OCs As Experiences
i was tagged by: @blissfulalchemist (gracias!✌️🌺) to do this uquiz for some ocs as experiences.
i decided to do marta and cloud, mostly because i have been thinking of marta a lot lately and cloud cause i always have cloud brainrot. and i made little notes in the post cause that's fun for me!
anywho, i'm tagging these cool cats to do it if they want to: @sunhearts / @outfromthesea / @fayelistic / @thelittlestspider / @youngsamanda / @neutronstcr / @theaisstillhere / @ohwrite / @elizaellwrites / @justnerdy15 / @targentis / @wordsacrossemptypages / @meganqwynn / @elysianfiields / and anyone else! say i tagged you!
marta dardashti-roscoe💫original works + oc in m*rvel & dc + witchblade ideas
note: in which this shit HURTED because marta is trying to become who she is after having bits of her memory wiped, and like, she really just is full of a strong sense of nostalgia she cannot for the life of understand or get over after having that part of her stolen from her.
you leave people feeling nostalgic. drug store valentine's cards. a favorite childhood song crackled through the radio; secret folded notes to find later. a soft yellow. christmas lights. knowing all the movie scenes that make your best friend laugh. birthday candles. a favorite hot chocolate mug. arcade carpets. lazy sunny saturday mornings. young, but not naive. you give people the sense of being held. falling asleep in the car and being carried safely inside. an acknowledgment that no matter how we age, there’s still something small and reaching within us that never goes away completely. (and that it’s not a bad thing.) there’s something sweet about you that feels hard to come by nowadays. a “they don’t make them like you anymore.” maybe it’s a chance to dip a toe back into childhood or a less pressured place—into imagination again, if even for a short while. a chance your presence gives in allowing people to enjoy it all more fully this time around.
claudia r. dardashti 🕵🏽‍♀️original works + oc in m*rvel & dc+ witchblade ideas
note: i remember my friend kayla saying once that claudia has a protective presence so i like this conclusion to the quiz. people have come to her for protection, for not just physical things but because -- even though she's not the best with her own feelings -- she won't judge how other people feel and tends to not judge people most of the time and is good with other people's feelings. so yes, cool, cool, cool.
you leave people feeling refreshed.
a full exhale. first day of spring, a step into a hot bath; fruit eaten in the sunned grass. a full glass of water. birdsong. a cat napping by the window. the smell of a meadow after rain. deep green. laying with your head in a friend’s lap. coming back home after a long trip. freshly laundered sheets. a rallying force and refuge. both steadying and renewing. feeling your shoulders totally relax. when people are close to you, there’s a sense they can take their shoes off in the safety of your presence. to be unguarded and at ease. feeling safe enough to close their eyes; to rest in the peace and the comfort you offer, though you might not even be aware of it. you might ask people how they’re doing, but what they know you mean is, “where can I help? what do you need?” when the world can be such a tumultuous place, it is no small gift to have support like yours.
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you really believe your little story’s gonna make a difference when there’s a gun to our heads? (jan and simone)
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"You really believe your little story’s gonna make a difference when there’s a gun to our heads?"
Simone Nazario pokes her tongue out at Jan. He’s always such a damn party pooper. Always such a stick in the mud. Always such a little bitch. “Of course not, but it could serve as a distraction. A story is a lot better than going in with nothing. And if you punch them, we're as sure as dead or imprisoned.”
Simone gives a firm head-nod after. And then, she stares him down, causing him to stare back at her in silent war. The two of them keep glaring at each other, eyes narrowed, lips pursed, as they both make the effort not to look away in order to show they both mean business. 
However, Jan fails. 
He sighs, hand running through his brown locks before he sighs and rolls his eyes. “Fine, no punching.” 
“We handle things with our words, not our first,” Simone says this proudly. 
“Or your big ass sword,” he adds, smirking and giving her a wink.
Simone rolls her eyes. “The point is to avoid prison and death.” 
“Well, with a big ass sword you can avoid both,” Jan tells her. Simone bursts into laughter before she rubs her eyes and shakes her head. “No sword, no punching – we handle this like adults.”
Jan sighs. “Whatever. But something tells me they won’t be handling things like adults.”
Simone doesn’t argue. She never does. The whole ordeal is complex. Her father’s legacy is important to follow, and Jan’s is similar, but he seems to care less about his family’s legacy than she cares about her family’s.
However, he is willing to help and that’s all that matters. Thing is, universe hopping is a headache, and it is enough to make her regret ever doing this. But she won’t quit until she gets her father’s locket back, so she can unlock his hidden universe. She wants to know his truth, and she'll never find it if she keeps playing games.
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title: pizza prompt: no prompt, but it's a late v-day gift. for: @andordameron verse: a mini multi called 'you only die once' who: claudia (you only die once multi au) & anthony munoz notes: i never know if i write anthony right sdjfsjdf
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The scent of cologne fills the private detective’s office when he enters the room in a tired huff. Cloud picks up her head slowly – but not obviously – and away from the piles of cases on her desk, just to see if he knows what day it is and if he has a Valentine, already.
Though some people might see her as the type of person who would be above a frivolous holiday like Valentine’s Day, Cloud has always loved the holiday and thinks it’s an incredibly fun holiday to celebrate.
Anthony doesn’t strike her as the type to celebrate Valentine’s Day, or really even believe in love, however. His mind always seems more lost than hers and she often questions if that’s why the two of them make such a great pair. Then there are the ‘people’ he frequently sees that she assumes are romantic partners up until they’re never brought up again after he goes on one or two dates with them.
So, she does not want to ask him upfront if he has a Valentine - but she is curious if he has one.
“What’s going, Munoz?” Cloud asks, a soft smile on her face as looks at Anthony when he tiredly takes a seat at his desk.
He groans into his hands, which makes her shrug and forget the idea of having him as a Valentine. Instead, she considers asking someone else. Possibly someone less cranky.
But then he speaks, and it almost startles her – when, well, nothing ever startles her. “You ever try to do something nice for someone who means a lot to you – almost the universe – and the universe fucks you over instead, ruining said nice thing?” he asks her, which makes her look at him again, this time with eyebrows narrowing in.
“To be honest, that’s why I’m here. I didn’t have agency for a big chunk of life and didn’t have certain memories of bad things that happened to me, or bad things I did, and when I tried to fix what I’d done, I only managed to make those things worse.” Which was probably the most honest she’s been with him since he broke the link between her and her mother’s agency. “I mean, you could technically have me hurt a lot of people and you could hurt me, but you choose not to. But the universe, when I first tried to break free of that before working here, it kept making things worse.”
Anthony blinks hard. “Wow,” is all he says. “I was actually talking about you. Which, surprise surprise... probably makes no sense. But you’ve helped me around here a lot and you’ve grown to be very important to me. I was going to do something fun for you, like rent out a movie theater and then watch a bunch of those nonsense films you like…but….well, none of the movie theaters are open due to an issue with the film the theaters were given.”
Cloud’s eyebrow arches. “Is that your way of saying you wanted me to be your Valentine?”
Anthony clears his throat. “In…theory.”
Which makes Cloud smile a little mischievously. “You’re soft on me. You literally have a weapon and don’t use it, and now you don’t see me as just a weapon anymore. You see me as a person.” She points in an ‘ah-ha’ way.
“I’ve always seen you as a person. Just was weary of you scaring away my clients…So I've kept you at a distance.” he muses.
“A distance? I share a bed with you." She scoffs, even if they don't do anything and she mainly sleeps in his bed so he can make sure she doesn't sneak off to kill a man or whatever for her mother. "And I don’t mind just sitting here, going over cases and eating pizza though. I know I come from a rich family, but I like simplicity. Buy me pizza and I’m happy.” She winks at him. He rolls his eyes, but smiles slightly.
“Great. But please. I beg of you. Don’t tell anyone else. They’re going to make a big deal out of this,” he sighs, but smiles even wider when she gets up and to be closer to him, sitting on his lap.
“Well, I’m making a big deal out of this...us,” Cloud says.
“You make a big deal out of rocks on the street, Dee.”
“They have a story to tell. They’re both art and history.”
“They’re fucking rocks.”
There’s a moment where the both sit and just smile at each other like fools.
“So…pizza?” he asks.
“I don’t know, seems too simple to me…I want something over the topic...” she looks away, but licks her lips.
“For fuck’s sake.” He laughs.
She laughs to. “Yes, pizza.”
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