#not a perfect one to one recreation obviously but its the general idea lmao
tsubasaclones · 2 years
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attempt to recreate a picture from my dream last night (which had nothing to do with trc this was just in there for some reason ???)
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apocalyptic-mailman · 4 years
apropos of nothing, some offhand ideas for how to make fo3′s world more believable, because honestly what the fuck even were half those settlements.
We’re given some context on why Megaton in particular exists--the crater made for convenient wind shelter, it was near an airport and a lot of the scrap that built the town is made from aircraft bits, a cult developed around the bomb for some reason. so:
buildings made more obviously from aircraft scrap. Most of the shacks look pretty bog-standard, probably a result of needing to reuse assets as much as possible, but aircraft aluminum is corrosion-resistant and relatively easy to form. Shine up the shacks, is what I’m saying, and have some more obviously plane-sourced clutter; rounded airplane windows, using commercial plane seats as furniture, stuff like that. While we’re at it, let’s empty out Springvale. It makes zero sense for the founders of Megaton to have never picked Springvale clean for building materials. Boards, concrete, and especially nails would be quite useful in building shelter.
Dismantle the bomb and operate a reactor from the fissile material. Honestly, I see no reason this should conflict with the Church of Atom’s beliefs; given their worship of nuclear fission, they should be all on board with building a reactor. Plus, it answers the question “why is this town still here”/“how does this place sustain itself” better than “caravan trading center”.
Rivet City:
We’re given less context for why the USS Enterprise is an inhabited settlement, especially since a permanently-docked aircraft carrier that is apparently actually being used as a floating airbase at the time of the Great War should have been a pretty obvious strategic target, but I can def think of a few things that might make it more believable as a still-inhabited city 200 years later.
Fishing and aquaculture. Seriously, it’s literally in the Jefferson Memorial tidal pool, and the broken bow is full of Mirelurks. Fishing, Lurk hunting, fish farming, maybe even Tenochtitlan-style floating gardens should be a huge industry. Rivet City should, by all rights, be the food production center of this Wasteland.
More guns. Seriously, it’s an apparently recommissioned aircraft carrier with a shitload of (what would have been at the time of the war) functional planes on the deck; the .50s should’ve been ripped out of the now-useless jet fighters and mounted into emplacement defenses. Rivet City has the potential to be very well-defended and safe, and likely a center for arms manufacturing given the abundance of steel and existing weapons to copy.
More life in the superstructure. There’s a little going on there in the base game, but not really much; you’ll probably only visit once or twice. This should be the governmental and security center of the settlement, given its high placement, central location, and commanding view, and should be seen a lot more by the player during quests.
More going on on deck. People don’t like spending all their time in confined spaces with no fresh air or natural light, generally; even if the apartment spaces are all below deck, there should be some recreational areas on the flight deck.
Tenpenny Tower:
Honestly idk that there’s anything that can be done. How the hell property rights are enforced well enough, in this post-nuclear hellscape, that the owners of wealth can fuck off to a gated community and their employees don’t just immediately seize the source of that wealth, is beyond me. Tenpenny Tower should not exist, at least not as a standalone settlement; it should be the center of a huge industrial center or something like that, as the clear rich-people neighborhood of a larger settlement.
I hate to say it, but Fallout 4 actually got its gated community right, almost; the Upper Stands wouldn’t have made sense if they existed outside of the larger Diamond City. (That said, it still doesn’t make sense, given that the Upper Stands residents don’t seem to actually own or employ any of the lower city, but it’s closer to making sense than Tenpenny Tower.)
The Citadel:
Actually, kind of makes sense. While the Brotherhood of Steel in FO3 themselves could do with some fleshing out, the Citadel is one of the only places in the Capital Wasteland that makes perfect sense. Of course they’re not farming or have large-scale industry or trading, it’s a military base. The only things to change here would be with the BOS’s interactions with the rest of the Wasteland; who’s supplying them, and why? Having them take on the role of protectors of the Wasteland can be a viable idea, we just need to see them interacting with Rivet City and Megaton to establish that, and give them an enemy to fight that isn’t just raiders with an orc skin Super Mutants.
And lmao that’s basically all the major settlements in this game because Bethesda is lazy as fuck
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taejimin · 7 years
Since we're in pride month... what iconic gay™ song would you like to see bts cover (one for each member)? I hope I'm not asking too much :P
OH GOD THATS SO oh wow lucky for u i already have half these planned out lmao
taehyung - I WILL SURVIVE BY MS GLORIA GAYNOR YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW OFTEN IVE THOUGHT ABOUT THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU HAVE NO IDEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (the today we will survives in not today FUEL ME YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH I WANT THIS). bonus: cher - believe. we got him singing along at the bbmas tho so ill take it.
jimin - damn i wish i was your lover by sophie b hawkins AN ICONIC LESBIAN ANTHEM as the greatest lesbian icon of our generation its only apt that i choose this iconic lesbian hit for him. plus hed be cute recreating the video rolling around on the floor in a flannel shirt? his aesthetic.   
jungkook - honestly anything off blue neighborhood by troye sivan BECAUSE I MEAN COME ON. personally id like for him or heaven. 
hobi - dancing queen by abba. UM WOULD THIS NOT BE THE MOST PERFECT THING??????????/
yoongi - fuck you by lily allen. bc good god is that him. the heterophoic chaotic gay anthem he deserves.
namjoon - same love by macklemore feat ryan lewis. cuz i mean. obviously.
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