#not so local blade contemplates her place in bab because she genuinely feels free here and people look upon her kindly despite her bloodlus
shanaoh · 1 year
"It is unwise to insult your king with failing to engage in the banquet provided..." Caution is offered in the words though beneath an undercurrent of knowing, of observing something that troubles one he has charged with protecting Uruk and he cannot let it stand. For there to be something on her mind splits her attention that she can devote to the defence of the city. And it is his duty to provide for those in his charge.
"What keeps my blade from indulging in the grace of their king?" [ gil do i detect care in your actions? ]
"My king."
The motions come as second nature, a dip of the head followed, the lowering of the eyes before given the honor to gaze upon him, to speak. King Gilgamesh's warning is not misplaced, he is king and she his right, his warrior, his BLADE. To insult him by straying from the position bequeathed by the wise king was a grave error and one she would not have dared to risk under normal circumstances.
"This blade does not dispute such claims." Yet there does linger a stray thought it her mind that drives such reckless disregard. One that perhaps her master might know better than her the answer. Yoshitsune's head bows lower still, eyes casted in a deep shadow as honest words spill forward.-
"It is indeed unwise to not heed the call of her king. It is a shameful display that bares no repeating."
And falling silent.
Minamoto no Yoshitsune is no fool. Despite the clear, stark difference between herself and the current era summoned upon that fact remains true. In the past, the first precious days into her tenure had been spent consuming as much as she could upon this land's knowledge, every tablet, every archival, every drill. She grew fat on information, to the point that the blade could call the land her own and defend it thus.
Yet one thing was left accounted for. One thing that did not make sense no matter how much information she poured herself into.
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"-I do not understand this."
The look that she cast out is does not bare the same luster that it would in the day. It was within time of quietness that the charade slips, that Ushiwakamaru, Shana oh slips away, the friendly familiarness of her disposition leaving her and revealing something cold in its wake. Minamoto no Yoshitsune is a woman of cunning as she is of ice, a thing barren in her emotional capacity that suited her just fine. It was such that made her so capable as a weapon for Yoritomo.
"Humanity....is such a wretched thing."
This was the BLADE of the king, one that only he and he alone would bear witness.
"I know of gratitude of humanity, it is fickle to the weapons that they forge with their wills." It is ugly, REVILED. Built upon the foundations of the forgotten, destroyed and devoured. There was not a single star that did not exist built upon remains of those before it. Personal experience had made it so that such lessons were carved into her very being. "And I am a blade charged with the preserving of precious lives. Yet they do not regard me as such. It is as if they....do not see the weapon before them."
Rider paused, her expression bleeding into frustrated confusion. For all that she knew of humanity, it was never something she could truly incorporate into her own logic. Humans were cruel, inherently so and that is a FACT, irrefutable and true. And yet, and yet-
"My king, are your people truly of that ilk? Why do they regard this blade as their own?"
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