away
you lean over and kiss his neck and he chuckles as he continues to play and you continue to sketch
only to realize some things never change
the page full of shinwon, and his heart is full of you ~
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I don’t need a bodyguard! -spacedarcy
@spacedarcy​ This has taken a while. And it’s not exactly finished…but it’s going somewhere. Modern AU fluffiness. How did I get here?
He’s run through half of his speech for the fifth time that afternoon when a series of short knocks interrupts his train of thought. Muttering a few more lines, he crosses the room, fumbling with the remaining buttons on his freshly pressed, tailored shirt before giving up and opening the door to his suite.
“Oh.” The girl’s head snaps up from chest to eye level so quickly there’s a possibility of whiplash. She’s no less befuddled by his face, it seems, for she asks, “Ben Solo?” as if she expected someone else.
“You don’t look like your picture. You’re ol…your hair is longer,” she amends in accented English, shaking her head like her mind’s an Etch-a-Sketch and she’s reshaping lines from a new reference. “Sorry. I’m from…”
He’s already pieced it together and finishes her sentence: “From my uncle’s shop.” Ben turns back into the hotel room, waving his hand in a gesture that she should follow him inside. “You can leave the case on the table. I’m sorry he troubled you to bring them.”
He buttons his shirt all the way to the throat, then takes up the ends of his black, silk tie, looping them around with practiced ease, only half watching the knot form in the mounted floor-length mirror. His eyes rest on the girl’s reflection, taking in how her white knuckles continue to clutch the stainless steel briefcase despite his instruction.
“Is there something else?” he asks.
She clears her throat. “Luke didn’t tell you?”
He takes a deep breath. His uncle isn’t the most forthcoming, living like a practical hermit holed away in his shop, surrounded by antiques and relics of eras long since passed. Ben had spent his formative summers roaming through the dusty shelves that smelled of must and decay – it wasn’t a place he visited often, not anymore.
There was nothing to be gained by searching for answers in rare texts and historical artifacts, as his uncle had once wished him to do. Luke had been so focused on looking inward, seeking nirvana through meditative retreats, that he’d forgotten to look around at the suffering of the world. Ben, with his ambassador mother’s influence and his own company’s impressive reach, was determined to do something about it. Global crises required present action and future commitments. It’s why he’d dedicated his life to combining technological advancements with humanitarian efforts.
He smooths the tie against his chest, assessing the final look; he fiddles with the knot. “What is it?”
In the mirror, she shifts her weight from foot to foot in her black flats. Wearing khakis, a white blouse, and a navy blazer that’s too tight in the shoulders and too broad in the waist, she looks like a kid dressed up as an FBI agent for Halloween. Her hair is the only kept thing about her: secured in a low bun that makes her look years older than Ben suspects she actually is.
“I’m attending the event with you.”
Ben’s hands tighten the silk a hair more than comfortable, thrown off by her statement. “Excuse me?”
She brushes her hand next to her ear, though there’s no stray hair to push back. A nervous tick, perhaps. “I’m going along as security.”
He turns and narrows his eyes at her. It’s hard to determine the amount of muscle, or perhaps weapons, hidden beneath the ill-fitting garments. Still, it doesn’t matter. “I don’t need a bodyguard,” he dismisses.
“I’m not–” she starts, then cuts off the thought, as if calculating her approach, trying to gauge how he’ll react even before she delivers her retort. “I’m not here for you. I’m here to ensure these make it back to your uncle.”
He blinks – once, twice. “You’re here to protect my accessories?”
She places the briefcase on the coffee table in front of the loveseat, putting in a combination and scanning a fingerprint to open the latches. The girl turns the case in his direction; inside are a gold watch ringed with an inlay of diamonds, an equally bedecked tie clip, and golden cufflinks in the shape of dice which belonged to his father. She waves her hand over the family jewels like she’s a model on The Price is Right.
“Luke said they’re invaluable,” she reports. “Irreplaceable.”
His uncle may be on to something there, but it doesn’t change Ben’s attitude about having a shadow all evening. Growing up as an ambassador’s son, he’s long since had his fill of someone watching his every step. Then there’s the fact that he doesn’t wish to wear the pieces in the first place; it was only at his mother’s insistence that he agreed, only at the reminder that the award he’s presenting is to honor his late father that he gave in.
“They have more sentimental value than anything else. There’s no reason for you to stay,” he repeats, taking up the watch and sliding it over his wrist.
“With all due respect, Mr. Solo–”
“Ben,” he abbreviates with a wince, finally understanding why his mother hates when people address her as ma’am; he doesn’t want to be a mister anything in this girl’s eyes. “Formalities aren’t necessary.”
Her shoulders set against the friendly shift in his formerly detached tone. She won’t be turned from her duty. “I don’t take my orders from you.”
She’s staring him down more intensely than any sponsor or politician ever has, all over some baubles that his uncle dug out of the Skywalker vault. She looks just as ready to lay him out on the floor as she looks ready to protect him from red-carpet thieves. And, while he wasn’t sure at first, he now believes she’s capable of both.
Ben decides then that he likes her – that even as his exasperation grows, so does his respect.
His curiosity has always been an insatiable thing, and it’s found someone new to whet its appetite. They’ve only just met, but he finds himself with a list of questions on the tip of his tongue. Everything from the mundane, comprehensive where are you from? types to the ones which will synthesize her personal philosophies and life goals into a deeper understanding of who she is. He wants to listen as her dreams fall from her full, pink lips.
Restraint, he scolds himself, tamping down on the romantic notions that pop up suddenly, unexpectedly, while meeting brown eyes that seem to see him, not the founder of a startup so successful that they can hold a celebratory gala. She’s here for a job, not a date.
“Fine,” he acquiesces, sliding the tie clip into place and holding out his hand to her for the cufflinks. “I guess that makes you my plus one.”
An eyebrow stretches tall as she drops the cufflinks into his open palm, then retracts her hand. “Does that actually work for you?”
His neck heats, and he does his best to look sheepish. “What? You’ve been tasked to keep my uncle’s valuables safe, haven’t you Miss…?”
If you want to know her, you should probably start with her name, he thinks belatedly.
“Rey,” she finishes, not backing down from the way he leans forward into her space. She isn’t intimated.
“Rey,” he repeats, drawing the name across his lips slowly. And, just like that, he needs another day – maybe a week – to understand her, to have the opportunity to say her name again and again.
Her eyes go dark, arms crossing over her chest. “I can do my job from the sidelines.”
“Where’s the fun in that?” His grin is a challenge as he secures the cufflinks in place and shakes his wrists to settle his shirt. He moves to the closet and unzips the garment bag holding his suit jacket, then slips into it with a shrug. “I’m only trying to make your job easier, Rey.”
“You are, huh?” She takes a step toward him, closing the distance between them in a bold move that stirs something within him.
“As my guest, you’d be able to keep your eye on…things.”
He nearly says me but chickens out at the last moment. It’s been a long time, too long, since he’s tried to openly flirt with anyone. It’s not something he should be focused on anyway: he should be focused on the queasiness rolling through his stomach at the thought of the speech he has to deliver in a little under two hours.
“Oh, I won’t be letting you out of my sight,” she guarantees, casually pulling the lapels of his jacket closer, as if she’s done it for years. She taps her index finger against the jeweled tie clip. “Alright. You’ve got yourself a plus one.”
“Excellent.” His hand motions up and down in the air, indicating her attire. “Of course, you can’t go like that.”
Now it is her turn to flush with color, though she quickly places her hands on her hips and puffs out her slight chest; it practically grazes his own. In a pointed tone, she reminds him, “I dressed to blend into the background.”
“Something that will be remedied, post-haste,” he assures her.
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webbygraphic001 · 6 years
Common SEO Mistakes (and How to Fix Them with Design)
SEO is a complex matter and one that web designers and developers might feel is best left to copywriters and search professionals to handle. That makes sense since many common SEO hacks revolve around the manipulation of content and the tagging of it for search.
Here’s the thing though: there are certain choices you make as a web designer that ultimately affect the search-friendliness of your website. Which means you should be involved in the diagnosis and repair of a website’s SEO mistakes.
Repairing SEO Mistakes with Web Design
A click-through rate (CTR) tracking study from Advanced Web Ranking reported the following data, from as recent as September 2018:
What this shows is the likelihood of users clicking on an organic link based on its position in search
As you can see, Google is already stacking the odds against your website by filling its prime real estate with paid listings. That said, the data above is proof that search users are willing to sift through paid promotions to get to the genuinely good website recommendations. The only thing is…
How do you repair a website’s SEO mistakes so it can get to the top of search?
Mistake #1: Non-Responsive Elements
We’re operating in a mobile-first world which means websites have to be designed primarily for that experience. That doesn’t mean leaving desktop users out in the cold, but it does mean dotting your i’s and crossing your t’s to ensure that every element fits within the truncated space of a mobile screen.
Running your website through Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test isn’t enough.
Open your mobile device and walk through every page of your website. Does everything fit between the two edges of your phone? Are the buttons correctly sized and placed? Are images displayed in full and without distortion?
If not, then start here.
Mistake #2: Usability Issues
If we’re talking about usability issues that are severe enough to cause a high percentage of bounces—which communicates to Google that your website isn’t worth ranking—start by looking at the navigation.
Let’s use this one from Hearth Kitchen as an example:
As you can see, the navigation is clearly laid out in a horizontal row. Labels are clear and all pages are present—there’s nothing confusing or hidden. In addition, the header provides users with other information they’d instantly want from a website of this nature.
Since users’ eyes tend to track in a Z-pattern (starting in the top-left and working their way across), your navigation is the first thing visitors see and realistically might be to blame for a lackluster performance in search.
Mistake #3: Low Readability
Although visual content enhances comprehension as well as memorability of what’s on a web page, your visitors eventually need to read the words on it. When that becomes a struggle, websites suffer from short times-on-page and high bounce rates.
Look, you know that your visitors don’t have much of a patience for anything these days. The least you could do is make the reading experience easy for them.
Has your website’s content violated any of these rules?
Typefaces are black (or nearly black) on a white background.
Fonts are in the serif or sans serif families (i.e. be careful with decorative fonts).
The smallest font size should be 16 pixels or larger.
Lines are between 50 and 60 characters.
Paragraphs contain no more than 3 or 4 lines.
Images or lists break up large chunks of content (like I’m doing here).
Headers enables readers (and search bots) to more quickly decipher what a page is about.
WebDesignerDepot does a great job of adhering to these principles, so if you’re looking for inspiration on how to make content readable, start here.
Mistake #4: Bad Pop-Ups
Everyone hates an ill-timed, irrelevant, or pushy pop-up. Google has even gone so far as to penalize mobile websites that utilize what it deems to be bad and intrusive pop-ups.
So, here’s what I’m going to say:
Utilize the least amount of space possible for your pop-ups.
Yotel has a fantastic example of this on its desktop website:
And, if pop-ups need to appear on mobile, relegate them to a top or bottom banner. It keeps your promotional message out of the way.
Mistake #5: Overweight Images
Google rewards websites that are fast—and we’re talking load times under three seconds. While there are a number of things developers can do to get loading speeds under control, designers should look at images to improve performance and SEO.
Specifically, look at file size.
There is only so much room an image can occupy on a website, especially in this age of mobile-first. So, why use a file that’s 12MB when it’s only going to show up as a thumbnail in the site’s news feed?
I’m not saying you should stop using oversized high-resolution images.
Just be sure to resize and run them through a compression software like TinyPNG to ensure you’re not overloading your web server.
Mistake #6: Text Inside Images
There are two reasons why text inside images is a bad idea for SEO. The first has to do with readability.
Think about what happens when text is laid atop an image. If there’s a distinct contrast between the two, readability should be fine. But what if text is placed over an otherwise mundane part of an image on desktop? On mobile, it shrinks down and may end up appearing over a busier and more distracting part of the photo.
Then there’s how the text is added. If text is pasted into an image file, search bots won’t be able to detect it. If your copywriters wrote that particular string of text with a search keyword embedded in it, you’ve just removed it from Google’s view.
Instead, you should work with your content management system to add text using custom fields meant to go on top of images.
In my opinion, it’s best to stay away from text on images unless you can ensure uncompromized readability and that Google bots can read it. Culture Trip shows how this can be done:
It also has links lower on the page where the text is removed from the photo altogether (which I think looks even better):
Mistake #7: Lack of Trust Marks
The last mistake has to do with security. This is something Google cares about greatly, but a lot of it falls to a web developer to implement.
To do your part, find opportunities to include trust marks to boost the confidence of visitors as they travel around your website. Uncommon Goods includes a number of these at the bottom of the site:
Trust marks may differ based on your website’s business type, but they do exist. Anti-malware software. SSL certificate. Secure payment gateway. These are the kinds of symbols that put your visitors’ minds at ease and allow them to stay longer and convert.
Now that you know some of the more common SEO mistakes caused by web design, be sure to account for them in your workflow going forward. You’d be amazed what improved performance, security, and usability will do for a website’s ranking!
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Source from Webdesigner Depot https://ift.tt/2Qv6NET from Blogger https://ift.tt/2GgM0QZ
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iyarpage · 6 years
Common SEO Mistakes (and How to Fix Them with Design)
SEO is a complex matter and one that web designers and developers might feel is best left to copywriters and search professionals to handle. That makes sense since many common SEO hacks revolve around the manipulation of content and the tagging of it for search.
Here’s the thing though: there are certain choices you make as a web designer that ultimately affect the search-friendliness of your website. Which means you should be involved in the diagnosis and repair of a website’s SEO mistakes.
Repairing SEO Mistakes with Web Design
A click-through rate (CTR) tracking study from Advanced Web Ranking reported the following data, from as recent as September 2018:
What this shows is the likelihood of users clicking on an organic link based on its position in search
As you can see, Google is already stacking the odds against your website by filling its prime real estate with paid listings. That said, the data above is proof that search users are willing to sift through paid promotions to get to the genuinely good website recommendations. The only thing is…
How do you repair a website’s SEO mistakes so it can get to the top of search?
Mistake #1: Non-Responsive Elements
We’re operating in a mobile-first world which means websites have to be designed primarily for that experience. That doesn’t mean leaving desktop users out in the cold, but it does mean dotting your i’s and crossing your t’s to ensure that every element fits within the truncated space of a mobile screen.
Running your website through Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test isn’t enough.
Open your mobile device and walk through every page of your website. Does everything fit between the two edges of your phone? Are the buttons correctly sized and placed? Are images displayed in full and without distortion?
If not, then start here.
Mistake #2: Usability Issues
If we’re talking about usability issues that are severe enough to cause a high percentage of bounces—which communicates to Google that your website isn’t worth ranking—start by looking at the navigation.
Let’s use this one from Hearth Kitchen as an example:
As you can see, the navigation is clearly laid out in a horizontal row. Labels are clear and all pages are present—there’s nothing confusing or hidden. In addition, the header provides users with other information they’d instantly want from a website of this nature.
Since users’ eyes tend to track in a Z-pattern (starting in the top-left and working their way across), your navigation is the first thing visitors see and realistically might be to blame for a lackluster performance in search.
Mistake #3: Low Readability
Although visual content enhances comprehension as well as memorability of what’s on a web page, your visitors eventually need to read the words on it. When that becomes a struggle, websites suffer from short times-on-page and high bounce rates.
Look, you know that your visitors don’t have much of a patience for anything these days. The least you could do is make the reading experience easy for them.
Has your website’s content violated any of these rules?
Typefaces are black (or nearly black) on a white background.
Fonts are in the serif or sans serif families (i.e. be careful with decorative fonts).
The smallest font size should be 16 pixels or larger.
Lines are between 50 and 60 characters.
Paragraphs contain no more than 3 or 4 lines.
Images or lists break up large chunks of content (like I’m doing here).
Headers enables readers (and search bots) to more quickly decipher what a page is about.
WebDesignerDepot does a great job of adhering to these principles, so if you’re looking for inspiration on how to make content readable, start here.
Mistake #4: Bad Pop-Ups
Everyone hates an ill-timed, irrelevant, or pushy pop-up. Google has even gone so far as to penalize mobile websites that utilize what it deems to be bad and intrusive pop-ups.
So, here’s what I’m going to say:
Utilize the least amount of space possible for your pop-ups.
Yotel has a fantastic example of this on its desktop website:
And, if pop-ups need to appear on mobile, relegate them to a top or bottom banner. It keeps your promotional message out of the way.
Mistake #5: Overweight Images
Google rewards websites that are fast—and we’re talking load times under three seconds. While there are a number of things developers can do to get loading speeds under control, designers should look at images to improve performance and SEO.
Specifically, look at file size.
There is only so much room an image can occupy on a website, especially in this age of mobile-first. So, why use a file that’s 12MB when it’s only going to show up as a thumbnail in the site’s news feed?
I’m not saying you should stop using oversized high-resolution images.
Just be sure to resize and run them through a compression software like TinyPNG to ensure you’re not overloading your web server.
Mistake #6: Text Inside Images
There are two reasons why text inside images is a bad idea for SEO. The first has to do with readability.
Think about what happens when text is laid atop an image. If there’s a distinct contrast between the two, readability should be fine. But what if text is placed over an otherwise mundane part of an image on desktop? On mobile, it shrinks down and may end up appearing over a busier and more distracting part of the photo.
Then there’s how the text is added. If text is pasted into an image file, search bots won’t be able to detect it. If your copywriters wrote that particular string of text with a search keyword embedded in it, you’ve just removed it from Google’s view.
Instead, you should work with your content management system to add text using custom fields meant to go on top of images.
In my opinion, it’s best to stay away from text on images unless you can ensure uncompromized readability and that Google bots can read it. Culture Trip shows how this can be done:
It also has links lower on the page where the text is removed from the photo altogether (which I think looks even better):
Mistake #7: Lack of Trust Marks
The last mistake has to do with security. This is something Google cares about greatly, but a lot of it falls to a web developer to implement.
To do your part, find opportunities to include trust marks to boost the confidence of visitors as they travel around your website. Uncommon Goods includes a number of these at the bottom of the site:
Trust marks may differ based on your website’s business type, but they do exist. Anti-malware software. SSL certificate. Secure payment gateway. These are the kinds of symbols that put your visitors’ minds at ease and allow them to stay longer and convert.
Now that you know some of the more common SEO mistakes caused by web design, be sure to account for them in your workflow going forward. You’d be amazed what improved performance, security, and usability will do for a website’s ranking!
Add Realistic Chalk and Sketch Lettering Effects with Sketch’it – only $5!
Source p img {display:inline-block; margin-right:10px;} .alignleft {float:left;} p.showcase {clear:both;} body#browserfriendly p, body#podcast p, div#emailbody p{margin:0;} Common SEO Mistakes (and How to Fix Them with Design) published first on https://medium.com/@koresol
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