#not gonna tag it bc i dont wanna upset anyone with my opinions fuee
mizby · 4 years
Okay actual inuyasha sequel thots under the cut lol
FIRST OFF: disclaimer I am in the final act of the inuyasha anime. It’s been slow going finishing it bc I’m trying to watch it with my friend who has been a yash fan since she was a kid, and the corona virus is literally keeping us from finishing it together and my other friends LOL.
That being said, I know some rough and basic ideas about how the series ends, but please don’t tell me anything!! I do not want to be spoiled.
I’ll be straight up, I generally don’t like series continuations where the main cast’s children carry on the story. I won’t shit on anyone who does and there ARE definitely stories where that trope is done well! So of course I wanna give the show its best chance. I have.... Many fears and reservations though LOL.........
One of my biggest fears is that the mother of Sesshomaru’s kids is gonna be Rin. I get that it’s a popular ship but I rly don’t like it, I prefer a relationship where he is a guardian/father figure to her. Because he essentially adopts her as a small child and raises her, it........ Does not feel good to imagine her eventually having his kids. I have a creeping feeling this is gonna be the situation though. Of course, I never viewed Sesshomaru as a person with literally any interest in propagation but!! Of course that’s out of my hands lmao. 
Other big fear: If Inuyasha and Kagome are alive in the series, they will not have a good relationship with their daughter. I’M SO WORRIED that yash is gonna be a shitty dad, an absent dad, or a complete blundering idiot (and not the fun kind he already is). I’m scared he and Kagome will have their personalities and strength completely nerfed and they’ll just be like... busybody boring parents who are overprotective OR like hands off and absent. I never put much thought into the two of them having kids, just bc personally I don’t get a ton of enjoyment out of imagining children for couples in media I enjoy. Not to bash anyone who does! But if it had to be done, I knew I was gonna be picky about it. 
One of Inuyasha’s core needs has always been to be acknowledged and accepted, and that people who treated him like a person and became his friends are so important to him. Where I’m at in the series, it feels like he’s finally cobbled together a family of sorts- dysfunctional but they would all lay down their lives for each other. He also seems to always look back on his mother with great fondness- his one living family member that loved him deeply. THIS IS SO LONG WINDEd but I am hoping so badly that the sequel series doesn’t glaze over this. Although I do think he would struggle to be a parent to a child, I like to think he would genuinely care about them and not want them to hurt and feel alone like he did for so long. He repeatedly shows a soft spot for kids, especially hanyou kids. I’d love for him to have a chance to at least try and make sure his child doesn’t get as rough a start in life as he did. Kagome was always good with kids too... I hope her compassion and understanding still comes through to her daughter... and maybe she passed on those traits to her! IDK!! I’m excited to meet their little girl.
In other notes, I’m wondering if we will see Koga and his pups... I know he wanted desperately to have a big pack again. I don’t even know where to start on Sessh’s kids other than its interesting one of them seems to be dressed in demon slayer attire?? Which leads me to think about Miroku and Sango’s kids. I.... really don’t like the ship Mirsan but unfortunately it’s inevitable in the sequel series. If I must be subjected to it I hope we meet some of their kids. Also if Kaede is dead I’m going to turn into a pile of ashes. Also goes for Totosai and Myoga ouOUGUGH.... So worried about the old people. Idk if there is gonna be time skip or who’s gonna still be alive or WHAT I’M SO STRESSED OUT AAUOAUGGHH
Okay anyway this was so useless but I needed to get this crap out of my head
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