#not sure about the braid idk if he'll keep that lol
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snarkspawn · 6 months ago
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I really enjoy playing through tnp again like hi it's been a while
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zvdvdlvr · 2 years ago
⭐ -> star! ships. send your sexuality, gender, and a description of yourself and what fandoms you're in. ( as long as i'm in said fandom lol ) ill ship you with 1 or 2 characters!
i have long wavy black hair and dark chocolate brown eyes. i like spring a lot! especially because flowers start blooming around that time and i think flowers are lovely. i also really like to doodle. it’s fun, it’s quick, and  it’s relaxing!! but art in general is one of my passions. also music is almost always playing in the background whenever i do things.  and i really love rom coms and romance novels!! idc if it’s really cheesy, i just think it’s cute! i definitely believe in true love, even if i don’t think i might be able to meet mine. my favorite color is maroon! i’m also a virgo and i value my grades a lot and that can spiral in the wrong direction at times. i’m also short, 5”1 to be exact, and people tell me that i have small hands. i love high fives though, so i get that comment quite a lot. my love language is either touch or words of affirmation. i’m leaning towards words of affirmation but touch does help keep me grounded. i occasionally wear rings but i always my earrings and this one necklace. and i’d like to think that i’m a nice person! i really like to explain things to people if they don’t understand a topic and i’m pretty good at it too. i have really high expectations for myself and sometimes if i don’t meet that expectation i breakdown. i tend to cry easily, it’s not okay and is something that i’m working on. i’m bisexual and i’m in harry potter, marvel, and outer banks! it’s fine if you can’t do this and i’m sorry for writing so much! 
ily jules! congratulations on the milestone and take care xx
Hello angel :)) ily more, and you take care as well. i hope you enjoy!!
From the Harry Potter Universe, I ship you with...
James Potter!
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(depending on your image of James <3)
𝐉𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 would totally poke a little fun at your height, but he's made it clear he finds it endearing and he doesn't wish to upset you if he says something mean. Whenever he sees flowers, he thinks of you! While in school, James would always admire any and all nature forms with 'i know yasmine would adore this <333". Absolutely 100% will do/help you with homework, depending on the subject; James feels bad whenever he sees you cry, and he'll do anything to keep you from crying if he can help it :((( <333. Praises and gives you feedback about everything (they don't call him James motormouth Potter for nothing smh). Loved holding your hand because of how small they are and its a way for him to calm down. Will drop everything to make sure you're okay, it doesn't matter where you both are at. Loves when you ask for his input on jewelry and will spoil you rotten 🥰
(i'm only on season one of obx, so im so sorry if this is bad!)
From the Outer Banks universe, I ship you with:
Kai Cerrara!
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Ok but 𝐊𝐢𝐚𝐫𝐚 would probably love doing your hair because "it's literally so pretty, shut up!" Dancing to music on the beach or in a boat is a must, Kie definately tells you something like "ur legally required to sing cheesy love songs with me while we shimmy and dance around falling further in love with each other" idk I wasn't there 🤷. Kiara lovesss when you give her your random doodles/sketches :'( and would never throw them away. Asks you questions about things you like and know a lot about so she can hear your pretty voice explain things to her <3. I HAVE A BLURB IDEA: snuggling with Kie and her resting on your shoulder while you both read a romance novel or smth 😕❤️❤️ Would also get matching sets of like earrings, bracelets, necklaces, etc. Loves complimenting you :)
From the MCU, i ship you with...
Yelena Belova!
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𝐘𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐚, for one, adores any and all piercings you have- specifically ear piercings. I feel like Yelena also would love braiding your hair and matching outfits and jewelry with you. Watching romance/comedy movies are a must, since Yelena missed out on... a lot when she was brainwashed. Loveloveloves any and all affection you show her, and would be someone to give you random high fives whenever you do something you're proud of. Yelena would often buy small plants (pink polka dot, succulents, anything really) she thinks you'd like (but small enough to be kept out of Fanny's reach). If you both were bored one day and you were laying on the couch, Fanny asleep on your lap. "Wanna watch a movie, detka?" Yelena asked, flopping on your opposite. Immediately a large smile spread across Yelena's face at the speed of which yasmine's stetchbook and pencil were discarded and replaced with the remote. "You choose," Yelena requested, pulling the shared fluffy maroon blanket up to her neck.
Please keep in mind this is only my second ship, so I apologize if this is bad!! ❤️
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marshmallowprotection · 3 years ago
uhm if u dont mind me going feral here--
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ITHEHRE ITS HERE OMFG NEW SAERAN CG WOOHOO AND HE'S BLUSHING AGAIN 😭💞💞💞💞 rika's pretty cute with her hanbok and braided hair too 💝💝
and i think its obvious that plant is the one Ray talked about having a weaker stalk or smth like that, and he said if it grew pretty flowers(?), he'll show them to us?😭 there's no flower here though- but it okay we get to see hanbok saeran again for like YEARS(?) so im just gonna overthink about those "wishes" saeran's hanging on the pot----(im looking at this as some tradition similar to tanabata festival(?) but idk really i could be very wrong so I'll apologize in advance💀)
the red one is probably seven's since in the chatroom, Ray said he relates to the weaker stalk not getting its nutrients because the stronger stalk is taking away everything. which?? could mean he wishes for it to grow as well, they're not the same height but at least both of them managed to "grew up together.
the yellow and dark blue is from saeran and rika ig?? or it could be v and rika's as well. or,,, it could be ours lol not sure what I'll put meaning here 💀
i wonder what saeran wrote on his wish for this year, he looks so endearing tending to that plant since in another reality Ray snapped that plant before it can even grow 😭
Anyways, Happy New Year, Kait, i noticed i liked majority of ur posts this year so thank you for making my life (and for many others as well!) more bearable by talking and sobbing about this adorable dorky prince!! 😭💝 🎆
Personally, I believe that Ray put together the charms on the tree. This is a thing in a lot of cultures where you make a wish for the next year. It makes sense for Rika to ask him to do it. She's not going to put V or Seven on there when she's been spending so much time trying to get him to believe that they've left the two of them behind and truly and deeply abandoned them forever. She's not going to place hope into Ray's hands like that. 
This is a symbol of Ray dreaming that what she has told him not being true. There's a part of him that wants back his family that was taken from him. But, to be honest with you, you’re right about the photo. It’s the same vase that he sent from that chatroom where he talks about strong and weak stems. Is what he wishing for... a chance to be with his family again? 
Is that what he wants deep down? It’s literally what Suit Saeran confirms later on, saying “Ray keeps dreaming that he could be with V and Saeyoung again... he keeps dreaming that they were here... even if he’s confused and hurt.”
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6okuto-moved · 3 years ago
rime fluff alphabet? 🙏
— rime fluff alphabet
hello it's me O7 affection is longer than expected but alas. alphabets r long did u know that? I Didn't...wahrhgh.....26 whole letters...why can't we have like. 10. 🤨
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Affection - How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?
not Subtle,, just more nonchalant unless you're alone
a lot of his affection comes through with his actions rather than words. it's the hand on the small of your back or arm around your waist while you're standing together. pulling you to sit in between his legs or vice versa . resting his head on yours . hand on your thigh and fingers tapping against your skin
it's bringing you drinks silently or with a remark about needing to take care of yourself better, pulling you out of the way before bumping into something and keeping you tucked into him for the rest of the walk, knowing what you'd enjoy as a gift, pulling the blanket over you while you're sleeping and brushing stray hair out of your face, watching you almost give up on a task and making you look at him while he reassures you that you can do it, he knows you can so let's get up now, one more time.
It's letting you do whatever you want. he'll do his little act of squinting at you with a pout, or looking away as if he's bothered and bored, smirking and teasing you,, but he won't move away while you braid the front strands of his hair. he'll smile as you try putting on his clothes or messing with his weapon. he even helps you along the way. you're the only one who gets those privileges
Beauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
i don't want to say everything. i'll just say he thinks your kindness and willingness to help/forgive others is admirable because it inevitably played a role in getting you two together. but he really thinks you should work on it before you get into trouble
physically ? smh you're hot to him idk what to tell you. perhaps likes your hands and thighs a lot ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌
less beauty related,, more just that he has a thing for specific looks. that doesn't make sense. like the look you give him before teasing him, the look you have when you want something from him, the look you flash him from across the room that shows how exasperated you are with who's in front of you,, gets him all [stares at you intently] because they're for him only
Comfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
eye twitches vaguely at sage chapter 13. fists clench. screams into my pillow and kicks my feet
might be the rime fan club member in me but i actually think he'd be? pretty good at calming/talking someone down? like he'd figure out which methods work best for you and has a calming voice while trying to ground and reassure you .
if you want him to touch you he'll cup your face or hold your hand until you let him get closer and hug you. if you don't enjoy being touched he'll sit near you and just talk or ask questions depending on if you become nonverbal or not
if it's less panic attack more general sadness he pulls you into his chest and hugs/cuddles you ( ;__ ;) or he'll distract you as long as you need (if you try to suppress/hide anything he Will start asking you to talk to him)
Dreams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
i don't think,, he thinks about his future too often before he's with you just because ? everything seemed so ? set with the whole LoS, missing what made him human things going on. he usually focuses more on the present so now that he has someone to have a future with it's a little. [BONK] . you get it.
might need to actually talk about it and find out what you think because he isn't too sure himself,, the one thing he is sure about is that no matter what happens he's going to make sure he's there beside you (╯︵╰,)
Equal - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
lol SNBFSJHB naturally dominant. never really passive, he'll always speak his mind and stand his ground (and tease you) even if you find yourself the 'more dominant' one/on equal standing
by more dominant i mean somehow multiplying his energy and throwing it 100km/h at his face regularly . and i don't think he'd really get into a relationship with someone who makes him feel lesser than which is why i put on equal standing :kiss:
Fight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
ouaghhh don't get into fights with this guy
he's already very honest about his feelings and he might be blunter than intended. at the beginning of your relationship his words get sharper as he gets more frustrated especially if you're trying to dodge questions/being honest. might rile you up even more on purpose or by accident mgnrgnhhnghh.... would eventually learn to communicate better though i swear
if you were the one that was in the wrong, he'll take a while to come around but a sincere apology goes a long way . won't let it go completely before making you embarrass yourself a little. du moins,, c'est mon opinion ┐( ̄ー ̄)┌
Gratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
rime knows very well. you don't deal with this guy enough to date just for him to not realize how much you do for/with him
like,, in such a bizarre situation where he's lost the connections he had before he died and is now alone,, for you to let him near you and build a relationship was sooo important to him. especially after the whole wanting to kill you thing. life truly is crazy and he's never been more grateful for that fact
Honesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
always very honest about his opinions to,, everyone. you are not an exception. in fact he'll probably spill more to you than anyone else once he's comfortable
doesn't necessarily hide things, more so that he struggles being vulnerable in the first place. give him time, space, and reassurance and he'll open up more eventually. the only things he might keep from you for a long time are his #worsecrimes
Inspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
please if you're dating rime you were a principle character in him getting better. his s/o would have kept him in check and helped him decide what he really wanted to do, what path he wanted to walk down
depending on his s/o's personality, he'd definitely help them be more confident and focus on themselves !! even without trying to, he just kinda compliments you and his confidence rubs off on you. he's really willing to help you feel better with anything to show how appreciative he is
Jealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
you guys have seen my hcs. protective jealous rime protective slightly possessive rime
rime's arm slipping around your waist when he sees someone talking to you . putting his face next to yours to ask "and who's this?" rime waiting for (pushing) them to leave while nibbling at your ear and making eye contact so they know you're with him
if the other person is getting way too close for comfort he's going to grab your face and kiss you long enough to make it awkward and then some
stays near you for the rest of the day with a pout/grimace on his face and acts a little salty until you kiss him :headinhands:
Kiss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
bitch...i would do anything to kiss this guy. rime is such a good kisser he makes me SICK. "i taught [felix] everything he knows" source? proof? citations? prove it right now?
ohhh the built up tension during the enemies to lovers arc where you're finally getting along and you both realize you like the other but don't confess and Hey We Are Alone And I Keep Looking At Your Lips And Oh? Oh We're Kissing Again OK
Love Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
👁️👁️ i don't know how many times i should bring up enemies to lovers mc getting seriously injured and rime finally being vulnerable because he can't lose them but i'm saying it again
it doesn't really matter which enemies to lovers scene they get tbh. he's very direct about it as if he can't believe they haven't figured it out already (and also because he's a little embarrassed). blurting it out situation y'know
Marriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
marriage doesn't seem...like a very important thing to him, if even something he wants. he'd probably be content never officially getting married or anything. if he gets to be with you he doesn't see a big difference, really
he isn't against it per se though, if you brought it up as something you wanted he'd probably agree after discussion just because,, ohh commitment ohh big step in you relationship. something something rime is scared of and shocked at the reality of truly being wanted in such a serious way but also ? letting people know you're his and he's yours (Official and Real?)
if you wanted a wedding just for the experience and excuse to be a little extravagant though i think he'd be up for it (♡ ὅ ◡ ὅ )ʃ♡
Nicknames - What do they call their s/o?
y'know how vi calls caitlyn cupcake. :woozy_face: rime loves teasing with nicknames like that, sweetheart, darling, baby
he also just likes whispering your name into your ear . bastard
On Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
kind of (very) hard to spot if you don't know him or what to look for
not very verbal until later in the relationship, he makes sure to make up for it with his actions [cue Affection section]. i think it'd really happen when you're alone and it's late and he really thinks about how he gets to Be With You or when you're upset. he'd feel more confident in his words. he lets himself be more vulnerable and open up to you while you're alone
in general his eyes and smile soften a little and he'll get closer. his teasing not just of you but everyone else dies down a little (he's Preoccupied.)
rime not listening to anybody or caring about their opinions unless it's his s/o. ok.
slight nsfw// i also see him being more verbal during/after sex ? like thanking you for being with and trusting him y'know
PDA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
rime could not care who sees him kissing unless his s/o does. even when he does things to tease them he respects their boundaries and knows when to stop
he's so annoying about it . "can you two stay a meter away from each other ever" "just because you aren't in a relationship doesn't mean you have to be jealous :)"
wouldn't even introduce himself if you were talking to people he didn't know. he'd just come up and kiss you oh my god i hate him i want him i hate him so much i need him i
Quizzes - How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?
he might not remember every small detail with precision but he always remembers the general topics you talk about. he takes note of things that really get you excited so he can bring them up later and also find things to get you
remembers big dates and events for sure. doesn't even need a calendar when it's related to you smh </3
Romance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
naturally romantic,, teasing asshole (said affectionately in pain)
would be creative in ways you could never imagine. out of pocket, even,, just because he hates feeling cliché or boring. it's all to make you happy though fr
rime figuring out what anyone did for you before him and trying to one up them. "yeah my ex got me this locket" No They Didn't because i just got you a Better one
rime figuring out what you've always wanted someone to do for you if no one has already and making sure he's the first and only one to do so . leave a LIKE if you agree /j
Support - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
yes !! rime believes his s/o is capable of doing whatever they want to do. he supports you wholeheartedly with advice and acts of service as always fr.
anytime you're struggling or doubting yourself he's one step ahead reminding you of how far you've come and how much you can do. he says it's the least he can do after all you've done for him and also,, y'know,,, as your boyfriend
Try - How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?
everyday tasks don't take a lot of effort on his part it's just? normal? he might not cook you your favourite breakfast every morning but he'll bring you a drink from the kitchen and split chores 🤨
dates are usually pretty casual,, anniversaries or big things like birthdays are where rime gets to Shine! you might not expect it at first but suddenly he is at your door telling you to get ready and once the day is over you are sitting with gifts you adore and have wanted for months from the deer man in your arms
Understanding - How well do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
rime knows you so well it's scary sometimes. why are u watching me! he'll know your go-to orders without being told, what compliments fluster you, what to look for to know when you're lying...when you secretly feel uncomfortable or annoyed or happy...ouagh
it's (a little) difficult for him to really empathize because. yeah. i'd guess cognitive empathy is the easiest. he really does try to understand where you're coming from and why you feel the way you do,, you might just need to communicate a little more
Value - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
[that clip of rosa from b99 with a dog where she says if anything happened to it she'd kill everyone in the room and just that part]
there isn't much else or anyone else around rime that's exactly bringing a lot of meaning and love . sorry that's like. sorry. depending on when you're together and what's happening with the M3 (Felix.) you're one of if not his only honest and good connections. whenever he's going somewhere or planning things you're always in the back of his mind. if it's a choice between you and something or someone else,, there's very little that would ever make him hesitate to choose you
Wild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
you're the second person to ever see his tail (Real) but also,, his tail is sensitive and the first time you reach for it he yelps a little
it says one but idc. he will lay all of his weight on top of you and fall asleep on your chest with an iron grip . expects you to play with his hair or he stares at you until you do
Xylophone - What song reminds them of their partner / relationship?
doja cat enthusiast rime solano varela? Streets? Addiction?
sorry. moving on
tricky tricky . mmnrgnm.,..,, the only exception - paramore because i choose Happiness.
this is turned towards a fem reader bc of the she/her pronouns but something about you by eyedress and r u mine? by arctic monkeys. if you ignore them ,, the idea stands
Yearning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
you think this guy copes? 🤨 he won't admit it but you're very important to his regular schedule and emotional stability /hj
he gets quieter and (somehow) snarkier than usual,, then deny it.
it's easier to find him in your room instead of his own or not paying attention to what everyone is doing and in his head
Zeal - Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind?
will Quite Literally kill somebody.
something something i would set the world on fire if it meant i'd keep you warm uhhhhhh
fr i think one of if not the only thing he would really struggle with the idea of is ever going back to earth with you. perhaps we'll learn how to switch between worlds easily so I Do Not Have To Think.
alas other than that. free reign my baby my sweet deer man ╮(─▽─)╭
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kuleo26 · 3 years ago
playing w the daiya boys hair? <3
hi anon! this concept is so cute <3 thanks for requesting!! sorry, i wasn't sure which characters to do lol
playing with daiya boy's hair
including: kuramochi youichi, takigawa chris yuu, furuya satoru, kominato haruichi, todoroki raichi
part 2
kuramochi youichi
i think he has more longer hair
i also don't think he takes too much care of it
not silky smooth, but not dirty, y'know?
definitely will play with his hair while he plays video games
or watching a baseball game on tv
just raking your fingers through his hair
sometimes curling the tips around your fingertips
if he moves his head around too much, you yank on his hair to get him to stop moving
"ow! stop yanking my hair!"
"then stop moving, you dumbass."
─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
takigawa chris yuu
omg have you seen this man's hair??
he definitely keeps good care of it even if he slicks it back
but his hair down??
chef's kiss
he's so hot
i think his hair's long enough that you can braid it
both french/dutch braiding or just a regular braid
he can handle if you yank his hair
he has a high pain tolerance (i'm guessing)
will definitely learn how to braid so he can do your hair as well
"your hair is so soft wtf"
"thanks, i have a lot of hair products"
he says it like it's nothing
and he doesn't even bother to share?? like how is that fair??
─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
furuya satoru
if you think he'll sleep if you play with is hair
you are completely right
"babe, we're watching a movie. don't fall asleep yet."
"mm, i'm too comfortable though"
just give up on the movie
you playing with his hair is just too soothing to him
he has that long flat type of hair
definitely doesn't brush it
but somehow it's still smooth
and doesn't have tangles??
you sometimes put his hair in between your fingers and pretend you're straightening it
(that made better sense in my head haha idk how else to explain it)
─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
kominato haruichi
he has pretty hair
like, how could i NOT include him in this list
definitely keeps his hair clean and proper
you like to tie his hair up in random places around his head
one time, you ended up tying tiny ponytails until you ran out of hair to tie
"...i look like a porcupine."
"well, i think it's cute."
will definitely smirk at you evilly with that comment
he ends up tackling you and tickling you until you call mercy
"mhm serves you right."
oh boy
good luck
─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
todoroki raichi
i think he's definitely shy
and touch starved
will shy away from your touch at first
eventually warms up to you
definitely thinks that he should have done it sooner
is the most soothing touch for him
other than sanada's head pats and hugs
you usually have a hand on his head as you cuddle
"mmm, don't move."
"bubs, i have to go to the bathroom"
cry about it because you're not moving any time soon
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sehnsuchts-trunken · 3 years ago
Well, now I’m obviously obliged to return here to ask for your headcanons for merlin the series 😂
absolutely I will gladly share these, I've been sitting on some of them for months :)
- Gwaine never stops picking bar fights. Never. The only difference is that now he can go to much greater lengths because no matter what, there's six others who will absolutely help him, at least the second it actually looks like he could get hurt. And god, does Arthur scold him. And god, does he not care. Like he will just. Smile and move on to the next brawl.
- Gwen is a seamstress, I think? And despite not sitting on the throne just yet for me, once she does become queen, she may abandon her old servant-y duties, but she certainly keeps sewing. Sewing for Arthur. And I am not in any way a good judge of clothing but. Those shirts and coats are the best looking in all of Camelot. Arthur may not brag about a lot but hell does he brag about Gwen's skills, and he has every right to. Even the Knights look quite jealous.
- By the way, Arthur really doesn't brag a lot. He grew up like a prince, like a royal, at court, in a huge ass castle, with servants and everything, so of course sometimes he'll be pretentious and arrogant and he won't notice at all, but he never mindfully does so, he never mindfully wants to make anyone feel bad about what they have or has to feel good about what he has himself. But. This doesn't count for one thing and one thing only and that is Gwen. Like this man will talk about her for two weeks straight if you let him, he would never talk about anything or anyone else ever if he could. And he will so definitely brag about her. He also totally tells their story wrong, if anyone asks. And then she just grins and goes like "actually sweetie if I remember right I was the one who kissed you first"
- Morgana is kind of a fashion nerd and has always been. She just loves to combine different things and wear dresses and pantsuits in unconventional ways and colours and I absolutely despise the way they completely mess up this wonderful character trait by making her wear only dresses. Like, you cannot convince me that she didn’t wear leather trousers at some point, or Arthur’s loose white shirts paired with a beautifully intricate corset. 
- Leon has canonically died like seven times in this series and I don't understand, so I will literally just say that wow does he have good luck and he uses it when playing games/doing bets with the other knights. Also he braids his hair into these little Viking braids sometimes. He has a great, wholesome sense of humour too. I love him, he's precious.
- In the episode I'm currently watching, the guys find out that there's a traitor in their ranks (actually Leon's the one who finds out, he's great, did I say that already), and Arthur begins to like, go through all the Knights and people and tries to find out which of them betrayed him. And like, despite Leon I think he goes through all of them? Maybe not Gwaine, but like, maybe, idk. Anyway the others learn about this at some point and they all make sure to get back at Arthur by pretending like they're betraying him and then literally just leading him to the basement where they all met up and created a "Fuck Arthur Pendragon" club (some of them took it a bit too literally.)
- The running gag with Merlin being at a tavern is now known and being used by everyone except for Arthur, because he's always been the one it's being used on and doesn't understand why everyone laughs (well, maybe, that it's funny that Merlin's a drunkard. but in a way he's more worried) But everyone else just knows this inside joke and the second someone dares to tell it, everyone is laughing their asses off and will not calm down for an hour.
- Who's missing? I'm missing someone. Who am I missing???
- Elyan! Yeah I got nothing on him lol.
so seems like this is it-
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sugxrslushy · 3 years ago
this is a general headcannon that’s been on my mind today, but idk if it fits within the soft saturday rules so i’m just gonna send it in anyway since it’s pretty domestic.
sanji can cut hair very well. he does all the boys hair except usopp, chopper, and brook. he’d love to cut the girl’s hair…
but that spot is reserved specifically for usopp. he’s almost as good as sanji, but not quite. his forte is styling. which i imagine he does whenever he and nami are bored, even sometimes roping robin in too.
he’d put nami’s hair in high ponytails with jeweled ties and clips, and give robin a long low braid with a purple string/yarn intertwined with it.
bonus: nami may take off some of his debt whenever she feels usopp did a good job on her hair.
sitting here pretending like I didn't write some self indulgent fic about sanji cutting my hair lol
I really really love this idea?? it's such a sweet idea that they come to Usopp to style their hair. his hands are always a bit too shaky to cut their hair and he doubts his ability, but through trial and error he's able to style the crewmates hair. he's very patient and takes his time to make things as perfect as he can, he wants to make sure they all look good.
and he'll learn new styles for them incase any of them want to look cool ahhh!! also he definitely always wears hair ties on his wrist and keeps them handy, he has a habit of wanting to be over prepared but it's appreciated ahhh. so cute!! <33
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flippyspoon · 7 years ago
as billy and max start to mend their relationship, billy starts to do her hair for her sometimes. and he'll find the neatest ways to keep her hair out of her face without making it something that isn't "max". and steve catches on to what's going on and he sidles up to billy and asks "you wanna try doing my hair" and billy looks at him and grins and says "'i just had sex' hair works on almost everyone. wanna see if you're part of the majority?" and boom: harringrove
I keep writing out long things and then accidentally hitting cancel ugh.
Okay lemme write this again- specifically about max.
Max has a “date” with Lucas (only putting in quotes bc they’re super young so not sure it would officially be a date depending on parent’s rules but anyway). She’s super nervous but she’s pretending she’s not. She and Billy are more like they were before they moved to Hawkins-Billy’s kind of a dick mainly because it’s what he knows but he’s not on her case and he’s certainly not saying shit about Lucas, so like fragile truce. 
Billy is working out in the living room but Max keeps stomping around between her room and the bathroom, a muffled “UGH” every once in a while. Billy finally goes to her room like , “What is your problem.” And she’s like ‘NOTHING I’M FINE’ but she’s like messing with her hair trying to do something different and only making it worse and he’s like “Stop stop stop, Jesus Christ, gimme that” and he grabs the brush and still all gross sweaty gym ratty he gives her a perfect french-braid like a pro (Idk why he knows how to French braid lol, maybe he just sees hair things and he’s like ‘I can do that’ lol). And he’s like “There, how’s that.” And she crosses her arms like “I guess it’s okay.” (but it’s perf)
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