#not sure i'll do an analysis on him but i do give natsuhiko my thumbs up
mari-lair · 7 months
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yes i do! He is my favorite broadcasting club member!
He is so funny, I love his brand of humor, he gives me "I am a harem character in the wrong kind of manga" vibes!
He is also interesting at his core, there is a lot of contradiction to him: He seems to feel empathy and kindness in his heart, worrying for Mitsuba, sympathizing with Kou, trying to understand Sakura, and so on, but he is still on the 'bad guys side', he doesn't hide that his morality is grey and he isn't a very good person.
He is pretty blasé about the concept of death, he had no complains when Sakura was cursed students with Mei's flower petals as a distraction for him to break the clock, and his only reaction to stepping on a puddle of blood where he knew a 'cute girl' was eaten alive was "yuck!"
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He wants to date Sakura. He seems to love her and be serious about her, confessing and flirting with her all the time, but despite coming of as a 'hopeless romantic and hopelessly devoted' guy he flirts with every girl he thinks is cute.
And is not empty flirting either, he would have been cool kissing Nene just because she is a cute girl.
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Natsuhiko has no attachment to Nene beyond that, he and Sakura are only using her for their grand plan. They want her dead.
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He is aware of what he is doing is considered evil, or so it seems, cause he call his schemes with Sakura evil with pride and joy.
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Way too much joy, which disappears when he is alone.
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His dissatisfaction about the 'I'll use my blood to melt the clock' plans seems to come mostly from how bleeding out drains him, and just... how gross blood is (he was disgusted when he stepped on Sumire's blood , and tsukasa killed the pufferfish so is not his acid blood in particular he finds gross) which is so cool for someone in the 'bad guys side' and whose reasons for being with Sakura are a mystery.
I also like how he doesn't want to look like a bad guy, like the aesthetic of it is the worst part, not how it may hurt others. The way he would destroy the world for Sakura's wish but when people do get hurt he doesn't look particularly pleased is also nice. Just... A lot of nice little things and contradictions to poke at.
He is not my priority right now, so I don't have insane spirals of thoughts about him, but he is overall a really fun character to theorize and analyze! On the few times I am in a Natsuhiko mood, it's always fun.
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