#not sorry about posting OCs I refuse to cage myself
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a-stars-art-blog · 2 months ago
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Gotta show off Serilda causes she’s probably the prettiest OC I’ve made. Baddass dragon queen with TWO HUSBANDS??? WHO ARE ALSO HUSBANDS!!!
The rest of the bottom one. Non sexual nudity 👌
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is-it-madness · 5 years ago
My Glorious Purpose | Loki x OC Chapter 3
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A/N: Hi guys! I’m so sorry I haven’t posted chapter three until now. This whole quarantine thing is really messing with me, I’ve been stressing a tad bit because my mom works at a hospital and the cases keep getting worse. So please, everyone, please be careful and stay safe. This really isn’t a joke. Anywho, here is the long overdue, chapter three.💜
Pairing: Loki x OC  (Tera Digitalis)
Word Count: 2k+
Warnings: None in this chapter :)
Chapter 3: Escape
(Loki’s POV)
I must admit, I’m surprised by the way Agent Romanoff was able to get me to reveal my plan to her. She was intelligent. For a mortal. And yet she had decided to leave a child to guard my cell. The mere thought of it brought a smile to my face. I would easily manipulate her to join me. I did not need my scepter for this. My silver tongue would suffice. I saw the worry on her face when Agent Romanoff told her to stay here and watch me, but now her back was turned. I began to listen to her thoughts, curious as to what she thought about being left alone with me.
Okay. I hear her tell herself. I can do this, it’s just standing guard. It’s not that big of a deal. It’s literally just standing. A pause before, Please don’t let him talk to me!
I smile. 
“Don’t you know that it is rude to have your back facing another?” I tell her.
I begin to listen again when she doesn’t turn.
Don’t you know it’s rude to try and take over planets? Or were you not taught that in your etiquette class?
I laugh, she is quite amusing. And stubborn.
 “No, I do not believe I was ever taught that.”
Dammit, Tera! You know he can read minds!
“Is that your name?” I ask her, curious, her back was still towards me. Hmm. She knew I was reading her thoughts. Interesting. 
 “I wish to converse with you face-to-face Tera, like civilized people.” I’m beginning to become frustrated.
Okay just don’t think about anything! He can’t read my mind if I’m not thinking anything, she tells herself.
I laugh again. “Please.” I tell her, “ I can do much more than hear your thoughts mortal girl. I can dive into your subconscious, I have the ability to learn your greatest fears and deepest secrets. And I will do so if you do not face me!”
She sighs in defeat. She turns around slowly to face me, but she refuses to look at me. Her eyes wander everywhere else, but she refuses to meet my gaze. 
“Look at me.”
“Or what?”
“Hmm. I think I will kill you myself when the Chitauri invade.”
She snaps her head up to me. I can see the fear in her eyes.
“That’s better,” I say with a smile. Finally, someone who knows when they are threatened.
I return to sit on the uncomfortable bench. I gesture for her to sit as well. I may be attempting to take over the Earth, but I am still a gentleman. Mother would be disappointed with me if I kept a lady standing. Even if she is a Midgardian.
“I prefer to stand,” she says coldly.
I smile and bow my head. “You wish to remain standing to keep your guard up, yes? I will respect this decision child.”
I noticed she clenches her fists when I call her a child.
This will be fun. I smirk.
“Since Agent Romanoff has completed her interrogation with me, perhaps I can ask you some questions.”
She frowns. “You aren’t going to be getting any answers from me.”
I chuckle. “No, no. You misunderstand. I simply want to ask about you.”
She looks at me, shocked. “Me?” 
“Yes, you. You may answer my questions to the best of your ability, and if you choose not to answer, I will respect that decision.”
“What’s going to stop you from reading my mind?” she asks, on edge, looking as if I might pounce on her.
“I admire your skepticism mortal, but fear not. You have my word that I will not make any attempt to read your thoughts.”
“Okay,” she says quietly. “ Can I think about it for a sec?”
“By all means.”
She begins to pace, and I watch her. 
Wanting to earn her trust, I restrain myself from hearing what she is debating. After several minutes she turns to face me. 
“Have you made up your mind?” I ask her.
“Yes. You can ask me some questions, but remember, I don’t have to answer if I don’t want to and you can’t read my mind. Agreed?”
I nod. It was good thinking on her part to lay out the term. She kept surprising me with her actions.
“Okay, what’s your first question?”
“Your first name is Tera, yes?”
She nods.
“I notice you became annoyed when I call you a child. Is this true”
“Well if you are not a child, how old are you?”
I see the suspicion growing on her face.
“What will you gain by knowing how old I am?”
I smile, “I will learn that you are not a child.”
She glares before answering, “I’m 19.”
I continue smiling. “Yes, I suppose you are not a child.”
“Alright, here’s another question. How did you know I was able to read your mind? And what did Agent Romanoff mean when she said you know me better than anyone here besides the oaf?” 
I need to know how she knows so much about me. This is my first time on Midgard and yet she knows of my ability to read minds.
She smiles. “Well, before I met you and Thor, I believed you were myths, legends, stories of old. When I was younger, I was fascinated by mythology. Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Norse,” She says giving me a knowing look. “I would try to learn anything and everything that had to do with mythology. I guess you could say it was a hobby,” she shrugs. “I was always reading. Any chance that I got, any free time I had, I would use it to read. Still do actually,” she says with a small smile. 
She looks back at me after her gaze had wandered. I hold her gaze. She quickly looks away. I make a note of the flush rising to her cheeks. I want to delve into her mind. To know what she is thinking, but I held back. I gave her my word.
 I start laughing, realizing something.
“Perhaps you and I are not so different, Tera,” I say.
She scoffs, “I’m sorry, what?”
“We are intellectuals, you and I. We both indulge in the joys of reading.”
“What else do you know about me?” Just how much of my power does she know?
“Oh, um, well you can read minds, cast illusions and spells, shapeshift, you have super strength.” She hesitates before continuing, as if wanting to say something else, but she held back. “Yeah that’s pretty much all I know.”
“Shame,” I say. “ I liked hearing you list off all my abilities. They sound better coming from a mortal.”
She looks at me, puzzled.
I sigh, “I was jesting. Do you mortals engage in this past time? Based on all the people I have met so far, I would think not.”
She laughs. “You haven’t exactly given a reason for us to joke with you.”
I smile, “No, I suppose not.”
“Do you have any other questions for me?”
I hesitate before asking, “Do you have any family?”
The smile vanishes from her face. “I don’t wish to answer that question,” she says quietly.
I nod, “I understand,” I pause. “I have enjoyed this chat of ours.”
And I did. Finally, someone who is able to hold a normal conversation with me. It’s a shame I would be taking over this planet. But I have a duty. I have no time for distractions or pleasantries. 
She gives a small smile. “Glad to know that we bonded,” I can hear the sarcasm in her voice. “Now I’m sure you’re going to continue taking Earth over.”
I chuckle, “You’re not wrong.”
I know that Barton has reached the helicarrier, and I know that the beast will be unleashed any second. For reasons, I am unable to explain, I did not want this Midgardian child in harm’s way. She may believe she is not a child, but I disagree. She is extremely small. If the beast reaches her, well, he would be able to snap her neck before she knew what was happening. I didn’t want her to die. Not yet. I want to know why she wouldn’t speak of her family. I want to find out.
I begin muttering an incantation under my breath. 
“What are you doing?” she asks, taking several steps away from the cage.
I wave my hand, casting a simple sleeping spell on her. She drops to the floor with a thud. I walk toward the edge of the cage. 
I crouch and I tell her with some amusement, “For someone who knows so much about me, you should have known that I would be able to use my magic on you.”
I hear her whisper, “I hate you,” before passing out. I look at her, I don’t know why but my heart feels regretful. Seeing this girl, laying on the floor. But there are more important things than a small child. Much more important things.
I’m snapped out of my thoughts by the roar of the beast. I smile and wait, knowing that Thor will be here to make sure I’m still locked up. Several minutes pass by. He must be engaging with the beast. A moment later, I see Thor running into the room. I begin to let myself out.
He runs towards me, I crouch, making him believe I was preparing for impact, but he went right through one of my illusions, straight into the cell. The door closes behind him. He stands up and looks around before his eyes land on me.
I gave him a look of disappointment. “Are you ever not going to fall for that?”
Frustrated, he begins to pound away at the cage with his hammer. The glass begins to crack, but the cage holds. I laugh, mostly from joy but also from relief.
I begin to walk towards the control panel. “The humans think us immortal. Shall we test that?” I ask him.
“What have you done to the girl?”
I turn. I had moved her out of the way before Thor came barreling in here. She was laying at my feet, still asleep. 
“Don’t worry brother. She is not dead. Yet.”
He looks at her in horror. “If you so much as touched her, I swear-”
“Relax. I have only cast a sleeping spell on her. She was tiresome, non-stop talking, I simply did it for silence,” I lie smoothly.
I turn back to the control panel and am about to push the button that would drop Thor back to Earth when I suddenly hear someone say, “Move away please.”
It is one of the agents, wielding a rather impressive looking gun. Hesitant, I back up.
“Do you like this?” He asks about his weapon, as we both took several steps closer to each other. “We started working on the prototype after you sent the Destroyer. Even I don’t know what it does. Do you wanna find out?” He begins to fire it up.
Foolish mortal, I think to myself. Did he really believe I would allow myself to be captured so easily? I approach him from behind, thrusting my spear through his chest. I hear the sound of him yelling. My second illusion disappears from in front of him.
“NO!” yells Thor slamming the cage.
The agent drops to the floor, still holding the gun, blood coming from his mouth and breathing heavily. I walk towards the control panel and lift the cover from the button. Thor glares at me as I open it, the gateway to his hopeful demise. He takes several steps back and looks down with worry. He looks back up at me. I smile before sending him tumbling through the sky.
I turn to take my leave, but pause when I hear a faint, “You’re going to lose.”
I turn around. It was the dying agent. “Am I?” 
“It’s in your nature.”
“Your heroes are scattered,” I tell him. “Your floating fortress falls from the sky. Where is my disadvantage?” I took several steps towards him.
“You lack conviction.” He answers.
My face hardens. “I don’t think I-”
The agent blasts me with the weapon and I am thrown back, through the walls, a flaming ball. I get up and leave. I cross the runway, to the awaiting airplane. We take off as soon as I enter. I smile.
(Third Person POV)
 Fury enters and sees Agent Coulson on the ground. He kneels down by him.
“I’m sorry boss,” Coulson apologizes. “They got rabbited.”.
 “Just stay awake. Eyes on me,” Fury orders him.
“Oh I’m clockin’ out here.”
“Not an option.”
“It’s okay, boss. This was never gonna work- if they didn’t have something- to-”
His breathing halts and Fury stands to let the medical team through. He leans against the railing. He turns his head and sees another body under the control panel. He rushes over. It was Natasha’s mentee. He quickly checks for a pulse. Natasha had already lost Clint. He didn’t want her to lose the kid she was so protective over.
“Medic! Come here. We got another one. She’s alive but I want you to check her out. Make sure she’s okay.”
They put the intern on a stretcher and take her to the med bay.
Part 4
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blueyesandleatherjacket · 7 years ago
Ghost of you, 6/?
Volume: 1.
Number of parts: 6/?.
Pairings: Human!Nine x Rose; Human!Ten x Jack; Clara Oswald x Olivia Baxter (OC).
Synopsis: "Despite the fact he knew he was done, he was fighting against the virus. He didn’t want to lose that already lost fight and he was clinging to the memories of his friends, to the memories of the wife he loved so much. His change lasted longer than it should have because he was struggling."
A/N: I've started writing this fiction last year after I had a particularly weird dream (as usual) and after I wrote the prologue, I've put it aside to work on other stuff. I've gone back to it not so long ago and decided that it would be the fiction I would post next, after not posting anything for a while. I must have watched I am legend and Game of thrones way too much to come out with something like this but I hope you will like it. I am not a scientist, nor did I have a particular knowledge of sciences. I do my researches on the internet like everyone to make sure everything is as close to the reality as possible. I have a literature degree only. Writing is what I do and it makes me explore next fields, and learn new things.
“Ever has it been that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation.” - Kahlil Gibran.
Second day of October 2017. Day 1746 since the infection. Maxence Spitz video log. Take 2. What I’ve feared finally occurred on this day. We’ve been wandering in the town all day, knowing we wouldn’t see anyone. The lightwalkers don’t come out anymore, they’re all remaining hidden behind solid closed doors and blinds, hoping it will protect them against the virus, against the madness. The virus has mutated again and people have gone violent. The town is ravaged by fires and vandalism. It will become harder to restock the centre of researches with food and supplies. You have to find that cure in the days to come or you will all die from hunger and God knows what else if you have that chance of not being infected. Now, it’s either you find that cure, or you let the world fall into this madness. Or you let the world destroy itself until there’s nothing left. Humanity was a plague and Mother Nature is making us all paid. The nightwalkers came out while the night was falling. They were already out while it was still twilight outside. They are less bothered by the light now. They are cleverer than we thought they were. They knew we were coming. They set up a trap for us and we’ve run straight into it. One of them bit my neck, here. Xavier died to take me away from them. Allegro killed some. Adam ran away with Louise and Danny. It’s a chance. In normal circumstances, they would have been punished for this, but I don’t blame them. I would have run away if I’ve had the time to. This is my last words as your leader. I’ve sent Emily away with the rest of the team and ordered her to put the whole building in lockdown to protect all of you. I’ve named Tegan Smith as my successor and Jack Harkness as his second in command. I trust them both to the cure you are desperately looking for. I feel it, the noctiagus. It’s spreading in my body. It’s in my veins, burning every single nerve inside me. You probably can’t see it well but I know it. My eyes have turned black. Allegro has stayed with me. He locked me into the room of this sort of bunker we have found so I could record this last video for you. I’m gonna film my whole change into a nightwalker so you can have as many leads as possible for your researches. I’ve asked Allegro to lock me in the crate and to bring me back to the lab. I’ll be the living specimen I was supposed to catch. Jack has sacrificed Peggy for his new lead. I’ve been sacrificed for this mission and I’m giving you myself for your researches. I’m sorry this had to end like this. I believe in all of you. You’ll find that cure without me. No matter the time it will take. Goodbye. The rest of the video was just hours of the agony Maxence had gone through. Despite the fact he knew he was done, he was fighting against the virus. He didn’t want to lose that already lost fight and he was clinging to the memories of his friends, to the memories of the wife he loved so much. His change lasted longer than it should have because he was struggling. He still fought Allegro when the captain of the team came to lock him in the crate but the pain he was in prevented him from winning once again. He was locked in the crate with his camera to continue his long agony until he was brought to the building three days later. The battery of the camera had died some time ago but it had held on long enough to film the entire change, to see Maxence turning into a nightwalker because of a mission he was given. Rory and Mickey had managed to go to the cages unnoticed despite this hour of the day. Everyone should be out in the labs to work but no one was there. The tension was though. It was the calm before the storm. It was too quiet for something not to happen later, for the storm not to rage when the tension would reach its climax. In a way, it was good for the two men. They could work without the glances of everyone on their backs. They unlocked the airlock and went through it to the first cage. They entered the code and the door slid open for the two men to come in with the crate. They put it down on the ground. Their prisoner had calmed down now that they had reached a room lighted with UV lights. All along the walk, he had been kicking against the plastic and groaning loudly to protest. Or to express his pain. The two men looked at each other, wondering what they should do now that they had taken him to the cage. They couldn’t leave him inside the crate. They had to free him. But what if he attacked them? Rory glanced inside the crate. His boss had his eyes closed and his translucent skin was red on his face. Intolerance to the light they said. No wonder why he was protesting if it was burning him. He seemed inoffensive, almost dead. Some people were dying from the virus. Was he…? No, he was breathing. Slowly, too slowly, but he was breathing. Someone would connect him to the system to check his vital signs 24/7. He was their Guinea pig until the day he would either die or heal. Heal being the better option. Rory knelt down and dialled a code on the keyboard of the casing that was on the crate’s side. There were a couple seconds of wait before it beeped positively. The lid was unlocked with a click and Mickey stepped back when his colleague opened the crate. Rory took a step backward. Maxence didn’t move at first. The two men were on alert. They couldn’t keep their eyes off their boss but they really should leave this place. Mickey was opening the door when Maxence blinked and sat up in his crate. Rory felt like he was watching the ghost of a man he once knew as the tall man was extracting himself from the crate. He made no move to attack any of the men present with him in the cage. Instead, he tilted his head on the side to observe Rory, as if it was the first time he ever saw him. But he remained still, not trying to charge like Peggy had done with Jack. Before the situation could go wrong, Rory grabbed the empty crate he closed, never taking his eyes off Maxence, and dragged it toward Mickey who had finally opened the door. They locked the cage, walked through the airlock. They left the crate in the airlock, just in case, and left the pressurised sterilised place before they removed the upper part of their suits. “There was this woman I’ve always been in love with,” started Rory, standing in front of Maxence’s cage. “She was called Amy. It was short for Amelia. Amelia Pond. She was the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. We were seven when I’ve told her that I’d marry her when we would be adults.” “She said you were crazy, slapped you and ran away?” “Pretty much. But I’ve never given up.” “And so? Has she given in?” “Unfortunately too late,” murmured the man. “I was asking her to marry me when I noticed her eyes. She used to have the most beautiful green eyes I’ve seen in my life and that night, they were gone. I could see nothing else but a dark empty void. She didn’t even know she was infected.” “I’m sorry, mate.” “I did my duty. I reported her to the authorities. They have a list of all the infected people. Of the ones that were reported anyway. I don’t know where she is now. I just hope she will hold on until a cure is found.” They both kept silent but their thought was the same as they watched Maxence wandering around his new place: they had lost their best asset to this war against inhumanity. Sure they had some of the most brilliant minds here, but they were all related to Maxence in their own ways and seeing him in this condition would upset them enough to influence their work. Rory had found the strength of leaving his Amelia behind for this cure, would Rose and all the team find that strength too? “Who’s gonna be in charge now?” “Maxence must have thought about this possibility. He has chosen someone he can rely on.” “Like his own wife?” “I don’t think he’d be biased. My mind would be on Jack.” “T is brilliant too.” “Yeah, but he’s not strong enough for this responsibility. Colin could be.” “Certainly not!” exclaimed Mickey, horrified at the thought of Colin Appleton as a leader. “He’s too much of a sociopath to be given any responsibility.” “Anyway, it’s not like we have an opinion to express on the matter.” Whoever had been chosen for this heavy responsibility of leader, both Mickey and Rory would have to do with that. They were giving orders to their own teams but they had to obey to the leader of the place which once had been Maxence. The two men left the room and walked back to their duty.
Rose, my dear Rosie, my so beloved wife… Before you start cursing me and swearing that you’ll slaughter me as soon as you can get a hold of me, know that I haven’t chosen to go on that suicide mission. I always refuse the members of my team to go outside for any reason. I do that to protect them. This rule applies to you and to me as well. But I’ve gotten this call after the situation in London got worse. The government wants answers and someone has to go and get them outside. The responsibility falls upon me. It is a direct order from the Prime Minister and I can’t disobey it no matter I hate it. I never meant to lie to you but I didn’t want you to worry about me being outside. My focus would have been troubled and it is important for me not to worry about anything during this mission. My only focus has to be on catching this living human specimen. I don’t need to tell you how terrified I am right now. You can see it on my face, in my body language, in my eyes. You’ve always been good at reading me like an open book. My Rosie, I know you don’t want to hear these words but I have to tell you all of this now, through this video. Just in case I wouldn’t come back. Just for you to know. First of all, it’s really not against you but I name Tegan Smith as the substitute leader of the team. You and Jack will be his seconds in command. I trust the three of you the most. All the signed papers are in the last drawer of my desk. You won’t have any problem with everyone. I’ve planned it all. Just in case. Second, well, this part is only for you. My dear Rosie. The woman of my life. If it’s the last time I ever get to speak to you, I want you to know how sorry I am. I wish I had found this cure years ago so we could have gone back to our little life, so I could have given you the children you’ve always wanted. I’m sorry for failing my mission, for having myself infected, for giving up on you. It is all against my will. Just know that I will forever love you. I’ve promised you. I’ve promised to live you for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health. I’ve promised to love you until the end and if I lose myself, if I get infected, I’ll hold on to the strength of my love for you to survive in the jungle of nightwalkers. If I never make it back to the lab, don’t forget me but, please, do not mourn me too long. Build yourself a new life and be happy as much as possible. I’m asking you a lot, I know that, but I don’t want you to grieve forever. As hard as it is, please, live on and remember me. I love you. Rose didn’t know how many times she had watched his video. Enough to have her eyes burning as if she had washed them with methylated spirit. She had cried all of the tears she had in her. Her head hurt but she couldn’t take her eyes off the screen that was displaying the last images of her husband. She would never see him again. He was somewhere, outside, in the middle of the nightwalkers. He was probably one of them too. It broke her heart to think about him that way. She pressed pause and the image stilled. She observed his face, his blue eyes, remembered his voice. Her fingers touched him through the screen. The window was cold but she was feeling the warmth of his skin through her memories. That was what made her take this decision. She left Maxence’s office and locked it behind her. She hid the key in her office and ran to the equipment room. If Maxence couldn’t go back to her, she would go and get him. She found a black combat dress that suited her and pulled it on without waiting. She was lacing her boots when she heard a noise that drew her attention. She turned around but saw no one. She could still hear the noise though. Someone crying. She followed the sound, trying to be as discreet as the boots were allowing her to. At the very bottom of the room, huddled in a corner, she found Adam, Maxence’s assistant. He was still wearing his combat dress. Had he been hiding there since Liv freed him from the tent? The young man was very upset and was hiding for the others not to see how shaken he was. Sure that if his own friends saw him like this, they would make fun of him though they had no idea what he had seen outside. “Adam?” The young assistant hiccuped and raised his head to see who had found him in here when he thought no one would. He wasn’t relieved at all to see Rose. How could he face her when he had seen her husband be killed right in front of him? “Miss Rose?” His voice let her know that he had been crying for a while but she made no comment as she knelt down. He sniffled and wiped away his eyes and nose with the sleeve of his combat dress. “Have you been hiding there for three days?” “Where can I go? Mister Maxence…” “I know. I’m going out to get him back.” “What?” Adam’s eyes grew big as he looked at Rose. “No. Don’t go outside. Don’t. They’ll kill you!” “Adam.” She was determinate. She would go outside and bring her husband back. “This place can’t work without him. He recruited us all. He’s the cornerstone of this building. If he’s gone, everything collapses. I have to find him.” “I’m sorry, miss Rose. I’m really sorry.” Adam broke down again and hid his face in his knees. He couldn’t hide this from her. He had been part of a secret mission and he wasn’t supposed to talk to anybody else but Maxence and since the boss would never be back, he couldn’t talk to anyone. But he couldn’t hide this from Rose. “We fell into a trap,” he murmured between two sobs. “It was the end of the day and we hadn’t found any clue of where the nightwalkers were hiding during the day. We wanted to find one and take it by surprise to bring it back here. It was the safest way to do it but…” He sobbed harder, reliving the scene again and again. “We haven’t found anything and we were coming back to safety. But there was this kid crying in the middle of the street. And mister Maxence… you know how he is. He knew we only had a couple of minutes to go to the van but wanted to help this kid. He told us to stand still and went over the kid.” He stopped speaking. The tears and panic were suffocating him. However, Rose needed to know more. Adam was delivering her the truth. She was afraid but she needed to hear it. She put her hands on his shoulders and shook Adam lightly. “What happened Adam? Tell me. What has happened to Maxence?” “The nightwalkers, they are cleverer than we thought and… they can come out earlier. The sun wasn’t down yet and they were already lurking in the shadows.” “Faster, Adam!” “The kid was infected. None of us had noticed it. When mister Maxence picked him up, the kid bit his neck brutally. The guards, they tried to intervene but the nightwalkers were surrounding mister Maxence. He yelled to us to run away, to go back to the building as more infected were attacking him. He had no chance. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.” Rose’s heart sank. She had wanted the truth and she had it. Her husband would never be back. He was infected. Going after him would be useless. He wouldn’t recognise her. His brain was dead. Her knight was dead and there was nothing she could do to save him. Finding the cure? They had no chance without Maxence, and the antidote they had synthesised showed no results so far. Jack was keeping them updated but Peggy’s condition hadn’t improved or gotten worse over the last three days. The results weren’t official as Maxence hadn’t confirmed them although everyone knew that Jack was a trustworthy and brilliant man. It meant that even if she could find her husband out there, she had no way to bring him back to her. She was alone to face the rest of her life and that’s an idea she couldn’t bear. Body and mind entirely numb, she stood up and left the room. She wandered in the building like a ghost. She didn’t want to see anyone, didn’t want to talk with anyone. She had had a little hope that Maxence could be alive and it had just been crushed down. Screw this man and his will of saving everyone! It had cost him his life and it was shattering her into pieces. The pain in her heart was such that she fell to her knees in the middle of the corridor she was walking in and she yelled to the top of her lungs and she cried over the loss of her only love.
Colin was unhappy. He had been told that Martha had been absent just for a couple of days because she had a cold and couldn’t work. Whenever you were sick, you had to stop working until you fully recovered. It was to avoid any sort of contamination of the possible antidote, to avoid the virus they were working on to grow stronger by mixing with another one as simple as a cold. It meant that Martha Jones would be back to work soon and that Colin would have to leave her lab to go back to the stuff maintenance. He was working on a cure of his own in a free lab. He had noticed the flaws in Rose and Clara’s work and was fixing it whenever he got time but he couldn’t test it on Peggy. Jack wouldn’t let him close to his precious pig. Colin had to find another Guinea pig. They didn’t have any animal left in the basement. All the rats were gone, the monkeys hadn’t survived. But Maxence was bringing a living specimen in. This was getting interesting. The tests were all done and the quarantine was over. It meant the specimen was between their walls. Colin headed to the underground labs where were the cages set for the human specimens. He needed to see it by himself. He needed to see if that dumbass Maxence had had the courage of going out to get this nightwalker. Obviously he had since one of the cages had been activated. The uv lights were on and the rest of the room was in the dark. The scientist walked to see the face of the infected that had been brought inside. He couldn’t help the smirk when he realised it was Maxence himself. That idiot had gotten infected. It would be a great pleasure to work on him. Colin knocked on the door to get his boss attention. Maxence out of the game, it made him the leader of the place. They had been recruited almost at the same time. It made him more legitimate to the job of leader than any other of his colleagues. He smirked wilder. Maxence walked to the glass wall Colin was standing in front of. With the last results of the tests, the man knew that the noctiagus was turning the infected into complete idiots and he expected Maxence to try and walk to him despite the invisible wall between them. However, even in his stupidity, Maxence seemed to remain clever. He stopped a few centimetres away from the wall and tilted his head on the side as if he was trying to remember who was the man before him. He really looked like the idiot of the village. He knocked on the wall to respond the scientist, his hand covered in dry blood because he had hurt himself by hitting the crate repeatedly. His face was covered in red marks that were turning into small white blisters, almost invisible on his translucent skin. He could die of an infection if it wasn’t taken care of. How ironic would that be? Surviving outside and dying from a tiny skin infection? Oh, how much Colin would laugh at that! “I really like how the wheel is turning right now, dear friend.” His voice was pernicious. He appreciated the show before him and couldn’t hide it, nor could he hide his nastiness. “You, in this cage and me, in your place. If you expected to have a special treatment because everyone is your friend out there, you’re wrong. You’ve humiliated me by pushing me away and you’re gonna pay for that. Do you hear me, idiot? Your life is gonna be hell from now on.” To prove his point, Colin reached for the control panel of the cage and pressed a couple buttons, changing the settings. The uv lights were replaced by normal lights. Maxence’s reaction to this change was immediate. His pale skin turned to red and he threw himself to the ground where he crawled under the camp bed to protect himself from the sudden burn he was suffering from. Poor creature was harmless at the moment and Colin was enjoying this more than he should be. It was a human being he was torturing after all. Even if he didn’t consider nightwalkers to be human beings, they still were. When he heard footsteps coming his way, he faked a panicked expression while he tried to bring the settings back to their normal state. He knew them by heart but it was more funny to see Maxence crawling like a worm to avoid the light. “What are you doing here?” Jack’s voice was so cold that everyone else would have frozen in fear but not Colin. He kept faking the panic and played his part. He was good at it but he needed the right audience. With Jack, it could not work. Especially since the argument they had had earlier. “I was passing by and I saw him turning as red as a beetroot. There has been a bug in the system and I can’t get the right settings back.” Colin stepped back when Jack approached the control panel and let him put the settings back to normal. Maxence was relieved when the uv lights were back and his whole body collapsed to the floor, welcoming the coldness of it with great pleasure. “Briefing. In five. Better be there, Appleton. I don’t wanna see you around this cage again or I’ll put you inside with him.” “He wouldn’t hurt a fly.” “Bet on it.” Jack pointed to the closest exit of the room and Colin followed this direction. For now, he was obeying. In a few, they would all obey him. He couldn’t wait. He headed to the conference room where most of the team was already gathered. The briefing was as brief as the name was telling. They were just informed that a living specimen was brought back by Allegro. They didn’t give names. Only the persons who would work on the specimen would have his real identity. The others would just work by a number. There also was another information that filled Colin with rage. As Maxence was declared dead outside, a new leader had been designed. Tegan Smith. Fucking poofta Tegan Smith had been picked by Maxence before he went away on that mission. And Tegan Smith would have Jack as his second. He was so enraged at this decision that he chose to leave the room before the end of the briefing.
Rose hadn’t gone to the briefing. She already knew what would be told. It was Jack who had found her crying and yelling in that corridor and he had only confirmed Adam’s words. Maxence was infected, but he hadn’t been left in the streets. Allegro had brought him back, on his order, and he was now locked inside a cage downstairs. Of course she had wanted to see him and when she was in front of this cage, she broke again at the sight of her dear husband, huddled on the floor, badly burnt by the lights. She had no tears left now and she was alone with a man who used to be hers. And she was angry. Very angry. So, when Maxence looked up at her – he was checking if it wasn’t that cruel guy again – she burst out. “What the hell has gone through that stupid mind of yours to go outside and not tell me? Do you have any idea of what has gone through my mind when I couldn’t find you? Do you know how worried I’ve been when the lockdown was pronounced? When you didn’t come out of this tent? Have you even thought of me, Maxence, when you obeyed that fucking order? If you had, you would have told me! That’s your fault all of this! If you weren’t so clever, you wouldn’t have been the leader and they would have sent someone else! What am I gonna now without you? Have you thought about the lives you were sacrificing when you didn’t check if that kid was infected? A kid in the middle of a street while night is falling. Even Adam knew it was a trap! And you’ve fallen into it head first. What now? Hm? How are we supposed to do without you?” She wanted to break again but she didn’t have that strength into her anymore. If she was selfish, she would have gotten into that cage and let him infect her but he needed her to find a cure now that he was in here. She was watching him, his burnt skin, the bite in his neck not looking nice, as he walked to the glass door to face her. He needed her cares and she couldn’t get close to him like she normally would. Did he even know who she was anymore? A knock on the glass pulled her out of her thoughts. She looked up at her husband who was staring at her, his hand on the glass wall. He pointed to it, to make her understand what he expected her to do. It surprised her. Nightwalkers weren’t known to take decisions or to interact with lightwalkers. Everyone thought they couldn’t but they were cleverer than expected. Rose placed her hand over Maxence’s on the glass wall and remembered the warmth of it against hers. She sniffled and he smiled to her. At that moment, Rose forgot everything. She couldn’t see the burns, the bite, the translucent skin. She only saw her husband and his smile. He was infected but somehow he hadn’t lost himself and knew who she was. He was making her understand that he was still there despite the virus eating him out. “Oh, Maxence, what have we done to end up like this?” she murmured. Maxence couldn’t hear her since she hadn’t pressed the intercom button. He acted like he had understood though. Rose closed her eyes briefly, her hand still over his. He knocked on the wall again. It sounded like a song. Their song. She pressed the button, quietly hummed it along his knocking so he could hear it. Her watch was ticking the seconds away but time wasn’t existing anymore for her. She was just taking advantage of this moment and making sure she would remember it later when he wouldn’t be himself anymore. She had no idea how long he would hold on to his identity, how long he would remember her and their relationship. So she kept humming the song to the rhythm of his knocking and when she couldn’t hum it anymore, she just moved her lips silently as she recited the lyrics again and again. “I’ll be back in five.” She suddenly ran out of the room. This wall was already too much for her so she pulled out a hazmat suit, borrowed a complete first aid kit and ran back to the lab. She went through the airlock and came into the cage. Maxence turned around to face her. Her latex gloved hand found his burnt cheek and he leant into her touch, much to her rapture. She didn’t care that he wasn’t her Maxence anymore – even if her heart was aching at the loss – a part of him was still there and that part needed her. So, she was gonna take care of him like she had always done and she didn’t mind what the others would say to her…
To be continued...
Ghost of you © | 2017 - 2018 | Tous droits réservés.
In the next chapter:
There was no one in his office when Jack arrived there. The lights were off. Tegan wasn’t there. He must have chosen to hide somewhere so no one would see him being completely hysterical with anxiety. Jack wondered why Maxence had chosen Tegan as his successor. He must have known that Tegan didn’t have the shoulders for this. He was a great man with a great intelligence but he wasn’t very authoritarian. How would he be obeyed? Good thing Maxence had thought about Jack and Rose to help him deal with it. Naming Tegan was showing him a huge proof of confidence and maybe that was what Tegan needed to get some maturity. But first, Jack had to find him and force him out of his shocked condition. Where was he hiding?
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blueyesandleatherjacket · 7 years ago
Ghost of you, Chapter 3/?
Volume: 1.
Number of parts: 3/?.
Pairings: Human!Nine x Rose; Human!Ten x Jack; Clara Oswald x Olivia Baxter (OC).
Synopsis: "Maxence strapped the black combat dress he had been given around his waist and pulled on the black leather gloves. He hated those clothes. He was more of a jeans, T-shirt and trainers guy than a black boots and combat dress guy. However, his opinion on the matter wasn’t necessary."
A/N: I've started writing this fiction last year after I had a particularly weird dream (as usual) and after I wrote the prologue, I've put it aside to work on other stuff. I've gone back to it not so long ago and decided that it would be the fiction I would post next, after not posting anything for a while. I must have watched I am legend and Game of thrones way too much to come out with something like this but I hope you will like it. I am not a scientist, nor did I have a particular knowledge of sciences. I do my researches on the internet like everyone to make sure everything is as close to the reality as possible. I have a literature degree only. Writing is what I do and it makes me explore next fields, and learn new things.
“You should never make fun of something that a person can't change about themselves.” - Phil Lester.
Second day of October 2017. Day 1746 since the infection. Maxence Spitz video log. I have been forced to rest by the doctor of our team because I was showing symptoms that were concerning her. Nothing like the noctiagus. Nothing serious either. But I have been put aside for sanitary reasons. It’s all sorted now. I can get back to work and that’s a chance. My team has made progress. We still don’t have any guinea pigs for our tests. The Doctor Jack Harkness had sacrificed Peggy the pig that was our mascot. She has quickly developed the virus and showed the same symptoms as a human being. Unlike the rats, she is holding on. She’s wandering in her cage like the zombie the humanity has become. But humans and pigs don’t work the same way and we expect Peggy to die. Or to show some healing skills. That second option would be really unexpected, but it’d also be a miracle. Jack found out that the DNA was being corrupted by the virus. The usual proteins are replaced by new components. We have no idea how or why this happens and what are these new components. I’ve asked Clara and Rose to work on this new question. It will keep them busy for a while. The others have their own missions. So do I. The Prime Minister called me a few days ago. The government wants results and I don’t have anything to give them. I’ve suffered my superior’s reproaches for a couple of minutes before new orders were given to me. I have to take the next step. We’re done with the rats, with the pigs. The next experiments will have to be on humans. An infected human. My mission is to go on the field with a special team to protect me and to catch one of them without getting myself contaminated. I’m avoiding the members of my team that are not concerned by this mission. They can’t know what I’m up to. We have that system of voting before any important decision. Going outside to catch a living human specimen is an important decision and I can’t have it submitted to vote. Everyone would be against the idea of me going on that suicide mission and I can’t disobey a direct order of the Prime Minister so… Let’s hope it’ll go alright. Let’s hope I’ll be back home tonight. Safe and sound. Maxence strapped the black combat dress he had been given around his waist and pulled on the black leather gloves. He hated those clothes. He was more of a jeans, T-shirt and trainers guy than a black boots and combat dress guy. However, his opinion on the matter wasn’t necessary. It was the required uniform to leave the building. He added the black jacket with lots of pockets and zipped it up. The pockets were full of ammunition and meds. He glanced at the gun in front of him. He had been trained to use it but he didn’t like wearing one. It was mandatory on the field. He grabbed it, checked the security and stuck it in the holster he was wearing. They would give him an automatic weapon when they would be out. He had sedative darts too. Strong sedative. He was hoping it would be enough. He was ready, all kitted out with these combat clothes and guns. He only had to put the gas mask on. He still had a few minutes. He cast a look at his computer. The fear was tearing him apart. He was afraid of not coming back. Afraid that Rose would never know the truth about this mission. He had to leave her a message. He opened his laptop, turned the camera on. For a moment, he only looked at his image on the screen. He didn’t know what to say. If he wasn’t coming back, she would check his computer and see this message. If he came back after some ruckus, she would kill him. She would hate on him whatever happened. He had to tell her everything before leaving this place. That would soften her wrath, would make her forgive him more easily. And if it was the last time he was speaking to her, she would want to keep this video. He began recording. Rose, my dear Rosie, my so beloved wife… Before you start cursing me and swearing that you’ll slaughter me as soon as you can get a hold of me, know that I haven’t chosen to go on that suicide mission. I always refuse the members of my team to go outside for any reason. I do that to protect them. This rule applies to you and to me as well. But I’ve gotten this call after the situation in London got worse. The government wants answers and someone has to go and get them outside. The responsibility falls upon me. It is a direct order from the Prime Minister and I can’t disobey it no matter how much I hate it. I never meant to lie to you but I didn’t want you to worry about me being outside. My focus would have been troubled and it is important for me not to worry about anything during this mission. My only focus has to be on catching this living human specimen. I don’t need to tell you how terrified I am right now. You can see it on my face, in my body language, in my eyes. You’ve always been good at reading me like an open book. My Rosie, I know you don’t want to hear these words but I have to tell you all of this now, through this video. Just in case I wouldn’t come back. Just for you to know. First of all, it’s really not against you but I name Tegan Smith as the substitute leader of the team. You and Jack will be his seconds in command. I trust the three of you the most. All the signed papers are in the last drawer of my desk. You won’t have any problem with everyone. I’ve planned it all. Just in case. Second, well, this part is only for you. My dear Rosie. The woman of my life. If it’s the last time I ever get to speak to you, I want you to know how sorry I am. I wish I had found this cure years ago so we could have gone back to our little life, so I could have given you the children you’ve always wanted. I’m sorry for failing my mission, for having myself infected, for giving up on you. It is all against my will. Just know that I will forever love you. I’ve promised you. I’ve promised to love you for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health. I’ve promised to love you until the end and if I lose myself, if I get infected, I’ll hold on to the strength of my love for you to survive in the jungle of nightwalkers. If I never make it back to the lab, don’t forget me but, please, do not mourn me too long. Build yourself a new life and be happy as much as possible. I’m asking you a lot, I know that, but I don’t want you to grieve forever. As hard as it is, please, live on and remember me. I love you. Maxence stopped the recording and sighed. He pressed his forehead on the desk and for a moment, just for a small moment, he closed his eyes and imagined what his life would be if that virus hadn’t spread on Earth. He imagined himself and Rose working here on their own researches to change the world. He imagined them in a small house with a white fence. They would sit in the garden and watch their kids play in the sandpit or on the swing. In the evening, they would have dinner and read stories to their children. It would be the perfect life. A life full of love and happiness. A life he would be proud of. If his mother could see him now… She was proud of him for finding the work of his dreams, for finding the love of his life. She had died a few months after the wedding and Maxence had had a hard time coping with her death. And then, the virus had hit the world. Someone knocked on the glass door of his office. He raised his head. The leader of this mission was standing there. Allegro Dyce. A tall guy built like a tank. Red hair. One of the best members of the security team. He was leading this mission as his black combat dress and the automatic weapon strapped on his shoulder were showing. He was having another one on his belt. And one at his ankle. We never were too cautious. Allegro tapped his watch. It was time to go. Maxence turned off his computer and grabbed his gas mask. He left his office, making sure to lock it well behind him. He followed Allegro to the hall of the building. Everyone was too busy working to see them passing by. There was a nurse and another scientist, a guy named Adam, the six others were security men and women trained like soldiers for these missions. “Are you ready, doctor Spitz?” asked Allegro. “Let’s go,” replied the doctor. He was focused. If he was thinking about this mission too much, he would step back and run away. Allegro made a sign and everyone pulled on their gas mask before they stepped outside. The tension was perceptible. They knew that they probably wouldn’t come back here. This mission could be their last and it was putting a lot of pressure on their shoulders.
Tegan Smith was a brilliant neuroscientist who had been hired by Maxence Spitz personally years ago. It had been an honour for him since he was following Maxence’s work and articles since he found out about him. He was a huge fan of his and being interviewed by the man himself had put more pressure on his shoulders than he ever had. However, the man had put him at easy very quickly and Tegan had brilliantly passed this interview and been hired by Maxence. Being the new guy in a team that was so united wasn’t easy but they had made sure to make him feel comfortable and Maxence had taken him under his wing. A sort of mentor. A dream come true for the scientist who was just a few months younger than his boss. Now, they were like brothers. Something he could never have seen coming even in his wildest dreams. It was before the virus hit of course. Before being hired here, he was working in a small lab. His skills weren’t used properly. They hadn’t even employed him in the right field. They weren’t using his cleverness the right way. And so, they were often telling him what a loser he was. He had low self-esteem because of that. He had found out that Maxence Spitz, his hero, was the same. He was someone very doubtful of his skills but he was supported by his wife, Rose, and all the team of scientists working for and with him. He had made sure everyone would give him the same support and help him in his induction, in his work. Tegan Smith was very thankful for Maxence to have given him a chance, for believing in him. Working with him was the best thing that had ever happened to him. That’s why he had been working so hard since the beginning. He had doubled his efforts when the virus hit. He had no family outside so spending his time here was no problem for him. His only family was composed of his colleagues. But he had the feeling of disappointing them all because he was perfectly unable to find a good lead to follow. This virus had an obvious influence on the brain but nothing in the tests he was running showed where this influence was starting, how it was working. Considering the reactions of the infected people, there must be something touching the cells and causing so many damages to human beings. But all the scans he had done on rats before they were freed had given no results. It was frustrating for him because he had the feeling he was disappointing his mentor and that’s something he couldn’t deal with. He checked his mails just in case someone would have found a new lead. It was becoming a routine for him: getting frustrated about going nowhere and checking his mails to see that no one had anything either. There was a new mail that drew his attention though. ‘MAXENCE SPITZ. URGENT: NEW LEAD IN OUR RESEARCHES.’ Tegan clicked on the mail and downloaded the file that was joined to it. The mail didn’t say much. Just that Jack had sacrificed Peggy and that she was presenting a complete corruption of her DNA. That was brilliant. Tegan jumped on his feet and ran to Jack’s office. Unfortunately, there was no one in there. He grabbed a washable marker from the pocket where he was keeping all his pens and wrote some words backwards: ‘I NEED SCANS. ASAP. T.’ Tegan knew he didn’t need to write his name entirely. Jack would recognise his signature. Everyone was calling him just T in the building. Maxence had begun and Rose had followed. And it had spread. Maxence was sometimes calling him Tenny too. He was the only one to use that nickname. It was affectionate. Anyway, he was going by T for everyone here. So when Jack would see the message, he would call him and let him know when he would be able to have the scans. In the meanwhile, he would just walk around. Everyone was busy. They all seemed to be working on the new lead. Was he the only one who couldn’t do anything? Looks like he wasn’t. Maxence’s office was empty. Where could he be now? Preparing the next step? Was there any food mission up? It would be great. Cupboards were empty. Tegan made his way to the sports hall. He was gonna sweat a little. It was better than doing nothing while waiting for Jack’s call. He walked to the locker room but before he could get in, someone ran into him, almost making him fall. He looked up to see who it was and swallowed. Colin Appleton. A clever scientist but also a sociopath. If there had to be a bully in their team, it was him. And Tegan was his favourite target. “Ah! The little Tegan. Long time I haven’t seen you. You’re done hiding in your daddy’s legs?” “Shut up, Colin. I’m not in the mood for your bullshit.” “You don’t talk to me like this,” retorted Colin. He pushed Tegan brutally, his mean smile gone now. Tegan managed to stay on his feet but still stumbled back to Colin’s greatest pleasure. He decided to ignore him, to walk past him and back off on a punch bag. But obviously, Colin wasn’t gonna let him do that. He caught his arm and held him tight. “I’m not done, Tegan.” “I am.” “Oh, are you standing up against me?” Tegan tried to get free from his hold, ignoring the sense of fear that was growing inside him. It wasn’t gonna end here. Colin was gonna play with him. The fake blonde pushed him harder. Tegan’s back hit the wall and Colin grabbed his chin in his head. Tegan didn’t move. “I won’t let a faggot insult me, alright?” he murmured in his face. “Who’s the poofta here?” “…” “I said,” he repeated, holding Tegan’s chin tighter, “who’s the poofta here?” “I am,” replied Tegan, his voice trembling. “Good boy.” He tapped his cheek with his hand. “Never forget that, heh?” “Is there a problem here?” Tegan closed his eyes and sighed as he heard Jack’s voice coming from behind Colin. It meant he was saved. He hated feeling so vulnerable, so weak. He hated needing someone to defend him. Colin let go of him. “No problem.” “Well, leave him alone and go back to work.” Jack shot a dirty look at Colin who just smiled and left the place without another word. Jack watched him leave before he turned to face Tegan who hadn’t moved. He was still standing against the wall, trembling, when the former Captain put his hand on his shoulder. “Are you alright?” “Yeah.” “You’re trembling.” Jack wrapped an arm around his shoulders and started walking away. He was obviously going to the locker room too. He had had his session of sports and was gonna change. That was before he fell upon Colin annoying Tegan. He changed his plans. They both walked in the locker room. “Get dressed. I’m gonna show you a couple moves so Colin won’t annoy you anymore.” “Jack…” “You’re the latest of the team. Colin thinks you’re the weakest link and wants you to feel like it. He does that with everyone.” “That’s not about that.” “That’s because you’re Max’ favourite? Everyone knows that he considers you as his little brother.” “Everyone is jealous of it but I never asked for it.” “I know. That’s just how Max is. When he likes someone, he made you feel like you’re part of his family.” “Everyone here is part of his family.” “Colin isn’t. He works here because he’s brilliant. But Max and Colin can’t bear each other.” “He doesn’t seem like he hates anyone. He’s just too nice.” “There’s a long story behind it. But that’s not mine to tell. Come on, you were gonna train a bit, heh?” “It was just until you see the message I’ve left on your door.” “We’ll see that later.” Jack walked away and disappeared into the bathroom. Tegan stood there, not knowing what he should do now. He opened his locker and started changing into his sports outfit. After all, he couldn’t do anything without Jack. Their study subject was in his office. Everyone knew that when Jack had decided something, it was useless to make him change his mind. So Tegan was just gonna play along. He was still trembling when he closed his locker. He pressed his forehead against the cold metal door and closed his eyes. He hated being like this and most of all, he hated Colin Appleton. He felt the tears burning his eyes but refused to let them run down his cheeks. Instead, he clenched his fists and brutally punched the locker beside his. “Damn it!” The pain in his hand wasn’t gonna last. Hearing Colin calling him a ‘poofta’ was hurting him so much more deep down. He wasn’t the first, wouldn’t be the last but it hurt because he had to suffer through this daily. Sometimes it had gone farther than the little argument they had had earlier. He punched the locker harder. “Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!” “Keep it for the punch bag.” Jack grabbed his fist before he could punch the locker once again and really hurt himself. His hold was firm but Tegan wasn’t trapped. He could get free in a second if he wanted too. But he just looked up into Jack’s almost grey eyes. “You’ve got a nice punch, T.” “I should have punched the face of this asshole.” “That’s not how the team works.” “I don’t care about the team when this shithead is bullying me.” “You gotta let out this rage first. We’ll talk later.” Tegan followed Jack in the boxing room though he didn’t want to deal with anyone right now. The Captain bandaged his hands admirably well. Not surprising for someone who had been in the army. He tapped the punch bag when he was done. “Show me what you’ve got.” “I should be working.” “You won’t be able to focus until you’ve let out this rage inside you. Come on.” Tegan was quite incredulous at Jack’s behaviour but he couldn’t deny. He indeed wouldn’t be able to focus as long as Colin Appleton would haunt his mind. So he punched the bag. Slowly at first. Then, quicker. “I can understand that a fresher initiation is required for some people. You’ve all done this when I first arrived here. It was nice. After that, you made me feel like I was accepted, that I was in the team.” “Maxence even made you enter his family.” “But Colin never stopped the initiation. Every day he was going farther. And then, he found my secret.” “Everyone has secrets, T.” “Not everyone is bullied because of this secret.” “Okay, you’re gay. Now what?” Tegan stopped punching the bag, surprised. No one knew that he was gay. He had told no one. Not even Maxence and Rose. He had kept it for himself because he was scared of what people would think of him. Colin finding out about it made him want to keep this secret to himself even more. Obviously, it wasn’t so secret anymore. “It was easy to guess. You’ve never flirted with any of the women here and they’re so hot I’m having a boner just thinking of it.” “That’s…” “Very me, yes. I’ve heard him speak to you earlier. That was mean.” “That’s an understatement.” Tegan sat on a close bench, defeated, and looked at his feet. Jack came to sit by his side. He looked straight in front of him. The sports hall was empty. It was just the two of them. It made things easier for a talk. “Colin pretends he’s heterosexual but it’s not exactly the truth.” “Don’t fuck with me, Jack.” “Sure about that? I’m a good fucker.” “Who says so?” “Everyone.” Tegan snorted. Jack was just like this, boasting about his conquests whether it was for one night or a couple months. Jack chuckled. At least, he got a reaction from Tegan. “If you need it someday, just come and see me.” “I’ll think about it.” “Anyway, don’t worry about Colin. He just doesn’t deal well with his own feelings.” “That’s no reason to let it all out on me.” “Why haven’t you talked to Max about it?” “And be considered as a grass in the whole lab? No thanks. I’m dealing with enough.” “You can’t go on like this, T. You’ve been here for what? Six, seven years? It will only get worse. Some people say you’ve got to stay strong and wait until they’re fed up with bullying you but that’s not how it works. He won’t leave you alone until he breaks you completely.” As sad as it was, it was the truth. Jack and Colin had known each other for a while now and the man was just mean. He was no good at heart. That was why he didn’t have many friends here. People were filling complaints against him because he was brilliant but that wasn’t allowing him to threaten his colleagues or worse. Those words didn’t comfort Tegan at all. It was all the contrary for the poor man who finally let out all the weight of the past years. Jack gently wrapped his arms around him and pulled him closer to him. He would let him cry on his shoulder until the man had nothing left. In the end, he had needed just a friend to listen to him without the fear of being judged. Which was what everyone needed. “My offer still stands by the way.” There was a muffled chuckle and a ‘shut up’ coming from Tegan but there wasn’t any refusal this time. After a while, he broke the hug and wiped away his tears. “You should take a shower. You’re stinking.” “You’d like my sweat if you were licking it off my body.” “That’s disgusting!” Tegan slapped Jack’s shoulder and got up. He started stretching his body, turning his back to the whole room so anyone coming in wouldn’t see that he had cried. He wasn’t in the mood for questions of any sort. Confiding in Jack was a big step for him who never said a word about his problems to anyone. “Take this.” Tegan turned his head to look at Jack. He was holding his access card out to him. It was forbidden to do this. It was in the rules. Even Maxence and Rose never took each other’s card, and it wasn’t because Maxence was the boss. It was for everyone’s safety and to protect their work. So why was Jack transgressing the rule number one? “I’m gonna take a shower. Do your scans and get some work done. Prove everyone that you deserve your place here.” Jack gave him a smile and put the card in his hand before he headed for the locker room. He grabbed his towel in his locker and walked to the showers. It was completely desert. It usually was whenever he was around here. The other guys were avoiding him and his flirting. It was amusing him more than anything. They were all pretending to be straight but some of them had played the game. Colin Appleton was one of them. He had played the game and more. Just right there, in the showers. However, now, Jack was taking his showers alone. He pulled off his clothes and tossed them aside. He walked in a hub and turned on the hot water. He closed his eyes and just let the water flow on his sore body. Sometimes, he was pushing the training too far but it was the only way to get his mind off his demons. His past in the army often haunted his mind. When Maxence had hired him in his team ten years ago, he was just fresh out of war. What he had seen and done there… What he had lost on the field… His fingers found the scar on his hip. A bullet scar. This bullet had gone through him and through his partner standing behind him. The enemies thought they had killed two soldiers in one shot but Jack had survived. His partner didn’t. Just because of a small infection that had gotten worse in the climate of that desertic country. This loss had deeply hurt him and turned him into a fearless man who had nothing to lose anymore. He had taken too many risks and was sent back home after he got badly hurt in an attempt to save another soldier from a buried bomb he had walked on. He had saved him but it wasn’t enough to calm the nightmares and terrors he was suffering from. That was Maxence who saved him after all. He had come to the hospital Jack was recovering in. He knew about his sciences course, knew that he was a specialist in the DNA field and he wanted to hire him for his researches. Jack had refused at first. These studies were long behind him. He was a soldier now. Nevertheless, Maxence never gave up. He had insisted and when Jack didn’t get to go back on the field after his psychological tests, he had called Maxence and accepted his offer. Of course, he had had to follow a therapy and Maxence was always there to listen whenever Jack needed to talk. Maxence and Rose were the only one who knew about his past. He was thankful for them and he believed that they were life savers. Everyone here had a story about how Maxence had come into their lives and given them a second chance. What a good man. Jack’s fingers now brushed over the scars that last bomb had left on him. He pushed the memories aside and grabbed the soap. He quickly washed his hair and body and rinsed it all. He stepped out of the shower and wrapped the towel around his waist. He grabbed his dirty clothes and walked to the locker room. He threw them in his sports bag and quickly dried himself. He pulled his shirt and jeans back on along with his boots. He added his towel in his bag and put it on his shoulder. He closed his locker and headed to his office. The message was still on the door, though Tegan was in there. Since he didn’t have his card, he used the eye scanner to open the door. He hadn’t expected to find a sleeping Tegan on the couch while he waited for the scans to be complete. Jack smiled and covered him with a blanket. He could see why Maxence considered him as a little brother, why everyone in the team did. Behind his strong attitude was hidden his vulnerability. Tegan Smith was just like him in a way and Jack liked this particularity a lot. So he would protect him, just like he used to protect the others on the field. And Colin Appleton better mind his own business now!
To be continued...
Ghost of you © | 2017 - 2018 | Tous droits réservés.
In the next chapter:
Plus, there was this guy. Tegan Smith. It was the last addition to the team but he had immediately found his place here. It was easy when the boss liked you. Tegan could have been a complete idiot no one would have said a thing about him because he was Maxence’s favourite. But he was clever. He was more than clever, and for Colin, it was the last straw. He hated this guy. He hated his gentleness and intelligence and the fact everyone was considering him as a brother. More of all, he hated the fact that this stupid tramp was attractive with his brown eyes and full beard. He hated the effect the man had on him. That was why he was being so mean to him, treating him roughly more and more everyday. He had expected Tegan to break but he was stronger than he looked.
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