#not just 'im angry at him but now i forgive and forget because the shippers want me to'
doodle-do-wop · 1 year
More Keeper Reread thoughts: Lodestar
Extremely unpopular opinion but: why the heck do we still trust Keefe????
Yes everything worked out in some cases but if we look at the consequences, they don't balance each other out. Not even a little
I know Keefe is the fandom's little soggy meow meow funny boy but Fitz should've been allowed to hit him like Captain America's punching bag.
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So right!!
like i see a lot of bkg antis wanting izu to get mad at him and hate him and all, and while i get where they come from, they forget that izu is someone who made it clear that he will not let katsuki step on him anymore, and he did so without hating him.
izu adores katsuki, and im not saying it just as a bkdk shipper, but he does. and katsuki's changing, he's learning, he's growing, they both are. izu had plenty of time to hate katsuki when he still bullied him, but he didn't. he won't now either. they have a complicated relationship, but i don't think there is any hate in it, not now especially.
katsuki is learning, he's changing, he's correcting what needs to be corrected. but also it's important to note that being loud does not always equal aggresion. like, in 327 when he shouted at izu and let him he's still gonna be no. 1, tokoyami says he hasn't changed. and this is his nature, he will always be loud. but tokoyami's was an observation, and it's clear that him being loud doesn't need to be changed, tokoyami didn't correct him. but in this chapter, when he says he's gonna give 5 howitzers to aoyama's face, sero stops him. that is aggression, that needs to be changed.
a lot of antis mix the two, and it's weird, because nature and habit are different. people don't understand that he's growing, and growth doesn't happen overnight, and that while the apology was the first, perhaps the biggest step, there are more to come. izu knows that.
It's not in Izuku's nature to simply go angry. And even when it does, it doesn't last long. That's because his emotions are tight linked with his sense of morals. He gets angry when he sees something is unfair, but he doesn't lingers on the feeling, he uses it as a motivation to go Plus Ultra and change the situation, make it better.
Idk if Horikoshi is going to take a Naruto road here and have a space for Bakugou and Deku's issues along the final, just like it happened with Naruto and Sasuke, but what I'm sure is that their friendship is not a joke.
I personally prefer friendship over romance in terms of it being the main plot. So for me Bakugou and Deku's friendship is everything. They are like two parts of the same being, whiteout it being romantic. And yes, they adore each other, they admire each other, they are jealous of each other's achievements, they compete to reach new levels, they keep the other in line marching forward.
They are equals too. They've known each other since they were kids, so their story speaks louder than words. Bakugou knows what is wrong with him, Deku made it very clear. And since Bakugou apologized in front the whole class, it's amazing to see his new friends also correcting him not because they hate him, but quiet the contrary.
I personally identify a lot with Izuku in terms of being rather forgiving. I don't want the people who was wrong me to suffer. I'd rather have them changing so they won't hurt anyone anymore. Their suffering is doesn't solve anything for me, it doesn't make me feel better, it doesn't mean justice. All it means to me is more suffering, more pain, more anger, and more hurt in the future.
I'd rather have fully rehabilitated criminals doing some good on the streets to make up for all the bad they have done than having them dying in prison, making the riches richer and the poors poorer.
I understand when people say they want Deku to get angry, but if they really want a character getting angry with their abuser, they have Dabi right there, or Shouto, or Iida. And it's not like Izuku hasn't fight Bakugou for being a little piece of trash. But they are very good friends. And as friends, Deku's priority is helping Bakugou, not adding more hurt to his repertory.
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fb manga lb - chs 90-95
I’m only going to be reading the manga up until this point for now, assuming that this is where s2 will end. I want to leave the rest of the manga for after the season ends so I still have something to look forward to during the break between seasons 2 and 3. With Covid, I’m assuming it’s going to be quite a while before we get the last season. So I want to enjoy this journey for as long as possible. If they end up going beyond this chapter, I’ll make sure to read further, but for right now I think this is a good stopping point, unless you guys think they’re going to adapt more or leave off somewhere else? O: 
We going into Kyoko’s backstory now apparently!
“I feel like imprinting all of her images into my brain, and forgetting everything else not related to her.” OH MY GOD. MY HEART?? This is peak romance. Kyo only wants to hold onto his memories of Tohru while he’s in confinement. 
Poor Kyo getting messed with lmao leave the boy alone
No, but... imagine how Kyo feels right now in this moment? Tohru has the DVD, the memories of Kyo in the play tangible right in front of her. I’m sure that Kyo is thinking of his future, of the fact that once he’s confined Tohru will never see him again, and having these DVDs will be a comfort to her. He doesn’t know that she’s trying to pursue a way to break the curse. So having this DVD, for Tohru, in Kyo’s eyes, is the best possible way for him to stay with her. I’m reaching, yeah, but that’s just how I’m choosing to view it rofl. 
He’s thinking about Kyoko I’m upset.
Kyo, sweetie... stop punishing yourself, please. You are allowed to be happy, you are allowed to wish to be with Tohru. You are allowed to think of her mother. Fuck what Akito told you. :( 
I can’t wait until Tohru learns that Kyo knew her mom. I don’t think she’d be the type to blame him for what happened to her. As it is, I don’t feel that Kyo had a ‘role’ in her death, anyway. He didn’t outright kill her. Perhaps he saw it, maybe he could’ve stopped it, I don’t know. But I don’t think it was his fault. Kyo has a massive inferiority and guilt complex (which is understandable after all of the abuse he’s suffered) and he’d blame himself no matter what, though.
Young Kyoko is something else rofl. But of course, she had a terrible past too. What awful parents. I think I can count on one hand the number of actual good or decent parents that this series has. 
Oooh is this Katsuya? He definitely looks like an older version of Kyo lmao.
This age gap though is kinda... yikes? I wonder if the anime will try and lessen it a bit. I don’t think they will, though, since it was mentioned that Kyoko never went to high school. 
Kyoko’s parents fucking S U C K.
I meaannn... marriage is so odd for a young girl Kyoko’s age, and it has a big “:/” factor, but...at the same time, if he marries her, she’’s no longer under her parents, and he can provide for her. 
Wow, she’s already pregnant with Tohru! O: 
omg baby Tohru is the CUTEST!
Katsuya was such a good dad though I’m upset.
Tohru was gonna have a sibling sfjsjfsjfjsfj she’d be the best big sister!
Oh this is just depressing. T__T
Poor Kyoko. She’s still so young, and is trying to grieve and raise a daughter.
omg she really was about to kill herself to be with Katsuya. T__T
Tohru is just the purest girl and I love her so much.
I love it so much that Kyoko told Kyo this story. 
Oh, Kyo, honey that isn’t what she was trying to say at all. :(
omg is he remembering?!
Oh, great, now Kyo’s hallucinating and suffering from ptsd. I hate it!
“Tohru, she.... she wouldn’t... to me... like me...” YES SHE DOES YOU ADORABLE IDIOT.
 “After seeing that dream, it means I can’t go near her anymore.” stop. Stop right there, bby. 
This hurts.
omg is Yuki involving himself in them cooking now too? I love it!
YUKI AND MACHIII YESSSS. I’m excited to see where they go!
Poor Machi. </3
Machi sees through Yuki’s walls in the same way that Kyo sees through Tohru’s. <333 And Yuki brings Machi out of her shell. 
omg she’s embarrassed lol 
lmao Kakeru getting protective + supportive at the same time hahahha
Yuki is... going to the main house? I’m shocked tbh and nervous
hahahaha Kyo and Rin were jealous of each other’s relationship with Kazuma. XDDD
Poor Hatori XD
I don’t like that Yuki is visiting Akito. :/ Something bad is gonna happen. 
“I forgive Akito too!” .... uh...??? Yuki, honey, I really respect that. But I’m confused? 
“I definitely will not come back to your side.” Oooh. Was Yuki giving Akito one last indulgence? 
I love Yuki’s growth so much. Maybe it’s because of my own abuse, but while I am proud of Yuki’s capability to forgive, I know I couldn’t - because I still haven’t. And Akito hasn’t done anything to try and deserve that forgiveness yet. Also, Yuki is just shedding off the blame others had and taking it all upon himself which is... wrong. How he was treated by others, as a child, was not his fault. I hate that he feels he has to forgive Akito because he thinks he’s the one at fault. It’s okay to be angry and hateful of your abusers? 
OMG that scene between Hatori and Yuki was cute af though. 
“Kyo, you’re so cute!” IM
“Do you have any wishes for the new year?” I’m sad af.
Tohru’s wish is for them to break the curse!
Awww Rin and Haru are soo cute!
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