#not related to anything i was just thinking of numbuh 10
socksandbuttons · 2 months
something that took me so long to realize
when i didnt like a girl character with guy characters and then going 'clearly we dont need that' my response was originally getting the Aromantic definiton and going 'YEAH THATS MY GIRLS!!! AROMANTIC!' me now: no.... no theyre just lesbians.
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fallen-gabrielle · 4 years
Headcanon about Numbuh 999
Her background and relationship with Monty
It is really a shame that we didn't get to know more about Numbuh 999, a.k.a. Nigel's mom. It is revealed in the very last episode. Kinda too late to explore the character, huh? Well, that's what the fanbase is for, isn't it? Headcanons and theories is what gives the fandom some content while on hiatus (or because we won't get anything canon ever again since the sequel will not be a thing).
I tried to piece together the few information we had in the cartoon to give her a backstory. Things we know for sure:
she was the first girl operative of the 7th age of the KND, she has a long lost brother who is the father of Numbuh 10
...Okay, that was fast. Most of the following is based on some personal experience and knowledge of the mid 60s. I headcanon that Monty's rebellion happened in the early 60s. Also, I gave her a headcanon name, because she needed one. I refer to her as "Margaret".
So, how did kids got lost/separated ? I'm going with the divorce of their parents. And my train of thoughts starts here to follow a logic path.
She went to live with their mom and he went to live with their dad. Simple. But 999's journey just had begun.
A single divorced mother in the mid 60s was actually not well seen by society. So they would always shame the mom for ‘failing her marriage’ and 999 would constantly be reminded that a girl like her with that kind of background would never be able to do something good in her life. Teachers back then loved to shame a kid for living with a divorced parent. Being a victim of adult tyranny, when she learned she could make a difference by joining the KND, she didn’t hesitate. But of course, joining a ‘boys band’ was actually difficult, most of them thought it was ridiculous for a girl to fight. ‘Girls can’t fight! They all cry when being slighted touch, don’t like getting dirty and so on!’ Would be the arguments the KND use to exclude her.
Monty was actually neutral about girls (mostly because he didn’t really know how they work since it seems his mom died and thus not having a womanly figure in his life before). It was with the ‘girls are also victims of adult tyranny’ argument that sold the idea of having girls operatives (people keep saying that girls should act in a certain way and not speak for themselves, for exemple). So yeah, 999 wasn’t part of Monty's rebellion. She joined the KND some time after.
I believe with that in mind that she was extremely cocky, and showing off her toughness. Most of it was only a facade, because she needed to. She would totally have disobeyed direct orders just to spite her hierarchy and piss off Monty, because she didn't like to blindly obey to a boy (also, she secretly enjoyed to piss him off, cuz annonying the guy always so serious and sure of himself was funny to her). ‘I am a woman of action!’ is totally one of her lines. I just like the idea Nigel got some of his ‘free spirited’ temper from his mom, while he got the rest from his dad. "It's okay to ask for help" Why I believe this quote fits 999:
Like I already said, she was constantly reminded that, as a girl, she couldn’t be as strong as boys. She fought her ass off to prove herself to everyone and was always scared to ask for help, that would make her seem ‘weak’. At some point in my story, she yeet herself in a battle/mission when Monty actually ordered to not engage. Leaving a kid completely on her own kinda triggered Monty’s trauma from losing Ben to the social services, he really didn’t like to see a fellow kid all alone, so he went after her. They both get separated from the bigger group, and in the end they still did the mission with plan a (which Monty thought it would be too dangerous, so that’s why he said ‘do not engage’ but she didn’t listen). Thing is, she twisted her ankle in the precipitation, and Monty immediately proposed to carry her, but she said she was able to walk (spoilers, she really couldn’t). At this point, Margaret always defied Monty’s orders and authority, because she thought he was just being bossy for the sake of being an annoying boss for the girls, while he just didn’t care if the operative was a boy or a girl, as long as the work was done well. He was just always thinking of every different outcomes for each situations, because he didn’t want to repeat the only mistake he made: thinking that his father was the only source of evil in the world and thus didn’t see the social services coming for him and his bro. So he started to think about all possibilities and really pondered his decision. He was kinda sick of her behavior and they had a heart-to-heart talk. He asked her what was her problem, and she answered him that, as a boy, he couldn’t understand what it was like to be told how to act and what to become according to their society and adults. Except that Monty did understand: his father always tried to make him the next head of the family, thing Monty never liked. She also told him that her mom would get the "blame" in her parents’ divorce, and that the men in her family (father and brother) left her and her mom alone. While Monty couldn’t understand what I felt like to be in the middle of a divorce, he could a least relate to her for being separated from her brother too. He then tells her that it’s not a crime to ask for help when we really need it. It means we know our limits, and this is the first strength we can have. He then convinced her to heal her ankle (he was good at healing injuries, because of Ben), and you know, he wasn’t exactly the best when he was talking to girls, so she asked him if his mom ever taught him how to talk to them, to which he answered in a deadpan tone it was kinda hard for her to do it since she was already dead for years. Awkward silence as she realised that if her family was fucked up, other kids had it even harder, and felt ashamed for thinking he was being pretentious: he was just hiding some big sadness (and girl, you haven’t heard of Ben yet, so brace yourself). It was also the first time Monty ever mentioned his family to a knd operative other than his best friend so it was a weird moment for him to think about his mom since he never did it all this time.
In the end, they completed the mission, and after that,  they started to see each other, to learn more about themselves. Their relationship grew until they fell in love. When he felt really at ease with her, he told her everything about his family: who his dad was, what happened to his brother. He was kinda scared at first, because he thought she would reject him if she knew his origin. Since he loved her so much, he needed to be completely honest with her (and he already knew about her family’s drama soooo). She then told him that he wasn’t responsible for his father’s sins. That he shouldn’t feel guilt for something he never did. Her feelings for him didn’t change. In conclusion, their relationship was rocky at first, and then evolved through talks and learnings.
Some more details on her here.
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socksandbuttons · 4 years
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Part 1 I Part 2 I Part 3
Day 11 is Cree (cause she deserves it) I love thinking about her character and how much we never we told about way and how she ran from the KND we’re only given so much implications. Plus we don’t even the two year gap between running from Decom and becoming Fathers Apprentice. We do know she was already thinking of running before her 13th tho. Week need a whole week for her.
Day 12 IceCream Party! I love sector W and a shame we never got Tommy interacting with them after becoming The Tommy. Day 13 Fave Episode I have a lot but I decided not to add anything Big Plot related and just fun episodes. Like op MUNCH! Originally WAS the Icecream party drawing.
Day 14 is Moonbase! Yeah I almost wrote Moonbabe, but I love them. and i like how this one came out.
Day 15 Teen Ninjas, the squad rolling in. (Not seen Maurice taking this picture, cause hes not a Ninja)
Day 16 Fave Side Character, the answer is a few but Numbuh 10 is my girl. ANd i rarely drew her fighting so you’ll see more of that!
Day 17 Fave Weapon, Splanker and that Bubblegum Gattling Gun 78 sported so well. Featuring said 78 and 23.
Day 18 Fave AU, I have too many but have my GKND 3 years earlier AU (collabed with @electronicneutrino and my NonDecom Steve AU (theres 20 of these ones actually). You may ask about them. Theyre FUN.
Day 19 Autumn, and here we have some 10Liz, because we deserve it.
Day 20 TND, Oh when i saw that prompt, and @lunasdestiny‘s Prom Queen, I knew I had to draw Maurice in a standoff with her. Its half the page but its worrrth it.
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