#not even frogs they like got frog legs had their skin get kinda slimy and green their eyes bulged out and their mouth elongated
sludgeguzzler · 2 years
my latest body horror dream involved people turning into frogs, they were apparently my family also
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fnf-brain-rot · 3 years
[Whitty x Boyfriend] Chapter 9 - do you know what love is?
It's been over a week since Whitty started staying at Boyfriend's place. He stopped sleeping completely, and constantly had his head poked out of windows, or the peep hole in the front door. Boyfriend woke up every morning to Whitty cuddling him in bed, nervously wrapped around the smaller for reassurance.
Boyfriend wanted to do something to ease his anxiety.
Boyfriend walked with Whitty into the living room, holding his hand as a guide. He noticed the other has been a lot more touchy as well, which he didn't complain about. He encouraged it. "What do you wanna do today?" The smaller male looked up to him when they sat on the couch. Whitty shrugged. It was obvious his mind was elsewhere.
"You want me to call Gigi so we can hang out again?" Boyfriend then asked, and Whitty shook his head. Just the two of them huh.. Today should be a calm day. Boyfriend gasped quietly to himself, though he startled Whitty. "What? What happened? Did you see something??" Whitty stood up off the couch, and Boyfriend snorted a little. "No no, I had an idea!" He reassured him, somehow coaxing him to sit back down.
Whitty was obviously anxious staying in the same space, so why not have a change of scenery?
It was so chilly outside, Boyfriend wished he had a car. He would be too scared to drive anyway.
They had been walking for what felt like an hour. Whitty knew Boyfriend wasn't a damn machine, so he let him rest on his shoulders. Boyfriend tried his best to behave on Whitty's shoulders, but being so high up felt like a little gremlin was kicking at his insides, no matter how fun it was.
They arrived to their secluded little spot just on the outskirts of Philly. It was quiet outside the city. Whitty appreciated that. "I looked up some peaceful places to go, and there's this hiking trail out here that I found. Dunno if it's safe though." He looked down at Whitty from above. Whitty didn't seem bothered. He never even thought of leaving the city to hide. He always felt trapped within the confines of the looming, steel buildings and brick walls. This, however, is a nice change of pace.
"You wanna get down?" Whitty then asked the blue haired man, and he shook his head. "No, not yet! My feet are still dying!" He whined in response, letting out a bunch of incomprehensible noise after the fact. "Okay okay! I'm not forcing you off! You big baby.." Whitty snurked a little, and Boyfriend tugged on his fuse in retaliation, making him stumble back a bit with an "Ack!"
They eventually started moving again, walking down the trail that dipped lower into a bunch of broken trees and crazy brambles. Boyfriend got smacked in the head a little too frequently with branches, so he opted to get down and walk. What they didn't expect to find, however, was a little lake. It was small enough to be more of a pond, but big enough to call a lake.
Boyfriend would totally go swim if it wasn't freezing right about now. It was around the holidays, the ones capitalism loves so much. "Wow.." Whitty breathed out at the sight. It was cloudy, but faint rays of light beamed down onto the murky water. There were a few large rocks scattered about, and Boyfriend ran to sit down. He didn't care if they were covered in moss.
"The sweet smell of amphibimous creatures." Boyfriend sighed happily as Whitty took a seat next to him, resting his elbows on his knees. He's starting to think he didn't say that right.. "Amphibi..am.. tiny pond animals." boyfriend put his hands on his hips and puffed out his chest, acting like he never messed up in the first place.
"Tiny pond animals?" Whitty parroted him, and the smaller nodded. "Yep! Like frogs, and turtles, and salamanders." He stood up and walked over to the edge of the water body, crouching down. "C'mere!" He whisper shouted to the other man. Whitty mimicked his actions, crouching the same as him. "Listen.." They both looked out to the lake, when Whitty noticed something. There were many tiny sounds around them, from the occasional croaking noise, then the constant high pitched buzz. "What are the noises?"
"The tiny pond animals! And some bugs." Boyfriend smiled up at him. "Watch this." Whitty scooted himself back a bit to give Boyfriend some room. The rapper stuck his tongue out, as if he were focusing on a single spot in the water, then shot out his hands. Water splashed on them both as he tore his hands back up just as fast. "Tadaa!!" He was holding a.. "What is that??"
"It's a frog!" Whitty watched in interest as the frog's neck puffed out. It was fast, but he could still see it. It let out the croaking sound he had been hearing earlier. "It's so small.. and green.. and.. slimy?"
"You wanna hold it?" Boyfriend inched it to him invitingly, and Whitty nodded quickly, holding out his hands to take it. "You gotta hold it tight or it'll jump away. Not too tight though, they're very fragile." He set the frog on his hands, and Whitty held it to the same capacity as Boyfriend had before. It was slimy. "Why is it so slippery?" he asked the blue haired shorty, who laughed lightly. "I think they said it's cause it's mucous. It's uh.. I think it's for protection. Some frogs have poisonous mucous, but those ones are mainly in the jungle." Boyfriend patted himself on the back for knowing so much.
"Where's that?" Whitty tilted his head curiously. "The jungle? Oh, in tropical areas and such. You know."
"Where's that?"
Boyfriend gawked at him. He really didn't know anything did he? "Did you have any sort of education when you were younger?" He quickly asked him. "No.." Whitty muttered honestly. Boyfriend sucked air through his teeth. Even he knew he was pretty stupid, so Whitty being stuck with him of all people might not get him far. Whitty let the frog go, and watched it launch itself back into the water.
"I'll teach you as much as I can then." The smaller nudged his side gently. "Can you tell me about love, then?" Boyfriend blinked at the question, then his face began to go red. "Uh.. What makes you wanna learn about that?"
The day after the carnival, Whitty talked to Girlfriend about feeling weird around Boyfriend. He told her his insides felt funny, and he felt it every time Boyfriend hugged or kissed him, but he also felt the same watching him do that to someone else. He recognized it as a negative emotion, but he wasn't sure what about it was negative.
"Fluttery, huh? I see.." Girlfriend giggled to herself, gently applying the man's blush. Whitty liked the feeling of the brush.  It was soft, and somewhat comforting. "Do you know what it means to like someone?" She spoke softly, lowering the brush to look at him. Whitty shrugged. "To appreciate them?" Girlfriend nodded. "There's two types likes. Platonic, and intimate. Platonic means you like them as  friend, or a brother or sister. Intimate is more like.. a romantic partner."
"Romantic partner?"
"Romance is.. love. You said you were twenty percent human, right?" Whitty nodded. "Then you must have the ability to love someone, not based on numbers anyway."
"But what does it mean to love someone?" Whitty asked her softly, and she laughed a little. "It's that fluttery feeling you get when you and Boyfriend touch. When you see him smile, laugh with him, eat with him, cuddle with him. When you're around him and you "feel weird", as you put it, that means you like him, more than just a friend or a brother."
Whitty took all her words to heart. So he wanted to be more than a friend to Boyfriend. But what does that mean?
Finding a partner is a big deal in society, so he wanted to be gentle on Boyfriend. He didn't want to scare him or make it weird. "It has to do with the affection stuff you taught me, right?" Boyfriend nodded quickly. "Yeah but uh.. That's just the tip of the iceberg. Things other than that are a lot more intimate. Are you sure you wanna.. get into that?" He tried to hide his flustered face with his coat. Whitty nodded, then went back over to sit down on the stone. He patted his lap, and Boyfriend's face got even more red.
He eventually mustered the courage to walk over to him, turning around and sitting in his lap. "No, like this." Whitty lifted Boyfriend up, who clung onto his arms in surprise, and turned him around, forcing his legs apart across his lap. Boyfriend's face flushed a deeper red as Whitty wrapped his arms around his waist, holding him close. Whitty wasn't cold.. he can produce his own heat. Boyfriend appreciated that, as he began to warm up just cuddling him.
Boyfriend would admit, he was kinda touch starved. That would probably be why he was so quick to have sex with Pico.. It's also why he was so eager to show Whitty affection. That and there was no way the guy has never had a damn hug.
"Do you like this?" Whitty asked Boyfriend softly, and the smaller swallowed, then nodded. "Yeah it.. feels nice.. Do you like it?" He threw the question back, which Whitty didn't expect. That feeling again, in his chest this time. This is probably what Girlfriend meant. What it's like to like somebody. Or even love somebody. They made eye contact, and Whitty took his time to finally slow down and look. Boyfriend had such cute little cheeks.. He knew really nothing about societal body standards, but Boyfriend was nothing short from beautiful. His smooth, milky white skin, and the red hot blush that dusted across his cheeks, and his little button nose.
Most people wanted blue eyes, or green eyes, or eyes that change color, but Boyfriend's pitch black irises held more emotion than he's seen in anyone else's. "Yeah.." Whitty smiled, hugging the male tighter. "I really like it."
Boyfriend laughed a little, his own arms wrapped tightly around Whitty's torso, honestly trying to get as much warmth as he could get.
They hung around the area for a good few hours, cuddling the entire time of course, watching the sun move around in the sky. Boyfriend took it among himself to talk to him about how big the world is, and just how many things were on this planet. He saved the 'We're on a giant rock floating in space" talk for another day. He didn't want him to have an existential crisis so soon.
It was around five in the afternoon when they decided to start making their journey back home. Whitty felt enlightened, happy, and.. safe. Boyfriend wasn't the scariest looking dude, he certainly wouldn't be able to protect them if something were to happen. Whitty didn't mind though. He.. loved him? For who he was. He's done so much for him already, now he's gonna do stuff for him in return, and show him how much he appreciates him.
"You wanna stop and eat somewhere? I'm kinda hungry." Boyfriend put a hand on his growling belly, and Whitty hummed in thought. "If you can afford it." Boyfriend playfully glared up at him. "I told you not to worry about money with me." He gently punched his hip, but winced as his hand connected with literal fucking metal. Right, mostly robot. "That's what you get for not letting me worry about your financial situation." The taller laughed lightly, beginning to walk ahead as Boyfriend stood behind to recuperate.
"You fucken-" Boyfriend began to retort, but soon couldn't really hear much. He squeezed his eyes shut as he felt his body hurl itself backwards. He tumbled across the pavement, seeing nothing but white for a good few seconds. Inhaling a gasp, he opened his eyes and looked up at the slightly cloudy sky. What the fuck was that?? All he could hear was a high pitch ringing, which could mean..
He quickly looked down in front of him, his eyes wide with fear. "Whitty?? No no, Whitty!" Whitty's body lay unmoving on the pavement some ways from him. His voice was muffled in his own head. What happened?? Can he just explode at random?? He scrambled over to him, examining his headless body. He's exploded before, but there was an indicator for when he would explode. His fuse wasn't lit this time. What.. What caused it??
They weren't too far into the city, just enough for the lower income houses and some empty lots to be visible. "Jesus christ.. I-It's okay Whitty, it'll be okay,  fuck.." He whimpered out softly. He did all he could, lifting his body by the arms and beginning to carry him out of the open. They sat behind some random building, the ground littered with trash and dirt. It smelled pretty bad, but that didn't matter now.
What mattered was that Whitty woke up safe and sound.
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thenixkat · 5 years
Animorphs notes: 18
Book 18
Narrated by Aximili
Again I really wish something had come of the andalite traitors thing
Ax’s audience is other andalites
Leera’s like the only planet besides Earth to get an actual name in this joint
Andalites don’t use money
Ax is tryin g to work to get money to buy food
Ax needs to stop dicking around in human morph b;c he’s gonna getsomeone in trouble, possibly killed
This manager is actually a nice person
So Marco caught Ax
They are retelling the event at Cassie’s barn]
They are waiting for news from Erek
So was Ax? Alone at the damn mall? I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again there are rocks smarter than these kids
Erik has hidden chee with him
Of course Tobias fucking spots them all, its not like the chee could make themselves invisible
Hewlett Aldershot the Third, that’s a serious name
Yeerks wanna infest im for reasons and had Iness hit him with a car
Is this the same yeerk infested hospital from an earlier book? I guess boiling a bunch of folks alive and a minor wildlife rampage didn’t do shit.
Marco’s snippy when bored
So, either Visser 3 knows how to morph regular clothes or isn’t hamped by them at all and no one feels the need to mention them ripping through some while morphiong
Yeerks can’t do anything with a comatose host. 
Either the head of the secret service is a lady or the president is
That’s not really how wings work forget it
People have to be seeing this 6 winged bird thing chasing a seagull
Also apparently the kafit is some kinda bird of prey
Ax’s seagull morph has talons apparently
Visser 3 is scared of getting into a tail fight
Visser 3 thinks a teenager can beat him.
They’re right b/c they are shit at fighting
Stand face to face for even more opportunity to injure yerself and give yer opponent a better shot at yer head
Visser 3 nopes out of the fight, breaking a leg in the fall, but morphing human fast
Too much protein keeps Aximili awake
Dinnier at Cassie’s ment a lot for Ax
Ax races around as he wrestles with his thoughts and goes to Tobias to talk about feeliongs
Yeerks infultrating the andalite homeworld was an interesting idea and the writers are cowards
Shut up Cassie
Cassie you liar
If they could aquire from say blood alone, then why don’t they just try acquiring from parts of animals like ever?
Rachel is concerned about blood borne diseases and doesn’t know how most of those are contracted
Ax that sounds like bullshit. 
Ax you just hang with little squeemish bitches
Andalites have weak slow baby hands
How exactly do they plan to acquire blood that they ate as a mosquito? If they eat it it starts to break down from digestion and would be decently degraded by the time they vomit it back up and try to acquire from it.
A random sick kid has seen Ax and now knows his name
More humans have seen Ax
And like what reason with the yeerks have to let witnesses go like? Good job at getting more folks enslaved Ax
Ax thinks about collateral damage for once
...that’s a false surrender. Good job Ax! Not no one on yer side can ever actually surrender! Also a war crime.
Ax jumps out a window and morphs mosquito
That’s still not how compound eyes work
And now in the imaginary place
Huh, Ax and the animorphs get to see themselves in a 4 dimensional? view
Like tesseracts made of meat
Why, exactly would Tobias., who is in morph in ya know the shape of a bird not appear as a human jigsaw as well in this place?
They got dragged into Z space by a passing ship
And resqued by an andalite crew
The animorphs and Ax made a scientific breakthrough
.7 Andalite years stuck on Earth
I havent gotten to thhat book on my re read but everything you just said was wrong Ax
So there are multiple pool ships and such
Aximili doesnt actually have to stay with you all
He can fight yeerks where ever he pleases and really kinda needs to see others of his own kind every now and then
That grass probably tastes good as fuck tho after almost a year in Earth grass
Andalites being speciest
“May your great god Cha-Ma-Mib smile on you this day.” religious space frogs
“The continent loomed larger and larger. Most of it was lush and green, primarily jungle. Green like Earth's forests and jungles, but with wide swaths of some brilliant yellow vegetation, too. The northern end of the continent was less fertile, more barren, probably colder.”
The captian is a traitor
Also it is apparently pretty damn easy to take out andalites if you have even the slightest amount of drop on them
Visser 3 and Visser 4 are friends
That tailless dick fortified and used a weapon
The animorphs decided not to stick around in just listening to orders
Gonna blow the kids out an airlock and hope they survive
None of these fucks think to get in a damn fighter craft or emergency escape and attempt to survive
Just, welp folks we’re fucked time for some suicide!
Also the captain wasn’t even a controller, just willingly on the yeerk’s side
On the one hand Ax did abandon them. On the other the animorphs are not entitled to his service
Also this just isn’t the right time to pick on Ax
This is reallt not the right fucking time, Marco and Rachel are either trying to get themselves or someone else killed with their bullshit
Tobias u fucking chose to live in the woods as a wild animal, Aximili didn’t choose to be marroned on an alien world
You feathery asshole
Tobias vanished
The yeerk forces are doing well on ground battle
Ax, the animorphs, the andalites, and the writers have failed ecology
Rachel vanished
The writers just really fucking hate sharks
“The water was perfectly, utterly clear. We were swimming in water that was forty feet deep, and we could see every detail on the ocean floor.
 And what detail! Huge, billowing creatures like white and yellow sails, triangular with biological propellers at each corner. Brilliant, electric-blue worms or snakes, each seventy feet long, swimming in wild schools. A bizarre creature that rose and fell through the water by blowing air into a bladder so thin it was almost transparent. A wonderful sort of fish in the shape of a screw that rotated its way through the water.
 And these creatures weren't scattered here and there, but everywhere. The Leeran ocean was a madhouse of life-forms.
 Spread around across the ocean were bubbling chimneys of rock and soil, encrusted with squirming, writhing creatures, small and less small. My shark senses could feel the electrical discharge from these chimneys, and the intense warmth. As I watched, a massive school of the brilliant blue worms came swirling around one of the chimneys. It swirled and my shark senses could feel the energy flow from the chimney into the worms.”
There would still be fucking predators u nits
“They were mostly yellow. They had skin that was slimy, as if covered with ooze, yet rough in texture, like gravel. They had large, webbed back legs. For arms they had four tentacles arrayed around their plump, barrel-shaped bodies.  The head was quite large, with a bulge at the back. It sat right on the shoulders. There was no neck. The face bulged outward and seemed to have just two features. A huge, wide, almost ridiculous mouth. And big, bulging eyes of a green that seemed almost to be lit from inside.
 There were four Leerans. They were riding on water jets. The water jets were long, narrow tubes, flared in front to make a sort of wing, flared again in back to give extra
maneuverability. Arrayed along the back wing were clusters of very narrow tubes pointed forward.”
The crew free some leerans (granted they were going to kill them) b/c the leerans showed them how to get the yeerks out of them
The team morph leerans and are uncomfortable with knowing eachother’s thoughts
Oh what normal space ships arent good enough for crushing ocean pressures now? Gotta have actual submarines?
A lot of these high ranking andalites are quick to yelling and threats of violence aint they
That is a very iffy plan not the least being the yeerks with their mostly terrestrial shock troops would have likely set up camp there anyway it seems. But if u wanna throw away lives who cares
Marco vanished
Talking to scientists and shit
Actually Jake, if all of you vanish b4 u carry out the mission it will be too late for a back up
A world with no predators my ass
Cassie vanishes
Ah, so yeah bats aint flying with torn to shit wings. They’s ded
Jake vanished
How exactly did the andalites get the shit in there in the first place?
Hah, the hork hosts have rocket boosters
Aximili is saved by vanishing
So why were they snapped back in mosquito morph and not just flund full force back into their real bodies
And why snap them all back to the same moment and not staggared into different moments in time
How the fuck did this man feel a damn mosquito bite? A notible aspect of mosquitoes as that we don’t really feel them biting
Genral yeerk panicking over management
End with scene at mall
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