#not necessarily because keefe is breaking the traffic laws but his nerves would infect me
bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
What do you think the KOTLC characters would be like as drivers?
aha this is a topic I know things about! I know how to drive! ignore the fact that I was in a car crash a month ago it wasn't my fault. I'm going to assume that everyone passed their drivers test and is legally allowed to drive in this scenario
Sophie: she's the most familiar with a car and the most willing to learn how to drive out of the whole group, liking the independence it brings her and human nostalgia. She's a little nervous and doesn't like to merge in case she's seeing things in the mirror wrong, but she's faced down the Neverseen before and rode in cars basically every day before. She's got this
Fitz: he hates people who don't follow traffic rules, down to the littlest things. he's the kind of person who would go exactly the speed limit even when literally everyone else around him is speeding. And in the process of trying to be a good driver and going the speed limit, he makes himself a danger on the road and more of a problem for everyone else. he's got good intentions tho
Keefe: he's thrilled by the idea that humans actually ride in these things, and in the process he doesn't really understand just how dangerous they can be. He'd be really light and joking about it and messing around like doing squiggly swerves on residential streets and driving in figure eights in parking lots. That is, until it came down to actually driving and then he is nope, outta there. You want him to drive this metal thing on the road? he likes to break the rules, but he isn't that stupid. He thinks he's gonna mess something up when it comes down to the important parts
Biana: she's got so many things on the interior of her car. so many things dangling from the rearview mirror that it's a shock she can even see the other side of the road (spoiler: she can't). The seats have covers and she's got a fluffy steering wheel cover. She likes to speed and is heavy on the breaks, so anyone who's riding with her always braces when they approach a light
Dex: He has. Way too much confidence compared to his skill level. Sure, he's a technopath and is good with machines and things but that does mean!! He should be so reckless! He's merging with only a glance in the mirror and pumps the gas as soon as the light turns green. He is. he is too confident. he is going to do something stupid on accident
Marella: A tense driver. it's so clunky and inelegant compared to elven tech, and so much less efficient. So when she drives she's just always aware of everything that could go wrong and the people who could get hurt. She understands the inner workings of the car better than most, and takes care to pay attention to everything.
Linh: A calm driver. She has experience controlling her nerves and can handle the stress of being in charge of a vehicle. She makes sure she knows what she's doing and always follows the rules--but unlike Fitz, knows when it's safer to break them. If someone is in the turn lane next to her turn lane, she'll turn wide in case they go wide too. She'll speed when everyone around her is. She follows construction detours flawlessly due to her observance and control. She's the best driver out of them all.
Tam: A very good driver. He's quiet and observant and tense, always ready to slam on the breaks or swerve out of the way, constantly assuming that everyone else on the road is a fucking idiot and going to do some dumb shit he has to be prepared for. Driving may have taken years off his life but hey he's still doing it
Stina: you think Stina is going to deign to drive? she doesn't understand this weird human tech and thinks is obsolute and useless. She's only learning how to drive to prove to the rest of the group that she can and that she knows what she's doing, not because she's curious at all. No way. When she is behind the wheel, everything is smooth. Starting and stopping, merging, u-turns, etc. She knows her stuff and can get around efficiently.
Maruca: She has a tendency to accidentally run red lights. She's on high alert every moment she's behind the wheel and that makes her a little jumpy. Instead of hitting the breaks when the light goes yellow more often than not she'll bump the gas instead to try and squeeze through. Her heart is racing the whole time and she'd secretly prefer it if other people drove, but she'd independent and refuses to let them
Wylie: a confused driver. he tries his best but there's always something he doesn't understand or gets off. not enough to make him a danger on the road but enough to be like...what?? his seat is a little too far forward and he leaves the windows down in the rain. he's determined to drive well, and he is pretty good! He stays in the center of the lane and turns smoothly and breaks efficienly and leaves enough space between him and the car in front of him at a light But there's always something about it where you can just tell he's unfamiliar with human tech and just trying his best
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