#not in the need to help is my romain empire
heremob · 19 days
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he likes to be a PRINCESS
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astranne · 4 years
Crossover Idea Transformers/Voltron
So, another idea. Boy- today is the night of story ideas. I’m totally writing an oneshot about this, probably in german.
This one is about Voltron, yk rainbow paladins, flying giant robot-lions and fighting some aliens as a big robot-angel. And the transformers, yk big robos who can transform in cars and such stuff. But the storyline is from the new Voltron serie of Netflix.
Anyway. So, Primus has the Primes, his warriors, so who says, that his brother, Unicron (chaos himself) can’t have fighters too? And I imagine, that even if Primus and Unicron are trillions of years old, are still brothers and they still care about each other and all that. Even when they are fighting. So, if anyone has seen Transformers Prime, the serie, Megatron was a servant of Unicron. And after all this shit happend, Unicron realised, that you can’t rule with hate and fear and all the bad stuff. So he talks with Primus, (Primus a proud bro, that he finally sees his mistakes) and they search for a candidate. But nobody is good enough and time flys by. Cybertron is in peace, Megatron came back and is now friend with Team Prime. 
(Probalby should also mention, that Unicron’s earth is not the earth of Voltron... yk. It has similarities, but the humans of Unicron are much stronger and all like that. Like a super soldier.)
In meanwhile the Galras take over the KNOWN univers. You see the capital letters? KNOWN UNIVERSE. They have no idea about Primus/Cybertron and Unicron and all that. The bots and cons and all my robos are living in peace, absolut bliss and stuff... until a girl lands on a near planet. Naturally they notice and find her in a escape capsule from the Galra. She isn’t even human anymore, almost all limbs are replaced with a ‘high-tech’ protese. But worse, she’s dying. The bots/cons, (like they are in groups but one race? I’m just calling them bots, like for every race, decepicons and all the ones) can’t do much, they could heal her, if she would be totally a robot/machine, but she still needs blood and food and yeah. So Optimus goes to the core of Primus, because he knows, she is important. He can feel it. (spooky)
Primus heals her, makes her fully human again but he knows, that she’s the one. The warrior of Unicron. (And Primus, but that comes later) And from the timeline... she’s from earth, like Voltron earth in the year 10 or something. Like in the middle of the Romain Empire. She was kidnapped by Galra, because why not. And they are assholes. Most of them.
So now this girl, Diana, lives on Cybertron. She draws her energy from Primus, so she can live with the bots. She becomes friends with everyone, but her favourite is Predaking. (Is like the kindest girl but absolut badass. A little bit naive, but still cute) They have a father/daughter relationship and it’s just fluff. But one day, she dies. Team Prime went on a mission and because Diana can fight, she went with them. Predaking is mad and doesn’t want to belive that she’s dead. So again, she was brought to the core of Primus. Primus could save her, but now is the time, she becomes his brother’s warrior. He tells Predaking of his plans. Predaking just wants her to life, so he sacrificed himself for Diana. Diana becomes a bot/predacon. Unicron gives her some of his powers and since Primus transformed her, she’s now also a Prime. And because of that, Primus creates a new star saber, Unicron too. Diana, now bearing the name Predaqueen to honor her ‘father’, united the two swords and became the first CRON (A Unciron warrior) and a PRIME. So her name is now Predaqueen Prime. 
When she comes back to the surface, everyone is losing their shit. But after some time they can accept, that she’s not Diana anymore, she’s Predaqueen, a leader, a fighter, a warrior. 
Megatron becomes the second Cron, names himself Megacron and is like the right hand of Predaqueen. She improves the whole army of Cybertron, becomes an ambassador, unites the two races of Primus and Unicron and is the voice of the gods/primordal beings or what ever they are. Everyone knows, there will be a fight, and they need to be prepared.
So yeah, fast forward to the Voltron serie. Primus and Unicron tell Predaqueen that soon Voltron will be activated, so she needs to be prepared. She goes to earth (Voltron earth), goes to the Garrison and meets Shiro there. (Totally not a hint to her ship. Can you feel the sarcasm? Anyway) Her name is Diana Prime and she’s the best pilot, becomes a professor? instructor? Idk what the name is, she’s teaching the kids, while Shiro prepares for his mission. Totally sexual tension there (she’s an ancient warrior, but not dead), totally Keith losing his absolut patience, like everybody else. Before Shiro is leaving, the sneaky boy (Keith) forces them to kiss. (He’s grounded but it was totally worth it) There are some cheesy farwell words, Diana tells him to be careful. She knows, this is the start of Voltron, and it’s not going to be nice.
Diana looks after Keith, she promised it Shiro after all and is still teaching. (there are totally many of the students crushing on her.) (Is the look important? Because, I imagine her as a tall woman, slim but athletic, her hair ridiculous long and bronze broun, with blue and violett streaks. Her eyes are golden and she has tattoos on the shoulders, the sign of predacons. (like there where all the bots have their marks/signs.) On her back are all symbols of all the races of Cybertron, in the middle the sign of Unicron and Prime.) Ugh-
Anyway. She meets the next paladins of Voltron and can only sigh. She took Keith under her wing, teached him some moves so he’s a little bit prepared, but the rest? Pidge is alright, she’s a smart girl. Hunk will do okay. But Lance? Oh boy- He’s totally like Knockout, he wont take it seriously until some one dies or is hurt. And then it’s most times to late. 
When the three sneak out to rescue Shiro, Diana just watches with a smile. She waites until the next morning. And I can totally see this scene. 
Keith talks with Shiro about his time in the galaxy and then Shiro says:
“How did you know to come save me when I crashed?” And Keith answers, “You should come see this.” They walk to his house, until Shiro stops. 
“Wait, Keith- what... what about Diana?” Keith smiling softly and walking backwards. 
“If you want, I can call her. She’ll be glad you’re back.” 
Ugh, soft Shiro-
The five find the blue lion, Shiro or better Keith forgets to call Diana and when he remebers, he’s somewhere in the universe. They form Voltron, kick for the first time Galras ugly ass and begin to train. Some days after Diana stands before the castle, Allura panicking, because this is a human and- 
“Shiro, darling, we need to talk about your disappearance in the fucking universe.” Lance, Hunk and Pidge are confused, because that’s General Prime? In the universe? 
Shiro tries to explain everything, but Diana/Predaqueen just smiles adn tells him, she knows already. He’s naturally confused and then she tells him about her mission, who she is and all that. He has a big mindblow but is happy, that Diana is back. Some fluff, because why not and Diana decides to tell the team.
“I am a Cron and a Prime.” Everybody is just blinking, because she says it like it explains everthing. With a smile, she connects herself with the castle and shows the story of Unicron and Prime. 
“And then I became a warrior of Primus and Unicron, their voice and the leader of their children. They sent me on this mission, to watch over Voltron, over you and nudge you in the right direction.��� Again some blinking, until Lance speaks up.
“So, you are basically another Voltron? And there is a whole planet of Voltrons like you?” Pidge facepalms, while Keith sighes. Coran has stars in his eyes, while Allura is glad, that others fight with them.
“No. Every bot has his own mind, they are like humans, but instead of flesh, blood and a heart, they have metal, enagon and a spark. The Primes, Optimus and I, and the Crons, Megacron and I, are the strongest. We lead the Cybertrojans in war, we are the voice of Primus and Unicron.”
So now the storyline is pretty much the same, Predaqueen is with Allura in the castle, when Voltron fights, because she’s their secret weapon. When they fight in the centre of the Galra Imperium, Predaqueen transforms for the first time. She’s normally as big as Voltron, but transformed as a predacon probably five times so big. She activates the space bridge and calls all the other predacons (her people, Shockwave cloned a few more and Primus also created new sparklings) They attack the Galra force, completly surprise them but still don’t win. Voltron barley escapes, but Predaqueen detransforms and attacks the wive of Zarkon, Honerva. She know’s that many will die and the universe will probably be destroyed, if she doesn’t kill her. Honerva goes nearly mad, this beast just attacks them? To be a bit dramatic, Predaqueen summons the presence of Unicron. She’s in her bot-form, but in human size. She glows with pure power, everything near her just dies, explodes and is destroyed. In her hand is the dark star sable, pulsing with chaos and death. Unicron totally roasting the Galras, calling them petty beings and such. Honerva is killed and you would think, the Galras would stop now, but no. Lotor is wants revenge. So he still takes over the Galra Imperium and builds this ships. But this time Megacron is making his life pure hell. Ah, so Lotors new ships are made out of a rare komet or what ever? Hmm, Megacron has the enagon of Uncrion and that’s chaos himself. Bitch, wanna try again? 
So now Voltron is freeing the known universe, while Predaqueen helps. In the end, Cybertron is revealed, the Cybertrojans are now like the green lanterns? Keeping peace in the universe, because they are the ‘children’ of Prime and he’s creation himself. (I think so... or did I understand something wrong?) Voltron is still active, but now a symbol of peace and union.
Shiro and Diana/Predaqueen love each other dearly, but she still outlives him, sees how her family grows, how her children have grandchildren and so on. But still, Shiro will be her only lover, just because fluff. And basically the reason of this crossover? Because I think he deserved better.
Yikes... ugh, so if someone wants to write a story about this... I don’t mind, just tag me so I can read it and also reblogg it. 
I didn’t second read it, it’s almost midnight and yeah... if something doesn’t make any sense, I’m swiss. 
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dalekofchaos · 6 years
Star Wars Episode IX Wishlist
What I hope to see in Episode IX
Episode IX will be called A New Order, The Spark Of Hope, or The Last Hope
Leia’s signal brought her allies to The Resistance. Lando will be a Resistance general. Wedge Antilles will bring Red Squadron back to The Resistance. Zay Versio and Shriv from Battlefront II will return as it was Zay who helped Leia’s allies bring help for The Resistance. Kazuda Xiono and his crew will appear. Hera, Sabine, Ahsoka and Ezra will return. Hera will be there as a pilot and a general, but Hera has a reason other than answering Leia’s call to be there. Hera’s son is a Knight Of Ren and wants to bring him back home. Sabine will bring The Mandalorians to the Resistance aid and Ahsoka and Ezra will guide Rey.
Rey trains Finn and Poe as Jedi. Rose Tico and Caro(Naomi Ackie’s character) will be revealed as force sensitive and Rey will train them. Until JJ says otherwise, Finn is force sensitive. There is a lot of build up in TFA. “there was an awakening” immediately after Finn’s Stormtrooper comrade dies and leaves his bloody hand print on Finn, Kylo looks at him as if he felt something. Kylo does not care for the Stormtroopers and view them as disposable and would rather Snoke have clone troopers and does not view indoctrinating children to soldiers as effective. The “there has been an awakening” was not foreshadowing Rey. That happens 15 minutes later. “Kylo Ren heads back toward his ship. But then he STOPS. Feels something. TURNS AND LOOKS AT OUR STORMTROOPER for a LONG MOMENT. Our trooper can barely meet his gaze; knows he’s doomed.” The SCRIPT itself tells us that Kylo stops and turns to look directly at Finn because Kylo FEELS SOMETHING! Rey awakens on Starkiller during the interrogation. Finn awakens on Jakku. When Snoke says there’s been an awakening and asks Kylo if he’s felt it, Kylo’s “yes” is quite literally him referencing the moment in the movie & script above when he literally feels the force in Finn and turns to acknowledge him. Now since John confirmed Finn will do more than in TLJ and he will do a big fight in IX, I am confident that Finn will become a Jedi. As for Poe? Poe Dameron’s mother, Shara Bey was a member of the rebellion and a great pilot. After the Battle of Endor when Luke Skywalker recovered the Force Trees from the empire Luke gave one of the trees to Shara, which she planted in the backyard of her home on Yavin IV. Why would they introduce Poe’s parents and have Luke himself give Shara a force tree? So I believe in episode IX, Rey will train both Finn and Poe to become Jedi.  As for Rose and Caro. Rose deserves a better storyline, Loan Tran deserves better. And Naomie Ackie deserves a good role as I am sick and tired of every WOC in Star Wars to be fridged.
Rey will have a new lightsaber. It will be  a double bladed lightsaber on her staff. So a saberstaff. And I hope Rey will have a Yellow or Purple Crystal for her lightsaber. 
Finn’s defection from The First Order and Finn revealing that Phasma let the Starkiller Base shields down inspires all his old Stormtrooper friends to leave The First Order and join The Resistance.
Naomie Ackie’s character will be the daughter of Lando. Caro Calrissian.
Rose is said to have a bigger part and I really want that. I know a lot of the fandom does not like Rose, blame bad writing, not the character and KMT. What I can see Rose doing is she recovers and she becomes a big help to the Resistance. You could have Rose help building or fixing ships for The Resistance or come up with unique ways for fighting The First Order. Rose would have great respect for Rey and understand why Finn loves her. Rose would have a big influence on Finn’s actions near the end(keep reading) and of course Rose will become a Jedi along with Finn, Poe and Caro.
The Resistance will have to go to The Criminal Underworld for help. Since Jabba was killed. Someone must have took over the criminal underworld right? Well I have the best possible way to feature the criminal underworld. Qi’Ra. You could explain in novels or in graphic novels that Qi’Ra eventually betrays Darth Maul  and left him to die on Malachor and she took her place as leader of The Crimson Dawn. After Jabba was killed, Qi'Ra eventually killed her way to the top of the criminal underworld. Qi'Ra will be back as The Resistance may need her help. Qi’Ra would help because she would want to stop The First Order and she would do it for Han since it was his own son who killed him. Despite her betrayal she still cared for Han in the end.
The force ghosts of Luke, Yoda and Obi-Wan will guide Rey, Poe and Finn.
Rey’s vision will come true. Rey will fight Kylo Ren and The Knights Of Ren, but it will happen on Mustafar.
Luke will reveal to Rey that he is her father and Mara Jade was her mother. Luke thought Rey was dead at the academy. When Ben killed Mara and thought he lost her, he shut himself out. When she found him on Ach-To, he wanted to push her away from their family so he would not lose her again. He wanted her to have a different life. But now he is so proud of her and that he is sorry for pushing her away. Rey embraces her father. He will also tell her that her name is not Rey. Her name was “Kira Skywalker” And now Rey is conflicted. She doesn’t know if she can go through with killing Kylo Ren now knowing that he is her cousin. Just like Luke did with Vader. Everything about Rey’s journey pointed to her being Luke’s daughter. Rey must be a Skywalker for anything to make sense.
Rey will have an Aang moment. She will seek the guidance from Luke, Anakin, Obi-Wan and Yoda.
Thankfully they are not CGing or recasting Leia, they are using unused scenes for Leia. So my hope is SOMEHOW we are able to get a scene of Leia using Battle Meditation in the war against The First order. Trying to reach out to her son, but it will fail as Kylo Ren is too far gone. He has completely submerged himself in darkness  and has pledged himself to destroying everything his family has built. He has promised to Leia that when The Resistance is in ruins, when my uncle(Lando) is dead, when “my replacement”(referring to Poe) is dead, the traitor is dead, when my cousin(Caro) and when the last jedi lies dead, then I will finally kill you, mother. Then Leia knows that her son is truly gone.
Kylo Ren, Hux and Phasma will work together. Where Rey, Finn and Poe will be a heroic trio. Kylo, Hux and Phasma will be a trio of villains. Kylo Ren does what Snoke refused to. Make Hux Grand Marshall of The First Order. Phasma would be promoted to Admiral as he would feel that Phasma is destined for more than the rank of Captain. They all share the same goals. The destruction of the Resistance, the death of The Jedi and the complete and utter domination Of The First Order.
Phasma’s goal is to kill Finn. Phasma is basically Captain Ahab and Finn is her great white whale to chase. She is hunting Finn to the ends of the earth. Each battle they face she is there ready for him, every time he isn’t there, she kills every Resistance soldier there. Her instability and her focus on Finn is worrying Hux, but Kylo sees it as the best possible way to end The Resistance. Every time a Stormtrooper shys away from doing their duty, Phasma personally executes them. This is what makes Stormtroopers, especially Finn’s old friends to leave for The Resistance.
Hux has abandoned any resentment towards Ren as he has been given everything he’s wanted. The title of Grand Marshall and the means to destroy the Resistance. The Knights Of Ren. The Supreme Leader, Phasma and superior firepower and more and more each day more systems bow before The First Order. Even he must admit he no longer needs Starkiller Base. The entire armada of The First Order will meet The Resistance’s last stand. It will be against Hux’s might and General Organa’s Battle Meditation. 
Kylo Ren will have a flagship of his own. The Hegemony. It will be  influence from the beautiful fan concept artwork of Romain d'Escrienne. It is massive. Eclipses the Supremacy. It's not only a Star Destroyer with a mini Death Star, but it’s also large enough to launch Star Destroyers from it’s sidebays. The Hegemony will be the ultimate tool to spread the might of The First Order and the final destruction of The Resistance. 
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The Knights Of Ren will play a big role in the movie. My big hope is we actually learn about The Knights Of Ren. Unlike The Praetorian Guards who were faceless Guards who all just die, we know that the Knights are important and actually characters. We learn they were Jedi who left with Kylo Ren and helped him destroy the new Jedi Order. And they are Kylo’s new family.  The Knights serve The First Order, but they are completely loyal to Kylo. We only know of one of the Knights Of Ren. Jacen Syndulla is one of the Knights Of Ren. Together with Kylo Ren, The Knights Of Ren will destroy The Resistance and finally destroy The Jedi.
Kylo Ren will go to Vader’s castle on Mustafar to complete his training. He is hoping to harness the true power of the dark side and take in what’s left of Darth Vader in that castle. That is when he finally sees his grandfather. 
The force ghost of Anakin will finally reach out to Kylo Ren. Snoke was preventing Anakin from seeing his grandson to bring him back and stop his grandson from repeating his mistakes. Ben Solo felt betrayed and lost it when he found out his grandfather was Darth Vader. He never found out that Anakin returned to the light and saved his son. Snoke lied about the truth and gaslighted Kylo into believing only Vader mattered and made him believe that compassion made him weak. Ben never learned the truth about Anakin. As for Anakin. Anakin was always the light that was calling to Ben, but because of Snoke, Anakin watched in vain as his grandson was becoming his mistakes. Anakin could hear everything that’s going on, he was a watching Kylo always but he can never be sensed or seen. Anakin hears Kylo ask “Show me again grandfather” and Anakin is so desperate to do something to turn him away from this dark path but he can’t do anything but watch in sadness and horror. So when he is finally able to manifest to his grandson. Anakin will tell him  “I never wanted you to repeat my mistakes. That pull to the light you were feeling was always me. I wanted you to be better than I was, who I could have been” and showing Ben his memories and what he had to go through. His life as a slave, meeting Padme, meeting Obi-Wan, becoming a Jedi, losing his mother, Order 66, losing Padme and being saved by Luke. And telling Ben “Let the light in. You still have a chance, no one is ever really gone“ And Kylo Ren would refuse to believe this. Kylo will retort that “the light made our family weak, your compassion made you weak, I will finish what you started and were too weak to finish.”  and Anakin watches in horror as his grandson continues his mistakes...and realizes he has become worse than he ever was as Darth Vader. His words fell on deaf ears and he could not save his grandson.
Finn will face Phasma for the last time(if she appears in the next trilogy I am chewing a live grenade) All of Finn’s old friends will beat back her forces. Finn will make a speech about we are not afraid of you or The First Order anymore and Finn has Phasma at his mercy. All the Stormtroopers who left the First Order because of Finn are telling him he has to kill her while Rose is telling him killing her will not be right. Finn makes the decision to spare. Phasma. Finn tells his old friends that’s how we’re going to win this war not by fighting what we hate, but saving what we love. Inspired by Rose, Finn let’s  go of his past and takes Phasma in alive so she can answer for her crimes. 
Poe Dameron is given the respect he deserves. Poe in TFA is a  humble, yet confident man that saw that a person wasn’t defined by the uniform they wear, but of the moral conviction and actions of a person. He is the most levelheaded, compassionate and trusted soldier in the entire Resistance. What we got in TLJ was not the same character. The Poe Dameron in TFA, the comics, Resistance and the Before The Awakening Novel would never be okay with sacrificing ANYONE, let alone the entire fleet just to destroy ONE ship that can be easily replaced. He was so compassionate and good that he sided with someone on enemy lines and became his friend and knew that Finn was a good man, even though Poe shot his squad mate before during the fight on Jakku. Everything about Poe’s portrayal in TLJ is so unnecessary.  Poe Dameron went from a caring and experienced rebel pilot to an arrogant, hotheaded latino stereotype in the span of like…a day. That’s not subversive writing, that’s racist and bad writing.  It was a complete disservice to the character, an absolute insult to Oscar Isaac. So what must be done is showing Poe and Lando leading the Resistance and Poe leading the final assault on The First Order.
There will be a final battle, a battle that will make the conflict between The Resistance and First Order feel real. Rey vs Kylo Ren and The Knights Of Ren, Finn vs Captain Phasma and Poe leading the final assault on The First Order.
Before Rey leaves for Mustafar, her friends will join her. They cannot let Rey face Kylo and the Knights alone. So this new Jedi order is formed. Rey, Finn, Poe, Rose, Caro and Jacen. Together they face Kylo Ren and The Knights Of Ren.
In a final force bond session, Ren will taunt Rey. telling her she is nothing and to join him and together they can rule the galaxy. Rey will then tell him “I was never nothing. I am Kira Skywalker, I am a Jedi like my father and grandfather before me” and Ren is like “oh shit” but prepares for her on Mustafar.
The duel between the new Jedi and the Knights Of Ren will be intense and emotional, it will even rival Anakin and Obi-Wan. It will end with the Knights being defeated but only Rey and Kylo will be left fighting.
Rey and Kylo are evenly matched. But it will end. Rey is giving him one final chance. “Ben, Surrender. Your fleet is in ruins, Hux and Phasma have been captured and defeated, you have lost Supreme Leader” Kylo Ren will scream at her “BEN IS DEAD, I KILLED HIM. I WILL KILL YOU ALL, AND FINALLY GENERAL ORGANA, THIS ISN’T OVER” Ben Solo is truly dead. his eyes are piercing yellow and his lightsaber is pure crimson. Only Supreme Leader Kylo Ren remains.
Kylo Ren's fate. The battle between The Resistance and The First Order is over. The fight between Kira Skywalker and Kylo Ren is finished. Rey will chop his arm off and destroy Ren’s lightsaber. Ren is screaming and begging her to kill him. But once again, Rey refuses to do what Ren tells her to do. Rey will pull a Aang and sever Kylo Ren’s connection to the force. The war is over.
The final episode will end with the war ending, The Resistance and The First Order has signed a peace treaty and together as the Galactic Federation has brought peace to the galaxy.  Kylo Ren, Hux and Phasma will spend the rest of their lives imprisoned for war crimes against The Galaxy and The Republic. Rey, Finn, Poe, Rose and Caro have formed a New Order and brought balance to The Force. Luke, Anakin, Yoda and Obi-Wan look proudly upon Rey and this New Order.
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I snatched my children from Sun Myung Moon
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▲ Nansook Hong, 32, has found refuge with her five children (as seen in the photos on the table) in this house in New England.
Translated from French to English
Paris Match 2579    29 October 1998 pages 108-110
Interviewed by Romain Clergeat       Photos by Yann Gamblin
She thought she had married the son of God on earth. Instead, Nansook Hong tied her destiny, at the age of 15, with Reverend Moon’s eldest son, a violent, drunken, and drug addicted youth with whom she had five children. Now divorced, the young Korean woman evokes her ordeal in a book recounting her story. “In the Shadow of the Moons” is published by Editions1. She wrote it “to assure my protection,” she admitted to Paris Match. Nansook Hong reveals the hidden face of the Moon empire: the brutality of her husband, Hyo Jin Moon, the hypocrisy of her parents in-law, but also the reverend’s scheming, the diversion of money, the blindness of the faithful ...  It is a story of a dive into a Unification Church hell on earth.
From 15 to 29 years of age, Nansook Hong dedicated her life to the famous Reverend and married one of his sons. Now she straightens the record. For the Unification Church it is a shattering book.
Paris Match. Your departure from the Moon sect three years ago provoked the Reverend’s wrath. Things seem to have gradually calmed down. Why have you put fuel on the fire with this book?
Nansook Hong. When I left, I immediately thought about telling my story. I felt a kind of moral obligation towards those who were still in the organization. I would be happy if my experience could “enlighten” even one person. I spent a part of my life, from 15 to 29, in the Unification Church. For my mental equilibrium, I absolutely needed to make sense of what I had lived through. I also wrote this book for battered women and those who live in fear. I want to let them know that one can always get out of even the worst situations.
P.M. Your parents are members of the sect. In a sense they “gave” you to Reverend Moon to marry to Hyo Jin, his son. Do you feel bitter towards them about that?
N.H. No, not for a second. They had dedicated their lives to the Unification Church. For them it was an honor that their child had been chosen by Reverend Moon.
P.M. During the years of your marriage, did you talk with your parents about what you discovered each day in the sect?
N.H. I never told them that my husband was beating me. It would have “devastated” them. To endure, I very early on considered my marriage as a mission that I had been given by God. I could not complain. On the other hand, when I began to understand that Reverend Moon was not adhering to the principles he preached, I talked to my parents about it. But we felt stuck. For a while, I naively thought that I could change all that from the inside. That, of course, was an illusion. So I concentrated on educating my children; I wanted to raise them in a good way.
P.M. When did your husband, Hyo Jin, start drinking and taking cocaine?
N.H. He was doing that from the start of our marriage, when he was 19 years old. He was doing it in rebellion against his father. He felt immeasurable resentment against him. He blamed his father for not raising him.
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▲ The young Korean Nansook married Hyo Jin, Reverend Moon’s eldest son, in January 1982, at the age of 15. In the foreground, her divine in-laws.
P.M. Did you try to reason with him?
N.H. At the beginning, yes. But he quickly became addicted to coke. That said, the only times he spoke was when he took it ... but soon his words did not make sense. He had a very Asian concept of the role of women, and considered them to be subordinate, and certainly not meant to help him solve his problems. In the evenings when he was particularly angry, he said that it was all my fault ... Then he started to hit me, which seemed quite normal to him since his father boasted of doing the same thing with a female church member.
P.M. Do you think he would be capable of taking over the leadership from his father?
N.H. I heard it said that the Reverend Moon had designated his successor. It will be one of Hyo Jin’s brothers. When the Reverend disappears there will be a bloody battle.
P.M. Why did you wait fourteen years before leaving?
N.H. I have asked myself that for a long time. If I had been 20 years old at the time of my marriage, I do not think I would have stayed more than a year. I was 15 years old and I was very naive. As time passed things got more complicated, above all because of my children. Besides, I was very religious and Reverend Moon was the embodiment of the Chosen One. It took me a long time to break that image. It was a long and painful journey. When I decided to leave, at 29, it was, in a sense, totally unrealistic. I was the mother of five children, living in unbelievable luxury, and I was going to find myself living without any money and all alone. And a lot of people were going to hate me eternally.
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▲ It was already hell. In 1993, two years before fleeing, Nansook with Hyo Jin and four of their five children. Photographed at a Moon property in Irvington.
P.M. How long passed from the moment you decided to leave the Church to the day you actually did?
N.H. In January 1995 I felt that I had to leave. The beating sessions became more and more frequent and I knew that it would worsen, and that he would attack my children. I did not want to wait until it reached that extreme situation. It would have ended up with him killing all of us. I remember one evening watching my husband get dressed to go to a strip-tease club or to the bars. I had like a revelation: God authorized me to leave. Since I had deep faith, I needed this spiritual permission. It was a kind of grace. It was the best day of my life. I felt liberated. All the same it took me eight months to realize what I had felt so intensely.
P.M. How did you escape?
N.H. First of all I secured custody of my children. Without money and caught off guard, I could not fight against the financial power of the Moons. I consulted lawyers. I rented a house and, bit by bit, I took my things to a storage place. Fortunately, my husband, under the influence of drugs and alcohol, did not notice anything. Within the Church, no one thought that I would leave such a luxurious life. This was my chance.
P.M. Isn’t it surprising, despite suspicions, that no one, starting with the Moons, reacted?
N.H. It did happen. When I went to New York to see the lawyers, several people recognized me and then made their reports. Following that there were times when I was told off, but I repeat, no one thought that I would really leave.
P.M. Have you received any threats?
N.H. Of course. But I had taken care to obtain legal measures that forbade my husband to approach us by less than 50 meters. That did not stop him from hiring people to track me down. In the end they did find me. Fortunately, Mr. and Mrs. Moon prevented their son from doing something stupid. That said, again these days, people come around to the house, call us on the phone and scare my children. I still fear them – and even more so my husband who is a dangerous man. I was scared, but the publication of this book and the publicity surrounding it will give me some protection. At least, I hope so.
P.M. Did the Moons try to buy you?
N.H. Of course. They tried everything from threats to propositions. Mrs. Moon sent me tapes in which she spoke about a reconciliation. She sent people to visit my parents, and my friends. They also wanted to buy my silence when they realized that I would not come back. I’m glad they did not offer me a huge amount of money when I was weaker; I would have probably accepted.
P.M. Do you remember the first incident that made you understand that Reverend Moon was surely not the Messiah he claimed to be?
N.H. I understood that something was wrong when I realized that he thought he was God. It was a shock to me. He took himself to be the master of the universe. And these days how can a person conquer the world if not with money? He spoke as much about money as he did about God. But I do not know to what extent he has not gone mad, he has not convinced himself that he is really the all powerful Messiah.
NANSOOK HONG “Sometimes the Moons gave $1 million in cash to my husband. It was for him to “recycle” in the Korean businesses of New York.”
P.M. How does the collection of money work in the Church?
N.H. At first, to become a member, it was very simple: you had to give all your money. Today, it’s more fuzzy. Moon still always wants more members and has to “content” himself with substantial donations but not total ones. The main source of income for the Church comes from Japan which is the most flourishing branch of the Church. At regular intervals emissaries bring suitcases full of cash. The Japanese members are probably the most fanatical. They work until they are exhausted to fulfill the goals of the Church. In addition to the restaurants, hotels, and newspapers that Moon controls, the Church hides behind organizations such as The Women’s Federation for World Peace. Under the pretext of humanitarian work, they go knocking on the doors of the rich and extort incredible sums from them.
P.M. How does money laundering work?
N.H. Oh, it is very simple! The Moons sometimes gave $1 million in cash to their children, to the sons, who immediately make a trip to the family owned Korean restaurants in New York. It is a very easy way to recycle the money.
P.M. You say in your book that the true power of the sect is in fact held by Moon’s wife.
N.H. Reverend Moon had several extramarital affairs that he called “providential encounters, trials that God put on his path”. He and his wife had some sort of tacit agreement, a little bit like Hillary and Bill Clinton. Given power and a fortune, she closed her eyes. She is the mother of his thirteen children; she knows all his secrets. In traditional Asian societies, even if the man commands, in the shadows the woman is pulling the strings. If you had a favor to ask Reverend Moon, the best way to get it was to address his wife. Unfortunately for me, she never supported me. My husband beat me, but according to her I was one to blame. If I had lived up to my task, I should have changed him, she said. But how could I have transformed a violent manic-depressive when they themselves, who called themselves superior, had failed in their education of their own son? In their defense, my husband scared them. He is the only one in the family who answered back to his father.
P.M. Does Reverend Moon have illegitimate children inside the sect?
N.H. In the inner circle, it is known! But people are bound by the money and the desire to preserve their comfort.
P.M. You say Reverend Moon is able to give speeches to the members for fifteen hours. Does he use drugs to achieve such performances?
N.H. No, absolutely not. But these speeches are translated from Korean into English, which reduces his effective speaking time to seven hours; which is not bad.
P.M. What exactly does he talk about?
N.H. It’s a pretty incoherent jumble about God, family, purity and other nonsense ...
P.M. What are you living off these days?
N.H. Through my lawyers, I receive a pension from the Moons for the education of my children. That is my only source of income. I work at an association for battered women.
P.M. After being betrayed, do you now find it hard to trust your fellow men?
N.H. Not really. I find it hard believe the talk of religious people. In any case, I do not want to be under the control of anyone. ♦
Video : Hyo Jin de la “famille parfaite” Moon
J’ai arraché mes enfants à Moon – Nansook Hong
« L’ombre de Moon » par Nansook Hong
Les Moon sont entrés dans Paris 1990
Nansook Hong, transcripts of three interviews, including ‘60 Minutes’
Nansook Hong interviewed by Herbert Rosedale
Nansook Hong – The Dark Side of the Moons
Nansook Hong In The Shadow Of The Moons
Sun Myung Moon: The Emperor of the Universe
The Moons entered Paris in 1990; Hyo Jin fled in a black Mercedes when the police arrived!
Nansook Hong entrevistada en español
‘A la Sombra de los Moon’ por Nansook Hong
Nansook Hong – Ich schaue nicht zurück
わが父文鮮明の正体 – 洪蘭淑
文鮮明「聖家族」の仮面を剥ぐ – 洪蘭淑
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