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blastkat · 2 years ago
TS Shampoo from TS Trillion and 0.8Liter
#sponsored @ts_trillion #naturalpremiumtsshampoo #nosilicone When I unboxed TS Shampoo, I noticed the lovely pearlescent color and lightweight texture. It also had a strong fragrance when initially pumped out of the bottle. I was a little concerned. I prefer clean scents. The first time I used the shampoo, I was pleasantly surprised. It has a refreshing citrus fragrance. It reminds me of Yuzu.…
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christinastriewski · 2 years ago
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Your mood is a choice, I decided many years ago to be happy even it is dark around us. With a lot of disciplin and training everyday I changed bad thoughts into wishes and trust. And with a little bit of humor you can reach a lot 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟I wish you a wonderful day, shiny styles make positive energy, try it and tell me about your experience. Picture made by @ralphstriewski . . . #blackoutfit #blackstyle #blackfashion #leatheroutfit #leatherjacket #leatherwoman #pairadize #blondhair #nobotox #nosilicone #lumixg9 #christinastriewski #vanillapearlfood #vanillapearl #ralphstriewski #glamrock #happyfashion #happywoman #lovemylife #ilovevanilla (hier: Nymphenburger Schloss) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cju2muutR8C/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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skincareverse · 6 years ago
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Premium TS Shampoo. 🌟Claims: formulated for hair loss prevention and thickening hair. 🌟Some ingredients: Houttuynia Cordata, Perilla Frutescens Leaf, Green Tea, Ginseng and Cnidium Officinale Root, as well as 7 kinds of ingredients that provide a healthy scalp environment such as Keratin, Arginine and Methionine. It also has biotin, nicotinamide, dexpanthenol, zinc pyrithione liquid and cooper peptide. 🌟Scent and texture: creamy white consistency with an amazing orange scent. I love the scent! 🌟Results: I have been using this shampoo for almost a month and the difference is amazing. I used to see more hair falling but not anymore. Also my hair feels softer and bouncier. My husband used it and he loves the smell and how soft his felt too. Another thing I noticed is my hair didn’t need to be washed so many times during the week. Like it didn’t feel as dirty as with other shampoos and it keep being soft too. I will be buying it for sure! #TS #TSshampoo #PremiumTSshampoo #alopeciarelieving #hairlosscare #nosilicone #naturalshampoo #shampoo #naturalshampoo #kbeauty #08liter #08L#haircare #koreanbrand #asianbeauty #abcommunity #abbeatthealgorithm #rasian #rasianbeauty https://www.instagram.com/p/Bu0VWClnULl/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=bdnus691vwei
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choelscherart · 6 years ago
🧙Acrylic Pour Painting PART 1 of 2- Swipe Technique Demonstration - HUGE...
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whileyouonearth · 7 years ago
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@yvesrocher_id pas lebaran sale buy one get one loh. Secara shampoo-shampoo mereka no silicone, kita beli lah buat sehari-hari hehe. Silicone itu bisa bikin rambut halus dan silky tapiii sangat buruk buat scalp, pertumbuhan rambut bisa terhambat karena sifatnya clogging alias menyumbat pori-pori akar rambut. Jadi jangka panjangnya ya kok rambut makin rontok dan susah tumbuh. That's why it is very important to use non silicone shampoo for daily usage. Pengen cobain juga sabun concentrate mereka yang meski berbodi mini bisa buat 40x wash. Pas buat traveling. So far cocok dengan berbagai produk mereka, shampoo nya juga colorant and paraben free. #traveling #yvesrocher #yvesrocherid #beauty #nonsiliconeshampoo #noparaben #nonparaben #nosilicone #Clozetteid #shoppinghaul #beautyhaul #blogger #love #haircare
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sarayrcosmetic · 4 years ago
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La formula del nostro Trattamento Perfezionatore Effetto Blur è ultra leggera, senza siliconi, e leviga la grana della pelle per un incarnato perfetto. Immediatamente, la pelle è opacizzata e levigata. Applicare al mattino, dopo il trattamento abituale, su tutto il viso o localmente sulle zone da opacizzare. Può essere applicato nuovamente nel corso della giornata sulle zone da opacizzare. #opacizzante #opacizzare #opacizza #pelleopacizzata #pellelevigata #pelle #nosilicone #nosiliconinoparabeni https://www.instagram.com/p/CM1rfLXjP4N/?igshid=nqf5osn0yrmx
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giancarloriccio · 4 years ago
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LAVORARE DA CASA SÌ, MA SENZA TRASCURARSI! Sieri corpo ad altissima concentrazione di estratti botanici a base di un'emulsione di cristalli liquidi certificata ed emollienti naturali 🍀 Scoprili su www.organic-life.it #cosmeticabio #estrattibotanici #cristalliliquidi #curadelcorpo #rassodare #idratare #anticellulite #antismagliature #snellente #vegano #noparaben #nosilicone #nopetrol https://www.instagram.com/p/CL7irD7AINp/?igshid=18999dnf9gf78
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durtygurlteez · 7 years ago
Okayyyyy so I’ve had this “Azz” all my life but never really realized how big it was until I saw “all of it” on this video. I guess that’s why they say “I hate to see you go but I ❤️ to watch you walk away”. Good thing I make my own clothes 🤣🤣. #phillygirl #phillyjawn #funny #sadbuttrue #phillyjawnfit #durtygurlteez #shegetitfromhermama #prettywaistedchic bornwithit #bootybootybooty #allnatural bigbootygirls #humpday #bigbootyproblems #rumpshaker #nosilicone #doingthebutt #azzfordays (at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
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mariann672 · 4 years ago
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I loved this mask! Ultra hydrating without adding excess oil to my already oily skin. The product fit nicely and did not move around after application, the absorption rate was about average. It left my skin feeling hydrated but not oily, soft, smooth and clean feeling. Helps skin elasticity, plus there is a 5 blend of hyaluronic acid. Safe for sensitive skin and does not include any artificial colors, harmful ingredients, silicone or paraben’s. #Avajar #Dailyskincare #Koreanskincare #Kbeauty #Ulta #Ultabeauty #Sheetmasks #Amazonprime #AmazonDeals #Skincare #08L #noartificalcolors #Noparabens #Nosilicone #sensitiveskin #Hyaluronicacid #Elasticity #Oilyskin #Hydrating #Moisturizing #softskin #Gotitfreetoreview #Gotitfree #Productreview #Productreviewer #Producttester https://www.instagram.com/p/CGlLsISpjgg/?igshid=1xqk5pshkdqtg
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adamcsdances · 5 years ago
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I wanted to showcase more makeup. Maybe you will catch me around town with a pop of color! 💄 Our Smoothed Over Lipsticks have the nourishing and hydrating qualities of a lipstick, with the soothing properties of a balm. The only question is which of these pretty-in-pink shades will you choose: Peony (L), Hibiscus (M) or Lily (R)? Shop all 15 shades at We also guarantee NO animal filler/by products. Just because your makeup is cruelty free does NOT mean you are not slapping dead animal by product on your face. 🙀 adamsonnenberg.arbonne.com Link in Bio 🙌 #noanimalbyproducts #cleanproducts #veganproducts #cleanskincare #noparabens #nosulfates #nosilicone #nophthalates #vegan #cleancosmetics #healthylife #cruetlyfree #100percentvegan (at New York, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDudSnIB34J/?igshid=1cwfgidn3axkr
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choelscherart · 6 years ago
🌷Ring Swipe Acrylic Pour Painting on Canvas Demonstration🌷
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tropicnickyb · 5 years ago
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💚💁🏽‍♀️ HAIR SMOOTH 💁🏽‍♀️💚 Beauty Bible Award Winner 2020 😍 - Softening - Strengthening - Shine Boosting Hair Smooth Radiance Oil This lightweight, versatile styling oil is the key to your softest ever tresses. Helping to hydrate hair, and tame frizz and flyaways, this incredible styling oil leaves hair looking extra glossy and feeling silky after every application. www.tropicskincare.com/nicolablight #tropichaircare #greenhair #shampoo #cleanshampoo #noparabens #greenhaircare #cleanhair #haircare #conditioner #nosilicone #crueltyfreeshanpoo https://www.instagram.com/p/B9EeXibgT7n/?igshid=djm7bc1j6v6j
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sibel01sworld · 5 years ago
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🌟🌟COLORS FONDOTENLERİMİZİN İÇERİĞİNDE ÇİNKO BULUNMAKTADIR🌟🌟 🌟Çinko nedir biliyor musunuz? ✔️Çinko, erime noktası düşük ve kırılgan olan bir metaldir. Geçiş elementleri grubunda yer alan çinko oldukça geniş kullanım alanına sahiptir. Antik çağlardan beri bilinen çinko ilk zamanlar ‘sahte gümüş’ olarak da adlandırılmıştır. Sert ve kırılgandır bir yapısının olması yanında 120 °C gibi bir sıcaklıkta ancak şekillendirilebilmektedir. ✔️Çinko, hücre çoğalması ve büyümesi için her gün belli bir miktarda dışarıdan alınması zorunlu olan bir mineraldir. Sağlıklı bir bağışıklık sisteminin oluşmasında, yaraların iyileşmesinde, vücudun tat ve kokuları algılamasında, görme duyusunun güçlenmesinde ve DNA sentezinde gereklidir. Akyuvarların, antikorların oluşmasında da etkilidir. 🌟🌟Çinko içeren kremlerin sağladığı faydalar: ✔️Cildin güzelleşmesini ve gençleşmesini sağlar. ✔️Hücre yenileyicidir. ✔️Sivilceleri kurutur. ✔️Cilde güzel bir beyazlık verir. ✔️Cildin yenilenmesini ve onarılmasını sağlayan kolajen oluşumunda etkilidir. ✔️Yaraların hızlıca geçmesini sağlar. ✔️Akneye karşı da çok etkili bir mineraldir, A vitamininin kimyasal bileşimini harekete geçirir ve mikrop öldürücü etkisi akne sivilcelerinin kaybolmasını sağlar. ✔️Uçukları hafifletir. ✔️Güneş lekelerinin azalmasına yardımcı olur. ✔️Yıpranmış, matlaşmış ve kırışmış ciltler veya sivilce akne yanık ameliyat izleri taşıyan ciltleri gençleştirmek ,pürüzsüzleştirmek ve taze doku üretimini tetikleyerek cildin yenilenmesini sağlıyor. ✔️El yüz çatlaklarında tahrişlerde kullanılır. ✔️İnce bir tabaka halinde uygulandığında cildin su kaybetmesini önler. ✔️Kızarıklıkları geçirir. ✔️Cildin erken yaşlanmasını önleyen antioksidan özellikler taşır. ✔️Dermatit, egzama ve sedef hastalığı, kılcal damar tedavisinde kullanılır. ✔️Çinko oksit, kaşıntı, döküntü ve pişik gibi nemli cilt hastalıkların tedavisinde etkili, Cilt kanserini önleyici etkiye sahiptir. ✔️Bunun yanısıra fiyatı son derece uygundur. #fondoten #oilfree #nosilicone #noparabens #nopowder #sentetikyağok @lrsibel01umayteam #lrsbel01 #umayteam https://www.instagram.com/p/B4Szfo2lb6F/?igshid=t8wspttvpink
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schnaddeltestet · 5 years ago
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Werbung) Ich habe eine Produktprobe von @avedagermany erhalten. Das Unternehmen gibt es seit 1978 und wurde von Horst Rechelberger einem Starstylisten, Hairstyling Champion und einflussreichem Umweltaktivist in den USA gegründet. Meine Probe ist eine Haarpflege mit dem Namen #damageremedy und reduziert Haarbruch um bis zu 90%. Sie wird nur im feuchten Haar verteilt, die Haare werden durchgekämmt und Das Produkt im Haar gelassen. Toll ist auch, dass 98% der Inhaltsstoffe aus Mineralien und Pflanzen stammen. Mit dem Code: Welcome15 Werbung) Ich habe eine Produktprobe von @avedagermany erhalten. Das Unternehmen gibt es seit 1978 und wurde von Horst Rechelberger einem Starstylisten, Hairstyling Champion und einflussreichem Umweltaktivist in den USA gegründet. Meine Probe ist eine Haarpflege mit dem Namen #damageremedy und reduziert Haarbruch um bis zu 90%. Sie wird nur im feuchten Haar verteilt, die Haare werden durchgekämmt und Das Produkt im Haar gelassen. Toll ist auch, dass 98% der Inhaltsstoffe aus Mineralien und Pflanzen stammen. Mit dem Code: Welcome15 erhaltet Ihr 15% auf Eure erste Bestellung im Onlineshop. #glutenfrei #nosilicone #instablogger #instabeauty #tierversuchsfrei #produkttest #produkttester #testblog #testblogger_de #naturkosmetig #beautylover #schönehaare #haircare #haarpflege #blogger_deutschland #leaveincare #leavein #schnaddeltestet #beautyblog_de #beautyblog #beautyblogger #vegan #minerals #avede #langehaare #langhaarmädchen #avedadamageremedy #tierversuchsfrei #noanimaltesting #produkttest #produkttester #testblog #testblogger_de #schönehaare #haircare #haarpflege #blogger_de @avedagermany @aveda https://www.instagram.com/p/B4CrEFMIOom/?igshid=exbuyrftbmpn
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thebootystoremgnt · 6 years ago
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#TBT It's ok for you to BE different. It's ok for you to WANT different. Don't let people tell you what you should want or what you should be. This is why it's good to know who you are as a divine being. Too many of you are tossed back and forth by what society, your parents, your friends, your newsfeeds tell you. What does another person's convictions have to do with you? Why is another person's judgment given so much power in your life? Who are they that you should honor their opinion in your life? . . Some of you are shrugging right now and can't even answer those questions. When are you gonna take back your personal power? Do you realize you've given it to the unworthy? . . Last one from @kong.kalon Great shoot !! 🙌🙌👏👏 . . . #freedomisYOU #anythingelseisbondage #setyourselfFREE #unedited #nolipo #nosurgery #nocutup #nosilicone #stallion #tiathestallion #thickandfit #year1 #entrepreneur #Godmade #loveyourself #naturalbodies #Blackowner #blackboss #investor #millionaire #strivingforgreatness #mytruth #thirtysomethings #burnvictim #burnsurvivor https://www.instagram.com/p/B1dvHkhgqC2/?igshid=1ef7meeza8kgc
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💁‍♀️🥰Hi everybody, Hair Care, and Asian beauty lovers! Enjoying a hair quenching ingredients that came in a 500 ML big bottle Premium TS Shampoo. Check it out a Big Bottle 500 ml Premium TS Shampoo U.S.A link-> https://amzn.to/2XXdjYT Canadian Link: https://amzn.to/2YmLWqq or easily go to my linktr.ee/maddyreviews 🌸 I received this to try from @0.8l_usa I love how my dry hair feels so moisturized, and I definitely need this for a little bit of hair loss I have experienced from over brushing and hair tightening ponytails. This shampoo has ingredients to help with hair loss and thickens your hair. I have some improvement with the time I have used it, I especially like the biotin star ingredient. It makes your hair strong, moisturized, and shiny no matter the hair type. . What do you think of having this Premium TS Shampoo for hair growth and strength? Let me know in the comments below! In Spanish: Hola a todos, cuidado del cabello, y amantes de la belleza asiática! Disfruto usando este maravilloso champú con ingredientes para el cabello que vienen en un Champú Premium TS de 500 ml de botella grande. Échale un vistazo a una botella grande 500 ml Premium TS Shampoo U.S.A link-> https://amzn.to/2XXdjYT Enlace canadiense: https://amzn.to/2YmLWqq o vaya fácilmente a mi linktr.ee/maddyreviews Recibí esto para probar de @ 0.8L. Me encanta cómo mi cabello seco se siente tan hidratado, y definitivamente necesito esto para un poco de pérdida de cabello que he experimentado por cepillado excesivo y cepillado del cabello. Este champú tiene ingredientes para ayudar a la pérdida del cabello y engrosa tu cabello. Tengo algunas mejoras con el tiempo que lo he usado, me gusta especialmente el ingrediente estrella de la biotina. Hace que tu cabello sea fuerte, hidratado y brillante sin importar el tipo de cabello. . ¿Qué piensas de tener este Champú Premium TS para el crecimiento y la fuerza del cabello? ¡Déjame saber abajo en los comentarios! #TS #TSshampoo #PremiumTSshampoo #allnewtsshampoo #koreanbeauty #haircare #hairproducts #dominicanbloggers #chicagoblogger #08liter #08L #alopeciarelieving #nosilicone #koreanshampoo #shampoo #pr https://www.instagram.com/p/B0NdPj3Bgsq/?igshid=vf3p3iqjlzo
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