#not me buying up all the ebooks of previous volumes so that I can take screenshots instead of photos
iffeelscouldkill · 10 months
Here's another fun Fence parallel I noticed
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Emmett and Isaac teasing Kyle in volume 1...
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...and in Redemption (do you think it's like, a routine they rehearse with those poses? xD)
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My first-ever Kickstarter: Help me change publishing with the audiobook for Attack Surface, the third Little Brother book.
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I have a favor to ask of you. I don't often ask readers for stuff, but this is maybe the most important ask of my career. It's a Kickstarter - I know, 'another crowdfunder?' - but it's:
a) Really cool;
b) Potentially transformative for publishing.
c) Anti-monopolistic
Here's the tldr: Attack Surface - AKA Little Brother 3- is coming out in 5 weeks. I retained audio rights and produced an amazing edition that Audible refuses to carry. You can pre-order the audiobook, ebook (and previous volumes), DRM- and EULA-free.
That's the summary, but the details matter. First: the book itself. ATTACK SURFACE is a standalone Little Brother book about Masha, the young woman from the start and end of the other two books; unlike Marcus, who fights surveillance tech, Masha builds it.
Attack Surface is the story of how Masha has a long-overdue moral reckoning with the way that her work has hurt people, something she finally grapples with when she comes home to San Francisco.
Masha learns her childhood best friend is leading a BLM-style uprising - and she's being targeted by the same cyberweapons that Masha built to hunt Iraqi insurgents and post-Soviet democracy movements.
I wrote Little Brother in 2006, it came out in 2008, and people tell me it's "prescient" because the digital human rights issues it grapples with - high-tech authoritarianism and high-tech resistance - are so present in our current world.
But it's not so much prescient as observant. I wrote Little Brother during the Bush administration's vicious, relentless, tech-driven war on human rights. Little Brother was a bet that these would not get better on their own.
And it was a bet that tales of seizing the means of computation would inspire people to take up digital arms of their own. It worked. Hundreds of cryptographers, security experts, cyberlawyers, etc have told me that Little Brother started them on their paths.
ATTACK SURFACE - a technothriller about racial injustice, police brutality, high-tech turnkey totalitarianism, mass protests and mass surveillance - was written between May 2016 and Nov 2018, before the current uprisings and the tech worker walkouts.
But just as with Little Brother, the seeds of the current situation were all around us in 2016, and if Little Brother inspired a cohort of digital activists, I hope Attack Surface will give a much-needed push to a group of techies (currently) on the wrong side of history.
As I learned from Little Brother, there is something powerful about technologically rigorous thrillers about struggles for justice - stories that marry excitement, praxis and ethics. Of all my career achievements, the people I've reached this way matter the most.
Speaking of careers and ethics. As you probably know, I hate DRM with the heat of 10000 suns: it is a security/privacy nightmare, a monopolist's best friend, and a gross insult to human rights. As you may also know, Audible will not carry any audiobooks unless they have DRM.
Audible is Amazon's audiobook division, a monopolist with a total stranglehold on the audiobook market. Audiobooks currently account for almost as much revenue as hardcovers, and if you don't sell on Audible, you sacrifice about 95% of that income.
That's a decision I've made, and it means that publishers are no longer willing to pay for my audiobook rights (who can blame them?). According to my agent, living my  principles this way has cost me enough to have paid off my mortgage and maybe funding my retirement.
I've tried a lot of tactics to get around Audible; selling through the indies (libro.fm, downpour.com, etc), through Google Play, and through my own shop (craphound.com/shop).
I appreciate the support there but it's a tiny fraction of what I'm giving up - both in terms of dollars and reach - by refusing to lock my books (and my readers) (that's you) to Amazon's platform for all eternity with Audible DRM.
Which brings me to this audiobook.
Look, this is a great audiobook. I hired Amber Benson (a brilliant writer and actor who played Tara on Buffy), Skyboat Media and director Cassandra de Cuir, and Wryneck Studios, and we produced a 15h long, unabridged masterpiece.
It's done. It's wild. I can't stop listening to it. It drops on Oct 13, with the print/ebook edition.
It'll be on sale in all audiobook stores (except Audible) on the 13th,for $24.95.
But! You can get it for a mere $20 via my first Kickstarter.
What's more, you can pre-order the ebook - and also buy the previous ebooks and audiobooks (read by Wil Wheaton and Kirby Heyborne) - all DRM free, all free of license "agreements."
The deal is: "You bought it, you own it, don't violate copyright law and we're good."
And here's the groundbreaking part. For this Kickstarter, I'm the retailer. If you pre-order the ebook from my KS, I get the 30% that would otherwise go to Jeff Bezos - and I get the 25% that is the standard ebook royalty.
This is a first-of-its-kind experiment in letting authors, agents, readers and a major publisher deal directly with one another in a transaction that completely sidesteps the monopolists who have profited so handsomely during this crisis.
Which is where you come in: if you help me pre-sell a ton of ebooks and audiobooks through this crowdfunder, it will show publishing that readers are willing to buy their ebooks and audiobooks without enriching a monopolist, even if it means an extra click or two.
So, to recap:
Attack Surface is the third Little Brother book
It aims to radicalize a generation of tech workers while entertaining its audience as a cracking, technologically rigorous thriller
The audiobook is amazing, read by the fantastic Amber Benson
If you pre-order through the Kickstarter:
You get a cheaper price than you'll get anywhere else
You get a DRM- and EULA-free purchase
You'll fight monopolies and support authorship
If you've ever enjoyed my work and wondered how you could pay me back: This is it. This is the thing. Do this, and you will help me artistically, professionally, politically, and (ofc) financially.
Thank you!
PS: Tell your friends!
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kmalexander · 4 years
Homann: A Free 18th Century Cartography Brush Set for Fantasy Maps
I’ve been heads down working on the edits for Gleam Upon the Waves, so it’s been a while since I’ve shared any new resources for fantasy map enthusiasts, writers, cartographers, game masters, table-top role-playing game creators—whoever you are. But that doesn’t mean I don’t have a few things up my sleeve. Today, I’m excited to announce the release of my latest free historically-based fantasy-map brush set, which I’ve named Homann.
Are you a fan of fields? Are defensive fortifications your jam? Then Homann is the perfect set for you. Based on L’Isle de Cadix du Detroit de Gibraltar, a 1788 map of the Strait of Gibraltar, by Johann Baptist Homann, a prolific German geographer, cartographer, and wig haver. (Yeah, click on his name. You’ll see what I mean.) It’s a unique map. One that seems to be at war with itself. It’s reminiscent of a battlefield map at first, but you can see how it’s mixed with the traditional cartography of its time. At the same time, it flirts with being a nautical chart, not something you often find on maps like this. But that jumbled confusion makes sense considering the messy military history surrounding the strait.
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A unique map like this means the brush set extracted from it will be just as unique. The settlements are an unusual mix of pictorial illustrations and the traditional profile-style signs more common to cartographic maps of this era. Landforms are present but serve as a secondary backdrop to the strategic fortifications. Interestingly, a lot of effort went into detailing agriculture, and it’s not hard to see the amount of time the engraver spent on fields.
Since completing my Thirteen in Twelve project last year, I’ve been seeking out resources that separate themselves from the thousands of repetitive-looking maps from the 17th and 18th century. With all those quirks I thought Homann would stand apart while still working alongside any of my older sets, and I appreciate its attention to detail. It’s perfect for a wide variety of fantasy projects.
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Homann is a medium-sized set of often VERY LARGE signs—some of the cartouches are over a thousand pixels wide—so, yeah… the detail here is fairly intense. With over 400 brushes, I’m sure you’ll find plenty of use in your work. The full set includes the following:
13 Tents
90 Houses
7 Towns
6 Elevated Towns
2 Places of Worship
20 Forts
7 Unique Buildings
45 Fields
5 “Shoreline” Fields (These are less detailed than their cousins and were mostly found along waterways.)
45 Trees
100 Mountains
14 Mountain Pairs (Basically, two mountains close together.)
6 Mountain Ranges
15 Anchorages
2 Battle Markers
5 Map Elements
3 Ships (They’re big.)
16 Sounding Marks
30 Unit Positions/Markers
The button below links to a ZIP file that contains a Photoshop brush set (it’ll also work with GIMP and Affinity Photo) as well as a set of transparent PNGs in case you’re using a program that doesn’t support Adobe brush files. I’ve separated them by type: Settlements and Flora, Landforms, and Cartouches. They’re black and on a transparent background, so they’ll look broken if viewed in Chrome, but trust me, they’re all there.
download homann
As with all of my previous brush sets, Homann is free for any use. I distribute my sets with a Creative Common, No Rights Reserved License (CC0), which means you can freely use this and any of my brushes in commercial work and distribute adaptations. (Details on this decision here.) No attribution is required. Easy peasy!
Enjoy Homann? Feel free to show me what you created by sending me an email or finding me on Twitter or heck, leave a comment below. I adore seeing how these brushes get used, and I’d be happy to share your work with my readers (let me know in your message.) Let us see what you make!
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Homann in Use
Want to see this brush set in use? I put together a sample map, and you can see the results below. There are three versions, a black and white version, one colored, and a decorated sample. Click on any of the images below to view them larger. Perhaps this will inspire you as you get started on your own projects!
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Supporting This Work
If you like the Homann brush set (or any of my free brushes, really) and want to support my work, instead of a donation, consider buying one of my cosmic-horror soaked dark urban fantasy novels. The first book—The Stars Were Right—is only $2.99 on eBook. I think you’ll dig it. You can find all my books in stores and online. Visit the Bell Forging Cycle hub to learn more about the series. Tell your friends!
Not interested in my books but still want a way to support me? Buy me a coffee.
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 More Map Brushes
Homann isn’t the only brush set I’ve released. You can find other free brush sets with a wide variety of styles over on my Free Stuff page. Every set is free, distributed under a CC0 license, and open for personal or commercial use. I’m sure you’ll be able to find something that works for your project.
Zatta: A Free 18th Century Cartography Brush Set for Fantasy Maps
This extensive hachure-focused set (those are the fuzzy caterpillar mountains) was taken from Antonio Zatta’s 1775 map of southern Portugal. Striding the line between the late-18th and early-19th century this set is perfect for flintlock fantasy, steampunk, or anything similar.
Janssonius: A Free 17th Century Cartography Brush Set
A topographical brush set with a nautical focus based on Johannes Janssonius’ 1650 nautical chart of the Bay of Bengal. Along with the standard symbols of settlements, flora, and landforms, I’ve also made sure to incorporated a whole host of maritime signs—rocks, sounding marks, shallows, and a whole bunch more.
Vischer: A 17th Century Cartography Brush Set
Based on the amazing Archiducatus Austriae inferioris, an incredibly detailed map of lower Austria created by Georg Matthäus Vischer in 1697, this is the largest set I’ve released. Loads of detail and a unique approach to rendering forests and landforms aids this set in standing apart. A perfect set for the right project.
Braun: A 16th Century Urban Cartography Brush Set
The brushes within this urban-focused set are based on the incredible work of Georg Braun taken from his Civitates orbis terrarum—easily one of the most significant volumes of cartographic antiquity. The detail and density represented in these symbols give an extra layer of texture and is perfect for the right fantastical city map.
Ogilby: A Free 17th Century Road Atlas Brush Set
Taken from John Ogilby’s 1675 book Britannia, Volume the First, this set allows the creator to recreate road atlas from the 17th century in stunning detail, placing the traveler’s experience front and center. With over 800 brushes, this is my most extensive set to date and useful for a variety of projects. Several bonus downloads are also available, as well.
Van der Aa: An 18th Century Cartography Brush Set
This regional map set is based on a map by Dutch cartographer and publisher, Pieter Van der Aa. It’s a beautifully rendered version of the Mingrelia region of northwest Georgia. While not as extensive as other sets, the size of the map allowed for larger brushes that helps highlight the uniqueness of each symbol. It also features a failed wall!
Gomboust: A 17th Century Urban Cartography Brush Set
My first brush set to focus on creating realistic maps for fantastical urban environments! Gomboust is a huge set, and its symbols are extracted from Jacques Gomboust’s beautiful 1652 map of Paris, France. His style is detailed yet quirky, isometric yet off-kilter, packed with intricacies, and it brings a lot of personality to a project.
Harrewyn: An 18th Century Cartography Brush Set
Based on Eugene Henry Fricx’s “Cartes des Paysbas et des Frontieres de France,” this set leans into its 1727 gothic styling and its focus on the developed rather than the natural. It’s hauntingly familiar yet strikingly different. If you’re looking for more natural elements, Harrewyn works well alongside other sets as well.
Popple: A Free 18th Century Cartography Brush Set
This set has quickly become a favorite, and it’s perfect for a wide variety of projects. The brushes are taken from 1746’s A Map of the British Empire in America by Henry Popple, and it has a fresh style that does a fantastic job capturing the wildness of a frontier. Plus, it has swamps! And we know swamps have become a necessity in fantasy cartography.
Donia: A Free 17th Century Settlement Brush Set
While not my most extensive set (a little over one hundred brushes), Donia boasts one of the more unique takes on settlements from the 17th century. If you’re looking for flora, I suggest checking out other sets, but if you want to pay attention to your map’s cities, towns, castles, churches, towers, forts, even fountains, then this is the right set for you.
Blaeu: A Free 17th Century Cartography Brush Set
Based on Joan Blaeu’s Terræ Sanctæ—a 17th-century tourist map of the Holy Land—this set includes a ton of unique and varied signs as well as a large portion of illustrative cartouches that can add a flair authenticity to any fantasy map. Elegant and nuanced, everything works within a system, but nearly every sign is unique.
Aubers: An 18th Century Cartography Brush Set
An 18th Century brush set based on a map from 1767 detailing the journey of François Pagès, a French naval officer, who accompanied the Spanish Governor of Texas on a lengthy exploration through Louisiana, Texas, and Mexico. A unique southwestern set with a few interesting deviations—including three volcanos!
L’Isle: An 18th Century Battlefield Brush Set
A departure from the norm, this set is based on the Plan Batalii map, which was included in a special edition of The First Atlas of Russia in 1745. A detailed view of a battle during the Russo-Turkish War of 1735–1739. Canon! Units! Battles! Perfect for mapping out the combat scenarios in your fantasy stories.
Widman: A 17th Century Cartography Brush Set
A 17th Century brush set based on the work of Georgio Widman for Giovanni Giacomo de Rossi’s atlas published in 1692. A fantastic example of Cantelli da Vignola’s influence and a solid set for any fantastic map. This is the workhorse of antique map brush sets—perfect for nearly any setting.
Walser: An 18th Century Cartography Brush Set
An 18th Century brush set based on the work of Gabriel Walser with a focus on small farms and ruins and a robust set of mountains and hills. This is a great brush set to see how Vignola’s influence persisted across generations. It was etched over 80 years after the Widman set, but you’ll find a few familiar symbols within.
Lumbia: A Sketchy Cartography Brush Set
A sketchy style brush set I drew myself that focuses on unique hills and mountains and personal customizability. My attempt at trying to channel the sort of map a barkeep would draw for a band of hearty adventurers. It includes extra-large brushes for extremely high-resolution maps.
Lehmann: A Hatchure Brush Set
Named after Austrian topographer Johann Georg Lehmann creator of the Lehmann hatching system in 1799, this is a path-focused brush set designed for Adobe Illustrator that attempts to captures the hand-drawn style unique 19th Century hachure-style mountains. This set works perfectly in conjunction with my other sets from the late 18th century.
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justpeachyicedtea · 7 years
Anonymous said: Hello^^ I was just wondering if you’ll continue “Pinup Boy” from Michinoku Atami. No rushing or anything. I just really like it and I wanted to confirm that it didn’t get dropped. I love your work~ 😊😊
Hello! Pinup Boy was only 2 chapters so it’s been completed! I feel like I get this ask a lot lmao. But no worries, that couple shows up in other chapters in the Midnight Love Alliance universe!
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(taken from a chapter I’m currently working on)
Anonymous said: I know that some people’s pet peeve is scanlating using ebooks found wherever, but please keep in mind some of us solo scanlators buy the books and use found ebook raws simply to save time.
I… wasn’t talking about you then?😭😭 That reblog was about scanlators who don’t buy what they work on but still tell others to buy them. You said you buy them, so that’s awesome! Keep doing you, let us support the mangakas any way we can 💕
Anonymous said: I understand that you won’t translate the manga of your future list of projects. Did you find any groups that took them?
No one has contacted me to use my raws, but I’m sure there are groups that will pick them up! 
Anonymous said: Hi! This is completely unrelated to translations and you don’t need to answer but did you know there’s this makeup brand called TooFaced and they came out with this peach line and their new palette is called just peachy? I thought i’d mention it because of your cute name!!
GIRL. (or boy or however you self-identify) DON’T START THIS HERE YOU DON’T WANT TO START MY MAKEUP RANTS HERE. OF COURSE I KNOW ABOUT IT!!!!!! The moment they announced it I was ON IT. I’m sad because I bought their previous Sweet Peach palette for Nitsu but I should’ve waited for this JustPeachy one 😩 I haven’t bought it and idk if I will bc I don’t wear eyeshadow, and I’m more skincare > makeup so I’m saving up for some new essences and creams instead 😭 Thank you for this message though I got so excited!!!! 
reikicchi said: Nothing related to scanlation, I just wanted to say that I like your kakao icon XDD ♥
Thank you!!! Though I feel bad, I only chose apeach because he fits my justpeachy vibe, my favorite character is actually muzi!!!
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HE’S A PICKLED RADISH IN A BUNNY COSTUME. Try and tell me that’s not cute I dare you. I’m going back to Korea next year so u kno I’ll be stopping by the kakao friends store and stocking up on some muzi merch 😭😭
Anonymous said: Hi Tea-San, 1. Did Crackster get finished translating I didn’t know if it was dropped or still ongoing either way I understand I just recently discovered this title? So good! 2. Isn’t really a question, but how did you come up with the adorable name? Love your translation keep up the good work! じゃあね
1) The translations for Crack Star has been completed, the releases are up to the anon and they will be private releases on her site! I DEFF get a lot of asks about this lmao. Oh man did you guys read the spinoff series with the idol brother?? I’m so psyched for the next chapter  👀 2) Story time! My online username has been icedtea since the beginning of time like since the og club penguin days lmao. It’s from Sugar Honey Iced Tea… My best friend was sugar honey and I was iced tea. If you know what it means I’m sorry ok if it makes you feel better it was my friend’s idea and not mine. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, don’t worry about it. And for the justpeachy part, I think this was when I was doing my internship and also worked part time? Yall og followers know when I’m talking about. It was like 10pm on a tuesday after my part time job and I’m giving my best friend a ride back and- here, let me just copy paste my response from another ask: My friends came to visit at my part time job (I worked at a Korean/Japanese restaurant and could sneak them some free food) and one of them lives close to me so I’m giving her a ride back, she says she’s craving a snapple iced tea so we stop by a store and this dumbass buys the diet lemon iced tea which who tf gets, come on step your game up. Well, on our drive back, she takes a sip and says, “this is disgusting, do you want it? I should’ve gotten the peach”. And bam. What a great and touching story, right? Aren’t you glad I told you? Though honestly… diet lemon iced tea? get out of my house… My go to iced tea flavor will always and forever be peach. Though guess who’s allergic to peaches 😂😂😂 OH! SPEAKING OF!!! LOOK AT WHAT I SAW THE OTHER DAY
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Anonymous said: May I ask why you are closing down? Thanks for all the hard work you have done! Anonymous said: Hey I was just wondering why you were closing down by the end of the year?? Anonymous said: “Code: will be the last justpeachy scanlation, it’ll be released as a volume once I’m done with all my other projects” What do you mean??? You’re closing down??? NOOOOOO T_T I LOVE YOU I DON’T WANT YOU TO GOOOOO Anonymous said: Hi !! Thanks so much as usual for translating Batsu Game <3 . As i saw from your ‘About’ , you will be closing down by end of the year. Can i know the reasons for it and will u drop those project that were on hiatus ?? Appreciate if you can reply me thankss <3
Yes, I’ll be finishing up the projects I currently have listed (Batsu Game, Koiyume Lover, Ai ni Dekinai Koi wa Iya, Code) before I close down so no worries. If Family Affair comes back, I’m not sure if I’ll be down to work on it, I’ll have to see what my rl situation is like. The main reason I’m closing down is that I’m over this whole thing 😅 I barely read yaoi anymore, I’ve watched the groups I was in and grew up with disappear, there’s a lot more readers now which is good! But that brings more of the toxic stuff and even though I don’t read the comments on reader sites anymore, it’s a little depressing seeing that side of things 😂 This ‘scanlation group’ was just me doing my thing, but because I’m lazy and have no skill, I asked friends/strangers for help. So it’s not like I have group members to worry about. And they’re in other groups or have their own groups anyway. I guess scanlating just isn’t fun for me anymore so 
🍑 Peachy Updates 🍑 
Koiyume Lover ch 5 is completed, just waiting to be released (I’m wondering if I should do what I originally planned and wait to release the rest of the chapters all at once? Or release one by one…)
Rift extras currently being typesetted
Finished translating chapter 2 and 3 of No Color Baby for Sentimientoyaoi (shit’s wild 👀)
The new Michinoku Atami has been cleaned, waiting for me to finish translating, then will be sent off for some font magic
Lmao I haven’t touched Ai ni Dekinai Koi wa Iya and I prob won’t for a while 
Code: has been cleaned, I’ll eventually start translating it
Is this it? I feel like I’ve been a lot more productive…
Oh, it’s bc I’m helping kr proof this one series and proofing takes a lot more work than translating…
And also bc I did half of what I listed today lmaooo
I have a friend coming to visit this weekend so no work will be done bc we’re about to hit up all you can eat sushi and study for exams
Homecoming is next weekend so no work will be done bc I’ll be out of commission. Hopefully not puking.
The weekend after that I’m spending in the city for a friend’s birthday so I definitely will be out of commission and will definitely be puking.
Some angst is coming your way
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♬ Floria - Tomohisa Sako (Natsume Yuujinchou Roku OP) ♬
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michaelandy101-blog · 4 years
A Beginner's Guide to Retargeting Ads
New Post has been published on https://tiptopreview.com/a-beginners-guide-to-retargeting-ads/
A Beginner's Guide to Retargeting Ads
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We’d all like to think that every single person that comes in contact with our business follows a very straight and orderly path to purchase. Someone visits our site for the first time, fills out a form to download an ebook, then becomes interested in talking with a sales rep, all in one session on your website.
Minutes later, the sales rep reaches out to this lead, and before you know it, the lead is becoming a customer, handing over their credit card to purchase something from your company.
But in reality, the buyer’s journey is probably not so linear. People pop over to your website, then leave. Two months later, they discover your latest blog article, and then decide to download that ebook.
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A few days after that, they decide to check out another blog post. Maybe a week later they decide to get in touch with Sales, and it takes several more weeks of meetings and discussions to come to a decision to buy. Same end result, but the process is a little more convoluted.
So marketers need to be prepared to help their buyers through that convoluted process. One great way to do that is with retargeting ads.
Unlike typical banner ads, retargeting ads are a form of online targeting advertising and are served to people who have already visited your website or are a contact in your database (like a lead or customer).
If you’ve never used retargeting before, don’t worry — in the following post, we’ll go through the basics of how retargeting works, explain how you can use it to support your larger marketing goals, and even outline an example of a Facebook Ad retargeting campaign.
How Retargeting Campaigns Work
There are two main types of retargeting: pixel-based and list-based. The way each works is slightly different, and each has different advantages based on your campaign goals.
Pixel-Based Retargeting
Pixel-based retargeting is a way to re-display your material to any anonymous site visitor.
This is probably the most common type of retargeting. When someone comes to your website, an unobtrusive piece of JavaScript (often referred to as a pixel) is placed on their browser — making their browser “cookie-d.” When they leave your site to surf the web, that cookie notifies retargeting platforms to serve specific ads based on the specific pages they visited on your website.
The advantage of pixel-based retargeting is that it is timely (they can be retargeted pretty immediately after leaving your site), specific to a particular page on your site, and behavior-based. Downsides to this method are that there is a lower volume of people in the campaign at any given moment in time since it’s all based on how often people are coming to your website, viewing certain pages, and leaving. It also can be complicated or time-intensive to implement the JavaScript on many website pages.
List-Based Retargeting
List-based retargeting works after you already have someone’s contact information in your database.
You can also use lists of your existing contacts for certain types of retargeting ads. To do this, upload a list of the email addresses to a retargeting campaign (usually on a social network like Facebook or Twitter), and the platform will identify users on that network who have those addresses and serve retargeting ads just to them.
Though it’s a little less common than pixel-based retargeting, list-based retargeting allows you to have highly customizable criteria for your ads because it’s based on more than behavior — you’re choosing who goes in which list.
On the flip side, it’s possible that a person in your list gave you one email address and the social network another — and in that case, they won’t see your ads. Also keep in mind that because you are in charge of uploading and maintaining the list, list-based retargeting also is less automatic and timely than pixel-based retargeting.
If you’ve ever heard of the term “retargeting,” it’s likely it was in comparison to remarketing. And while the two are often mistaken for each other, they do have differences. Let’s talk about when you would use either.
Retargeting vs Remarketing
While retargeting focuses on pulling in new audiences or customers through ads on social media, email or other platforms, remarketing often focuses on sales or marketing emails sent to re-engage customers.
Remarketing and retargeting are often confused with each other. Though they share similarities, retargeting allows you to reach new prospects with your ads, while remarketing focuses on re-sparking interest of your company to current or inactive old customers.
A retargeted ad helps those who’ve never heard of your company understand how your product or service fits into their lifestyle or solves a potential problem. Retargeting helps you make the message more personal.
When you analyze sales, you can determine what’s popular among the audiences you’re aiming to reach. For instance, if you find that a certain line of products perform really well among millennials, pull images of them into a carousel ad and use it to retarget customers. The personalization of a separate ad promoting a collection, aimed at a segment of your target market, is one example of how retargeting can be successful.
Take this ad I saw today. Despite never having purchased from Nasty Gal, this ad showed up on my News Feed:
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This ad introduces Nasty Gal to new leads (like me) by giving an overview of diverse clothes that are popular among target audiences.
It’s likely I saw this ad because I fit into Nasty Gal’s target audience set on Facebook, and because my previous behavior on the social channel involved looking for reviews of similar clothing retailers.
On the other hand, to re-engage a lost or inactive customer, you might decide to use remarketing. This tactic aims to improve customer relationships by utilizing marketing tactics that
Essentially, if you want to give customers an incentive to purchase again from your company, turn to remarketing.
For customers that are already acquainted with your brand and have shown a need for your product, create a personalized message to reignite their interest. For example, if your company offers a membership, remarket to those whose memberships are expiring and are up for renewal. This email I received is an example:
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This marketing email not only served as a reminder to renew my subscription but was also Thrive Market‘s way of reminding me about the benefits of being a member. In the email, I got to see how much I saved by using the grocery service, where my membership money was being spent, and was offered a special promotion to renew.
Because I was already familiar with the brand, Thrive was able to use the email to add personal touches and provide a snapshot of what I can enjoy (again) as a member.
Like retargeting, this tactic is successful when messages inspire action. The email’s CTAs, like “Browse our options here!” told me that I could peruse my options in one click, so I did. Use remarketing efforts to remind customers of the perks that come with shopping with your brand, like easy shopping access.
Which Goals You Should Have for Retargeting
Now that we have the background for how retargeting works and the different types of audiences you can segment by, we can focus on goals. The main types of retargeting campaigns you should consider running are those for awareness and those for conversion.
Awareness campaigns are useful when you want to re-engage website visitors and tell them about relevant products, features, or announcements. These ads are usually served to pixel-based lists.
The obvious drawback to awareness campaigns is that you’re serving less targeted content to people who haven’t engaged heavily with your brand. They’re not in your contacts database, and often, there are lower expected clickthrough rates than other types of campaigns.
However, since the goal is to make prospects aware of your business, impressions and engagement are acceptable metrics to track. Often awareness campaigns are precursors to a much more effective campaign goal: conversions.
Conversion goals are just that — you want to get people to click on your ad and take a next step, such as filling out a landing page form. Conversion campaigns are best used to align a specific list with a clear next step in the flywheel, and can be measured with typical conversion metrics like website clicks, form submission, and cost-per-lead (CPL).
The best thing about a conversion campaign is that you can use it for multiple parts of the flywheel. Pixel-based ads, for instance, generate leads and will direct people to landing pages where they can give over their information.
List-based ads better qualify those leads. Ads will appear to contacts who gave you limited information and lead them to longer forms with additional fields.
Additionally, retargeting can be used to move those qualified leads further along their sales cycle. For example, you might use retargeting to send a list of contacts that have downloaded an ebook to sign up for a free trial of your product.
Regardless of your goal, it is important to align the positioning, creative, and next step in the conversion process — whether that’s an offer landing page, site page, or request for more information — with your audience list. List-based retargeting can have low match rates (users synced with accounts on each platform, usually by email address), so make sure you’re fueling your retargeting activities with inbound content.
Choosing a Retargeting Platform and Tool
Truthfully, you’ve got quite a few options for actually implementing your retargeting. There are tons of third-party platforms to do web and social retargeting, such as Perfect Audience, AdRoll, Retargeter, and Bizo. You can also do retargeting through specific platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
Email Retargeting
As one of the earlier forms of retargeting, email retargeting is when you use information that you’ve previously gained about a customer or prospect, like location and name, to send them personalized emails.
While email targeting can be effective, it’s important to note many of the other platforms that could also be beneficial.Although each platform you use to implement ads will be different, there are some advantages and disadvantages for choosing ones that serve up social media ads or elsewhere on the web.
Social media retargeting often works well since people are more likely to share, reply, and discuss your content on one of these well-known platforms. They can also see the ads are posted from a real account, as opposed to a small web banner ad with little text that could be posted by anyone. That being said, web retargeting works well for impressions since the ads follow your targeted audience throughout the internet, not just on a few specific social media sites.
Want to see how setting up a remarketing campaign is like? We’ll walk through a step-by-step process on setting up a retargeting campaign and measuring its success.
Facebook Retargeting
One of the oldest and most prominent platforms where you can remarket and retarget your ads is Facebook. On top of offering remarketing options, Facebook also allows you to launch ads to a large pool of mirror audiences with a number of ad objectives.
For this example, we’ll pretend we’re setting up a remarketing campaign for HubSpot. To drive qualified leads to a free trial, we’ll set up a mock Facebook retargeting campaign for leads in our database who we know are interested in marketing automation. Here’s how we would set up that campaign.
How to Retarget on Facebook
Create a list or existing contacts, or gather groups from pixel on your website.
Add list into Facebook’s Audience Manager.
Determine your Destination URL.
Segment your Ads for specific audiences.
Set your budget.
Create your ad.
Track your campaign’s progress.
1. Create a list or existing contacts, or gather groups from pixel on your website.
First, you’d need a list of leads to retarget to. In your marketing software of choice, compile a list based on two criteria: lifecycle stage, interests based on the topic of their most recent download. If this list is sufficiently large, you can move on to the next step. If it’s not, you should revisit your segmentation properties and/or type of retargeting to implement.
2. Uploading the list to Facebook’s Audience Manager.
Once our list is processed, we can export the .CSV file and import it into Facebook’s Custom Audience manager to match email addresses with Facebook Profiles. (There are third-party platforms that also sync these lists on social media, so feel free to pick which upload/sync option works best for your company.)
Aside from Facebook retargeting, Audience Manager will allow you to do standard targeting, which allows you to set demographic, geographic, and other audience targets for an ad — even without a retargeting list.
Once you hit “Manage Your Ads” on Facebook’s advertising home page, click “Audiences” on the left toolbar. This will allow you to create a customer list by uploading a .CSV or .TXT file and options to sort by user ID, phone numbers, or emails.
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Give your list an appropriate name to easily find it later. Additionally, leave at least a few hours for it to populate. if you try to create an ad immediately, the audience may not be fully loaded.
3. Determine your destination URL.
To create a new campaign on Facebook, hit the green “Create Ad” button in the top right of the ad platform home screen. This will prompt you to choose an objective for your campaign. Whatever option you select, include a UTM tracking code — a snippet of text added to the end of your URL — to help you track success and attribute clicks and conversions from your campaigns. For example, we would create a campaign called “Retargeting” and our URL for the free trial would look like:
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Once you enter your URL to promote, the next step is to rename your campaign directly underneath the URL text box. Keep similar names for your campaigns to make it easier to track if you have multiple running.
4. Segment your ads.
Select your custom audience and set the geographic location you want to target. The location is an “AND” setting, meaning if your list contains leads from all over the world and you only select “United States,” some people won’t be shown your ads.
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Depending on your buyer personas, you can also segment by interest, behaviors, age, and other demographic settings which can help ads become even more targeted. For conversion campaigns, you’re retargeting to a specific list of contacts already interested in your product, so including other Facebook categories might not make sense.
5. Set your budget.
Before even starting the campaign, have a set budget for paid tactics, broken out by channel. For Facebook campaigns, set a lifetime budget for the length of the campaign, then monitor and adjust accordingly. Most beginners should leave the bidding to “Optimize for Website Click.”
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You can also name your ad set at this stage, which is helpful if you’d like to differentiate lists, creative, budget, etc. for different ad sets in the same campaign (i.e. leading to the same page).
6. Creating your ad.
Each ad can have up to six images associated with it, so you can test which ones perform the best. Be clear and concise with your positioning as the headline underneath the image can only be 25 characters long and the text above the image is capped at 90 characters. You can also include call-to-action buttons such as Shop Now, Learn more, Download, etc. on the bottom right of the ad.
Some important details on Facebook ads:
Image size is 1080 x 1080 pixels.
Images can only contain 20% text.
Under “Advanced Options” you can write a News Feed link description up to 200 characters to better explain your ad.
By default, ads are shown on mobile newsfeeds, on the right column on desktops, and in partner mobile apps. Depending on where you’d like your customers to see these campaigns, you may want to turn one or all of those options off to only display in the desktop News Feed.
Once you have everything set up, go ahead and click the green “Place Order” button in the bottom right of the screen.
7. Tracking your progress.
Congratulations, you’ve now created a conversion-based retargeting ad on Facebook! Now you can track website clicks, reach, CTR, CPC, and total spend to match them up to your initial goals.
You can get a glance of how your Facebook retargeting campaigns are doing by going to your Facebook Advertising home page. If you want to dive further into the ad’s metrics, you can go into the ad set where you’ll see information like clicks and spending per day. It is also easy to make edits to your ad from this screen, such as extending the budget, schedule, and creative assets.
If you’re using a CRM, like HubSpot, most offer tools to look at the performance of your destination URL to track views, clicks, and submissions back to specific retargeting campaigns.
Retargeting is a great way to keep your prospects engaged and interact with people who have already shown interest in your company.
While it may sound like a simple enough concept, there are many aspects of a retargeting campaign that must be worked out before you make the ad copy and creative. Be sure to give enough time to make your lists, set goals and types of campaigns, determine the platforms your ads will run on, and tie the whole conversion path together.
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pipbabi · 6 years
Comic Con
Want to purchase X-Males t-shirts online? Whether you have got a love for The Avengers, Fantastic 4, Thor, or X-Males there are lots or t-shirts and other merchandise to own. My childhood included a love for 60s and 70s Marvel and DC comics, and my capability to attract originates in part from learning the tales I read in those days. We labored for a 12 months together on the piece to plan and draw it. Toy corporations like Hasbro and Kenner used to supply thousands of Batman motion determine than is launched every year with some variation in it. Transformers 2, the science-fiction film is the newest sensation, and is the most awaited film of the 12 months. Let's take the movie Avatar for instance. Once in a while I went back to the game to take a number of more screenshots to increase a plot. Inside a couple of minutes, I began making comedian strips. Not like his different comedian strips, in Battling Boy, the hero is a kid, who is on a mission to save town.
In reality, the opposite collection of battling boy turned fashionable. To conclude on this matter, I think it is a fantastic idea to present our youngsters the funny comics created means-again-when, comics out of your and my childhood. To learn a story in adventurous manner is sort of exciting for all the youngsters. You have to overcome the restrictions of speech bubbles and the problem of telling a narrative body by frame. Admit it you've gotten! I’m positive you have heard this standard online retailer. Since Children's Graphic Novels are actually simply an previous thought with a fancy new name, why shouldn't you discover taking outdated successful comicbook concepts and reinventing them for a new generation? The thought was to convey the identical meaning with words that I instructed through colors, textures and images. Popular On-line Comics solidify a which means of a word as a result of footage assist that means to phrases. The nomination was a serious achievement for an artist who had - quite literally -started out small, drawing Post-it word sized comics and hiding them in different people’s work in bookshops. The primary comedian strips appeared in Germany in 1865. It was about two boys who are getting punished for at all times stepping into mischief.
Moreover, if we are sincere with ourselves, we know that a lot of mischief is downright humorous. Why are previous coins worth more than in the present day's coins? Complete collections will fetch too much greater than random particular person comics. Our intention is to give our readers a good piece of entertaining and educational comics on which is able to grow up not one among the future generations. These blockbuster motion pictures performs a very important function in the comeback of comics. Individuals who wish to cherish their childhood memories with the comics; they will easily find cheap comics to start out their comic assortment. In at the present time of "I need the most recent and latest," we really discover that a few of the real treasures are things of previous. Comic books are detailed stories. Aside from conventions, yard gross sales and used guide shops may also be extraordinarily value effective sources for collectible comic books. A comic ebook adaption as well as a novel publication is being performed for the film's promotion. That assumption is incorrect and is an insult to your entire comic guide neighborhood.
These comic guides provide you with the sort of knowledge you want like where to get the uncommon and beneficial comics and the place you may get first difficulty comics as well as the back subject ones as well. By selling and buying and selling comics you can be there were the artwork work is most loved and Flash valued. Moreover, that is the place you get the meet fellow enthusiasts and catch up on the newest within the comic books world; data that can show invaluable. Some comedian books editions are collector's objects and if preserved in mint quality situation. Books are limited as a result of the reader can't bodily see what the writer envisions. Are those behaviors to be condoned? Eyes grow to be circles or dots, mouths are diminished to curved traces, and noses or ft are triangles. Get the newest information. Those who already evaluate vast talents of our webpage, confess that it is basically the most convenient and straightforward strategy to be in contact with the latest innovations of the world of comics.
Well conscious of the benefits that come from studying comics. Which Marvel comics must you read earlier than (or after) Captain Marvel? Repetition. Return to your daily newspaper and look at the comics’ web page. The cartoonist is using repetition to establish the character. Due to this fact, we might say that it has nothing to do with a altering trends, no matter is new and trendy, photo to pop art print stays within the midst of its recognized usability in subject of art. I seemed, and there earlier than me was a pale horse! There really is one thing for everyone. Cosplay also means costume play and the fans typically come to the comic conventions dressed in costumes. Eight delectable Expansions that followed added to the joy of the sport play. Then by all means, use it. By the use of these exaggerations, it doesn’t matter what different particulars I embody. The possessed doll first hit the screens in the 1988 horror traditional 'Kid's Play'. Corey Haim, the lead of the unique horror film, and Corey Feldman, the two Coreys, reprise their unique roles. Nevertheless, in 2003 Hasbro would relinquish management to Batman's rights to Mattel. You additionally get preferential remedy in some circumstances and entry to special occasions and performances.
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DC Comics New Line of Titles Going Strong - Now, Bring Back the Justice Society of America! It may have not been planned but many of this week's comics happen to take care of fathers and sons. That might not sound strange but if you consider classic comics there aren't many prominent father figures. Some of the most prominent super heroes don't possess dads. Superman's father is dead, ditto for Batman, Uncle Ben will be the closest thing to a dad Peter Parker had and now we truly realize what went down to him. I'm not even going to go near Silk Spectre's daddy issues. Is there a fundamental reasons why most superheroes will also be orphans?
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I have already noted in a very previous article for the blog that the Men In Black will return in a third installment starring of course Will Smith in the role as 'J' as well as a younger version of Tommy Lee Jones by means of Josh Brolin obtaining the role as agent 'K'. The concept for Men in Black was originally pitched as a comic strip series to Malibu Comics fro which Columbia Pictures chose to option and the rest is history.
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Fish Smarty is surely an interactive place where they gathered each of the most beautiful games, comic books and drawings for the children, a kind of educational portal for youngsters aged between 3 and 20 years that provides education through fun and laughter. In other words, children think they play, actually what they do, nevertheless, you parents, you can rest assured that playing is in fact pure education.
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The last option will seem obvious for some, and not so obvious to others, which is a thrift store. They are also generally known as second-hand stores, plus they will have a wealth of comics at around a few cents each. In fact, a lot of people have discovered hundred dollars comic books for a couple of bucks, and also have gone to sell big around the resell market. Superhero comics have become a fundamental portion of modern pop culture, as well as their popularity shows no signs and symptoms of fading in the near future. As more and more people understand these characters from other appearances in blockbuster movies, the demand for comic books featuring these heroes has risen. With these affordable reprint volumes, everyone can easily catch up on years of their best hero's adventures.
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allenmendezsr · 5 years
How To Hypnotize People
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/how-to-hypnotize-people/
How To Hypnotize People
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What our customer are saying about this ebook…  
If you have even the slightest interest in hypnosis… Keep your eyes glued to this page! Why? Because MY goal is to turn YOU into a genuine hypnotist…. FAST… If that idea excites you…You are going to be very excited about what you’re about to discover…
From: Steven Hall
On the following page, I’m giving you a “brain dump” of EVERYTHING you need to know about genuine hypnosis, including…
My own personal strategies, techniques, and tools. These are proven, tested techniques that can turn anybody into a genuine hypnotist in hours!
This may surprise you, but… 
“When you know how to learn hypnosis properly, it’s EASY!” 
Genuine hypnosis is a lot easier to learn than you might imagine, here are just a FEW examples of why YOUcan become a hypnotist easily…
Example #1 “Hypnosis is a completely natural state!” 
Most people don’t realise that we all go through the hypnotic state many times everyday! It’s so natural that we barely notice it, and always waste it! As a hypnotist, you’ll learn how to access that state when you want to, like flicking a switch to light a room!
That’s what I am here to do, teach you how to flick that switch!
Example #2 “Genuine hypnosis requires NO special abilities or powers!” 
Media hype has programmed us into believing that it requires some kind of power to hypnotize people. IT DOESN’T! In fact all you have to do to be able to hypnotize another person is talk to them!
This means that if you can talk, you can hypnotize people! 
Example #3 “Even a complete beginner can perform genuine hypnosis, with NO PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE!”
Because genuine hypnosis is all about talking, as soon as you know what to say, and how to say it, you’re a hypnotist! This means all you have to do is follow my SIMPLE step-by-step instructions!
I receive hundreds of emails from people that have absolutely no experience of hypnosis whatsoever, yet can genuinely hypnotize people within hours of reading this page! You can too! Imagine how exciting it is to be able to do this!
If you can read and follow my simple step-by-step proven formulae you can hypnotize people, and you won’t need ANY previous knowledge of hypnosis!
Example #4 “EVERYTHING you need to get started using GENUINE HYPNOSIS is right here!” 
For the first time in history, it’s EASY to learn genuine hypnosis… and to know what to do with it!
When I was learning hypnosis, I spent literally hundreds of hours studying and a huge sum of cash on books, tapes, seminars and courses! Most of what I read barely scratched the surface, nothing was telling me what I really needed to know! That’s why I decided to put things right!
Hypnosis is easy to learn and you can do it almost immediately when you have the information you need!  That’s what my techniques are all about… I make things simple because I want you to master hypnosis… FAST!
Before I go on I guess I should tell you a little more about myself, and my techniques…
I learned hypnosis the hard way, spending hours studying heavy volumes that only seemed to hint at what I really wanted to know. I went to public demonstrations, bought audio cassettes, visited seminars and enrolled on courses.
I was determined to master hypnosis but the information I craved was simply not available.
As I began practising hypnosis and my knowledge grew I kept a journal detailing everything I had learned,all of the varied techniques I had witnessed, the secrets and the tips and tricks of the trade.
I practised what I had learned, continually refining my techniques to make them more and more effective. If you know me personally, you’ll know that when I discover something, I want make sure that anybody and everybody that can benefit from it, gets to know about it ASAP!
And what I had discovered was an easy, fast and reliable way to hypnotize people.
Most hypnotists are like magicians, they guard their secrets and hide behind the hype of their show. I am not one of those hypnotists. I prefer to reveal my secrets and techniques. That’s exactly why I put up this web page… So that I can teach YOU how to hypnotize people!
As more and more people borrowed my hypnotic journal, I realised exactly what I had to do! I had searched so desperately for a single book that would teach me how to hypnotize people, yet nothing I read told me what I needed to know. I was gonna have to write it myself!! I had to cram all of my knowledge, wisdom and experience into a single book that would turn any reader into a genuine hypnotist, even if they have absolutely no previous experience or knowledge of hypnosis whatsoever.
So that’s exactly what I did!
I created the book I would have given anything for when I first began my studies. I had strict goals for the book, even before I put pen to paper! My goals were simple…
GOAL ONE: To develop a complete system that covers the entire hypnotic process
Perhaps the most annoying thing about learning hypnosis the way I did is that no single book, tape or course seemed to cover the entire hypnotic experience. Most hinted at an induction and a few gave information on deepening techniques but I needed the 
whole thing!
It soon became apparent that hypnotists quickly forget how frustrating it is when you don’t know exactly what to do at each stage of the process.
Almost everything I have read on hypnosis gives you a few suggestive sentences then instructs you to simply carry on in a similar style until the desired outcome is achieved!This instruction is useless to an absolute beginner!!!From the very start I knew that, if I was going to put things right, my instructions must be concise and complete. That’s why I included the word for word induction script and deepening section. Hypnotizing people is as easy as reading it out!But my desire for completeness didn’t end there, I set myself a very specific goal…
To cover 
ALL aspects of trance, this included detailed, easy to follow instructions for the initial pre-induction talk and tests,  the actual induction process and trance deepening, what to do with the trance and how to wake the client at the end of the session.
Simply put, I wanted to make sure that this book was going to be a ONE-STOP self contained teaching system.Everything you need right there in a neat little bundle. I remember my frustration at wading through all those heavy complicated journals. I searched for something like this when I started learning hypnosis, and when I couldn’t find it, I knew that one day I would have to create it!
GOAL TWO: To keep my instructions as simple as possible
Something I have always found really annoying is the way ‘intelligent’ people try to belittle everyone by using technical jargon and complicated explanations. What are they playing at? It’s as though they only want to communicate to their ‘special group!’
Surely if you are trying to teach someone something it’s best to make your instruction as easy to follow as possible? I don’t want my readers to be reaching for the dictionary or searching through glossary terms just so they can understand my (unnecessary) jargon!
It seems to me that people only do this as an attempt to boost their ego, a way to make them feel big and clever, by making us feel stupid!
Well I think they have things the wrong way around! I am proud of my ability to simplify complex subjects and that is what makes me an accomplished teacher!
As well as keeping my language basic and only using familiar terminology I wanted to ensure that the process itself was simple, so I developed my famous step-by-step approach which my students (many of whom really struggled before trying my techniques) have hailed as the simplest and fastest technique currently available for learning hypnosis.
GOAL THREE: To turn ANY reader, even those with NO Previous Experience or knowledge of hypnosis, into a real life hypnotist, not just in theory, but in FACT!
This was always the most important of my goals. I wanted to make sure that my book was a complete ONE-STOP system, showing you EVERYTHING you need to turn you into a genuine hypnotist, even if you have absolutely no other knowledge or experience of trance what-so-ever!
Learning hypnosis is simple if you have good sound instructions that are proven to work, and that is what I am offering you right here. As you can see from my testimonials below, my guide to hypnosis does exactly what I intended it to do! 
Here are just a few of the hundreds of comments I receive from everyday people, just like you, that knew nothing about hypnosis before trying my techniques…
” …I was just as shocked as my subject when I successfully hypnotized them within minutes! I didn’t think it would work and that I’d be practicing for months!”
Daniel Stanton
Daniel didn’t know anything about hypnosis before he found this site, neither did Simon, he only decided to give it a go for fun, and didn’t expect it to work, he was really excited when he told me… 
“I have just hypnotised my brother on my very first attempt! This is awesome!!! Thanks!!”
Simon Glover
You’d think hypnosis would take a little longer than a couple of hours to learn, and you’d be right. Normally it does! So what do Dan and Simon have that makes them so special? They have my guide to hypnosis, a foolproof system that can turn ANYONE into a hypnotist, in minutes! Wouldn’t you like one of those?
I guess this might sound a little too good to be true, so I’ll tell you a bit more about it. Imagine you have step-by-step instructions, like a manual, that you can follow easily. Your manual’s written in plain English, so it’s nice and easy going. Each step is clearly explained and everything you do and say is scripted out for you.
Sounds simple enough, right?
It is! To be honest, if you can talk, you can hypnotize people. Obviously you have to know what to say, but… you have that covered in your manual!
Once you’ve hypnotized somebody, you’re going to have to know what to do, and how to wake them up when you’re done. Your manual covers that too. It actually covers everything you need, even if you haven’t got a clue about hypnosis before you start!
This is the manual that I wish I had when I started!
Look. I hate to think of you passing up an opportunity to learn how to hypnotize people. I know how hypnosis has changed my life, and have seen the affect it has had on thousands more! Not just those that learn it, but their family and friends too!
I also hate to think of you wasting a year of your life (and thousands of dollars) trying to learn hypnosis the hard way! Only to discover that your plan was flawed from the beginning because much of the information available is outdated, incomplete and just plain wrong!
That’s why I want you to have my proven techniques, my step-by-step, simple to follow, fool-proof system.  
Use my techniques, and you won’t need the huge start-up capital that most courses require. You won’t need to spend hours studying. However, if you think you already “know it all,” I suggest that you stop reading now… this information isn’t for you. 
On the other hand, if you’re open-minded and willing to discover the truth about genuine hypnosis — keep your eyes glued to this page. 
You’ll soon discover how my simple step-by-step system will turn you into a genuine confident hypnotist, covering EVERYTHING you need, even if you have NO PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE what-so-ever! My fool-proof guaranteed system details the entire process, including…
Comprehensive Pre-Induction instructions
Dynamic time saving ‘hypnotisability’ tests
Word for word COMPLETE induction scripts
Comprehensive deepening techniques
How best to wake a client
Trance phenomena
Hilarious routines for use on stage
How to select the best and most entertaining volunteers for your stage show
The secret power of Subliminal Messages
Post hypnotic suggestions
Instant and rapid induction techniques
… and this is just the tip of the iceberg! 
This guide is a self contained system, including EVERYTHING you need, even if you have absolutely no previous knowledge or experience of hypnosis!
The proven techniques I am going to share with you are the exact same systems that literally thousands of my students have used to realise their dreams of becoming genuine hypnotists…
Here’s another small sample of the hundreds of testimonials I’ve received: 
“I successfully hypnotized my first subject using your book. He was hypnotized to a very deep trance and I was able to suggest he forgot his name and a number. Then I put him back into trance and removed the suggestion. I have already hypnotised 2 people to a deep level of trance producing negative and positive hallucinations and doing most of the stage routines you suggest in your book with complete success. It is a great feeling to achieve this!!”
Richard Jackson
Like many of my readers, Charles (below) has always been fascinated with hypnosis but never believed he would be able to do it..
“I have always been fascinated with hypnosis but never imagined I would be able to do it. When I read in your book about how simple it can be, I still didn’t expected it to work, but it did! I can’t tell you how great this feels! You have opened up a whole new world that I only wish I had discovered years ago! Thank you so much.”
Charles Hutt
…I don’t ask that people believe in my techniques, all I ask is that you try them for yourself, then you will know they work!
Brendan decided that hypnosis was the answer to his families problems…
“I have found your book amazing. I have been interested in hypnosis for many years, so this has given me the start I was looking for. I have used my wife as a subject and have had wonderful results. I have also hypnotized my wife’s mother to help her relax, very successfully so far. I really can’t praise your book enough. Thank you!”
Brendan Hughes
Not all of my readers are completely new to hypnosis, here are a few comments from those that are already experienced…
“As a fan of hypnosis, I have read many books, both introductory and advanced, and have found that they all lack the one thing that this e-book has: simple, easy-to-understand instructions that really work! You can easily read this material and be out hypnotizing people within the hour! Highly recommended!”
Lee Davis
“I feel the e-book I bought from you was excellent it covers the subject from start to finish I have seen others but in my opinion yours is well in front. If anyone is thinking of a career on stage then this book should be your first stop fantastic is an understatement!”
Dan Brookes
“I have a life-long fascination with hypnotism: I’ve read many books, even designed scripts for self-hypnosis. I’m very impressed with your material: thank you for sharing your vast knowledge and consideration.”
Deborah Lane
“By far the most comprehensive, easy to read and easy to understand book on hypnosis. It’s simplicity and impact taught me the fundamentals and a working knowledge of hypnosis the first time I sat down with it. Thanks!”
Dr. C. Valenti  (Doctor)
“While studying to become a qualified Hypnotherapist I found Stevens E-Book immensely useful, it blows away a lot of mysticism and explained the art of Hypnotism in a clear, logical and simplistic way. Fully recommend this E-book to budding Hypnotists everywhere.”
D. Bunning F.inst.H.T.
If you want to be able to hypnotize people, not just know how it’s done, but actually be able to do it yourself, then ‘How to Hypnotize’ is exactly what you have been looking for. I imagine you are eager to find out more, so let’s take a closer look at what you will discover…
Discover what hypnosis is… and how it works!Most hypnotists don’t want you to know this! They’re a bit like magicians, they like to guard their secrets. I prefer to tell it like it is, so you’ll discover the truth. It always amazes me how many people still believe that hypnosis requires some kind of mystical power, it doesn’t! And when you discover the truth about hypnosis you will not only understand how it works, but why it works.
Your newfound wisdom and knowledge won’t go unnoticed either! People are fascinated by hypnosis and when they realise you have discovered its secrets, they’ll be fascinated by you!
How to build rapport with complete strangers! Charisma in a bottle!
If we like someone it’s because we have a natural rapport with them’ and if we just can’t see eye to eye, it’s because we don’t! But wouldn’t it be great to simply ‘click’ with everyone you meet? Wouldn’t it be great if everyone that you met took an instant liking to you?
Well that’s what you can expect when you unleash the power of these fantastic rapport-building strategies. I admit, it sounds like magic, but when you have the secrets of rapport you really do have ‘Charisma in a bottle’.
These techniques aren’t confined to the world of hypnosis, they are like gold dust to anyone in sales and cupids arrow in the dating game. I remember a rather dramatic demonstration where a budding hypnotist took on the challenge of subconsciously attracting 4 complete strangers during dinner, without moving an inch from his chair! And sure enough, before his plate was clear, four complete strangers had come up and introduced themselves, each felt they knew the hypnotist and were convinced he was an old friend, yet he had never met a single one of them! So how did he do it?
He used very clever rapport building strategies to convince their subconscious minds that he was someone they just had to meet’ and he did this from across a crowded room! Their subconscious minds monitored his actions and recognised him as a person just like them’ in fact, so much like them that they must like him! This technique is so powerful that people feel drawn to you, yet have no idea why.
Applying the magic of rapport to hypnosis is like entering the Tour-De-France on a motorbike! You have a serious advantage before you even begin! Rapport is the solid foundation upon which your induction builds itself’ without it, you’re fighting a losing battle, with it, you’re winning a loyal friend! Rapport makes people like you… People that like you trust you… And trust is hugely important when it comes to hypnosis!
And the magic of rapport doesn’t end here. In fact, this is only the very beginning! Once you have established rapport, you can use it to ‘pace’ your volunteer’s state, and then ‘lead’ them wherever you want them to go (which is usually into a deep hypnotic trance!) 
This technique is a wonderfully subtle, yet massively powerful, way of steering any situation in the direction you want it to go’ You’ll even discover how I used these exact strategies to transform a friend’s mood from depression to ‘dancing diva’ in just a few short moments!
Keeping safe and Avoiding the Dangers of HypnosisHypnosis is cool, but it’s also very powerful. So you do need to make sure that you use it responsibly. You will discover how to use hypnosis sensibly and how to avoid all of the common pitfalls that could lead to complications. I only practise safe, sensible hypnosis and my teaching style will ensure your hypnotic experiments are safe, fun and entertaining from day one.  
Stick peoples hands together and find out who’s best for your show!
Suggestibility tests are such a good laugh to play around with! Sure, they do have a serious purpose’ they help you choose the very best volunteers for your show, but they are also a quick, easy and fun way of demonstrating your hypnotic power! 
These are the techniques you will be using to stick peoples hands together, or to lock their eyes closed. I’m sure you’ve seen this kind of thing on TV. One of my more memorable experiences was with a friend way back during my first few inductions. I locked his eyes shut, just to give him an idea of how hypnosis feels and he was completely convinced that nothing had happened’ in an attempt to prove me wrong he turned to face me with wide open eyes.. only his eyes weren’t wide open!!! He did manage to raise his eyebrows but his eyelids wouldn’t budge! When he realised they were truly stuck he began trying to prise them open with his fingers! It was such a funny thing to witness and the whole process only took a couple of minutes!!
Suggestibility tests work really well, and they’re fast, so they’re definitely a lot of fun. But the best thing about these tests is the reaction you get when you do them. The hand lock test is a great example, people really don’t think anything has happened, and then you invite them to try and open their hands’ The reaction is usually along the lines of, ‘Oh my God! What have you done?!?’
You will discover a nice variety of suggestibility tests, each having it’s own benefits. The hand locking and eye lock tests are a great way of revealing the exhibitionists, the arm rotating and hand magnets tests show the suggestibility order of your volunteers and the fall back test seamlessly leads you into an instant induction that will amaze everybody!
How to EXPLODE your Suggestive Powers using ‘Linguistic Bridges’
You would be forgiven for thinking that linguistic bridges are some complicated technical hypnotic technique, they’re not! ‘Linguistic’ basically means ‘language’, and ‘bridge’ refers to the way we ‘link’ parts of our language together, the word ‘and’ is a very basic linguistic bridge.
So what do these simple ‘language links’ do?
They do something very special and rather dramatic when used correctly’ By including a few well-chosen links, your suggestions instantly become much more powerful. This is one of the easiest ways to enhance your inductions, once you know how they work they are so simple to use. That’s why it completely amazes me every time I read a book on hypnosis that fails to mention them!! And almost EVERY book I have read on hypnosis completely fails to mention them!! Why? I have absolutely no idea!
Linguistic bridges come in varying strengths and you will need to know how and when to use each to get the best results. These are the tools that give you the edge over other hypnotists, I can’t stress enough how simple they are to use and when you try them out for yourself you will soon realise how powerful such poetic simplicity can be.
If hypnosis really does have closely guarded secrets, linguistic bridges would certainly be at the top of the list! 
Your very own powerful ‘Word for Word’ Hypnotic induction script! To hypnotize somebody all you have to do is read this out! How simple is that!!!
The great thing about using a script like this is that you don’t have to understand how it works for it to work, all you need to do is read it to your volunteer. It couldn’t be any easier!
Many of my students are not completely new to hypnosis, they have read a few guides and tried out one or two techniques. And all of them tell me how difficult it is to learn when you don’t have a complete script. It’s so frustrating when you have to make do with a few suggestions and the annoying instruction to ‘carry on like this until the desired outcome is achieved!’ Well that’s exactly what you are gonna side step, because you have a complete word for word induction script that’s ready to go! 
And you can be confident that it will work too! Because your exact script has been used time and time again by thousands of my students over the years to hypnotize countless people. Using your script is not only easy, it’s also extremely effective.
This really is the part you have been waiting for! An actual word for word hypnotic script that’s been successfully used time and time again to hypnotize hundreds of people! All you have to do is read it out. It couldn’t be easier. And it really works!!  
How did I do that?Hypnotizing another person is so easy when you use the word for word induction script’ But wouldn’t you like to know how you did it? Well that’s what you are about to find out! We are gonna strip down the script and look at each sentence in turn! You’ll discover exactly what each section of the script does, so you’ll understand why you said it.
This process is completely fascinating and really gives you a thorough understanding of hypnosis. You’ll uncover the hidden messages that practically guarantee your induction is a success and you’ll understand how everything comes together to create a massively powerful induction.
This is much more than fascinating, as it allows you to get right up close to the action and really pick the process apart, enabling you to actually design your very own powerful and professional hypnotic scripts!  
Progressing to the WOW factor with Instant Hypnosis!
Instant inductions are like having your own hypnotic magic wand! They are really fast and dynamic… and amazing to watch! Your credibility as a master of hypnosis will sky rocket when you use these techniques’ and believe it or not, they are also surprisingly easy to do!
You will learn three instant induction methods, two of these allow you to actually hypnotize your volunteer as you great them onto the stage’ just by shaking their hand!!
The third, you will recognise instantly’ it’s the one you have probably seen on TV. One second, the subject is standing talking to the hypnotist, the next, his head slumps as he falls into a deep trance and the hypnotist lowers him to the floor!
It’s one of the most dynamic displays of hypnosis, incredibly fast and looks fantastic. It’s also really easy to do’ and you can flow seamlessly into it from the suggestibility tests, so you’ll look really professional.
Instant hypnosis is extremely cool, this is the stuff that’ll make your credibility rating as a master hypnotist explode! It’s the ‘wow’ factor that you have been looking for!
Putting on your very own show to the paying public!
I know its fun to practise on your mates!! I did that for months before I actually got up on stage! But.. as your skills develop, and your confidence builds.. sooner or later you are going to be performing to the paying public!
When I was in your position I was terrified of the thought of getting up on stage and having all those faces looking up at me’ but, as I learned more about hypnosis I began to hypnotize myself to overcome my crippling stage fright and became so confident that I couldn’t wait to get up and perform!
I am so glad that I took that step, messing around with hypnosis on friends and work colleagues was a great laugh, but getting up on stage and doing my first proper show’ that was mind blowing!!! 
To make sure your first public performance is a success you will receive valuable advice that can only come from experience. Your guide to putting on a show covers everything you need to know, including…
The equipment
Your appearance 
Setting the stage
The introduction 
The entrance
Asking for volunteers
The pre-hypnotic talk
The suggestibility test
The induction
Deepening the trance
The hypnotic routines
Awakening the subject
Thanking the volunteers
Plus Much Much More!  
You’ll discover stacks more things too, far too much to list here! To put it in a nutshell, you’ll learn how to hypnotize people, have a lot of fun with it, and then wake them up safely! You have a stack of hilarious routines to try out and great practical advice for doing shows. 
If you decide that you want to take advantage of this opportunity to master hypnosis, you should know that it has a real price tag. This is important for two reasons.
First — you can feel confident that ‘How to Hypnotize’ is truly complete. It’s not a “teaser” designed to upgrade you to something more expensive.
Second — and much more important — because of its price tag, you really do know that you’re buying quality. This ebook has been written with ONE goal in mind, to turn you into a hypnotist… fast, and that is exactly what it does.
Look: Most people fail because they don’t know where to start. That’s why ‘How to Hypnotize’ has been written in a clear, step-by-step manner. Instead of being overwhelmed, you’ll have a clear game plan; you’ll know exactly what to do first, second, third, etc.
As you have already seen, many of my readers have tried everything else, so did I! Don’t waste your time and money trying what doesn’t work. Make the smart decision, and join the thousands of satisfied readers that have discovered the secrets of hypnosis, not just in theory… but in fact!
Too many ‘how to’ guides waste time with unnecessary ‘filler’ and never get around to telling you what you really need to know! I prefer to give it to you straight, in simple, easy to understand, step-by-step instructions that are designed to turn you into a confident, competent hypnotist…. FAST!
…But, just to make sure you are comfortable… 
“Let me take all the risk for you!”
If you use my strategies, and follow my instruction, I personally guarantee that you’ll be able to perform Genuine Hypnosis within a month. Much sooner if you are serious!
Many of my readers hypnotize their first volunteer within hours of ordering… if you follow my guidance there’s no reason why you can’t join them!
I’ll happily send you a 100% refund of your purchase price!  
If you don’t think that this information is for you, or if you change your mind for any reason at all… You can simply claim a 100% refund of your purchase. NO QUESTIONS ASKED!
Now, I know that some people put my techniques into practise immediately and are hypnotizing their first volunteers the same day they place an order. But, there are also those people that like to take their time to really get to know hypnosis inside-out before practising. That’s why I’m giving you a full 60 days to decide if this is for you.
If you want to return your purchase I will refund every penny you paid for it, No Questions Asked! I confidently offer my 60 day guarantee because I am so certain that you will be absolutely thrilled with your purchase!
I designed this guarantee for the 99% who are honest, but naturally sceptical — not the 1% who’ll take advantage of me. But more important…
I’ve been offering this same guarantee for years, and only a handful of customers have taken me up on this guarantee… Sure, once in a while there’s a tire kicker who buys my ebook, does nothing with it, and requests a refund. But as you can see from my testimonials, customers who USE my strategies are wowed by the results, and wouldn’t even think of trading the information back for a few dollars
This simple step-by-step guide is all you need to transform yourself into a master of hypnosis… In fact, you are just minutes away from getting started!! You don’t even have to wait for the mailman! Because ‘How to Hypnotize’ is an Electronic Book, and you will be able to download your very own copy in seconds!!!
This means that in less than an hour from now you could actually hypnotize someone!! I know it sounds almost too good to be true, that’s what Dan Stanton thought, so did Simon Glover, and Lee Davis! Yet they all successfully hypnotized someone within an hour of reading this page! So have countless others… and so can you! (And even if it does take you a little longer to master hypnosis…  Remember, you have the security of your ‘no questions asked’ 60 day guarantee, so you have absolutely nothing to lose and so much to gain.)
Click on the ‘buy Now’ button below to secure your copy of ‘How to Hypnotise’ right now for a single payment of just $27 – You’ll be reading it in minutes, and could even hypnotise somebody TONIGHT!
Your FREE Bonus Gifts! ($129.75 value)
Because I want to be sure that you have every tool, technique, and tip that you could possibly need to guarantee your success, I’ve agreed to give away a Bonus ‘Toolbox’ of FIVE SUPER BONUSES — absolutely free:
Bonus # 1 “Dylan Morgan’s ‘Hypnosis for Beginners’ eBook” (Value $29.95)
Dylan’s ‘Hypnosis for Beginners’ is a great introduction to the hypnotic process, with practical experiments and advice to get you started quickly. Dylan’s style is very differnt to mine and it compliments my work very well, giving you a new perspective on your learning.
It’s yours to keep! Absolutely free of charge when you order my bonus discount package!
Bonus # 2 “Advanced Hypnotic Techniques eBook” (Value: $29.95)
An amazing collection of 148 real life scenario scripts to enhance your hypnotic powers! Essential reading for anyone with an interest in developing as a hypnotherapist. Demonstrating exactly what a professional would do in almost every situation you are ever likely to encounter! This is the ultimate ‘fly on the wall’ experience!
Fascinating, educational and fun! And easy to jump into at any point when you have a few minutes spare!
Bonus # 3 “Hypnotic Inductions eBook” (Value: $29.95)
An extensive array of hypnotic inductions and deepeners for every occasion!
Rapid Inductions
Difficult Patients
Child Scripts
Association Methods
Confusion Techniques
                    Plus MUCH MUCH MORE!
This valuable resource is crammed with Step by step, fully scripted instructions in a no nonsense format! You will be reaching for this one time and time again… a true ‘tool-box bonus!’
Bonus # 4 “Hypnosis Plain and Simple – The Quickstart guide to hypnosis” (Value: $19.95)
This is a very special mini eBook that I recently put together as a basic introduction to trance. My advice is to READ THIS FIRST!
It is obviously not as comprehensive as my other guides but, if you want to learn fast, then this is the way to do it.
This mini ebook is a very fast BRAIN DUMP! You can read the whole thing in a matter of minutes and you will very quickly understand what hypnosis is all about. This will massively increase your learning when you read the other guides in your package.
If your anything like me, you’re probably not the most patient of people when it comes to learning new skills! Well this mini guide is exactly what you need. Read it immediately and you will be able to answer questions and talk knowledgeably about hypnosis in less than 30 minutes!
Bonus # 5 “Hypnotic Regression – A Beginners Guide to Hypnotic Regression” (Value $19.95)
Past life regression is such a fascinating area of hypnosis. This guide explores some interesting ideas about the human soul and teaches you how to safely regress a client and uncover the secrets of the past.
Regression can be very therapeutic for your client, and a fascinating experience for you.
That’s $129.75 worth of bonuses that are YOURS TO KEEP! Even if you decide that hypnosis is not for you!
Want even more?
If you order right now, I am also including an additional bonus… Completely free of charge!
I know that some of you will immediately see the value of my special bonus, but let me explain a little more about it…
If you order today, I am also including a very special bonus at no additional charge… Resell rights to my mini eBook, “Hypnosis Plain and Simple – The Quickstart guide to hypnosis“
This means that you have my permission to resell my mini eBook on to others…. And keep 100% of the profits! I even let you set the price yourself!
You could easily sell the mini eBook through eBay, or maybe from your own website! And because you get to keep all the money…. After a few sales you will have back everything that you originally paid for my complete package… and much more besides!
BUT…. There is one way that I can make this offer even more profitable for you…
Not only can you sell the mini eBook, “Hypnosis Plain and Simple – The Quickstart guide to hypnosis“ you can also….
GIVE IT AWAY FOR FREE!     ….now why might you want to do that?
Even if you don’t have a website now, you very probably will in the future! And as your hypnotic skills develop you could soon be creating your very own hypnotic products!
By giving away my mini ebook at your site, you have a fantastic way of collecting ‘opt-in’ email addresses of people that you know are fascinated with hypnosis! Every single one a potential future customer!
When you give away a valuable and useful gift to your visitors, they really appreciate it. And a happy visitor is much more likely to become a loyal customer.
There’s also an additional benefit to giving away this guide. Inside the guide is a link back to this page. So when you give the guide away, anybody reading it will come here, just like you did, read this page and maybe purchase my course. So how does this benefit you? Surely that’s just free advertising for me right? Well, not exactly. You see, I’m going to show you how to “brand” that link with your unique affiliate ID. So when a person clicks it and comes here to buy my course I’ll know that you sent them, and as a thank you, I’ll pay you 50% commission on the sale!
In addition to this, I encourage readers to share the guide with their friends. When they do they’ll be sharing your affiliate link! It doesn’t matter how many people pass the book on, when anybody clicks on that link decides to purchase my course from this page you get 50% commission on the sale!
The potential benefit of this gift alone is huge!  
And remember, even if you decide hypnosis is not for you, you still get to keep all of the freebies… even the resell rights to the mini ebook! You can place your order completely risk free with my full 60 day, no questions asked guarantee, so you have plenty of time to make sure you are completely satisfied. And when I say ‘no questions asked’ I really do mean it. If you want a refund, simply let me know and I happily refund every penny you paid, with a smile! You have so much to gain and absolutely nothing to lose!
I offer my guarantee because I’m completely confident that you will be absolutely delighted with your purchase!
Before you order, I want to take a second to remind you that these guides are electronic books, so you will actually own them, and be reading them in less than 3 minutes! You will be able to download your guides immediately after purchase! Even if I am asleep on the other side of the planet!!
Not only does this mean you can get started right away it means…It also means that you could actually hypnotize your first volunteer today! Now I bet that’s not something you thought you would be doing when you got up this morning!
I know you are eager to get started as fast as possible, and I am excited at having the opportunity to be the one that teaches you! I know what lies ahead for you because I have been exactly where you are! And being partly responsible for that change makes me feel great!
Claim your copy of ‘How to Hypnotise’ today…
Buying this course is like purchasing a BRAIN DUMP of everything I have learned on hypnosis, years of study and experience compacted into an easy to understand collection of electronic books designed to turn YOU into a hypnotist…. FAST!
You can spend years reading countless books, attending expensive seminars and courses — like I did — figuring out what works and what doesn’t. But doesn’t it make a lot more sense to skip the learning curve?
If you answered “Yes,” and you want to know how to hypnotize people, starting right now, using proven techniques that literally thousands of my students have been using to successfully hypnotize people… (Even though they previously knew absolutely nothing about hypnosis!) then all you need to do is click on the order link below and you’ll be transfered to a secure server to place your order.
Once your order has been processed, you’ll be able to download everything immediately. you’ll also receive an email receipt for your purchase that contains a link to the download page, so if you’re ordering at work, or on your phone and can’t download everything right now you can place your order, then download your purchase from your email receipt when you get home.
It only takes a few minutes to download everything. Click on the ‘Buy Now’ button below to be transfered to the secure server and place your order…
Steven Hall MCOH MASC (NLP) www.how-to-hypnotize-people.com email: [email protected]
P.S. At this point after reading a typical offer, you probably think to yourself “Do I really want to gamble a single low payment of $27?” That’s exactly why I offer my “60 DAY: Nothing To Lose guarantee“. If you change your mind, your payment will be returned with a smile!
The $129.75 worth of bonuses are yours to keep no matter what, as well as the resell rights to the mini eBook! That’s a guaranteed gain, no matter what you decide! Click here to order online now.
P.P.S. Remember, your eBooks will be with you immediately! This means no waiting for delivery! You will be able to download your purchase straight away… So you can get started in minutes! You could even hypnotize your first volunteer today!! Click here to order online now.
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manuelozom575-blog · 5 years
20 Questions You Should Always Ask About copyright Before Buying It
And eventually, the really like you make, is equivalent towards the like, you're taking. ~Lennon and McCartney~
I use to have aggravated by Valentines Working day. I regarded it a dollars get perpetrated with the greeting card, floral, lingerie and confectionary industries to get American shoppers to pay $18.6 billion (according to the Countrywide Retail Federation) in an effort to materially express our like for our partners. A ritualized instance of commercial hucksterism.
When reflecting on Valentines Working day and the earnings derived from your notion of love, it transpired to me that if firms truly "occupy" the notion of love within their company cultures, revenue would prosper, leaders would be more fulfilled, as well as ripple effect would transform the social and environmental crises struggling with the World today.
The Enterprise of Love
Why is there no really like in companies? Why is adore all but stricken from the corporate lexicon?
Initial, as business enterprise people today we have been mired within the distorted paradigm that we must "contend" for "our reasonable share" - acquire/drop considering, and that is dependant on the belief that there aren't more than enough resources for everybody to are in material abundance. Scarcity relies on worry - panic that there won't be sufficient. And worry and appreciate - as opposing polarities, simply cannot co-exist.
Second, adore is misperceived as "smooth" in a hard corporate world, when in actuality, to lead with the open up coronary heart - the supply of love, have faith in, link and empowerment - calls for serious courage, and is the only legitimate supply of power. A way more skillful technique to live and guide.
At last, the product of capitalism was crafted within the confined notion turned self-satisfying prophecy that self curiosity drives human conduct. From there it's got grown into a pathological pursuit For additional, perpetuated by an epidemic of panic.
Subsequently, enjoy in enterprise is a misconceived anomaly - Peculiar bedfellows that almost never exist in-tandem. But that may be transforming. We're at the precipice of a social transformation in capitalism, and leaders that disregard this do this at their peril.
A Demand Bravery
Envision a courageous CEO, a conscious leader, prepared to function from his heart along with his head. A CEO that has asks the concerns - how am i able to provide? What exactly is our purpose and what is the goal of small business? What on earth is driving my lifestyle - my ego, or an intelligent drive subject dependant on adore? And what if I check out on adore as a corporate mantra - compassion and caring for all my stakeholders - workforce, clients, suppliers, shareholders, Local community, even my Opposition? Consider a corporation with a higher perception of intent, that is totally endearing to all its stakeholders. What would that appear like concerning income, industry value, Pleasure, peace, fulfillment!?
Heartshare Equals Marketshare
Professor Raj Sisodia wrote a fantastic ebook, identified as Companies of Endearment, the place he profiled 30 businesses operating from this area of compassion and repair, and empirically shown that not simply were being their employees happier plus more engaged, but their stock current market benefit outperformed the S&P 500 over a ten 12 months period of time by a factor of 8.
As human beings, irrespective of whether we acknowledge it or not, our biggest need to have is connection and romantic relationship, the supply of that's really like. That supply can be happens being the strongest creator of business value. Personnel want appreciate - caring and relationship - to each other and also to the next intent - to go the extra mile. Clients want to be in enjoy. The models of Starbucks, Google, Whole Foods, Harley Davidson, Apple may very well be thought of "Lovemarks" in lieu of "Emblems". And if buyers are unable to uncover really like, they'll settle for the cheapest price as an alternative to having to pay you a top quality.
There are many terrific pioneers in private and general public providers who realize that emotionally clever Management is at the guts of the new value revolution. They know that "heart-share" is a more skillful intention than "wallet-share" - ultimately bringing about the best earnings and price development. Underneath can be a handful of:
Innovators Embrace Adore and Make Excellent Wealth
• Kevin Roberts, CEO of Saatchi and Saatchi, one of several worlds greatest marketing companies described the very best volume of branding as creating a "lovemark" vs. trademark, service mark or copywrite.
• Southwest Airways, NYSE ticker image, "LUV", known as "the enjoy airline" is the only airline that has been successful annually because it commenced in 1973. CEO Gary Kelly describes his differentiator as "Individuals working collectively, lovin' each other, men and women respecting each other".
• John Mackey, CEO of Total Foods labored together with his crew to produce a "Declaration of Interdependence", which acknowledges that all stakeholders are just like a family whose members depend upon one another.
• Honda "marries their suppliers for life"; The moment suppliers make admittance into Honda's offer chain, they're supported in improving their top quality and profitability.
The reality is capitalism, in It is current kind, isn't really Performing. But capitalism can get the job done. And financial gain growth can catalyze vital equilibrium in the environment outside of buy. It just requirements appreciate. We need to action exterior our paradigms of scarcity and Levels of competition, and move within a whole new paradigm of company, of offering, of caring. We have to grow to be informed the unconscious push of self interest only leads to wanting and dissatisfaction, and switch it with "enlightened self curiosity", aligning and serving stakeholder pursuits. Why? Simply because it works. It is really by far the most skillful way to build value, and develop what is copyright happiness.
R evol ution is really an within task. But right up until we go previous our possess indoctrination, embedded by a planet which is mentally sick, we can't determine what re evol ution is. We have arrive a good distance, and Obviously the beginning is in the vicinity of.
As portion of the strategic approach, I invite you to definitely check with yourself how one can Develop far more appreciate into your manufacturer and company approach - by aligning, caring for and serving your stakeholders - customers, staff, investors, suppliers, community and world alike.
The generation of potent yet simple duplicate starts With all the famous 1st Theory: The goods and services presented have to satisfy a genuine need to have. This can be simple and easy to try and do, In line with Susan Gunelius, author of Kick Ass Copywriting in 10 Quick Ways. The 1st Basic principle Of Copywriting suggests "Your product or service is much less important than It is potential to meet your buyer's desires." Keep an eye on this idea simply because a goods and services has to meet a should be of desire into the obtaining public. If it does not fill a need no-one will want it or buy it.
In order to promote a product with basic but efficient copywriting we check with ourselves who would like to purchase our item and why. There's two different types of want we are interested in; urgent will need and mere perceived want. We tackle our copy to possibly a person. The one person very likely to invest in our services or products is an individual by using a require for it. So we pitch to the need. Any issue that triggers Severe distress and/or threatens the daily life and contentment with the prospect and his skill to function absolutely is definitely an urgent have to have. But perceived will need refers to requirements that aren't Severe but never the fewer make the prospect not comfortable. His discomfort is this sort of that he definitely wishes relief but will endure no potent hurt if his satisfaction is sluggish to reach. Because urgent will need is among the most persuasive it is actually simpler to supply a service or product that should get rid of the urgent threat promptly. Though most items accessible to the public handle lesser perceived requires. But we might be wise to make or advertise an merchandise that removes urgent have to have. This is clear more than enough.
Urgent require is always the necessity to offer productively having a risk to survival or maybe the ability to survive in the short term that also triggers physical or psychological irritation. The necessity for food, air, h2o, local climate and alternatives to daily life threatening illnesses are its main characteristics. Items enabling the prospect t to earn income also strongly relate to survival plus the appropriation of comfort. Copywriting tackled to what's termed "perceived have to have" discounts with less quick sources of pain, lots of which may be typically psychological. The most powerful copywriting aims at urgent require . Giving to satisfy any need to have is the initial principle of copywriting. We may even intend to make use of your list of the various typical needs, urgent and perceived. Copywriting seeks to strike the concentrate on strongly with persuasive text. That is the way of impressive copywriting.
After Understanding each standard copywriting theory in the whole Kick Ass Copywriting eCourse we must always take a look at true existence advertizing and get Be aware of how the basic principle is getting applied by Specialist copywriters. Take some time to take a look at a Television set advert, a newspaper ad, magazine ad, or Website product sales website page, and hear an audio advertisement right after Mastering Each and every theory. They're great real lifetime samples of the principles we discover below and present particular ways of how the pertinent demands are qualified, as well as the type and truly feel from the presentation. We are able to find out a great deal at no cost by researching ads that we find everywhere you go. In fact, we might be difficult pressed to stop them.
0 notes
How the Attack Surface audiobook can reform Audible
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There's an EXCELLENT piece up on Fast Company by Steven Melendez about my Kickstarter campaign to pre-sell audibooks of my next novel, as a way to demonstrate the viability of publishing audio without caving to Audible/Amazon's mandatory DRM policy. https://www.fastcompany.com/90549199/why-this-author-is-taking-a-stand-against-amazons-audiobook-monopoly Melendez does great work laying out the case for refusing DRM, and the risks to publishers and writers in allowing Amazon to lock their works to its platform (it's a felony to remove DRM or provide the tools to do so, even if you own the copyright to the DRM-locked work!). Reading his piece, it strikes me that I could do a better job for laying out my theory of change here - how preordering the audiobook could actually lead to a fairer world where power shifts away from Amazon (owners of Audible) to the creators of audiobooks. Obviously most authors couldn't do what I'm doing. I've been publishing books since 2000, more than 20 of 'em, with several NYT bestsellers. This particular book is the sequel to two MASSIVE bestsellers with huge, dedicated followings. Publishing lives and dies on this kind of book. One of the major reason that publishers publish "midlist" books and first novels is in the hopes that they'll "break out" and become perennial bestsellers that subsidize the next round of risky bets on midlist and first books. So while this isn't a typical kind of book, it's an important one. So let's say this does really well in audio, selling, say, 10,000 copies. That works out really well for me, as I'm the publisher for this one, because I keep 95% of that (Kickstarter gets 5%).
By contrast, if my publisher sold this with Audible, they'd get 70% (Amazon takes 30%), and then I'd get 25% of that (17.5% of the gross). That means I earn 542% of what my take would be with a publisher/Audible on these sales. So my profit on 10,000 self-published, Kickstarted audiobooks is roughly equivalent to 54,200 commercial books sold through Audible. I had to pay to produce the audiobook and put in a hard month's work on promoting the KS, but that still a great upside. So that's one way things could change. Frontlist writers could demand to retain their audio rights in publisher negotiations and do what I did. It's hard work, and only a minority of writers are situated to do it, but it would make sense for some of 'em. And that would definitely make a dent in Amazon's business: they're a hit-driven biz, too. If a big chunk of major books were "Audible exclusive" (that is, sold everywhere EXCEPT Audible), they'd feel the pinch, first in lost revenues and then in lost subscribers. After all, once the presale campaign is over, this book will be for sale everywhere EXCEPT Audible: libro.fm, downpour.com, even Google Play. All of those stores have stock and plans that are basically identical to Audible. And if they amass sizeable collections of exclusive-of-Audible bestsellers, there will be good reasons for customers to defect to them from Audible. But what about the publishers? Well, maybe they won't release their frontlist authors' audiobook rights - but if they can make MUCH more money by working WITH authors to presell their audiobooks, AND weaken Amazon's stranglehold over their business...why wouldn't they? In this scenario, authors and publishers do (better-than-retail) revenue shares for a crowdfunded, DRM-free presale campaign, again diverting the bestselling titles from Amazon/Audible, once again driving support for retail alternatives to Amazon. One advantage I haven't mentioned yet: shifting away from Audible is GREAT news for libraries, since neither Audible originals, nor Kindle originals, are available AT ALL for library purchase. Imagine a publisher BOYCOTTING LIBRARIES! And here's the theory-of-change part: realistically, not selling through Amazon means that a lot of readers and listeners won't encounter your work - even if you make more money overall, this is not ideal. My end-game is for Amazon to make good on the promise it made in 2008 when it bought Audible: to drop its DRM (or at least make it optional!). That way, readers who buy their audiobooks from Amazon can change retailers without abandoning their expensive audiobooks. That alone won't end Amazon's dominance (we'll need meaningful antitrust enforcement for that), but without that step, competition doesn't have a hope in hell. We MUST end the situation where every dollar spent on our books at Audible is a dollar our readers will have to throw away to switch to a rival. We can do that, and we don't need every writer to be in a position to refuse Audible to make it happen. We just need to starve them of the books from their most popular authors - and happily, those authors stand the best chance of making MORE money by doing crowdfunders for pre-sales. If bestsellers like me do this, we'll make more money AND we'll make the world better for ALL authors. And one more bonus: I'm using the crowdfunder to presell ebooks (and sell ebooks for the previous two volumes - 4,000 ebooks in five days (and counting). I'm the retailer for these ebooks, so I get 30% off the top, send the remaining 70% to my publisher, and they send me 25% of that back as a royalty: that means I get 47.5% of the gross on these. And they're ebooks that are sold without enriching Amazon. That's my fiendish plan - my plan to be the pebble that starts the avalanche that moves the mountain. You can help! A $15 pre-order for the audiobook (list price $25!) will help to change the world: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/doctorow/attack-surface-audiobook-for-the-third-little-brother-book I look forward to selling the first-ever DRM-free Audible book. (thank you for attending my TED Talk!)
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cameronwjones · 6 years
Event Heroes: How One Software Conference Is Taking Over the World
Each month we interview an events professional that is doing something remarkable. This month we spoke with Dayna Rothman, CRO at SaaStr, about multi-channel event promotion, the differences and similarities between B2B and B2C events, and what it takes to scale a rapidly growing event.
Founded in 2012 by Jason Lemkin, SaaStr is the world’s largest community of SaaS executives, founders, and entrepreneurs. Although the community started online, it has since grown into the world's hottest conference for business software in the world. Each year tens of thousands of software enthusiasts partake in the flagship SaaStr Annual in San Francisco. But this event is just the one part of a much larger picture.
Dayna Rothman is Chief Revenue Office at SaaStr and a marketing thought leader. It's her job to continue to grow and scale the SaaStr brand. As soon as she joined, Dayna found herself balancing large scale event marketing and nitty-gritty event logistics. Prior to SaaStr, Dayna worked at Marketo, BrightFunnel, EverString and has published several books on marketing, including "Lead Generation for Dummies." 
Brandon: Before serving as the chief revenue officer of SaaStr, in what ways did you work with events?
Dayna: I've never quite been so involved with events in my previous roles. At Marketo I ran content marketing there for about three and a half years. I was part of the core events team but wasn't in charge of any logistics. I was just working on all the content around an event. If we had to do any type of infographics leading up to the event or live blogging, that's what I was in charge of.
At EverString and BrightFunnel, I was VP of marketing, so obviously I was involved in events from a higher level and then. I had people on my team that executed on the events, but at both of those companies we were more exhibiting and doing field events—not something of SaaStr’s scale for sure.
Now that you're at SaaStr how do events fit into your day-to-day?
Events are now a huge part of my day-to-day because at SaaStr, the larger initiatives that we do are around events. That's the way that our community comes together to network and meet in-person, so events have become a much larger focus not only from the promotional demand gen side of things but also logistically.
Then the other thing that's different here is that my companies in the past used events as a pipeline generator or a deal accelerator. But here at SaaStr, events are our primary source of revenue.
A revenue-generating event is much different than a pipeline-generating event.
Having dealt with a B2B pipeline approach and now a revenue approach, what are some of the things that stand out as being different?
Stuff like profit margin is something that is focused on at SaaStr quite a bit. Of course at my previous roles, ROI was always incredibly important with events and we did diligently track ROI—I had a general marketing budget—but sticking to a very specific profit margin wasn't something that I focused on in previous roles.
So here, because our event needs to generate revenue so that we can reinvest into the business, I have to make sure that I'm keeping track of how budget and real-time revenue is going to affect how much money we'll make from the environment.
We have to have a variety of different dynamic ways that we look at the PnL for SaaStr. We're looking at a high, medium, and low scenario—and we can quickly change things if they aren't on plan from a revenue perspective. I think that's the main difference.
The other thing is that the two areas of revenue for us are ticket sales and sponsorship sales.
Sponsorship sales follow a pretty typical B2B sale cycle. There's a funnel and different lead stages and different opportunity stages and SDRs and the whole nine yards, but ticket sales are definitely more of a unique beast to me. It is a little bit more of a B2C motion. Getting used to that has been a learning curve.
Are there any particular obstacles you ran into or best practices that you've learned along the way, specifically with trying to generate a volume of ticket sales?
I think it's just coming up with a constant stream of promotions or things that'll make people interested in buying throughout the year.
When you're selling more of a B2B lifecycle, it's a little bit different in that your end goal is to have them buy your product. So everything you're doing is leading up to that, but you're looking at metrics from a quarterly or a yearly perspective where there's a whole sales cycle involved.
A promotional video for SaaStr 2019.
Ticket sales are very transactional—they're very quick—so it's making sure that you have the right mix of campaigns that are going to consistently drive that in a very high volume fashion.
Fortunately, as you mentioned, you're stepping into this events role with a lot of experience in marketing.
Yeah, there's a variety of different ways that I am leveraging my past experience in what we're doing now.
Obviously the sponsorship sales—that's really a huge focus for us because that's repeatable revenue that can be renewed year over year. Some of those contract sizes are quite large and they do follow more of that typical B2B sales cycle where we are generating long-form content, putting folks into lead nurture tracks, running targeting ads to them. And then on the SDR side having SDR cadences and different target accounts.
For the ticket sales, I think that website conversion optimization is really important. We're redoing our website and thinking through some of those conversion paths. Also, we're going to be generating more longer form content so that there are different, interesting ways for people to get into our database and learn about the event.
Could you tell me a little bit more about the type of long-form content that you plan on using or are using?
Content is a key pillar of the SaaStr brand and so a lot of our community has been generated and based off of different best practice content on how to grow your company.
Most of that to date has been a lot of blog posts—we have done videos—but I think our community would really love things that are just a little bit meatier. Things where people can actually have a piece of content that's gated by form. They'll put their information in and we’ll have more ways to grow the database.
One of the things that we have found is our database is really our primary source of ticket sales when you're looking at just what performs the best. So then it becomes crucial to grow that database, and I think long form-content is a really important way.
In addition to longer form eBooks, we’re thinking: "What are some of those different mediums of content?" More infographics, maybe putting out some type of industry report at some point, building out our video content library.
We're thinking of a bunch of different things that we can use to further engage our audience.
It's interesting because it seems like some of these same tactics, again, would somewhat tie back to that B2B space.
I'd love to learn a little bit more about the festival in general. I know that you recently joined SaaStr.
Right before this past event. This past annual.
At the past SaaStr Annual, I understand there were around 15 thousand attendees and over 300 speakers. Back when the conference first launched in 2015 there were two thousand attendees. From your perspective, what could be attributed to this extreme growth that the conference has seen over the past few years?
I think that there's a few of reasons why.
One is that most of the tech conferences that people attend are vendor-hosted tech conferences. You go to Dreamforce, that's a Salesforce conference. You go to Marketo summit, that's a Marketo conference. A lot of that is based around those particular vendors and their products.
At SaaStr, we offer a tech conference, but one that's vendor-neutral so that we don't have any of those particular product ties nor do we have an underlying goal of selling you a product.
We can provide unbiased content to our attendees.
I think another reason is our content. We are able to bring together a huge variety of CEOs from some of the top companies in the world to speak at our conference in formats that are slightly different from other conferences. We do a lot of “fireside chats”, panels, one-on-ones and AMA [Ask me anything] style sessions.
A panel at SaaStr Annual (Source: SaaStr)
I think a third reason is historically, SaaStr conferences have been a little bit less corporate-seeming than a lot of the other conferences.  We've got a cool, fun stage design. We do parties that are a little bit different. For this next year's annual, we will have a Burning Man theme throughout the entire conference, which will be fun.
This is the first year that SaaStr is going to be holding a large scale conference in Europe. What factors went into deciding that now is the right time to expand?
We have a very large global audience that comes to our events in general, so we thought of bringing the SaaStr Silicon Valley overseas to folks that might not be able to experience our annual event another way.
Also, we get a lot of people that come to SaaStr Annual [in San Francisco], so we don't necessarily need to hold another one in New York City. The event is big enough that people travel from all over, so really, the next step is to try the format globally.
In Paris this year and then who knows where next, right?
Who knows? Could be anywhere.
To touch on your marketing background again, what’s one strategy that you are applying in your promotion SaaStr?
I think the important thing is having a multi-channel approach and making your message available on all different channels that people frequent and in different formats. Some people would rather read a blog. Some people would rather listen to a podcast. Some people would rather watch a video. So making sure that we have different formats of content to help attract people that consume content different ways.
What is one of the most rewarding parts of the event process for you?
I think the most rewarding parts of the event process is just being at the live event and seeing everyone's excitement and getting people's feedback.
Events are very, very impactful. They're probably some of the more immediate results-type marketing activities that you can do because they are live, they are in-person—you get that energy straightaway.
I think that's the best part of an event is just really seeing what effect it can have on the community, when people love that event and get super excited. Maybe it changes their life in some way like they meet a future employer or a great mentor.
A novice events professional is looking for some advice. What would you tell them?
I think one of the biggest mistakes that people make when it comes to events—and I think this is really hard to predict—is to be prepared for the unknown because you don't know what you don't know until you know, and it might not be very good.
That's something that I have learned, especially here at SaaStr. When I joined I had to really, really jump into an event that was three weeks away and just be in there in the nitty-gritty. Really on a whole other level than I ever have been with events and it was a lot of, "What don't I know?"
I would recommend talking to as many people as you can to figure out, "What are those unknowns?" If you know people that have hosted an event in the same venue, give those people a call, understand what their budget looks like, what was a super surprise?
Also, if you're doing a very large event, partnering with an agency helps you avoid some of those pitfalls, but even still you might go on-site and it's the day before an event and your signage is all wrong. Gosh, it can be a lot of problem solving in the moment.
How do you stay inspired and keep your creative instincts fresh?
We do try to hit up local events to see what people are doing. We're lucky: I'm in the Bay Area, there are lots of tech events you can go to and see who's doing creative things. What are people doing for AV? What are people doing for booth design? That will often just keep you fresh on what's going on in the event world.
This weekend here in the Bay Area is Maker Faire which I've never been to but I'm going to go to. It's not a tech event or anything really but there are lots of really creative people there that probably have creative, crazy things and so I might want them to be at the event.
Cool. Once an event is over, what's one of the first things you do?
You got to make sure that your email follow-up gets out. Especially if it’s your own event, make sure you're the first one that sends that follow-up.
from Cameron Jones Updates https://blog.bizzabo.com/event-heroes-dayna-rothman
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lessonsinromance · 6 years
Hearing Sense Recovery Review
Hearing Sense Recovery Review
Hearing Sense Recovery Review
Hearing Sense Recovery Review
Hearing issues recently is a common issue which will affect each and women either young or previous. Are you thinking what I might be thinking? That the flexibility to hear is one in every of the foremost necessary aspects of life? Worry no additional, you are simply in the proper review. Hearing reduction is certainly a pressing concern which will influence guys and females of all age range and when it will, it could lead to serious concerns upon a daily basis. If you've got spent ages finding reviews that will lead you to the most effective guide that can deal with your downside, this is finally the proper review. Simply build positive to read this review entirely and get to find out the key behind hearing sense recovery. hearing sense recovery What is Hearing Sense Recovery? Hearing Sense Recovery is an eBook that aims at recovering your lost hearing sense and also the weakening of the hearing system. The guide emphasizes on the idea that all the ways that that gets one to recover back their hearing is all natural. This formula relies on types of research, trials, research, and experiments to find ways that to eliminate hearing loss by combining it with natural ingredients and effective strategies. This whole method will effectively get to figure within 3 weeks. It provides the user with optimal clarity and volume. Similarly, the guide is a distinctive possibility that can't be realize elsewhere. According to the program, most professionals have been making an attempt for years to come back up with the same teachings that you get from this program. Through the three weeks process you will get to achieve:     The power and data required to perceive the difficulty that causes hearing loss.     Premium hearing ability, even one higher that you will have had before the weakening began.     You may get to achieve a distinctive and in depth new method to strengthen ones hearing. man's ear How does the guide work? In this section of our article let’s get to realize some little knowledge on how the program has in there for you. Hearing Sense Recovery reveals the hidden truth and secret ways that job faster for everybody to recover any hearing problems and allows vibrantly to revive the dreamed crystal clear hearing at any time you wish. The concept behind this program aims at supporting the users such as you and me to urge rid of all the useless hearing aids or other expensive implant surgery by begin using this remedy immediately. Far from that the guide provides you a variety of fantastic method to clear the hearing drawback by strengthening the hair cells that are found inside your ear for maximizing the simplest result. Essentially the idea that's brought about by this guide is to help you to know the importance of natural ingredients and mix it with some specific vitamins and minerals to improve the hair cells quickly. child listening What does the program has to offer?     Basically the eBook contains valuable info with a list of various herbs to heal the various ailments along with expertise the protection and health of your hearing to change your life extraordinary.     Once you choose to the present guide, you'll find the natural arrange that helps to regain your hearing and list of super foods to strengthening their hair cells for having overall health as higher forever.     If you really need to regain your hearing you need to understand your scenario and different frustration at the moment. This is often primarily the big task regarding this guide.     The product hares the entire ways with simple steps that you are doing a practice to follow in your routine with minimum effort, so you'll be able to feel comfortable to try to to in your home while not wasting your time.     Hearing Sense comes to you with valuable data and drop by drop directions to induce rid of hearing deficiency in just some days.     Hearing Sense Recovery Program Book, you’ll get access to a one hundred% unique guide …a guide that no alternative program can offer to you. Does hearing sense recovery has any bonuses? lady-covering-her-ears The answer is yes. Once you choose to the present guide you'll get a number of bonuses from it. Some of those bonuses are: Bonus #one: Hear Handling through Ear candling. Bonus #two: Hear super smoothies. Anything else about this guide? In any case you missed something up there you'll be able to get to be told something more regarding this product. The inspiration of this method is made after understanding the underlying issues related to hearing loss. By having the inspiration, users can be in a position to make the proper choices that cause a higher quality of life. In this case, those that undergo this arrange will lead concerning the corrosion recuses of hearing loss initial, the impact of sound on one’s basic safety and health, how to prevent hearing loss, and the practice of managing hearing reduction. There are many positive qualities of this operational system, however among the simplest is that the scheduled program is an all-natural and safe approach for one’s desires. ear examination Bottom Line Upon buying the program, users can receive a range of bonus materials yet, like hear handling through ear candling and hearing super smoothies. These bonus materials enable users to take their hearing to the next level. There are totally no facet effects concerned thus that users can add this system to their lifestyle without having to fret on the subject of any issues arising. The entire system is actually safe, effective, reliable, and prospects to encouraging results that starts working in 3 weeks. I so highly suggest this program for you. If you've got been wanting for the simplest guide that can restore your hearing as fast as possible then here is the $64000 deal, the proper program that you have got been missing. All you wish to do is to shop for this program and find to work out the wonders that is going to try to to in your life. It is a legit program and it will not scam in any respect. Expertise the important traditional feeling of hearing restoration with hearing sense recovery. >>> Don’t Miss It – Click Here Currently – See The Special Price! <<< Execs • The product is easy to understand and it provides you a space to implement the given strategies and alternative remedies without disturbing others. • The guide is a pure natural program primarily based on all natural ways that enables everybody to regain their lost hearing rapidly. • The product is comparatively low cost and therefore you'll be able to safe your money and time from useless merchandise. • Being a grade by grade single guide it's so gives you high chances of understanding. • The guide isn't solely efficient however conjointly effective since it delivers every and every side it promises. • The program is protected with a sixty day cash back guarantee in case you are not satisfied with what the program has to supply. Cons • It's an online account and so you require a well operating network for you to get access to the present guide. • In order to urge the actual results that you would like you'll have to finish all the steps in this guide, you don’t have to skip even one step. Summary: Hearing Sense Recovery could be a 3 week program that allows users to revive their hearing and in a very manner that provides them optimum clearness and amount. The guide relies on all natural, one hundred % proven technique to override the deficiency that can drastically improve your hearing in short few days.
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kmalexander · 5 years
Braun: A Free 16th Century Urban Cartography Brush Set for Fantasy City Maps
Many fantasy cartographers were excited when I launched Gomboust, my first brush set focused on the urban environment. I immediately starting making plans to release a second set. After all, what’s a fantasy setting without a wondrous city to explore?
Today I’m proud to release Braun, a 16th-century urban cartography brush set based on the incredible work of Georg Braun take from Civitates orbis terrarum—easily one of the most significant volumes of cartographic antiquity featuring bird’s eye maps of over five hundred and forty Renaissance cities. As you can imagine, this was a massive project, and it involved many more artists and cartographers. (A more extensive list is on Braun’s wiki page.) Georg Braun was the principle on the project, so the naming honor goes to him. Most of the signs extracted for this set came from the prints of Lyon, Ghent, Utrecht, and a bit from Paris. Every map was a little different, and I focused on making sure the size, print quality, and line work all worked seamlessly together. With so much more out there, I could see a Braun supplement coming in the future as well.
I really like the density represented in these symbols. Every little building is rendered no matter how mundane, and the added detail gives an extra layer of texture to a map. It feels vibrant and alive and has a “lived-in” quality that’s perfect for the right fantastical city map.
As I mentioned when I launched Gomboust, wielding these brushes is more advanced than topographical sets. To capture your vision, you’ll want to plan or at least have a decent knowledge of your tools. Spend some time with the brushes, learn what’s available. Be willing to edit and adjust them, it’ll allow you to make critical decisions and help fully realize your vision.
Braun isn’t enormous, but it’s effective. Its simple style and strong linework make repetition harder to spot, especially if symbols are merged and edited together. It includes the following:
20 Single Homes
20 Groups of Homes
40 Small Blocks
30 Large Blocks
35 Unique Blocks
20 Churches
10 Small Bridges
5 Large Bridges
20 Dead Trees
30 Leafy Trees
20 Unique Points of Interest
20 Windmills
10 Crosses
10 Walls
10 Wells
10 Fountains
10 Shadoofs
10 Boats
The button below links to a ZIP file that contains a Photoshop brush set (it’ll also work in GIMP) as well as a set of transparent PNGs in case you’re using a program that doesn’t support Adobe brush files. I’ve separated them by type: City Blocks and Points of Interest & Flora. They’re black, and they’ll look broken if viewed in Chrome, but trust me, they’re all there.
As with all of my previous brush sets, Braun is free for any use. I distribute my sets with a Creative Common, No Rights Reserved License (CC0), which means you can freely use this and any of my brushes in commercial work and distribute adaptations. (Details on this decision here.) No attribution is required. Easy peasy!
Enjoy Braun? Feel free to show me what you created by sending me an email or finding me on Twitter. I love seeing how these brushes get used, and I’d be happy to share your work with my readers. Let me see what you make!
 Braun In Use
Want to see this brush set in use? I put together a sample map using Braun. There are three versions, a black and white version, one colored, and a decorated sample. Click on any of the images below to view them larger. Perhaps this will inspire you in your projects!
         Supporting This Work
If you like the Braun brush set (or any of my free brushes, really) and want to support my work, instead of a donation, consider buying one of my speculative fiction novels. The first book—The Stars Were Right—is only $2.99 on eBook. I think you’ll dig it. You can find all my books in stores and online. Visit bellforgingcycle.com to learn more about the series. Tell your friends!
Not interested in my books but still want a way to support me? Buy me a coffee.
 More Map Brushes
Braun isn’t the only brush set I’ve released. You can find other free brush sets with a wide variety of styles over on my Free Stuff page. Every set is free, distributed under a CC0 license, and open for personal or commercial use. I’m sure you’ll be able to find something that works for your project.
Ogilby: A Free 17th Century Road Atlas Brush Set
Taken from John Ogilby’s 1675 book Britannia, Volume the First, this set allows the creator to recreate road atlas from the 17th century in stunning detail, placing the traveler’s experience front and center. With over 800 brushes, this is my most extensive set to date and useful for a variety of projects. Several bonus downloads are also available, as well.
Van der Aa: An 18th Century Cartography Brush Set
This regional map set is based on a map by Dutch cartographer and publisher, Pieter Van der Aa. It’s a beautifully rendered version of the Mingrelia region of northwest Georgia. While not as extensive as other sets, the size of the map allowed for larger brushes that helps highlight the uniqueness of each symbol. It also features a failed wall!
Gomboust: A 17th Century Urban Cartography Brush Set
My first brush set to focus on creating realistic maps for fantastical urban environments! Gomboust is a huge set, and its symbols are extracted from Jacques Gomboust’s beautiful 1652 map of Paris, France. His style is detailed yet quirky, isometric yet off-kilter, packed with intricacies, and it brings a lot of personality to a project.
Harrewyn: An 18th Century Cartography Brush Set
Based on Eugene Henry Fricx’s “Cartes des Paysbas et des Frontieres de France,” this set leans into its 1727 gothic styling and its focus on the developed rather than the natural. It’s hauntingly familiar yet strikingly different. If you’re looking for more natural elements, Harrewyn works well alongside other sets as well.
Popple: A Free 18th Century Cartography Brush Set
This set has quickly become a favorite, and it’s perfect for a wide variety of projects. The brushes are taken from 1746’s A Map of the British Empire in America by Henry Popple, and it has a fresh style that does a fantastic job capturing the wildness of a frontier. Plus, it has swamps! And we know swamps have become a necessity in fantasy cartography.
Donia: A Free 17th Century Settlement Brush Set
While not my most extensive set (a little over one hundred brushes), Donia boasts one of the more unique takes on settlements from the 17th century. If you’re looking for flora, I suggest checking out other sets, but if you want to pay attention to your map’s cities, towns, castles, churches, towers, forts, even fountains, then this is the right set for you.
Blaeu: A Free 17th Century Cartography Brush Set
Based on Joan Blaeu’s Terræ Sanctæ—a 17th-century tourist map of the Holy Land—this set includes a ton of unique and varied signs as well as a large portion of illustrative cartouches that can add a flair authenticity to any fantasy map. Elegant and nuanced, everything works within a system, but nearly every sign is unique.
Aubers: An 18th Century Cartography Brush Set
An 18th Century brush set based on a map from 1767 detailing the journey of François Pagès, a French naval officer, who accompanied the Spanish Governor of Texas on a lengthy exploration through Louisiana, Texas, and Mexico. A unique southwestern set with a few interesting deviations—including three volcanos!
L’Isle: An 18th Century Battlefield Brush Set
A departure from the norm, this set is based on the Plan Batalii map, which was included in a special edition of The First Atlas of Russia in 1745. A detailed view of a battle during the Russo-Turkish War of 1735–1739. Canon! Units! Battles! Perfect for mapping out the combat scenarios in your fantasy stories.
Widman: A 17th Century Cartography Brush Set
A 17th Century brush set based on the work of Georgio Widman for Giovanni Giacomo de Rossi’s atlas published in 1692. A fantastic example of Cantelli da Vignola’s influence and a solid set for any fantastic map. This is the workhorse of antique map brush sets—perfect for nearly any setting.
Walser: An 18th Century Cartography Brush Set
An 18th Century brush set based on the work of Gabriel Walser with a focus on small farms and ruins and a robust set of mountains and hills. This is a great brush set to see how Vignola’s influence persisted across generations. It was etched over 80 years after the Widman set, but you’ll find a few familiar symbols within.
Lumbia: A Sketchy Cartography Brush Set
A sketchy style brush set I drew myself that focuses on unique hills and mountains and personal customizability. My attempt at trying to channel the sort of map a barkeep would draw for a band of hearty adventurers. It includes extra-large brushes for extremely high-resolution maps.
Lehmann: A Hatchure Brush Set
Named after Austrian topographer Johann Georg Lehmann creator of the Lehmann hatching system in 1799, this is a path-focused brush set designed for Adobe Illustrator that attempts to captures the hand-drawn style unique 19th Century hachure-style mountains. This set works perfectly in conjunction with my other sets from the late 18th century.
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hazehgrace · 6 years
Hearing Sense Recovery Review
Hearing Sense Recovery Review
Hearing Sense Recovery Review
Hearing Sense Recovery Review
Hearing problems recently is a common issue which will affect each and girls either young or previous. Are you thinking what I might be thinking? That the flexibility to hear is one in every of the most vital aspects of life? Worry no additional, you are simply in the right review. Hearing reduction is certainly a pressing concern that will influence guys and females of all age vary and when it will, it might result in serious concerns upon a usual. If you have spent ages finding reviews that can make you the most effective guide that can deal with your problem, this is often finally the correct review. Just build sure to scan this review entirely and find to find out the secret behind hearing sense recovery. hearing sense recovery What is Hearing Sense Recovery? Hearing Sense Recovery is an eBook that aims at recovering your lost hearing sense and also the weakening of the hearing system. The guide emphasizes on the idea that each one the ways that that gets one to recover back their hearing is all natural. This formula relies on types of analysis, trials, research, and experiments to search out ways that to eliminate hearing loss by combining it with natural ingredients and effective methods. This whole process can effectively get to work among 3 weeks. It provides the user with optimal clarity and volume. Still, the guide is a distinctive possibility that cannot be find elsewhere. According to the program, most professionals have been making an attempt for years to come back up with the same teachings that you simply get from this program. Through the three weeks process you may get to achieve:     The power and knowledge needed to understand the problem that causes hearing loss.     Premium hearing ability, even one higher that you may have had before the weakening began.     You may get to realize a distinctive and intensive new manner to strengthen ones hearing. man's ear How does the guide work? During this section of our article let’s get to realize some little information on how the program has in there for you. Hearing Sense Recovery reveals the hidden truth and secret strategies that work faster for everybody to recover any hearing issues and permits vibrantly to revive the dreamed crystal clear hearing at any time you would like. The idea behind this program aims at supporting the users such as you and me to urge rid of all the useless hearing aids or alternative expensive implant surgery by start using this remedy immediately. Far from that the guide offers you a range of fantastic technique to clear the hearing downside by strengthening the hair cells that are found inside your ear for maximizing the best result. Basically the concept that's caused by this guide is to help you to understand the importance of natural ingredients and combine it with some specific vitamins and minerals to enhance the hair cells quickly. child listening What will the program has to offer?     Essentially the eBook contains valuable data with a list of various herbs to heal the varied ailments in addition to expertise the protection and health of your hearing to alter your life extraordinary.     Once you opt to the current guide, you'll find the natural arrange that helps to regain your hearing and list of super foods to strengthening their hair cells for having overall health as higher forever.     If you really want to regain your hearing you must understand your state of affairs and different frustration at the instant. This is essentially the massive task about this guide.     The product hares the complete methods with simple steps that you are doing a practice to follow in your routine with minimum effort, therefore you'll feel comfy to try to to in your home without wasting some time.     Hearing Sense comes to you with valuable data and step by step directions to induce rid of hearing deficiency in simply some days.     Hearing Sense Recovery Program Book, you’ll get access to a a hundred% distinctive guide …a guide that no different program will provide to you. Will hearing sense recovery has any bonuses? woman-covering-her-ears The answer is yes. Once you opt to this guide you may get a number of bonuses from it. Some of those bonuses are: Bonus #1: Hear Handling through Ear candling. Bonus #a pair of: Hear super smoothies. Anything else regarding this guide? In any case you missed one thing up there you'll be able to get to learn one thing additional concerning this product. The inspiration of this method is constructed when understanding the underlying issues related to hearing loss. By having the muse, users will be ready to make the proper choices that cause a higher quality of life. In this case, those who go through this plan will lead regarding the corrosion recuses of hearing loss initial, the impact of sound on one’s basic safety and health, how to prevent hearing loss, and also the apply of dealing with hearing reduction. There are several positive qualities of this operational system, but among the most effective is that the scheduled program is an all-natural and safe approach for one’s desires. ear examination Bottom Line Upon purchasing the program, users can receive a range of bonus materials likewise, such as hear handling through ear candling and hearing super smoothies. These bonus materials enable users to take their hearing to a higher level. There are totally no side effects concerned thus that users can add this system to their lifestyle while not having to worry on the subject of any problems arising. The total system is definitely safe, effective, reliable, and prospects to encouraging results that starts working in 3 weeks. I thus highly advocate this program for you. If you've got been trying for the most effective guide that can restore your hearing as fast as potential then here is the $64000 deal, the proper program that you've got been missing. All you wish to do is to buy this program and find to see the wonders that's going to try and do in your life. It is a legit program and it will not scam the least bit. Experience the $64000 traditional feeling of hearing restoration with hearing sense recovery. >>> Don’t Miss It – Click Here Currently – See The Special Price! <<< Professionals • The product is straightforward to understand and it provides you a room to implement the given strategies and different remedies while not disturbing others. • The guide is a pure natural program primarily based on all natural ways that enables everyone to regain their lost hearing rapidly. • The product is relatively low cost and therefore you'll safe your cash and time from useless product. • Being a drop by drop single guide it's so gives you high probabilities of understanding. • The guide isn't solely efficient however additionally effective since it delivers each and every side it guarantees. • The program is insured with a sixty day money back guarantee in case you are not happy with what the program has to supply. Cons • It is an on-line account and thus you need a well operating network for you to get access to the present guide. • In order to induce the actual results that you want you will have to finish all the steps during this guide, you don’t have to skip even a single step. Summary: Hearing Sense Recovery may be a three week program that allows users to revive their hearing and in a very method that has them optimum clearness and quantity. The guide is predicated on all natural, 100 % proven methodology to override the deficiency that can drastically improve your hearing in short few days.
0 notes
Hearing Sense Recovery Review
Hearing Sense Recovery Review
Hearing Sense Recovery Review
Hearing Sense Recovery Review
Hearing issues recently may be a common issue that can have an effect on each and girls either young or previous. Are you thinking what I may be thinking? That the flexibility to hear is one of the foremost important aspects of life? Worry no more, you're simply in the proper review. Hearing reduction is definitely a pressing concern that may influence guys and females of all age vary and when it will, it might lead to serious considerations upon a day to day. If you have spent ages finding reviews that can cause you to the most effective guide that can deal together with your drawback, this is often finally the right review. Just make sure to read this review entirely and find to be told the secret behind hearing sense recovery. hearing sense recovery What is Hearing Sense Recovery? Hearing Sense Recovery is an eBook that aims at recovering your lost hearing sense and also the weakening of the hearing system. The guide emphasizes on the concept that every one the ways that that gets one to recover back their hearing is all natural. This formula is based on varieties of analysis, trials, analysis, and experiments to find ways to eliminate hearing loss by combining it with natural ingredients and effective ways. This whole method will effectively get to work inside three weeks. It provides the user with optimal clarity and volume. Likewise, the guide may be a unique choice that can't be notice elsewhere. According to the program, most professionals have been trying for years to return up with the same teachings that you get from this program. Through the three weeks process you will get to realize:     The power and knowledge needed to perceive the problem that causes hearing loss.     Premium hearing ability, even one higher that you'll have had before the weakening began.     You will get to attain a unique and in depth new manner to strengthen ones hearing. man's ear How will the guide work? During this section of our article let’s get to achieve some very little knowledge on how the program has in there for you. Hearing Sense Recovery reveals the hidden truth and secret strategies that job faster for everybody to recover any hearing problems and allows vibrantly to restore the dreamed crystal clear hearing at any time you wish. The idea behind this program aims at supporting the users such as you and me to induce rid of all the useless hearing aids or alternative expensive implant surgery by start using this remedy immediately. Far from that the guide gives you a range of fantastic method to clear the hearing downside by strengthening the hair cells which are found inside your ear for maximizing the most effective result. Primarily the concept that's brought about by this guide is to assist you to know the importance of natural ingredients and combine it with some specific vitamins and minerals to improve the hair cells quickly. child listening What will the program has to supply?     Primarily the eBook contains valuable info with a listing of different herbs to heal the numerous ailments in addition to experience the security and health of your hearing to change your life extraordinary.     Once you opt to this guide, you'll notice the natural plan that helps to regain your hearing and list of super foods to strengthening their hair cells for having overall health as higher forever.     If you actually need to regain your hearing you must perceive your state of affairs and alternative frustration at the moment. This is essentially the large task concerning this guide.     The product hares the complete ways with simple steps that you are doing a follow to follow in your routine with minimum effort, therefore you'll feel comfortable to do in your home without wasting it slow.     Hearing Sense comes to you with valuable info and step by step instructions to get rid of hearing deficiency in simply a few days.     Hearing Sense Recovery Program Book, you’ll get access to a 100p.c unique guide …a guide that no other program will provide to you. Will hearing sense recovery has any bonuses? lady-covering-her-ears The answer is yes. Once you decide to the current guide you may get a range of bonuses from it. Some of these bonuses are: Bonus #one: Hear Handling through Ear candling. Bonus #two: Hear super smoothies. Anything else regarding this guide? In any case you missed one thing up there you'll be able to get to learn one thing more concerning this product. The muse of this method is made when understanding the underlying issues related to hearing loss. By having the inspiration, users will be able to create the right choices that result in a higher quality of life. During this case, those who bear this arrange will lead regarding the corrosion recuses of hearing loss 1st, the impact of sound on one’s basic safety and health, how to prevent hearing loss, and therefore the apply of handling hearing reduction. There are many positive qualities of this operational system, but among the most effective is that the scheduled program is an all-natural and safe approach for one’s desires. ear examination Bottom Line Upon getting the program, users will receive a number of bonus materials yet, like hear handling through ear candling and hearing super smoothies. These bonus materials enable users to take their hearing to the next level. There are totally no facet effects concerned so that users can add this method to their lifestyle while not having to worry on the topic of any problems arising. The total system is certainly safe, effective, reliable, and prospects to encouraging results that starts working in three weeks. I so highly suggest this program for you. If you have got been wanting for the most effective guide that will restore your hearing as quick as possible then here is the real deal, the right program that you have got been missing. All you need to try to to is to buy this program and acquire to determine the wonders that's going to try to to in your life. It is a legit program and it will not scam in the least. Expertise the $64000 traditional feeling of hearing restoration with hearing sense recovery. >>> Don’t Miss It – Click Here Now – See The Special Price! <<< Execs • The product is simple to perceive and it gives you a room to implement the given ways and different remedies while not disturbing others. • The guide could be a pure natural program based on all natural methods that permits everyone to regain their lost hearing rapidly. • The product is comparatively low-cost and so you'll be able to safe your cash and time from useless product. • Being a drop by drop single guide it's thus gives you high chances of understanding. • The guide isn't solely economical but also effective since it delivers every and every side it promises. • The program is secured with a 60 day cash back guarantee in case you are not happy with what the program has to supply. Cons • It is an on-line account and thus you require a well operating network for you to get access to this guide. • In order to urge the particular results that you would like you may have to complete all the steps in this guide, you don’t must skip even one step. Summary: Hearing Sense Recovery is a 3 week program that permits users to revive their hearing and in a very approach that has them optimum clearness and amount. The guide is based on all natural, a hundred percent proven method to override the deficiency that can drastically improve your hearing in short few days.
0 notes
projectdroid1-blog · 6 years
Forex Intro
Forex Intro https://www.projectdroid.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/word-image-138.jpeg https://www.projectdroid.com/ebook/forex-intro/ INTRODUCTORY MANUAL The 10 Keys to Successful Trading A Forex Tutorial
Authored By: Jared F. Martinez
Visit Market Traders Institute’s - Forex Home Study Courses (link) Legal Notices: The 10 Keys to Successful Trading © 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 and 2004 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: No part of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage or retrieval systems, without the express written permission from the author and publisher. All materials contained herein have been copyrighted. Reproduction will be in violation of all Copyright Laws. Violators will be prosecuted. While attempts have been made to verify the accuracy of information provided in this manual, neither the author nor the publisher assumes responsibility for errors, inaccuracies or omissions. There are no claims by the Author, Jared F. Martinez, or Market Traders Institute, Inc., ForexTips.com or any of its directors, employees, and affiliated instructors that the trading strategies or methodologies in this manual will result in profits and will not result in losses. This manual is not a guarantee to produce profits. Currency trading on the FOREX and trading results in general vary from individual to individual and may not be suitable for everyone. All strategies, techniques, methodologies and trades contained in this manual should not be construed as an invitation to enter and trade in the market. Each trader is responsible for his or her own actions. Your downloading of this manual confirms your agreement with the Statement of Risk, constitutes your agreement to this disclaimer, confirms and exempts the author, publisher and Instructors from any liabilities or litigation. © 2000, 2001 Market Traders Institute, Inc. Market Traders Institute, Inc. 250 South Park Av. Suite 605 Winter Park, Florida, 23789 (407) 740 0900 | US Toll Free (800) 866 7431 | Fax (407) 740 0201
I am your constant companion; I am your greatest helper or your heaviest burden. I will push you onward or drag you down to failure. I am at your command. Half of the tasks that you do you might just as well Turn over to me and I will do them quickly and correctly. I am easily managed; you must merely be firm with me. Show me exactly how you want something done. After a few lessons, I will do it automatically. I am the servant of all great people and the regret of all failures as well. Those who are great, I have made great. Those who are failures, I have made failures. I am not a machine but I will work with all its precision Plus the intelligence of a person. Now you may run me for profit or you may run me for ruin. It makes no difference to me. Take me, train me, be firm with me and I will lay the world at your feet. Be easy with me and I will destroy you. I am called Habit! Author Unknown INTRODUCTION TO THE FOREX TABLE OF CONTENTS
Chapter 1: What is the FOREX?
Chapter 2: Reading Candlestick Charts. Chapter 3: Types of Orders. Glossary of terms A Traders Mission and Goal It is the mission of the trader to become a financially successful long-term trader. This can be achieved when the trader adopts and accepts The 10 Keys of Successful Trading. A trader must commit to live by three disciplines to become a successful trader.
A trader must believe in The 10 Keys to Successful Trading and merge them into his personality. Success is depends on creating a trading plan, and maintaining the discipline to TRADE THE PLAN!
A trader must be committed to continued education. Study technical analysis and the psychology of successful trading. A trader must make logical decisions, void of emotions while trading. Learn to trade in control, not out of control!
A trader must map out a sensible equity management plan to insure a return on investment. Trade no more than 20% of a margin account and expose no more than 5% of that account on any single trade.
Levels of Traders
LEVEL ONE: Beginner Trader - Studies and paper trades for a minimum of one month with pretend currency, gaining the experience required to establish a track record of profitable performance. (see MTI’s - demo trading account) LEVEL TWO: Advanced Beginner - Trades one or two lots with real money, learning to overcome emotions and at the same time establish a track record of making money. LEVEL THREE: Competent Trader - Trades with control over his emotional distractions, utilizes proper equity management and achieves a financial return. LEVEL FOUR: Proficient Trader – Trades are made utilizing confidence, education, experience and the trader achieves financial returns. LEVEL FIVE: Expert Trader - Instinctively executes profitable trades without emotion.
FOREX = FOReign EXchange
You can trade 24 hours a day
The FOREX is larger than all other financial markets COMBINED
The Foreign Exchange (FOREX) market is a cash (or “spot”) interbank market established in 1971 when floating exchange rates began to materialize. This market is the arena in which the currency of one country is exchanged for those of another and where settlements for international business are made. The FOREX is a group of approximately 4500 currency trading institutions, including international banks, government central banks and commercial companies. Payments for exports and imports flow through the Foreign Exchange Market, as well as payments for purchases and sales of assets. This is called the “consumer” foreign exchange market. There is also a “speculator” segment in the FOREX Companies, which have large financial exposures to overseas economies participate in the FOREX to offset the risks of international investing. Historically, the FOREX interbrain market was not available for small speculators. With a previous minimum transaction size and often-stringent financial requirements, the small trader was excluded from participation in this market. But today market maker brokers are allowed to break down the large interbank units and offer small traders the opportunity to buy or sell any number of these smaller units (lots).
Commercial banks play two roles in the FOREX market:
They facilitate transactions between two parties, such as companies wishing to exchange currencies (consumers), and
They speculate by buying and selling currencies. The banks take positions in certain currencies because they believe they will be worth more (if “buying long”) or less (if “selling short”) in the future. It has been estimated that international banks generate up to 70% of their revenues from currency speculation. Other speculators include many of the worlds’ most successful traders, such as George Soros.
The third category of the FOREX includes various countries’ central banks, like the U.S. Federal Reserve. They participate in the FOREX to serve the financial interests of their country. When a central bank buys and sells its or a foreign currency the purpose is to stabilize their own currency’s value.
The FOREX is so large and is composed of so many participants, that no one player, even the government central banks, can control the market. In comparison to the daily trading volume averages of the $300 billion in the U.S. Treasury Bond market and the approximately $100 billion exchanged in the U.S. stock markets, the FOREX is huge, and has grown in excess of $1.5 trillion daily. The word “market” is a slight misnomer in describing FOREX trading. There is no centralized location for trading activity (“pit”) as there is in the currency futures (and many other) markets. Trading occurs over the phone and through the computer terminals at hundreds of locations worldwide. The bulk of the trading is between approximately 300 large international banks, which process transactions for large companies, governments and for their own accounts. These banks are continually providing prices (“bid” to buy and “ask” to sell) for each other and the broader market. The most recent quotation from one of these banks is considered the market’s current price for that currency. Various private data reporting services provide this “live” price information via the Internet.
There are numerous advantages for parties wishing to trade in the FOREX. They include:
Liquidity: In the FOREX market there is always a buyer and a seller! The FOREX absorbs trading volumes and per trade sizes which dwarfs the capacity of any other market. On the simplest level, liquidity is a powerful attraction to any investor as it suggests the freedom to open or close a position at will 24 hours a day. Once purchased, many other high-return investments are difficult to sell at will. FOREX traders never have to worry about being “stuck” in a position due to lack of market interest. In the 1.5 trillion U.S. dollar per day market, major international banks a “bid” (buying) and “ask” (selling) price Access: The FOREX is open 24 hours daily from about 6:00 P.M. Sunday to about 4:00 P.M. Friday. An individual trader can react to news when it breaks, rather than waiting for the opening bell of other markets when everyone else-has the same information. This allows traders to take positions before the news details are fully factored into the exchange rates. High liquidity and 24 hour trading permit market participants to take positions or exit regardless of the hour. There are FOREX dealers in every time zone, in every major market center (Tokyo, Hong Kong, Sydney, Paris, London, United States, etc.) willing to continually quote buy and sell prices.
Since no money is left on the market “table,” this is what is referred to as a “Zero Sum Game” or “Zero-Sum Gain.” Providing the trader picks the right side, money can always be made.
Two-Way Market: Currencies are traded in pairs, for example dollar/yen, or dollar/Swiss franc. Every position involves the selling of one currency and the buying of another. If a trader believes the Swiss franc will appreciate against the dollar, the trader can sell dollars and buy francs (“selling short!’). If one holds the opposite belief, that trader can buy dollars and sell Swiss francs (“buying long”). The potential for profit exists because there is always movement in the exchange rates (prices).
FOREX trading permits profit taking from both rising and falling currency values in relation to the dollar. In every currency trading transaction, one of the sides of the pair is always gaining and the other side is losing.
Leverage: Trading on the FOREX is done in currency “lots.” Each lot is approximately 100,000 U.S. dollars worth of a foreign currency. To trade on the FOREX market, a “margin account” must be established with a currency broker. This is, in effect, a bank account into which profits may be deposited and losses may be deducted. These deposits and deductions are made instantly upon exiting a position.
Brokers have differing margin account regulations, with many requiring a $1,000 deposit to “day-trade” a currency lot. Day-trading is entering and exiting positions during the same trading day. For longer-term positions, many require a $2,000 per lot deposit. In comparison to trading in stocks and other markets, which may require a 50% margin account, FOREX speculators excellent leverage of 1% to 2% of the $100,000 lot value. The trader can control each lot for I to 2 cents on the dollar!
Execution Quality: Because the FOREX is so liquid, most trades can be executed at the current market price. In all fast moving markets, slippage is inevitable in all trading (stocks, commodities, etc.), but can be avoided with some currency broker’s software, which informs you of your exact entering price just prior to execution. You are given the option of avoiding or accepting the slippage. The huge FOREX market liquidity offers the ability for high quality execution. Confirmations of trades are immediate and the Internet trader has only to print a copy of the computer screen for a written record of all trading activities. Many individuals feel these features of Internet trading make it safer that using the telephone to trade. Respected firms such as Charles Schwab, Quick & Reilly and T.D. Waterhouse offer Internet trading. They would not risk their reputations by offering Internet service if it were not reliable and safe. In the event of a temporary technical computer problem with the broker’s ordering system, the trader can telephone the broker 24 hours a day to immediately get in or out of a trade. Internet brokers’ computer systems are protected by “firewalls” to keep account information from prying eyes. Account security is a broker’s highest concern. They have taken multiple steps to eliminate any risk associated with transacting on the Internet. A FOREX Internet trader does not have to speak with a broker by telephone. The elimination of the middleman (broker salesman) lowers expenses and makes the process of entering an order faster and has eliminated the possibility for misunderstanding.
Execution Costs: Unlike other markets, the FOREX does not charge commissions. The cost of a trade is represented in a Bid/Ask spread established by the broker. (Approximately 4 pips)
Trendiness: Over long and short historical periods, currencies have demonstrated substantial and identifiable trends. Each individual currency has its own “personality,” and each offers a unique historical pattern of trends, providing diversified trading opportunities within the spot FOREX market.
Focus: Instead of attempting to choose a stock, bond, mutual fund or commodity from the tens of thousands available in those markets, FOREX traders generally focus on I to 4 currencies. The most common and most liquid are the Japanese Yen, British Pound, Swiss Franc and the new EURO. Highly successful traders have always focused on a limited number of investment options. Beginning FOREX traders usually will focus on one currency and later incorporate one to three more into their trading activities.
Margin Accounts: Trading on the FOREX requires a margin account. You are committing to trade and take positions today. As a speculator trader you will not be taking delivery on your product that you are trading. As a Stock Day Trader, you will only hold a trading position for a few minutes to a few hours, and then you need to close out your position by the end of the trading session.
All orders must be placed through a broker. To trade stocks you will need a stockbroker and to trade currencies you will need a Forex currency broker. Most brokerage firms have different margin requirements. You need to ask them their margin requirements to trade stocks and currencies. (MTI Broker Information) A margin account is nothing more than a performance bond. All traders need a margin account to trade. When you gain profits, they place your profits into your margin account the same day you profited. When you lose profits, they need an account to take out the losses you incurred that day. All accounts are settled daily. A very important part of trading is, taking out some of your winnings or profits. When the time comes to take out your personal gains from your margin account, all you need to do is contact your broker and ask them to send you your requested dollar amount, and they will send you a check. They can also wire transfer your money.
In the Seventeenth century, the Japanese developed a method to analyze the price of rich contracts. This technique is called “candlestick charting. Steven Nison is credited with popularizing the candlestick chart and has is recognized as the leading authority on the interpretation of the system. Candlesticks are graphical representations the price fluctuations of a product. A candlestick can represent any period of time. A currency trader’s software can provide charts representing anywhere from five minutes to one week per candlestick. (MTi’s Charting Software) There are no calculations required to interpret Candlestick charts. They are a simple visual aid representing price movements in a given time period. Each candlestick reveals four vital pieces of information, the opening price, the closing price, the highest price and the lowest price, which are the price fluctuations during the time period of the candle. In much the same way as the familiar bar chart, a candle illustrates a given measure of time. The advantages of candlesticks are they clearly denote the relationship between the opening and closing prices. Because candlesticks display the relationship between the open, high, low and closing prices, they cannot be used to chart securities that have only closing prices. Interpretation of candlestick charts is based on the analysis of patterns. Currency traders predominantly use the relationship of the highs and lows of the candlewicks over a given time period. However, candlestick charts offer identifiable patterns which can be used to anticipate price movements. There are two types of candles: The bullish pattern candle and the bearish pattern candle.   A white (empty body) represents a bullish pattern candle. It occurs when prices open near the low price and close near the period’s high price. A black (filled body) represents a Bearish pattern candle. It occurs when prices open near the high price and close near the period’s low price.
Bullish Candlestick Formations
Hammer - The hammer is a bullish pattern if it Occurs after a significant downtrend. If the line Occurs after a significant uptrend, it is called a Hanging man. A small body and a long wick identify a hammer. The body can be clear or filled in. Piercing Line - This is a bullish pattern. The first candle is a long bear candle followed by a long bull candle. The bull candle opens lower than the bear’s low but closes more than halfway above the middle of the bear candle’s body. Bullish Engulfing Lines - This pattern is strongly bullish if it occurs after a significant downtrend (it may serve as a reversal pattern). It occurs when a small bearish (filled-in) candle is engulfed by a large bullish (empty) candle. Morning Star - This is a bullish attern signifying a potential bottom. The star indicates a possible reversal and the bullish (empty) candle confirms this. The star can be a bullish (empty) or a bearish (filled in) candle. Bullish Doji Star - This star indicates a reversal and a doji indicates indecision. Thus, this pattern usually indicates a reversal following an indecisive period. You should wait for a confirmation before trading a doji star.
Bearish Candlestick Formations
Long Bearish Candle - A long Bearish candle occurs when prices open near the high and close lower near the low. Hanging Man - This pattern is bearish if it occurs after a significant uptrend. If this pattern occurs after a significant downtrend, it is called a hammer. A hanging man is identified by small candle bodies and a long wick below the bodies (can be either clear or filled in). Dark Cloud Cover - This is a bearish pattern. The pattern is more significant if the second candle’s body is below the center of the previous candle’s body. Bearish Engulfing Lines - This pattern is strongly bearish if it occurs after a significant uptrend (it may serve as a reversal pattern). It occurs when a small bullish (empty) candle is engulfed by a large bearish (filled-in) candle. Evening Star - This is a bearish pattern signifying a potential top. The star indicates a possible reversal and the bearish (filled-in) candle confirms this. The star can be a bullish (empty) candle or a bearish (filled-in) candle. Doji Star - This star indicates a reversal and a doji indicates indecision. Thus, this pattern usually indicates a reversal following an indecisive period. One should wait for a confirmation (like a evening star) before trading a doji star. Shooting Star - This pattern suggests a minor reversal when it appears after a rally. The star’s body must appear near the low price, and the candle should have a long upper wick.
Neutral Candlestick Formations
Spinning Tops - This is a neutral pattern that occurs when the distance between the high and low, and the distance between the open and close, are relatively small. Doji - This candle implies indecision. The open and close are the same. Double Doji - This candle (two adjacent doji candles) implies that a forceful move will follow a breakout from the current indecision. Harami - This pattern indicates a decrease in momentum. It occurs when a candle with a small body falls within the area of a larger body. This example a bullish (empty) candle with a large body is followed by a small bearish (filled-in) candle. This implies a decrease in the bullish momentum.
Reversal Candlestick Formations
Long-legged Doji - This candle often signifies a turning point. It occurs when the open and close are the same, and the range between the high and the low is relatively large. Dragonfly Doji - This candle also signifies a turning point. It occurs when the open and close are the same, and the low is significantly lower than the open, high and closing prices. Gravestone Doji - This candle also signifies a turning point. It occurs when the open, close and low prices are the same, and the high is significantly higher than the open, close and low prices. Stars - Stars indicate reversals. A star is a candle with a small real body that occurs after a candle with a much larger real body, where the real bodies do not overlap (the wicks may overlap).
Candlestick Example Charts
Stock charts can also be interpreted (shown below is A BancOne Corp.) Answers to the Exercises Exercise 1: Circle and identify the candlestick formations in the following Charts. Exercise 2: Circle and identify the candlestick formations in the following Charts.
Answers to the Exercises
Sellers are ASKing for a high price
Buyers are BIDding at a lower price
Trading is an auction
Slippage occurs with most Market Orders
The difference between the ASK and the BID price is the Spread
A Trader must understand what each order is, what it and what part it plays in capturing profit. A FOREX Trader must use three types of orders: a Market Order, a Limit Order, and a Stop Order. The two primary orders used for entering and exiting the market are a Limit Order and a Stop Order. Once an order is placed your order to enter the market, there are two critical procedures: One-Cancels-the-Other (OCO) and Cancel-and-Replace. Properly executing orders and understanding these procedures are a vital step to profitable trading. Remember: all good carpenters carry a toolbox. The sharper the tools and the more skilled he is at using them, the more effective he is. The sharper you become as a trader the more efficient and lucrative you will be. What orders do: A clear understanding of what each order does is essential before executing orders. Market Orders: A Market Order is an order that is given to a broker to buy or sell a currency at whatever the market is trading for, at that moment. It can be an entry order into the market or an exit order to get out of the market. Traders use Market Orders when they are ready to make a commitment to enter or exit the market. Caution should be exercised when using Market Orders in fast moving markets. During periods of rapid rallies or down reactions gain or lose of many points may occur due to slippage before receiving the fill. Trading is an auction where there are buyers (bidders) and sellers (offerers). The bid is the "buy" and the "ask", or offer is the sell. Slippage is defined as: A trade is executed between a buyer and seller and the resulting buy or sell transaction is different than the price seen just prior to order execution. On average one to six pips will be lost with Market Orders, perhaps more, due to slippage. Market Orders are rarely filled at the exact anticipated price. Market Traders Institute Recommends caution when entering or exiting with a Market Order. Limit Orders: Limit Orders are orders given to a broker to buy or sell currency lots at a certain price or better. The term Limit means exactly what it says. You will buy at that exact limit price or better a large majority of the time. Limit Orders are used to enter and exit the market. They are generally used to acquire a specific price, avoiding slippage and unwanted order fills (execution price) which can happen with Market Orders. When selling above the market, it is a Limit Order. When buying below the market, it is a Limit Order. A limit order will be executed when the market trades through it. Seventy to ninety percent (70% to 90%) of the time, if the market is trading at your Limit Order it will be executed. The market must trade through you specified Limit Order number to guarantee a fill. The trading software will provide notification within seconds of the fill. A trader does not have to call his broker to see if his order has been filled. Stop Orders: Stop Orders are orders placed to enter or exit the market at a desired specific price. When buying above the market, it is a Stop Order. When selling below the market, it is a Stop Order. Stop Orders turn into Market Orders when the market trades at that price. Stop Orders as well as Market Orders are subject to slippage, while Limit Orders are not. The majority of Stop Orders are used as protective Stop Loss Orders. It is the order placed with an entry order to insure an exit when the market goes against you. A good trader never trades without a protective Stop Loss Order. They are orders executed to get you out of the market when your trade has gone against you. Protective Stops are discussed separately as one of the 10 Keys to Successful Trading. One Cancels the Other (OCO): Whenever entering the market, exiting the market at some future time is required. An OCO order is a procedure and means one-cancels-the-other. Upon entering the market, place a protective Stop Loss Order and establish a projected profit target. That projected profit target can be your Limit Order. If you simultaneously place both Limit and Stop Loss Orders when you enter the market, you can OCO them and walk away from your computer. What does that mean? At some future point in time either your Stop Order or Limit Order will be executed, automatically canceling your opposing order. If the trader is so sure about the trade, he can execute an OCO order and walk away from the trade. The trading software will then manage the trade. Cancel/Replace Orders: A Cancel/Replace Order is a procedure and not an entry or exit order. By definition it is when the trader cancels an existing open order and replaces it replace it with a new order. A cancel/replace order is primarily a strategy of trading and is predominately used after one has taken a position in the market and wants to stay in the market locking in profit. For example: you buy Swiss at 1.410. Your protective Stop Loss Order is 1.390. The market moves in you direction as projected. You now want to reduce your potential loss, so you cancel your Stop Order at 1.390 and replace it to 1.410 where you got in. You are now in a trade with no risk. As the market moves further north in your direction, you now want to lock in more profit. You cancel your 1.410 Stop Loss Order and replace it with a new 1.440 Stop Loss Order. You now have locked in 30 Pips in profit. You are in an all-win, no-risk trade. You keep canceling and replacing your Stop until you are finally stopped out. This is discussed separately under Protective Stops as one of the 10 Keys to Successful Trading.
Market Traders Institute's in-depth DVD courses allow you to learn at your own pace and to study the trading techniques at your own pace. Your trading education can advance on a daily basis at your own pace. MTI's home study course is the most comprehensive Forex training you can receive anywhere. Learn from Jared Martinez, one of the worlds most successful traders. MTI's complete 16 step Forex correspondence course on DVD with detailed instructional manuals is your course to a brighter future.
Lesson 1 "What is the FOREX" The Forex Traders Vocabulary and Types of Orders. Reading Candlestick Charts & Formations. View Now Lesson 2 "Trading Japanese Candlesticks" A complete guide to identifying and forex trading formations: morning stars, evening stars, doji stars, spinning tops, tweezer tops and tweezer bottoms. Preview Lesson 3 "Forex Equity Management" Forex Equity Management & placing Protective Stop Losses. Preview Lesson 4 "Forex Support and Resistance" This Forex lesson familiarizes students with the financial game between the Bulls and the Bear. Preview Lesson 5 "Forex Trends and Trend Lines" An excellent guide to Finding and drawing inner and outer trend lines. Preview Lesson 6 Sideways Movement, Consolidation & Fundamental Announcements This lesson teaches forex traders to straddle the market and take advantage of big fundamental moves while avoiding Bull & Bear Traps. Preview Lesson 7 "Forex Price Swings & The Fibonacci Numbers" Support becomes resistance and resistance becomes support. Learning how to Swing Trade. Preview Lesson 8 "The Forex Traders Work Book" Beginners course review and focus on the rules that a Forex trader must follow to be successful. Preview
Advanced Package Lessons 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16
Lesson 9 "Trading BUY and SELL Forex Zones" Learning to enter the Forex market and take advantage of the next move. Preview Lesson 10 "The King's Crown and the Reversal" Identifying the end of a trend, and how to get in at the reversal. Preview Lesson 11 "Trending Days vs. Trading Days" The characteristics of Trending Days vs. Trading Days and the opening price. Preview Lesson 12 "Fibonacci Numbers and Convergences" This forex lesson teaches advanced forex traders how to find the next major level of support or resistance and take advantage of it. Preview Lesson 13 "Trading Gartleys" Extremely useful lesson helping forex traders to understand a Fibonacci formation inside a price swing and how to sucessfully trade them. Preview Lesson 14 "Harmonic Vibrations and Beats" Forex Markets move in harmonic beats. This lesson teaches forex traders to identify and count them - putting money in your pocket. Preview Lesson 15 "Trading Pennants" Learn to identify and trade several different Pennant formations. Preview Lesson 16 "Forex Trading Strategies & Their Justification" This lesson teaches forex traders to find a trade with a high probability of success using tools and a variety of forex charts. (i.e. 15min, 30min, 1hr, 2hr, 4hr, 8hr & daily) Preview
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