nightwonder7 · 22 days
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NortAlice Week - Day 4: Interview
A second interview <o<
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to-spend-time · 24 days
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📌Nortalice week _DAY 2_ :
Matching customs
Is it ok to participate in some days? I have always wanted Alice in Wonderland's custom for our Alice and Norton
Thank you @itsxeo3 for hosting this week for our nation 💖
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itsxeo3 · 2 months
Hello everyone, I'm crossposting my nortalice week onto Tumblr ! ! ! 🧲💕🗞
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I'm a little nervous, since this is my first time doing this kind of thing, but I hope everyone here enjoys it 🫶
It's open for writers and artists starting August 4th to August 10th, it's strictly 16+ and will use the first hashtag seen below when creating works for this week 🙇‍♂️
Here's some basic summaries on each prompt of the a week to give a better idea on what each theme entails!
Anything that happens before Oletus Manor, a coincidental run-in, scenarios relating to Alice is investigation on Norton, or Norton being hired to go after Alice, even once concepts!
Matching Costumes:
Alternative universes or just costumes that match! Ex. Eternity/Infernal Sin, Summer Frisbee/Trainee Editor, Spinel/Wolframite etc, etc...
Based on the official artwork for Ashes of Memory Chapter II featuring all members of the group dining together, can also reference the endless banquet MV, or a scenario loosely akin to a dinner date.
The canonical interaction between Alice and Norton during their time in the Manor, I suggest looking at Norton's 2022 letter for more information in regards to this event.
Another canonical event that took place during Ashes of Memories, this is the prompt most focused on Fool's Gold and Alice's dynamic, it also doesn't necessarily have to be about that specific chase, can take place in any part in the story that you'd see fit!
more of a metaphorical concept to tie into the theme of their characters and such, this prompt is intended to be interpretive but can be taken literally if you choose to do so.
A prompt with a lot of ideas to work with; escaping the Manor together, having an unlikely run-in after the manor, tending to their injuries after their game, so on and so forth.
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eclairris · 26 days
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Okay gang let’s see how much of this week I manage to do. Anyways, here’s a small interview for day one of Nortalice week!
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nightwonder7 · 19 days
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NortAlice Week - Day 5: Chase
Come out, come out, wherever you are...
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nightwonder7 · 17 days
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NortAlice Week - Day 7: Post-Manor
Rest now. It is time we heal.
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nightwonder7 · 23 days
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NortAlice Week - Day 3: Banquet
Come join the feast! We have... we have grapes and... grape juice...
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nightwonder7 · 25 days
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NortAlice Week - Day 1: Pre-Manor
I was investigating the mining disaster in Golden Cave. My plan was to interview the survivors.
Okay I'm a day late, but decided to join in on @itsxeo3's week with nortalice prompts when I found out about it last night ;u;
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nightwonder7 · 24 days
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NortAlice Week - Day 2: Matching Costumes
Both their CoA B-tiers have ties :3
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nightwonder7 · 18 days
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NortAlice Week - Day 6: Death/Life
The only thing that matters is that you'll get out of here alive.
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itsxeo3 · 26 days
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today's the beginning of Nortalice week!Prompt: pre-manor
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eclairris · 25 days
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Nortalice week day 2. Matching costumes.
Troubadour & Errant
“Sometimes the only ones that can guide her are the ones who are just as obscure.”
Really struggling to not use stibnite and my alchemy fan skin for this day, but I don’t feel like drawing director mars and having consistence in my posts is hard enough as is. For Alice to match with Norton in his lesser appreciated skin here, I imagine her skin would consist of golds and purples, to clash against the colors of green and gold that Troubadour dons.
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itsxeo3 · 2 months
NortAlice Week has been postponed!
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