#not casual folk but the ones that tell him just what theyd like him to do with his strong hands
darthmalewife · 1 year
Cody gets hit on constantly while on missions, all of them do but Cody is always on the receiving end and people assume Obi-Wan is at least a little jealous but he's having the time of his fucking life watching Cody try to throw off all of his valiant suitors
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adios-gatos · 4 years
I hope I'm not too late for the ask meme, could I ask n° 1 for the boys? Any combo you feel like! - Piraticusdorm
of course you arent dw!!
BELLUS: - first of all hes already v into the piraticus dorm’s uniform for the shirts mostly and is usually into pretty people so the moment he sees conrad and his flashy fashion hes 👀. though conrad doesnt seem like the kind of person bellus would actually get a crush on?? its likely because hes an authority figure dnksa - not having a crush wouldnt stop him from hitting on conrad occasionally, mostly because bellus enjoys flustering people who seem composed. he does Not understand that being a mermaid in of itself can make others uncomfortable even if theyre in the same dorm - does want to braid some of the water flowers in the lake the boys claimed into conrads hair. if conrad declines he might try to sneak them in as a little game
MERI: - for reasons he wouldnt admit too, somehow meris jealous that conrad has kenns respect?? hes a lil jealous of anyone kenn respects but hes the most jealous over conrad - because of that hes huffy towards conrad and gives him the silent treatment. which doesnt really work on someone who doesnt know you but maybe its a blessing if anything and no one should explain that to meri - meri has made Many plans for pranks against conrad but conrad seems like a v observant guy?? so that and caspian and kenn being there to stop meri makes the situation lowkey feel like a wilde coyote and roadrunner one tbh
CASPIAN: - so like. he and the others had to get over their opinions about pirates pre-nrc quickly when they were put into the piraticus dorm and hes done p well with that. but he still cant stop feeling wary when he sees conrads eye patch and hat he wears in the dorm(?). but kenn likes him and the feeling isnt as bad whenever conrad is in more casual clothing so caspian just tolerates it - even with that, he enjoys the times conrad plays the piano and sings with everyone
KENN: - he has a lot of respect for conrad for being able to manage the dorm and as a result everyone within in. despite that he lowkey avoids talking to him when he can since after moving to nrc hes become Aware of the opinions people have about mermaids mostly because now he cant ignore them. so kenns likely aware of the fact conrad is uncomfortable around mermaids and tries to restrain the others enough where conrad doesnt have to get involved - probably overthinks if his magic specifically makes conrad uncomfortable since his is straight up siren magic. he learned that it isnt acceptable to just use his magic whenever he feels like during first year but since theyre both third years, when kenn remembers how he was when he was still adjusting hes just ‘god conrad saw that.’ hes found hours later by caspian with his head in his hands still embarrassed  - vibes a lot with the keeping your word but using any loopholes possible method conrad also uses. may or may not try to subtly point out loopholes to him if he somehow looks over one
BELLUS: - likes trying to pick out the bells in tinks voice whenever hes singing and enjoys even more watching tink dance. bellus is most interested in whenever tink flies while dancing but the thought of doing the same makes him a lil skittish. flying seems fun but he isnt fond of the thought of what happens if you fall. you cant fall when youre in water!! - with the fact hes a hopeless romantic, the moment he hears about tinks secret admirer hes !!! and also trying to find out who it is. though if/when he does, he wont tell tink who it is because that Ruins the Suspense!! The Mystery!! that doesnt keep bellus from using knowing that secret to tease tink though so f
MERI: - even if meri isnt the nicest of the gang, he does like tinks pranks and will try to get tink involved in his. especially the ones that involve octavinelle - may Try to not provoke tink besides playful teasing because of the fact he sees tink as a potential prank buddy. he also understands neverland faeries more than mainlanders and non mermaid folk in general so hes more willing to rein himself in if it means tink will join his games - they both have some similar qualities like being quick to act out & fight and having fun at the expense of others. theyd either get along well or butt heads. maybe a bit of both! if they do play pranks together itd be harder for meri to get genuinely mad at tink when they clash. though he might end up treating it like a game and make tink more upset when they do smh
CASPIAN: - thinks its amusing to watch tinks pranks but he wont outwardly show more than maybe a smile at his antics - since he likes people watching and sometimes drawing said people, caspian probably has some drawing of tink in his journal mostly focused on his face. he just remembers all the other neverland faeries hes seen from the lagoons whenever he sees tink and with that, the rest of neverland. so drawing tink reminds a bit of home - even with that association caspian still doesnt talk to tink often like how he does with most other people
KENN: - lowkey associates tink with caspian since they both have the right hand man role going on - also sees tinks pranks as entertaining, its just whenever meri is there too he becomes more wary about the situation - he does want to respect tink since hes a vice dorm leader, its just whenever he sees him around the dorm he cant help but just be internally “whos this lost sassy child..........” the 9 inch height difference they have doesnt help tink out there
BELLUS: - for some reason krok Does seem like someone bellus would have a crush on?? itd be a one sided one and off type of crush more than anything but its still there in the background - dnvs i could see bellus unintentionally scaring off krok more than anything with his flirting when its taken into account the reputation neverland mermaids made for themselves. hes out there trying to braid kroks hair and playfully splash him and convince him to sunbathe with the others because theres snacks and kroks just “oh god this guys gonna try to drown me” - so maybe he does also splash people he doesnt like but its about the Context yknow? - a lil confused when he hears that krok cant sing Or play instruments and offers to teach him. which mostly involves getting caspian to teach him because bellus is only a good teacher when the topics about stars. but he Will be willing to sit through the lessons with him
MERI: - hes a lil intimidated by the fact kroks a crocodile even if krok doesnt get into fights in the first place especially unprovoked. though considering meri tends to provoke Everyone, he might have a good reason to be wary - also isnt fond of kroks ability to eat others magic since he relies on his so much. and with the fun combination of meris temper, his unintentional magic usage when hes upset, the fact the piratcus dorms are on the ocean, and that being on a ship doesnt make a boiling ocean any more comfortable, kroks likely had to eat meris magic before. hes still upset about it - even though their height difference is only 4 inches, meri sometimes squats when they do talk out of spite - despite all of that, he does appreciate that kroks an honest person because lying about emotions is such a hassle. though he also thinks that krok not hiding things too takes the fun out of things
CASPIAN: - tbh he cant comprehend the concept of someone not being good at both playing instruments and singing, mostly because hes used to being around music focused magic back home. like?? are you saying you cant even play a shell horn?? what the fuck???? he assumes krok is just fucking with them even if krok tries to prove he isnt - if krok does accept bellus’s offer to learn how to play, caspian is a pretty patient person so hopefully thatd make krok more comfortable? outside of that, caspian does enjoy playing and talking with the fish and birds around the campus so that could be something they could talk about- - caspian does lie a lot though especially to people he isnt close to so that might bring up some issues between them vdsv
KENN: - “caspian theres a weird fucking cat outside” - kenn when he first sees krok sunbathing - he understands wanting time to relax but he doesnt get sleeping all the time. hes used to everyone always wanting to splash and play back home and only stop to brush their hair and sunbathe so someone willingly choosing to just snooze whenever he can?? why’d you do that........ - even if he doesnt understand it he’ll still try to not wake up krok if hes sleeping outside again. sometimes bellus and meri get past him but he does what he can to keep them from bothering him like he does with most - hes v interested in kroks magic tbh since it seems v useful to have on hand. hes also a lil curious about what his own magic tastes like
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moRE THoUghTs n conspiracies on fear mv bc i (diddnt) want to do my project
(THIS WAS mADE 10 DAYS AGO and i never.. posted it..!! but i suddenly had another thought so now i will post it !! ))
theme: things that make us uncomfortable = natural+artificial, unusual things:
commenting on the song.. is it just me?? or .. to contribute to the eerieness.. its a very fast song!! and the singing makes it seem a little slower than it actually is, (it slows and also speeds up)
also the ded ded ded of the edm (after “soMEONE TELL ME WHAT SHOULD I DO” in staccato sounds jarring  !!! :O +dk&sks raw screams near the end SO GOOD MHM
also from André Reacts on utube.. when he said that alot of cuts also were shown for just a few tiny seconds so you have enough time to see it and then its gone, which makes it more hurried and mysterious afhlihalhi
adding to the weirdness and uncomfortableness: things that feel wrong to us:
13 led lights in the background hanging vertically!! (not horiz) & the lights move up! (not down)
tubing that looks like snakes/worms to form the walls as said in the analysis by qing +artificial sun
high, almost suffocatingly high surrounding walls in group shots??
+the extreme white cleanliness (kinda like the yuck i get from hospitals)
-contrasted w the crumbled paper texture of the walls surrounding them all
also in regard to the car, someone (maybe qing?? or someone else) noted it was stopped, and i like how the wheels are removed, they can’t even go anywhere if they tried.... svt might not be able to go as far as theyd like?
alSO... the weights next to the clock in ww/coups part... what is that....?????
dino’s set:
ok so in the bts of the set dino said his was like a “prison set” and something abt representing lonliness??  (me: writes it down furiously hfilhfhaihlfa)
- so other than the 12 microphones (every1 else) that look extremely bare, dark, cold, I can totally see it as also the prison cell bars?? to form a cage for him?? +the dark vine-like cables/black flowers as shackles???????maybe (also maybe a stretch but....dinos part in hit w vernon holding onto his foot.......!!))
and 1. could be like the hyung, maknae culture ->korean culture where you have to always be extremely polite to older folks, which sometimes constricts them from speaking out, or being extremely blunt, or, as the maknae, having to take everything in. But since they’ve been together for so long, I don’t see that as too bad? since they make it a point to have open discussions as much as possible, and they’ll let him slide a little (and from svt club when boo imitated him getting irritated at the hyungs C: ) but also sometimes if they yell at him i can imagine it piling up and sometimes being really frustrating??  (but when he talks casually to a sleepy coups ; )    )
2. some one else saw it as judging him? which maybe !! hmm i also think maybe sometimes with so many ppl his voice might get drowned out and i know the feeling of shouting something important but everyone else is so concentrated that even in a circle they can’t hear.. so maybe similar??
-the box hes in!! (sidenote: the use of artificial vs. natural UGH I LOVE IT to make it disconcerting since we have a natural ?? ewness to it bc it doesnt seem quite right,,, which is used in the room as a lightbulb=> “sun” and etc,) is it also like another type of sun???? instead of round edges its sharp, and on the ground, and almost falling through!!!
(OK 9/30/19 WHAT I jUST... thOUGHT ABOUT
OK ALSO... youknow that hoop that s coups is surrounded by? and at the end it slowly rises up?? I was watching [SEVENTEEN/Eng Sub] Radio - Choi Hwajung's Power Time (190924) and woozi said that as a result of fear (the song), its also about “overcoming our poisons” (fears etc), and also the lyrics talked also about “falling (deep into the poison)”  but wanting to escape it to,.Also, a while ago i was listening to Tablo’s podcast where he talked about when he was stuck in depression and how he made a list of reasons to wake up, and reasons to not. And the reasons to not were much easier to write.. but also he noticed they were a lot more extreme (ex. my entire family will hate me blah blah) compared to the positives (ex. I want to wake up to watch the marvel movie sequel). and i forgot how but he was able to realize that it was worth it?
SO .. not entirely similar but.. maybe when the hoop rises up, it feels constricting to S coups, hes slowly being suffocated and there is no exit.. BUT. the (party?shiny) streamers surrounding him might be numerous (many worries) but its also very flimsy and easy to break out of. If you just reach out your hand, you would be able to exit.. So maybe like how everything seems terrible but .. if you think about the bigger picture.. or just calm and think through (or just.. as an older you looking back on the past) maybe not everything was as terrible as you initially thought?? and that it is possible to overcome whatever fears you had! 
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