#not because they're not organ donors but they're actively choosing not to be one because they think sick people don't deserve their organs
silvermoon424 · 8 months
I just actively chose to not get involved in Discourse with stupid people online and I'm being SO brave about it!!!
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whiskeysorrows · 2 years
God some people are so iffy. I'm glad you have the time to get stuck up about moral annoyances but some people don't have that luxury
#the luxury being a working moral compass or understanding of social morality#do you know how many times I've had to question my own humanity because I can't understand things other people call wrong or immoral#even my bloody parents called me cold-blooded and not human and a monster#which coming from them would be like the ocean calling a puddle wet#so as a result I got a serious case of morality ocd that convinced me I'm a horrible monster whenever I disagree with someone about morals#and then I had to come up with my own moral compass since my one was clearly not working and the people around me were abusive arses#which then led me to the question of: 'what makes something immoral?'#google's definition is 'a person or behavior that conscientiously goes against accepted morals'#which was a problem since I couldn't understand accepted morals#so I had to come up with my own definition of something that is immoral#which ended up being 'an action that actively or by proxy brings about harm to others'#and if it were a choice between two harmful things then choose one that does the least harm#and if they're equally harmful then choose the one that you like the most#and anything else I personally dislike is classified as a 'moral annoyance'#an example of a moral annoyance would be cannibalism#do I like cannibalism and would ever do it? no#but if a person were to go around eating discarded donor organs then I probably wouldn't care#I mean#no one died and the person who had that organ clearly doesn't need it anymore and it was discarded anyway#onto a less extreme example would be the problem of label infighting in the queer community#a moral annoyance nonetheless
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colorisbyshe · 4 years
Just saying thank you for that post about the SAM. sometimes people act like ace-prioritizing LGBT politics/organizing are mere twitter ID politics, but they're definitely not confined to the internet, at least in my academic or community safe spaces, and sometimes I wonder if the process that has made asexuals out to be the LGBT community's most vulnerable and persecuted demographic can be reversed, or if this is what our mainstream activism will look like from now on. Sorry to be a bummer.
Unfortunately, a lot of liberalized/academic settings cling to THE WORST politics. I minored in Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies in college and in one of the intro courses, we had an entire section normalizing BDSM. Another one where we learned about the charmed circle which basically said rape and pedophilia can be considered ~queer. I had a gender studies prof who literally misgendered Chelsea Manning by refering to her as a “him” whenever she was talking about the past becaues “he wasn’t a girl yet” and she had to be corrected by a nonbinary student :|
I’d say for the last ten or so years, the LGBT community (at large, not in total) has dropped the farce of radical politics. Inclusive policy gets the most attention and admiration from cishets and that’s all they seem to want now. The same reason Taylor Swift and Barak War CRimes Obama were chosen to speak at a Stonewall Event.
It’s the same reason why publications that don’t even claim to be by and for LGBT people use the word “queer” to describe the community and why when celebrities choose “LGBT Charities” to support it’s... fucking GLAAD or MAYBE HRC.
So, now there’s the LGBT community as in the people--which can have a range of politics from the dumbest fucking liberal, love your oppressor shit you’ve ever heard to truly radical stuff (not talking abotu radical feminism but radical as in opposed to liberal, fuck TERFs)--but then there’s LGBT Community as an Official Groups and that’s pretty much ALL the dumbest fucking liberal, love your oppressor shit you’ve ever heard because they don’t want to loose cishet donors. Inclusivity of aces, of aros, of kinksters, of polyamroous people, of girls with short pixie cuts and boys in pink sells better than “the mean old LGBTs don’t want to be called slurs or even see cishets near them.” Inclusivity and capitalism go hand in hand! Yeehaw!
I’m over it tbh.
BTW, I  used to GORGE myself on LGBT nonfiction when I was in high school (2007-011), literally read whatever I could get my hands on, and it wasn’t... like this. It wasn’t perfect by a fucking MILE but it wasn’t bent on pandering to cishets at every turn. I don’t know what hcanged but something horrible went down and it genuinely saddens me.
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