#not looking good for seijoh
seijorhi · 2 years
I think about Finders Keepers all the time 😩 The thought of being shared by the Seijoh 4 is enough but then add in the Inarizaki all while being forced to rely on your boys for both comfort and safety is just *chefs kiss* 😘 Anyway I’m really curious to know which team you’d feel would be the best at protecting the reader during a zombie apocalypse? I hope you don’t mind the question I just love the idea of the reader being forced to rely on the men that probably made her life hell before the apocalypse too lmao
ooh now
okay so here's the things, inarizaki MAY be the stronger team in terms of volleyball. i say may because i have had this argument with several friends several times and... the jury is still out.
HOWEVER, seijoh i think (or at least seijoh 4) have a phenomenal basis of trust and i would argue that their teamwork between those four is probably a touch more cohesive?
but as it stands within the fic, they've already done a pretty shitty job because in splitting up, they've managed to lose the reader, land oikawa on death's door and the remaining three are poised to walk into an undead ambush so... ya not a winning record there.
kita's perfectly adept with keeping the twins in line, they've got aran as kita's right hand/enforcer, bigger numbers and in this fic an established sanctuary with a whole bunch of supplies which kinda puts them head over heels above makki, mattsun, iwa and oikawa rn.
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maybe-a-dinosaur · 1 year
matsukawa uses cheap basic black pens. the ones that you always have to test before using and sometimes leave little gaps when writing but they’re smooth and easy so that’s all that really matters makki says “they match ur personality” mtsk drawls “thaaanks”. he keeps them in his front pockets and they break all the time and leak out so almost all of his pants have ink stains on the front somewhere but at this point he’s accepted it as part of his aesthetic. bc of this he doesn’t Always have a pen he can use so his backup is basic wooden pencils he finds on the ground or left on a desk somewhere almost always sharpened down super small with no eraser left so his paper are always covered with scribbles and scratched out kanji mistakes are never erased.
hanamaki primarily uses basic mechanical pencils. he likes the sharper point so he can fit more scribbles in the margins and he buys the cheapest ones he can find and claims they’re “more cost efficient” bc you can just refill the led but he always loses them before they need more. he just throws them in his bag or leaves them in books when he shuts them or tucks them behind his ear or slides them into the spiral of his notebooks wherever he puts them they’re not secure. he also has a habit of pushing the led out a little too far and breaking off chunks with his finger or on his paper whenever he starts writing then he flicks said broken pieces off his desk at unsuspecting victims (and issei). he steals cute little puzzle erasers from his sister but always loses pieces so they never go back together all the way and he doesn’t really use them to erase bc they always smudge the paper really bad he just thinks they’re fun and teachers frown upon them so it’s a win-win
iwaizumi uses exclusively basic wooden pencils. they come in big packs they have good erasers they last for a long time and they’re strong enough to withstand how hard he presses into the paper. also they’re easy enough to break for dramatic effect (he’d never admit this one). hajime NEVER experiences pencil sharpener anxiety he gets up he sharpens he sits back down. no hesitation whatsoever. plus if he’s mad he just goes up and sharpenssharpensssharpsens until his pencil is a nub but whatever he feels better now. oikawa calls him “boring” and “lame” he breaks pencils shreds them up and leaves the shards in oikawa’s bag. tooru bitches about it later he truly has “No Idea where these Splinters are coming from they’re ruining my nails!!!” iwa (smug) doesn’t plan to tell him any time soon.
oikawa uses Nice pens to take notes and fancy mechanical pencils to do work that might need erasing. he doesn’t bother with fun colors or anything just basic black but they’re expensive and write really nicely and he has highlighters for organization. he keeps them all in a little pouch with a keychain iwa gave him when they were kids attached to the zipper very cute very sweet hajime (pretends) not to notice. his work is always neat and deliberate but not obsessively so like it’s obvious he cares about school but isn’t passionate about it. there are often little scribbles off to the side that he shows to people bc he is above passing notes and talking in class but sometimes a man’s just gotta share his thoughts!!! but yeah fancy writing stuff his sister sends them in from the big city he gets them as gifts etc etc
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reinedeslys-central · 23 days
iwaoi and oh it's you. every time it's you. I'm running I'm running my knee is killing me but it's worth it this is worth it I'm running past the line and I'm pointing straight at you and everyone can see it. because it's you who else would it be right at this moment it's you it has to be you. win or lose it has to be you. going pro or not going pro it will always have been you. I'm running and I'm making the longest most monstrous set of my life and it's up to you, I'm falling and crashing into the tables and I can barely feel it, I'm scrambling back to our stage and who else could it be right at this moment but us. win or lose. win or lose. six who are strong together are stronger six who are strong together are stronger who else could it be but us. who else would I choose right in this moment when we all know it's going to end one way or another. who else would I choose. but you. every time it's you.
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youmarin · 1 month
I made it to the hq!! movie 4:35p.m. showing. ☺️
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euphoricimagination · 7 months
𝓗𝓪𝓲𝓴𝔂𝓾𝓾 𝓫𝓸𝔂𝓼 𝓶𝓮𝓮𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓪 𝓹𝓲𝓬𝓴-𝓶𝓮 𝓰𝓲𝓻𝓵 - Part 2
Feat. Aoba Johsai & Fukurodani
Premise: You had to do something else for a week and a half, leaving the boys alone for that period. Although they told the coaches that they could survive without you, the coaches ask a girl to help them out instead. They weren’t particularly excited, which got worse the more they spent time with her
Aoba Johsai
Since Seijoh’s volleyball club was very popular among the students, the coach had no problems in looking for someone to be there while you weren’t
In fact, the coach found two, mostly because there were a lot of duties during that week
Unnecessary in the eyes of the team, they were fine before you, they don’t need two of them now
Not even a day passed when the team were dreading this decision; not only they were Oikawa fans to begin with, but they were also annoying
Even Oikawa couldn’t find joy in this situation
The normally heartthrob of the team, the one that adores receiving attention, couldn’t stand them, missing your *playful* punches and scoldings
You luckily were able to hang out with them after their Sunday practice, when it had become a tradition to go to the nearest shopping mall to eat a meal as a team
So to surprise them, you went there without them, planning to raid their table
When you saw them walking into the food court you couldn’t help but giggle, one girl was holding the arm of a very disgusted Oikawa, while the other was clearly acting like a dude alongside an annoyed Iwaizumi, everyone else ignoring them
You started looking at the menus, deciding what to eat, ordering a burger and some fries
“Wow, you’re eating…that? Someone is not thinking about hot girls summer” you hear from your left, one of the girls looking at you as if you were committing a sin
“yeah I don’t care”
“That’s all you’re getting? I could not eat only that, I’m ordering like 6 burgers” another voice comes from your other side, the other girl was there too
“…ok” you say, starting to understand why the team was so fed up with them. The team looks mean, but they were never unnecessary rude
“can I have a salad? I wish I could eat..that, but I’m too worried about how I look, you know” the girl in your left says
“I just got done playing volleyball with the team, so I need like…6.000.000 calories, imagine only eating a salad” the other says, making you sigh
“I love your make up, by the way! It’s so…natural, I wish I had the confidence to not care about how I look on public, good for you!” the girl says with a sarcastic tone
“imagine even wearing make up every day and trying that hard, like I just roll out of bed an-”
“I don’t care about any of your thoughts, so shut up please” you say annoyed, you didn’t know if you were annoyed, uncomfortable or straight up angry, but before you could add anything else an arm wraps your shoulder
“Yn-chaan!” Oikawa squishes you
“Yn-san, you’re here!” Kindaichi exclaims, relief appearing on his face. Kunimi gets slightly closer to you, a move that means that he wants some type of affection, so you pat his head
“Y-you know her?” the princess type of girl asks, eyes wide
“She is our dear manager” Matsukawa adds, Hanamaki nodding with a smirk that only grew bigger when the girl shrieks
“H-her?! But she looks so weak! And I bet she doesn’t know shit about sports! Like.. she’s a girl!” the ‘tomboy’ girl says now
“don’t get too comfortable now, you were just a substitute for her, not the other way around. She is the best manager we could ever ask for” Oikawa says mockingly, hugging you tighter
“you can leave now, we have our manager back, we don’t need you two here anymore” Iwaizumi ends the conversation, taking your tray with food as they all take you to the table
“I still have a few days that I can’t be there” you tell them once you were sitting
“we’ll manage” Iwaizumi says
“What Yn-chaan? Are you sure you aren’t missing this handsome face of mi-ouch!” Oikawa tries to say, but you punch him making the team laugh
You were at peace again
Despite having another managers in their rooster, the coach decided to ask the manager of other team to help them out
After all the team is big, so another hand wouldn’t be bad
The team was nice, so they did try their best to make her feel welcome eve if it was for a week and a half
But she was making things hard
Washio tried to be a gentleman, but he ended up not interacting much with her
Konoha, in the other hand, was sarcastic, but she was either too dense or too delusional to realize
Akaashi tried to be understanding, but even he was starting to get tired of it
And Bokuto, even with his loud and extroverted personality, ended up just trying to avoid her
When you came back, you had the *amazing* opportunity to meet her first hand, right after entering the gym
What the guys have told you wasn’t particularly encouraging, yet you still wanted to give her a fair shot
“Why are you looking at me? It’s just a knee brace, you never seen something like this?” she tells you, before you could even say hi
“well, hi, nice to meet you too”
“So…you are the manager? The one that I’m replacing? Well, of course you don’t know what this is, since you don’t play any sports”
“well, before I kinda did some cheerleading, but it wasn't for me so I joined this idiots and…”
“exactly! Cheerleading isn’t a sport! Gosh, how are you even the manager of this team”
“Yn!!” Bokuto enters the gym, hugging you tightly as he spins around. Akaashi was behind, who gives you a smile
“If you were wondering! I got injured by playing football…and then basketball and then volleyball with the boys, remember that Bokuto?!”
“eh..nope” bokuto answers confused
“Well me neither”
“anyways! I’m back on the team, so thank you for…well, being here. I’ll take care of it from here on out…unless the guys want you to stay..?” you say
“NO!” a collective answer came in, way too quickly. You resisted a laugh
“well, that settles it, good luck with your knee brace” you push her out softly, a grunt coming from her
“Thank god you’re back Yn-chan” Akaashi tells you, the team patting your head lovingly
“we should celebrate! After practice lets go to eat!” Bokuto adds
“okay! Bokuto is paying!” Konoha says, going to the court to start practicing
You see bokuto whine as he goes too, everyone joining while making fun of the owl boy.
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teamatsumu · 4 months
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all eyes on you. (seijoh 4 x reader)
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warnings: pure smut, not even an iota of plot, swearing, fem!reader, voyeurism, fingering, masturbation, implied group sex, slight degradation
word count: 1k
tags: @keiva1000 @kindnessspreads @msbyomimi @sleepyxxhead
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“H-Hajime,” Your voice trembles and breaks, body arched and wound up tight. Your nails dig into his forearms enough to leave marks, but you’re not sure he minds, considering his fingers only speed up inside you and he moans deliciously in your ear.
Iwaizumi has your back against his chest, and your legs hooked over his. He spreads his legs, simultaneously spreading yours, his unoccupied arm wrapped tight around your waist to hold you in place and keep you nice and open for the three pairs of hungry eyes that are trained on your naked, sweaty body.
“Touch her clit,” Hanamaki whispers, his hand working over his own exposed cock. He is leaning back on the couch before you, looking more bored than anything, but his eyes are sizzling with heat, unblinking, and his hand on his cock is urgent. Your breath stutters, and you’re not sure if it’s because of his words or because Iwaizumi chooses that moment to curl his fingers inside you.
“Don’t tell me how to please my girlfriend.” Iwaizumi grunts back, free hand reaching up to cup at your breast almost possessively. Nevertheless, his fingers slide out of you with a wet squelch and reach up to toy at your engorged clit. Your legs jerk and you gasp at the change in sensations.
“Don’t get snarky, Iwa-chan.” Oikawa’s voice does not match the playfulness of his words. It is husky and low, and he too is playing with his erection. The head is deep pink and weeping with precum, proudly showing just how aroused he is. How can he not be? With the show Iwaizumi is using you to put on.
“She loves it so much, see? Look how pretty she looks.” Oikawa continues, voice turning softer now, more teasing. It almost doesn’t feel like a compliment. Like he is demeaning you, but it only turns you on even more. You can’t believe this is something you enjoy, the jeering way he was talking about you. Iwaizumi never did that. You whine, eyebrows creasing.
“She likes that.” Matsukawa somehow sounds just as sharp and teasing as Oikawa. He has been quiet this whole time, only watching. He hadn’t even undressed, choosing to instead stick his hand in his pants and slowly stroke over himself. Deep down, you longed to see his cock too, knowing because of the jokes the boys made over the years that he was more than well endowed. But you are too shy to voice your desire. You are already doing something you couldn’t have imagined in a million years.
“You assholes are lucky you’re even watching this.” Iwaizumi quipped. “Don’t be ungrateful.”
He keeps his fingers moving on your clit, unwinding his other arm from around you to fill up your empty hole again. You gasp and arch again, one arm reaching back to grip tight on his hair while the other continues clawing at his skin.
“Tell me how you feel, baby.” He coos, knowing you are getting closer.
“Tell us how you feel.” Oikawa interjects, grinning when Iwaizumi shoots him a glare. His hand speeds up, anticipating your release and wanting to reach his high at the same time.
“I-” You weep, tears escaping your eyes to coat your cheeks instead. “I- Hajime!”
“Sshh, I’ve got you.” Hajime kisses the skin just below your ear, a spot that he knows is sensitive. “You’re doing so good, baby. God, you’re so fucking beautiful. Everyone’s looking at you. You’re so sexy.”
“You are, Y/N-chan.” Oikawa speaks again. “Can’t believe I’ve never seen you like this before. Been missing out.”
“Wish it was me,” Hanamaki chimed in. “Wonder what your pretty pussy would feel like on my cock.”
“Watch it.” Iwaizumi warned, but you moaned loudly, clamping down hard on his fingers. Matsukawa snickered.
“You’ve got a whore on your hands, Iwa.” He commented. “She fucking loves the thought of it. Isn’t that right?”
He leans forward, hand moving faster and faster inside his jeans. His words shock you, he is so crass. But it sends a current zipping down your torso, settling like heat in the pit of your stomach. Iwaizumi rubbed hard against your clit, curling his fingers against your spot.
“You want their cocks?” Iwaizumi groans into the shell of your ear, picking up on how aroused you are getting. “You little slut. You’re not satisfied by just me. You’re not even satisfied by them watching. You need them to fuck you.”
You wail as you come, body winding tight as electricity runs up your spine and clutches tight at your lungs. You try to close your legs, to stop Hajime’s hands as they continue to abuse your sloppy pussy. He doesn’t let you, though. His legs hold yours in place as he watches your body writhe. There are groans and curses, as one man after another cums after you, reaching their limit at the sight of your undulating torso, your curled toes, your jaw slacked and your tears still flowing.
Iwaizumi finally pulls his fingers out, running his drenched hand over your sensitive cunt. You jump and whine, trying to push him away, but your weakened limbs are no match for him. He brings his hand down, spanking your pussy and making you yelp.
“Behave,” Iwaizumi nibbles at your earlobe. “Be nice. We have guests.”
Your eyes finally find your audience, their flushed cheeks and hazy eyes. You immediately notice the white that coats their cocks, their hands, some traveling up their bare fronts. You flush at the sight, and you feel something in your core stir again.
Iwaizumi pats your thigh, closing his legs and encouraging you to move. He manhandles you to face him, bringing your focus down to his still rock hard cock. Your breath hitches at the little smirk on his face.
“C’mon, baby. Take care of me. And if these idiots wanna keep watching, they’re welcome to.”
No one moves from the couch, straightening to eye the show you will put on next.
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oukabarsburgblr · 2 months
Tongue Twisting [Dare AU]
An annoying setter dares you to suck someone's face. Good thing your hot teammate walked in at the right time.
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Short but too detailed for a drabble? has haikyuu characters as fillers because I'm too lazy to make up other ocs, voyeurism, making out, profile
Find out more under the cut!
"Still don't understand your point, Oikawa..."
(m/n) spoke with a lazy but confused grin, his eyebrows furrowing as he leaned forward from his chair he was sitting in. The brunette, standing tall in front of him had his hands on his hips.
"I'll give you the keys if you do it. It's not that hard for you, (m/n)." Oikawa smirked, his fingers spinning the bundle of keys he stole from the (h/c)'s bag earlier. Matsukawa who had dragged a chair to sit beside his standing captain quirked an eyebrow.
"If 'Zumi gets word of this, he's gonna get so pissed at you." "But he won't if (m/n) does it quick!"
A training camp had been set between Keio Shiki and Aoba Johsai for the Volleyball Men's Club. (m/n) and Oikawa both positioned as their captains of their respective teams and ever since (m/n) step foot onto the training camp's venue, Oikawa had a grudge on him seemingly for petty reasons.
(m/n) (l/n) had also been a third year setter, and a captain whose team had gone to nationals regularly representing the Saitama prefecture so Seijoh's coach had stated that the Shiki VBC team was the 'better' version of them and that got Oikawa pissed. It didn't help that Ushijima acknowledged (m/n) as a fantastic setter so he felt threatened with his position.
Since then, Oikawa would bother the (h/c) with small things, such as asking him to help clean his side of the gym, criticising his sets and serves or just straight up taking and using his stuff. Iwaizumi would knock some sense into his captain but it just so happened that both vice captains of both teams had to go run errands. Perfect.
(m/n) would have his meals in a more private area rather than the mess hall mostly due to him having to finish other duties on his laptop but Oikawa decided to infiltrate his booth and Matsukawa saw and just followed him in. His request was outrageous to say the least.
"Make out with someone."
(m/n) who was about to slurp his bowl of noodles visibly paused in his tracks and glanced at the annoying setter. He couldn't believe this was the man he was constantly compared to.
"Make out?" Oikawa grinned, seemingly proud of himself as he dangled the ring of keys he had snatched from the (h/c)'s duffle bag. "Or I'll throw this away." "...You do realise in the end, you'll get in trouble right?"
Matsukawa who had just stepped inside the lounge, froze and deadpanned at his captain. "Oikawa, what the fuck?" "Shut up, Mattsun! If you won't back me up, then leave." He whined as he tried to push the middle blocker away but the ravenette only decided to pull up a chair as (m/n) finished his meal.
The keys were access to all of the gyms and several other sections that were to be used by the volleyball teams on the property and (m/n) was in charge of keeping them safe and locked when they weren't using it and Oikawa was annoyed on how he wasn't picked.
How come he's athletic, smart, has good looks and has a nice personality?? FRAUD-
Oikawa couldn't accept someone with such a caliber existing and he was determined to find a foible somewhere in the (h/c). He continued to pester (m/n) and was about to dump the keys in a paper shredder until the (h/c) agreed. Although he doesn't exactly look mad?
"So do I have to get someone or you're picking?" (m/n) smoothened his pants, still sitting in the wooden chair as Matsukawa gaped at his relaxed expression. Even Oikawa was shocked he had agreed. "A-Anyone. Except your boyfriend!" "I don't have a boyfriend." The (h/c) deadpanned.
The setter suspected (m/n) was dating at least someone on his team, with the way they idolised and admired him. Especially his ace and his vice captain.
"How about you then?" (m/n) winked at the brunette, his finger made a 'come over here' taunt and Oikawa screeched. "You're shameless!" "You asked for it."
Matsukawa and the (h/c) was laughing at the flabbergasted brunette until the door behind them slid open and revealed an intimidating redhead. Keio Shiki's ace.
"What?" Sousuke deadpanned, confused as to why was there Seijoh's captain and annoying middle blocker in (m/n)'s private lounge, usually he would sneak away to spend time with his favourite person/crush but instead he found a grinning (h/c) and two other players from their rival team, his stomach tightened with jealousy.
Oikawa gestured to him and (m/n) laughed. "He wouldn't." "Wouldn't what?" Sousuke questioned, moving behind the suddenly cautious brunette to grab a chair, dragging it to sit between Matsukawa and (m/n).
"Would you have sex with your captain?"
Sousuke felt his heart dropped as he froze, his eyes on the ground and he heard (m/n)'s voice in the background. "He said smooching not fucking." What? Smooching not what?
The ace was confused as he peered to see the one who had asked him, Matsukawa smirking at him. "...huh?" Sleeping with his captain would be a dream come true. Hell he tried to woo the (h/c) for years if it wasn't for a certain cockblock VICE CAPTAIN-
"Like I said he wouldn't do that." (m/n) waved Matsukawa's teasing off, his eyes glancing at the redhead as he chuckled lightly. Sousuke frowned.
"I beg to differ." Oikawa was staring at the redhead, his eyes glinting as he crossed his arms, the bundle of keys nowhere to be seen. Sousuke reminded the brunette of Kyoutani, their playstyles and brash behaviour was similar, only Sousuke's style was more refined and he had been tamed by the (h/c). "If not, then I'll get someone else-"
"No." Sousuke grunted out, his fists clenching as he glanced at his captain, who was staring at him with a neutral expression. "I'll kill anyone who touches you."
"Calm down, hermano." Matsukawa whistled. "It's just kissing." The ravenette noticed the protective behaviour Sousuke had for his captain, pulling his shirt down if his skin was exposed, urging him to wash up quickly in the communal bathroom. He almost punched Oikawa in the face one time if it wasn't for Iwaizumi holding him back.
(m/n) gazed at the redhead, his eyes scanning his tense figure before he reached out and pulled his hand. "Then do you mind?" He smiled at the redhead whose cheeks flared. "What?" "Make out with me for a bit."
Oikawa's body was trembling, holding in his laugh as he slapped Matsukawa on the back repeatedly, the middle blocker cupping his mouth with his hand in excited shock. Sousuke's hand that was in (m/n)'s hold shuddered for a bit before he took a hold of himself.
"Are you going to do it with someone else?" (m/n) hummed, tapping his chin in mock thought. "Well I'm doing it for something..." He peered at Oikawa who was grinning. "Either way, if I have to then I'll have to." He nonchalantly stated, observing the agitated redhead.
"I might break their hands, (m/n)." Sousuke whispered to his captain, his hand now laying on his shoulder. "Then just swap spit with me." The (h/c) winked.
Sousuke stared at his captain for a moment, the gears in his brain moving and locking in as he grabbed his chair to sit and scoot directly in front of the (h/c) whose smile reached his eyes. Oikawa was hollering in the background and Matsukawa was holding in his cackle.
Bet he's a bottom. Oikawa didn't have a clear cut objective in his plan. He just wanted to see (m/n) melt one way or another. Sousuke was an added bonus, he was so annoyed with how good chemistry they had on the court.
Hazel scanned the (h/c)'s body, his eyes moving upwards to catch (e/c) staring at his bottom lip before they locked together. (m/n) smiled and tilted his head. "Don't regret this." "..."
Sousuke placed his hand on (m/n)'s bicep as he slowly moved forward, his breath held in. (m/n) chuckled as he closed his eyes, leaning in and he gripped the redhead's thigh, rubbing his thumb into his ace's pants.
The redhead's heart was racing, he stiffened his trembling hand as he gripped the armchair and he felt his world turned into bliss when his lips pressed against his captain's.
Sousuke was rigid as he nervously opened his mouth, panicking internally when he felt no response. "Let's go slow..." (m/n) cooed as his other hand moved to cup the redhead's jaw, his nail teasingly scratching his neck.
He flinched before humming awkwardly, closing his lips and letting his captain have his way. (m/n) gently lapping up the redhead's rough picked lips, his tongue softly swiping against the redhead's clenched mouth. His grip on Sousuke's thigh tightened.
Oikawa was laughing and taking a picture secretly, Matsukawa was hiding his smile with his hand, amused at the current scenario in front of him. A certain middle blocker is gonna be so pissed when he finds out.
The redhead cautiously opened his mouth, poking out his tongue and (m/n) seemed to stammer when it met with his. Sousuke could taste a lingering salt on (m/n)'s tongue. "Noodles for dinner?" "You know me." (m/n) chuckled before holding Sousuke's face with both of his hands and clashed their teeth.
Sousuke grunted as his breath stuttered when the (h/c) entered his mouth. He moaned when (m/n)'s tongue pressed againts his hard palate and he heard his captain's quiet laugh.
The butterflies in his stomach was raging as he forced himself to stop acting so nervous, his hands finally moved to hold (m/n) by the waist, rubbing his sides up and down. He had to swallow more than normal with how generous the (h/c) was licking his tongue, the taste of soup placating his buds and their saliva mixed.
Moving forward, Sousuke's chair scratched against the floor as he forced it closer to the (h/c)'s, desperate to have more. He couldn't believe that he was doing this. What kind of miracle did he walked upon? If any other man had sat in his position, he would have had his neck wrung.
"Nggh- hah!" He pulled his face back, panting with spit drooping down his chin. His penis was undeniably hard, the outline stretching against his jeans. Sousuke's face was hot, his cheeks red and he felt even weaker seeing the (h/c)'s expression.
(m/n) was smiling shamelessly and licked his lips, his heart fluttered and light. His own cock was also erect but he couldn't show that. The (h/c) wiped both his and Sousuke's face. "You had enough?" "..."
The redhead stayed quiet, swallowing his saliva. Sousuke wanted more, (m/n)'s tongue and drool in his mouth, or even his in the (h/c). Either way, it could never be enough. He had gotten a taste and Sousuke was Adephagia.
His hand gripped (m/n)'s lower waist, dangerously close to the plump of his ass and the (h/c) let out a quiet groan while biting his bottom lip. Half-lidded (e/c) eyes glared at burning hazel. (m/n) smiled as he felt Sousuke pulling him into his lap.
Sousuke kicked the (h/c)'s chair away as he held the captain on his lap, his left hand fondling down his back and his other rubbing (m/n)'s thigh. Their mouths were connected again and Sousuke immediately took the chance to thrust his tongue past (m/n)'s lips.
The taste of udon was more apparent now as he intruded his captain's mouth, pushing his wet muscle against the (h/c)'s. (m/n) moaned as his teeth scraped and he tried to push back. His hands are now in Sousuke's red locks, pulling and roughing them up.
(m/n) (l/n) couldn't say he never meant to end up in this position, sitting perchly in his ace's lap while sloppily making out with the redhead. Oikawa annoyed him and if the only thing that got him to shut up was for him to swallow someone's spit, then so be it. It was a plus for him too, how long had it been since he let loose anyways.
Sucking Sousuke's tongue was a different story however. He knew the redhead's obsession- passion for him. His intent gaze lingering over his figure, his rough fingertips brushing against his face and it didn't help he was handsome and so compliant under his will too. (m/n) could no longer hear the two Seijoh players laughing when Sousuke pulled him onto his lap.
His heart undeniably was pounding against his chest and now he was fiercely face fucking with his ace, Sousuke's hand dangerously hovering over his ass. (m/n) could feel the hard dick under his bosom, teasingly grinding on top of the rough jeans the redhead wore- fuck he shouldn't be doing this.
"Mmng ahh-" He pushed Sousuke away, the redhead frowning and panting with his tongue slack against his bottom lip. "We should hah- finish-" He was cut off when the redhead lapped up his jaw, making the (h/c) mewl and squirm in his hold. "Don't wanna." Sousuke mumbled, letting his tongue drag across (m/n)'s jaw.
The (h/c) huffed as his hands trembled, he leaned back, unintentionally exposing more of his neck. Sousuke brushed his fangs over (s/c) before he bit down, making (m/n) gasp and whimper as he rolled his hips.
"Y-You..." (m/n) frustratingly whined, his arousal was painful as he pressed himself down onto Sousuke's. "Hah...hah..." The redhead pulled away from the (h/c)'s neck, lust and want evident in his desperate eyes. (e/c) melted with equal need staring back.
"...my room." Sousuke immediately picked him up and walked out of the lounge, (m/n) locked his ankles around the redhead's torso. They both were still making out by the time they were out of the Seijoh's sight.
Oikawa was silent, not knowing what to say. Matsukawa was palming his face. "You should've expected that. That red hair guy was basically eye-fucking him everytime they're on the court." "I just....wanted to see him submit...not hooking up with someone."
Matsukawa raised an eyebrow. "Was this supposed to be a kink? That's gross, idiot-kawa." "I JUST WANTED TO SEE HIM LOSE FOR ONCE??" "Whatever it is, he definitely won tonight." The middle blocker secretly adjusted his pants, Oikawa's face was red and blushing.
"Why the hell are you guys in here?" Iwaizumi questioned, stepping into the lounge. Hanamaki poked his head in as well.
"...nothing." "Oikawa made a horny dare." "I DID NOT!!"
Iwaizumi cringed at the setter, disappointment etched onto his face. "DON'T LOOK AT ME LIKE THAT-" He wailed and Hanamaki looked to Matsukawa for an explanation.
The middle blocker only raised his hands in mock surrender, his mind wandering to the Shiki pair. Sousuke might show up but (m/n) will definitely not be attending practice tomorrow.
Afterthoughts :
Wow me posting🤩 the last part is a bit hanging, was supposed to be more slurping but i got sleepy. I wanna ask u guys to like a post that will help my team advance in an engineering innovation competition but that will be most likely indirectly doxxing myself hm😔
I have so many long drafts...like i legit have an almost finished jinx au but goddamn i lost the spirit. Ive been neglecting daisuke ik🥰 ill come back to my big tiddy man soon.
Just finished watching the haikyuu movie yesterday and kenma is terrifying wtf. I see why ppl like him now. The first year fic boutta go crazy
Taglist :
@tehyunnie @rainnyydaysworld @webwanderer @a-short-ass-disappointment @chikai-k @mello-life25
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dearest-tobio · 24 days
you and oikawa's synchronicity to iwaizumi's announcement only upped the brewing discomfort. iwaizumi responded with a shrug, unconcerned to the damning fate he just signed you off to.
"sorry guys. makki misbooked. you're just going to have to share a room."
"with him?" you exclaimed, ignoring the petulant, whiny protests that escaped oikawa's lips. "iwa, you know that i'd be more than happy to share a room. that's not what this is about. what this is about is partnering me up with the devil incarnate himself."
"hey!" oikawa interjected. "first things first, i'm borderline angelic. second things second, you can't possibly pair me up with—" oikawa took the pause to gesture to you, further exaggerating the displeasure on his features.
iwaizumi sighed, his intentions of staying as far away as possible the conflict apparent on his face. "it's just one night, you two. we'll get separate rooms tomorrow."
"but—stop copying me!”
“you’re the one who’s been copying me. you stop—"
the piercing finality in iwaizumi's voice adjourned your bickering, and you watched as seijoh's ace pinched the bridge of his nose in exasperation.
"one night. don't let me catch you all entangled up in each other tomorrow and saying things like, 'never mind. we prefer sharing.'"
"i won't," oikawa declared, pride dripping from his words. "don't know about my partner over here, though. just might finally fall for my charm."
"in your dreams, shittykawa."
and now here you both were, laying by each other in the same bed.
you had constructed a makeshift wall to avoid the situation that iwaizumi had described earlier, and oikawa had followed suit. running down the middle of the mattress was a haphazard arrangement of pillows, effectively separating you from the setter.
despite the barrier, you knew that oikawa was still awake. he was shifting and shuffling in the sheets, a sign that he was as devoid of sleep as you were.
"can't sleep?"
the silence that came after was imperceptibly awkward: maybe oikawa was asleep after all, maybe he's just someone who moves around a lot when he sleeps—
“me too,” you replied. “i miss my own bed back home.”
oikawa’s laugh chimed through the chilly night air. “same here,” he admitted. “i don’t go out of town a lot for the sole reason that most hotel beds aren’t comfortable enough.”
preparing for the settle back to quiet, you were more than surprised to hear oikawa’s next words. “why do you hate me so much?”
“hate? you think i hate you?”
“well,” oikawa resumed, “we do argue a lot. over the silliest things. you get along ok with makki, mattsun, iwa. just not me. so yeah, i think you hate me.”
you glanced at your fingers, hoping that the nerves in your system didn’t manifest in the deep breath you took. “i don’t hate you, oikawa. you’re just annoying sometimes, that’s all.”
"what am i on other times?”
“hm? what do you mean?”
“if i’m annoying sometimes, what am i on other times?”
it was your turn to break out in laughter, the jubilance contrasting sharply with the late hour. “i don’t know. haven’t thought about it.”
“oh come on,” oikawa prodded, and you could already picture the smile tugging up at the corner of his lips. “entertain me. might help me sleep earlier.”
“ok.” he’ll forget about it in the morning. “i think you’re charming when you want to be. funny. not that bad looking. amazing at volleyball.”
“so you think i’m, and i quote, ‘not that bad looking’, hm?”
you groaned, rolling your eyes at the ceiling. “out of all the things i mentioned, you choose to focus on the one about your looks? typical.”
oikawa chuckles, and you found yourself following suit. a comfortable silence resides between the two of you: peace, at last. 
you turn your head to see oikawa peek under a pillow in the wall you’ve constructed, his chocolate eyes blinking with a smile. “good night.”
“good night,” you whisper back, brimming like a child with newfound secrets.
the morning after, iwaizumi, matsukawa and hanamaki discovers you entangled with oikawa. pillow partition long forgotten, you laid your head on oikawa’s chest, while his hand was delicately positioned on the small of your back.
matsukawa manages a knowing smirk, hanamaki returning it with a version of his own as he immortalises the scene with his phone. meanwhile, iwaizumi shakes his head, recalling the dramatics of the previous day.
"look at these two idiots. 'don’t want to share a room’, my ass.”
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dumbseee · 4 months
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boyfriend!iwaizumi when you’re a famous idol.
iwaizumi hajime x fem!reader.
genre: fluff.
warnings: bad english/grammar :p /mention of the kpop industry (in here, dating someone is less taboo than it is in real life) / first work so it’s not that good.
after high school, you left japan for south korea, you always had this dream of becoming a kpop idol. during your time in seijoh, you were already known for being an amazing dancer but also for your angelic voice.
iwaizumi would always brag about you to the volleyball team, oikawa would tease him about you leaving him for a famous korean actor, after you became famous. to which, iwaizumi would respond with a kick in his friend’s back. truth be told, he was actually very scared of what the future had in store for you two after high school. he didn’t know if long distance would work for you, or if you even wanted it in the first place.
during your last school day, iwaizumi walked you back home, like he always did, but he seemed out of it and almost, sad? you asked him what was wrong and he told you that if you wanted to break up with him to focus on your dreams, he’d respect your decision and always support you. he couldn’t even look at you, tears starting to form in the corner of his eyes as he tried his best to keep a straight face. his words surprised you and broke your heart because you never knew that iwaizumi could be so dumb to think that you’d break up with him like that. "no matter the distance, it will never make me forget about how much i love you, hajime."
so you left for south korea and he left for america to study. you two called each other everyday, when you two were too busy, you’d try to call at least twice a week. iwaizumi was busy with school and finals took all his time while your trainee program took up yours. but somehow you two made it work. a few years later, you debuted as a soloist and sold millions with your first album whilst iwaizumi came back to japan after graduating, and became an athletic trainer for japan national volleyball team. you couldn’t be prouder of him, and you were his pride. he streamed all your songs, putting them on speaker while the boys would practice, he brought all your albums and watched the variety shows you were featured in. he was basically the president of your fanclub. and he wasn’t ashamed of it.
you two always made sure to go together on vacation in a foreign country, where kpop wasn’t really the thing. the distance actually strengthened your relationship since being apart of each other for so long, made the reunion better. you knew iwaizumi was it for you, and he was also your muse for your music. your fans often joked about how inspired and how deep your love songs were. it made you laugh to read all their theories about you being married to a farmer. if only they knew…
iwaizumi never minded being your secret boyfriend, he actually liked it that way. he didn’t know if he could bare being in the public eye every time. knowing that you were south korea’s sweetheart, being your public boyfriend would mean saying goodbye to his peaceful life, and iwaizumi wasn’t ready for that. well, he wasn’t ready yet. one day, he woke up to his phone being blown up by messages, actually tons of messages, from the groupchat he shared with the japan national team. he even had missed calls from oikawa, and all his close friends.
kageyama: learn how to spell, idiot.
ushijima: blowing up his phone isn’t the best way to announce something like that.
atsumu: JUST SHUT UP
let the man wake up peacefully damn
iwaizumi: what the fuck?
ushijima: you should check twitter, hajime.
iwaizumi had frowned, but went on twitter, an app you forced him to subscribe to. apparently it was the genz’s newspaper. to his surprise, your face was all over his feed, it wasn’t surprising because he liked everything about you, followed dozens of fan account and basically became a fan account himself. but what surprised him was seeing those big account talking about your "relationship" with a famous korean actor.
"l/n y/n, the famous soloist who stole everyone’s heart with her heartfelt songs and beautiful looks, is dating a/l a/n!"
his eyes widened as he typed your name to call you immediately. his heart was beating so fast as he didn’t know how to feel about this. of course it was fake news, right? he knew you’d never cheat on him, you loved each other and iwaizumi couldn’t see his life without you in it. he quickly became aware of how much he loved you and how important you were in his life. without you, iwaizumi would be nothing but an empty shell. "hajime? thank god, i tried to call you!" your voice made him release a breath he didn’t know he was holding. "you saw, right?" your voice was small and for a second he thought that maybe you called him to announce your new relationship with this dumbass actor. "yeah, it’s not that fun to wakeup to your friends blowing up your phone and news outlets talking about your girlfriend’s relationship with that fucker." he rubbed his face with his free hand. "these idiots took pictures of us while we were in cabo and thought it was a/n. apparently you two look alike." he heard you chuckle which made him feel warm inside. he hated the fact that he doubted you for a second. suddenly, an idea popped up in his head, a crazy one but still. "you have an award show in a week right?" he asked you, a smile tugging at his lips. "yeah, why?"
well, iwaizumi’s idea was indeed crazy but you didn’t care, you were down for it. and as your name got called in the category, "best female artist", iwaizumi was next to you, he stood up before you could even understand what was going on, and he kissed you. showing to the world, that you were his as much as he was yours. it was a crazy way to launch your relationship to the world, but you didn’t care, because as long as you were together, nothing could happen.
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kisskawa · 1 year
— free will
“babe!” it’s closer to a shout than a whisper, no matter how oikawa tries to hush his voice, and it makes you turn away, face buried firmly in your pillow.
“no wait, come back,” oikawa’s arm snakes around your waist, pulling you back into his embrace. his other hand reaches over to tug at the end of the curtains and you groan unhappily at the disruption to your sleep.
you peak open an eye, lips pushed up in a pout and glance at the view of a cloud covered sun, streaks of pink and blue painting the sky as the world came to life. your frown deepens, staring expectantly at oikawa with bleary eyes.
you don’t get the explanation you want. instead, oikawa softens under your gaze, regardless of the less than happy look you’re shooting him. “good morning,” he grins, voice sticky with fondness and his hand moves to hold your cheek.
you hum in return, eyes fluttering closed once more under the warmth of oikawa’s touch.
“wait, baby, wake up,” oikawa shakes you gently, unrelenting on his hold, “i had something to ask.”
you palm at your eye slowly, murmuring a hazy “g’mornin’ ‘ru,” still a little dazed so early in the day. oikawa beams at the nickname, he knows you’re not a morning person.
“do you believe in soulmates?” the question is soft and sweet, spilling forth as a remnant of a horrifically tender dream.
you blink at him.
“y’know,” oikawa prompts, “people destined for each other?” because i think we are.
you don’t give him time to confess, single syllable of “no” cutting through the air, skewing the gentle atmosphere.
oikawa feels his heart stutter in his chest, next beat ever so slightly harder than the last. he’d never entertained the idea that your relationship was unbalanced. and yet, it makes his body freeze, arms suddenly tight around you, fear drawing you in, hoping you’d stay by his side.
you regain oikawa’s attention with a hand over his own, warmth of your cheek searing into his skin.
“i think we chose each other,” you explain, voice gentle and low, words only for tooru, “i always knew that you went to seijoh and you like volleyball, but i had to learn that you never drink enough water unless someone reminds you and that it took you all three years there to figure out the school layout. i also learnt that you can point out so many constellations at night because you really liked aliens as a kid. and that you put way too much sugar in your coffee. and all of that - every last bit - made me choose you.” you lean further into tooru’s hand, the meat of your cheek squishing up to your eye, “whether or not soulmates exist, i’d choose you in every lifetime.”
tooru feels his heart stutter in his chest, next beat ever so slightly lighter than the last. he’d never entertained the idea that your relationship was unbalanced, the very thought laughable as love fills the room around you, flowing through your veins. it makes his body relax, arms suddenly tight around you, only ever wanting you to be closer, closer, closer. because tooru chose you too, he always would.
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Karasuno, Nekoma and Seijoh:
Miss Manager and the Mystery Man
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Karasuno x Fem! manager; Nekoma x Fem! manager; Seijoh x Fem! manager
Warnings: jealousy, mostly fluff
AN: this is a request, I kept it kind of generic and mostly platonic
Most chaotic reaction goes to Karasuno 🏆
It happens at nationals
The team is brimming with excitement and nervousness as they prepare to take on Inarizaki
You, on the other hand, are relatively calm
You know your boys and how talented each and every one of them is
There’s no doubt in your mind that they will win
While they stretch, you mindlessly jot down things to remember, stats you want to collect
“YN is that you?” A voice rings from behind you as you turn to see your cousin standing right there
“Omg hi!! It’s so good to see you!” You bellow in excitement as you quickly leap into his arms from a big hug
The team is watching, utterly confused
Why are you hugging this person? Why is this person a man??
They instantly go on guard
Tanaka and Noya are growling low
Suga and Enoshita watch with narrowed eyes
Kageyama isn’t even paying attention let’s be real 😅
Asahi is concerned
Kiyoko is all smiles because she knows who the man is and is happy for you
Hinata looks confused, as does the rest of the team
Daichi narrows his eyes, but decides to approach
“Uhh hey YN, who is this?” He questions, guard up but still giving the stranger the benefit of doubt
Of course, that is before Hinata jumps in and says
“Is this your boyfriend Yn??” He screeches as the entire team stops
Some hold their breath, others just stand there
And some, well some freak out
“Who the heck do you think you are city boy??” Tanaka provinces, getting right into said city boys name
“Some guy who apparently thinks he’s good enough for OUR YN!” Noya shouts, only encouraging Tanaka
Poor Yachi is standing there, no idea how to react
You just stand there, rolling your eyes because of course this is the conclusion they would come too 🙄
You quickly stand in front of your cousin, pushing the two one brained celled teammates back
“This is my cousin! He lives far away and I don’t get to see him often!” You shout
The team instantly relaxes
Daichi quickly grabs Tanaka and Noya, whose mouths gape at the realization and apologizes
“Sorry about this,” he says to you and your cousin
Your poor cousin is probably scared for life 😂
But deep down you don’t mind, you know the team love and care for you
Chillest team? Definitely not 😂
Today was a beautiful day for a run
Of course, your enthusiasm wasn’t shared by all teammates involved
See example 👉🏻 Kenma
But nevertheless the team needed to work on their endurance
Normally you wouldn’t go with them, opting to stay behind and fill water bottles or chat with the coaches
But lev and Yamamoto had been begging you to go so you figured why not
You didn’t exactly hate running (only god knows why) so you thought it would be a great team bonding activity
Per the usual Yamamoto is leading the pack, followed behind Kuroo and Yaku who are silently racing
Kai, Fukunaga, Lev and Inuoka trail behind
And last but certainly not least, is you and Kenma
While you and Kenma run, you talk a little but mostly Kenma tries not to die
Then you see him
As he approaches, you make sure it’s actually him before freaking out
“Omg Hi!” You screech, as Kenma looks from you to the mystery man who is now stopping and smiling back at you
“Hey YN, how are you?” He asks as Kenma continues to stare, taking advantage of the break but still wondering who this man is
Could it be your boyfriend?
By now the rest of the team has stopped and are quietly observing
No one does anything yet, at least not until the mystery man goes in for the hug
“Whoa whoa who the heck do you think you are?” Yamamoto quickly jumps in, halting the man’s movements
“Excuse me?” The man says before stopping and looking at you like you can control these guys 🙄
Then Kuroo and Yaku step up to the plate 🙄 because why not
“This is our manage dude, better back off!” Yaku snarls as Kuroo just smirks
“Yaku don’t be mean to the man, not like he has anything remotely close on us,” Kuroo sneers as the man looks so utterly confused
Kenma is definitely recording this whole thing because he knows something’s up
You just stand there unimpressed
“Guys will you knock it off! This is just my cousin! He lives here but I don’t see him much because he’s in college!” You shout as all the guys freeze
“Cousin??” Some say
“In college?” Others chime
“I’m so sorry about them,” you apologize, “they all share a braincell and it seems it’s not made an appearance yet today!”
Your cousin looks from you to them before speaking, “it was nice to see you Yn, I gotta head out.”
Your cousin quickly jogs away before he has to deal with anymore crap
“Do you guys have one ounce of chill in you?” You grind out
“Sorry YN,” they all say in unison
But you can’t be mad at them for long and soon you are back enjoying your run with your boys
Definitely the most jealous
It’s the interhigh tournament and you are busy filling water bottles for the team
Usually one of the boys would accompany you but coach needed them for a quick meeting
And your an independent woman, you can handle yourself
As you fill, someone comes besides you and taps your shoulder
“Hey Yn, long time no see!” The guy says as your face lights up and you hug him with all your might
You haven’t seen your cousin in ages, despite living in the same prefecture
“Hey how is it going? I see your team made it to interhighs. Congrats!” You say as you carry on a nice a sweet conversation
But that’s not what it looks like from afar
Because you see, a certain second year setter spots you and quickly runs to tattle on you for having any contact with boys outside the team 🙄
“Some guy is hitting on Yn!” Yahaba screams at the team as Makki, Mattsun, Iwaizumi and Oikawa RUN towards you
Mad dog, Watari, Kindaichi and Kunimi are calm about it but still head out to see what’s happening
Before you know it, your engulfed in a squeezing hug by Oikawa who is glaring at your cousin
“My YN back off!” He shouts as Iwaizumi smacks him upside the head
“What are you doing with our YN?” Makki probes as your cousin seems to be completely and utterly confused
“Umm I was just talking with her,” he says as you try and wiggle out of the caged arms of Oikawa
“Just talking?” Mattsun glares as you quickly make your way through the tall players
“He’s my cousin!” You shout as Mattsun, Makki, Iwa and Oikawa all go stiff
In unison they all say, “cousin??” And look back and forth from you to your cousin
“Yes and I was just talking with him about you guys!”
“Awe you were talking about me YN-Chan??” Oikawa squeals as Iwa again smacks him
“I’m so sorry about them,” you say before budding yourself cousin farewell and pushing the team away
“Sorry YN,” they bellow in unison again as you roll your eyes
Try not to be too mad at them Yn 😂
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bokuroar · 5 months
12:17 — few years later | 🛬❤️‍🩹🎇 iwaizumi h.
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“you’ll be there, right? right? right?!”
if it’s anotamically possible to cut your ear off without passing out because of oikawa’s incessant nagging, you would’ve done it the first few seconds he begged you to accept kuroo’s reunion dinner invite before the all-star game. you were seijoh’s babysitter manager after all so, according to kuroo, it’s just right you’re there, in which you only replied with a i’ll think about it.
“haji’s gonna be there.” oikawa says in his annoying singsong voice and you swear you could hear his smirk right through your phone.
you bite your lip as if oikawa could see you blushing and smiling through the call. after years of graduating from high school, you wouldn’t have thought just hearing his name will elicit the same effect on you.
“and?” you reply nonchalantly because you would rather crawl under the earth and bury yourself alive than let oikawa confirm your cutesy, little high school crush on iwaizumi never really went away.
oikawa being your best friend saw through your reply and snorted, “pft, if i know you’ve been looking at his instagram every night before you sleep just because you’re too much of a scaredy cat to hit him up. don’t act as if you don’t zoom in on his shirtless pi—“
“oh my god, fine! i’ll go to this freaking dinner so please for the love god shut the hell up! ” you exasperatedly sigh wanting to tolerate oikawa’s teasing no longer not because it’s untrue but because you felt like you were caught committing a crime. it’s a curse and a gift you have a best friend that knows everything about you.
you hear oikawa shriek through your phone in celebration and about being there at 6, so you mutter a good bye before he lays out a plan that involves dragging you wherever into the night.
as if on cue, your phone lights up with a notification from your old group chat when the call ended,
✉️ t. oikawa: see you all on saturday!!!! no backsies!!!!!! :p
you roll your eyes knowing he’s talking about you. you were about to hit send on a message something about being him still being an annoying ass when another bubble popped in your screen that made you rewrite everything you were about to say.
✉️ h. iwaizumi: im back too 🇯🇵 see you guys :)
✉️ you: i’ll be there ☺️
come saturday, you’re standing in front of the restaurant which every nook and cranny you’re familiar with as this was a popular go-to after-school-dinner-place during your younger years with the team. you try your best not to look frantic while you check your phone at least every 10 seconds to tell oikawa “wru >:(”
you were about to hit the call button when you hear somebody clear their throat. as a reaction, you step away from where you were standing thinking you were probably blocking the entryway.
“sorry i was just w— oh. haji?” you take these few seconds to take him in—the way his shirt hugged his biceps, the watch that also somehow added to his attractiveness, his skin that’s more tanned, his freshly cut hair, and his smile. god, that smile. so many things have changed about him since he last visited home but his kind, subtly giddy smile still reached his eyes.
“been awhile, hasn’t it?” iwaizumi sheepishly say and you hold back a gasp when he scratches the back of his head that flexed his arm.
“it’s been.. yeah? yeah, it has. i mean. yes..” you nervously laugh, mentally kicking yourself for tripping over your words.
you feel your cheeks redden, not from the cold air of the darkening day but because of the manly, handsome laugh that bubbles from iwa’s chest. “watcha doin’ out here, though? waiting for a someone or..” he drags his sentence hoping you don’t hear his silent prayer that you are romantically available.
you snort before you could even think about it, “no, c’mon it’s not like that.” you laugh and went on to tell the tale of oikawa begging you to come, “i’m waiting for that idiot tooru who went several measures to make sure i’m here.”
“you two were thick as thieves, weren’t ya? i’m glad you stayed in touch even if that shithead went abroad.” iwaizumi smiles and you can’t resist staring at how he threw his head back when he laughed at oikawa’s typical antics.
“wish we did too, y’know. i missed ya.” iwaizumi suddenly confesses, “i just found myself wanting to talk to you when i was out there.”
to say your heart felt like it dropped on your feet was an understatement. it’s like everything froze—the leaves halted midair, the world went silent and the only sound you could hear was the loud thump of your heart. all what you manage to let out is, “o-oh? you did? really?”
iwaizumi looks at you like you just asked the most ridiculous question, “‘course i did. we talked every day then! remember how i used to walk you home after our trainings then stop by that dang old ramen place that was there since forever? missed hanging ‘round with you and the team ‘tis all.”
you smile as you look at the ground, shyly but fondly recollecting all the simple but sweetest moments with iwaizumi you cherish so much. with his sudden reminiscing, you recall the sort-of debate you had with him because he kept on insisting he should always walk you home.
“r-right. the team. yeah, i missed them too.” you say as you shake your head along with the thought of having a chance of romance with your longtime friend.
“we should go inside. fuck that tardy tooru i think a lot’s of them here.” you casually laugh and walk towards the door until you felt a hand on your wrist.
iwaizumi shoots you a grin, “what do you say the two of us go grab that ramen? for old time’s sake?”
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a/n: so .. uh … im back ! hope everyone’s still here 😅🫣 anw this was supposed to be just a drabble but i got a lil carried away & im alr thinking of writing a pt 2 .. wdyt hehe
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haikyu-mp4 · 1 month
Lucky misunderstanding
word count; 974 – gn!reader I think
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Not usually favouring sports, you’re in the journalism club to make use of your great eye for design and writing. After watching one of your school’s volleyball team’s official games last season, you took notice of the boring brochures they handed out with the players’ information. You hadn’t yet chosen what to do for your project this semester and decided to lend your talents to making a better representation of the team’s charms and talents. What you didn’t expect to get out of the project was a date.
You received permission from their coach and captain and set up some equipment to take your photos in a room adjacent to the gym during practice. Hopefully, you can encourage them all to pose confidently. In order to not disturb their whole practice, you ask one grade to join you at a time, starting with the first-years and ending with the third-years. Good luck!
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Having seen how strategic and tactical Seijoh are on the court, you thought the photoshoot would go by pretty quickly and smoothly. You didn’t account for Yahaba and Kuotani being this difficult. They were egging each other on and making it hard for you to get any shots where they weren’t wearing angry frowns.
That’s why you at least hoped the third years would be easier. Calm, confident and collected.
Well.. they sure were confident. At least you were laughing, watching how they played around and criticised each others’ poses. Iwaizumi seemed to keep his distance, though, only coming out of his shell to throw some comments at Oikawa.
He went last, straightening out his uniform and standing in the spot you wanted him to. “Let’s get this over with.”
You shrugged and held up the camera, but put it down again. He was just staring sternly at the lens. “Could you give me some confidence?” you asked. “Where’s the smug guy that beats everyone in arm wrestling?”
The effect is instant and the other guys are thrilled to spot Iwa’s red ears. “Yea, Iwa! Where are the muscles?” Makki cooed and giggled. You looked away from the boy and down at your hands for a second. Is he mocking you? “Just think of how y/n is staring at you through the lens.” he continued teasing before Mattsun roughly patted his shoulder to make him stop, even though he was chuckling too.
Do they know about your crush? Did you bust yourself with that comment? Have they heard a rumour? How embarrassing! That’s the worry that swirled in your head as you cleared your throat and looked shyly at Iwaizumi. The ace himself nearly growled, pushing his sleeves up and walking towards his friends with a threatening “you three better run” slipping between his teeth.
The boys all took his advice and ran out, clearly terrified of the muscly ace as he started running at them until they were all out of the room. He took in a deep breath and turned back, glancing between you and the floor as he stood in front of you again.
“I’m sorry-“
“I’m sorry.” The two of you said at the same time, making both of you lift your gazes to meet each other’s in surprise.
“Why are you sorry? They were being stupid,” he mumbled with a weak chuckle as if trying to brush it off. You cleared your throat again, looking away and down at the camera.
“You probably just want to get this over with, I didn’t think they would make you uncomfortable,” you rambled, not sure if you should address your crush or leave it unspoken and let the poor boy escape you.
“I’m not! They just know I get… flustered… around you,” he admitted hesitantly, finally meeting your eyes again and tucking his hands in his pockets.
Thinking back, Oikawa had mumbled something about Iwa-chan loving this when you asked him if he approved your project. Your path didn’t cross with Iwaizumi’s that often at school, but when it did you would always stop for a short chat and it would fill you with happy energy for the rest of the day. That’s how you developed your crush, which might have created some inspiration for this project as well.
You were surprised and trying to sort out your thoughts as your mouth opened and closed like a fish. “Let’s just get this over with, forget what I said,” he said, already regretting his little confession when you didn’t respond.
“I thought they were teasing me for my crush on you.” You chuckled under your breath before lifting the camera. All you saw was a very surprised Iwaizumi.
“Makki kept commenting on how I was looking at you and your freaking muscles and I just thought they must be teasing me for it.” you rambled again, looking away and cursing mentally at how you were never finishing the photoshoot at this rate.
“They were teasing because I like you,” he said, letting the whole sentence out in one breath. You only caught every word because you were desperately listening to him.
“Really?” was all you managed to say, even chuckling a bit at the misunderstanding.
He chuckled too, rubbing his face with both hands before glancing at you to see your reaction. “Really.”
“Then I think you should let me finish my project and take me out on a date later,” you declared, biting the inside of your lip in anticipation.
He straightened up and gave you a determined look. “I like the way you think.”
So you did finish taking the photos, maybe even sneaking in a shy little first kiss before he had to go back to practice. He told you to wait for him after practice and you both parted ways with rosy cheeks.
Maybe just this once he should thank Makki for being so insufferable.
the Flyer Series ║ masterlist
/taglist: @cottonlemonade @dira333 @cosmiicdust @nagi-core
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iwasdear · 1 month
I'm coming in with another thought about Matsukawa cus he lives in a penthouse in my brain and bro is not moving out any time soon
he did not truely grasp how big his meat was until he lost his virginity
sure he's not dumb he knew it was definitely something but not until he got a girl in bed did he realize his shtick was built different
and lemme say that did more than just inflate his ego, he was a changed man
And doesn't just slang it all willy nilly and expect his size to do all the work, he learned the motion of the ocean and was a certified sex god from that point forward‼
Not just cocky for cockys sake, he promises a good time and sure as hell lays it tf down too😼
On a similar note can I ask how you think all the seijoh 4 first times went? when? how? what do you think?
oh i definitely fuck with this thought, anon. he's not cocky just because he can be cocky, but it's because he knows he can be cocky. matsukawa isn't like those annoying mfs that are cocky because they think they're the shit. he is the shit. after that encounter where he lost his virginity, he became a god and nobody could stop him no more.
now, here is how i think seijoh 4z first time went ( with reader ) ★
oikawa had his first time at a party. since he's very popular, he gets invited to parties often. i feel like he def had no idea as to what the fuck to do, but i mean, you're not bound to knows when it's your first time, right? he was really excited about it, though, and spoiler: he came really fast! we understand, king. hormones are everywhere, there's a rush that's hard to ignore, its a first time sensation, how could he hold back? he had a round two after that because he reached his own high, but reader didn't even get to enjoy theirs, and let me tell you. his second orgasm hit him ten times harder. i know this messed up with his ego so he's been participating in every no nut november like a loser because he says it will help him last longer (it really doesn't).
mattsun had a pretty decent first time with a date, and it went absolutely amazing for both of them. the amount of stamina this guy has is insane. they met on a dating app, both of their profiles specifying that they didn't want anything serious, much rather looking for a quick hook-up. it was then when matsukawa realized his cock was in fact not your average dick. the fact that his huge buddy could make someone cry in pain fascinated him. my guy has morals so he held back so reader could adjust but god was his ego over the roof. ever since then, mattsun proudly carries a weapon between his legs.
makki had his first time in a damn club HANDS DOWN. unlike oikawa, who had the commodity of a (strangers) bed, hanamaki went at it in a bathroom. oh yeah. ngl i feel like he's a sucker for head, so they went with that first! he loved it, btw. lasted quite long but not too long, iykwim. then he proceeded to fuck reader on the sink. some clubs tend to have full body mirrors and my gut is telling this mf had a second round but this time full view on said mirror. the ones above the sink weren't it for him. out of the 4, i personally think makki is the most experienced. he knew what he was doing the moment they walked into that bathroom. if you're wondering, they waited for it to empty out and locked the doors and didn't let anyone in for a good two hours, teehee.
this one may be a little too biased because i love iwaizumi a little too much, and in my eyes, he's a gentleman. unlike the other 3, iwa had his first time with someone he was in a stablished relationship with at the time. it was actually quite romantic and beautiful and SIKE. hajime had his first time in the lockers. stressed from dealing with oikawa and his annoying fangirls, mattsun and makki holding him back from beating the shit out of his best friend, and just built up stress from other things. he was over it. the stablished relationship part is true. he asked reader to meet in the lockers a little earlier than the time practice usually ends because he heard from others (mattsun) that sex was a good stress reliever. by the way, iwaizumi was the last to lose his virginity. the gentleman part was also true because despite being someone who doesn't speak his mind outloud, my man still had the courage to confidently ask reader if they could do the deed right there and then. tbh i feel like he likes his privacy, and i mean, anyone could walk in any second, so they both went with the showers. great experience if you ask him, but he would NOT do it in an open space like that ever again.
© iwasdear | more thoughts are welcome!
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educatedsimps · 26 days
— bonus headcanons, iwaizumi hajime
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iwaizumi hajime x gn!reader
a/n: idea dump based on this iwa request (main fic) so this is basically just everything i wanted to put into the fic but i kinda lost the energy and the bandwidth to write everything up to the standard i wanted so now this exists HAHA hope u like this and tysm for reading! :)
headcanons under the cut!
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You remember asking him once, "Hajime, why do you do that?"
And he replied "Do what?" with deadass the most confused look on his face.
"Kiss my wrists and palms all the time," You clarified.
"Oh," He stopped. "Yeah, why do I do that-"
ok so basically, Iwa finds the wrists a very delicate part of the body, and given his experience as a volleyball player, and the nature of his job, he takes extra special care of them.
he remembers his coaches always reminding him and his teammates not to injure their wrists during training, which translates to "YOU BETTER HAVE GOOD FORM WHILE SPIKING, SERVING AND SETTING, DO YOU UNDERSTAND?"
anyway, i think he started noticing wrists when he was in high school, especially since he was seijoh's ace and had to use his wrists a lot to spike. he probably injured his wrist(s) once and has always listened to his coaches ever since.
now that he's a professional volleyball trainer he makes sure that his athletes don't injure their wrists either.
so i think all of this adds to why he pays extra attention to your wrists especially.
bonus if your job requires you to use or rely on your wrists a lot, eg. musician (like me), athletes, surgeon, author, artist, etc... idk.
YOU CANNOT CONVINCE ME THAT HE DOESN'T GIVE THE BEST 👏 FKING 👏 MASSAGES 👏 ON EARTH 👏 and at the end of the massage he'll always kiss your hands and wrists and idk why but it just feels so chivalrous. like ofc it feels intimate when you hold his face in your hands and he plants kisses on your wrists/palms and but sometimes it just feels so chivalrous and gentlemanly ykwim?
OMG WHEN HE PROPOSES TO YOU like after he slides the ring onto your finger AND THEN KISSES YOUR WRIST/HAND AND IT FEELS LIKE YOUR HEART COULD EXPLODE 'cause i know mine would actually explode if he did that.
anyway some instances i thought of adding to the fic (but couldn't cuz i don't have the ability or capacity to write them out well) include:
waking up in the morning together or when you hold his face and kiss his forehead (these two are in the main fic linked above!)
when you're cuddling on the couch after a long day and just watching a show together or napping. if you're laying on him and touch his face he'll 100% kiss your wrists/palms
when he hugs you from behind and you reach up to run your fingers through his hair (like when you're cooking dinner together or something) and he'll pull your hand down to kiss your wrist
when you hug him with your arms around his neck and he catches your wrist before you pull away
when you shower together (SFW, DON'T WORRY) and you're facing each other and he's tilting his head / bending down while you wash his hair or massage his scalp and when you're done washing it he'll give your wrists a gentle kiss before returning the favour
BONUS: when he holds your face in his hands and you decide to give him a taste of his (very sweet) medicine. you’d twist your head to kiss his wrist and then his palm and he'd be BLUSHING because he's usually the one who does that AND HE'S SO CUTE he's like, "hey... you can't do that. i'm supposed to be the one doing that for you." while blushing and smiling and getting a lil shy and everything and HE'S JUST TOO CUTE FOR MY HEART 😭😭💕
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a/n: ok that's all for the iwa brainrot ... i'm kidding, the iwa brainrot will never end. THANKS FOR READING THOUGH and thank you anon for sparking my two week long obsession with iwa once again
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© educatedsimps 2024. do not repost, copy, translate or plagiarize any work from this blog on tumblr or any other platforms. if you do, the simps will hunt you down. likes and reblogs are appreciated!
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social-media-au-reblog · 10 months
Complete Haikyuu smaus
(If you have any I should add just DM me or comment)
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Main master list
Atsumu Miya x reader
Match point (Summary: Seven years ago you moved to the Hyōgo prefecture, met two demon twins, and regretted every decision you made since. Osamu and Atsumu aren’t going away no matter how much you beg. Maybe, giving in and being their manager will finally shut them up….)
so... what do you say(After finding your fiancé you have been with many years cheating on your best friend. You tried to confront them but they never showed up…So what do you do? You drink at the bar trying to figure out what to do. And who else there to help you if not the good looking stranger you met at the bar?)
Don't Miss Me (you, not big on relationships? who would’ve thought, besides everyone who’s ever met you. for years, your friends have always seen how commitment-phobic you are, and it’s bled into every relationship you’ve had. and once you meet college volleyball player, atsumu miya, it becomes very hard to stick to these morals. especially when all the two of you do is sarcastically flirt. however, just maybe, he’ll get through to you and become your shooting sta)
How to fall in love (summary : maybe trying to get your crush, Miya Osamu, who you’ve been crushing on ever since first year to fall in love with you wasn’t exactly the smartest plan… especially if Miya Atsumu was behind it all.)
all i want for christmas (Rumi Miya has only ever wanted one thing for as long as she could remember. A Mother. Being the child of Atsumu Miya has made her dream nearly impossible with all the fake women trying to snatch her papa up)
osamu miya x reader
plug walk (in honor of your friends birthday your friends and you all decided to get high. buying the drugs from no other than osamu miya. the most attractive dealer you’ve ever laid eyes on.)
were good(are we)(Osamu is getting married, and he’s fine with it, until he isn’t, and the first thing he does when leaving the venue is hiding and getting drunk. Naturally, nothing good can come out of this.)
Ukai X reader
Coincidence? Let’s Hope It Is (The way it all started was by stealing a bunch of tomatoes, everything down spiraled from there.)
Suna Rintarō x reader
when world colide Synopsis: In which, Sakusa Kiyoomi’s sister, Y/n accidentally hits her childhood friend’s teammate with a softball when their batter missed her pitch. Will this miss lead to something more? or will just end with goodbyes?
Interact (Suna Rintarou, number #10 middle blocker on Inarizaki’s volleyball team, finds a semi-popular tiktok account, and is immediately attracted to the girl. But what he isn’t aware of, is how that girl goes to his school and he could’ve passed her atleast once in the halls.)
You’re everything (Suna was the best boyfriend you could ask for, after fighting with your inner demons that screamed you were ugly, worthless, and annoying. You finally decided to go the next step with your boyfriend, only to find out it was all a game)
Still(an awkward dinner brings y/n and her high school ex, suna rintarou, back together as friends. just friends, right?)
meet me in the hallway summary: oikawa tooru was a member of one of the most known boy-bands in all japan, ‘seijoh club’. but then, he wasn’t part of it anymore. why? no one knew one thing is for sure though, when suna rintaro and (l/n) (y/n) were looking for a lead singer for their band, they never thought the oikawa tooru would be interested in joining them.
club stupid SYNOPSIS - Club Stupid, an anonymous podcast meant for the dumb and dumbest to send in unspoken and nonsensical thoughts about issues they face in their day to day lives and for Y/n to speak out and give her opinions and feelings. Normal feelings though, nothing romantic like how she thinks this lazy guy with questionable hair in the volleyball club is actually pretty cute.
swipe left summary: where suna and y/n both coincidentally at the same time makes a bet. both of which relates to them having a date, where’s a better place to find that someone than a dating app online?
instant boyfriend summary: Y/N has always been known for being shameless, single, and eccentric. when her friend, oikawa, discovers an app for finding a boyfriend, it seemed as if all her problems vanished—but here's the gist; her boyfriend is a robot? yet human at the same time? kinda?
INDIRECTS summary : in which you & suna rintarō are table partners, now turned best friends, who are desperate for something more between each other & are cluelessly making indirect posts about each other without even knowing.
harts cut (when Karasuno and Inarizaki hospitals are forced to merge, Karasuno’s fifth year residents are the least happy for it to happen. If it was only the merger though, you thought)
match maker (Y/N L/N an overworked chief secretary who has no time for relationships or anything of the sort nowadays. But, when she’s met with her best friend downloading an app for just the thing she doesn't have time for. She grieves, matchmaking was already a scam, what’s the point of finding love anyways?)
love is not for everyone (after years of not talking to each other, your childhood best friend decided to reach out again, how will everything go?)
reconecting (you meet tons of people during your lifetime, most will come and go, but one person seemed to make an impact—only to leave your life out of the blue. but you believed that if they aren’t dead yet, you’ll always meet them again. no matter the circumstances.)
Lovers rock(When a guy asks for your number, you sternly insist on a condition that leads to unexpected love.)
I wanna be yours(Y/N is a small business owner, offering her services not only as a designer but an at-home makeup artist and cosmetic producer as well. She's perfectly content with her small life when she's approached by the manager of the INARIZAKI band, asking for her to fill the position of backstage artist on short notice. Needing the money, and wanting the experience, Y/N agrees. Little does she know of the fatal attraction she will share with the band's lead, Suna Rintarou.)
Affairs in Managing (Inarizaki is in need of a manager and luckily, someone rose up to the challenge. It is said that they are unpredictable, but there’s something unexpected that happens.)
AS IF (what you want is what you get. thats how its always been for you growing up. but the one time you let time and destiny do it’s thing, surprise, surprise! it’s not how you want it to be. maybe you‘re just clueless on how things should play out without having it your way)
Kenma x reader
Love is hard for a gamer(When a rumor spreads saying that Kozume Kenma rejected a girl, all of his friends start marking fun of him; implying that he will never have a girlfriend if he keeps playing games. To prove his friends wrong, Kozume and y/n —the manager of the volleyball team—, start pretending that they are dating. But when one of them catches feelings… What will happen to their friendship?)
Chose unlimited (kenma kozume is a successful streamer and youtuber who honestly prefers his alone time but when you crash into his life, literally, will he end up falling for you?)
Mute(𝕤𝕪𝕟𝕠𝕡𝕤𝕚𝕤: enroute to being a neurosurgeon, y/n l/n doesn’t have time for fun, let alone dating. after her friends set her up on a blind date gone wrong, she comes face 2 face with none other than her date’s best friend. her world flips on axis, and suddenly she has no idea how her brain works, or love-at-first-sight)
whats a ibff (Y/N is a shy youtube gamer from Fukuoka who becomes friends with a group of youtubers from Tokyo that she met online. Kenma is a youtube gamer and twitch streamer from Tokyo who happens to be friends with one of Y/N’s internet friends. The two meet online through their mutual friend.)
Mincraft bed(truthfully despite playing minecraft everyday all day, you had never played bedwars. not because it wasn’t interesting but because you were terrible at competitive games, of course shoyo didn’t know that upon asking you to play. but i mean can you really be mad at shoyo when it lead you to him?)
「 sᴡᴇᴇᴛᴇʀ ᴛʜᴀɴ ᴀᴘᴘʟᴇ ᴘɪᴇ 」 (❝ Yn owner of a rising bakery cafe. One day a pudding head boy enter with his close friend looking for an apple pie. What will their future bring them when they keep meeting? ❞)
network love (this ones sad)(for Y/N, working for Bouncing Ball Corp. has been amazing. the salary is high, her co-workers are all genuinely kind and fun to hangout with, and lastly, her boss is hot as fuck. everything’s been good until she accidentally sends the wrong file—a file filled with her impromptu lingerie shoot.)
digging straight down (AFTER BREAKING the number one minecraft rule who knew you’d be pining after the one guy who made fun of you for it)
online friend(Y/N L/N is an anonymous gamer by the name of Sage that resides outside of Japan. While playing one day, they become friends with Kenma which leads to being dragged into his rambunctious friend group. With interactions becoming more frequent, Y/N is faced with decision of trusting their new friends and the conflicts of living miles away.)
fix it(You’re a second year at Nekoma with a burning passion to fix whatever is broken and finding out why it’s broken. One day, Kenma accidentally breaks his switch and needs help fixing it. One broken item that needs fixing is what you do best, so you help Kenma out. What else needs fixing?)
three step plane (With Kodzuken’s fans speculating about his relationship status, his friends start shipping him with Y/n. Falling in love is a three step plan, right?)
blind date ( as a youtuber, you see it as your job to be kind to everyone like you on the platform. however, one by the name of kodzuken continously pushes your buttons and has now been labeled your archenemy. but, what happens when the person your friends set you up on a date with, turns out to be the man who’s impartial attitude makes you want to rip your hair out?)
MY FAVORITE delete me from your contacts (Being a girl gamer has never been easy especially on a male dominated platform like twitch. Deemed as a mere e-thot by the masses, you never let the petty hate get to you. That was until the famous streamer, kodzuken, decided to call you another lazy, gamer wannabe. )
mr hotshot ceo (y/n is an outgoing and bubbly girl who just landed a job as a secretary for bouncing ball corp. kenma kozume, ceo of bouncing ball corp, works secretly as a gaming youtuber and streamer under the name kodzuken. after a miscommunication and y/n learns the truth about kenma both their worlds collide. what does fate have in store for these two?)
your voice (when kenma kozume met (y/n), he saw you as someone who was far different than him, but as he got to know you better, he was beginning to think that he actually has a chance. or maybe not?)
friends with benefits ()
thanks alot cupid (the worst part of having a secret crush on yn kuroo, in kozume kenma's case, is that she's one of his close friend's ex and his childhood friend's sister. although y/n makes it clear she harbors deep feelings for the blonde, the two reasons that restrict kozume from making any moves, don't necessarily limit her, “no tetsu, I do not have a crush on your best friend aka my ex-high school situationship aka my recent ex’s best friend… but if I said I did what would the consequences be?” summaries aren't my best suit but wtvr)
Beta tester (Y/N L/N is a popular mangaka)
Sakusa Kiyoomi x reader
i lysol you(the miya twins younger sister leaves for tokyo in order to join the junoir national gymnastics team while also studying at itachiyama institute )
heart on the ice (It’s the perfect start to your debut senior figure skating season, until it’s not. A minor run in with Sakusa Kiyoomi has you in hot water in the figure skating world, and the only solution is to pair with the Ice Prince himself and skate in pairs. Sparks will fly as you constantly butt heads with Sakusa, and you see your season melt away. Can you save your season before it’s too late? Or will Sakusa ruin any chance you have of becoming a Senior World Champion?)
Tempura (Yoomi Yum is a five star restaurant that has received nothing but positive reviews. It’s spotless clean, the service is great, the food is amazing! Owner and head chef Sakusa is proud of his restaurant, so when he received a bad rating from YN LN, a well-known food critic, he was shocked. Now he’s determined to change her mind using social media and his talent.)
It was never meant to be easy (y/n is Bokuto’s childhood friend who doesn’t take anyone’s shit. what happens when she crosses paths with someone who is very much the opposite of her? will they match or will it be easier to walk away? )
Sold out (Summary: Sakusa didn’t noticed that he ran out of masks. He immediately went to his favorite and only drug store to purchase a box, but when he asked for some, they told him that someone bought all the masks. He wanted to ask about who the culprit is so he can email them for being inconsiderate, what he didn’t know was that the said person rans a science channel with their friend)
caramel frap (in which sakusa kiyoomi tries not to fall in love with the girl who spilled her favorite drink on him; or sakusa being your breakfast buddy until you realize your feelings and eat together for every meal)
Secrets(Y/N L/N is the new manager of the MSBY Black Jackels volleyball team. With learning to deal and adapt to the many differing personalities, the team may discover that they have a secret of their own.)
why try (smau in which y/n’s sister and sakusa’s brother are set up with an arranged marriage and both y/n and sakusa being sworn enemies, desperately try to cut off this marriage, but during their attempt—both families and friends learn a little something about them)
lost bet ([y/n] has just lost a bet to one of her best friends, Kuroo. The deal was the loser had to do something chosen by the winner. What will Nekoma’s captain choose? But, why?)
figer it out (Sakusa Kiyoomi tended to avoid a number of things: germs, crowds, his teammates, and interviews. He preferred his life out of the limelight. When rumors spring up about his love life, keeping his fiancée a secret becomes a whole lot harder.)
i am the father (You and Sakusa have started dating on the second year of high school. On your 4th year of dating and second year of college, you found out you were pregnant. You were in a crisis. You were only 20 and didn’t know anything about motherhood. Worst case scenario, your boyfriend didn’t want kids.Your solution? Run away from Kiyoomi Sakusa. Raise the kid on your own. Never meet the child’s father ever again.That was your plan.You were doing great on your own, until you find out that Komori, the cousin of your ex, lives next door.)
tsukishima x reader
Doodles(Kuroo Y/n was finally moving onto University, happy to be attending the same on as her brother and that it was so close to all her other friends Universitys. What she didn’t expect was for her brother’s poor attempts to set her up with one Tsukishima Kei.)
Dorm buddies (you’re in need of a new dorm buddy because your current roommate sucks and tsukishima kei might just be the perfect candidate.)
Salty daddy (You decided to call your relationship over to focus on your career only to realize you were pregnant. About to tell him the good news and fix broken ties, you saw Tsukishima with another girl, unexpectedly happy despite your break up Leaving him was your choice. Surely it was challenging to raise a kid on your own. And when your boss gave you a promotion, you grabbed the opportunity Things were getting better, only to realize your job is being an accountant on the museum where Tsukishima is working. In addition to this, your son won’t stop saying ‘papa’ upon seeing his father’s pictures. )
Drums+acohal≠love(y/n who works as a bartender in a small bar in tokyo met a man who has been coming in for 3 days, what will happen if their life entangle with eachother? will they be lovers or will their relationship be just a one night stand?)
5000 miles away(you moved to America when you were ten years old. every year you visit Japan for a short while and at the eighth year, you meet the son of your parents’ old college friends, Tsukishima Kei. )
Oh my god they were roommates(when tsukishima’s best friend yamaguchi moves out of his way too expensive apartment, tsukki finds himself in need of a new roomie. when he replies to your tweet, he expects a quiet girl who keeps to herself but instead he gets you. will you be able to break down tsukishima’s walls or will you be forced to stand on the outside, looking in?)
make mistakes (after your soulmate first heard your music he dreaded the day youd meet, on the other hand you dreamed of the day youd finally meet them. surely the universe doesnt make mistakes when matching up soulmates… right?)
number neigbor (IN WHICH you’re bored out of your mind one night and upon scrolling through twitter, you’ve come across hilarious interactions with people’s number neighbors. Curious on what the hype was all about, you end up texting your number neighbor. Completely expecting some random middle aged stranger, you’ve actually come across a cute guy that’s your age and lives in the same city. The only downside is that he possibly hates your guts)
bread talks (when your mother tells you to deliver some leftover bread to the young man living above your family bake shop, you never expect to make a complete fool out of yourself. but things happen, and maybe, some small accidents were actually meant to be— just not in the way you expected.)
are you worth it (don’t get tsukishima wrong–he wasn’t extremely fond of anyone that wasn’t yamaguchi, even so, yamaguchi could be a pain. so nonetheless, he has his suspicions about sugawara’s little-first-year cousin, no matter how cute she is.)
kia (At a young age your parents dropped you off at your cousin’s house and left for business. Your cousin being Tadashi Yamaguchi. You two grew closer than ever from the time you were there. At the age of 10 you were sent back home to your parents and moved schools. Then at 15, you enrolled at Karasuno High, reuniting with your childhood friend and meeting some new ones.)
hate to love you (you, Tsukishima, and Yamaguchi have been friends ever since you were all seated next to each other in high school. So when some dude at your school starts to bug you by constantly asking you out and not understanding the word NO, they were the first people you told. Tsukishima and Yamaguchi help to plot a way to keep this creep away from you.)
play date (kicked out of her home with no place to go, y/n is forced to move into her family friend’s home, who coincidentally is also the family of tsukishima kei, the boy who denied her confession.)
love is time(Amidst the turbulence of new adolescence and figuring out their path in life, nude model Y/N L/N somehow gets caught up in the drama of Tsukishima Kei's life. Although they're at each other's throats, the two both know when life throws you a curveball sometimes you've just got to roll with the punches. They've got plenty to learn from each other, willingly or not. Besides, they'll fall in love in time.)
It’s nothing special (The life of a singer is not as glamorous as it seems. Sure, there is the fame and the fortune but what no one ever talks about is what happens behind the scenes or rather, behind the screens.)
kuroo x reader
serotnin (Chemistry student Tetsuro Kuroo has a huge crush on creative studies y/n who he meets thanks to his long time best friend Kenma.)
Gamer girl(summary: y/n and her four friends are known as one of the most chaotic squads in youtube gaming history. even more chaos ensues when another squad joins in and streams with them.)
operation sweetheart (y/n l/n has been dating kuroo tetsurou for a year, but will a training camp that brings the pair back together actually tear them apart?)
A MODERN LOVE STORY (in which Y/N is a college student and youtuber just trying to enjoy life with her friends, and Kuroo is a part time model and full time suffering stem major trying to get by.)
Serotonin (Chemistry student Tetsuro Kuroo has a huge crush on creative studies y/n who he meets thanks to his long time best friend Kenma.)
Runaway Hearts Running, a perfect way to clear the mind and to get a good exercise in. Kuroo loves running in the early morning. But every morning he sees you on his route. And everytime the two of you compete to see who’s faster. Hearts are pounding and now it’s time to see who reaches the finish line first.
Keiji Akaashi x Reader
Frienemims(Akaashi was polite, yes, but even he had people that he didn’t really like. You were one of them. Not like you cared since you hated him too, but all of a sudden you were paired with him for a project. Now that’s when you care.)
akaashi x fem reader smau (Akaashi was polite, yes, but even he had people that he didn’t really like. You were one of them. Not like you cared since you hated him too, but all of a sudden you were paired with him for a project. Now that’s when you care.)
Count on Me Masterlist (Practice. Study. Prepare. Gigs. The band members of 3G are slowly getting a bigger and bigger fan base. In order to stay connected to their followers, they created social media accounts for their band but soon realized that they either sound really stupid or really serious. They weren’t sure if they could promote their music. That is until one of their friends managed to get them a marketing manager from the marketing department. Now YN, the new marketing manager, and Akaashi, the bassist, must work together to make the band grow. Can they count on each other?)
song for you (celeb! au. singer akaashi keiji isn’t too keen on relationships. when up and coming artist y/n moves into the apartment below him, will she be able to change that?)
jane austen and redbull(You’re desperately trying to juggle classes, teaching, and your dumb friends as you navigate grad school. When the opportunity of a lifetime pops up - a contract professorship that could change your career in academia - you and a co-teaching assistant go head to head for the position. He’s cold and calculated and definitely doesn’t respect your intelligence, but he’s also undeniably smart and, well frankly, hot)
Toru Oikawa x reader
Hit Me Up, Buttercup!(You are just stalking your favorite volleyball player, Oikaw Tohru, in his most active social media as usual when you finally got him to notice you. No one expected him to hit you up, buttercup!)
He loves me he loves me not (You’re Karasuno’s first-year manager, someone everyone thought would end up with Tobio because childhood friends win, right? Of course Oikawa would want to wrap you around his pretty finger the moment he knows that. Are his intentions pure and genuine? Of course not. Will you end up hurt? Most likely, though not for the reason you think. )
Hit it till it Barack’s (Y/n, 3rd year manager of the Karasuno Volley Ball Team along with Kiyoko, Very good manager but needs a little hyping up from her boys sometimes. She loves to bake and cook for the team, earning her the title of team mom. She gets all hyped up for the Aoba Johsai and Karasuno match, but when the worst happens, her least favorite player Tooru Oikawa hits her in the face with one of his powerful jump serves. How will this play out?)
Nonsense (you were oikawa tooru’s #1 fan, until you became his #1 hater. you hated him so much you went viral on twitter (accidentally) and literally became known as “the oikawa tooru hater”, doesn’t help that he keeps fueling the fire by subtweeting you. everyone is all in for this new drama. what isn’t known to the public, is that this particular drama’s been on hold for three years (him being your ex and all)
Like this (it wasn’t supposed to go like this. you weren’t supposed to meet your boyfriend’s best friend, only for his best friend to end up being your ex boyfriend. it was not supposed to go like this. )
so far but connected (A phone that connects to another universe created by Sora Kato, a student from UA Class 1-H, but it was turned down because ‘it was useless’. It’s not like you’re going to end the villains with just a single call from another universe. He spent months creating it for only to be laughed at by his classmates. But when a student from Class 1-A heard about the gadget they immediately went and purchased it from Kato.)
dont hate the player (The most popular female gamer on YouTube. Debatably the most popular volleyball player alive. A bad breakup sent you packing to Argentina for new perspective. Who knew the new perspective had a witty personality and beautiful eyes? Tooru only sees a broken girl whose heart he wants to mend — his goal is to be the best neighbor possible... and maybe a little something more)
may we meet agian(when she was studying in Kitagawa Daiichi’s middle school, yn met Oikawa Tooru. She fell in love with him but things didn’t went well. Years later, as she is in the same high school than him, they meet again.)
Take Care — An Oikawa Toru SMAU (Oikawa Toru is dedicated to volleyball, above all else. Even his health. Kyotani Y/N might put up a rather aggressive front, but they can’t stand to see their friends repeatedly hurt themselves. Can a friendship last between them, will something more come from the obvious sexual tension and care, or is everything going to fall apart because Oikawa can’t listen to the two people who care most about him?)
kageyama tobio x reader
Eagal Eyes (in which you, the younger sister of ushijima wakatoshi, decide to put on a children’s volleyball camp at shiratorizawa and meet kageyama tobio, who steals your heart, despite the warnings of your older brother.)
On repeat (in which yn just got out of a bad breakup, and the only thing helping her is this one song on repeat )
stranger danger (Famous Pro-volleyball Player and Bachelor extraordinaire. Not by choice, but mostly by circumstance. All Bokuto wants is to find someone to do cute couples costumes with, watch scary movies with, and snuggle. He’d also like to FINALLY pull one over on Atsumu and Kuroo considering they win the couples costume contest every damn year.)
love is war(Sports Psychology major Bokuto never understood the rivalry between the Sport Psychology majors and the Biochemistry majors. There was some sort of unspoken rule between them. YN, the Biochemistry major, didn’t understand what the big deal was either. By chance, the two rivals exchanged numbers during a study group and hit it off. Little do they know that there’s obstacles in their way. Love is war.)
it started witha praty(Y/N is the manager of Nekoma, friends with all the boys, ecspecially Kenma. After a late night party on her walk home Y/N discovers a teen passed out on the side of the road she couldn’t just leave him there. Who knows what he’s going to do next.)
a matter of vollyball (y/n was the best female volleyball player of all Japan and the setter of the star school, Shiratorizawa. Despite being the pride and joy of her school and family, she had lost her passion for playing. Winning was everything to her, even if she didn’t show emotion when her team scored a point. Alongside her teammate Tsukasa Emiko, and the infamous Shiratorizawa players Ushijima Wakatoshi and Tendō Satori, she’ll go to Tokyo for Nationals, where they meet the crazy and cheerful, Bokuto Kōtarō.)
adore you(After a fair share of bad breakups, Y/n L/n had enough of relationships. Until she’s paired up with Koutarou Bokuto, for a group project, sadly, all he wants to do is adore her instead of work)
if this is it (The Tsukishima brothers are considered, by all standards, good. But their sister Y/N has always been exceptional. A second year with a budding figure skating career and a boyfriend who just so happens to be one of Japan’s top five spikers, Y/N is living the dream. What could possibly go wrong? Well, everything apparently.)
Noya x reader
Find Forever (After your mom gets a new job your forced to leave all of your friends at Nekoma High and start over at Karasuno High. The only good thing about it is your childhood best friend Hinata will be there. After being convinced by your best friend you decided to join to girls volleyball club as their libero. One day while you two are practicing receives in the gym a boy comes in and starts complimenting you and starts asking you lots of questions. Your startled and leave in a rush leaving the two boys looking at each other in confusion. Hinata explains how shy you are and later takes it upon himself to introduce you guys properly and soon after a beautiful relationship blossoms.)
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