#not even about toprak i simply don’t want to hear it !!!!!!!
unless it’s about pecco i don’t want to hear a peep about motorcycles or motorcycle racing or motogp or wsbk or anything ! until march 2023
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hanawrites404 · 4 years
Wynne’s Birthday Diary - Erik Naveen
"The sunset seems....... pleasant today huh" brushing the strands of hair from my face and tucking it behind my ear, I gaze at the vermilion golden meltdown of the star ahead of me, as I held the hem of the dress I was wearing for today in my hand.
"It sure does, Wynne" the blonde beside me, her hair reflecting the hues of the scenery in front of us, and her eyes repainted with the warm colours. We both were at our leisures in the ash docks, waiting for exactly two people to arrive as specified by me to both of them. Nadia had left me early for today, and Asra freed his apprentice the same, and that's how we both were quick on reaching the meeting spot, near the smoky sea and the Vesuvian horizon.
The sunset felt pretty warm and balmy today. Hah. I totally wondered why.
"Hello ladies. Sorry it took me some time to arrive" me and Salette (@utopia-t) turned to the male's voice, and were not surprised to find the curly brunet, rubbing his reddened knuckles and walking towards us with his brown boots clicking by each step of his long legs.
"Good you came on time, William" I closed my eyes for a moment and opened them again, as he gave an acknowledging nod.
"Right I did" he replied, scratching his head and looking away for a bit, and then locked his eyes again with me. "So when is Erik coming?"
"He told me that would come after he is done with his deliveries" Salette this time replied and I nodded in agreement.
"I see.....Then let's wait for him in the meantime" William (@hokorri) then walks past us and sits on one of the huge rocks, resting his back carefully against them as he peered at the luminescent sight. His skin and his eyes turning the same golden as the sleeping sun.
"Sure" I then grab William's hand and pulled myself up to sit beside him, and brought Salette with me to join.
"So what's with your attire?" William asked me.
"Huh??" I turned to him. This question of his kind of caught me off guard. William faced me, his face as stoic as always, but his eyes said something else. He had.........deride??
"You heard me, Toprak" he blatantly replied, and I felt my cheeks warming up. Not by the sun, but by my own blood and my nervous emotions of blush.
"Oh yes! This reminds me too. You are dressed up exceptionally well today. This Prussian blue dress, and these blue hibiscuses on your hair. I wonder what's the reason, because you usually don't wear anything other than your normal clothes" Salette was the next to ask.
I looked at both of them simultaneously, and felt shamefully silent, not because I didn't know the answer, but because I was too timid to speak it out loud. Even if it was infront of my two best friends.
I looked away, clearing my throat and really racking my brain to think of a dodge to this flustering question.
But then, according to the universal laws and truths that binds the realms together,
Mr. William Hillenberg is a bitch.
"Perhaps it's for...... impressing a certain someone??" His lips curved up into a smirk as he inched close to my face. My eyes widened, and I desperately scooted away from him, bumping to Salette. But instead of defending me, she grabbed my shoulders, and formed somewhat of a grin herself.
"Or is it for getting their attention?" The blonde added on. Shit. Fuck. She was clearly on the surgeon's side. This got me even more nervous.
"Hmmm....maybe I know who it is" She chuckled and pinched my pink cheek from behind.
"And so do I" William stroked my other reddened cheek. Both of them still had their teasing grin on each of their faces, as they fondled with me. Gods they both were killing me slowly from embarrassment.
"J-Jeez.....stop it! It's nothing like that" I protested.
"Are you sure Pipsqueak? You sure it isn't someone who is hypermetrophic?" William pressed more, closing up to me. It was very intimidating that how his eyes narrowed like that of a predatory cat.
"And also that he loves blue and hibiscuses of the same colour??" Salette squeezed my shoulders and chuckled near my ear, which sent shivers down my spine.
It really looked impossible to escape from them now. By how they knew why I was dressed up, and by how they knew for whom it was. It was fucking frightening and horrifying. That it got me this twisted and bamboozled. I really didn't seem to have any other choice other than to admit. Or maybe protest further, but that would lead to even worse bullying.
Fuck I was definitely cornered. Is there any way, ANY OTHER GODDAMN WAY, to escape this tight situation?? Because I was really living my own death right now. The murder of my own self because my response system was not working at all due to overdose of diffidence. All because of my best friends' curiousity about my love life. Just fucking amazing.
But oh lord thank you to the lovely sea lemons and the baby turtles that my prayers were answered, as a certain blue-haired angel ran to us hurriedly.
"Sal!! William!!" We heard the familiar voice from behind as we turned around at the same time, only to find the blue-headed soft tanned man for whom we all had been waiting for, stumbling his way down the pale sands as soon as he can, his hand waving to us.
"Erik!!" William instantly jumped off from the rocks and approached him, dismissing the recent mockery for now, and Salette too gracefully slides down the boulders to join William as she hugged Erik (@sylph-dreams) and wished him for his special day, while I just gazed at the two of them and the birthday boy with a smile on my face from above. The sea breeze playing with my hair and my dress.
"Many many happy returns of the day, Erik" William embraced him next and kissed his head, and I could hear Erik giggling from his touch as he kissed him back many times on his face.
"Hey hey stop" I heard William laugh, this slipped a chuckle from my throat. Erik then giggles and stops, pulling away from him. And that's when it happened.
He saw me.
When his eyes fell on me, he froze. He did not look away or even move himself. He just kept staring at me, with awe and wonder. His mouth was also in a small gape, as if he had just witnessed a silver blue dolphin making its gigantic leap across the waters, diving ever so poised back into its home. It was very adorable of him, however it seemed pretty amusing to me because, this was not the first time he had seen me dressing in such a manner. But how he reacted every time to it was worth watching and never forgetting. Truly.
"Don't open your mouth for so long, Erik" William pushes his chin up to shut his agaped mouth as Salette and I giggled to it. Soon after I too got off from the rocks and walked to the tanned man. As I grabbed both of his hands gently, looking into his eyes with a smile on my face, I whispered the words.
"Happy Birthday My Dear Erik~" I gently squeezed his bigger hands with mine, his warmth flushing through my cold palms.
Erik's cheeks turned a bit pink. "T-Thank you, Wynne. Thanks a lot" he said, and I flashed him another smile.
He rubbed my knuckles with his thumbs delicately. The corner of his lips were slightly curved upwards in a pleasant beam, as comforting as the last sun rays, and his eyes glimmering like heavenly orbs. He grinned wider and brought my hands closer to his lips till they touched weightlessly.
It was now my face's turn to heat from bloom, but it turned even more when I noticed him smirking at me from my hands, and his eyes were glowing with tease and mischief. I looked away, my lips pursed together as I tried my hard to resist the fluster.
Jeez why it had to be today that everyone satirise me more than ever?? Just why?!!!
"So this is why y'all invited me over to the beaches, because I was really thinking that you were calling me for a group swim haha!!" Erik laughed after he backed away from me, totally acting like he wasn't pawing me in front of my friends.
"We were initially planning to celebrate at the shop, but Wynne said that you liked staying near the sea. And me and William loved the idea, which is why we set up a small party for you here" Salette answered.
"Oh!! really?? A whole party just for me??" The bluenet's eyes shone like that of a exuberant child after spotting exclusive candies at his favourite grocer during errands.
"Why yes, My Dear. We all took some of our time out of our schedules to organise it. I wasn't actually wanting to attend the party and rather to just drop by personally to you with a gift, but Toprak and this blonde lady weren't leaving me alone, so that was one motivation" William nudged me while I rolled my eyes.
Erik laughed and patted William's shoulder. "I am glad Wynne and Sal forced you to come. The celebration would have been incomplete without my best friend yah know". William sighed and held Erik's hand, looking into his eyes.
"Yeah. I know" William replied with a weak smile. Erik then out of nowhere engulfed both Salette and William, catching both of them off-guard for a second, I chuckled at the scene. The two however embraced him back, bright twinkles on each of their faces.
"Thank you guys......I love yah both a lot......." Erik murmured. Honestly, I cannot even find words can describe the feeling of happiness which was literally radiating out of him. It was as strong as reflected white light, yet as gentle as the lake ripples. Very acute, yet at ease. I didn't know what it was, but it was gratifying by every angle.
Howbeit, as lost in my thoughts I was, I forgot about my consciousness until I felt soft strong arms engulfing me and pulling me closer to themselves. I blinked twice and looked up, and I was surprised, obviously.
"Umm.....Erik??" I awkwardly held his shoulder as I felt his arms gripping my waist tighter. I chuckled, hugging him back. Now this was expected yet also quite the opposite to my thoughts. I wondered the reason behind his actions, and the response came to me in two shakes.
"You deserve a separate hug, Princess" he simply answered. A clear rationale, though swelled my chest from a patent contentment of recieving such a direct affection from the birthday boy. Maybe that's the exact reason. Because he is the birthday boy. Or was it because of something else. Something more......closer...........
But as soon as I was about to open my mouth to speak, I felt rumbling down my stomach. It startled me as I jumped back a bit, damn it was pretty shaky too. But it didn't feel like it came from my body. I wondered who's was it. But then it hit me.
"Oh jeez. I am very hungry. Yah have something to snack on?" Erik asked. So it was his stomach which was speaking out its pleads that it was prominent enough to reach through me. It wasn't astonishing to me though. Poor man had been delivering goods from one place to another not caring about how long the distance was or how heavy the things weighed.
He has been working the whole day even on his birthday, it was pitiful. At least he should have taken a leave for that. But oh well, if he wants to carry his duty even during his special day, I would let him. I have no rights on him, but only when things turn dangerous, I am the one in-charge. Not that I don't trust him, I just want to protect him. But only when it's gravely needed. Otherwise he is strong enough to tackle.
"How about we have the cake and the other food right now?" Salette suggested. I didn't even notice the sun almost under the horizon after the hug. The sky had turned navy now, with the residual of the shining streaks lined up broadly. Like a tricolour, it had enveloped the globe, and the stars were finally appearing from their hideouts. It was very pleasant, almost like the sunset earlier, but with a disparate observe.
"I agree. We should start right away" William nodded.
"Wynne, can you bring the cake then?" The blonde requested me. "Sure" I shrugged and went to bring the main dessert. This time, I would have to say, was different than any other cakes I had prepared for my every other loved one's birthday. It had an ingredient I had never used previously, and it took me much much bargains to get it since it was not so frequent to be sold in the markets. A very rare exotic stuff. Not to mention I had never tasted it before. But by Salette's advice, I had baked it with her and William the same as Erik preferred it.
It was a purple yam cake, also called Ube cake. A traditional Filipino dish, and Erik's beloved favourite. All the struggles to get the main ingredient was worth it for him, as his face switching to glee and his words of adulation was more than enough to satisfy all of our efforts for him. His tears of joy at the end were a bit overwhelming though, but we accepted that. We didn't wanted to make him cry out in his birthday you know haha!
Nevertheless, Erik held us all close, not leaving any one of us behind, as he made his wish in his beautiful mind and blew the fire off the candles, with all three of us by his side.
Happy Birthday To You
Happy Birthday To You
Happy Birthday Dear Erik
Happy Birthday To You 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙
Erik had his bite of the cake from the piece, and the hearings of yumminess escaping from his lips second by second, a unique sound by every bite, was amusing and heartwarming to listen and witness. It was cute and youthful, just like him. That made us even more happier. William was delighted, much to his own satisfaction, and me and Salette were grateful for the little party going very well.
Later then we had deep fried tofu with blue tea. Sounds pretty light and effortless, but sufficient for all of our hearts and tummies. We had actually decided beforehand that nothing fancy would be there because Erik was the type of guy to like homely chattels and servings, and same was with us, no matter royals or not. Snugs were what we liked.
With the tea and blueberry scones, we all had our lovely time taken out from our usual livings specifically for our lovely man. The nature also forgave us and provided a nice cool ambience to suit us all. We gossiped, we argued, we laughed. It was a good friendly night. Nothing to disrupt us. Just the ocean waves and the starry sky, now what else do we need?
Oh....... presents..........
Now THIS was one of the most interesting part.
First was William, because he wanted to get it over with quick. Tch, how classic of him. He gave Erik a trinket of spiralling blue seashell fossil. Hmm....a practical and beautiful gift, how classic of him again!
Erik was really elated. He was about to smother William's whole face again with kisses that we had to stop him in the middle. Jesus I promise won't be surprised if I find them trying to eat each other someday.
Anyways. Salette, being the best girl as always, gave Erik what he absolutely loved. And that would be high heels. Noticing, fashionable ruby red high heels. Holy shit. Even I was impressed. And Erik even more. He was delighted! He hugged Salette pretty tightly that the poor lady had to gasp for air but kept laughing as if nothing was wrong. Gosh these dorks.
And finally was me. I......I actually didn't know what to gift him originally. I was in a dilemma. Because I was thinking of special, but also not too fancy, because I didn't want to inundate him so much. It was really messing with my mind to such a point that I had to escape to my realm. And I slept there, and kept thinking about him. But when I woke up, little did I know, that Erik's gift was ready, and was lying right in my hands.
It was a single pink pearl, shining against my palms. It's smooth light was welcoming, and its aura was dignified.
Though it was a bit bigger than the first toenail, it was perfect! And fitting! And I had decided that nothing else would have been the best gift for him. And when I finally handed him my present after we both were alone (William and Salette had decided to take a walk together down the sands), Erik went silent. I had gotten scared for a moment when he went speechless like that, that I had given him something which offended him.
But turns out I was wrong, when he pulled me closer to himself, and looked directly into me. I couldn't really read what he was reflecting from his eyes, but all I could see was myself, and some sparks in his jade orbs. I had gotten lost in them, they were beautiful, and didn't even notice that my chin was pulled and a quick kiss had been stolen from my very lips without me knowing about it.
"Thank you~" was the deep whisper which broke me from my trance, and I was left dumbfounded, with Erik not in front of me anymore. I blinked, shook my head, and searched for the man, only to find him walking along the other two. I wanted to join, but my legs seemed to not listen to me. And good thing they didn't listen, when I watched Erik running back to me and taking me into his strong arms facilely.
"Cannot forget the princess, yah know" he winked, this time leaving me speechless and flustered. Erik chuckled and kissed my cheek, then starting to follow his friends. I kept my mouth shut by the way, I wanted to enjoy this moment silently. With him, the ocean, the sky, and my two lovely friends.
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