#normunds kindzulis
delightful-mirth · 3 years
Tumblr: there are only other two posts about this homophobic murder all over the site, the same goes for Alireza Fazeli Monfared. You clearly have to do better than this: actual LGBT lives before fictional ships, try to learn this.
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joselito28-1 · 3 years
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En Lettonie, la mort d'un jeune homosexuel est au coeur d'une polémique depuis plusieurs jours. Il a été brûlé vif , ses vêtements arrosés d'essence puis enflammés. Normunds Kindzulis, un soignant de 29 ans, a été retrouvé en feu le 23 avril dernier devant son domicile de Tukums (ouest de la Lettonie). 😪😭😤
In Latvia, the death of a young homosexual has been at the heart of a controversy for several days. He was burned alive, his clothes sprayed with gasoline and then set on fire. Normunds Kindzulis, a 29-year-old caregiver, was found on fire on April 23 in front of his home in Tukums (western Latvia).
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pern-dragon · 3 years
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