#not gonna lie i'm incredibly nervous and i have butterflys in my stomach
allaroundjejje · 1 month
Couple of Fruits and Space Cowboy
Part 1
It’s the usual set up for a drug deal. Big, empty warehouse out of corrugated steel. Tangerine and his brother Lemon were hired to get the money back to the buyer in a drug deal going down. Nothing new. A walk in the park Tangerine thought to himself.
The only thing that was different about this job was that they didn’t know who had hired them. All they knew was that they were getting paid a lot of money. "This mystery man is willing to pay us what we're worth” Tangerine had said to Lemon when they were offered the job.
They sat behind old boxes and other crap that luckily enough was left on the mezzanine level in the warehouse, providing enough shelter for the two assasins to stay out of sight from the druglord and his crew while they waited for their moment to grab the money.
"Oi, isn't that that guy from that movie?" Lemon said nudging Tangerine with his elbow as he saw Tom Ryder in the scope of his sniper rifle staking out the scene. Tom strolled up wearing a yellow beanie, sunglasses and a way to expensive blue tracksuit out of velvet. Like no one was gonna recognize him in that.
"What's that now?" Tangerine answered his brother absentmindedly just spotting the woman walking in to the warehouse. Tangerine wasn't a believer of love, let alone love at first sight, he couldn't be in his line of work. So whatever he felt for the woman must be instant attraction he told himself. He was snapped out of his thoughts when he saw who the woman was walking next to.
Tangerine rolled not just his eyes but basically his entire body when he saw Tom. "Don't tell me that's the prick who hired us?" he said pinching the bridge of his nose. "Looks like it" Lemon said with an amused smile on his face, knowing his brothers disliking of the actor, as he continued scoping out the scene.
This is my first ever fanfiction. Hopefully this is just part one! I hope you guys like it 🧡 Inspired by this post
@vicky342 @eefos tagging you guys in case you want to read this 🧡
Part two
Part three
Part four
Part five
Part six
Part seven Part eight
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