#not necessarily a g/t headcanon but like i have g/t brainrot and this is the result
honey-and-lemon-gt · 11 months
i'm going to be honest niigo!kaito kind of reminds of a literal menacing poster giant who slowly ends up warming up to tinies and eventually becomes protective based on that one area convo in empty sekai where he sees miku and rin sleeping on the ground and gives them pillows. i hate my brainrot sometimes
like look at this man he is terrifying don't take my brainrot seriously
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starsaver94 · 3 years
Bokuto Fluff Alphabet
I’ve had serious Bokuto brainrot recently so yeah...
Alphabet listed below
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A = Admiration (what do they adore about their s/o?)
Your patience. It takes a lot of willpower in order to handle Bokuto’s energy level. So he’s really thankful that you’re able to put up with his antics and stick by him through-and-through.
B = Body (what is their favorite part of your body?)
Your hair. Something about your hair’s texture on or through his fingers just makes his heart flutter. He also has a tendency to ruffle your hair, especially if your shorter than him.
C = Cuddles (how they like to cuddle)
Oh boy... I hope that you don’t have to go anywhere because Bokuto will not release you until his cuddle needs are satisfied. This man will trap you in his embrace. His arms will be wrapped around your torso and his legs will be around your legs. So be sure to eat, drink, and go to the bathroom beforehand.
D = Dates (what is their ideal date with you?)
Anything where he can let out his energy, but in all honesty I see this guy enjoying beach dates the most. He enjoys splashing around in the water and having sand castle building contest with you. And of course he would want to play a few rounds of one-on-one beach volleyball with you. Also, he gets to see you in a swimsuit so that’s a plus for him ;)
E = Emotions (how do they express emotions around you?)
Bokuto is already a rollercoaster of emotions so he honestly has no problem showing how he feels around you. Whether he’s happy, sad, or angry it’s very easy to tell when it comes to Bokuto.
F = Family (do they want one? If they do, when?)
Bokuto would totally want a family, but it’s you who wants to wait. Considering he’s already a big man-child, you would want to wait for Bokuto to become more responsible before having children. And of course, you both would wait until you lived on your own before starting a family.
G = Gifts (how do they feel about gift giving? What are their habits when it comes to this?)
Bokuto has a tendency to take the exchanging of gifts as seriously as any volleyball match. Don’t get me wrong, he really does love it when you give him a gift. But, a part of him feels like he needs to top the gift you gave him by giving you something even better. Say for instance... you give him a small owl plushie, and the next day he gives you a near full-sized teddy bear.
H = Holding Hands (when/how do they hold hands?)
Bokuto won’t necessarily hold your hand, but he will wrap his arm around your shoulders or your waist. It’s awkward while you’re trying to walk, but it’s also charming and endearing in a way.
I = Injury (how would they act if you got hurt?)
This boy goes into complete panic mode. Once, you attended one of his practice matches and the ball ended up ricocheting and hitting you square on the forehead. He started panicking and told Akaashi to take over for him while he carried you to the infirmary in order to get an ice pack for the newly formed bruise on your head.
J = Jokes (do they like to joke around with or prank you? how?)
Like I said before, Bokuto is a giant man-child. So, obviously he like to joke around with you a lot. However, when it comes to pranks Bokuto would rather play pranks with you rather than on you. Overall, his jokes and pranks are just like him. Big and full of chaotic energy.
K = Kisses (how do they like to kiss you?)
Bokuto will mostly give you little pecks on the lips, cheek, or most often, all over your face. However, he will give you more passionate and intense kisses if he’s either excited or jealous.
L = Love (how do they show you that they love you?)
Show you... Hell, this guy will announce his love for you to the entire world. For instance, when you attended one of his tournament matches and he saw you in the stands, the biggest grin stretched across his face and he pointed at you and shouted loud enough for almost everyone in the gym to hear “Hey! That’s my s/o, y/n! Hey, hey, hey y/n! Wish me luck! Love you baby!”
M = Memory (favorite memory together?)
Without question, it would have to be the time you got a pretty nasty cold and Bokuto actually took the time to come over to your place in order to cheer you up and hopefully help you recover a little. He was a bit too loud for your liking and he somehow managed to burn the chicken noodle soup (mainly the chicken part), but you appreciated the thought and it showed that despite his childish nature, he really does have a somewhat responsible side. Key word being somewhat.
N = Nightmare (what is their worst fear?)
He worries that one day you’ll finally have enough of his antics and leave him for one of his more mature teammates (namely Akaashi).
O = Oddity (what is one quirk they have?)
True to his appearance, Bokuto is a major night owl. He is able to stay up for hours on nothing more that pure adrenaline and energy. It takes almost everything in your power to make sure that his gets the appropriate amount of sleep each night.
P = Pet Names (what do they like to call you?)
Baby, babe, nugget, and cutie.
Q = Quality Time (how do they like to spend time with you?)
Teaching you everything he knows about volleyball of course! Outside the court, however, you both would binge tv shows that you both enjoyed or have a movie marathon together until you were board or until one of you fell asleep.
R = Rhythm (what song reminds you of them?)
Smile by Avril Lavigne. It reminds you of how this goofball always finds a way to make you smile even in your darkest moments.
S = Secrets (how open are they with you?)
There are pretty much no secrets between the two of you. Bokuto is the type of guy that lets you know what is on his mind without even asking. 
T = Time (how long did it take for you two to get together?)
Around 3-4 months. Let’s face it, Bokuto can be a bit oblivious at times. But when he caught feelings for you, he caught it hard. You were attending one of his practice matches and every so often you would catch him glancing in your direction. When his team was finished practicing for the day, he came over to you and practically shouted at you “Hey, hey, hey y/n! I need to tell you that I really like you! So do you want to go out this Saturday? Anyplace you want to go is fine by me!”
U = Upset (how do they act when you’re upset?)
At first Bokuto will try to make you laugh. If he fails after multiple attempts, he would actually get serious and pull you into a hug while whispering comforting words into your ear and rubbing your back or stroking your hair.
V = Vaunt (what are they proud of? Do they like to show you off?)
Bokuto is proud of well... you, of course! And oh boy! Does this guy like to show you off! As soon as the two of you became an official couple, he didn’t hesitate when it came to showing you off to his team. “Hey, hey, hey everybody! This is y/n! They’re my s/o! No! They’re not just my s/o! They’re my cute little nugget and they made me happiest volleyball player ever!”.
W = Wild Card (random fluff headcanon.)
Piggyback rides. Just, all of the piggybacks. Whether or not you ask for it, he will lift you onto his back and carry you from one place to the next. He’ll even do this in school when going from class to class, ignoring all of the strange looks and confused glances that are sent his way.
X = X-ray (how well are they able to read you?)
Like I said, Bokuto can be very oblivious at times. However, he can be surprisingly keen when it comes to you and your emotions. He can pick up pretty quickly when your sad or angry. However, it does take him a while when it comes to more complex emotions like jealousy.
Y = Yes (how would they propose to you?)
With Bokuto, it’s go big or go home. When he proposed to you he wanted to do it in a big way. It happened while you were at one of his national games. After his team won the match, he suddenly pointed to the cheering section on the stands opposite to yours. At the signal they chanted “Y/N! Marriage? Y/N! Marriage?” Despite the strange method, you knew exactly what the message was. You ran over to him and accepted his proposal while hugging him tightly as soon as you met him back in the main lobby.
Z = Zebra (what kind of pet would they get?)
A dog. Specifically, one that’s like him. Big and full of energy. So probably a labrador or a husky.
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