#not kris tucking his hair behind his ears like that he's such a girlfriend
gasstationpopcorn · 10 months
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ashintheairlikesnow · 3 years
"What are you doing here?"
"What are you doing here?" Krista blinks, but she steps aside and opens the door even more, watching as Kauri scrapes his shoes clean on the doormat and slips out of the beat-up dusty black-and-white vans he's worn as long as she's known him, duct-taped together where the cheap sole is coming apart.
"Dunno." Kauri slips inside, hunched inside the oversized hooded sweatshirt he has on, smelling like cologne that isn't his and isn't anyone else's she knows. She wonders who he's stolen the clothes from this time, who took him home, and how far he's walked before deciding to stop by here. "Is your girlfriend here?"
"Is my girlfriend-" Krista pauses, and smiles, a little sadly. She closes the door, does up all four locks with automatic thoughtless instinct. Pepperjack comes trotting happily out when he hears Kauri's voice and meows, leaping up onto the arm of the cheap thrift-store couch.
Kauri gives him a scratch behind the ears, much to his delight.
"No, she isn't. She's, um. She's not my girlfriend any longer." Krista worries at her ponytail, twisting the thick blond hair around one hand and letting it spring free, back to bone-straight instantly.
"Oh, she isn't? Shit, I'm sorry."
"I'm sorry. No, it's fine." Krista shrugs, moving into the tiny little kitchen just behind the living room, opening the fridge to pull out a pitcher of iced tea she made to pour him a glass. "It was... you know, it was good, but we couldn't last."
"Why not?" He sits at the kitchen table, Pepperjack in his arms, the little cat purring like a car motor as he tucks his little head under Kauri's chin.
"Why not, why not, why-... um. Because..." Krista sighs, her hands dropping to rest on the cheap countertop, staring down at the glass of tea, unable to make herself move. "Because I couldn't tell her."
"About us?"
"About me. What happened to me, who I was, all of it. I couldn't tell her, Kauri. I couldn't make myself do it. And if I couldn't be honest with her... it wasn't fair of me. To be with someone I was always going to be lying to. And it's not fair to me, either."
Kauri tips his head to the side, watching her with his wide blue eyes. "Someone's been doing therapy again, huh?"
"Yeah. I have." She brings the glass over to him and then sits down herself, leaning her cheek on one hand. "You should, too. It'd do you good."
"Nah." Kauri gives her a sunny, brilliant, shining smile. "Too fucked up for therapy, Krista. Fifteen minutes in, the therapist's head would explode wondering what wrongs they committed to get stuck with this idiot as a patient."
"You know that's not true," Krista says, gently. "Dr. Berger likes you."
"Dr. Berger doesn't know me that well," Kauri says, and there's a flicker of the sadness that follows him everywhere. Krista leans over, putting a hand on his arm. His eyes meet hers. "I'm not going back to therapy, Kris. Please don't ask me."
"Please don't ask you," Krista echoes, plaintively, as her nerves prickle.
"I'm sorry about your girlfriend."
"Me, too. But there'll be someone, someday, I can tell everything to. I'll meet someone who can really know me. And you will, too."
Kauri shakes his head, but when she puts a hand up to the side of his face, he leans into the touch and closes his eyes. "Probably not. I'm so fucking tired some days, Krista, of just being who I am. All the stuff... the drinking, the guys, it's just... it's just me trying to live with myself, drown me out. If I had just been better at being Vince-"
"You'd be dead," Krista says, nearly whispering.
His eyes fly open to meet hers again.
She gives him a slight, soft smile. "I've heard the story, Kauri, when you first showed up you had a fever for days and talked the head off of anyone who would sit still and listen. What Nat told you was... she was right. You'd be dead, if you were him, or too much like him. But you're not - you're Kauri."
"I'm Kauri." It's his turn to echo.
Pepperjack meows.
Krista grins. "And that's Pepper, who would like to be included in the conversation."
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krisdreaming · 4 years
More Than Enough
Series: Naruto: Shippuden
Pairing: Hyuga Neji x fem!reader
Summary: Neji isn’t used to feeling insecure, but when it comes to you, he just needs a little extra reassurance that he’s doing okay. (Also, first kiss? It’s not really explicitly stated, but I like to think that it is :3)
WC: 1.8k
A/N: My first Naruto writing! To say I’m nervous to post this would be an understatement. I understand that Naruto isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, and I promise it won’t be taking over the blog or anything. I’m just suffering from a little brainrot at the moment. I’ll tag everything I write for Naruto with “kris writes naruto” so feel free to block the tag if you like. And with that out of the way, let’s get on with it!
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He feels it in the pit of his stomach. When Neji sees you leave the hokage’s office, it starts as a familiar upward swoop, warm and strange but not unwelcome. Then he sees Lee next to you, his arms moving animatedly as he speaks. He’s walking so closely to you that every once in a while, his hand brushes your arm. It’s too far away for Neji to make out Lee’s words, but the sound of your laughter carries to him on the breeze. The swoop takes a downturn and sours in his gut.
He’d been about to call out to you, but instead he watches silently. He’s so intent on the two of you that Tenten manages to catch him completely off guard. “She has a cute laugh, doesn’t she?”
“Hm?” He’s startled, but he doesn’t let it show as he turns to see Tenten beside him, a sly grin forming on her lips. 
“Your girlfriend,” Tenten says teasingly, nudging his arm with her elbow, “She has a pretty cute laugh. It’s okay to admit it, you know.”
“I know,” He says with a shrug. He’s still too distracted to come up with a sharper reply. Tenten rolls her eyes, and his gaze wanders back to you. His girlfriend. It’s only been official for a matter of weeks, and things really aren’t much different. He still trains and eats and sleeps, but the spaces in between are filled with you. Making time for you hasn’t been as difficult as he’d feared. Somehow, you just fit into his life so seamlessly.
Lee has finally caught sight of his teammates, pulling Neji out of this thoughts. “Tenten!” Lee shouts, his hands raised above his head in an exaggerated wave, “Neji!” When you see him, your face lights up, and you quicken your pace to cover the remaining space between you. You come to a stop at his side, hands clasped behind your back and an easy smile on your lips.
“How was your day?” You ask, and try as he might he can’t stop the small smile that’s forming.
“Fine,” He says, shifting ever so slightly closer to you, “It was nothing exciting or out of the ordinary.” You laugh softly at that. “What about yours? You got your mission assignment?” He notices a loose strand of hair tickling your cheek.
“Yup,” You nod, and he thinks about reaching out to tuck the piece of hair behind your ear, but he doesn’t move. “It’s C rank, so it should be pretty simple,” You shrug, “Especially considering the fact that I’ll have Lee with me,” You turn to his teammate, and now Neji understands why Lee has been practically vibrating behind you.
“Do not worry, Neji!” Lee presses a fist to his chest, “I will keep her safe for the duration of the journey!”
You roll your eyes, giving the well-meaning ninja a nudge with your elbow. “I don’t think I’ll need your protection, Lee,” You chuckle, and Neji lifts his chin a fraction, looking from you to Lee. You can take care of yourself. He’s well aware of that, and he knows Lee is, too. Lee is just, well, Lee. 
“It’s a short mission,” You turn to him now, “We’re leaving tomorrow morning, and we should be back by the end of the week. We’re just escorting a small merchant caravan to the Land of Tea. At this time of year, it should be an easy journey. Right, Lee?”
“Right!” Lee stands a little straighter, “Nothing to worry about at all, Neji.”
“I wasn’t worried,” He assures his teammate with a shake of his head, “The two of you are perfectly capable. The caravan will be in good hands.” That much he knows is true. You and Lee have always gotten along and worked together well, so it’s no surprise you’ve been assigned to the mission together. 
“Thank you, Neji!” Lee bows his head quickly, “Please, excuse me. I must get to my evening training session with Gai-sensei. Oh, Y/N!” He’s already begun to jog off, but he twists his body to look back at you, “I will see you tomorrow morning! Rest well!” With that, he’s off.
“That guy,” Tenten shakes her head with a sigh, “He certainly is a handful, isn’t he? Good luck on your mission,” She gives you a pointed look, “I know he’s just my teammate, but somehow I feel like I need to apologize for him.”
“No need, Tenten,” You dismiss the comment with a wave of your hand, “Lee’s not so bad. I think we’ll be just fine.”
“Well then, better you than me!” Tenten laughs, “I’ll see you two later, I’ve got to get home. Enjoy your evening!” With a teasing wink and a wave of her hand, she’s gone as well. Neji turns to you, your grin lit by the glow of the setting sun. Finally, he lifts his hand to tuck the stray strand of hair behind your ear. Ever so slightly, you lean into his touch.
“I suppose you want to get home?” He asks, swallowing back the hitch in his throat. He lets his hand fall back to his side now that your hair is back in place.
“Eventually,” You nod, “Let’s take the long way.” Just like that, the two of you fall into step, following the familiar route toward your house. It begins through the bustling streets of Konoha, passing by the shops and homes tucked in together as you walk side by side, the occasional brush of your arms the only point of contact between you. Even so, Neji enjoys the feel of you so close to him and the sound of your voice as you chatter on about the events of your day. Every so often he’ll offer a hum or a smile or a few words in response, but he’s mostly content just listening to you. 
The crowd begins to thin toward the edge of town, and the storefronts become more sparse. As the two of you pass by your favorite dumpling shop, he comes to a stop. “Do you want to go in?” He asks, and you make a thoughtful sound before shaking your head.
“No, not today. I’d rather just walk. Is that okay?” You tilt your chin up to look at him.
“Of course,” He nods quickly. He’d like nothing more. 
“It’s such a beautiful evening,” You continue, tucking your hand in the crook of his elbow and pulling him along toward the path along the edge of town. Following dutifully along, he hums in agreement. This path eventually winds through the woods, and Neji can’t count how many times you’ve walked it together. The quiet of the woods is one of your favorite places, and one where he can tell you feel more at ease. 
Beneath the trees, darkness is falling a little faster than in the open, and the air is cooler. He’s glad to be away from the crowded streets. Wordlessly, you slide your hand down his arm, and when your fingertips brush his palm he slides his fingers between yours.
He thinks back to Tenten’s comment earlier. She often likes to tease him about how reserved he is in showing his affection for you. He knows she doesn’t mean anything by it, but Neji wonders sometimes if it’s something you notice, as well. It’s not that he doesn’t want to hold your hand or put his arm around you while you’re in town. It’s just that showing the world something as private and intimate as his feelings for you feels strange to him. He’s far from embarrassed of you, and he hopes that you know that. 
The thought crosses his mind for the first time. Perhaps you’d be better suited to someone like Lee. Someone who would dote on you and shower you with affection. Someone who wouldn’t hesitate to shout his admiration for you to the world.
“Neji,” You give his hand a tug, slowing to a stop and turning to look at him, “You’re quiet. Is everything alright?” You give his fingers a gentle squeeze.
“I’m fine,” He says, offering you a small smile. The concern on your face makes him regret getting so lost in his own thoughts and worrying you. 
“You had this little frown on your face,” You say softly, letting go of his hand and reaching up to cup his cheek, “You know you can talk to me, right?”
He’s about to brush it off and keep walking, knowing you should get home and rest before tomorrow, but something earnest in your expression stops him. “Can I ask you something? Promise you’ll tell me the truth?” He asks quietly.
“Of course I will,” You nod. “Want to walk and talk?” You gesture to the path ahead, and he nods. He seeks out the comfort of your hand in his again before continuing. Somehow, it feels easier this way.
“I’ve just been thinking,” He begins, shooting a furtive glance your way, “Am I a good boyfriend for you? I know I don’t always have a lot to say, and I spend a lot of time training. Tenten says I don’t pay much attention to you even when we’re together. And... is it enough? Because-”
“Hey,” You interrupt him before he can slip his hand out of yours, coming to a stop again and holding on tighter, “It’s more than enough.” You’re actually smiling at him. “You’re the best boyfriend I could ask for, Neji. Honestly.” You shake your head, and he’s so frozen at your response that he lets you take both of his hands in yours. “I already know you’re serious, and reserved, and quiet, and I like all of those things about you.”
“You do?” He finds his voice only to be skeptical. You laugh softly.
“I do,” You insist. “Y’know, I don’t need you hanging onto me all the time. That’d actually be kind of weird,” You giggle, “I think every single moment with you is special. You’re sweet, and caring, and thoughtful. You make me feel like... like...” You trail off, suddenly ducking your chin nervously.
“It’s okay,” He murmurs, smile growing wider as he drops your hands to cup your face this time, tilting your chin back up with his fingertips so he can meet your gaze again. Something warm and tender is filling his middle, threatening to overflow.
“Happy,” You finish then, softly, “You make me feel happy.”
“You make me feel happy, too,” He whispers, leaning in so that his lips fit perfectly against yours, kissing you softly. “Very happy,” He adds as he pulls away. Even in the semi-darkness, your smile nearly takes his breath away. He’s grateful that you’re alone here, because it gives him the courage to kiss you again.
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I See the Light
Request: Yes / No  
Fangs Fogarty x Jones!reader
Word count:  1186
Warnings: Flashbacks of Riot Night (nothing graphic), Spoilers for Tangled
Y/N: Your Name
A/N: Oh look! Another Riverdale fic! Hope y’all like it!!! <3 Kris
Y/N sat watching the rain pound against the trailer window. It had been raining for three days and she was bored out of her mind! Jughead had taken off somewhere with Betty and her dad was at the sheriff’s station, leaving her home alone with nothing to do. She groaned as the rain started coming down even harder. Pulling out her phone, Y/N texted the one person guaranteed to rescue her from her boredom.
                    I’m bored. Let’s watch Disney movies!
Less than a minute later, her phone buzzed with a reply.
                    Be there in 5.
Y/N grinned and walked into the kitchen to make popcorn.As it popped, she ran to her room to grab her favorite blanket and toss it over the back of the couch. The microwave beeped and she went to retrieve the popcorn. As she dumped it into a bowl, there was a knock at the door. Sitting the bowl on the coffee table, she went to open it. 
Pulling the door open, Y/N was met with the adorable face of her boyfriend, Fangs Fogarty. His hair was dripping wet from the rain, but he was still smiling like the sun.
        “Hi, Princessa.” he said, leaning down to peck her on the cheek.
“Hey, angel.” she replied, closing the door as he stepped in out of the downpour.
“What movie do you wanna start with?”
“Whatever you want, babe.”
“Those are dangerous words, Fogarty.” she replied with a smirk, popping a disk in the DVD player before turning toward him.
Fangs had kicked off his boots and tossed his jacket on the chair He was stretched out on the couch with his head on one armrest and his socked feet kicked up on the other. When Y/N got close enough, he snaked an arm around her waist and pulled her down to lay beside him. She curled up on her side with her head resting on his chest and one hand curled in his shirt. He wrapped one arm around her back and used the the other to grab the blanket off the back of the couch.
“So what movie did you pick?” Fangs asked, brushing a strand of hair out of Y/N’s face.
        “Tangled,” she answered grinning up at him.
“I should’ve known.” He teased with a soft laugh that she felt rumble through his chest under her ear.
Y/N responded by sticking her tongue out at him before laying her head back on his chest as the movie started. As they watched, the couple was silent unless they were quoting their favorite lines or Y/N was softly singing along.
“This is my favorite part!” she whispered, shifting so she could see the screen better.
They watched as Rapunzel’s parents sent their lantern into the air. The townspeople began lighting their lanterns and Y/N gasped softly as the stream of light flowed through the kingdom. When he heard her reaction, Fangs looked down at his girlfriend. Her blue eyes were wide with wonder and there was a small smile on her lips. He couldn’t help but grin. No matter how many times they watched this movie, he never got tired of seeing her reaction to this scene.
Fangs was so busy watching Y/N that he didn’t even notice the music that had begun playing on the movie. As he watched her, she started to softly sing along with Rapunzel. As her angelic voice filled his ears, he wondered how he got so damn lucky.
As Rapunzel’s solo ended, Y/N placed her head back on Fangs’ chest. She glanced up at him and smiled when she saw that he was already looking at her. She pressed a quick kiss to his jaw and settled back against him. They watched silently as Rapunzel and Eugene pushed their lanterns into the air. The music began to swell and Fangs’ arm tightened around Y/N as he began to sing.
At the sound of his voice, Y/N tilted her head up to look at his. As her blue eyes met his brown ones, her breath caught in her throat. With each word he sang, Fangs poured out every ounce of love he had for the girl in front of him. When the verse ended and she joined him for the chorus, their voices melded together in a perfect harmony. As the last notes of the song played, both teens leaned in to press their lips together before settling back into the couch to continue watching the movie.
The movie was nearing its end and Eugene had just climbed into the tower to find Rapunzel bound and gagged. Mother Gothel plunged her dagger into his side and Y/N audibly gasped, tightening her grip on Fangs’ shirt. As she watched Rapunzel try to save her true love and sob over his lifeless body, Y/N couldn’t help but remember how she felt on Riot Night. 
Memories flashed through Y/N’s mind: seeing Fangs bloody and collapsing against Sweet Pea, the fear in his eyes as he was wheeled off to surgery, the feeling of heartbreak as she sobbed against Jughead’s chest when her father announced the news of Fangs’ “death.” Tears began streaming down her cheeks and she buried her face in Fangs’ chest.
Fangs looked down when he felt Y/N’s shoulders begin to shake. His heart broke at the sight of his princess’s distress. From the previous times this had happened, he knew exactly what was going through her head. He reached over and paused the movie before wrapping both arms around her and kissing the top of her head.
        “Shh, it’s alright Princessa.” he whispered, rubbing her back. “I’m right here. I got you”
They stayed that way until Y/N’s crying had slowed to the occasional sniffle. She lifted her head and looked at her boyfriend. Her blue eyes were red-rimmed and there were tear tracks streaking down her cheeks, but Fangs still thought she was the most beautiful girl he’d ever seen.
“There she is.” he cooed, tucking a lock of dark hair behind her ear.
Y/N smiled softly at the feeling of Fangs’ gentle touch. She brought both hands up to cup his face and leaned up to press a kiss to his lips before leaning their foreheads together. 
“I love you, Fangs.” she said.
“I love you too, Y/N.” he replied, leaning in to kiss her again.
“Ugh! Get a room, would you?” 
Y/N sat up and smirked at at her brother who was standing just inside the front door.
“Can I help you Jughead?” she asked.
“Nope, just needed my camera.” Jughead replied. “How’s it going, Fangs?”
“Livin’ the dream, Jones.” Fangs chuckled, wrapping an arm around Y/N.
“Glad to hear it!” Jughead called walking toward his room
When her brother was gone, Y/N turned back to Fangs.
“Livin’ the dream? Really?” she asked trying to hold back a giggle.
        “Every day is a dream as long as I’m with you, Princessa.” he said softly, leaning in to kiss her again.
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fairyscribbles · 6 years
Dinner Tactics. (SEHUN, pt. 4) [Chronicles of the Wolf]
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Another Sehunnie part! Just for you to know, this happens a while before Baekhyun’s arc, so he is still hurting a bit!
If you want to refresh your memory, last part is here! If you like it and want to support it, my ko-fi is here! 
"We should head out before dark. The sun will fall soon, so we should hurry." Sehun told you as he watched you pack, his eyes not quite where they should be looking. You grinned as you caught him staring at your ass with a slightly dreamy expression.
"See something you like, Sehunnie?"
"A lot of things..." Sehun whispered wistfully.
You just smiled to yourself, unsure why you were even blushing so hard. "Sehunnie..."
"Don't say my name like that. It makes it worse."
Your eyes closed, hands shaking as you tucked the last of your necessities and zipped up your bag. "O-okay..."
When you turned around, you yelped because Sehun was right behind you, breathing deeply.
"Maybe before we leave...we could squeeze in another session..." his voice sounded a bit unsure, but his movements were precise, as he pressed you against the chest of drawers, his hands landing on your hips.
"A-a session of what?" You asked and Sehun only smiled, leaning down and making your breath hitch.
He held his breath as his lips slanted over yours, and you let your eyes slip closed as your hands touched his neck tentatively to encourage him the rest of the way. You melted at the first unsure brush of Sehun's lips against yours, which only encouraged him to do more, to kiss you harder as he pressed his body closer.
The rumble you felt in his chest only thrummed through your skin, but you felt the catch in his muscles, the shudder as he moved against you like he could never get close enough.
You were glad he was holding you so tightly- your legs were reduced to jelly at that moment and you were sure you would slip to the ground if he didn't have his arms wrapped around you.
You mewled softly against his lips, you hand moving from his neck to bury in his blonde hair, gently pulling on the roots just to hear the young wolf growl and grip you tighter. You were left breathless when you felt him thrust against you, his hips moving so languidly you couldn't help but to think how they would feel when you were in bed.
Oh god. You smothered the thought with a groan, pulling away from Sehun's intense kisses to take a few shaky breaths.
"Se.. hun..."
His growl thrummed through his chest and vibrated through yours, making the trembles in your belly even worse.
"We'll be..."
"Please. Once we get to the house, I won't have the privacy to kiss you wherever I want."
"Where..." your voice pitched higher at the indecent thought.
'Wherever?" Sehun growled in agreement, his lips trailing downwards your neck and collarbones. His hands slipped over your ass and you squeaked when he squeezed hard.
"Yes. Wherever I can."
'Anywhere!' your brain screamed instantly.
To which you could only blush and thank the gods it didn't just burst from your mouth.
You blinked up at him, panicking for a second that you actually did say it aloud. "Hrm?"
His hands drifted to your sides unsurely.
"This was a very good idea from the start..." his voice was deliciously husky and you just couldn't hold the shiver that ran down your spine when you heard it grate against your skin.
"But… we might not be able to set out before sun falls if we continue." You had to drop your head against his shoulder with a groan, your face feeling like it was going to catch fire any second. "O-okay..."
It felt strange. For someone who was normally so in control - and quite liked knowing where things were going and how fast - Sehun was frighteningly good at throwing you off-balance. What's worse... you weren't sure you had much of a problem with it.
His hands were heavy against your hips, fingers unconsciously massaging. "Okay. Let's... go. Before I change my mind."
You laughed breathlessly against his skin as he pressed a kiss into your hair, urging himself away and groaning when you fought against the movement. "Sunset. Come on."
His worry made your muscles more willing to cooperate. "Right."
He grabbed your bag, his hand secure around yours. "Should I avoid the main streets..?"
You nodded. "I'm a healer leaving town for an indeterminate amount of time. That's probably for the best."
Sehun chuckled dryly, brushing his hair back into place in a way that made you want to help. Groaning inwardly at your inexplicable rush of hormones, you just followed him through your back door, making sure to lock up behind you. Sehun tucked your arm around his, patting you gently. "Stay as close as you can. I'll make sure they don't see us."
The wind picked up, and you had to tuck a hand over your hair to keep it from your eyes as the shuffle of Sehun's feet picked up until you were nearly at a jog. But at least it made quick work of the distance to the edge of the forest. Plus, everyone else seemed much too distracted with keeping all their things from blowing away to pay any attention to the pair of you casually making a getaway.
Sehun looked particularly proud of himself but you weren't asking anything else because his pace wasn't slowing down.
Whatever it was that came after sunset, it concerned the big wolf and you cannot imagine what the thing do to you.
It was a silent walk, the only thing you heard were the cracks of twigs and leaves under your feet as you hurried and just when you were about to ask how much longer, because you could already feel your legs protesting...a house appeared from between the trees and you couldn't help but look at it in awe.
"You live here, Sehunnie?"
Sehun glanced down at you with a proud smile. "This is home."
You turned your amazed look back to the cozy-looking home beckoning you to come closer, just a tinge of jealousy hitting you. He said the wolves lived here, all together. You could only imagine how nice it must have been to be here with all of the family.
"Come on, noona..."
Sehun took firm hold of your hand, the wind around you ceasing instantly as you stepped through to the slight clearing around the house.
You followed him, hand squeezing at his when you picked up the sound of voices inside. Oh. Why did that suddenly make you nervous?
Sehun must've felt the small resistance you put up, the slight stutter in your steps and he turned around to face you with a smile.
"You worry too much, noona. They can't wait to meet you." He told you with a small smile and you reciprocated a shaky one at him. He wanted to open his mouth and say something more, but the front door was opening, revealing the bubbly chinese girl you met before, waving at you and urging you to come in.
"Hurry, dinner is about to start!"
Sehun's tug at your arm got stronger, and you almost squeaked when he tucked you against his side and dragged you along despite your stiff posture.
Yijie smiled warmly in welcome as she stepped aside and let the two of you in, bowing slightly. "Hello, ___-sshi. Nice to see you again."
"Y-you too," you stammered, the nervousness piling when she shut the door behind you and the boom of voices got louder.
"You got here just in time! The sun just died." Yijie murmured as she fumbled around to look for something. You looked up to Sehun with confusion in your features, to which he just shook his head.
Apparently, he wasn't ready just yet to explain what was happening, especially not why the chinese girl pulled out a sack of salt and made a thick line right in front of the door.
"W-what are you..."
"I'll explain later, noona. This isn't the time..." Sehun murmured softly, helping you take off your cloak before he steered you into the dining room, already filled with people.
"Everyone, meet ___." Too many eyes landed on you, too much attention, and you tried your best to worm back behind Sehun for at least some protection.
The room exploded with chatter, some you could decipher, some you couldn't, but you were sure most of them were about you.
"It's...very nice to meet you...I'm sorry I came uninvited..."
"Don't be silly. Any friend of Sehunnie's is a friend of ours." The man who spoke had a kind, stable voice, and you knew instantly he was a leader. "Besides, you were the one who gave us the medicine for our pack, right?"
Your face heated. "Umm... y-yes..."
"Then you're always welcome, ___." He pointed to the empty chair. "Please, have a seat. They were just getting ready to serve dinner."
Sehun pulled the chair out for you, and you settled beside a familiar face. "Subin-sshi!"
"Hi, ___-sshi. It's nice to see you again." She was smiling wide, and you spotted a wolf on the other side, greeting you with a smile and a nod.
Sehun sat you down, the weight of his hands on your shoulders reassuring.
"Alright, from the start." He whispered into your ear as he pointed at the tall blond male with a stoic, serious look.
"That's Kris-hyung. He's the alpha. And next to him is his ma-..." Sehun frowned as he cut himself off in the middle of his sentence, but before you could ask him what's wrong, he jumped back on track.
"His girlfriend, Bom." The girl waved at you with a small smirk and you bowed in greeting.
"Then there's Suho hyung, the other alpha," the wolf who talked to you before waved. "And next to him is Baekhyun hyung. Then there is Tao and Bora," the woman's face looked familiar, but you couldn't quite remember where you saw her before and so you just opted on bowing them in greeting. "Next to them is Jongin. Don't get close to him, or you might catch his stupidity." The dark haired wolf glared at Sehun before digging back into his food, obviously glad he could be eating.
Sehun moved on with an amused scoff. "Chanyeol hyung is in the kitchen, but this is his... girlfriend, Jimin noona."
She just nodded and smiled towards you, and you gave an awkward little bow.
"This is Luhan hyung, Soomi noona." He gestured to the couple. "You already met Subin noona, and this is Kyungsoo hyung. Minseok hyung, Haneul noona. And last but not least, Haerin-sshi."
The girl nodded to you shyly, and you looked up at Sehun in despair. You were already bad with names as it was. Now, your head was reeling.
"Oh, Jongdae hyung must be in the kitchen with Yixing hyung and Yijie noona, too."
You almost whimpered; all these names were overwhelming.
"Don't worry about remembering now. You will eventually get it," Baekhyun said with a laugh.
Your cheeks heated. Were you so obvious?
"I just figured." Baekhyun shrugged, smiling gently. "I saw the wheels turning in your head."
Either way you bowed to the large table, as deep as you could in thanks. Baekhyun, the wolf sitting on one side of you scoffed, shaking his head.
"Come on, don't do that. You're basically family- you healed up Kyungsoo's and Chanyeol's wounds and you're trying your best to heal Sehunnie, too."
You ducked away from his look all jittery, and Sehun just smoothed his hand over your back gently, urging you to sit. "Right. Well, food. What did you want, noona?"
Baekhyun glanced over at you, and you felt your cheeks heat up even more. "Noona? By... how much?"
Joonmyun popped Baekhyun over the head, but all the wolf did was flinch slightly before grinning. "Sorry. You live as long as we do, you forget how sensitive age is."
You blinked at Baekhyun, then at Joonmyun who was smiling to you apologetically, then at Sehun, who was just shaking his head. You glanced back at Baekhyun with a small smile. "Y-you first, then."
Baekhyun's eyes widened in surprise. "Me?" At your nod, he smirked. "Oh. I like you. But I don't think dinner is a time to discuss how ancient I am. Way to get out of answering the question though."
His praise came with a wink, and you just let your cheeks stay warm and looked back at Sehun. "I can grab it myself if you show me where it is."
Sehun shook his head. "No, let me do it."
"Wow, Sehun-ah. I've never seen you so... doting," someone from the kitchen door commented.
You glanced back to find a tall man with a bright, hundred-watt grin walking over with a tray in his hand.
"But you don't need to worry. I got it."
The man reached over Sehun and slid the tray in front of you, two full, steaming plates set in the middle of two tall glasses of some kind of red juice.
"Hello, ___-sshi. Thanks a lot for the medicine. I appreciate it."
He stuck his hand out to you, and you shook it hesitantly, trying to find his name in your head. He was in the kitchen; he needed medicine; not Kyungsoo. "Ahh, Chanyeol-sshi..?"
His eyes crinkled with his smile. "Ooh, nicely done~"
You couldn't help but to return his smile- it was quite infectious, you realized as you watched the tall wolf sit down next to his partner, leaning over to steal a kiss off her lips. Only with this you noticed how the table was full of affections- there's wasn't a couple who wasn't touching, be it hand-holding or a wolf's possessive hand on the girl's knee or thigh. Even the chinese couple, Yixing and Yijie? Were currently occupying only one chair, but that seemed to be only because apparently there weren't any more free chairs in the dining room.
"Oh, you get used to this, too." Baekhyun said once he saw your curious looks all over the room.
"T-to what?"
"All the affection." He nodded towards an unspecific location before taking another swig of his drink. A wrinkle of your nose told you something strong was in that. "But don't worry. I'm sure Sehunnie has it covered."
Baekhyun just snickered, and you were surprised that Jongin and Joonmyun did too.
You caught a glance at the young wolf, and your heart almost skipped a beat at the sign of a blush adorning his cheeks. You patted his back in comfort and Sehun just grumbled something in reply.
Baekhyun must've heard, because he laughed out loud, his head falling back as he slapped his knees.
"So, ___." Joonmyun caught your attention as he smiled, cutting a piece of meat and eating in.
"What brings you to our home?" Your mouth opened to reply, but the shyness around the large pack of wolves stayed, and you couldn't quite voice your opinion.
"We're going to stay the night and then leave in the morning, hyung." Sehun mumbled out before he chewed properly and swallowed.
"___ noona found some recipe for medicine that could help me, but the ingredients are too dangerous to obtain. So I'm helping her."
"Basically, what I heard was 'dangerous situations' and 'treasure hunt'." Of course Baekhyun would be interested- he isn't the best tracker of the pack for nothing.
"Is there any way I can help you? I'm sick of sitting around and not doing anything."
You glanced wide-eyed at the wolf as he took another drink. "I might be able to help."
"You mean you wanna chaperone," Chanyeol laughed, to which you went bright red.
A few of the other women gasped. "You said dangerous, Sehunnie..?" Yijie asked, her accent prominent from worry.
"How dangerous? Isn't... she still out there?" Subin voiced, her forehead creased.
Yixing and Kyungsoo subdued their partners with quiet pats, and Sehun turned to Baekhyun. "Maybe... that would be best, wouldn't it?"
"Can I come?"
Everyone turned to the determined voice, and Tao's eyes nearly bulged at his Bom’s request. "Baobei..."
"I can help with wards, and I can help look. I know the silver it was built with. Maybe... I can help ___-sshi find out what could counteract it."
"Y-you built it?" you gasped at the woman, mouth rolled in confusion. A glance at Sehun confirmed it, but you weren't sure what she could possibly be doing sitting at the same table if she harmed one of the pack.
Bora bobbed her head solemnly. "No... but it was in our armory. I know who did."
You nodded, swallowing your questions. And the odd rush of impulses to be angry at her for harming Sehun. As if he could sense your agitation, Sehun patted your thigh gently.
"Tao will come, right?" Bora added, glancing at her wolf.
Tao sighed, nodding instantly. "Of course, baobei."
So Bora was back to looking at you, at Sehun, then at Junmyeon. "Please?"
Joonmyun only looked over at you and Sehun. "It's up to Sehunnie."
All eyes turned to the young wolf, who picked at his food for a second before nodding. "Of course, noona. I appreciate it."
There was obviously a lot going on that you had to ask Sehun about later, but there was a tangible deflating of tension that you could only be glad for. Then Baekhyun spoke up again. "Hey, what about me?"
Sehun chuckled. "Sure, hyung. You're a great tracker. I couldn't say no to that."
You blinked. And just like that there were three more people added to your company for this impromptu adventure.
"Thank god. I've been going insane being holed up here."
Bora and Tao fidgeted, telling you tehy agreed with Baekhyun's relieved remark. "Tomorrow then?"
When everyone looked at you, you could only nod. "Yes... tomorrow..."
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kookakie-blog · 5 years
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Acacia is a girl in highschool only trying to readjust herself to her new surroundings, while keeping her brother out of trouble. Everything has been a boring routine till she ends up on the wrong side of town at the wrong time, this is where she first meets Chen, although the circumstances aren’t the best.
Jongdae’s POV
It’s been a week since Acacia’s been in my apartment and she avoided me as much as she physically could. I don’t blame her. I attempted to take her back home but Chanyeol stopped me. He was currently here with Sehun, Kris and Jongin. I glared at the later as he shifted uncomfortably in his seat. “So why can’t I take her home?” I ask Chanyeol not shifting my gaze from Jongin. “Because Jongin was somewhat correct. Acacia is connected with the Tarins but not how we originally believe.” I move my gaze to Sehun this time who gulps as he glances up from his laptop. “Get to the point.”
“Minho is her mom’s boyfriend. He moved the girlfriend and the family here not too long ago. Acacia and her brother Andrew attend school here and Minho got their mother a job as an interior designer.” I look at Sehun before turning back to Jongin. “Look man I’m sorry I know how much you hate doing that stuff-“
“Just drop it.” Jongin gulps before nodding. I would get over it. Eventually. The kid was family after all but he needed to learn not to act on his impulses. “So basically if we take her back home and she goes running and crying to step daddy then-“
“I won’t.” Kris stops talking once Acacia comes to stand in the kitchen. She looked like she had been crying. “Isn’t that what you’re supposed to say?” Kris slips a cigarette into his mouth as he eyes the girl. Acacia fidgets with the bottom of one of my shirts. She looked so tiny in my clothes but it’s all I had and her bandages would be better off in looser clothes. I had to wrap her arms up to. She looked like she has been crying. “I just want to go home.” I cringe at how hoarse her voice was. “Minho’s men are looking for her but...” I look down at Sehun. He really needs to learn how to pay attention.
“But what?” Sehun looks up at Acacia before looking at me for permission. “Go on.”
“He’s telling them it doesn’t matter if they find her alive or dead.”
Acacia slumps against the kitchen wall as the shock sets in. “Alright I got you.” I move to support her as I lead her to sit at the kitchen table. “Where am I supposed to go?” I give a The others a look and they know it’s time to leave. As Sehun packs his things up Kris is already pushing Jongin out the door. He looks like he wants to say something to Acacia but I just shake my head. She definitely wouldn’t want to hear anything from him right now. “We’ll be back later ok? I’ll just tell Junmyeon you’re sick.” I nod at Chanyeol as he makes his way out of the apartment shutting the door once Sehun slips out.
I sigh and turn to Acacia. She looked so hollow. Like every emotion has been ripped from her and all that was left was pain. Hollow cold pain. She couldn’t even cry. She just couldn’t. There weren’t any tears left and it got to me. God it got to me. This is all my fucking fault. She couldn’t end up like me. Hollow.
“You need to eat.” I state as I enter the kitchen and start setting things out to cook. “I’m not hungry.” I ignore her as I turn the stove on and start chopping up vegetables and meat. “You need to eat to get  better.” I just counter as I add ingredients to the pan. “What’s the point. I’ve got nowhere to go. Nothing to live for. I’m half dead anyway. Why not just let me go completely.” I grab the kitchen knife I was using and turn to Acacia. I keep my face straight as I pull her up from her seat and place the knife into her hand.
Acacia stares at my wide-eyed as I hold her hand with the knife right in front of my stomach. “If that’s true then stab me. Stab me right here” I firmly press the knife into my stomach ignoring the pain of the blade already cutting into my skin. “If you stab me right here I’ll die in minutes. I’ll bleed out before I find the strength to fight back. You can kill me for doing this to you. Hmm?” Acacia just looks at me with tears in her eyes as she just lets me guide the knife in her hand. “Do it. Kill me.”
Acacia’s POV
My hand shakes as I look up at Jongdae. His face was calm and collected as he looked down at me. He was right if I stabbed him here I would pierce his major artery and he’d bleed out just like that. I will myself to do it. To stab him and run but my body wouldn’t move and the blood already seeping through his shirt made me nauseous. I can’t do it.
“No.” I whisper as I look into his chest.  “Why not? I hurt you. Badly. Why not do the same to me?” I just shake my head as I try to pull the knife away from his stomach. “I can’t I can’t.” I shake my head furiously as tears sting my already tender eyes. “That’s what I thought.” Jongdae loosens his grip on my hand and carefully takes the knife from my hand. “You’re still you. I can’t take that from you. No one can. Therefore you have everything to live for. Understood?” I just nod my head as I continue to look at Jongdae’s chest. “Good. We’ll eat dinner together then yeah?” Jongdae tips my chin up as he wipes away a few of my tears. “No more tears.” He keeps our gaze for a few minutes before going back into the kitchen to continue cooking.
I awkwardly stand in the kitchen as I pull at Jongdae shirt. He was still bleeding. I make my way to his bathroom to find some bandages and disinfectant before silently walking back into the kitchen. Jongdae has just finished putting all of his ingredients into a pot as he shuts the lid. When he turns to face me and sees all the medical supplies in my arms he raises an eyebrow at me.
“Is this your way of telling me you need me to change your bandages?” I almost choke when he says that. “Do you think I’m a puppy?” Jongdae seems to ponder the notion as he tilts his head. “Well I mean you are adorable.” I’m surprised at how blunt he said the phrase as he comes to take the supplies out of my hands. He was so straight forward. I watch as he sits the supplies on the kitchen table pulling a chair out before sitting down. He looks up at me before motioning me forward. “You first.” Jongdae looks at me confused before he looks down to see red staining his white shirt. “Oh I didn’t notice.” He didn’t notice? What the hell.
“Ah what are you doing!” I screech as Jongdae grabs my wrists and pulls me to stand in between his legs. “Cleaning your wounds puppy.” I just pout as He smiles up at me. I reluctantly take my shirt off letting it fall to the ground as I look anywhere but at Jongdae. “Any pain?” I shake my head as I watch him carefully unwrap the old bandages. The cuts were significantly better and I’m surprised at how well Jongdae stitched me up. “This is going to sting a little.” He always reminds me about that part but it never helped. I tense up when the antiseptic comes in contact with my skin. “Shhh you’re doing good almost done.” Jongdae finishes cleaning my stomach before finally wrapping a new bandage around my abdomen. “All done.” His hands linger on my waist as he looks up at me.
He always did that. Look at me. I would always try to keep looking at him but I felt like if I did something would happen. I look away as a blush creeps onto my face. “Alright puppy it’s my turn now. Think you can handle it?” I glare at him as he stand ups and gently pushes me to take his place in the chair. “I’ve read the “Emergency workers guide to success” when I was twelve. If the book was in any way correct I should be fine.” Jongdae chuckles as he looks down at me. “You mean to tell me you still remember?” I smile up at him as I get my supplies ready. “Of course. I have an eidetic memory. I quite literally can’t forget.” Jongdae catches my chin as he brings my vision away from the supplies. “Interesting.” I again blush at his intense gaze before I clear my throat and look down at the ground. “Ok shirt off.”
Jongdae does as I say tossing his shirt beside my previously discarded one. I put some antiseptic on a Cotten ball before turning to his wounds only to be surprised that his whole abdomen was littered with scars. I look up at his face only to see he wasn’t paying attention. Instead his jaw was tensed as he stared out the window. He was definitely not comfortable with me seeing this. So I decided against asking any questions. I silently clean his wound and see that it wasn’t that deep and that I wouldn’t need to stitch it up. I find a smaller bandage to tape on the cut as Jongdae continues to look out the window. I allow my fingers to linger on his stomach as I trace some of his old scars. “Jongdae-“
“Please don’t ask.” I shut my mouth when I hear how desperate he sounded. He wasn’t mad just...upset. “Dinner is almost ready. Why don’t you go get us a couple t shirts from my room and I’ll fix your plate.” Jongdae tucks a strand of hair behind my ear as I look up at him. I nod as I get up taking the supplies with me as I go and get a few shirts from his room. I slip on one of his many large sweaters and grab him a t shirt before making my way to the kitchen again. There was already two bowls of stew sitting on the table Jongdae sitting in one of the chair. “Thank you puppy.” I just shake my head at my new nickname as I sit in the chair across from Jongdae. “So What else do I not know about you Acacia?” I smile as I take a bite of the food in front of me. And so the interrogation begins.....
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I Know Your Wife (She Wouldn’t Mind) - Part Thirty-Nine
Summary: Things are looking up until the news of Danneel’s experiences on One Tree Hill go public. Words: 4.5k Jared x Reader x Gen, Jensen, Danneel, JJ, Arrow, Zep, Dallas (OC) Warnings: mentioned sexual assault/harassment, nausea, angst Beta: @blacksiren
I Know Your Wife - Masterpost
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In the morning, you woke to your phone blowing up with notifications.
Someone had taken pictures of you and Gen, dancing and kissing in the final bar, and spread them around.
You sighed when you saw them, waking Genevieve up to show her what was being said, but she just shrugged and fell back into the pillows.
“We had fun,” she murmured. “They’re just jealous I got to party with the hottest cowgirl in town.”
You laughed, putting your phone down and kissing her softly.
“More jealous of me, getting to make out with Kris Furillo’s older, sexier body double,” you smiled, slapping her ass through the comforter as you got to your feet, stretching your arms above your head and making your jersey ride up. “I should probably watch Wildfire at some point.”
“You’re a tease,” she complained as you pulled the hem back down, grinning at her. “You’ve not even seen my season of Supernatural.”
“I don’t have a lot of free time,” you reasoned. “I’ve got a baby and a show.”
“Next hiatus we’ll do a catch up of all of our acting disasters,” she told you, watching as you pulled on a pair of shorts. “Jay and Grandpa Ackles did a real interesting movie a few years back that he hates us bringing up.”
“Can’t wait,” you smiled. “I’m gonna check on Dal and Jared.”
“I’m gonna grab ten more minutes,” she mumbled. “Remember to pump if your boobs get heavy, and-”
“Don’t breastfeed until this afternoon,” you finished for her, and she hummed in agreement.
“My girlfriend is the smartest,” she murmured, her voice muffled by her pillow as you left the room.
Genevieve had to fly back to Austin on Thursday morning, leaving everything back to normal in your Vancouver home.
You and Jared were both working long hours to make up for your time off, leaving yourself tired and your daughter grouchy.
“In a week, we’ll be in Hawaii, then it’ll be Thanksgiving break,” Jared reminded you the next Friday when you were getting ready for bed. “We’ve got some real time off.”
“I know,” you smiled tiredly, leaning up to kiss him when Dallas started crying.
You sunk back down onto your heels, resting your forehead on his chest as he wrapped his arms around your shoulders.
“She’s so grumpy lately,” you complained, and he laughed softly as he kissed the top of your head.
“She’s a baby,” he smiled, kissing your temple as he pulled back. “I’ve got this, get into bed.”
“You sure?” you clarified, already pulling back the covers.
“I’m sure,” he promised. “I’ll be back in a minute.”
You never got to Hawaii, not even for the convention.
You were scrolling through your twitter feed after work on Monday when you came across Danneel’s retweet of Sophia’s post sharing an article from Variety.
Reading the title, ‘One Tree Hill’ Cast, Crew Accuse Showrunner Mark Schwahn of Sexual Harassment, had bile rising in your throat.
Just three paragraphs in, you dropped your phone, running to the bathroom to half throw up, half sob into the toilet bowl.
You were still crying when Jensen appeared in the doorway, leaning against the frame and watching you in concern.
“You’re not pregnant again already, are you?” he asked, teasing.
You sniffed, wiping your mouth with some tissue before flushing the toilet, getting to your feet and walking across to the basin.
You splashed some water on your face, swilling some around in your mouth to get rid of the horrible taste before spitting into the sink and rinsing it down.
“Kiddo?” Jensen probed, the teasing gone from his tone. “What’s up?”
“She-” you cleared your throat, swallowing down the ache. “She had to work with him.”
He instantly knew what you were referring to, pulling you into a comforting embrace.
“I know, sweetheart,” he whispered, resting his cheek on top of your head. “I know.”
You were crying against his shirt but he didn’t care, whispering reassurances to you as his hand stroked your back.
“I hate him,” you sniffed, and Jensen held you tighter.
“Me too, kiddo,” he agreed. “Did you- did you read the letter?”
You shook your head against him, trying to stop crying.
“I only got a few lines into the article,” you admitted, and he nodded, pulling back enough to kiss your temple.
“Dee signed a letter, calling him out,” he explained, his voice soft. “Sophia and Hil wrote most of it, but so many of them signed it. It’s tough but they’re going to make a difference. It’s… it’s a tough read, but they’re finally able to speak out.”
“Yeah,” you breathed, sniffing.
“Yeah,” he echoed as he pulled back, looking into your eyes.
“I hate men,” you grumbled, earning a soft laugh as he tucked you under his arm and lead you out of the bathroom.
“You sound just like your mama,” he murmured, and you huffed a laugh.
“Good,” you told him. “She’s the strongest person I know.”
He smiled, kissing the top of your head and rubbing your shoulder.
“You and me, both.”
Jared was in the nursery - reading ‘Guess How Much I Love You’ to Dallas, his soothing voice sending her to sleep - when you finally got around to reading the whole article without having to stop to sob or run to the bathroom.
Your heart was broken, knowing what Danneel had suffered through, and all you wanted was to be close to her.
But you were in Vancouver and she was thousands of miles away, in a timezone that meant it was too late to call or facetime, leaving you with no option but to curl up in bed and cry.
You cried for all of the women who had signed that letter. You cried for your family and close friends. You cried for the complete strangers, named and unnamed. You cried for the injustice of it all.
A part of you, pushing its way to the forefront of your mind, cried with relief.
Relief that they’d spoken out, relief that they were finally able to fight back, and relief that you didn’t have to suffer that way on your ‘big break’ show.
You felt guilty for even thinking it, but the idea that you could’ve had someone like him running Supernatural, in charge of your career, made you nauseous all over again.
You could have left Oklahoma, thinking you’d left everything bad behind you, only to find the same thing happening to you in the place that was supposed to be your fresh start; your clean slate.
You didn’t know how long you’d been silently crying when you felt the bed dip beside you.
Jared sat against the headboard, gently rolling you over so that your head was in his lap. You were still curled up, your knees as far to your chest as they could go, but you rested an arm over his thighs as his hand began to stroke through your hair.
Eventually, your tears dried up and you found yourself laying in silence, numbness filling your body.
“You don’t have to come to Maui, you know?” Jared told you, his voice soft.
You pulled back, pushing yourself to sit up as you looked at him, wiping your cheeks with your sleeve.
“You don’t even have to come to Honolulu,” he continued. “Creation will understand, so will Gen and I.”
“We’ve been… we’ve planned this for weeks,” you protested weakly. “Our first vacation.”
“And of course we’d love it if you came,” he agreed. “But we understand if you need to be with Danneel.”
You swallowed, not knowing what to say as he wrapped his arm around your shoulders, pulling you into his side.
“This… your reaction to everything,” Jared paused, trying to find the right words. “Kiddo, if you need your mama, you need your mama. There’s no shame in wanting to go home- wanting to be with her. I get it.”
“The fans-”
“The fans will understand, Y/N,” he promised, his lips against the top of your head. “I’ve had to leave conventions early before, and everyone gets over it.”
You wrapped your arms around his middle, leaning further into him.
“I’m not saying you have to go to Texas,” he clarified, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. “I don’t want you to think I’m telling you you can’t come to Hawaii. I just want you to know that the option is there, and nobody will think any less of you for taking it.”
You didn’t know how to reply, but Jared didn’t need you to as he started to slowly trail his fingers up and down your arm in a comforting movement.
“We still have a couple days,” he whispered, his fingers stilling as he wrapped a strong arm over your shoulders and pulled you closer. “Just think about it.”
You nodded, still unable to form an audible response, but you didn’t need time to think about it.
You knew where you needed to be.
Danneel and the twins greeted you at the airport on Thursday lunchtime and, the second you saw them, tears started to well in your eyes.
You let go of Dallas’ stroller as you reached them, throwing your arms around Danneel and burying your face in her neck
“Hey, shh,” she soothed as you felt yourself begin to cry. “You’re okay.”
“Are you?” you asked, pulling back and cradling her face in your hands, checking her over. “Are you-”
“I’m alright, sweetheart,” she promised, kissing your forehead. “Let’s get you home.”
She took over Dallas’ stroller as you took the twins’, looking down into their gorgeous eyes and sniffing back your tears.
“You guys need to stop growing every time I look away,” you mumbled, stroking Arrow’s cheek as she was in the top basket.
“You’re telling me,” Danneel agreed, looking down at Dallas. “Two seconds ago she was a newborn.”
“Yeah,” you murmured, starting towards the exit. “Taking after her daddy already.”
You had a few hours alone with Danneel and the babies, during which she talked to you more about the article and what happened while she was working on One Tree Hill.
It hurt to hear her talking about it, to see her reliving the moments, but she assured you that now was the time for them to come forward; that they were already making such a difference by talking out about it.
“Besides,” she had reminded you, her arm around your shoulders as she kissed your temple, “I had great friends around me at the time, and I’ve got an incredible family with me now. I’m good, kiddo.”
By the time Danneel’s phone alarm went off, telling you that it was time to pick up JJ, the two of you were smiling and joking with each other.
“I didn’t tell JJ that you were coming,” she told you as you strapped the babies into their car seats. “She’s gonna freak out.”
“I can’t wait to see her,” you smiled, checking over Dallas’ seat as Danneel did the same for the twins.
You leaned in to kiss Dallas’ cheek, shutting the door before climbing into the passenger seat and smiling across at Danneel.
“Let’s get going,” she grinned, starting the ignition.
You were grinning as you watched the kids file out of the preschool classroom from your seat in the car, running excitedly towards their parents and carers to talk about their days.
You were waiting in the car with the babies to prolong the surprise, but your grin changed to a soft frown when you noticed that JJ wasn’t as enthusiastic to see her mom as she usually was.
You stayed quiet while Danneel helped her into her carseat, and JJ didn’t offer any kind of conversation either.
Once Danneel got behind the wheel, she turned back to face the kids.
“JJ, are you gonna say hi to your sister?” she prompted, and you turned around to smile at her.
“Hi,” she murmured, looking out the window.
“Hey, kiddo,” you responded, turning back to Danneel. “What-?”
“I don’t know,” she replied, starting up the car again. “She won’t tell me anything.”
JJ was sitting quietly in the front room when you and Danneel had finished getting the babies out of the car.
Danneel took Dallas from your arms, nodding towards JJ.
“See if you can get her to talk?” she requested, and you smiled sadly.
“I hate seeing her like this.”
“Me too,” she agreed, kissing your cheek. “But if anyone can get her to feel better, it’s her big sister.”
You hoped she was right as you made your way through to the front room, sitting down on the floor opposite JJ.
“Hey, Texas,” you murmured, lightly knocking her chin with a knuckle so that she looked at you. “You wanna tell me what happened today?”
JJ nodded, her lip starting to quiver as her eyes filled with tears.
“Oh, sweetheart,” you breathed, cupping her cheek in your palm. “What’s wrong?”
She sniffed, leaning into you for a hug.
You wrapped your arms around her, kissing the top of her head and waiting for her to talk.
“I was- I was playin’ with the truck,” she began, sniffing and speaking against your top. “And Ben stole it from me while I was playin’.”
You swallowed thickly, already furious with this ‘Ben’ character.
“Did you tell him you were still playing with it?” you asked, and she nodded against you before pulling back.
She still had tears in her eyes and you wanted nothing more than to make them go away.
“I said I was playin’ and that he could have it after me,” she told you, sniffing. “I’ve learned sharin’ and I know that it’s important so I said he could have it when I was done but he just took it. And I told Miss Daisy because I was still playin’ and he stole it but she- she-”
“What did she say, kiddo?” you asked kindly.
“She said he was just bein’ a boy and I’m a mature lady and I don’t need to get upset about it,” she told you, trying to wipe her own tears.
You saw red, trying not to get angry because you didn’t want JJ to feel any worse.
“Alright, baby,” you breathed, taking her hands in your own. “I want you to listen to me, okay?”
“Mhm,” she nodded, still sniffing.
“‘Boys will be boys’ is not an acceptable excuse for mean behaviour, and I’ll be having a chat with Miss Daisy about that tomorrow,” you explained, and JJ nodded again. “If you told Ben that he couldn’t have the truck yet, he shouldn’t have taken it without your conse- without your permission.”
You cleared your throat, trying to keep your tone steady.
“No means no, kiddo.”
“No means no,” she repeated, and you nodded.
“That’s right,” you agreed, ruffling her hair until she smiled slightly. “So, what do you say next time another kid takes the toy you’re playing with without permission?”
“I say ‘no means no’,” she told you.
“That’s right, and you take the toy back.”
“I take it back,” she nodded, and you smiled, tapping her nose.
“Yep,” you confirmed, “Because you never let anyone take away your decisions or your voice.”
“No means no,” JJ murmured, and you kissed her cheek.
“Alright, Tex, go wash your face,” you told her, getting to your feet and pulling JJ up with you, “Put on some comfy clothes, ‘kay?”
She smiled, running off to do as you asked after stopping to hug Danneel’s legs in the doorway.
Danneel still had Dallas in her arms as she stepped into the room, watching you with a concerned expression.
You shrugged softly, folding your arms.
“I fixed her bad mood,” you explained, and she nodded.
“You did, thank you,” she hedged, biting her lip. “What was all that about?”
“She needs to know that it’s not okay for boys to walk all over her,” you shrugged defensively. “I’m gonna talk to her teacher-”
“I agree, and I’ll go with you,” Danneel told you, “But, Dits… the whole ‘no means no’ talk…”
You swallowed, taking a step back when you realised what she was getting at.
Danneel took a tentative step towards you, concern furrowing her brow.
“Talk to me,” she requested softly. “What happened?”
You shrugged, looking away.
“Nothing,” you murmured. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
One look at her face told you that Danneel wasn’t buying it.
“I don’t want to talk about it,” you tried, your voice soft.
“Oh, sweetheart,” she sighed. “You can tell me anything.”
You swallowed again, looking down at the floor.
“Come on, it’s me,” she pleaded. “You’re my baby. Let me help you.”
As soon as the words left her lips, she could see your expression change.
“I’m not your baby,” you spat, causing Danneel to flinch slightly. “You’re not my real mom.”
Danneel nodded, her hold on Dallas tightening protectively as your demeanor changed.
“I know that, sweetheart,” she offered softly, “I know-”
“No, you don’t know,” you snapped, and Danneel’s mouth suddenly shut in shock as you started to shout. “You don’t know what it was like. You don’t have any idea what it was like! You weren’t there, so stop acting like you know me when all you’ve ever seen is ‘Ditto Ackles’, because - guess what?”
Danneel had never seen you like this before, her heart was pounding hard and fast inside her chest as she let you continue to rant.
You stepped back, motioning around the room.
“This isn’t me,” you told her, harshly. “This… this whole thing is bullshit! ‘Ditto’ is bullshit. The ‘me’ you know is a fucking lie. So I’m sorry that I’m not ready to let you in on all my deep dark secrets just because you’ve ‘known’ me for five whole minutes.”
You stopped, your chest heaving as Danneel looked at you as if she’d never even met you - as if you were a stranger in her home.
The two of you faced each other for a while, both too stubborn to break eye contact.
This was new territory for Danneel. JJ was still too young to argue with her to such an extent, but she knew in that moment that you needed a parent.
Not to hug you and tell you everything was okay, but to set boundaries and let you know when you’d crossed them. To set rules for your own benefit and to inflict consequences when you acted out.
Danneel squared her shoulders and set her jaw, rearranging Dallas so that your daughter was against her chest.
Dallas balled her fists, snuggling in against Danneel’s neck as she was moved.
“It’s a good thing I’m not your real mom,” Danneel spoke, taking you by surprise. “I hate to think what she’d’ve done if you ever spoke to her like that.”
You swallowed, finally breaking eye contact.
“But you do not get to talk to me like that,” she continued, her voice even and strong. “I know you’re hurting. I don’t know why because you refuse to talk to me, but I appreciate that you’re dealing with something huge. Whatever it is, whenever you’re ready, I’m here to listen. Judgement free. But you never speak to me like that again, you hear me?”
You nodded, still looking at the floor.
“Look at me,” she demanded, and you obliged with wide, frightened eyes. “I haven’t known you forever, you’re right. But I’m your mother, and you used to respect that.”
You swallowed, dumbstruck.
You couldn’t believe that you’d said all of that, that you’d blown up at her in order to protect yourself from telling her everything.
“Dee, I’m sorry,” you breathed, “I-”
“I don’t want to hear it,” she cut you off.
Every bone in her body was telling her to let you know that you were forgiven, to give you a hug and assure you that everything would be okay, but she didn’t.
You needed discipline; you needed order.
“Go to your room,” she told you, and you blinked at her. “Now, please.”
“Give me my daughter,” you requested.
Danneel didn’t move, hoping that you’d just go upstairs and calm down without her, but you took a step forward and held out your arms.
“Give her to me,” you repeated. “Please.”
She handed her over, and you were instantly grounded by the weight of your daughter in your arms.
Danneel stepped out of your way, and by the time you got to the top of the stairs you had tears in your eyes.
By the time you got to your bedroom, you were crying.
Dallas was fussing in your arms as you sat on your bed, and you tried to shush her through your own tears.
“It’s okay, baby girl,” you murmured, kissing the top of her head. “Mama’s okay. You’re okay.”
You took a few breaths, trying to calm down for the sake of both yourself and your daughter.
“I’m so sorry for shouting,” you whispered, stroking her hair. “You’re not allowed to repeat any of my behaviour. Or any bad words you might’ve heard.”
Dallas blinked, looking up at you with gorgeous eyes.
“You’ve gotta respect Dee, too,” you sighed, leaning against the headboard. “She’s the best thing that ever happened to us and we should remember that.”
You sniffed as you heard a little knock on the door, looking up to see JJ peeking into the room.
“Hey, kiddo,” you sighed. “I’m in trouble so I can’t play right now.”
“I know,” she told you, walking in.
You laid Dallas down on the bed next to you, frowning slightly at JJ.
“I’m just sayin’ I love ya,” she told you, climbing up into bed to hug you.
You hugged back, resting your chin on top of her head.
“I love you, Texas,” you assured her, closing your eyes.
She held you for a moment before you pushed her back, kissing her cheek.
“Now get out of here before I get you in trouble.”
She laughed softly, leaning down to kiss Dallas’ forehead before leaving the room as quickly as she entered.
You carefully laid down, moving onto your side and lifting Dallas so that she was laying on her back beside you.
Her eyes were blinking heavily, and you smiled softly as she let out a big yawn.
“Think we both need a bit of a nap, huh?” you murmured, letting her hold your finger as you leant into the pillows. “It’s been a long day for both of us.”
You woke to the sound of your bedroom door opening.
Your eyes fluttered open to see that Dallas was still snoozing beside you, her expression content and calm, and a soft smile fell over your face.
The door closing reminded you what had woken you up, and you carefully pushed yourself to sit without disturbing your daughter.
Danneel entered, a steaming mug in her hands and a soft smile on her face.
“Hey, sweetheart,” she murmured, placing the hot tea down on your nightstand and perching beside you on your mattress.
“Hi,” you whispered, looking down at your hands.
“I love you,” she told you, smiling sadly. “I love you so much. But you can’t talk to me like you did.”
“I know,” you sniffed, your voice hoarse, “I’m sorry, I-”
“I know you are,” she promised. “I know. I love you, and I’m worried about you. You can’t shut me out.”
You nodded, feeling yourself start to cry again.
“Oh, baby,” she breathed, moving closer and pulling you into a hug.
She held you until your tears dried up, until Dallas’ soft grunts of waking up broke the two of you apart.
Danneel picked up your daughter, shushing her in her arms as she smiled down at her.
“I gave her your name,” you murmured, watching the two of them. “I wanted her to grow up with your grace, and your kindness. I wanted her to know that her mama’s mama means everything to us, and I just-”
“It’s okay,” Danneel insisted, cutting you off. “You lashed out, I forgive you. It’s okay.”
“It’s not,” you whispered. “It’s not okay. You’ve taken me in, you’ve taught me what it means to be a parent, and I just threw it all back at you because I didn’t want to talk.”
Danneel nodded, swallowing around nothing as she looked down at your daughter before looking back at you.
“You can tell me anything,” she reminded you. “You can talk to me.”
You nodded, clenching your jaw and looking back down at your hands.
“I wish I was your real daughter,” you admitted, biting a hangnail.
“Honey, you are my real daughter,” she assured you, pulling your hand away from your mouth.
“But I’ll always be adopted,” you reasoned. “And… and she will always be my birth mother. I hate that I come from her. I hate that I can get like her. Why couldn’t I come from you?”
You sounded so young, so sad, that it broke Danneel’s heart to hear you.
“Oh, my girl,” she whispered. “I wish, with all my heart, that I could’ve carried you inside me.”
You nodded, a tear falling down your cheek.
Danneel caught it with her thumb before you had a chance to wipe it, keeping one hand cupping your face while the other held Dallas.
“Sometimes, I-” she sighed, stroking your cheek. “I feel guilty that I wasn’t there from the moment you were born.”
She was looking at you, her eye contact constant but not intimidating so you didn’t feel the need to look away. She was opening up to you and letting you in, even after everything.
“You only carry a baby in your belly for nine months,” she continued, moving her hand from your cheek to hold Dallas as she shifted her position on the bed. “But you carry your child in your heart forever. That’s the place that it counts.”
You nodded, breaking eye contact only to look down at your daughter who was watching Danneel intently.
“You do come from me,” Danneel insisted, “And from Jay. And giving birth to you… that wouldn’t have made me love you any more than I already do.”
“Really?” you whispered, and she shrugged.
“Would it make you love me any more?”
“No,” you answered instantly. “That’s crazy.”
“Okay,” she nodded. “So how about we both stop acting crazy, huh?”
You nodded, wiping your eyes with the heel of your hand.
“Alright, come here.”
Danneel held her arm out to you and you fitted yourself against her side, leaning your head on her shoulder.
You sniffed as she turned her head to kiss the top of yours, trying not to cry.
You wanted to tell her everything, but you couldn’t. Not yet.
“I’m sorry,” you whispered, looking down at Dallas. “I’m not… I’m not ready.”
“That’s okay,” Danneel replied with the same softness, kissing your forehead. “I’ll be here whenever you are, my love. I’m always only a phone call away.”
Let me know what you think!
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bwstanaccount · 4 years
ariel looked different, but she smelled the same; a mixture of cheap perfume and gas station, with a tinge of cigarette smoke that could be attributed to the half-empty pack of Camels on the counter and a few haphazardly strewn butts under the kitchen table.
as you glanced up to meet her eyes—the same eyes as yours—all of those memories from childhood (some of which kind of matched her current demeanor, some of which definitely did not) came seeping in through your corneas.
there were the times you’d fall asleep on her mattress, late at night when she wasn’t home, and Ariel’s friend Kris would stay over and maybe even tuck you in on those rare occasions she could find a spare blanket.
there were times you sat on the porch, picking at the dirt on the carpet mat beneath you, listening to Ariel argue with the landlord. you remembered the weeks after that incident, too, when none of the lights in the house would turn on.
and you remembered one night when rick had dragged her stumbling, redeyed self into the house, and slammed the door so hard your ears rang.
“i’m fucking SICK of it!” he had screamed, spraying spittle in your direction. “fucking grow UP!” rick’s work boots dragged dirt in from outside, squeaking on the floor. rick pulled at his girlfriend’s arm, causing her to crash into the refigerator.
“get off of me, rick,” ariel shouted, snapping away. she rubbed her eyes with her left hand, sinking to the floor. you saw her pick up a half-empty bottle of warm tequila that had rolled under the cupboard. “it’s my life. i can do what i want.”
in one swift movement rick lunged, gripping the glass bottle, in a brief struggle with ariel. he ripped it away, throwing it out the open window. “no you can’t. you’re a goddamn mess, ari. look at you! look at your house, look at your kid, look at your LIFE!” rick wiped his mouth with a hairy hand, leaning back on the counter. “you can’t be trusted to do ANYTHING, i mean, god, apple’s just sitting there, you’re never home-“
“i’m allowed to live my life, rick. shit doesn’t stop just because i got knocked up a few years back,” ariel mumbled. “and besides, i have anna and kris and dana and i-“
rick cackled. “what are they doing for her? she still isn’t fucking EATING shit, she drew all over my fucking dress shirt-”
“rick, she’s a baby.”
“A baby who needs some SENSE knocked into her. you know when i was that age i’d get my SHIT rocked if i acted like that-”
at that point, you’d burst into distress, crying, screeching, maybe in an attempt to get their attention, maybe to get them to stop, maybe because you were hungry and hadn’t eaten in hours. maybe because you were, a baby, and that was just what babies did...
but rick wasn’t having it. picking up a plate that still had the remnants of a half eaten pizza slice on it, he turned.
ariel looked cautiously. “don’t you dare fucking...rick, i’m serious. put it down,” she warned. jumping to her feet, she scurried to meet you on the floor, desperately digging through her purse to try and find a pacifier, or anything that could quiet you...
glass from the plate rick had thrown began to dig into your skin. there were shards on the floor, and one major one sticking out of your arm. you tenderly picked it out, blood beginning to leak.
“oh my god,” ariel began to tend to the wound, grabbing a bandaid from deep down in her evening bag and pushing on your little elbow. she glanced up at rick. “get out. get the fuck out of my house.”
you blinked, and her hand was already extended. there was a new tattoo on her wrist, you noticed—a few chinese letters, the meaning of which you couldn’t decipher.
you shook her hand, cautiously gracing your thumb over her veins. her skin felt rougher, hardened, not necessarily from age but from work that you could tell she’d been putting in. it was different from when you were young—or maybe not. she’d never been a very physical person, not one to let you hold her hand, not one for hugs, not like tammy and liz were. “Is Rick home?”
Ariel’s eyes widened; she didn’t think you’d remember—she’d wished, hoped you wouldn’t—but you had. the question was a stark reminder of what she’d done, what he’d done, of the lifelong mark they’d left on the life of this child, and she winced, a little.
“Um,” she craned her neck to the side. “No, he’s gone. Like, completely. Totally gone. Not here,” she laughed, “hasn’t been for a while.”
You nodded. Looking behind your left shoulder, you saw Liz discreetly trying to peek in at the inside of the house.
“Do you guys wanna come in? I cleaned up a bit,” Ariel said, opening the creaky door and ushering the three of you inside. You made sure to keep close to Tammy, for fear that if you didn’t, she’d be gone and you’d be two again, crying on the bathroom floor.
“I’ve gotten my shit together, for the most part. Paid my car off,” she gestured to a bright red Pontiac in the driveway, “I’m...different. Better. A changed woman, if I do say so myself.” Ariel slid into the kitchen, reaching up to the cabinet and grabbed a bottle of raspberry Svedka, pouring it into a glass and almost spilling all over the counter. “Shit. Well, not completely.”
Ariel paused to take a drink. “You guys drink?” She raised her eyebrows at Tammy and Liz, who’d been watching with you from afar, making a flat number “two” with her middle and forefinger, scanning back and forth with her hand as if it were a laser pointer.
Tammy tucked a strand of blonde hair behind her ear and folded her hands. “Uh, no...that’s okay.”
Ariel snapped her fingers. “‘Course not...of course not...”
She stumbled over to the couch, which still sat where you remembered it. You glanced over, trying to study if the dingy sofa was the same as before, but decided that it wasn’t—you recalled it being cream, not the dirt brown it was now.
Yawning, Ariel collapsed on the couch and started humming some offkey tune, ending with a cough powerful enough to cause her chest to cave in and her right arm to flail for a second.
“Whoo! This is,” she exhaled, “Yeah...” She droned off, blinking a bit. “Um, how old are you now? Seven? Eight?”
You stepped a little bit further out, still close enough to your moms that you’d be able to retreat should something arise. Ariel had never felt like much of a mother even when you’d lived with her, but now looking at this woman (tangled up in an oversized Harley Davidson sweatshirt) felt even more foreign now that you’d become accustomed to home.
“Um, ten,” you responded quietly, biting the inside of your bottom lip. “And a half. My birthday is in January.”
“Ten...ten...ten ten ten,” she murmured, looking down. “It’s been longer than I thought, then.” Sitting up, she looked at the three of you, standing close together. The distance between the two parties signified separate worlds, and for the first time in a while, it actually pained Ariel a bit that she would never get to be a part of that second world. Blindly reaching for a glass of water she’d left out on the floor, she sat up.
You watched this unfold from your spot sandwiched between the two older blondes in the room, intrigued by the mannerisms of this now unfamiliar woman. Her movements were constricted but loose, smooth but twitchy, unpredictable, and as she fell back on the couch, you tried desperately to see a bit of yourself in her. maybe it was the voice, maybe the hair, but whatever it was, it definitely wasn’t apparent.
“D’you guys wanna sit or something? Those chairs over there are clean, I think...” Ariel broke the silence, gesturing to two orange club chairs, each dotted with an array of stains that she’d attempted to hide with tablecloths and other random linens.
Tammy nodded, taking a seat in the one closest to Ariel, before realizing that one of you three would have to stand. You looked up at Liz.
“You can sit, Apple, I’m fine here,” she said with a half smile. You nodded, cautiously sinking down into the seat. You rested your forearm on the armrests, which were a strange sort of sticky, subconsciously intertwining your right hand with Liz’s.
A brief lull occupied only by the buzz of the furnace filled the air. Ariel stared straight into your eyes for about a minute, seeming not to notice until you looked away and she coughed.
“I voted for you, by the way. When you...For senate,” Ariel spoke, pointing at Tammy. “Look at that, Madam Senator.” Ariel chuckled. “Foresight is 20/20, then. One thing I ever did right, I suppose...”
Tammy smiled. “Don’t say that. But thank you for your vote...” She looked over at you. “And thank you for doing this, letting us into your home.”
Ariel waved it off. “Yeah...hey,” she once again made eye contact with you, “I’m really glad to see you doing well. I’m sorry it couldn’t be with me, I’m sorry I just...really fucked that one up, couldn’t parent for shit, you know. But I’m just...well I am happy they can. A whole lot better than I ever would’ve.” She rubbed her eyes, then looked at both your parents, nodding. “You guys are doing great.”
This prompted an awkward silence—you didn’t know how to respond, and your mothers just gave curt “thank yous”—which Ariel broke by telling you that she had something cool to show you.
“Check it out.” She sprung up, running to the credenza, where an assemblage of picture frames of different shapes and sizes lay. Some were ceramic, some glass, some shaped like animals or different objects. The one constant was what was sealed inside the frames—each photo conveyed a different, smiling nuclear family. You followed close behind Liz, craning your neck to see a particular green wooden display.
Liz tapped on the wood, moving closer to examine one of the pictures. “Nice collection. Did you take them all yourself?”
“No— they come like that, when you buy the frames. it’s just the frames i’m displaying.” ariel leaned on an exposed beam, burying her head in her armpit, muffling her voice, before adding: “Wish i did.”
You started to feel queasy, and squeezed Tammy’s hand to let her know that something was wrong.
“Do you have,” you swallowed hard, discreetly clutching your stomach, “do you have a restroom?”
Ariel stood back up and glanced down the hallway. The door to what was obviously a bathroom had been left open, but you’d noticed it was filled with blue water anyways. She shook her head. “Draino. Roommate’s really into this whole spring cleaning deal. Sorry about that.”
You took a deep breath, nodding and looking back up at Tammy, who rightfully took that as a cue that you should probably wrap things up.
So you did. Pleasantries were exchanged between your two sets of parents as, you supposed, is customary when saying goodbye to your child’s birthmother whom you hadn’t seen in seven years, and then Ariel turned to you.
Digging into the back pocket of her ultra-skinny jeans, she pulled out a small, textured photo, taken on an instant camera and handed it to you. “My friend took this, a long time ago. I don’t know why I never gave it to you.”
You gazed down at it. There you were, sitting on the same floors you were standing on now, playing with some ratty giraffe stuffed animal that you still had somewhere in a closet. Cups lay strewn across the floor, and you could see the shoes of adults blurred in the background. “Thanks.”
“Um. Yeah...” Ariel looked down at her feet. “Uh, it is getting late, and this isn’t really the best area...I suppose you guys might want to get back home.”
Liz nodded. “Yeah, I suppose. Thank you again for this. Have a nice night.”
“‘Course. Stay safe. Bye, Apple.”
So, you left. tammy turned to look back at you on the car ride home. “We can come again, if you want to.”
No, you never did— which isn’t to say that you grew up all at once right then, but some things change your perspective for the better and you never feel like looking back.
You go forward from there.
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kpop-magick · 7 years
EXO: Green Eyed Jagiya??
A/N : Request: May I have a exo reaction to their girlfriends with green eyes? Please and Thxs. 
Hope its okaay, took me forevaahh sorrryyyyy. 
Suho: Soft compliments, all day, errday. Like you’re cooking and he’ll compliment your hair but at least two times everyday he’ll bring up your eye colour. Anything from it’s amazing to a random little fact. “Did you know that only about 2% of people on Earth have green eyes?”
Kai: This sweet, sweet boy.. To be honest, he doesn’t mention it as much as you’d originally thought. However, one time you were having dinner with all of the family, all the boys were there; chatting away. Then Chanyeol spoke up, saying that your eyes really are that green in person, he never realized it.  “What do you mean, you’re surprised?” “Well, Jongin talks about you all the time, mentioning how beautiful your eyes are and he’ll show us photos but I never thought they were that green.” He brags about you. :3
Chanyeol: Every once and a while he’ll say they’re pretty but sometimes, okay... A lot of times, he’ll tease you about it. It’s all in good fun, you tease him right back. However if you don’t tease him back, he knows to apologize and shower you in love, saying everything about you is beautiful, he only loves to tease you. “Your eyes are green, sooo weird, jagi. Do you see in green?” “Your ears are so far out, so large, does that mean you hear better, baby?~”
D.O: He stares, a lot. Like you’ll be talking about your day during dinner and he’s just intently staring at you. After a little while without any nods, ‘hmms’ or any form of response you call his name, dragging him back to reality. Kyungsoo quickly became Squishysoo realizing you caught him in this little “stare-at-your-beautiful-eyes-till-we’re-finished” moment. 
Baekhyun: Boi is jealous. Constantly mentions how why do you get these naturally beautiful, unique eyes and he has brown. “Jagiya, I  have to wear contacts *whine* why can’t I have eyes like yours?” 
Lay: He is the absolute sweetest when it comes to you, whether it’s your little mannerisms or things you say. During your little outings, whether it be a walk or picking some food up, you two will be talking and being a sweet angel, he always tries to teach you things in his native language. The one thing have memorized, other than ‘I love you’ is him saying that your eyes are beautiful.
Chen: Happy ball of fluff about them. All happy sighs and ‘wows’ whenever he looks into your eyes for a tad too long. You always catch him and tease him about it, it’s really cute his reaction. “But they’re just so... so... Green.. So pretty and..” 
Xiumin:  Minseok is a quiet man, more listening than talking. So whenever you two might be cuddled up on the couch, him lightly stroking your hair, holding you to his chest as you gaze up at him and talk about random things; from your day to ‘if I had a super power, it would be..’ Other than his small acknowledgements, he just listened to you, except every once and awhile he’d speak up. “Have I ever told you your eyes are really pretty?”  
Sehun: He doesn’t say it outright a lot, maybe after you have a bad day or a comment got to you; and when he starts to name everything he loves about you, without just saying all of you. But in day to day, it’s the little things that he does. You two could be reading on the couch with Vivi in your lap and all of a sudden, he reaches over and tucks your hair behind your ear, his finger tips lingering on your skin before he goes back to doing what he was doing before.  His actions speak louder than his words.
Kris: Everybody knows. When he introduces you to everyone, he says your name and then he goes:  “Do you see her eyes, aren’t they such a beautiful green colour?”
Luhan: He goes between being normal and chatting away or doing something with you and then he’ll just look into your eyes so deeply, it’s as if he’s just trying to get even more lost in them than he already is. Then after a few seconds, he’s back to normal and smiles, chuckling softly. You know that he thinks they’re beautiful. It’s the little things with Luhan.
Tao: He honestly has tried to get you to pair Gucci with your green eyes. This boy, amirite? Sometimes he’ll bring it up randomly. “What’s gucci, (Y/N)? Your eyes, that’s for sure.”  ;)
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ibangtanthings · 7 years
Sleep - pt 13
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Maybe the hostess felt bad for you, probably not, it was probably the two handsome guys by your side. Nonetheless you got the best seat in the house.
It was only noon but the restaurant was dimly lit, as if it was already evening. A candelabra in the middle of the table, pushed away by Jimin because he said it was too romantic.
Funny considering you all got very dressed up just for lunch. You even did your makeup.
They wore black slacks and a nice button up, while you put on the burgundy dress Jimin bought you.
You thought you looked elegant but Jimin said you looked beautiful.
“We looked like three spoiled rich kids.” Hoseok said when he checked himself out in the mirror.
The waitress made you mad the second she came to the table, only looking at Hoseok and Jimin, not once making eye contact with you.
Suddenly you realized that you were jealous. So what if she liked one of them? It wasn’t like they were going to leave you here for her.
But as the night moved on, she was getting on your last nerve. First she took her time pouring the water, smiling at Jimin and Hoseok as he poured their glasses.
It wasn’t like she was flirting with one of them, she was flirting with both.
When she wasn’t there, everything was fine. You were enjoying the time you had with both of them, with Hoseok before he leaves tomorrow.
But when she came back with the appetizers, one of the buttons on her shirt was unbuttoned. Maybe you only noticed because the guys didn’t say anything.
Later, she dropped a napkin and gasped dramatically. You all turned to see her bending down slowly to pick it up.
You watched them turn their attention away from her.
“I don’t know if she wants a nice tip or if she’s trying to figure out which one of us is with Y/N.” Hoseok rolled his eyes.
“She’s ruining this for you isn’t she?” Jimin gave you a soft smile.
“When girls do that, does that mean she think she’s better than me?” You asked him.
“She’s desperate for what you have.” Hoseok pointed his fingers under his chin, smiling arrogantly.
“You look ten times better than her, don’t worry about it. You have to think you’re better than her.” Jimin said.
You flushed, embarrassed that he would put it so bluntly.
“No way. I have a faulty ankle. She was probably laughing at me as you guys walked me in.” You continued eating.
“She’s so desperate, I bet she doesn’t even own a hotel.” Hoseok said in a high pitched voice.
“I know right. She probably doesn’t even have a good inheritance. Right Y/N?” Jimin said in a whiny voice, as high as Hoseok’s.
You giggled. “That’s not how I imagined my girlfriends talking.”
“Lets weird her out.” Jimin said.
“You want to kiss?” Hoseok asked him and you almost choked.
This was turning out better than you expected.
Jimin laughed. “Just follow me lead.”
When the waitress came by to bother you guys again, Jimin leaned in closer to your face.
“Baby. I’m not even hungry anymore, not for this…Can’t we just go home?” He asked, kissing your cheek slowly, practically sensually, and then he kissed your hand.
You watched slight disappointment flash in her eyes. You pinched Jimin’s thigh underneath the table as revenge, but he kept his composure.
Quickly, Hoseok tucked you hair behind your ear and so called whispered into your ear, making sure he was loud enough for her to hear. “He’s right princess, it’s so hard waiting, so hard.” He breathed.
You blushed bright red and it took everything in you not to laugh. The waitress looked embarrassed too, shuffling with the plates and quickly retreating.
Jimin burst out laughing immediately.
“Oh my god.” You squealed, grabbing the drink menu and hiding your face. Hoseok laughed as he pried the menu away from your hands.
It felt like you were the rowdy kids in the restaurant. That’s all you guys talked about for the rest of the day.
Even though they continued to make dirty jokes and your stomach hurt from laughing so much, you were glad that his was how your last day together went. Just laughing together and being silly. It felt like an ordinary good day.
That night Jimin worked a night shift at the bar to make a little extra since he wasn’t going to work all next week. He said bye to Hoseok and he promised he’d be home in the morning before you woke up.
Maybe Hoseok was too preoccupied with you, that he didn’t ask Jimin what would be taking up his time the whole night. Why was he going to come home tomorrow morning?
“If anything happens you call me right away okay? Promise me.” He said, grabbing your face.
You touched the hands that’s held your cheeks. “I promise.” You said bringing his hands down into yours.
You guys sat cross legged facing each other on the couch.
“Can I sleep on your bed?” You tried to look as innocent as possible.
“You’re into freaky stuff or what?” He chuckled.
“Only if I get scared or something.” You explained.
“Hopefully you don’t. My bed is all yours for now though.” He said, getting up for a moment. “I bought you something.”
“Wasn’t the giant bunny enough?”
He ignored your question and brought a small velvety box.
“I thought about your wrist when I saw these in the store.” He said opening the box and pulling out a couple of matching thin, silver bracelets.
Nothing too fancy, simple enough to wear every day. They had the same charm, a dream catcher.
“I love them.” You said putting his on his wrist.
“Never take it off then.” He ordered as he wrapped yours around your wrist.
“Why would I want to?” You smiled, already waving your wrist and watching the dream catcher’s tiny silver feathers dangle against the light.
It must have been expensive though, rust proof and strong, made to last.
He saw the change in your expression and punched your arm.
“I’ll be back before Jimin gets on your nerves, promise.”
“Don’t forget to eat enough, and don’t lose sleep or you’ll get dark circles.” You said.
He leaned back onto the couch and you snuggled into his arms.
“I should be telling you that. Make sure you call me everyday. I’ll call you every night.”
“I don’t want you to go.” You whined.
“I don’t want to leave you either but I have responsibilities.” He lingered on that dreadful word for a second.
“Am I not your responsibility?”
“Other responsibilities.” He added. “You don’t feel like a responsibility to me. You’re my baby.”
“No I’m me.” You smiled, hugging him tighter.
“I love you.” He said causally.
“I love you too Hoseok.” You said quickly falling asleep in his arms.
Jimin walked in to see Hobi on his phone, you leaning into him fast asleep.
“You’re home?” Hobi whispered happily.
Of course he was happy. You were in his arms like always.
“Hyung, go to sleep.” Jimin told him.
“You go to sleep,” Hobi retorted, “you have to be awake before she is.”
“You have to leave in like five hours.” Jimin replied.
Hobi wriggled out from underneath you, careful not to wake you up.
“Watch her foot.” Jimin warned.
It was all blue and purple now, but you said it didn’t hurt. This kind of pain was probably nothing to you.
For the first time he was annoyed at you. Lying there and sulking even in your sleep.
Did you not trust him to make this week fun? He wasn’t going to let you miss Hobi too much.
If he left, would you be as sad? Probably not, he wasn’t your hero, Hobi was your hero.
At the same time, he worried about you. It surprised him how much he worried about you, more than anyone else.
He didn’t care about anyone else beside his hyung, and then you came into the picture.
How he wished everyone was as kind as you were, selfless and so innocent at times.
His mind raced back to the party.
He saw Jennie. She was with another guy, purposely trying to make him jealous. It was obvious. But Jimin didn’t care, in fact he never did. It just annoyed him that she would stoop so low. He thought she was cool, not anymore and he definitely wasn’t going to stay at that party where people wanted to get a reaction out of him.
And Kris, fucking Kris. Why did he want to meet you so bad? Wasn’t an introduction enough? Kris wouldn’t stop talking about you, asking Jimin for an invite over.
“She’s just our roommate.” He said.
“So she’s single? Jiminie, come on, I’m not a bad guy. I think she’s really cute.” Kris said.
“She’s not interested in dating right now.” Jimin said trying to move on.
Kris wasn’t having it. “Let me come over next week. I’ll bring some food.”
“You can’t, Hobi’s not going to be there. Actually, I have to go. This party’s lame anyway.”
Kris was preoccupied mixing his own drink so Jimin slipped out casually passing by all the half dressed girls and the rest of the frat boys getting high.
You looked pretty in the dress he bought you. He hated how you put yourself lower when he said you had to feel like you were better than her.
He stopped himself from kissing your cheek again because he liked the way you got embarrassed, the way you laughed.
He hated how you looked down at the sidewalk was you walked, the way you clung onto his body with fear at night.
Why couldn’t you be fearless all the time?
No. He was thinking about it too much. Hobi seemed to like you, more than like…right? If he did then why didn’t he tell him yet? They were brothers who told each other everything.
“You think she’ll have a nightmare tonight?” Hobi asked.
“Get some rest. I got this. I’ll see you next week. I would call with updates but I’m guessing she’s going to be texting you all the time anyways.”
Hobi pulled him into a bro hug, “Thanks for taking care of her.”
“Make sure you guys win.” He told him.
He laughed as you hopped on one foot to the bathroom. “You’re up early.”
“It’s cause my Hope is gone.” You mumbled.
“But breakfast is here.” He beamed and you lightened up instantly.
He had to flirt with the lady behind the counter a bit to convince her to fry some chicken this early in the morning.
“What did you get?” You asked with a smile.
“Chicken and waffles.” He announced, smiling back at you, knowing how much you loved eating junk food.
He fixed the stool on the bathtub for you, and heated up the food as you showered.
This was only step one in the long journey this week would bring. He had to be extra nice to you and hope that you would go along with anything he had planned.
“Hoseok’s texted me.” You chimed, looking at your phone.
Jimin grabbed the phone and threw it on the couch. “No Hobi talk. It’s too early for that.”
You turned around and looked at your phone on the couch, then back at him.
He felt like he just took a lollipop away from a baby. You looked shocked.
Shame hit him hard.
“No Y/N. I’m sorry. That was rude. I was just joking, I’m sorry.” He said running over to your side of the table, he held your arms.
You hugged him, taking him by surprise.
“Are you jealous?” You giggled. “I’m sorry. I’m probably annoying you all the time just talking about Hobi.”
“No. I’m probably the only person who loves Hobi just as much as you do.”
“We can’t tell him we’re eating this.” You whispered cutely as if he was actually there.
“Okay.” Jimin whispered back, holding up his pointer finger and you poked it twice.
“Are you done eating?” He asked minutes later.
“Mhm.” You thanked him.
“Let’s go then.” He said carefully helping you put on your sneakers.
“What where?” You asked, obviously having no intention of going anywhere.
“Just get on my back.” He said not sure if you were going to trust him.
You obeyed and giggled as you bounced on his back as he ran outside, no car no nothing, just heading towards the park.
“Slow down!” You squealed, holding onto him tightly and laughing carelessly.
A dog barked, scaring both of you.
“Oh shit!” He yelled, speeding up and you were dying of laughter.
He finally reached the park but he didn’t stop. He kept running until he saw the pond.
He set you down on a nearby bench, catching his breath and smiling for a picture you snapped of him.
“It’s nice outside today.” You said turning your face up towards the sun, closing your eyes and smiling.
He ruffled your hair, annoyed that something so simple can make you so happy.
“I thought my ankle was going to ruin everything but I was wrong. This is pretty nice.”
“Enjoy the view now babe, tomorrow it’s going to rain.”
You put your foot up on the arm rest and laid down, resting your head on his thigh. He liked this, you being comfortable around him.
“Have you ever gone apple picking?”
“Nope. Have you ever taken drugs that make you hallucinate?”
“No we usually got chlorpromazine. It made us sluggish.”
This game of 21 questions was more like you asking random stuff and him asking about your recovery. Things he wouldn’t ask in front of Hobi.
“Why did you choose to get better? Because of Hobi?” He asked, breaking the cycle of the game.
“Yeah, because of him. He saved me from myself, I understand that now. I was so done with everything. I didn’t see a point to living anymore, life already didn’t exist for me. But Hoseok…he came everyday just to try to make me smile, laugh. I was angry at first, I thought he was crazy, but he was just being Hobi.”
“What do you think about the world now Y/N?” He petted your head.
You stifled a smile. “It’s still ugly.”
“Are you still sad?” He asked.
“Sometimes.” You shrugged, letting him know it was fine, that you were fine.
It made him feel relieved.
The week was going by smoothly. You even went to the movies with him twice in one day. Once in the morning and then around ten because both of you weren’t tired at all.
Then Wednesday came.
“Don’t do it.” He warned you but it was too late.
The tears streamed down your cheeks instantly.
“It hurt so bad.” You squealed.
He just laughed. How could you be so clumsy? How could you forget that you sprained your ankle as you jumped to tackle him onto the ground.
Flicking your head and giving you a new source of pain.
“Ow! Call Hoseok.” You whined, not getting off of him, instead just burying your head into his neck and pounding the floor with your fist.
It tickled and Jimin pushed you off of him. “Okay, okay, let me get the phone.” He said, still laughing and helping you back onto the couch.
“Babe, how could you forget you had a sprained ankle? Wrap it good. By Friday it should be fine. It’s healing pretty fast though. Just be careful next time.” Hoseok said sternly as you guys video called him.
“I’m okay now Hobi. We were just playing around too much. We’ll be careful I promise, don’t worry about us.” You beamed, super happy to see his face.
Jimin turned the camera away from you, “Hyung, she practically attacked me. You should be worried about me not her.”
“I gotta go. Tie her up if you need to.” He said before hanging up.
“I won’t tie you up.” Jimin decided not to tease you anymore and went to get the first aid kit.
“You know if we go to the mall I can use those electric wheelchairs they have in the stores.” You said proudly.
It was cute how you totally just found a use for your faulty ankle, the one you whined about all the time. It didn’t hurt you anymore. You didn’t make any faces as he wrapped your ankle tightly. And it was cute how you teared up just now when you hurt it again.
The entire day he felt like he couldn’t say no to that face.
That night you had a nightmare though, and he rushed into the living room but you weren’t there where he left you. You were in Hobi’s room, sitting up awake and quietly weeping.
A pang of jealousy hit him but he brushed it off.
“I’m sorry I woke you up.” You sniffled and it was too much for him.
“Tell me what happened.” He asked, sitting down on the floor by the pillows.
You laid back down and looked at him, blinking away the last of your tears.
“I had to go back. They wouldn’t tell me why. It’s so stupid I know. I’m tired of these dreams.” You grew upset.
“You’ve been having less nightmares since taking those sleeping pills though. They’ll go away soon enough. It’s just been a while since you last had one, that’s why you’re upset.”
“I hope they go away but I hardly ever dream anymore, like at all…I never win.” You sighed.
He chuckled. “You have simple problems. Problems you can’t win. You can’t control your dreaming. Are you sure you’re not just crying because you miss him?”
“I think I’m just feeling sorry for myself. They said I shouldn’t feel sorry for myself too much. It’s not good for my mind.” You flushed embarrassed.
“Don’t be embarrassed Y/N. Just don’t think about it…At least that’s how I’ve been living.” He shrugged.
It was easier that way, just doing things without thinking too much.
You had no reason to be embarrassed.
You weren’t crazy, not in the least bit. He saw crazy first hand. Yumi, Jennie, and other so called friends that backstabbed and put others down. They were crazy. It was easier to cut the off and ignore them. The world was ugly but if you closed your eyes it was bearable. At least to Jimin it was.
He ran away from home, came to a new city and worked as a bartender for god’s sake, a bartender. It was the last thing he ever thought he would be doing. He saw girls and guys getting wasted, throwing themselves at each other and at him.
Every girl he met wanted something more, as if he was nothing more than a face.
It was tiring.
Jimin couldn’t admit that he never once felt loved enough or that he ever loved someone back enough.
For a while now he thought about getting a new job, just for a change of atmosphere.
Maybe go back to studying and quit dating, quit music. Grow up, as his parents told him.
He shuddered at the thought of someone doing you wrong, of you not smiling at least once a day. He couldn’t help worrying about you the way Hoseok worried.
You stayed silent for a moment and he wondered if he said something wrong.
“Can you stay with me?” You reached for his hand and he immediately took your hand in his, surprising himself.
“Come to my room. Or let’s go to yours.” He quickly added.
Without a word you sat up and he helped you to your bedroom.
He hummed Rain because he knew that was your favorite but he was already working on a new song so he hummed that one next, just the melody he has stuck in his head since the last time he had to comfort you after a horrible nightmare.
Suddenly he wanted to remind you.
“So besides hurting your ankle again and the bad dream, no not dream, nightmare…today was pretty nice wasn’t it?”
“Mmhm.” You barely nodded your head, already half asleep.
“A good day no?”
“A very good day.” You mumbled, turning your back towards him.
He scoffed. That’s all he gets for reminding you that today was a good day? For wrapping your ankle? For making you laugh. Being funny all the time wasn’t easy
You suddenly turned around and faced him again for a moment, as if a burst of energy hit you. “Don’t leave until I really fall sleep, I can tell if you leave before.” You warned him.
Your fingers gripped his forearm and he sat still, replaying the weeks events in his mind.
He wished Hobi was here. Maybe then you’d stay up longer. A part of him wanted to know if you liked Hobi. Another part didn’t want to know, afraid of what he would feel. Relieved because you guys were all friends? Or relieved because he could let himself feel these different feelings?
Jimin wasn’t sure if Hobi loved you. Strange considering he’s known him for a long time. You don’t always fall in love with someone you’ve saved. But this was different. You always fall in love with the person who save you no? And Hobi was you’re hero so how could you not fall in love with him?
The way you two acted around each other, as if you’d known Hobi longer. The last year Jimin never felt so far from him, wondering what was worrying him, what took up so much of his time.
Of course it was you, but he was glad it was you. He was glad he met you because somehow it felt like you were saving him. But from what?
He couldn’t explain it but things were different now.
Slowly, hanging out with his friends and doing nothing wasn’t as fun anymore. The party was lame. No. Jimin thought it was lame, everyone else was enjoying the party just the same as always.
Hobi stopped hanging out with everyone so quickly, so easily. Why couldn’t Jimin?
He was thinking about this too much. He was telling you to stop thinking so much but that’s all he could do right now.
He felt like he was going crazy just worrying about everything so he just watched you. You were holding his arm weakly now, definitely asleep.
Your body moved gently with each breath but then you shivered.
He wondered what you were dreaming about as he moved your hand around his waist and cuddled next to you.
“Don’t think about it.” He kept telling himself until he finally fell asleep.
Friday at 8:39 his phone buzzed, text from Kris. He wanted to come over.
Jimin ignored his text and held you closer, him needing warmth now.
The doorbell rung.
Pissed off, he got up to answer. Who the hell would be up this early?
“Hyung. What the fuck are you doing here?” He rubbed his eyes to make sure it was his tall ass.
“They gave me like five extra breakfast orders so I thought you might want some.” Kris said holding up a bag of fast food.
Jimin didn’t even think he could handle anymore junk food.
He planned on making you breakfast instead of ordering again. It’s been almost five days since he’s eaten a home cooked meal. Something simple like toast and eggs.
“Thanks but no thanks. We’re still sleeping. Plus Hobi’s not here and I promised him no visitors.”
“I’m not a visitor though. Now that there’s a chic in your house I can’t come unannounced?”
“The last time you visited was like last Christmas.”
“Jimin who is it?” You came hopping into the living room.
“Oh hey Y/N! You want some breakfast? I have extra and I was in the neighborhood.” Kris said over Jimin.
You smiled shyly. “Okay sure.”
Jimin could tell right away that you were being polite. Your face told him clearly that you were over fast food too.
For your sake he kept Kris distracted, talking to him about party, asking questions.
Every now and then Kris would look over at you and smile.
You blinked back at him, picking at your food probably wondering when he was going to leave.
What the hell was Kris thinking? Did he do this just to see you? No way was he going to leave you alone for one second with Kris. He might ask for your number any chance he got.
Surprisingly you explained the story of how you sprained your ankle. Kris was listening to you intently, then saying he was glad you were fine.
Jimin wanted to hit him. If Kris was going this far to try and get your attention then he had to be stopped.
“Well he have a doctor’s appointment to get ready for right Y/N? So thanks for coming hyung. We’ll see you around.” Jimin lied smoothly.
“I could get you some crutches from the health department at school that you could borrow.” Kris said.
You shook your head and smiled. “It’s healing fast. I won’t need them soon but thanks.”
“Alright, let me know if you need anything. Tell Jiminie to give you my number.”
“Thanks bro. We appreciate it.” Jimin slammed the door shut, shooting Kris a glare way after the lock hitched.
When he turned around you were already on your phone, no doubt texting Hobi.
“I swear I didn’t invite him Y/N. I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine. He seems nice. It wasn’t too awkward.” You smiled.
“No. Not nice. He’s interested in you.” Jimin explained.
You laughed. “Yeah right. It’s probably because I’m new.”
“Don’t fall for him Y/N. I know he’s good looking but you don’t need any more guys in your life. Especially guys like him.” Jimin warned.
“Don’t worry. I can’t think of anyone cuter than you. Now come here. Look what Hobi sent me.”
You showed him a picture of a puppy, but Jimin got a text soon after scolding him for letting Kris in.
“So babe, what are we going to eat?”
“I’m tired of take out.” You bit your lip worriedly.
He had to look away, you were the one who looked like a lost puppy.
“Seafood soup!” You straightened up and wiggled excitedly.
“I’ll go buy the stuff. But I think we’ll have to order lunch because cooking the soup will take a while.”
You frowned and shook your head. “I want to go with you. I’ll wait here then.”
The way you slumped onto the table let him know how much you hated being handicapped. He didn’t really know which ingredients to get besides shrimp, crab, and maybe lobster.
“I’ll carry you.” He offered.
“No. People will stare. Let’s make a list of all the things we’ll need.” You reached for a piece of paper.
“So what if people stare? They’ll understand once they see your foot. Nobody cares anyways. When’s the last time a good looking guy carried you around like a princess? Come on, don’t think about it. Let’s go.” A tiny smile, one you tried to hide, made him only want to do this more. He could carry you around all day, no problem.
“First you have to help me put on my shoes.” Your arms reached out for him, and he ran over to get you on his back.
“Be careful.” You squealed into his ear.
“You’re not heavy. Have you seen my arms?”
“Yeah you’re like Popeye.” You giggled.
Even so, he put you down at every stop, taking a break and getting a workout. You got heavier with each set of bags you guys got and thankfully you made it to the supermarket.
The side glances and glares from the other customers as you sat in the shopping cart didn’t seem to bother you and for that he was happy. Happy that you were carefree.
“Want to get a wheelchair now? The kids seat is running out of space.” He said trying to stop the spices from falling out of the shopping cart.
Helping you out, you switched over to an electric wheelchair and tried to figure out how to get it started.
Jimin noticed the footsteps coming closer before you did. He was confused and expected the woman to say something to him.
Instead she grabbed your hair violently and threw you off the wheelchair.
“What the fuck are you doing?!” Jimin yelled, bringing everyone’s attention to the situation, hopefully someone would come and help.
He stood in front of you, blocking the woman with his arms as she flailed around trying to grab you again.
“Stupid, ungrateful, weak pathetic excuse for a human being! This is where you were the whole time?! Fucking around with some guy?!”
“Someone get this crazy bitch out of here!” Jimin yelled. “Don’t you fucking touch her! You’re fucking crazy.” He said finally pushing her away.
The woman fell down and he would have felt bad for pushing an older woman but she hurt you, and he couldn’t accept that. He was furious but he was trying to control his anger.
“You were ignoring us this whole time! We worried for no reason huh?! No phone call, nothing. Where’s Hoseok now huh?! Stupid idiot!! You’ve been dead to us for a long time already.” She screamed as the security took her away.
He dropped to his knees and touched your arm. “Baby, are you okay? Your foot, let me see it.”
You hid your face behind your hair and nodded, tears falling to your knee. The red in your cheeks flared up in embarrassment, in fear and shock.
He needed to get you out of here.
The store manager approached him and Jimin quickly got up. “I’ll have someone pick these up. We really just need to get out of here.” He said handing the man a hundred.
He bent down again. “Y/N, just hold onto me. I’m going to get you out of here.”
He brought your arms to his neck and you held onto him as he carried you away, looking over your shoulder to see where he was going, letting you bury your face into his neck and holding your waist tight to make sure you wouldn’t slip from his grasp.
Your body trembled as you sobbed quietly. He had to stay calm but he wanted to scream and yell, hurt anyone who dared to look at you again.
All he did now was run, run as fast as he possibly could towards the car. He had to call make sure you were okay, and he had to call Hobi.
Part 14
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kpop-magick · 7 years
EXO: Are you sure you’re tall enough to ride this ride?
A/N:  Requested by aph-dead-nation: “EXO reacting to having a super short girlfriend? Thanks!”
To be quite honest, this was kinda hard cuz im hella tall. But I think it’s okay.
You definitely were never the tall girl, hell, you weren’t even the average girl. You were the short one, the super short one. All throughout school and even work now, it had become your descriptor.  “Oh, wow you’re so small.”  “Aw, so cute! I could fit you in my pocket!” Yeah, you got the idea the first few hundred times you heard it.  But one of the only reactions you really thought mattered was that of your boyfriend...
Suho: He’s on the shorter side so for him, he’s rather happy you’re short. He prefers it like this, he had always liked the idea of having a shorter girlfriend. He can wrap his arm around you easily, pulling you into his side. He loves it.
(A/N: I really wanted to use this gif.)
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Kai: He just flat out thinks you’re damn adorable. You’re just so short and sweet and he laughs a lot whenever you can’t reach something so, naturally, he helps but he’s still laughing about. Jongin is a sweet boy. 
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D.O: Seeing as Kyungsoo is one of the shortest members, he really doesn’t mind. In fact, he enjoys the fact that he has to reach to grab stuff for you. He enjoys having you lean up to press a kiss to his lips.
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Chanyeol: This beagle liner pokes fun at your height, but never seriously because if it ever truly made you uncomfortable or upset, this bumbling giant would automatically run to apologize and comfort you; telling you that you’re cute, he’s just joking, he loves you for you; your height doesn’t matter.
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Baekhyun: Teasing galore. It never stops. But this teasing, well, sweets, it’s a two way street. He teases you, you push right back.
“Wow, (Y/N), I can’t believe you reached that when you’re so short!”
“Well it’s not like you could’ve reached it, one of us had to grab it.”
There is no end to the teasing, he always pretends to be offended but goes back to being his usual self very quickly. Even if he is still taller than you, he isn’t the tallest pole in the city. 
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Sehun: He doesn’t put too much thought into it, he’s very casual about it actually. It’s almost odd how casual he is, you’d thought he’d give you sass or something. Did he tease you? No.  Did he mess with you by putting things on a high shelf? No. When you asked him about it, his response was so simple. “It’s not like you can change it, why would I tease you about something you can’t change?” “That’s.. Really sweet of you.” “Now your outfit on the other hand-”
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Chen: He honestly just doesn’t mind, you’re shorter than him; albeit very short but still. He does not mind at all, if he has to grab something for you or move stuff, he’ll do it gladly. But to Jongdae it’s no big deal.
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Xiumin: Much like Jongdae, Minseok does not care. Okay, no, it’s not he doesn’t care but he just doesn’t see it as an issue. You two fit well together, you fit snugly under his arm. If you’re fine with it, then so is he. He thinks you’re super cute, you think he’s super cute. Then there are times where you think he’s super hot and sexy and he thinks the exact same thing about you.
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Lay: Innocent child, too good for this world. So pure (sometimes) He is not one who brings it up, nor is he one who gives it too much thought. You are just.. You. He finds you cute and attractive and everything you are. And he loves it. Even if you sometimes have some negative thoughts about your height, he’s there to help you. Reminding you of how perfect you are.
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Kris: At first, he honestly was very hesitant. Like he’s so tall. Like we talking 190cm tall. There is a HUGE different between you two. Like M E G A huge difference. But as he fell for you more and more, the height didn’t bother him. It was still an issue, he’d place stuff up high and you can’t reach it. You would change the height of something and he’d hit his head. It was a lot of getting used to, but you two made it work.
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Luhan: He adores the fact that he can walk up behind you, wrap his arms around you and place his chin on your head. He’s very manly (he thinks) and despite the delicate face, he likes the fact that you seem even more precious due to your height. It’s something that makes him feel manly. (even if he isn’t.)  (A/N: He actually is p masculine tbh, him on chinese variety programs is like A++ but he still has this boyish charm to him. PS this gif does things to me.)
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Tao: This diva. This queen. Gurl, as long as you like Gucci, he like you. KIDDING. He finds it sweet, if that makes sense. He’s on the tall side and you’re very much on the short side, he likes the contrast. He also enjoys the fact that he’s at a very good height to tuck your hair behind your ear in a very very casual way.  But seriously. Gucci.
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