#not really related to empires false lore but precure imposter arc yay
riacte · 10 months
I cannot sleep so [OUGH precure au idea demons attacking me]
Fake False arc. Takes place after Cleo’s debut and before Pearl’s debut. I don’t think Evil Pearl would be evil enough to do this so it’s some random NPC baddie. The main monsters are “Amalgams”— stolen pieces put together in the wrong ways. So the NPC steals False’s reflection and kidnaps the real False.
Fake False goes to school and yadayada she meets up with Stress and Cleo. Naturally, Fake False wants to get the Genesis Block which is usually guarded by the two fairies (who live with Stress probably?). Stress and Cleo find her a little weird but chalk it up to stress or whatever. False has always been quiet and prone to being guarded when she’s tired, so maybe it’s just that. But the girls still get bad vibes.
Eventually the girls trust their instincts, have a talk, and make the Fake False do something she would never do. Instead of exposing the Amalgam right there, they decide they have to find the real False first and save her because obviously she’s their priority. Ren, as Ren does, offers himself as bait. They give him a magic GPS tracker idk. He pretends to have the Genesis Block and pretends to be baited by Fake False.
Meanwhile the real False is trapped in the evil mirror dimension and sad and lonely and wondering if anyone can tell she’s gone. The Fake False discovers Ren doesn’t have the block after all and imprisons him in the evil mirror dimension where he sees the real False and he’s like hiiiii help is coming <3 RD.
Stress and Cleo bust in and FIGHT! But they can’t defeat Fake False. They rescue the real False and they have a False-off. It turns out the fake one is a manifestation of the fears/insecurities/shadows of the real one— a False that is cold and calculating, independent to the point of looking down on friends, thinking she can do everything on her own because everyone will just let her down. But the real False knows better now and she’s like “that was the old me, now I know the power of friendship! My friends came to rescue me!”.
Fake False gets caught up in defeating the real False to the point of forgetting about the original mission of getting the block. NPC villain steps in like hahahahah stop focusing on defeating your mirror self. But at least you lured them into my evil mirror dimension. And summons more monsters idk.
In the end the real False embraces the insecurities of the fake False and the fake one is glad that she has friends now and is willing to let herself be helped. Metaphor for character development. So Fake False decides to do one final favour and sacrifices herself for the real False. She dies like Joe but she doesn’t really die because she’s just an Amalgam so she never really existed 😔
When everything’s done, False is like 🥺🥺🥺🥺 you guys could tell? You guys missed me?? 🥺🥺🥺 and they’re like awww of course we care, you’re important to us <3 peace love and plants. It concludes with False staring into a mirror and thinking of embracing her past self, and how she is who she currently is because of the past, and how she contains every person she used to be.
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