#not even done w this panel and ive two more to do.. PUTS GUN IN MY MOUTH
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ge · 8 months ago
i have a disease called make chung myung beautiful and its terminal
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voidselfshipp · 4 years ago
The Copper Wars
Chapter 5
Ok to rb
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'Hey dad....I hope this letter finds you well.
I know I havent written in a while,im sorry I was very busy.
Im working with some folk now, kicking ass, the usual.
The town we lived in was raided by robots, Its some sci-fi bullshit I know...but these folks that im working with, they are battling against them.
I... Also seem to have feelings for six of them...I might need your advice on this....
I also sent you some trinkets and some photos of me,I hope Ill hear about you soon.
With love,your son.
Jerico finished writing his letter and put it inside the envelope that then went into a small box with some small treats,some photos and some dried flowers;he wrapped the box in some nice paper and made sure to tie it up so nothing would scape.
After delivering that to miss pauling, he went back to work on forge.
The big robot was almost done,the circuits,the mechanisms were all done,he needed to weld the last Copper metal sheets and he was done.
And thanks to engie, they did finish it by mid day.
The robot came to life with the whistle of the steam coming out of the big pipes,its belly shone with bright red glow,all seemed oķay,after some test,Like making it eat the scaffolding around it,and then,it grabbed the molten metal form ite opened panel in its exposed stomach/inner forgery shaping it into a big sword,they Turned it off and the night was bound to be celebrated.
However, as soon as the test finished, engie pulled jer to one side.
--We did it engie! In record time!
--Yes we did,and I say this is worth celebratin!--the texan smiled playfully, and pulled blacksmith in a sudden kiss,they had confessed after their obvious crush started to interfere with their work,so engie took the bravery to tell him,and got the most wonderfull answer, Jeri returned his feelings, so a good kiss was the best way to seal said confession.
At night They all went to the same town they went when jerico first arrived, and headed to a pub to celebrate, they were one step closer to defeating grey manns army.
Jeri had excused himself to go outside and catch a breather, unbeknownst to him, spy was outside too.
--Congratulations on finishing that proyect of yours jerico--Spy said letting out the smoke of his cigarrete.
--Thanks spy...I cant Belive we actually finished it so fast...im so proud of it
The frenchman had moved closer to him,and his free hand brushed his.
Jer looked at his companion and tilted his head,witha soft smile.
Spy tried to fight back a smile as his gaze met his crushes.
Stomping his cig, he sighed, and fixed his suit,anxious about his Next move.
Jerico took his hand, making him startle,but then look once again at him.
--I havent realized how cute you looked until now--Blacksmith said, squeezing hid hand Gently.
Spy felt at a loss for words as jers free hand went up to his cheeks.
--You havent been sleeping much have you?--the frenchman shooked his head.
--i never have a good night sleep
--Well...those dark circles under your eyes make you look even more handsome
--W what?
--I know what youre trying to do spy, if youre gonna kiss me, then just do it
--it seems like youve found me out ....--his companion said a bit ashamed.
--Youre not subtle at all , you known that right?
He hears him snort, and nodd--Appparently im not...
Jerico then hugged his neck and kissed him, the frenchmans arms hug his waist and push him to the wall.
They gasp softly for air,then pressing their foreheads togheter.
--You know what?i think we should get inside...--Jeri said.
--Lets just....lets just stay like this for a bit longer...oui?
--Hmm okay...
The rest of the night was then spent around town,buying some snacks or small trinkets.
Once jerico arrived at his room he collapsed on the bed, snoring softly,and into a peacefull sleep.
That wasnt much peacefull the Next day, he woke up to the sound of scout screeching while running for his dear life.
Apparently,Jeremy had touched heavys gun,Sasha, and well...poor thing had put his life on the line.
As he made his breakfast, he felt an arm wrap around his neck, he saw demo with a huge smile on his face--'ello lad! Good mornin!
Jeri smiled softly and looked at his face,trying to find all the details he could, he was very handsome.
--Are ye gonna kiss me or somethin'?--demoman meant this as a joke, until of course,jer did in fact kiss him quickly--Were do ye think yer going huh!?--the scottish Man grabbed him by his hand and kissed him again--Now thats a kiss!
Jeri couldnt help but giggle like a schoolgirl the rest of the morning.
In the afternoon, blacksmith decided to run some test, interrupted by some stolen kisses from engie ,wich made him giggle even more.
--jerico!--medic called out--could jou go and check on sniper?hes been in his nest all day,and he needs to eat with Us
Friday nights such as these was the only time the mercs would get along,and everyone was to eat togheter, but the food is almost done and sniper is no-where to be seen.
So, jerico nodded and Walked outside, and up the water tower, making sure to knock first, so
A, he wont get a bullet between his brows,and B,not scare the living daylights out of his aussie friend.
And talking about him.
He knew the rest were confessing to jerico,the only two that havent done it were medic and himself,and he was anxious about it.
He wasnt the best when feelings were involved so he did the only thing he knew,that was isolate himself.
--hey sniper foods almost ready
--Oh...ill be there in a bit--sniper lowered his rifle and scratched the back of his neck.
--Everything okay?...you seem off
--Its nothin ta worry about
Jeri sat besides him--Still whats up...?,do you want to talk?
His whole face started to heat up,and he looked away.
Jeris hand grabbed his chin softly, and made him look at him.
--Come on whats up?
Without any warning sniper saw his chance and kissed him.
--Thats whats happenin roo
Jer started to giggled and kissed him again,hugging his neck peppering his face with kisses.
The aussie started to laugh,softly--Alroight enoughs enough come on...foods almost ready...
--yeah lets go...im starving
After dinner,jeri went and opened up the package that was left for him.
There was a letter and some small gifts.
'Hey son' his fathers handwriting read'im glad youre okay.
I understand you had your hands full.
Im okay, ive traveled Back home and I plan to stay a while,I missed this.
Your aunts told me that they miss you, and they cant wait to see you.
Eryz,ozi and vel sent you some treats.
And about that love advice, its what I always say, trust your gut boy, look good, and be smooth, thats all.
I love you,stay safe.
Jeri smiled, and looked at what was inside the box.
Some treats,and some photos of his dad and his aunts.
Jerico sighed with nostalgia and went to sleep, his cats curled besides him.
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cosmochasm · 8 years ago
tell us about sa !!!
OKAY SO this ended up being way longer than i ever expected because i couldn’t stop talking about it and i have a lot of #thoughts tbh
first things first, it was a very small community theater production, the entire theater was pretty small, the stage and everything, and also it was the closing performance and so. Emotions were high for a lot ofit
secondly, the stage design was ?? so great. like i’ve watched a lot of productions of sa on yt and stuff, local and broadway, and i’ve never seen a stage designed like this. basically, the front of the stage was just basic, like wood that you walked on and it never really changed but most of the stage was built over a shallow pool of water with panels of differing sizes they could move and make it look like different locations and stuff etc, where the water would be visible sometimes and other times, like at the very beginning, you don’t even realize it’s not a normal stage. all of the panels could stack up on top of each other too to create like. higher parts of the stage?
also they had branches all throughout the top of the stage and hanging down off of the front over the audience. the aisles were used a l o t because this was a small theater. i sat right next to wear they came from back stage to go up/down the aisles with a big shit eating grin on my face for most of it, im sure most of them saw me lmao.
oh and they had people playing bobby maler/greta as well
i guess i’ll just do? a song by song rundown bc idk how else to do it tbh
mama who bore me wasn’t spectacular. it wasn’t bad, just nothing new tbh but wendla was fantastic
all that’s known and the scene leading up to it really didn’t have anything new either. moritz was good but since when do i think a moritz is bad tbh. melchior is really angry tbh. bobby brings him a mic on a stand instead of him pulling it out of his jacket
the bitch of living was so good tbh it all went dark except for moritz, who had a purple spotlight on him, and then as the rest of the boys joined they had rainbow spotlights. they pulled mics out of their jacket so im not sure why melchi didn’t in all that’s known but im ok with it. the spotlights were solid colored at first, but then they switched back and forth between being grungy-textured (i really dont know how to explain this tbh but it was like dotted shapes and stuff) and solid colors and thats mostly what i focused on lmao.
 when melchior joined in, they had lined up all their school chairs on the right side of the stage in a diagonal and faced him as they sang. they mention bobby maler and the guy who’s credited as bobby barely even reacted like they could have done more if they were going to bother casting a bobby.
my junk was pretty average too, except georg didnt have a piano and he just mimed playing piano on a table, but this is also where u see the first panel move bc of the water and i didn’t realize it was water at first, i just thought there was an opening in the stage tbh but then they removed a second panel at the end so there was like,,, a split in the center of the stage and u could see the reflectiveness of the water
the scene before touch me was so good tbh. when moritz talks about the “labia majora” (he didn’t pronounce it wrong which bothers me but its a character choice i guess so w/e) and frau gabor walks in he doesn’t notice at first and keeps going until he finally sees her, jumps a foot in the air and quickly sits on it. when he starts talking about the essay again after she leaves, he takes it out and dramatically checks to make sure she’s not coming back (like he leaned all the way back in his over his chair to check backstage)
moritz and melchior’s dance in touch me isn’t super gay at first. melchi just leans over the table and touches moritz’s hand while he’s feeling himself (as he does) and then moritz leaves. but when moritz comes back, he’s on the other side of the water divide and he and melchi grab each others arms over it and dance. pretty gay.
also in the scene where moritz is like “i passed!” he runs up the aisles and when he gets to the stage he leans up against the wall and it was really cute im still not over it but then when georg is like “are you sure”(i dont know if that’s the exact line but i have no memory ur lucky i remember this much) he does this like. weird tone of voice and when moritz says “yes im sure” he makes a face at georg and mocks his tone of voice. which is also cute and im still not over
the word of your body was pretty stationary tbh, but instead of having some chairs be a tree, they used a spotlight outlined like a tree
during the dark i know well, martha played acoustic guitar and it was so good im
(also by this point the stage was returned to just being a stage, like without the water parts) the beating scene was pretty typical as far as i remember. nobody laughed (thank god)
during moritz and his father’s scene, i’ve noticed a lot of productions don’t make it seem as serious as it could/should be but here it definitely was. moritz was audibly slapped multiple times and slams moritz down into a chair in the front of the stage.
frau gabor is brought out with a table and a chair across from him and he angrily sings and then there were none directly at her. the boys don’t come out and surround him, u just hear their voices but it highlights his thoughts and how he’s isolated
they didn’t have a hanging platform for mirror blue night. but the choreo made up for it tbh like it was still weird choreo but the boys are more incorporated liked they picked melchior up and held him above their heads and then when they put him down, they grabbed him until he shoved them off. idk it was cool but hard to describe.
i believe was typical as far as i remember tbh. they had chairs stacked up in the center and my mom was like “what’s that for” and i was like “i have no idea” but we guessed that maybe it was a hay bale to represent the hayloft. melchior put off more rapey vibes to me here than in some productions. also they didn’t unbutton wendla’s shirt but melchior ripped his off and underneath he was jacked and tbh i wasn’t ready i was sh ook and its all i thought about for most of intermission.
the guilty ones: the stage now has platforms moved so there’s a space of water on each side and a raised platform following it. the middle of the stage is normal level so it’s like there’s a step on each side. melchior and wendla were in the front and center, and interspersed throughout the stage were all the boys and girls paired off into four groups.
two groups of 2 girls + 1 boy, a group of a girl and a boy, and a group of two boys (but im like? pretty sure it wasn’t hernst so idk. i think i was georg and bobby but i? couldn’t see their faces very well). all the groups were like feeling each other up and kissing while they sang.
moritz comes in and i don’t do sadness starts out pretty typically. but when he stomps you can feel it bc the space is small so angst x10. when ilse comes on she looks like she’s just wondering through town, she pauses and looks at moritz for a sec and then she’s like “moritz??” and moritz runs all the way across the stage to hide from her on the steps so she can’t see the gun. he also moves her standing mic on stage when he comes back on. 
he and ilse sit in the center part and interact before she sings blue wind. the whole time she’s singing blue wind, moritz stays sitting and looks super conflicted but mostly like he’s about to just lose it crying. then they both sing. while they’re singing u know they both typically face forward and they do that some but they also ran at one another and sang directly at each other, holding their hands out towards each other but not touching. 
then as he’s telling ilse bye again, his voice is cracking like he really really wants to go with her but he’s just... done. ilse storms off and the suicide monologue is awful bc moritz’s voice is cracking the whole time and im dying in the theater. after moritz shoots himself, he runs off stage right.
martha and melchior come out and are upper stage left. martha has a guitar and is sitting on the ground. her guitar case is sitting in front of her. melchior has a standing mic. moritz’s dad is upper stage right and is reading a letter, getting progressively more upset. 
and moritz is in the center, on a raised platform in front of square of water. he’s got his school notebook and is writing in it and he’s in a pool of white light and he looks happy. as they bring their flowers up, each person stops and looks at moritz, some reaching out for him, before walking up in front of martha to drop their flower in her guitar case. as more people come up, moritz starts laughing and playing in the water, splashing it at first and then jumping in (the water is super shallow like feet deep) and he starts throwing the water on himself and washing his face with it and stuff.
then eventually moritz leaves. when he does, otto and georg take the platform and set it on top of the water he was playing in, like. sealing his grave. (and there’s me, in the theater, REALLY dying)
at the end of left behind everyone lined up on the back wall with their backs facing the audience and then melchior comes out blah blah and then it gets lit like honestly it was so GOOD. everyone was angrily jumping around (which you could hear and FEEL) and getting up in the front rows face tbh (i was not front row smh) and the spotlights went crazy over the audience, first white and then rainbow colors. there were pillars near the front row and ernst and another boy jumped on them and like humped the air idk. melchior’s facial expressions were great. he was p sarcastic tbh. it was 1 of the best totally fucked’s ive ever seen imo
the vineyard scene was great. people laughed at it but im pretty sure it’s just because a lot of them knew the actors tbh? there was an opening of water and ernst (who was so small im) sat on the platform behind it and played in the water while he talked about being a pastor. hanschen stood across the stage. when hanschen kisses ernst he like. gently lays him down and their kisses are long like rip my gay heart. as they leave they’re holding hands and hanschen pulls ernst’s hand really close to his heart and i died
during whispering, melchior stands behind wendla in a blue light with his hand on her shoulders and sings like... not echos of whispering but different lyrics that i unfortunately can’t remember but i do remember that they sounded threatening tbh
the reformatory boys were good and my mom was shook af about the circle jerk scene she looked at me like ?!? and then later she was like “i do not remember that”(from the boot i showed her) i  was like idk maybe if ud paid attention
during those you’ve known the entire stage was water except the front lip and 3 platforms, one for moritz, melchi, and wendla. melchior mostly walks/sits on the front lip until like almost the end of the song. moritz and wendla stand on two of the platforms from the beginning (with 1 platform in between them) and they’re stock still, like. statues. melchior pauses in front of moritz when he says moritz’s line. then he walks over in front of wendla. when moritz starts singing he like... jumps to like and looks around for a second and then looks at melchior and kneels. same with wendla. then it’s typical those you’ve known until melchior moves to the center platform and pulls moritz and wendla off their platforms and to his when he pulls them close. moritz and wendla look like they’re about to cry and im not sure if that’s bc it was closing night or if they actually were supposed to look like it tbh
now for the best part. the song of purple summer. the stage is entirely water now. some of the actors come up from the aisles as ilse sings and some come from back stage. they’re all in their costumes. ilse pulls off her shirt and underneath she’s wearing a bathing suit. they all strip down into bathing suits and they play in the water with each other, like slinging it at each other, smiling and laughing and hugging and crying and im emotional. at the end they all reached into the water and did like some movement but basically they slung water towards the audience rip
anyway the show was fantastic. i really dug the water stage a lot? like ive never seen anything like it and it was such a good idea?? and i know i didn’t explain it that well but t b h
also i spoke to the actor of moritz briefly after the show and he was crying and hugging all of his friends and when we went up to him to tell him that it was good he was like “oh my god thank you im sorry im crying but oh my god it means a lot” and it was really cute okay
anyway thanks for listening to me ramble on sorryy
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