#not me drawing shadow on model bc this is a skin drawing so maybe... maybe they see it and...
superemeralds · 7 months
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i dreamt that i got hired by sega and my first task was finalize silly shadow skins for a game like SSS or speed battle... and mephiles was tehre also
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plushievash · 7 years
hi! im a little late but i wanna know about your ocs!! not really character specific but whats the universe of your ocs like? i see your draws of them in like mafia scenarios and such? whats up with that stuff? just dump it all on me, id love to be up to speed, if youre alright doing that
hsdf this is gonna be a long answer i guess ill just explain all the groups basic story and species? and maybe some extra??
humans - regular earth humans pretty standardabnormal humans - an odd case of a human born from mutant parents who didnt inherit the mutation(s) but instead got some the benefits of being a mutantraremutants - natural born mutants;; theyre “rare”mutants because there are only 7 raremutant families in the world that were born mutants without any experimentation;; they are “Real” mutants;; all have some sort of special “ability” (maximovs - strength // polichevs - speed // diolis - reflexes // ect)regular mutants - mutants that became the way they are by being experimented on or were born from mutants who were mutated thru experimentation
the very basics of my boyfriends and my oc universes story is vsevolod maximov (boyfriends oc) was born having randomly mutated 4 arms despite his human parents being completely untampered, making him the very first raremutant along the way others raremutants were born (beniamin/fiore) theres humans who experimented on vsev and beniamin trying to replicate their mutations;; but since theyre raremutants their mutations cant be replicated artificially and so regular mutants were made causing other humans to grow more eyes or have different colour skin ect. fast forward a lot and you come to the group we normally draw! there is a lot of hate between mutants and humans;; humans are typically disgusted or hateful of mutants and mutants are distrustful of humans;; mutants are treated unfairly; sometimes tortured and killed;; various people of the group we normally draw fight against that;; specifically in my story there is a sort of secret war between mutants and humans that has been going on for many years;; a resistance has been created to try to bring that war to light and put an end to it
i serpenti - a group of humans created by enrica serpente;; they are assassins/spies that hunt mutants and humans who are accepting of mutants;; they often perform experiments of their own on mutants and humans;; they create mutants from humans who are accepting of them to punish them (as mutating is very painful) some are rescued and some die in captivity or from exhaustion from mutating
gli occhi - a group of eye mutants created by fiorella dioli;; they are assassin/spies who hunt down serpente members and and free mutants and humans;; they put the rescued into care until they are able to take care of themselves again;; theyre a secret group that works in the shadows;; the only people that know of them are the people a part of it; people rescued by them; and i serpenti
i falchi - a resistance (of mostly mutants;; but some humans) created by pietro falco;; they protest and make themselves seen they aid mutants in need;; its divided into 3 factions;; pietros is made up of the most skilled thieves;; agostinas is made up of the most medically experienced;; zacharies is made up of the most human tolerant
l’occhio di falco - a very well kept secret 4th faction of i falchi run by leonardo dioli;; they are 3 groups of specially trained (mutant) assassin/spies (usually but not always from gli occhi);; when pietro believes a speech or gathering could be attacked by i serpenti he calls leonardo to get together this group and protect them behind the scenes taking out the threats;; there are 3 teams leonardo is the leader of the most skilled and experienced team while the other 2 teams have their own but they all work under leonardos guidance 
pietro falco - a regular mutant who once believed in humans! he dreamed of becoming a cop and changing peoples views of mutants;; he wanted to be something good;; he worked hard but was betrayed by his partner (ulderico) his name was completely ruined causing pietro to become extremely paranoid and bitter towards humans;; he used to work as a spy for gli occhi but not an assassin he refused to kill;; until he was betrayed he became a fulltime agent for gli occhi but his anger made him reckless;; he and leonardo were a perfect team until he decided to quit;; he was sick of working in the dark while others were oblivious to their suffering;; he decided to form a resistance (with help from zacharie and agostina) in hopes he could help end the war in a different way;; in human eyes hes often seen as a violent menace who should be stopped;; for mutants hes an inspiration and sometimes even, a hero
leonardo dioli - a (defective) raremutant who believes in humans! he is the current leader and top agent of gli occhi;; he has a human persona he presents to the public for his fashion business he inherited from his father; he does this while making most of his models mutants to attempt to raise more positivity! from time to time he is threatened to be exposed but it cant be used against him because he doesnt actually much care to keep it up;; he plans on revealing himself in the future anyways! he leads l’occhio di falco to help pietro while pietro helps him;; they often exchange information and lend hands
felix ruggieri - a regular mutant who helps out leonardo and pietro when he can;; felix is very special to leonardo;; leo has protected felix all his life; he has kept gli occhi i serpenti and the war a secret from him and has tried to protect that secret for many years;; felix has found out about everything however because of his father lodovico;; nobody knows that felix knows except for mikolaj (who he has trusted with this knowledge) for the first 19 years of his life he was just a partyboy mechanic who didnt care for much except himself and his loved ones;; at age 20 he found out all about the war from his shitbag father; he then later trusted mikolaj with the knowledge that he(felix) knows about everything even though leonardo doesnt want him to;; felix and miko on very rare occasions work together to take down certain targets;; because of his father felix is now a target of i serpenti and is hunted down;; from time to time when he finds out new knowledge leo and pietro might not know; he meets up with miko to tell him so mikolaj can relay the message to leonardo and/or pietro for him
lodovico acciai - a disgusting regular mutant who used to work with i serpenti;; he cut a deal to lure mutants and mutant accepting humans for i serpenti to experiment on;; he was felixs birth father; he ended up lying to i serpenti to get them off his back about leonardo because he was too obsessed with felix and shaping him to be just like himself(vico);; i serpenti ended up taking vico and overmutating him and incidentally saving felixs life;; he originally worked with i serpenti bc he didnt care about anything but himself and money; he “cared” about felix because they shared blood relations making vico believe he could turn felix into being an exact copy of himself
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