#not a ufn time : (
cookiescr · 2 years
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osa if you can see this lmk what you think and i will proceed to finalizing stuff
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fukounaboy · 1 year
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- Unfriendly Puppets
- They gave themselves edgy or extravagant names
- The UFP have different personalities from the FP but there are some similarities between them
- Their personalities are very "I don't give a fuck"
- They can be rehabilitated
- They swear a lot and tried not to do it around the FPs though they weren't very successful
- Accidentally taught FPs to swear, and try not to laugh when it happens
- They see the FPs are younger siblings
- Rude with each other and sometimes Gordon though not with the FPs, they don't have the heart to be mean to them
- Protective of the FPs
- Most, if not all of them have scaring and/or physical disabilities due to damaging themselves and not being able to repair themselves
- Workers were able to find most of the original limbs and eyes in the UFN
- their teeth don't go away when rehabilitated, but they do become retractable
- Gordon lets the UFP be in the show after they are rehabilitated, not to much though
- The show says they are distant relatives to explain their similarities to the FP
- Lee (UF Norman)
- Biromantic
- Walks with a limp
- Prefers video games over sports but still enjoys playing them
- Sensitive to noise, wears headphones in loud areas
- One of the ruder UFPs
- Mean to everyone (except FPs) but will defend the people he cares about without a second thought; won't tell anyone this
- Him and Bill don't get along, only civil around FPs, children, and the children's guardians
- His scars are from him and Bill fighting
- Found a razor in the UFN and now wears it as a necklace
- Neue (UF Lenard)
- Name is pronounced in German
- Gay
- Demiboy, He/They
- Lost their right leg (his right, our left) and left eye
- Lost his leg and eye in the UFN, nobody can find them
- They have a replacement leg but since it was their good leg that they lost, they need to use crutches or a wheelchair
- While they have a replacement leg it's not going to work as well as their original leg
- Favorite music is rock and metal
- Switches between crutches and wheelchair
- Bill (UF George)
- Omniromantic
- Pyromaniac
- Gordon made him a firepit to start fires and burn things as long as he was supervised
- While Gordon trusts the puppets to not hurt themselves most of the time, he still has himself or someone else supervise Bill when his burning things since his body is flammable
- Still knows how to drive, but probably shouldn't though, definitely a reckless driver
- Widow (UF Junebug)
- Nonbinary, She/They
- Grayromantic
- Pica (Geophagia)
- Lost their left arm (her left, our right)
- Has a replacement arm, but won't work as well as the original
- Still loves bugs, but likes the venomous ones the most; likes venomous reptiles too
- Lily (UF Liliana)
- Lesbian
- Likes to grow mushrooms and poisonous plants
- Pica (Geophagia)
- will eat the mushrooms and plants she grows; since she's a puppet, they don't affect her
- Doesn't wear gloves so she can use her sense of touch to navigate
- Has vision loss in both eyes, can still somewhat see but still uses a cane
- Same as Widow and Neue, has replacements but they aren't going to work the same as the originals
- Hands are usually covered in dirt since she doesn't wear gloves
Lee - taken from the word "Leer"
Bill - taken from billhook
Widow - taken from Black Widow
Neue - taken from "Neue Deutsche Härte"
Lily - taken from "Lily of the Valley"
UFP - Unfriendly Puppets
UFN - Unfriendly Neighborhood
FP - Friendly Puppets
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geassgirls · 8 months
femslash february fic rec friday! 💕
Deceit by lightimagay (M, 6.5k, Marianne/C.C.) Author's summary: C.C. tries not to think about the truth.
A Legacy of Syllables by Amintadefender (T, >1k, Nunnally/Kaguya) Author's summary: Centuries after the Zero Requiem, a historian unearths a series of poems between Nunnally vi Britannia, the Last Empress, and Kaguya Sumeragi, First Chairwoman of the UFN. Publicly, they were reluctant allies, and at times, bitter enemies, yet within, they hint at something more.
Expect the Unexpected by Yudil (G, >1k, Kallen/C.C.) Author's summary: C.C. offers Kallen pizza. 100 words of being unexpectedly full.
18+ rec under the cut!
A Lesson not in the Survival Handbook by Anonymous (E, 3.5k, Kallen/Euphemia) Written for the prompt: Euphy discovers Kallen showering under the waterfall (on Kamine island) instead of Suzaku. Kallen immediately pins her down and ties her up, which arouses Euphemia. Would love to see Euphemia trying to seduce Kallen. No dubcon/noncon please
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forkaround · 1 year
I don't like Bed Friend
Before everyone polishes their pitchforks, listen -
I've dropped this show for about an episode and half now and I'm perfectly happy this way. The gifs come across my dash and so do the analysis and thoughts and appreciation posts of many in the BL fandom. And Yet - I DO NOT LIKE THIS SHOW!
I keep thinking about why because, well, it's BL. I like all flavors. And I'm a writer. I have to know this stuff. Then I analyzed if it had anything to do with the content - SA, etc. But then again, I've seen worse. MAME, UFN/LS, KP, etc. Then I thought - maybe it's the characters? Or maybe the plot? I know I like the direction and cinematography but every time any gif cross of the leads I somehow seethe with anger. And it's annoying because I don't understand.
On an objective scale - I know this is a decent and well liked show but I not only don't care for it, I actively hate it.
I've analyized how, why, what, when, where. I've asked all the questions I can and the only answer I have - I am not going to like everything all the time.
I feel like bitching about how I find the characters to be weirdly written, grating and annoying or how the SA is so ever-present or how annoying it is when people parade around "King The Green Flag" or this or that.
Ultimately, it's not enjoyable for me to engage with this show - and this I just... won't.
I wish the shows airing that I like had more attention but it is what it is.
The one thing I won't forgive this show for as a computer engineer is the atrocity that is King's desktop. Sir, what the hell!?
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notsoaveragebear · 5 months
My Current WIPS
Last Updated: August 14, 2024
My Ao3 Account
Legacy of the Requiem (Code Geass) - a post-R2/Resurrection fanfic set twenty years after the death of Emperor Lelouch vi Britannia; told through multiple POVs
Book 1: An Ode to Doves (UFN/Britannia/China)
Book 2: A Den of Wolves (UFN/Britannia/EU)
Book 3: A Court of Serpents (Britannia/Congos/EU)
Book 4: A Lamentation of Swans (UFN/Britannia/Middle East)
Book 5: A Bay of Vultures (Britannia/Zilkhstan)
Book 6: A Hymn For Lions (Britannia/China/Japan)
Toon Wars (Multi-Fandom) - basically Star Wars, but with characters from animated shows running during the early 2000s to the mid 2010s time period
Prequel Trilogy (Cartoon Network)
Episiode I - A Welcomed Surprise
Episode II - Not Just the Men
Episode III - The High Ground
Original Trilogy (Disney Channel/Disney XD)
Episode IV - He Shot First, George!
Episode V - The One with the Big Reveal
Episode VI - Jedi Rocks!
Sequel Trilogy (Nickelodeon)
Episode VII - Electric Boogaloo
Episode VIII - The Sacred Texts
Episode IX - The Somehow Return
Sol Luna (Genshin Impact) - What if the Traveler never woke up? How would that change the story and who will take the Traveler’s places during those events?
Prologue: Genesis
Book 1: Freedom and Chains (Mondstadt)
Book 2: Contracts and Debts (Liyue)
Book 3: Eternity and Change (Inazuma)
Book 4: Wisdom and Folly (Sumeru)
Book 5: Justice and Injustice (Fontaine)
Book 6: War and Peace (Natlan)
Book 7: Love and Hatred (Snezhnaya)
Epilogue: Apocalypse
Visions of Kyber (Star Wars Visions)
Episode I - The Sparks of Hope
Episode II - The Crimson Heir
Episode III - Rebalance of the Force
Crisis: When Earths Collide (DC Comics) - a five-part adaptation of Crisis on Infinite Earths featuring DC animated shows, with the first four fanfics focusing on separate stories set on their respective earths
Blood and Shadow - Teen Titans
Injustice for All - Young Justice
Legion of Two Worlds - Legion of Superheroes x DCAU
The Final Countdown - DCAU x Gods and Monsters
When Earths Collide - the actual crisis
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hysokaz · 3 years
Why is your url 'hysokaz' if your blog is a hisoka hate blog?
i was lying
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jockpoetry · 3 years
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wayward-wren · 4 years
Finally caught up on Agents of SHIELD and I am loving this season. It’s basically a “hey, this is our last season, lets have As Much Fun as we can with it!” and it’s been so good. The ability to dabble in different genres has been fantastic. 
Sousa joining the team is AMAZING and not something I saw coming. Really need to go and actually watch Agent Carter now tho, I got like two episodes in a couple years back and then just... stopped for some reason. 
Enoch deserves better please make picking him up a priory. 
I am loving May’s arc this season. Being able to feel other people’s emotions by touching them? That’s fun. That’s a lot of fun. Very interested to see where they go with it, plus Ming-Na Wen’s acting is pronominal. 
Deke and YoYo were not a bromance I saw loving so much but I’m here for it. YoYo has the big sister vibes and it’s great. I also like how the show is addressing the whole racism and sexism of the past, albeit in a humorous way Deke’s “stupid white privilege” had me cackling but showing that it’s serious, and seeing it impacting his friends affects Deke, who probably hasn’t every experienced anything like that in the future. I’m also loving Deke’s development this season. Honestly he’s such a fun character. 
I know Iain is busy and can’t be a main cast member this season. But I really wanna see Fitz he’s like my favourite character where is my BOY. The  Fitzsimmons needs to be reunited. also i do like the ‘secret baby’ idea but I’m not holding my breath for it. 
I’m very much looking forward to where they’re going this season. They mentioned Avengers so part of me kinda hopes they show up in 2012 for the battle of New York cos that would be fantastic but again, not really holding my breath. 
Also, we’re seeing Ward, right? He’s showing up in at least one episode, yeah? If he doesn’t I’m gonna be disappointed because he was part of the og crew and they can’t end the season without Brett Dalton showing up. 
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pannacottawarrior · 4 years
watching old and new she-ra videos (amvs, original songs, edits and etc) got me cr y in g 
this show is everything to me;;; it’s over but god it’s been such a journey;;
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tillman · 5 years
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yeah you could say im great at melty blood
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forkaround · 2 years
Thai BL and Writing
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Okay, so I have something to say.
Thai BL and Writing
I don't, even for a second think, that Thai BL has bad writing.
I'm mentioning this comment specifically because of what they talk about as the flaws - logic, consistency, character motivation or common sense.
I think where a lot of people trip up is thinking that when writers write a contemporary thing that it is set in the real world. Unless it is a true story (and even those aren't 100% factual. But then that's why you have documentaries), the world is built from the ground up even if it is a contemporary, seems like real life setting.
Now to break down the flaws -
Logic and Common Sense - I don't think these two should be applied to any piece of fiction let alone BLs. One reason is if character acted with 100% logic and common sense you most likely won't have most stories. And while on paper it sounds like a good idea it takes away humanity and honesty from any character. Also Logic and Common Sense are actually subjective. Everyone has had an experience where you thought something was obvious but the other person was completely oblivious to it.
What is to be focused on, in any piece of writing, is the themes, the story, what it makes you feel, if there is honesty in the characters (mind you, honesty and truthfulness are not the same thing.)
I think, many times, if someone comes from a different background they might not understand why someone did xyz. Especially true for Western Audiences trying to understand Asian Media as we saw with GAP. Another thing might be someone looking at a thing and going - this is not my world! Meaning that they, in their lives, in the subjective lives don't think that this is how the world works. And this is pretty common and understandable mistake to make.
The other two were - Consistency and Character Motivations.
The example they use is Bad Buddy. Honestly, I don't see it. I have other examples (Specifically from this year) - The Eclipse, Big Dragon, Kinnporsche, Secret Crush on You, Love in the Air, GAP, Not Me, Triage, My Secret Love, hell, even Unforgotten Night and Ai Long Nhai have those two things.
What I always say about this is do not apply real world ideals to fictional works. It's pointless and useless. You won't win. Writing isn't about checking boxes. Writing is about feeling things. SCOY and GAP, even UFN, are absurd pieces of media, and every step of the way you feel these characters. You're not supposed to understand / relate to them so that you can say 'I would do this same thing in the same situation'. That's antithetical to writing. It's antithetical to any form of art. I see this is YA Fantasy too. It's first person POV and there is this expectation that - I'm aka the reader, is the Main Character. This is solely a thing placed upon the character and writer by an inexperienced, often privileged reader. You're not supposed to sympathize. You're supposed to empathize.
I've talked about in general so far but...
This was under a NLMG complain post I made. If you follow me you would know I have no love lost for Never Let Me Go. I think it's badly written. Why? Because it breaks worldbuilding. Plenty of shows I mentioned before lose steam towards the end but they never lose the worldbuilding or themes and that is what matters.
For eg: The Eclipse. (Coz they are both GMMTV) There is one scene that exemplifies their losing steam the best. The Akk Ayan mutual Pin scene. It's not the content itself that shows this. It's that from whatever the previous scene was, they are suddenly in Akk's room, put pins on each other, they are somewhere else. Even something so short, that's anticipated since ep 1, still needs build up and fade out. Without it the whole thing feels jarring and out of place but thematically this was where it was always headed.
NLMG begins by treating the Mafia as a serious thing. Kit even chops a finger in from of his son. It's supposed to be serious. But as the episodes progress, especially once Tanya is shot. It's no longer so. Compare this to other Mafia involving BLs. - Kinnporsche, LITA, UFN. They are all tonally different to each other. You can't confuse one for the other. They all still treat Mafia with the seriousness it deserves. NLMG is much more serious compared to those three. It has an overall heavy vibe. But the Mafia is taken seriously only by Chopper.
That's all Watsonian. A little Doylism now: When anyone attaches the word Mafia to anything there is a weight the institution of Mafia carries. Everyone alive is aware of this. Thus it's absurd to have something that has a universal connotation and not delivering on it after you've established it in universe to have the same connotation as it does outside of it.
Logic and Common Sense are not as objective as most people think.
Any individuals lived experience is not the same as another's and trying to make it so is foolish and a folly.
Thai BL has good writing. People just trip over what that means all the time. Eg: LITA's PayuRain part. '~It has not plot~'
Art is not meant to be a point by point checklist. It's sole job is to make you(the audience) feel.
You (a writer) can't take a commonly understood thing and throw what's inside away because you just want the aesthetic.
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spellswisp · 7 years
hello iam learning gore causes me to dissaociate 
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cynthiaandsamus · 3 years
Custom Toonami Block Week 85 Rundown
Code Geass: Lelouch just made himself Emperor and it was surprisingly easy. Also dismantling the aristrocracy and centuries of royal tradition was also surprisingly easy, like I guess being unquestioned Emperor of the largest Imperialist Nation in the world you can just do that but usually they have some restrictions in place to make sure successors stay the course. Anyway now that Britannia’s less shit, Suzaku fucks up all of the Knights of the Round on his own (which you’d think Schneizel would be like ‘yo dudes, hang back with me it’s not time to fight yet, I got a nuke tower’ so they could join his army for the final battle but we’re getting them out of the way now I guess) Even the Knight of One goes out like a bitch because Suzaku’s Ultra Instinct Geass Survival Technique defies space and time to make him a great pilot. Lelouch is then like “Hey can I join the UN and make friends” and everyone’s like “Wait a fucking minute, you own half the fucking world, letting you vote would mean you always win” Lelouch is all “Yeah I guess so huh?” and then Suzaku descends out of the sky and points a gun at the head of the world and tells everyone to vote anyway. Though we’re interrupted because Schnizel uses the Nuke Pillar to blast the Capital City of Britannia which I’m relatively sure has never been named until now and also says Nunally’s alive and is gonna rule Britannia for him. I kinda like how this played out, presumably the Sword of Damocles wasn’t part of the original Zero Requiem and just taking over the UFN would be what makes Lelouch the hate tyrant he wanted to be and then get assassinated. But if your brother’s gonna build a nuke pillar to up the game on being a huge dick you might as well hijack that to make your plan even better.
Inuyasha: It’s “Inuyasha is stuck to a Rock: The Episode” like the plot’s so dumb I’m not even gonna summarize it, just know it’s a trio of dumb monkeys doing dumb things and having a gag fight with Shippo while Inuyasha’s stuck to a rock and everyone’s thinking of cute gags about how his life as a shonen protagonist will be impacted by having to carry a giant boulder around forever. It’s pretty funny but it’s the dumbest episode of the show ever and I am counting the Myoga’s Wife one on that list so that should tell you something. Nothing wrong with some dumb fun though and the Monkey God does give us some more specific coordinates on Naraku so we’re continuing the illusion of these filler episodes stringing the plot along.
Yu Yu Hakusho: We’re up to the second round of the Dark Tournament and Kuwabara has a dream about the enemy team’s backstory and is having a hard time fighting them because they’re basically all Frakenstein and don’t wanna kill and shit and Yusuke still can’t gun his spirit so basically Not!Genkai is doing all the heavy lifting since it’s a free-for-all and Hiei and Kurama are MIA while they chill out in the woods for some reason and are ambushed by two lizards and a robot. Kurama does what I wish all people up against a “This robot is made of Undestructobtainium” creatures would do and just slams the robots arms together to smash them up and break it. Honestly Kurama owning this dude who’s so proud of his cold unfeeling robot is the best part of this round.
Fate Zero: So we’re just going to keep going with Kiritsugu’s backstory, you know what that means, more people he cares about have to die! He’s got pretty slim pickings at this point as he’s down to one. Long story short his teacher Natalia gets stuck on a plane of zombies while trying to stop a deadly bee weapon…
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And he murders her because zombies and zombees running around an airport is probably bad. Like I get the idea here but it feels like there were other options, could’ve gone for a water landing or just landed in a field or some shit, with as much ridiculous military weaponry as they have taking out 300 zombies shouldn’t be THAT big a deal, especially if you can get her out and there’s two of you to mow them down. I mean Natalia got to the cockpit on her own through a narrow corridor full of a horde of zombie zombees so they can’t be all that clever. But we know why this happened, it happened because Kiritusgu Emiya must suffer and we’re not allowed to have a cool gunslinging chick because this isn’t FGO. Also because it’s a prequel and everyone that we haven’t already heard of has to die. Kiritsugu has a minor breakdown of trying to justify why he’s murdered literally everyone he’s ever met only to be fed up with his own excuses and just kinda more dead inside which is an accomplishment because he was already basically 99.99% dead inside.
Konosuba: So we pick up right after Thanksgiving with a bunch of giant Chocobo about to run over Darkness for revenge. They end up missing her and just kinda fucking around but Kazuma makes up a plan to trap them in a cave and then also they’re attacked by zombies but Aqua beats them all even though she drew them all in. Basically Kazuma’s group is an expert at solving problems that are mostly/entirely their fault. They finally get to the hot spring town but it’s run by Aqua’s religion which naturally means it’s full of scumbags. Turns out Aqua’s basically the ruler of Fantasy Scientology and they’re hyper evangelical about spreading their beliefs to tourist. I actually kinda really like these gags, it’s a nice change of pace to have these cultists just mildly annoy Kazuma and Darkness as opposed to the usual outright torture the show usually gives them.
Sailor Moon Crystal: So after the revelation that Chibi-Usa is from the future everyone’s like “Hey let’s just go to the future and sort everything out there” but Chibi’s like “Nah the future sucks, I wanna sleep over at my age inappropriate crush’s house” and they do and Usagi’s talking to Mamoru about how fucking weird his relationship with Chibi-Usa is but he’s like ‘wtf are you on girl she’s like nine’ and I’m like 90% sure Usagi and Mamoru fuck right there with Chibi-Usa in the next room. Usagi’s probably the first person that lost her virginity twenty feet from her daughter. But yeah we go to the future and Sailor Pluto’s like “Chibi were you being Future Trunks again I told you that shit’s fucked up but okay ily” so now everyone’s in the future but apparently the Black Moon can still just send peeps out there so I guess they exist outside of time since they keep calling the 20th Century “the past” and the 30th century “the future”. Tuxedo Mask gets Tuxedo Masked by Future Tuxedo Mask and gets some advice that helps them win the fight. And surprise surprise Chibi-Usa’s future parents are Mamoru and Usagi… sort of, it’s 1000 years in the future and they’re like re-reincarnations or some shit.
Durarara!!: We’re at the season finale and Masaomi, Mikado and Anri all have the “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you I was a gang leader” moment, to be fair how do you even explain that? Also Kadota’s gang have slipped into Horada’s Yellow Scarves and make this a full blown brawl while Celty gives chase and Shizuo fucking slices Horada’s car up with a highway street sign before they get arrested by the cop that hates Celty. Anri tracks down Izaya and he does his whole ‘your plan was part of my plan’s plan” thing before getting decked in the face by Simon to show he’s earned at least a little karmic justice for all the shit he’s stirred. It’s just fucking neat to see him get fucking walloped out of nowhere. Masaomi gets over his conflicted feelings about Saki  and gets the courage to ask for her forgiveness before they run away together. First Seiji/Mika and now this, this is the second arc that ends with random high school kids running away together, starting to see a theme. We get a nice little epilogue and Celty tells Shinra they gonna fuck so yeah, fun times. Onto x2 next week and new territory, I’m going blind from here out!
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gentlefog · 3 years
mangadex down UFN, even mangago crusty ass down UFN 😭 we live in sad times ppl
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fatehbaz · 5 years
In 2019, the last southern mountain caribou were removed from Idaho, marking the first time that the reindeer/caribou species has been completely extinct within the arbitrary political borders of the contiguous “Lower 48″ of the United States. (Southern mountain caribou are a distinct ecotype of caribou which are dependent on the inland temperate rainforest region, where the arboreal lichens of cedar-hemlock forest provide food especially during winter.) The remaining mountain caribou only live within the borders of British Columbia. An update from December 2019: “Interior First Nations announce emergency Mountain Caribou hunting ban in West Chilcotin -- Tsilhqot’in and Ulkatcho leaders say the ban is for First Nations and non-First Nations alike.” From Monica Lamb-Yorski, for The Williams Lake Tribune.
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Citing a ‘devastating’ population decline of caribou in the western portion of B.C.’s Interior, First Nation leaders said they are implementing an emergency hunting ban on Mountain Caribou in their traditional territories.
Announced Friday, Dec. 13 in a joint press release by the Tsilhqot’in and Ulkatcho First Nations, the hunting ban includes First Nation hunters and non-First Nation hunters alike and is part of an ongoing effort to protect Mountain Caribou in the West Chilcotin, they said. Chief Joe Alphonse, tribal chair, Tŝilhqot’in National Government blamed the government’s ‘mismanagement’ of wildlife resources and industry for the decline.
Ulkatcho First Nation (UFN) Chief Lynda Price stated in the press release that her community was opposed to the province’s proposal and caribou management plans to transfer some of the Itcha-Ilgachuz caribou herd to the Purcell Mountains in South Eastern B.C. between 2000 and 2005.
“The reason we did not agree with the transfer was because they had not dealt with the issues that created the decline in the caribou herd there,” Price stated. “UFN were not invited to the planning table to address the decline of the caribou herd in the Itcha-Ilgachuz.” [...]
The Itcha-Ilgachuz herd, which are by far the largest of the three herds, have declined by 86 per cent and continues to decline with approximately 385 caribou as of June 2019.
“If this decline continues the caribou in the Chilcotin could disappear within the next seven years,” the press release noted, adding. “In conjunction with the closure of caribou hunting, the Tŝilhqot’in and Ulkatcho Nations will be working on more effective ways to protect the remaining caribou including better habitat management, disturbance and predation factors through the herd planning process.”
The ban will remain in place until the caribou have recovered to the point sustenance hunting can once again sustainably occur to ensure the conservation and persistence of the caribou in the region.
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