#normalise breastfeeding in public thank you
jelzorz · 2 years
Rayla's back on her feet again, like, a day after their second child is born, and Callum doesn't think that's surprising at all because she's always been stubborn, but he does think it's ridiculous in the most amazing, incredible way. She reviews the guard with Soren like she didn't just birth a halfling, and plays with Sarai like she's not still bleeding considerably, and attends Ezran's council meetings like there isn't a baby strapped to her chest, and yeah, Callum's always loved and admired her, but this?
This is an entirely new level of love and admiration, and Callum is still wrapping his head around the idea that she grew both his children in her body. There's always something new with her, some incredible, impossible thing that she looks right in the eye and then just does anyway, and she handles it all with such grace that Callum sometimes has a hard time just keeping up.
It's been what, two weeks now? She'd insisted on getting straight back to work because, admittedly, there's a fair bit of work to be done in order to keep their hard earned peace. Sarai is with Barius today, learning how to make jelly tarts while they're trapped in this meeting but Wynn, obviously, can't join her just yet, because she's a newborn baby and she currently lives in the sling on Rayla's chest. Rayla's managing fine, of course—she's rubbing her daughter's back absently and bouncing a little on the spot to keep her settled while Ez negotiates trade routes with a visiting dignitary. Lord Palimore is old, portly, and not so fond of the idea of allowing elves free travel through his land, but he keeps looking at Rayla like she shouldn't be there. Callum's about to snap at him for it, but Ez gets there first.
"Is there a problem, Lord Palimore?"
Palimore flushes, sneering at Rayla but directing his response at Ezran. "Forgive me, Your Majesty, it's just unbecoming for a woman so recently given birth to be at a meeting such as this. Perhaps it's different for elves, but human women generally wait until their children are weaned before returning to work."
Ezran frowns. Callum starts forward. Rayla catches him in the chest, something dangerous flashing in her eyes.
"Unbecoming in what way, My Lord?" she asks coldly.
Palimore shifts, uncertain and suddenly far less confident. "For—forgive me, My Lady, but should your child need to feed—"
"She will," says Rayla. "And you will be respectful of that by allowing her to do so without comment."
Palimore wrinkles his nose, presumably trying to find a way to sound diplomatic. "My Lady, it's not appropriate—"
"To what? Feed my child?" Rayla snorts at him. "For one, she's asleep, and you're causing more of an interruption than she is. For another, if you have a problem with the concept of a nursing child, the door's over there. I am an elven ambassador attending a meeting that requires an elven perspective. I'm not leaving just because you feel uncomfortable."
Palimore makes a face and turns to Ezran, affronted. "Your Majesty, surely you wouldn't allow—"
"I would," says Ez shortly. "Rayla's an ambassador in her own right. Her perspective in this matter is important and she doesn't need my permission to feed her baby. If you have a problem with that, you can go."
"Do you have a problem with that, My Lord?" Rayla eyes him over the table, patient, professional, stony as the gravel in the bailey—something she must have picked up from Opeli over the years. There's an invitation in her gaze: defy her, provoke her—if he dares.
Palimore ducks his head. "No, My Lady."
The meeting continues. Rayla goes back to bouncing gently on the spot. Wynn sighs happily in her sleep.
Callum hides a chuckle and finds himself filled with awe and admiration for his wife all the more.
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dilemmaontwolegs · 3 years
Obscene Behaviour || b.b & s.w
Platonic relationship with Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson and a new mom!reader
Summary: Your coffee date with your friends takes a turn when you slip your nip out to feed your newborn. Warnings: public breastfeeding (let's normalise it please), bullying WC: 624
|| Main Masterlist || Bucky Masterlist || Sam Masterlist ||
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“Wow, look at you.” Sam gushed as he took a seat at the table you were waiting at. “You are absolutely glowing! How’s everything going?”
“Thanks, Sam.” You grinned as he gave you a kiss on the cheek and stole your newborn from your arms. “I’m still adjusting. It’s weird seeing you guys on the news and not being out there in the action.”
“You got something more important now.” He said, gently bouncing your baby boy in his arms and swapping to baby talk. “Isn’t that right, little Sammy?”
“His name is James.” Bucky argued as he arrived and gave you a hug before he took the third seat at your table.
“You’re both wrong.” You laughed as they began to argue with each other until you grabbed the birth certificate from your handbag and placed it between them. “His name is Steven Anthony Y/L/N.”
“No way.” Sam grinned. “That’s a big name to live up to, little man.”
“If anyone can, it'll be him.” Bucky smiled as he grabbed a chubby toe and tickled it. “You doing alright, mama?”
“Could do with a few more hours of sleep a night but I think we are doing pretty good.” You said before a yawn broke out at the mention of sleep.
“We can have him for a night if you need some rest.” Sam offered and Bucky’s head snapped to him with wide eyes.
“We can?”
“I’m not doing it alone.” Sam chuckled. “I’m not as brave as y/n.”
“You might find it a bit difficult, unless you can breastfeed?”
“Last time I checked…no.” Sam said with a shake of his head and looked at Bucky.
“Don’t look at me, these are pure muscle.” He said with a wave over his chest.
As if your infant understood the talk about breastfeeding, he began to cry and you took him back so you could open the discreet slip on your shirt, latching him on. Neither man bat an eyelid as you fed your bub but you could feel a pair of eyes on you and looked around to see a middle aged man staring at your chest. Bucky turned as he saw your eyebrows pinched and his own eyes hardened.
“Hey, you got a problem?”
The man jumped at Bucky’s harsh voice but he recovered quickly and looked down his nose at you. “Some of us are trying to eat here, not be subject to pornographic, obscene behaviour.”
“Pornogr- what the hell is wrong with you, man?” Sam asked seriously. “Some people are trying to eat, including her baby.”
“You don’t see us trying to stop you from stuffing your pie hole.”
You watched with amazement as they both ripped into the man who was turning redder by the second.
“I could see her nipple. It was offensive and distracting.” He gupped as more people were tuning into the conversation.
“I can see your cutlery, I don’t find that distracting.” Sam laughed. “It’s just a nipple, how about not sexualising it, then you shouldn't find it so distracting.”
Bucky pulled his shirt over his head and sat back in his chair as a few bystanders began to pull their phones out and Sam took his shirt off next.
“Oh my god, what are you two doing?” You laughed as they turned their seats around to face the man.
“Distracting him.” Sam smirked. “Look at all these pornographic nipples.”
Bucky smiled at one woman that looked just his type and pointed to his chest. “Is this offensive to you ma’am?”
“No, sir.” She giggled before turning to the man. “You should be ashamed of yourself, if you have the right to eat in a public place, so does this beautiful wee baby.”
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softnapping · 6 years
There is so much beauty in women
not pretentiously , implicit or provocative
now I can’t show that , I can’t encourage these convictions , much like anything or anywhere else I am burdened by my kindness by their injustice that looms larger than life. Like the boy at no wrong of his own, just out of touch that was never given time to understand what is human and what is to be loved, normalised or at least tolerated ,he whom demonises the woman breastfeeding on public transport;  please learn. 
May their beauty seduce your heart and not your bad intention.
Thank you sweet humans
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lamurdiparasian · 6 years
Hellomarine, aka Marie, is not only an award-winning graphic designer and a part-time lecturer on BA Graphic Design at the University of Portsmouth, but also a new People of Print Member. Marie has been designing in print since 2006 when she worked as a designer in a local print house where she hassled for old print plates and stood watching her own artwork printed on a huge Heidelberg wanting to know every step of the process. But this wasn’t enough, so she decided to start a degree in Graphic Design (at Portsmouth) in 2007.
Shortly after graduating with a first class honours, Mari won a National Print Futures Award in 2011. A few months after graduating she was contacted by ilovedust, an award-winning studio on the south coast, to work on print and type projects – she worked full time at ilovedust as a graphic designer for a year before pursuing teaching and continuing to freelance specialising in print. As well as freelancing and running her business Marie has taught at the University of Portsmouth on BA Graphic Design since 2013 as a part-time lecturer. She also teaches graphic design, book design and print production on BA Fashion & Textiles and for the School of Architecture on MA Interior Design.
With a self-confessed obsession with print and type, Mari is in the process of expanding her business with her partner (and husband) luckydarren a fellow designer, illustrator and lecturer. Since starting their family they wanted to produce beautiful things about things they were and are passionate about and in the mediums they enjoy. This led them to the purchase of a riso printing machine, unearthing their proofing press, Adana, silk screens and also managed to make room for a foiler. Under the brand ‘foursandeights’ they produce prints and stationery as well as offering riso printing, screen printing and letterpress.
This summer saw the debut of this creative duo beginning to run workshops in foiling, bookbinding and Adana letterpress printing. Owning a young family can make things hard to juggle, however not for this super-mum! She turned this aspect of her life into creating something fun, creative and enjoyable for others also. Marie and her partner have ventured into launching Southsea beach print workshops (one day it’ll be from their beach hut) which you can attend with your kids and learn to expose a screen with the sun and print your design of treasures you’ve found on the beach in soya ink. While the screens expose they do a mini beach clean with biodegradable bin bags too.
Another project that Marie has recently started is #YESMUMMA, a free print project which supports and thanks women breastfeeding in public to help normalise breastfeeding through small cards of empowerment. Each card made is intended to be passed on to the next person they see breastfeeding in public and so on. The project has gotten much bigger than expected and Marie tells us how humbled she is by the love that has been felt for the project, the stories of how empowered and supported mums have felt after receiving a card from a stranger and how it’s encouraged them to continue to feed is incredible.
It’s clear that Marie is fully confessed print geek, someone who lives, breathes and is passionate about print. An ideal candidate for our own team perhaps..
Do you want to become a People of Print Member? APPLY HERE.
from Blogger http://lamurdis.blogspot.com/2018/07/hellomarine.html
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What makes you want to be a midwife? That's kinda cool but what inspired that?
I’ve always wanted to do something that involved caring for people. I’ve also always loved working with children. Now an obvious misperception about midwifery is that it’s all about delivering babies. It’s not. So when I say I’ve always loved working with children, I mean that misperception resulted in me researching further into midwifery. In reality, it’s all about the mother and promoting her health and well being throughout her pregnancy to in turn ensure the health and well being of her baby. It’s about preparing her for labour and motherhood, supporting her and her family or support network all the way. To me it’s such an amazing thing to be able to do, to maybe be the only support a mother has at a time that’s such a change in her life. It’s such a diverse profession where you’ll be working with and caring for people from every background with every special need.
I’m also really passionate about having continuity of care where each mother has a main midwife for their entire pregnancy and postnatal period. And I really want to advocate for the normalisation of public breastfeeding because BOOBIES ARE FOR BABIES. It’s also soooo important to promote the awareness of the struggles many women face as a result of breastfeeding and help people realise breast might not always be best for the situation. AND THATS OKAY. Also, pre and postnatal mental health is really important to me. And delayed clamping. And infertility. And abortion. And miscarriage. And still birth. And adoption. And fostering. And surrogates.IM PASSIONATE ABOUT EVERYTHING PREGNANCY BASICALLY. 😆😂Thanks for your question!!❤️
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charlottekeating · 8 years
Top tips for nursing discreetly
The phrase “normalise breastfeeding” makes me cringe somewhat. Why? Because it implies that breastfeeding is not a normal part of life or way to feed baby. Granted breastfeeding is not possible or suitable for everyone - “fed is best” after all - but it seems ridiculous to me that we need to raise the profile of breastfeeding in public as an acceptable practice. Yet we do if only to make mums more comfortable doing it and less self conscious. 
Now I must confess that I’m one to avert my eyes when a mother is latching on her baby but that's out of respect for their privacy/modesty, not because I disapprove a flash of nipple or them nursing. After all, I grew up in Italy where topless sunbathing was the norm...
When I first became a mum, I remember there was one woman on the aeroplane with us who’s toddler walked up the aisle, stopping next to her aisle seat then proceeded to lift up her mum’s oversized tshirt up (worn sans bra) and fed right there in the aisle, boob clearly hanging free. Whilst I applaud any woman for breastfeeding how she pleases for as long as she pleases, I was more than happy to be secluded by the window breastfeeding my 5 month old, thankful of the discretion my nursing top offered.
Call me prude but I just didn’t want other people to see my breasts and was mindful of not putting others in a potentially uncomfortable position should the sight of my nipple disturb them (older generation of men or teenage boys mainly). To me, my breasts are intimate & private. Having said that, I fed my two children everywhere and anywhere - right up to 16 months. I was far more easy going and carefree about breastfeeding in public with baby number two as it's just a little more of a juggle with an impatient toddler - the urgency of getting the baby fed quickly takes precedence rather than finding an ideal moment or secluded spot! Thankfully my boy was satisfied with quick 10-20 minute feeds.
Never once did I receive negative comments. I think I was more embarrassed (or oblivious) than vice versa. I’m happy to feed my babies and have family members cop the occasional eyeful but preferably not my dad or brother and you won’t find me on the beach topless. That’s just the way I am and I know I’m not alone! But I didn't stay at home - I was out and about getting on with life, meeting friends, adventuring with my baby & toddler.
Breastfeeding never stopped us. So for the mums out there who are new to breastfeeding or like me, prefer a little more discretion, here are some tips for latching on and feeding discreetly. 
But the best tip I can offer, is have self belief and confidence! Go mamas!
Know your rights In the UK it is legal for you to breastfeed almost anywhere you like unless it's against their policy (like a men's club for instance). A toilet or baby changing area are sometimes offered as a nursing area but these are not suitable for feeding your baby as they are unhygienic and full of lingering faeces germs which you and baby should not be exposed to. For a breakdown of legal advice for nursing in public, follow this link. Its also details what to do in the event of receiving criticism. 
Latching on & off Latching on & off are the key moments when you are likely to expose most flesh and breast whilst nursing your baby. If you are self conscious about this, angle away from onlookers or shield behind a friend or the edge of a scarf/cardigan whilst you latch on or off. Once baby is feeding well at the breast, there’s usually little flesh exposed and looks more like a baby having a cuddle. 
Practice in the mirror Sit down at home in front of a mirror and practice breastfeeding your baby to see for yourself how much flesh is actually on show and which tops suit you and your baby best. If you’re feeling self conscious, take a few extra moments to practice latching on and off discretely. Follow this link for more advice on establishing a good latch. 
Find the right clothing Nursing clothes like ours are specifically designed to keep your post natal tummy covered whilst offering access to feed your baby discreetly via hidden nursing openings. If you’re feeling self conscious, you will find that nursing wear minimises ‘exposure’ and will boost your confidence to breastfeed in public. Our Pinterest boards are full of easy styling ideas to keep you looking on trend. 
Respond to early hunger cues Learn to interpret your baby’s hunger cues and prepare yourself for feeding. People are less likely to notice you if you are sat quietly breastfeeding than if you wait until your baby is crying for a feed. On the flip side, if you try to feed too early, then baby may not be ready to feed and your efforts will result in fussing at the breast or your baby not taking a full feed. Familiarising yourself with your baby's cues and routine are the key to your success. 
Find an appropriate spot Babies tend to stay latched on & feed better at the breast if you are in a quiet subdued atmosphere than when there is lots of noisy activity nearby. This is especially true as a baby gets older and more curious of it’s surroundings. For older babies, have a muslin cloth to hand to cover your breast if baby pops on and off to look around. This will not only preserve your modesty but also catch any milk spraying mid flow.
Sit comfortably It’s important to feel comfortable and have support under your arm when nursing. So when you are looking for an appropriate spot, think of which breastfeeding positions you and baby prefer and choose a comfortable seat that allows for this. In any situation, try using your nappy bag in lieu of a nursing pillow for resting your supporting arm on whilst you feed.
Where to feed indoors Establishments displaying a Breastfeeding Friendly sticker on their entrance door are good places to stop. Otherwise in any other place, find a seat which offers relative privacy (like a booth or sofa chair that offers more side coverage than a dining chair) or somewhere you can shield yourself from onlookers with the buggy or potted plant.  
Look confident  Remember to stay relaxed and offer any onlookers a smile whilst you nurse. Breastfeeding is one of the most natural things to do and you shouldn’t assume that anyone looking is criticising you, they may simply be looking on you fondly, perhaps remembering their own nursing days. 
Nurse in a sling or carrier Breastfeeding in a sling or carrier can be a good way of keeping baby close, focused and out of the public eye whilst breastfeeding. Here's our guide for breastfeeding whilst baby wearing . Your carrier’s manufacturer should also provide guidelines for breastfeeding using your sling for the best way to nurse on the go. 
  via Charlotte Keating Breastfeeding Clothing & Maternitywear - Blog http://ift.tt/2ndLb0m
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