#not enough to take me down though im still kickin boys
pyroshrooms · 7 months
The body reacting to stress with illness is so stupid. Keep that shit in the head dumbass, leave the immune system out of it 🙄🙄🙄
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sadnsxft · 8 months
Hello! I know it’s been a while but you are literally the only person I talk to about this character and I have another Keegan x my OC Isaac idea.
Idk if you remember but I sent a snippet a while ago talking about how Isaac and Hesh bonded over being big brothers who lost their younger brothers, and then afterwards Keegan and Isaac kinda make up and admit that they care about each other. Keegan tells Isaac that he sees him as a member of their little ragtag family and Isaac comes clean about his past
So after the events of the Ghosts campaign and my little snippet, everyone goes into “Find Logan Mode”. Isaac being a data analyst/encryption whatever the heck guy spend a lot of time doing digital work to find Logan. He hacks into Fed data systems, tracks suspicious finances and shipping routes that could have ANY possible connection to Logan or Rourke. But he also accompanied the team on missions still too, especially if it’s to facilities that he thinks have valuable intel.
However he starts to spiral and take on too much of a work load. Isaac always starts his day early at the gym they have on base, so it’s no surprise for the Ghosts to see him there in the morning and then at his computer for the rest of the day if there are no missions. The others start to wonder though when he starts skipping meal times of something is up with him. Keegan visits Isaac at his desk sometimes to check on him and always see wrappers for protein bars and empty water bottles and such.
It gets bad enough that Merrick AND Hesh both ask Keegan if he knows what is wrong with Isaac two separate times. Isaac keeps brushing everyone off saying he is fine, even when Keegan asks.
Keegan decides one evening to confront Isaac about it, waiting up until he hears Isaac come back from his desk to the barracks for the night. He waits one hour, then two, then three, next thing Keegan knows is he’s jolting awake only too lol at the clock that reads 5 am and Isaac still hadn’t returned, but suspiciously, his gym bag is gone.
Keegan goes to check the offices to find Isaacs desk empty. With a sour twist of his gut, Keegan goes to to check the gym.
Once he enters, Keegan can hear the sound of sneakers hitting rubber amd the whirring him of a treadmill. What concerns him though is the labored breathing that doesn’t come from a warm up run, but from utter exhaustion. Keegan zeroes in on Isaac just as the other man looses balance and falls forward, launching backwards as the treadmill sends him tumbling off.
Keegan rushes over and starts fussing over Isaac. He tries to help him up but Isaac is disoriented and can’t seem to stand up, barely registering that Keegan is there. Keegan worries that Isaac has a concussion but he didn’t see him hit his head on the fall. He tries to get Isaac to tell him what’s wrong but all that comes out are mumbled words that Keegan can’t make out.
Keegan decided he’s done waiting around and watching as Isaac deteriorates. He scoops Isaac up bridal style, concerningly without any protest or snide remarks from the other, and carries him down to medical.
Keegan WILL get answers from Isaac eventually, but right now he just wants him to be okay
(Kinda losing steam but let me know your thoughts if you have any lol)
OMG hey!! its good to hear from you again :) maybe i shouldnt be answering this when the ashwagandha i took is kickin me into sleepy time mode but i got excited after reading this LMAO
anyways, i love a good "please, just let me take care of you" scenario but like im so concerned for isaac becoming all consumed into his work :(
i just know when he gets that rest he needs theres gonna be a long conversation
"i know youre frustrated, we all are. but we need you alive. i-" hard emphasis on i "need you alive". typa deal
also that part when keegs jolts awake, i just imagine like the old man ass wake up. mid snore, and jolts like the world is ending for a split second LMAOOO
sorry i have like no actual thoughts to contribute but thanks for sharing your thoughts with me again! this is so fun :)
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skywalkerstyles · 4 years
Poly Relationship with Bakugou, Todoroki and Deku
Imagine 19: she’s here
Summary: the birth of Yua and the chaos that ensued
A/N: I will do more one shots about the pregnancy but I’m on a roll at the moment. So I’m going with it😊
Warnings: birth, fluff, the boys being absolute chaotic disaster messes, Hawks saves the day, car accident, angst, hurt/comfort
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It was a normal day. You had about a week left until you were due and through the protest of your fiancé’s, you had continued to be Hawks’s assistant.
You were driving him when it happened.
“Think that one went really well.” Hawks said cheerfully, rolling the window down and sticking his hand out.
“The interview was really good wasn’t it?” You agreed. The cameras loved Hawks. He was attractive, confident, badass. The public couldn’t get enough. You winced, shifting as your daughter dug her foot into your ribs. Pregnancy was beautiful they said. They never tell you about the aches and pains that come with it. Not to mention the new nickname ‘Penguin’ cuz you waddled so much. You were at a stop light, Hawks reached over, placing a comforting hand on your belly.
“She kickin’ again? I’m tellin’ you she’s gonna be so cool. The coolest niece ever.” The light turned green and you began to pull ahead.
You didn’t see the driver who wasn’t stopping.
But Hawks did.
Loud horns blared as a flash of red surrounded you, Hawks shielding you with his wings as the other car slammed directly into your side of the car.
“KEIGO!” You scream, as the car begins to roll. He’s got his arms around you, protectively over your tummy.
“Hold on!” He shouts back, grunting at the impact of the other car.
Izuku, Shoto and Katsuki were on the other side of town doing patrol. They were blissfully unaware of what had happened to their little loves. All of them itching to get home and love on their babies.
“Y/N? Little bird wake up.” You groan, head lolling to the side. You’re on the ground, Keigo leaning over you, his wings still out, protectively.
“I-huh!” You groan, a sharp pain erupting in your belly. Keigo looks down and his mouth drops. There’s blood and what looks like pee soaking your pants.
“The baby! Somethings wrong! Something’s-“ you’re cut off by a blood curdling scream that rips through your throat as another contraction hits. Your body stiffens and you groan, tears springing to your eyes.
Keigo adjusts himself, hoisting you up into his arms.
“Hold onto me.” He whispers urgently. “We have to get you to the hospital.”
“But Keigo-“
“Trust me. It’s faster this way.” He lifts you into the air. You look down at your watch, the screen is cracked but you still manage to press the button on the side. The button for your boys. The 911.
They each get the 911 at the same time, hearts plummeting to their stomachs.
“Guys!” Kirishima comes running around the corner, a look of horror on his face as he rushes towards your boys. “Guys! There was an accident on the other side of town.”
“What?” Shoto says, his chest squeezing tightly.
“There was a head on collision. A drunk driver. Hawks was in the car-“ that’s all they needed to hear. They knew you were with Hawks.
“SOMEONE SAID THEY SAW HAWKS FLYING TOWARDS THE HOSPITAL!” Kirishima shouted, chasing after them.
“I CANT DO THIS!” You sob, squeezing Keigo’s hand tightly as another contraction hit you. They took you immediately, wheeling you into a birthing room. Keigo stayed with you, never leaving your side.
“You’re doing fine Y/N. Just a little longer-“
“IM CUTTING ALL THEIR DICKS OFF!” You scream in anguish as the doctor tells you to push again.
“Shh. It’s okay Y/N. Just a little more.” You look at your friend through tears eyes. This was all wrong. Izuku, Katsuki, Shoto....they should be here. They were supposed to be here.
But as Keigo leans down and kisses your sweaty head and whispers how great you’re doing, nothing but gratitude fills your heart. Even though you work for him he cares for you. He is your friend. And he wants to help.
So you let him.
You grab onto him with both hands, gripping both of his in yours tightly. He notices your shift in demeanor and smiles proudly at you.
“You four are so lucky. This is a gift. C’mon Y/N. You’re strong enough. Stronger than even me. You can do this.”
“One more push.”
“Y/N L/N! WHAT ROOM IS SHE IN!” Katsuki slams his hand down on the receptionist’s desk. To say they were nervous wrecks was an understatement. They had run to the hospital, Kirishima trailing them, worried about his best friend.
“Oh um...are you family?” The girl asks, looking at Katsuki’s hero costume and batting her eyes at him. He only growls, ripping his glove off and lifting his hand to show the gold engagement band on his hand.
“Husband. Where the fuck is she?” The girl turns red, fumbling around for the paperwork.
“Um...two thirty two-“ the boys bolt, running up the stairs because the elevator would take to long.
“Those eyes man. Look at them. One blue, one green. And that hair. Not even sure how it’s possible but she looks like all three of them, except in the face. She’s got your face.” Keigo says in awe. Yua has her little fist wrapped around his pinky finger. He coos at her. “Hiya cutie. I’m your Uncle Keigo. Can’t wait to cause trouble with-“
“Y/N!” Shoto, Katsuki and Izuku tumble into the room, Kirishima following behind. He stands in the doorway, smiling with relief as the boys scramble to you.
Keigo chuckles, kissing your head before standing up. He looks at the boys, all out of breath, as they rush to Y/N’s side.
“She did good. She’s a strong one. And your daughter is gorgeous.” Izuku walks up to Keigo, hand outstretched. Keigo takes it.
“Thank you.” Izuku says through tears. “Thank you for being here.” Keigo smiles.
“No problem.” He leaves, Kirishima following, satisfied that you’re safe, but knowing the four of you would want some alone time.
“Baby bear?” Shoto touches the cut on your lip, fingers ghosting over the bruise on your eye. “You’re okay?” He ask softly. You lean into his touch.
“I’m fine. Without Keigo though, I don’t think I could have done it.”
“Tch.” Katsuki sits beside you, leaning his head against your shoulder. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry we weren’t here sooner.” You kiss his head, burying your nose in his hair, god he smelled good.
“Can we....can we see her?” Izuku asks nervously. You smile, pulling your daughter away from your chest. They collectively gasp.
A head full of blonde hair, and bright vibrant green and blue eyes stare back at them. You can’t take your eyes off of her as the sit with you, gazing down at your little girl.
“She’s perfect.” Katsuki says. “Can I hold her?” You place her in his arms.
“Watch her head.” You remind him. He brings her close, burying his face in the side of her neck, her little hand pulling his hair.
“Ouch. Damn brat. This is definitely my kid.” You all laugh. Shoto wraps his arm around you, pulling you close to his side as Katsuki passes her to Izuku. He looks down at her in wonder.
“Welcome to the world Yua....I’m your daddy-well...one of them.” He kisses her, pressing her fist to his cheek.
“Do you want to hold her?” You ask Shoto. He swallows hard, but nods. Izuku passes her to him and he holds her awkwardly at first. “You won’t break her baby. She’s okay.”
Shoto smiles, kissing her perfect nose. Katsuki lays his head against your chest and Izuku lays at your feet while Shoto sits at your other side. All of you quiet, just enjoying the peace and this new found feeling of parenthood.
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second-chance-stray · 3 years
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(Split Ends) RP Log: Cravs, Riylli, and Rising revisit Baldur in Limsa Lominsa.
Cravendy Hound - After entrusting Baldur, the ill-fated boy, to the healers based in Limsa Lominsa, the trio decided to head back to the company...at Crav's insistence, really. Every extra second spent in the maritime city was a second too much. And so, after taking the aetheryte home, we find the three on the company lawn.
Riylli Aliapoh lets out a stretch as they arrive, a bit groggy from the teleporting. "It's a shame you missed it Cravs, Rising ran in while I was castin' one of my spells and I knocked her a clean 20 fulms in the air!" She said, grinning with a bit too much pride. She then seemed to remember Rising was still there. "...By the way, you okay?"
Rising Lotus was patched up after their encounter as well, her right arm was coating in bandages, along with some other patches along the exposed skin of her body. She winced with each step, the healers picking all the needles from her form and now leaving her body to do the rest of the healer. She merely grumbled as Riylli spoke to her, putting her weight on her spear to take some of it off her leg.
Cravendy Hound: "Magic and melee don't mix, Riylli. But, er, 'ow are ye 'oldin' up, Risin'? That injury ye got looked somethin' fierce."
Riylli Aliapoh rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly, taking that as a 'no'. She turned back to Cravs, deciding to ignore the issue like a mature adult. "So... Y'wanna tell us what that was all about? Why're you goin' so far to help this guy's kid?"
Rising Lotus: "...I'll be fine. Kinda a feel like layin' down." she glanced at Riylli, nodding afterwards "Aye. I'm curious 'bout that too."
Cravendy Hound: "I'm still confused 'ow a cactaur of all things made it to La Noscea. Could be a freak accident, but somethin' about it doesn't sit right with me." She sighs in thought, brow knitted and bothered. "....Ah. Uh. I guess I owe ye all an explanation."
Riylli Aliapoh plopped herself down on the step, ready for a story
Cravendy Hound: "Oi, get up! I-I'm not gonna bore ye with all the details," Cravs stammers. "Look. I made a promise to the kid's father. 'is dyin' wish was to see his son grow strong, with his own strength."
Riylli Aliapoh tilted her head. "...Y'know... It aint really his own strength if we had to step in to help... You sure you should be meddlin' like this? I mean, it was just a little cactus thing"
Rising Lotus "...Someone might not want that. I remember the merchant mentionin' somethin' 'bout some folk not carin' for him or his family or somethin'." she shrugs, wincing in pain afterwards "...also cactuar are from Thanalan, don't know how one would of gotten there."
Cravendy Hound nods to Riylli. "I agree, and originally, I just wanted to see if 'e was doin' okay. But this cactaur business...I think someone /else/ is meddlin' with 'im. And if we meddle to remove the meddler, then it'll cancel out, right?"
Riylli Aliapoh 's ears perked up in interest. "Y'mean someone left that cactus out there to take the kid out? Who exactly was this kid's sire? Why's he got so many enemies that would go so far as to try and kill his kid after he's already gone?"
Cravendy Hound shifts in place, heat under the collar. Unusually, she speaks slowly and thoughtfully, as if the wrong word could set off a mine. "Kid's father was a pirate captain, but one with...'onor, I suppose. Steal from the rich, give to the poor. Which lead 'im to rob from the same, powerful set of targets."
Cravendy Hound: "If ye got raided by Captain Thorne, ye didn't -just- lose yer shite. It was a kind of...a mark. A blow to yer pride, and that didn't sit well the rich."
Riylli Aliapoh thinks about this for a moment. "...So if we know who the targets are, why don't we just hop over an' kick their teeth in? Bet that'd gettem to stop messin' with the kid!"
Rising Lotus huffs, closing her eyes tightly for a few moments before glaring at Cravs. "...So what's gonna happen when these powerful targets  learn we're helpin' the kid? Last thing I need is to be marked like the boy, or if they learn we work for Heartwood an' create problems for the others."
Cravendy Hound: "That's step one. Gotta find who's still got it out for the kid, out of a handful of options." She then turns to Rising. "As long as we don't do anythin' illegal we should be alright. And we can threaten to expose 'ow they torment a kid to keep them from doin' anything to us."
Cravendy Hound: "Nothin' illegal, alright? That means even if they're an ass, we can't just kick their teeth in." Cravs lectures to Riylli.
Riylli Aliapoh frowned. "It aint illegal if they're a bad guy! And ain’t kickin' teeth in how pirates settle their differences anyroad?"
Rising Lotus tried to give Cravs a skeptical look, but just ended up grimacing from the shift of posture, then just looked exhausted. "That ain't how it work if you're rich. Can get away with anythin'."
Cravendy Hound: "That's not 'ow the law works! And while that may be 'ow we settle problems on water, on land...under the Admiral's stink eye, we'd probably cause more trouble doin' that."
Cravendy Hound: "The rich still 'ave their pride. I'm thinkin' if word got out that the bugger pesters a goddamn child for 'is late father's legacy, it'd be enough to twist their arm."
Riylli Aliapoh looked to Rising, then to Cravs, and then up to the sky as she let out an exasperated sigh. "...Y'see? This is exactly why we Miqo'te got our own rules..." She grumbled, before finally looking back down. "Fine! We'll do it your way! But if any of 'em tries to swing at me it's fair game, yeah?"
Rising Lotus grumbled, pretty much done with the day. "Well in the case it does go tits up, we can handle ourselves much better than that boy I 'spose."
Cravendy Hound nods. What an exhausting day. "...well. Ye look like ye could use two days worth of sleep, Risin'. That's all I 'ad to say."
Riylli Aliapoh hops to her feet and dusts off her pants. "Alright! Just gimme a shout whenever you get a lead or whatever. Always happy to lend my skills to a good cause!" She flashes Cravs a grin, and very pointedly tries not to look over to the wounded Rising
Rising Lotus "...Aye. You know how to reach us. Though we ought to expect somethin' worse than a cactuar next time." she sighed and started making her way toward the door.
(Cravendy Hound) seems a good place to timeskip to next scene? any last posts and then :P )) (Rising Lotus) I'm good!)) (Riylli Aliapoh) (Timeskip ready! (Cravendy Hound) AAAHH that outfit!!! )) (Cravendy Hound) the blade harness xD )) (Rising Lotus) Oh yeah I don't think you've seen her in it yet!)) (Riylli Aliapoh) (No fair, its so hard to get glams for Riylli ;-; (Cravendy Hound) it looks extremely good )) (Cravendy Hound) *timeskips in same outfit* xD )) (Cravendy Hound) HERE we can at least start in the company so it doesn't feel like, literally seconds after xD )) (Rising Lotus) Guess we'll have to have a fashion montage for Riylli at some point)) (Riylli Aliapoh) (Yknow what, its totally canon that RIylli only has one set of clothes (Cravendy Hound) ahahaha )) (Riylli Aliapoh) (Oh, I DO actually have a glamour change! (Rising Lotus) so pick out something new then we can figure out how she got it!)) (Riylli Aliapoh) (alakazam (Rising Lotus) mask (Cravendy Hound) fjkdslf just the gloves?! )) (Riylli Aliapoh) (Theyre bandages ^o^ Shes been practicing the fire spell! (Rising Lotus) Damn I thought you were just going to throw that mask on xD))
Cravendy Hound - A week later, Cravs has reached out to Riylli and Rising for company (or maybe help?) again. It's related to the business in Limsa Lominsa, and she's wearing her disguise dress again. Oh boy.
Rising Lotus was eyeing the bandages wrapped around Riylli's hands. "...How's that fire spell going?"
Riylli Aliapoh grins to Rising. "It's goin' well! I got the basic formula down, just gotta work on intensity and duration!" She beams proudly, giving Rising a bandaged thumbs up.
Cravendy Hound: "That...looks painful."
Riylli Aliapoh gives a mock bow. "You gotta suffer for art y'know"
Rising Lotus couldn't help but smirk at Riylli's enthusiasm. "...We'll get it down before you touch anythin' we fish up..or the lava." she turned her attention to Cravs, holding back a snicker at seeing her dolled up again. "You find out more 'bout the boy then?"
Cravendy Hound: "Seems ye got some more sufferin' to do then," Cravs notes in a bright tone.
Cravendy Hound: "Right, the Baldur business - I narrowed it down to a couple of names. But that's as far as I can go gatherin' information out 'ere. Thought it'd be more efficient to ask the kid 'imself. Which means." Cravs gestures to her outfit. "I'll need some escorts to talk for me once we're in Limsa again."
Riylli Aliapoh was clearly enjoying the attention, but quieted down to let Cravs speak. "Why not just talk to the kid as Cravs? If he's lost his sire, it... might be nice for him to know he's still got people close to him out there..."
Rising Lotus "Hmm...'spose maybe she doesn't want him to turn her in for the gil? If he really needs to be supportin' him an' his mom anyway." she shrugged. "Doesn't look like the type to sell out someone who's helpin' him though."
Cravendy Hound went as white as a sheet at the suggestion. "A-ah, that's...Uhh, we've got, um. A misunderstandin' between us. If 'e knew it was me, 'e'd flip out for sure. Trust me, it's easier this way." Cravs clears her throat and then hurries out before Riylli or Rising can ask further.
Cravendy Hound - The trip over is pretty awkward. If the subject was brought up again, Cravs would simply pick up the pace and pretend not to hear. And, once the trio were in Limsa, her lips were sealed, clarification frustratingly out of reach. That said, she was definitely walking somewhere with purpose.
Rising Lotus gave up askin' fairly quick, she knew she wouldn't get anywhere at the moment. She'd pry it out of her later though, one way or another. "So... you know what he'll be up to today? Or you jus' hopin' we run into him?"
Riylli Aliapoh wouldn't bring it up again, at the very least smart enough to see Cravs didn't want to talk about it. Instead, she would offer fun facts of things she had learned so far in her research. "...So, did you guys know that a forge runs hotter than lava?"
Cravendy Hound mimes holding something heavy and swinging it around. And to Riylli's fact, she gives the miqo'te a doubting look. Really?
Riylli Aliapoh nods. "Yeah! Turns out lava is only like... half as hot as your average blacksmith forge! It aint even hot enough to melt iron! Makes my job easier, but it's kinda disappointin' y'know?"
(Riylli Aliapoh) (Thank you for subscribing to Lava Facts)
Cravendy Hound desperately wants to ask if that's how Riylli has been testing her fire shield spell - by dunking her hands in a forge. Cravs moves her hands around as if dipping them in something.
Riylli Aliapoh tilts her head, unable to figure out the mimicry. "Can't you like... at least whisper or somethin' when were alone? Surely they don't got ears everywhere?"
Cravendy Hound looks around and finds it acceptably empty. "Did ye dunk yer 'ands in the forge to test yer spell?!" She whisper-yells.
Rising Lotus narrowed her eyes at Cravs "...So he's... carrying somethin'.. then puttin' it in the oven?" she seemed to be combining the conversations. Then Cravs actually spoke. "Oohh you're talkin' 'bout that. I hope you didn't do that, use a fire or somethin' first Riylli."
Riylli Aliapoh blinks at her. "What? You crazy? What if the spell failed?" She said, shaking her head. "Nah, I've been usin' a campfire! Got a problem with the magic runnin' out too fast though..." She muttered, rubbing her poor cooked hands
Cravendy Hound stifles back laughter, and pats Riylli on the back. There there.
Rising Lotus: "I can get ya some cream for that. Know a gobbie that makes some quality stuff. Don't worry it works too, used it after gettin' a nasty burn from some giant bug sparyin' me with gunk."
Riylli Aliapoh grumbles and glares up at Cravs at the treatment, but lets it slide since she couldn't tell if it was meant to be mocking or not. "...That'd be great, thanks. I don't gotta pay for it, right?"
Cravendy Hound: "Bug....gunk? Bug gunk...That sounds. Hm." Cravs raises a brow at Rising but doesn't say more.
Rising Lotus "Well I ought to considerin' how you made me a pin cushion on our last outin' together." she snickered a bit, the first time she cracked a joke about it. "But nah, he owes me one anyhow. Next time I'm up there I'll grab ya some." she gave Riylli a firm pat on the back.
Riylli Aliapoh grumbled again, but couldn't really argue back. "...Thanks." She muttered, not exactly enthused about all this back-patting she was receiving
Cravendy Hound had earlier given Rising a notepad with names written in it. One of them, hopefully, belonged to the person who was harassing the kid. Her heels clicking on the docks, Cravs would eventually lead the little crew to a dusty corner of Limsa where the kid (B) was presently practicing his form with the ax.
Cravendy Hound - The heavy ax is far too big for the kid. Every swing pulls him comically forward with the weapon. He stops his 'practice' and looks up at the approaching trio with a wide smile. "I remember you two! You helped me with that monster the other day."
(Cravendy Hound) more back pats )) (Cravendy Hound) i demand more )) (Rising Lotus) I feel like Riylli and Rising would have back pats that would eventually devolve into a hitting contest)) (Cravendy Hound) actually cravs and rising would have to squat down to pat Riylli's back ahah - otherwise it'd be a head pat )) (Riylli Aliapoh) (Cravs and Rising know it's too dangerous to headpat Riylli, they'd probably get bit (Cravendy Hound) sometimes my tall friends would use my head as an arm rest.....annoyed me, and yet I can see Cravs doing that to Riylli lmao )) (Rising Lotus) I've done that to my shorter friends before xD))
Riylli Aliapoh perked up as she got recognized by the kid, offering him a friendly wave. "Hey! How are you holdin' up after all them needles?"
Rising Lotus watches the boy fling himself with his strikes, smirking with every swing.  "Aye that was us." she eyed up his weapon for a few moments. "You ought to get somethin' a bit lighter by the way, gonna leave yourself open if you take too long liftin' your weapon."
Cravendy Hound - The kid bashfully itches the tip of his nose. "I'm doing fine, thanks to you all...Woke up on the softest bed I've ever been on in my life, healing expenses all covered." Baldur's eyes drift over to Cravs, and then back to Riylli and Rising. "Oh, I plan to! I'm just using this old thing because it was the only thing I could afford. Once I earn enough, I'll buy a better one...after everything else, haha."
Cravendy Hound turns away, avoiding eye contact. It's overkill given that she's wearing a mask.
Rising Lotus eyed Cravendy, she had to pay for the needle removal out of her pocket. "...well I'm sure them healers were excited for the chance to de-needle someone. Don't see many cactuar over here after all, bit strange." she nodded as he brought up upgrading his armor and weapon. "A good set of armor is jus' as important as a good weapon, smart thinkin'."
Riylli Aliapoh nudged Rising with her foot to try and bring her back to the task at hand, snatching the list out of her hands. "Hey, so... Were kinda lookin' into something, think you might be able to help us out? You know any of the names on this list?"
Cravendy Hound - Baldur nods enthusiastically, dreads bouncing on top of his head. Admiration for Rising and Riylli is practically gushing from every inch of the kid. "So that was a cactaur? I've never seen one before."
Cravendy Hound - Baldur snaps into attention. "Oh, right away! I'd be thrilled to help you two out. Let's see..." He takes the list and scans it. "Only this last one. Mindred Rot. She's who I go to if I need a loan."
Rising Lotus "Aye, I grew up 'round them, used to hit them with sticks then ru-" she glanced at Riylli as she bumped her and had the list snatched away.
(Cravendy Hound) dfsd hit them with sticks and run???? chaos child )) (Rising Lotus) She didn (Rising Lotus) didn't have toys or anything xD Played with bugs and lizards and cactuars))
Riylli Aliapoh raised her eyebrow at the name. "...'Mindred Rot'? Well that's a bad guy name if I've ever heard one." She said, nodding along until she remembered Cravs' full name. "Er... Right, anyroad, what's she like? If she lends you money she can't be that bad, right?"
(Riylli Aliapoh) (Poor riylli about to learn the horrors of capitalism)
Cravendy Hound - Baldur smiles as he hands the list back to Riylli. "Oh, yeah, her name's pretty rotten. But in some ways...she looks after me. No one else'll give my family loans."
Rising Lotus "You need to get out of the woods more..." she shook her head at Riylli's comment. She hummed at Baldur's words about the woman. "Hmm, how generous of her."
Riylli Aliapoh wrinkled her nose. "Honestly I'd rather get out of the woods less... How in the world do you lot handle that salt in the air?"
Cravendy Hound - Baldur's gaze wanders to Rising's axe, and then to Riylli's staff. "So, you two must be adventurers, huh? You think you could teach me a thing or two? Punch better, smarter, harder? Oh, and! I didn't mean to be rude." He turns to Cravs. "Who's your friend?"
Rising Lotus Grinned, giving him a nod. "Aye! Do a lot of guard an' merc work. Takin' me all over, mostly back an' forth between Idyllshire an' places though. This one is still gettin' her footin' for it though." she snickered a bit as she eyed Riylli. "Oh, an' that's Singin' Gull. She's uh...a great singer an' has to save her voice most the time. We're guardin' her on her...singing journey?"
Riylli Aliapoh puffed her chest out. "Yup! Name's Riylli, Warrior of Earth!" she declared proudly, possibly forgetting Cravs and Rising were in earshot. "I'm a master of earth magic, but I'm sure I could give you some tips! Oh, and this is..." She trails off, staring at Cravs as her mind blanks on what her alias was. Thankfully Rising was there to have her back, though the Roegadyn still earned herself a glare from her little comment
Cravendy Hound 's frown twitches slightly. Singing Gull the Singer. Really? But she goes along with it anyway.
Cravendy Hound - Baldur's mouth forms an 'o' in awe. "Idyllshire? Never even heard of the place. Sounds cool though...And magic? How would I even start?" He turns back for a second to rest his rusty axe against a crate, and then hops right back into the conversation. "Like, just think really hard and magic happens? Hrrrghhhh.."
Riylli Aliapoh shook her head at the kid. "Nah, it aint that simple. It's more like... Y'know how you can move your fingers with your mind? You basically do that, but you move your aether about instead, and get THAT aether to move the aether OUTSIDE of you, and... Honestly I might not remember all the lessons, it's kinda just a reflex at this point. But you shouldn't be wastin' your talents on magic anyroad! You're a highlander right? You're gonna have plenty of muscle when you grow up, you should use-
Riylli Aliapoh -that instead!"
Rising Lotus could talk for hours about Idyllshire, but she resisted and tried to steer the conversation back on topic, which of course meant giving Riylli a light smack to the arm to get her to focus up. "Anyway, you know were we could find this Rot lady? Gull here is lookin' for gil for her next performance an' were hopin' to find some donations."
Cravendy Hound - Baldur is trying so hard to follow Riylli's explanation, but it leaves the poor kid's brain all tangled. "Huh, what? Huh? Uhh, oh, you want to meet Miss Rot? She's usually really busy so I have to schedule in advance. But I can ask if she's free to meet you all next time."
Riylli Aliapoh sighs. "Y'mean we gotta come all the way out here again..? Fine, I guess... Not like we can just go kick the doors down and demand to talk to her after all..." She muttered, offering a small glare to Cravs out of the corner of her eye
Rising Lotus cleared her throat, glaring at Riylli as she glared at Cravs "We'd appreciate that, jus' say that..uh..an up an' comin' singer is lookin' for fundin'. " she gave Baldur a nod, hoping that selling Cravs like that would make her the perfect target for a loan shark.
Cravendy Hound looks similarly annoyed, but shakes her head no to Riylli. It's not like they could go in there with wild accusations anyway - seemed worth strategizing over first.
Cravendy Hound - With the night fast approaching, Cravs motions with her hand to signal her intention to head home. Without bothering to wave goodbye to Baldur, she walks on ahead.
Rising Lotus watches Crav hurry away. "Uh sorry..." she put her hand to her mouth to muffle her words "Sort of a diva that one. Good luck out there lad!" she gave him a thumbs up before hurrying after 'Singing Gull'.
Riylli Aliapoh sighed once for not being allowed to rampage mindlessly, then once more as Cravs walked away without saying bye to the kid. She offers Baldur a wave. "You keep practicin' okay? We'll come by and see you again later, and maybe I'll share some of my adventurin' secrets with you!"
Cravendy Hound is a good distance ahead. As she passes by a stranger, there's some kind of odd collision that ends up tripping Cravs. Her mask drops off and rolls a few ilms forward as the stranger awkwardly, but quickly, makes their escape without even a sorry.
Cravendy Hound scrambles to recover the headware and fasten it back on. By the time Riylli and Rising have caught up, she's still kneeled over on the floor, troubled.
Riylli Aliapoh pretty much has to run to keep up with Cravs' long-legged walking, blinking in confusion as she notices her state. "H-Hey, you alright?"
Rising Lotus hurries to catch up to Cravs, quickly stepping in front of her to shield her face as she glanced around. "Aye..did you know that man or somethin'?"
Cravendy Hound: "I'm fine. Rattled is all." She whispers as she wobbles back up and takes a deep breath. ".....no, I didn't recognize them."
Rising Lotus looked around at the few bystanders eyeing the scene. "Maybe it'd be best to get out of here...before there's a chance to cause more of a scene." she said the last part in a whisper. Last thing they needed was the yellow jackets upon them.
Riylli Aliapoh raises her arm up seemingly to try to comfort her, only to hesitate and lower it back down. "...Let's talk outside of the city, all this salt is starting to make me sick..." She says, awkwardly attempting to give Cravs an out
Cravendy Hound: "...Right. No point in worrying about it now. Let's just get out of 'ere." She mutters.
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bapyess1r · 4 years
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WARNINGS: drunken behavior, cursing, age difference, use of substance, slightly heated
Talia’s POV
I left the house very excited to see my best friend. I had so much to tell her, so much to show her, and so little time to do it. I drove myself to the airport almost ready to hope out of my seat. These were the feelings my therapist once told me to savor. I took a deep breath and let the good feeling warm throughout my chest, gripping my steering wheel as I turned into the pickup lane. I parked the car, not bothering to turn the car off and climbed my car to sit on the roof, hoping to spot my tiny friend better. And in a matter of minutes, there she was carrying her bright purple suitcase, a jacket in her arms. She spotted me and screamed her head off, scuttling toward me with her arms wide open. I hopped off the car and ran to squeeze her tightly. Suddenly, I felt whole again. “Oh fraaaand! I missed you!” She squealed, brushing her long black hair off of her face. “I can’t believe it’s only been a month!”
“I know! Time flies. How’re the boys?” I asked, grabbing her suitcase and putting it in the backseat. Tulio and Jay were two other friends I was very close with in New York. The four of us were inseparable in school. There was never a bad moment with them.
“Tulio is currently a barista and freelancing. Jay is a voice actor now. He’s working on a kids show that's coming out soon.” She informed me as she got in the car, buckling her seatbelt. “Is the ABC still open? I wanna get us a bottle of something good!” She cheesed, nodding her head suggestively. It wasn’t too late so we had time to stop by.
While I drove, I noticed the sky growing darker and dark as Anna told me all about what was going on back home. She didn’t miss a single detail. And our behavior around each other didn’t change. Still horrible, still encouraging each other’s bad behavior, still laughing at dumb people doing dumb shit. We stopped by her hotel to put her suitcase and things in her room. “So what am I walkin’ into with this whole block party deal?” She asked me as we walked the hallway and waited for the elevator's arrival. I don’t know why but my stomach flipped and my mind immediately went to Sam. I blushed and covered my face, laughing away my nerves. Her eyes widened as she playfully and repeatedly hit my arm. She knew me all too well. “Biiiiiitch! Who is he?!” I took a deep breath and waited to board the elevator before answering.
“His name is Sam.”
“Oh, Sam…” she called dramatically clutching her chest, making me laugh. I pushed her off me and hid my face again.
“DILF vibes.” I groaned.
“Oooo an older gentleman! Okaaay! Okay sis!” She hyped me up to the best of her abilities. As the short elevator ride came to an end, I began fidgeting around for my cigarettes as we walked toward the parking lot. “Does he know you like him?” She pried.
“I fear he has an inkling…” I answered scrunching my face. I hadn’t even admitted to myself that I was into and now I was saying it out loud.
“Then make it a big splotch of ink, bitch! Tell him! Let it be known!” She said enthusiastically, throwing her arms all over the place. I laughed as I attempted to light my cigarette.
“He plays in the band I told you about…”
“Is he the guy that wasn’t there when you started playing with them?” I nodded.
“He plays guitar and he sings and even though haven’t heard it my god am I ready to but I’m so NERVOUS.” I blurted out before taking a long drag. “Fuck I need a drink…” That’s when she boldly grabbed my breast.
“Shit, bitch, I forgot the champagne!” She said and I cackled. “I’ll be right back!” She ran off performing her signature grandma speed walk.
“Alright. I’ll be here.” I said unlocking the car doors, sitting sideways in the driver’s seat. I looked up at the stars beginning to come through the now black sky. I huffed wondering what I was gonna do about Sam. There was no way my Godfather would let that slide. Not that it mattered to me. I was a grown woman. I did as I pleased. That’s when I felt the buzz in my back pocket. It was Marcel.
Marcel: Where are you? We’re about to start playing and Sam is looking like a nervous puppy
I felt a smile crack on my face as I read the last line. I couldn’t imagine Sam acting like everything wasn’t cool. He seemed so put together to me. I texted back, letting my cigarette hang from my lips.
Me: Im on my way!! I’ll be there soon. Good luck !
If anything, it was good that we’d show up late. Sam could sing without being worried about my opinion and I’d see him full force when I get there. “He’ll be alright.” I said aloud to myself as Anna returned, drinking said bottle already. She pouted as she looked at my face and held the bottle out to me.
“Take a sip. We’ll finish it before we go watch the band. That way you won’t be so nervous to see him! Also you’re gonna have to point him out to me. I’m ready to see this man.” She said, rounding the car to hop into her seat. I looked at the bottle and took a big but quick sip before turning into my seat correctly and giving her the bottle back. I slammed the car door and off we went to the block party.
By the time we arrived into the neighborhood, people were out dancing already, their children playing in the nearby park. I noticed the block was full of cars so I just pulled behind one and parked with a large sigh. I could hear the band playing already and I instantly became anxious. Anxious to see Sam, to hear him sing, to watch him play, to just be in his vicinity. I let out a loud frustrating grunt and my friend gave me the biggest smile. “Oh my god you really are nervous! Here! Drink bitch.” She told me, passing the bottle and almost dropping it. She was definitely tipsy. I giggled and actually relaxed enough to start drinking. “Is there anything else to drinky drink at this shindig?”
“The band bought plenty.” I said before taking a long sip. The beverage warmed my chest up so much I took off my tye dye shirt and tossed it in the back. I was just gonna go with the bralette from the combination of alcohol and Florida heat. I shook every part of my body with a random sound to release the tension that had been building, fluffing my hair as I did.
“That’s right, bitch. I see you. Get cute, sis.” She said aggressively sipping the champagne.
“Let’s do this…” I said, opening the door and slamming it shut.
Anna leaned over the car to pass me the bottle again and grabbed my hand, beginning to dance her way to the block party with a bright smile. Now that I was out of the car, I could hear the music more clearly. And even more so, closer we got to the party. Sam’s voice coming through strong and powerful as they performed Whisper to a Scream by the Icicle Works, sending shivers up my spine. I tried to move my feet to the music but I knew as soon as I laid eyes on him, it was over for me. The street became lined with tiki lights and string lights in the shape of pineapples. Somehow, the smell of wood for the bonfire being burned already comforted me. When we reached the end of the street where the band was, my breath was taken away. He stood front and center, clad in a tight white v neck, black shirt rolled to expose his strong forearms, veins bulging out from playing, and the best fitting jeans paired with his usual dirty boots. His hair was falling out of place from performing passionately, a thin layer of sweat covering his forehead. Instinctively, I reached out for Anna and took an extended sip of champagne as I watched him. She looked at me with wide eyes and laughed. “Woo bitch…” I sighed, nearly shaking from how good he looked. “The one singing…”
“Sam?!” She exclaimed, running deeper into the crowd of drunk people dancing to get a better look, forgetting to let go of me. She dragged me right in front of him. And at the right moment he looked up and locked eyes with me. And almost like on the spot he began singing to me. I swallowed hard as he sent me a brief smile and wink. I could see his shoulders visibly dropping and loosening up. He was relaxing. Which was more than I could say for myself. “That’s Sam? He’s hot! Hell yes. You needed to fuck him like… yesterday.”
“Bitch I met him yesterday!”
“Your point?” She said putting a hand on her hip with a sassy expression.
“I mean… because he’s older I’m sure he’s more old school about that stuff.”
“I never try to understand what goes on in a man's head but that man wants to fuck. And real bad.” She said, reassuring me also tipping the bottle near my mouth upwards to make me drink. During the break in the song, Sam noticed the situation and smirked a bit trying to control his laughter onstage.
Throughout the night, Anna and I managed to find more booze. Boy….the trouble. We were now, drunk off our asses, shaking our hips and bobbing our heads to the music. Between songs, Sam would sip on a glass or three of scotch, watching me with intent and a hint of lust. The sexual tension was thick enough to cut with a butter knife. My friend would bring me back to earth sometimes when I was on another planet lost in this man’s performance. When his song was over, everyone clapped and he took his swig of scotch again. He waved everyone’s applause down enough for him to speak. “So… some of you know that we have recently acquired some new vocals for the band.” He began. I knew where this was going and I wasn’t prepared for it at all. Anna looked at me and snatched my beer out of my hands, pushing me forward. “My uh…. my guilty conscience is kickin in and I have to say it wouldn’t be fair if she didn’t get to sing a little something tonight. Would you guys be down for that?” And the neighbors cheered.
‘Well shit…’ I thought.
“Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for our new vocalist Talia Aaron, everybody.” He said easing off the mic and clapping. The band hollered and encouraged the situation. With all the strength I had, I tried my best not to fall or trip over the wiring as I approached the stage. The band leaned in listening for my split second song selection. “Nice of you to join us.” He smirked before leaning in and whispering in my ear. “I showed you mine, now you show me yours.” I was absolutely shaking as I tried to think of a song. Not from stage fright but literally just smelling the cologne Sam wore. I had not a clue what to sing until Marcel caught my attention. He threw me that bright smile and winked. I knew exactly what he wanted me to sing. I nodded.
“Black Velvet…”
“Great choice.” Sam winked and it shot right through my heart.
“Here’s to hoping I don’t fuck this up!” I said stealing Sam’s glass and finishing it for him in one gulp. He blinked in surprise and laughed to himself.
“You got this Tali!!!!” I saw Anna yell and my neighbors all cheered. I smirked, adjusting the stand and bringing the mic to my lips with a nervous smile. With a nod of the head, Sam kicked us off with that classic riff and Marcel’s bass line sat right where it needed in me.
“Ok y’all. I hope you don’t mind if I just…. Feel this liquor for a minute…” I said softly as the opening of the song played, tapping my foot and rolling my body to the beat.
“Take yo time girl!” My friend cheered as I played with my hair, feeling my oats and finding that comfort zone. That’s when I began to sing. The moment I opened my mouth, I could see Sam staring at me in my peripheral. I was shaking my hips slowly to the music, letting my body sing the song as well, easing into every word and belting out every note; the raspiness in my voice adding a soulful tone to each verse. I stroked the stand, somewhat using it as a pole. And the entire time, his eyes never left my body. It was a very sensual performance even though I didn’t mean it to be. That was the liquor talking. The neighbors cheered and the band performed two more songs after me before joining the block party themselves.
After receiving praise from the drunk older women (all of which were definitely trying to get into bed with him), Sam locked eyes with me as he grabbed a beer from the cooler and nodded towards our designated smoking spot. I grabbed Anna by the wrist and brought her forehead to mine. “He’s calling me over, what do I do?!” I panicked and she repeatedly hit my arms, squealing as she turned me around.
“Go get your man, bitch! Go! Go, go!” She said, suddenly catching Marcel’s eyes. He winked at her and she gave me a mischievous smile. “I think I found a boo, too….” she said, waving at him as I grinned, heading towards the cooler to grab a beer myself and following Sam’s trail.
The docks were dark and the street lamp nearby hadn’t turned on yet. All I could see was his tall figure in the moonlight, smoke dancing in the air around him. Nervously, I pulled out my source of nicotine and walked over to him, my heeled boots making a sound that stood out from the sounds of nature. He turned to look at me as I eased up next to his large frame.
“You didn’t play any Billy Idol!” I said poking him in his strong chest. He rubbed the spot with a laugh.
“Actually I did. You were late.” He said with a lopsided smirk.
“I wouldn’t have been drunk enough anyway. Right now though?! I’m extra toasted.” I chuckled trying everything in me to not be that drunk girl randomly kisses someone. But boy was he making it hard for me.
“Oh yeah? Started early, I see. I’m getting there. But just a warning:” he leaned down to my level, our noses almost touching. “You might be in trouble.” He took a drag of his cigarette and a sip of his beer, returning his gaze to the moonlit waters. ‘Fuck…’ I thought, biting my lip. “What did you think of the show?” He asked me.
“You were amazing!” I blurted almost immediately, taking a sip of beer and pulling on my own cigarette to hide my eagerness but I don’t think it worked. He smiled to himself and I stood in silence for a moment. “How’d I do?” I was almost afraid to ask.
“It was uh… very sexy… if I may say so myself.” He said, his eyes never leaving the water. “I love your voice. Marcel made the right call adding you.”
With that, we continued to talk about upcoming rehearsals and how it would work with my job. He understood that as he had to take off often for his job. We somehow ended up not leaving each other’s side all night and getting drunk together with the band and my best friend. We danced and played field games, ate food. You know, wholesome shit. As the block party came to a close, we still didn’t wanna end the night. So we moved the party to Sam’s, just us. Anna was in a corner with Marcel as he flirted with her, showing her how to play bass. She shot me a fangirl smile and I grinned at her from across the room, sitting on the kitchen counter as Sam leaned on the other opposite of me. We had all gone from drinking beer to drinking whiskey and this cup was sending me over the edge. I felt loose and not as uptight as normal. I crossed my legs and rested myself on the bar behind me, looking into his hazel eyes as he spoke to me about his adventures with his brother and family. I couldn’t believe he really went to all of these places and almost died every time. It sounded so exhilarating. And for a moment, he grew silent, his eyes running up and down my figure as I sipped on my Jim Beam and soda. “What?” I asked nervously, writhing under his strong gaze. He walked over and uncrossed my legs so that he could stand between them. He stared into my eyes as he moved a strand of hair from my face.
“You look so good…” he mewed, his forehead resting on mine now as he cupped my face with a large, calloused hand. I leaned into as his thumb ran across my lower lip. “God, I could kiss you right now…”
“Why don’t you?” I responded almost instantly, caught up in the tension of what was happening between us.
“Don’t tempt me, little girl.” He said, pulling me closer by the back of my leg, gripping it for dear life. I took a long sip of my drink, letting the ice sit on my lips for a while before wrapping my arms around his neck and grazing them over his own. The coldness against his warm lips made him shudder as my free hand played in his hair. I let my tongue dart across his lips, sending him over the edge enough to wrap his arms firmly around my waist, pressing his lips to mine. He moved slowly against me, both of us heavy breathing over each other. My fingers graced the tattoo on his neck and he took a deep breath, deepening the kiss. He moved his lips to my jawline, then to my ear. I giggled flirtatiously as I his lips travelled to my chest and back up again to the other side. I could feel him smile against my neck as he paid extra attention there, his hands roaming my thighs, hips, and back. As I bit his lip, he laughed nervously and pulled away. I was taken aback.
“Did I do something?” I asked, suddenly panicking. He placed a hand on my cheek and gently stroked my skin.
“God, no! That was… incredible. I just… I don’t wanna hurt you…” He said in a whispery tone as a slow tune played in the background. “And it’s so soon. I wanna make sure this is what you want first.” He was very considerate of me. I took a deep breath and nodded. He was right. We had only just met 24 hours ago and here we were making out like we’d known each other forever.
“We’ll work on it.” I said biting my lip. He gave a low frustrated growl before kissing me once more.
“Man, I like kissing you though…” he chuckled before kissing me again.
Eventually, the night did have to come to an end. I had taken off my heels and leaned on my friend to walk home, Sam trailing us to make sure nothing happened to either of us. As we made it to the front door, I unlocked it and sent my friend to my room. There was no way I was driving tonight. I turned to look at Sam in the doorway as my friend crawled the stairs. “Drink some water and eat something before bed. That way you won’t wake up with a hangover.”
“This isn’t my first drunk night, Mr. Drake.” I said rather loudly. It was like I had cotton stuck in my ears, everything was so quiet now. He chuckled at my current drunken state and leaned against the wall. He bent his head down, grabbing my waist with a single hand and guided me to kiss him for a final time tonight. It was sweet and passionate.
“Goodnight, princess.” He said lowly, kissing my cheek before walking across the street to his own home. I smirked as I drunkenly stared at his ass in those jeans, nodding in satisfaction as I turned to close the door and join my friend for the night.
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thelastspeecher · 5 years
Spy AU - Toxin, pt. 3
It’s been a while since I’ve posted a follow-up to this scenario in the Spy AU, where Ford gets hit with a toxin while on a mission, and said toxin later de-ages him to three years old.  The previous installments (in chronological order) are here, here, here, and here.
              Ford was woken by something wet being shoved into his face.  He opened his eyes.  It was the dog Stan and Angie had gotten for their daughters a couple years ago, Apple.
              “Apple, get off,” Ford whined.  He pulled the blankets closer around himself.  “‘m tired.”  Apple let out a small huff and licked his nose.  “Noooo, leave me alone.”
              “Apple,” a voice called.  Apple raised his head.  “C’mere, boy.”  Apple’s tail began to wag.  The person clapped their hands.  Apple bounded off Ford’s bed.  Ford raised his head.  Angie beamed at him from the doorway.  “Mornin’, sleepyhead,” Angie said.  Ford rubbed his eyes.
              “Good morning, Angie.”
              “I think Apple misses the girls,” Angie said.  “So he went to find the next closest thing.”  She smiled fondly.  “The only other lil one in the house.”
              “I’m not a ‘lil one’,” Ford muttered, swinging his legs over the edge of the bed.  “Despite all appearances to the contrary.”  Angie merely nodded.
              “Okay,” she said diplomatically.  Apple, standing by her side, started to move toward Ford again.  “Uh-uh, poochie.”  She grabbed Apple’s collar.  Apple barked.  “I’ll let ‘im into the backyard fer a bit, so he can burn off some of his energy.  In the meantime, get dressed and head to the kitchen.  Stan made breakfast.”  Ford nodded. Angie left and closed the door to the bedroom most of the way, leaving it open just a crack.  As Ford puttered around the room, locating the clothes that had been purchased the day before, his mind focused on that detail.
              She left it open.  Why?  Did Stan tell her that I couldn’t reach the doorknob in the middle of the night? His face flushed red with embarrassment. No, Angie’s observant.  She might have realized I can’t reach the doorknob on my own.  He slowly took off his patterned pajamas and pulled on the Loch Ness Monster sweater Angie had found yesterday, along with a pair of jeans. My instinct shouldn’t be to doubt her motives.  He exited the guest room.  The noise of radio chatter carried from the kitchen, along with the scent of food. Ford made his way down the hallway.  The house seems so much larger than usual.  Granted, I’m not usually this small.  There was a loud bark as Ford was tackled by Apple.
              “Apple, no!” Angie scolded, marching over to drag the dog off Ford. She picked Apple up.  “I’m so sorry, Stanford.”  Stan poked his head out of the kitchen.
              “What happened?”
              “Apple keeps goin’ after Stanford,” Angie said.
              “Huh.  Doesn’t he normally hate you, Ford?” Stan asked.  Ford nodded.  “Weird. Guess he misses the girls.”  Stan frowned.  “Or…”
              “Or what?” Ford asked.
              “Well, we got Apple from the pound, and they said he was trained as a therapy dog.  He comforts people who are going through a rough time.”
              “You think Apple is trying to be therapeutic toward me?” Ford asked.  Stan shrugged.
              “Maybe.  Anyways, come on in and get some Stancakes.”
              “Stancakes?” Ford queried as he walked into the kitchen.  He sniffed the air.  “It just smells like regular pancakes.”
              “Yeah, but these are my own recipe,” Stan said proudly.  He flipped a pancake on the stove.  “Also they probably have a bit of my hair in ‘em.”
              “I’ll pass, in that case.”  Ford climbed onto one of the dining chairs.  His eyes were level with the table’s edge.  “Um, Stan?”  Stan looked over.
              “Oops.  On it.” Stan grabbed a thick cookbook off the counter and walked over to the table.  He lifted Ford up with one hand, put the book on the chair with the other, and then set Ford down on top of the book.  “Better?”  Ford nodded. “Good.”  Stan went back to the stove.
              “Would you mind turning on the coffee maker?” Ford asked.
              “Nah.  I’m not in the mood for coffee, and Angie doesn’t drink it.”
              “Yes, but I’d like a cup,” Ford said.  Stan laughed.  “…What?”
              “A toddler just told me he wanted coffee.”
              “I’m an adult.”
              “Ford, you’re not gonna get coffee.”
              “Angie and I don’t want you to even lock the door when you take a bath. Do you really think we’re gonna let you have coffee?” Stan asked. Ford wilted.
              “When you say it like that, it does sound ridiculous,” Ford mumbled. Stan looked over, his expression guilt-ridden.
              “Shit.  I didn’t mean to be that harsh.”  Stan rubbed the back of his neck.  “It’s- I keep forgetting I need to put on the kid gloves.”
              “Pardon?” Ford asked.  Stan glanced away.  “What did you mean by putting on kid gloves?”
              “Not criticizing you,” Stan said.  “Kids your age, they- they’re sensitive.  Still figuring out the world, y’know?  Angie gave me an earful about it when the girls were about three.  I made a joke, Danny didn’t realize it was a joke, she started crying, it was a big mess.”
              “I’m not ‘sensitive’, Stanley.”
              “When I said you couldn’t have coffee, you acted like I just kicked your dog.”
              “It was the way you said it-”
              “Exactly.  That’s why I gotta use the kid gloves,” Stan said.  Ford was silent.  “I’m not upset with you, Ford, I’m upset with myself.”
              “I don’t want to be looked down on.”
              “How many times have we been through this?” Stan asked.  He placed a few pancakes on a plate and brought it over to the table.  “How many times have you been a kid and I was an adult and we had to keep things professional?  I’m not looking down on you.”
              “I don’t know if I believe that.”
              “…That’s your choice,” Stan said after a moment.  He set the plate in front of Ford.  “Gimme a sec.  I’ll get syrup and stuff.”  He walked over to the fridge.  
              “I told you that I didn’t want-” Ford started.
              “Just eat the damn pancakes, okay?” Stan snapped.  An awkward silence fell.  Angie poked her head into the kitchen.
              “Stanley, take Apple outside and watch him fer a bit,” she instructed. Stan turned off the stove and left without saying a word.  Angie sat next to Ford at the table.
              “I don’t understand what set him off like that,” Ford said.  Angie rubbed her eyes.
              “We’re goin’ to do our best to accommodate you, Stanford,” she said after a moment.  “We don’t want to put any of the pressure of this sit’ation on you.  Well, any more than there already is.  But…”  She trailed off.
              “But it’s hard on Stan.”  Angie clasped her hands.  “It’s definitely harder on you than it is on either of us, don’t get me wrong.  But that don’t mean Stan isn’t kickin’ himself every single time he sees you look upset.”  Ford looked down at his pancakes.  The one on top had a smiley face made of chocolate chips.  “He’s a good dad.”
              “I know.”
              “Yes.  And it’s somethin’ that Stan knows, too.  That’s the main reason he felt like we could take care of ya while HQ whips up a cure. He’s tryin’ to use those dad skills he learned, only they don’t translate quite right when the kid is actually an adult who don’t want to be treated like a kid.”
              “You’re doing well,” Ford said.
              “Yer not my twin brother,” Angie said calmly.  “I can distance myself a bit from this.  Stan can’t.”
              “Yesterday he-”
              “He was doin’ better yesterday ‘cause he was in full-blown dad mode,” Angie replied. Ford thought back to Stan’s behavior. Stan’s instincts the day before had been to treat him like one of his own children, only to be visibly guilty upon remembering the reality of the situation.  “He decided to try to balance it out today, to make you feel better.” Angie reached out to stroke Ford’s hair. “It’s a tightrope walk, but Stan wants to do it fer ya,” she said, untangling a few knots.  She let out a small huff.  “You didn’t brush yer hair at all this mornin’, did ya?”
              “Daisy’s hair gets just like this when she sleeps in pigtails.”
              “Hmm.”  Ford continued to stare blankly at his breakfast.  Angie abandoned the hopeless task of untangling his hair.
              “Is somethin’ wrong?”
              “No, I-”  Ford cut himself off.  “That’s a lie.  Of course there’s something wrong, I’m three!  I- I can’t do anything on my own, I can’t even sit at a table!  And Stan’s the one who feels bad?  That’s-”
              “Stop.”  Startled by the harsh tone of voice, Ford fell silent.  “Look at me.”  Ford met Angie’s gaze.  “I didn’t tell ya that to try to brush over yer problems, Stanford.  I told ya that to explain why Stan snapped.  He’s tryin’ his best to balance bein’ a dad with bein’ a brother.  He got frustrated with himself fer not balancing it right, and that frustration spilled over.  We are here fer you.  We want to make sure you are comfortable and safe.  But if you lash out at Stan-”
              “I didn’t mean to,” Ford interrupted.  “I’m just...well, frustrated.”  Angie nodded.
              “I think we all are.”  She smiled weakly.  “Once we get ya on a schedule, though, things should settle down.”
              “Right.  A schedule.”
              “What exactly is on the schedule for today?”
              “After breakfast?  We’re goin’ out.”
              “Out where?”
              “The farm.”
              “Your parents’ farm?” Ford asked.  Angie nodded.  “Why? Isn’t that a long drive?”
              “We’re not drivin’.  Ma is flyin’ us out.  We won’t be able to be there fer a long visit, just enough to sit down and chat. She wants all of us to meet there to discuss the sit’ation.”
              “Why there?”
              “It’s safe.  And you’ll have fun.”  Angie grinned.  “You’ll get to chase all the chickens ya want.”
              “I don’t want to chase chickens.”
              “When ya see ‘em, ya might change yer mind,” Angie said playfully.  Stan walked into the kitchen.  “I was just tellin’ Ford ‘bout how we’re headin’ to the farm after breakfast.”
              “Good.”  Stan hovered uncertainly in the entryway.  “Look, Ford, about earlier-”
              “It’s fine,” Ford said.  “You were under stress, and I wasn’t helping things.”  Angie beamed at him.  Stan seemed relieved.
              “Yes.”  Ford cleared his throat.  “Um, if I could have some silverware?”
              “You got it.”
              “And since I can’t have coffee, perhaps a glass of…”  Ford trailed off, trying to think of non-caffeinated beverages.
              “How about milk?” Stan suggested.  Ford nodded.
              “That sounds good,” he said.  Stan began to rummage in the fridge.  Angie stood.
              “And I’ll grab a hairbrush to tame that rat’s nest on yer head.”  She strode out of the kitchen.  Stan set a glass of milk in front of Ford, as well as a knife and fork.
              “Is she really going to brush my hair?” Ford asked.  Stan shrugged.
              “Unless you brush it before she comes back, yeah. She’s got this whole thing about tangled hair.”  Ford opened his mouth.  “I don’t know why.  All I know is that you should brush your hair first thing in the morning, or she’ll come at you with a comb.”  Stan ruffled Ford’s hair.  “Eat up, pipsqueak.  You’re gonna need energy to deal with the flight.”
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rattlung · 7 years
Play It Again Pt. 2
uuuuhhhhh here we go again sorry. I wrote this all in the span of two ish days? so if there’s a shit ton of errors lemme know. also, if you want to read it on ao3 because that’s ur jam, you can do that here
enjoy! or don’t im not ur dad
The sun was as it should be in the wasteland; high in the sky with an intent to kill rather than sustain. McCree squinted at the brightness, using a hand to shield his vision as he transitioned from Doc Amari’s low-lit home to the harsh burn.
The town, Goodsprings, wasn’t much. It was a decent size, but only because the occupied houses were few and far in between, the rest of the buildings crumbling husks from a time before him. The ones still standing looked about ready to join them when the next hard wind rolled by, what with the recent-looking patchwork and lopsided foundations. Still, they had a stubborn quality to them, something that was mirrored in the people McCree caught sight of milling about. No one smiled when they looked his way, but they were friendly enough; quaint like their town.
Goodsprings was not the place one expected to get murdered, that McCree was sure of.
Gravel crunched underneath a single tire, drawing closer to where he stood on Doc Amari’s doorstep. The figure approaching him was shadowed at first, as it had its back toward the sun, but McCree didn’t need much of his eyesight to distinguish the bot. When it wheeled to a stop at the foot of the walkway, he was able to make out the cartoonish features of the grinning cowboy on the bot’s screen. He’d never seen a unit like this one, he was sure, but before he could question it a voice emitted from the bot’s speakers.
“Howdy, partner,” it exclaimed, it’s southern drawl more pronounced than even McCree’s. “Might I say, you’re lookin’ fit as a fiddle.” McCree could do nothing but stare for a moment, watching the bot roll back and forth to maintain its balance in near awe. When the silence droned on for too long, the bot spoke again. “Ooh, maybe not. Well, ‘least you’re on your feet, partner, that’s all you coulda hoped for after the deviltry you were in.”
“Beg your pardon - sir," he apologized, adding the last part in an awkward haste. “I ain’t never seen a robot like you before, is all.”
“You haven't? Well, I'll be! I’m a Securitron, RobCo security model 2060-B,” the bot told him, sounding far too pleased with himself with the chance to relay that information to another. “If you see any of my brothers, tell them Victor says howdy.”
McCree nodded once with an easy grin. “I’ll be sure to do that, sir. Do you know where I’d find the town’s saloon?”
“Well, sure, friend.” Victor made a swift, two-point turn to face the road behind him and gestured toward it with one of his long arms. “Just follow that there road and it’ll be the last building on your left.”
“Much obliged.”
“Plannin’ on havin’ a few drinks before you leave?” Victor asked conversationally when McCree made no move to follow his directions. “Reckon you’d be on your way to find the rascals that shot ya, didn’t expect you to stay in town much longer.”
“That’s the plan. You wouldn’t know anything about them, would you?”
“Just that they’re a shady lookin’ bunch. I was out for a stroll when I saw ‘em at the ol’ bone orchard.”
McCree felt his brow furrow. “You were there that night?”
“Sure was,” Victor confirmed, voice as cheerful as ever, like they weren’t discussing McCree’s attempted murder. The strange tone of the conversation had McCree feeling uneasy but anything the bot knew was valuable, so he asked him to continue. “I heard ‘em causin’ a commotion, but I laid low since they had numbers on me. They ran off after a time, so I got to dig you up and see if you was still kickin’. Turns out, you were, so I hauled you off to the Doc right quick.”
So it was Victor who had initially found him in his grave. McCree had been under the impression that Amari had been the one to drag him out despite never being told so. “Well,” McCree said. “‘Spose I should be thankin’ ya for saving me.”
The bot waved him off. “Don’t mention it! I’m always ready to lend a helping hand to a stranger in need.”
“You’ve been more than a help, Victor,” he assured him. “I’m gonna make my way over to the saloon now, but it’s been a pleasure speakin’ with you.”
“Happy trails,” Victor responded in kind before rumbling back down the road.
McCree watched the dust trail he kicked up in his wake and frowned. It was odd, he thought, for any robot to be rolling around in a small town like Goodsprings, let alone one as strange as Victor. There was a chance he could belong to one of the settlers, built and maintained by a person with time on their hands. McCree looked around him again at the Bighorners and the farmers tending to them. No, they were not the industrial type of folk. He didn't think Victor was any type of dangerous, or else he doubted he'd still be rolling around town, but there was something curious about him.
McCree found Hana Song where Doc Amari said he would: in the back of the Saloon leaned up against a dingy pool table. He nodded politely at the woman behind the bar and made his way over to the girl, but only barely crossed the threshold of the back room before a deep snarl held him in his tracks.  An impressively massive dog slunk from around the table, head low and teeth bared with its wide eyes locked right on McCree. He grimaced at it; he didn’t want to have to kill a dog.
“Meka, stay,” the girl commanded. The dog immediately withdrew, and even lolled out its tongue, appearing like a totally different creature from the one that threatened him a moment ago. Hana offered him a smirk, which he guessed was meant to be apologetic. “Don’t worry. She only bites when I tell her to.”
He raised a brow but otherwise kept his expression neutral. “Well, that’s good to hear. Doc Amari sent me after you, said you’d help me get by in the desert,” he explained, still keeping one eye on the dog, Meka, but only because she was sat at an odd angle to gnaw at an itch on her leg.
Hana nudged her to get her to quit. “Yeah. There’s a some things I could probably teach you. After getting shot in the head, there might be a few things you’d need help with,” she laughed.
“There sure is, miss.”
“Meet me outside behind the saloon, then. I gotta go grab something.” She whistled shortly, grabbing the attention of Meka, who’d continued to pester with the spot on her leg. “C’mon, Meka.”
McCree followed her out back, but stayed behind as instructed. He leaned against the fencing and tried to ignore the way his fingers itched for something to do. Was it unorthodox to ask a doctor for a pack of smokes? Maybe there was a store he could visit before it got too late.
With no desire to let anxiousness jitter his bones, he immersed himself with the Pip-Boy on his wrist. It didn’t take long to get used to the constant weight of it like he thought he would, and it was relatively easy to get the grasp of. He transcribed the note Doc Amari had said she found on him while he waited, as paper didn’t tend to hold long during travels. It was the only tangible piece of evidence that tied him to the woman who'd shot him besides the scar itself; too important to have ruined.
He read it over carefully, hoping to find some clue as to why someone would try and kill him for what he had been carrying. It seemed horribly insignificant of a package to be worth stealing. It was oversized for a poker chip, yes, but it still wasn’t a great amount of platinum. There were more valuable materials to pillage in the Mojave. McCree was sure it was the caps in the job. He remembered it was the reason he took the job as gladly as he did, and the 250 cap bonus upon delivery was the metaphorical wax seal. Except, McCree thought, the woman didn't seem short on money, unless she made a business of murdering couriers on the job for their pay, which he would have heard about. There had to be a reason for his attack, but no matter how many times he read over the delivery order, he couldn't put it together.
Hana and Meka returned with a crate full of empty bottles and an extra rifle. The glass clinked together when she dropped them by McCree’s boots and she shouldered off the rifle, handing it to him without preamble. “A 9mm is only going to get you so far in the desert,” she explained, and then proceeded in balancing the bottles on top of the fence. “It’s not much, but it’s something.”
She wasn’t wrong; the rifle was not much at all. It was practically held together by duct tape and McCree could tell it was prone to jamming just by looking at it. He had dealt with worse, though.
Once enough bottles sat in a precarious line, Hana stepped back a good three yards and beckoned McCree to follow. “Go ahead and take some shots. For me, it’s always easier to aim when I’m crouched; gets you steady and all. The sights might be a bit off, the gun’s probably older than me but - “
She jumped slightly when three of the bottles popped to pieces at a rate that few could manage with the busted old varmint rifle. After blinking, she turned her gaze slowly to McCree and regarded him with a raised brow, like she was ensuring it had been him to shoot the bottles and they hadn’t just been blown off from the wind. “Why didn’t you just tell me you knew your way ‘round a rifle before I set up all those and went on my spiel?”
“Didn’t wanna be rude, miss.”
“Well, what does that make you now, after wasting both of our time?” She smirked again, her tell that she didn’t intend for McCree to take her seriously. “Tell you what, to make it up to me, why don’t you help me clear out some geckos at the watering hole? There’d be caps in it for you, and some more practice with that rifle.”
The geckos weren’t much of a scare. Hana explained that they weren’t a rare occurrence, either. The creatures looked to be about waist high and awkward on their feet, but they moved quick enough by the looks of it. Their teeth were probably the worst about them, but McCree didn't expect to let them close.
Hana splashed some water onto the dirt when they’d been hugged close to a rock just in front of the nest, dipping two fingers into the new mud and drawing two, reddish streaks across each of her cheeks.  “Alright,” she said, raising her own gun, looking as giddy as Meka at the opportunity of action. “You take the first shot.”
Unbeknownst to McCree, she had kept score of how many of the oversized reptiles they’d downed each. She let him know, when they reconvened at a nearby campfire, that he had lost by a five ‘tile gap. By then, the mud on her cheeks had dried, so it cracked and chipped when she grinned at him. “Don’t worry, I’ll still pay you, even if you lost. Nobody’s beaten me before, anyway.”
Hana Song wasn’t odd by the Mojave’s standards, but McCree wouldn’t think of her as unforgettable, of that he was sure.
The sun had sunk low by the time they made it back to Goodsprings; less people out and the roads were warmly-lit from oil lamps set in the windows of homes. Victor still rolled around, busy with trekking up the hill with a windmill and wooden crosses sat atop it. McCree watched him as they walked.
“That’s Victor,” Hana said when he stopped responding to her idle conversation with his one-worded answers.
“We’ve met.”
“Odd, ain’t he? Trudy says he’s creepy, but I don’t know. He doesn’t do anything.”
“Where’d he come from?”
She shrugged, “No one really knows. People say his owner used to live here, but we don’t know if they died or just left him when they ditched town.” McCree grunted. Hana seemed satisfied enough to change the subject. “I’m gonna head back. If I missed anything good on the jukebox, Meka would be pissed. You should stop by. Trudy would chew me out if she knew I didn’t send you her way; she likes meeting new people.”
“Sure thing, miss,” McCree said.
The door to Prospector Saloon swung open when they made it to the entryway, crashing loudly against the siding of the building. A man stepped out, cursing thickly under his breath, but his mouth snapped shut when he caught eyes with Hana. He glowered, but mostly withered under the girl’s hard stare, and McCree raised a brow at him. He was dressed like he was ready for a fight, heavy padded vest strapped to him, but upon closer inspection, McCree thought he must’ve already been in one. There were stains on his pants, rich and dark; blood. He didn't seem to be the Goodsprings type.
The man hurried passed them, holding their stares uneasily until his back was to them. He continued down the street briskly, and McCree just barely made out the N.C.R.C.F. printed in bold, white letters across the shoulder of his riot vest.
Hana scoffed and shook her head, looking irritated by the encounter. Before McCree could ask her what exactly had happened, she practically stormed inside the saloon with a quick, “ Good luck, McCree ”, Meka at her heels.
Once he had collected himself, he made his way inside, shutting the door behind him. The same woman was behind the bar still, looking a little miffed herself. She was straightening her short, cropped hair in a huff, but there didn’t appear to be any evidence that there’d been a real scuffle. McCree decided he wouldn’t bother her further on broaching the subject of the man; based on her and Hana’s reaction to him, he was not well liked. That was enough for McCree.
She seemed glad for the distraction, because the tenseness in her features eased a little when he took a seat at the counter. “You’ve been causin’ quite a stir,” she told him, more of an accusation than a statement. “Glad I finally got to meet you,” she added on anyway. “Name’s Trudy, welcome to the Prospector Saloon.”
“Thank you kindly, ma’am.”
“Don’t mention it. Can I get you anything?”
McCree opened his mouth, but the request of beer got caught in his throat. He wouldn’t call himself exceptionally knowledgeable in the medical field, but even he knew that drinking wasn’t the smartest thing to do a day or two after getting shot in the head. “Nuka-Cola,” he said, “if you got it, ma’am.”
“Sure thing.”
The bottle she served him wasn’t cold, and it was flat like most cola one would find in the wasteland, but it was as refreshing as anything. He laid down the two caps for it on the counter and sipped from it slowly, enjoying the music that drifted in from the back room. Trudy sighed, still looking weary, and slid an ashtray from the other side of the bar closer to her, pulling a pack of cigarettes from a pocket in her dress. She flicked at a rusted flip lighter and sighed again at the first drag, seemingly out of relief this time. McCree watched on enviously as the smoke curled around before her before it dissipated.
“Oh, I’m sorry,” Trudy said, starting to back away. “It’s probably rude of me to smoke in front of you after the injury you had, isn’t it?”
He doubted that a little secondhand smoke would affect whatever healing process was left for him. Drinking was different, it did something to the brain. Smoking was just the lungs. That’s what he told himself, at least. “It’s only rude if you don’t share, ma’am,” he said back, mostly joking but a little hopeful.
Trudy laughed, lucky for him, and offered him the pack, which he took from, then her lighter. He thanked her, breathing in the stale smoke. It was good, but the taste was off, something that didn’t have to do with the age. Still, it held him over, and his shoulders felt less stiff.
“Speakin’ of my injury,” he started, ashing off the cig into the tray, “I’m trying to track ‘em down, the men who shot me. I was hopin’ you could help set me on my way. Know anything about ‘em?”
“Not much, other than they’re a bunch of freeloaders who expected free drinks out of me. I got them to pay, though.” She smiled a little, smug, but it turned sour in the next second. “Of course, one of the Los Muertos did knock my radio to the floor by accident .” She rolled her eyes, leading McCree to believe that that wasn’t the case at all. Mournfully, she eyed the radio on the counter behind her. “It hasn’t been working since.”
McCree furrowed his brow in solidarity of her mood and set his cigarette between his lips, gesturing toward it. Trudy handed the radio off to him and watched absentmindedly as he popped the back casing off and began to fiddle with it. “Who’re the Los Muertos?”
“As far as I know, they’re enemies of the NCR. Don’t know too much, they mostly stay in their territory up in the northwest. The two that was with the fancy woman, they were probably just hired guns.”
McCree grunted. “They didn’t say where they were goin’, did they?”
“They seemed to be havin’ some kind of argument about it, but the ringleader - fancy girl in the checkered coat - she kept shushin’ them.” Trudy looked up in thought, tapping her cig on the ashtray rhythmically. “From what I remember, it sounded like they’d come in from the north through Quarry Junction. If that’s the case, I can imagine why they didn’t want to go back.”
“Why’s that?”
“The whole area is full of critters that just get pissed off if you shoot ‘em. People treat it like it’s radioactive - which it probably is, for all I know.”
After making sure everything was secure with the innards, McCree slid the casing to the radio back in place and flicked it on. Frank Sinatra’s voice crackled from it before the frequency settled, his notes coming out smooth. Trudy smiled at it happily, taking it from McCree and set it back in its spot on the counter. “So where were they headed?”
“I didn’t hear exactly,” she said “but the leader was talking about the Strip. If she wanted to get there and avoid the 15, she’d have to go east. Take Highway 93 up.”
McCree finished his drink and thanked her, leaving with a few bottles of Nuka-Cola on the house for the fixed radio. Once back out on the porch, he pulled up the map on his Pip-Boy and found the stretch of road he’d have to walk to find his way to the woman in the checkered suit. He hesitated before he powered down the screen, then flipped on his own radio.
He set off under the stars, the tinny, rumble of a man as his only company on the road.
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to our program. This is Mr. New Vegas, and each and every one of you is wonderful in your own special way. I’ve got news for you. Troubling news from Primm, as merchants report a large presence of armed and unsavory figures patrolling the town. Residents are nowhere to be found. More news for you: A package courier found shot in the head near Goodsprings has reportedly regained consciousness, and has made a full recovery. Now that is a delivery service you can count on. That’s the news. This is Mr. New Vegas, filling in for Mr. New Vegas. Mojave, mo’ problems.
Am I right?
this was meant to be a series of one shots. I’m not exactly sure how I’m planning on keeping this going but it’s for sure going to be a slow burn lmao
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☾ ♥ ● ♦
I put this under a readmore bc it’s LONG AS FUCK im sorry
☾: Favorite moment from your Muse's canon, and why. (If your Muse is an OC, then favorite aspect of their story.)
i love this question.
Belle: my fave is def the scene where she’s taking care of the Beast after the wolves attack them and he gets all grumpy and she Shuts That Shit Down. i take so much of my inspo for belle from that scene alone tbh--but i also do love the opening sequence and how could you not love I WANT ADVENTURE IN THE GREAT WIDE SOMEWHEREEEE
Simba: ugh, so many good moments, but the best scenes in the whole movie are def the stars scene with mufasa and when simba sees rafiki. i also LOVE LOVE nala and simba’s reunion. also, ofc, okay this part is def my fave: the running back to pride rock UGH THAT SCENE
Toulouse: FFT FFT FFT!! that was legit the only part of the movie i remembered from watching it as a little kid. also when he and ber are fighting on the piano, i love that scene, it’s so cute.
Bambi: the part where thumper and bambi are like hanging out and thumper is teaching bambi to say shit. and he’s like BIRD BIRD BIRD BIRD and he’s walking along following this lil butterfly, ugh so precious my darling.
Perdita: gosh there is not a lot of canon perdy tbh but i do love her and anita’s relationship. also when she’s kickin ass and taking names to save her babies. also how she really doesn’t want to get covered in coal and pongo says “c’mon perdy time to put on your make up!” 
Sweet: everything?? about him??? he’s so great?? all his lines?? but i love the part where he’s taking care of the old king the best bc before that moment he’s kind of been liek quippy and comic relief but u get to really see his compassion and strength and steadiness in that scene and i love it.
Maui: his backstory, definitely. that was what made me really interested in playing him bc he totally models slyth but is actually a big ole puff and just wants people to love him. also i like the scene where he leaves moana after she Fucks Up (tm) i know that’s probably a weird scene to love but idk i thought it was super interesting.
Hercules: alskdjfladjkflaskjdfljfl EVERYTHING ABOUT HIM?? herc is just my precious darling. but i love how awkward he is but then how FIERCE he gets when he’s protecting people. like you think what a soft marshmellow how is he a hero and then when faced with danger he RISES and it just always warms my heart. my fave is the hydra scene bc that’s the first time he’s like rly sUCCESSFUL as a hero and it’s such a good fight and he uses his strength to his ADVANTAGE ugh i lvoe hercules.
Attina: ahaha she also doesn’t have a lot of canon, but def my favorite is when they find out that ariel has been #gettindown at the club and attina is like NO ABSOLUTELY NOT and hten everyone makes puppy faces at her and she caves so easily. i based a lot of her character on that. like she seems like a hardass but she’s rly not she wants her sisters to be HAPPY
Akela: gosh, he really does not have a lot of canon to go off of at all, in either movie. i’m gonna say the Law of the Jungle. That’s really important to his development in my head. also the scene in the live-action with grey where he tells him that the runts get eaten sometimes bc it’s like the only time he’s not the Serious Alpha but to me it just showed this like softer side to him? that was playful--and i based a lot of his character on that.
♥: One thing you love about your Muse.
Belle: laksdjflkajdf what don’t i love about belle? i mean as a character as a whole i love how inspiring she was to all young girls who loved to read and encouraging girls to be SMART and not be SHY about it. to EMBRACE their bRAINS which is such an important lesson for young girls. and i really love that about my belle too. that she is very demure about a lot of things but DO NOT QUESTION HER INTELLIGENCE. it is the one thing she will unflinchingly defend about herself and i don’t think we see that enough in female characters.
Simba: i love how much simba loves himself. i make fun of it quite a bit, bc he can be so over the top with it, but i really appreciate his level of self-care because that’s something i struggle with. like--not so much confidence, i have a decent amount of that but just, he really does take care of his overall physical health. he exercises, he showers, he eats properly (tho i mean he eats a lot too and lets himself indulge which is important). but he like idk keeps his beard trimmed and takes care of his skin and this sounds like a really weird thing to admire but since i struggle w depression, it’s nice to see ppl who function normally even tho he also struggles w depression. ALSO i love his flirting. haha. inspires me to be a better flirt.
Toulouse: kind of self care too, in a way? i love that lou is unapologetic about who he is, even when he doesn’t like himself. and he really does take care of himself before anyone else. like he does not let other’s opinions (except his siblings) influence his decisions and that’s something i struggle with. it actually makes lou one of my most genuine characters, because if he is sweet to you, if he helps you, if he protects you, he’s doing it because he wants to, not out of any obligation. as someone who struggles to say “no” to people, it’s admirable.
Bambi: ahaha honestly there isn’t much i admire about bambi. not because he’s a bad person but because he’s a teen who is still finding himself and struggling with a lot of self loathing and is in that place in his life where he is making mistakes. but, i do like that, writing him, im getting a--chance to look back and rexamine teenhood from a new perspective which is interesting and fun.
Perdita: i love how FIERCE she is. i always say perdita’s attitude is mine if i didn’t care about what people thought of me and that’s definitely true. i love that the first impression that paul got from her was she didn’t care what anyone thinks BUT i love that she really actually does too bc it just adds so much dynamic.
Sweet: gosh i love how level-headed he is. as someone who is temperamental i really appreciate characters like sweet and poca and haku who are very centered and strong and sturdy. i appreciate their calm presence in my head. i also LVOE how poetic writing him is. he’s one of my characters i feel like i can indulge lyrically in my words with the most.
Maui: i love how conflicted maui is. i love that he has this really stark duality to him and is much more than his cocky exterior and he genuinely really does care about people, not just about the attention, though that is a big draw. i also love what a BOY he is. it’s really fun to play him walking that line of fuckboi and genuine person.
Hercules: what a PRECIOUS MUFFIN HE IS. i just love the whole super strength but has no way to control it thing. it’s just a great duality to play with. like he is so gentle and so afraid of hurting people but has this awesome power. he’s just very precious to me just so sweet and good and pure. 
Attina: my self indulgent bae ahaha. i love that she’s a MERMAID i love that she’s so bubbly. i don’t have any BUBBLY characters. and she’s so happy and smiley. i mean, simba is kinda like that both of them just Radiate Joy. and i also love playing sisters. i love love the family dynamic and the fact that there is so many of them, because it just leads to such RICH character development. i love what a romantic she is. i love how soft and kind but how protective. how scared but how brave. ugh my beeb
Akela: he’s another really calm person. i love that akela doesn’t linger on his mistakes. he has regrets. he acknowledges when he’s done something wrong and then--wait for it--HE MOVES ON. he doesn’t dwell. he doesn’t beat himself up. he picks himself up and dust himself off and moves on. which is so refreshing bc most of my characters are wallowers ahhaa
●: If you could say just one thing to your Muse, what would it be?
Belle: GIRL I S2G GET SOME FUCKIN SELF CONFIDENCE it just really annoys me that she needs to be poked and prodded into feeling good about herself bc she’s so BRAVE AND STRONG AND KIND AND WONDERFUL she’s perfect and she SHOULD KNOW THAT SHE IS WORTH GOOD THINGS
Simba: honey, stop, trying, to, please, everyone,, it’s not gonna work and you’re just gonna wind up making a mess of things. also i love you /pets
Toulouse: i s2g i have so many things that i could say to toulouse but if i could ever interact w some real form of him u know what i would do? i would give him a goddamn hug. just a good, long hug where he can put his lil head on my shoulder and just relax. he craves physical affection ppl
Bambi: i would give him support about his choices and tell him it’s okay to be afraid but he should be brave too bc being brave is the best fuck u to all the people who want to scare you.
Perdita: i understand why you did what you did and i don’t blame you for it. 
Sweet: keep doin you babe
Maui: IT’S OKAY YOU CHEATED JUST LIVE UP TO IT NOW (also you are real hot and we should date)
Hercules: embrace ur powers lil honey u are wonderful
Attina: relax babe you should take care of YOURSElF (she won’t listen to me)
Akela: i’m sorry about your family *gives him snuggles*
♦: Relationship with your Muse.
im gonna answer this like “how does the muse come about” kinda deal bc this question is weird
Belle: well her voice comes so easily to me i love it except it’s SO thinky. she is always who i write the longest posts on bc she just examines everything but i love it bc i so do not think like that but it opens my mind to interesting thought processes i haven’t explored myself before. though i also edit her the most bc her dialogue is SO HARD. it’s getting better tho as she gets more confident but it only takes one set back to go back to stuttering and holding her tongue.
Simba: gosh. i love his voice. it’s so COLORFUL. i can write simba all day because even in his darkest moments he is so BRIGHT and he feels everything so deeply. i love his background. i love writing about africa and islam and how he is bisexual and his race (but in the little things like how he has sensitive skin and likes movies like Hairspray lol). he’s really so different from me in so many ways, but he’s also an accumulation of like all the men in my life i’ve admired so he has a v special place in my heart.
Toulouse: gosh i love toulouse. idk his voice comes SO naturally to me. he is, without a doubt, the character i just instinctually know the best. i can’t even explain it but he just popped into my head completely formed. i knew everything about him almost immediately and even the things that came later just fell into place so easily. i just love him because he is so complicated and dynamic and feels so deeply while also having a really complicated relationship with those emotions. writing him is both frustrating bc he always makes the same mistakes, but very easy for me.
Bambi: ugh i love bam. he’s another one that i just loved from the start. i wanted him for so so long before i actually got him and he just mad sense to me. i love his shyness. i like writing his view of the world since he def has so much influence from books and movies and he thinks in like tropes a lot and i’ve never written like that before and it’s super fun.
Perdita: i love how concise she is. i love all the sharp language i get to use with her. how every sentence i feel like i hit the period mark really fiercely. every sentence is important and to the point. she doesn’t like meander and as someone with flowy writing it’s nice to be able to know that i can do shorter stuff.
Sweet: UGH i love the poetry to his voice. making him a poet was a great move on my part bc i just looooove it. i love his voice. how calm. how gentle. how wise. and beautiful tbh. also all his experience is really fun to write. he’s like a fully formed person.
 Maui: i think i mentioned this but what a BOY he is. i love it. i love being able to play with the line between saying shitty sexist things but not knowing they’re shitty and sexist and really being a (mostly) genuine person but not always kosher or PC or anything like that.
Hercules: im still getting used to his voice but i really like how much he curses lmao he is like FUCK FUCK FUCK in his head at all times and i love that bc he’s so soft and smol and it’s such a funny contrast. also i get to play with humor and irony a lot with him and that’s fun. hopefully i can do more allusions to mythology once i start working with his powers more and that’ll be fun
Attina: i love her OCD. i think it makes for really interesting writing because people with OCD repeat phrases and stuff a lot and always having to be hyperaware of her actions like--remembering she doesn’t like to touch people and remembering that she locks the door nine times and that she doesn’t eat food from public places. it just really plants me in her head every time i write her.
Akela: his connection to nature. tbh being able to play as a wolf im ngl. but also a LEADER that people RESPECT AND LISTen TO. also i love how his voice is sad but not depressingly so. so it makes it really interesting to write like balancing all that emotional with his cool, level-headness. 
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Ali & Carly
Ali: this is why i don't wear shoes Ali: i have lost one??? Ali: rescue it if you see it Carly: what do they look like Ali: just a kinda tan sandal thing Ali: just a penneys special so not the end of the world, should chuck the other one so someone can have the pair Carly: come & bring me food & then youll be here to reunite them Carly: but yea k will lean out my door & see if its there Ali: love the enthusiasm, babe 😜 Ali: can feel your come down from here Carly: dont barely remember the come up Carly: wtf happened last night Ali: not in a much better position myself but uhm Ali: mayhem, that's for sure Ali: i think you might've gone home with the wrong cousin Carly: shit Carly: my bad Carly: better read my txts Carly: who did you go w ? Ali: didn't go that far with anyone Ali: 💍 remember and such a 😇 Ali: ronan was in a mard though and i weren't up for listening to that so 🤷 Carly: aw Carly: sorry baby i'll calm him down Ali: it's chill 😂 bless him Ali: no need on my account tho i'm sure he'd be down, despite protests otherwise Carly: my inbox is Carly: cba w this rn Ali: oh baby, want a bacon sarnie and a secretary? Carly: yea Carly: gonna throw my phone w your shoe Ali: i woke up to a mystery dickpic on my phone Ali: is it rude to ask which one it belongs to because lads, sorry, not that memorable that i'm picking it out of a line-up Ali: you'll know, been more recent, i'll come over with food and lucozade for real and ruin your day with that lovely image and the actually rather creative sexts that went with it Ali: 10/10 for effort, sir Carly: cant put it on the cv or school report but my memory for 'em is good Carly: if ive seen it i'll id it Carly: ill laff if its the large ginge cousin whose name i never got Carly: sounded like a cough Ali: that's a talent and if the man can't see that, fuck him Ali: and his job in tescos, like Ali: i mean, shouldn't have a preference but i hope not 😂 Ali: soz honey but Carly: thanks baby Carly: I hope its that token english Carly: he was fit Ali: can reply if you like Ali: worse ways to waste a sunday morning than messing with boys Ali: sounding like a priest Ali: oops Carly: ha Carly: i found some fucking funny vids of us so maybe the phone shouldnt go out window before youve had a look Ali: yes, i need to see that Carly: [sends her fave of the vids] Ali: aww Ali: we're fun drunks Ali: love that for us Carly: yea Carly: im a messy bitch tho Carly: no wonder i went w the hero cousin Ali: meh, things happen at parties, everyone knows that Ali: not like you're proper attached is it Ali: though he's gonna be annoying now probs but day in the life when you're irresistible, yeah? Carly: youd know babe Carly: he wont be on site long never is Carly: so idc Carly: saved me for a nite boy youre welcome Ali: duh Ali: hottest couple in town Ali: one for the wank bank anyway Carly: yea & he is fit Carly: give him that Carly: esp when i dont understand what hes saying Ali: the best kind Ali: a boy you don't have to speak to 😜 Ali: if that's all it takes like, whip out the Gaeilge Carly: youve got the giggles but yea Carly: true Carly: but on site id just have all the oldies chatting at me if i could Carly: not trying to make them go weak Ali: they ain't daddies? boo 😥 Carly: some got many kids but thats it Carly: say something to me then Ali: [sends voice memo, probably has dirty words she'd recognise from site life and lots of loling] Carly: k Carly: so hot Carly: if your gf is mad at me for stealing you last nite you can smooth things over w her like that Ali: might have to Ali: though it ain't you she's 😤 with Ali: poor ronan, shoulda done more than snog him if she comes for him, not even worth it for that Carly: ill protect him when he lets me back near Carly: cant stay mad at this Carly: sure your girls the same Ali: She's mad 24/7 babe, just gotta hold on, like 😂 Ali: we want different things now but that's not a convo for this morning like jesus Carly: whos got the energy Carly: cba w angry Carly: yea you want a sarnie Ali: exactly, and i wanted to have fun last night but may as well have said i want his dick in or around my mouth k bye babe Carly: ha Carly: that would be fun tho Ali: tell that to past you, dashing his threesome dreams like 🤷💔 Carly: still time Ali: not me you need to promise baby Carly: yea but id rather talk to you Ali: 💚 Ali: you cute Carly: all you Carly: how you look so good coming from band? wtf Ali: psh please Ali: it was all about you 🙇 Carly: if that was true why is every memory i got from last nite just you Carly: facts Ali: had to get you away from that mirror somehow, like 😉 Ali: it was fun Carly: ha Carly: cuz your talents got me like Carly: yea it was Ali: helps when the canvas already beautiful babe Carly: aw Carly: youre sweet Ali: 🍓 Carly: gonna make me cry Ali: don't cry lil one Ali: the bacon is coming Ali: got roped into doing a shady kid swap, where is my ma, take this demon child Carly: you can bring him if you want Carly: ill put clothes on before Ali: cockblocked again 😉 Ali: nah, he needs to go get shoes Ali: ironically and unlucky, twat Carly: what size is he Carly: i can ask around when i look for yours Carly: lads flog everything and anything here on sundays Ali: his feet are big man Ali: he's only little but he's lanky af, unlike me Ali: that's fun tho Ali: imma go shopping Carly: aw Carly: yea wish i was taller Carly: ffs ma and da Ali: literally Ali: least neither of my sisters are model tall or i'd be more raging Ali: we make it work, babe Carly: & i dont have any sisters Carly: well done on that one tho ma & da Ali: speak for yourself Ali: i'm gutted Carly: oww Carly: trying to replace me like the vows were no thing Ali: you know you're my one and only Ali: but a woman got needs Carly: thats what your gf is for Carly: no Ali: yeah but i'm allowed wishful thinking too Ali: damn Carly: ive given you the mental image of me naked Carly: what more you need Ali: are you jealous of your hypothetical sister? Carly: yea if you like her more Ali: aw baby, 'course not Ali: she's a ride, yeah, but bit of a bitch too, like Carly: ha Carly: takes after our ma like Ali: sadly, straighter than you Ali: 👎 Carly: like theres a ranking Carly: just straight or not yea Ali: I mean, it is a scale but I'm not gonna try and bond with your Ma giving her the test for it, like Ali: could we tie her down for a sec, obvs Carly: hit her when shes washing up Carly: takes long Ali: okay, i'll dry 😉 Ali: what an offer Carly: trying to make me vom now Carly: take crying or blushing over Ali: soz babe Carly: her & my da dont fuck but still dont reckon youre her type Ali: don't know what's worse, that, or knowing they do Carly: im good w them not Carly: sound carries Carly: no secrets in the caravan Ali: sure there's a toilet block they could go to Ali: keeping it sexy Carly: sure my da's there doing his cry wank Carly: while my ma checks the talent Carly: we got that to look forward to in our marriage in a few years Ali: who's scouting who's cranking Ali: because frankly, i refuse either Carly: im the biggest slag so probs me Carly: sorry Ali: and I'm not Ali: igloo sisters how many times now?! 😂 Carly: ha Carly: but youre loyal Carly: me and my ma dont kno the meaning like Ali: am i Ali: you miss the part when i got on ronan Carly: o yea Carly: i forgot Ali: idk what i'm gonna do about that Ali: instant gameover but its literally so irrelevant Carly: hes a ride Carly: you should be excused for it Ali: she's a 6 on that scale, yeah, massive gay Ali: so she ain't seeing that, never mind the other shit Carly: shit yea Carly: dont tell her Ali: does that make me the worst? Ali: i should hm Carly: hes not gonna speak to her Carly: and if he brags you can call it that Ali: Yeah Ali: I don't know Carly: its that or tell her Carly: & say youre sorry Carly: we were all wasted Carly: not like you have feelings for him Ali: You're right, obviously Ali: like that's the truth but yeah Ali: might leave it unless I need to go there Ali: soz God, swing by confession later Carly: tell her youre a bi cliche Carly: she'd love it Carly: use the scale Ali: she would tho Ali: validate everything she's ever sneaky or not so thought about me Ali: soz, i need a constant stream of p n v or i die Carly: a girl has needs Carly: what am i a 1? Ali: its like dis Ali: 1- all straight 2- mostly straight but lil gay 3- equal/bi 4- mostly gay but still lil into opposite 5- total gay Ali: but not gonna resist the urge to tell you you a 10 Carly: 🥇 Carly: i like that you're 3 tho. 3's a lucky number Ali: and a magic one 🔮 Carly: yea cuz youre magical Ali: believe it baby Carly: i do Ali: right, finally leaving, be like 10 Ali: doing the opposite to a walk of shame rn, strutting back in like what's good Carly: you gotta Carly: own it baby Carly: havent found your shoe tho sorry Carly: maybe ronan took it cuz he loves you so bad Ali: 😂 oh my god Ali: like a horny puppy Carly: yea Carly: building a shrine to you rn probs Ali: or he wanna play cinderella Ali: such a ridiculous fairytale, as far as they go Carly: how wasted was the prince that he cant remember what she looks like Carly: k been there but not trying to wife anyone Ali: right?! also, sure plenty of bitches a size 5, like??? Ali: was it a magic shoe Ali: no explanation, frankly Carly: yea like me and you have the same size Carly: ill take your prince for a ride bitch Ali: 😂 Ali: he cool with that Ali: that's the tea Ali: boy gives no fucks, long as it ain't a man in drag Carly: he hasnt met your brother tho Carly: boy looks good Ali: eww Ali: stop that thought right there Carly: dont get jealous Carly: not gonna go there Ali: not jealous, but repulsed 😷 Carly: k babe Carly: if you say so Ali: trust, you wanna see jealous you'll see it soon enough if you go there Ali: 😂 bea don't fuck about Carly: have to go for one of your other hot brothers Ali: trying be my sister in law and wife Ali: kickin it country Carly: you kno Carly: been on site too long Ali: forreal, not gotta hang with the traveller lads that hard baby Carly: after last nite not gonna be hanging w them for a while Ali: let 'em fight it out amongst themselves Ali: defs for the best Carly: yea Carly: hide w me babe Carly: gonna be so bored Ali: gonna Ali: i'll peep their wares another day Ali: not a euphemism Carly: sounds dirty tho Ali: yeah, regretted it as i said it but hey Ali: love me a sale and a gypsy boy Carly: no regrets boo Carly: they love you too Carly: esp whoever send the dick pic Ali: the real mystery Ali: soz everyone else with your drama but we gotta know Carly: i do need to be knowing Carly: thats my wife lads Ali: awh you gonna defend my honour n delicate sensibilities Carly: yea Carly: youre an angel Ali: you're so cute Carly: its you Carly: my parents came back Carly: gonna have to run Ali: oh no i am en route Ali: where you going boo Carly: i'll catch you and we can find somewhere theyre not Carly: ha church Carly: can you eat there cuz im not looking to die for jesus Ali: yeah for sure, not in the pews like its the cinema, like Ali: can go park if you wanna Ali: or up the mountain if you can hack it, like Carly: youre so smart Carly: like your mouth Carly: but yea Carly: date time Ali: awh yeah Ali: this picnic ain't goals i'm so sorry babe Ali: least the weather's looking up Carly: idc Carly: get to be w my boo Ali: 😍 Carly: i look crazy Carly: havent got dressed faster w out getting fucked before since idc Carly: idk Ali: i like crazy Ali: and beside me you'll probs look totally normal 😉 Carly: you look hot every day baby Carly: facts Ali: all these compliments got me feeling 🔥 obvs Carly: thats how i want it Ali: gonna have you flying high too Ali: top of the world, baby Carly: aw Carly: whats in the food like Ali: 😂 Ali: just faith n trust n pixiedust, of course Carly: you can snort pixiedust yea? Carly: k Ali: you gon' be mad when i've got nothing but sandwiches and half a donut Carly: nah Carly: cant be mad at you Carly: too cute Ali: and donuts are life Carly: true
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