#normal lawyer for special people. / universes‚ savannah.
goldshadows · 8 months
@freezegirl : "thank you for meeting with me on such short notice. i might have... gotten into it with a, uh, non-powered person. which i did because that person hurt and... and abused one of my closest friends. the name of the person i fought is megan and she said she's going to sue me. for assault and defamation, maybe? is... is there a way we can stop that from happening? or can i counter sue for discrimination and harrassment? i don't really know how all of this law stuff works but my parents will end my existence if they get bad press from this. i don't want this entire thing to go sideways but most importantly, i... i don't want my friend to have to deal with megan more than he already has, you know? is there a way to make that happen? to make it so she can't get to him anymore? ever?" / savannah miller
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" of course. " is all she can get out before khione is already rambling about the situation. she's always available for the girl any time of day or night. listening attentively, she can't help her facial expressions. lips pressed into a thin line, eyes squinting, brows furrowing together. once she finishes, savannah lets out a small breath and gives a nod. the lawyer doesn't appear to be too fazed. " sure, there's a way to stop this from happening. defamation is difficult to prove in general so i don't think we have to worry about that. assault, however ... " she pauses, giving khione a look. she gets it, she understands. personally, she approves. legally, not so much. " there is something called defense of others which is similar to self-defense. but it only applies if you reasonably believe someone is in imminent danger of harm. in addition to that, you must use only as much force as a reasonable person would use to put an end to the threat. are you following ? " feels like she's quoting a textbook but she's hoping khione understands what she means. if not, she'll gladly explain.
savannah clears her throat then. " now for the other half of ... all that. did she discriminate you and is she harassing you ? i feel for your friend, kie, but there's little you can do to stop him from seeing her. i'm afraid that has to come from him. he could file a restraining order but that takes a bit of time. " though, given her connections, probably not as long as it might for someone else. she tries for an empathetic smile before leaning back in her seat. hand picks up her mug of coffee so she can take a sip while thinking for a moment. putting it back down, head tilts to the side. " by any chance, are we talking about megan kent ? "
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savysavannah · 4 years
Practice Challenge One part Two
Special thanks to: @eaton-schreave and @s-morgan
Men have been paying more attention to me lately. Not that they didn't much before, I am a woman after all they're fairly predictable on that front. But what I wasn't expecting was how aggressive they'd be once I became something they knew they couldn't have. 
I tried to continue living on as if nothing happened. Wake up, go to work, work through lunch (you can't let the papparazzi see you with mayo on your cheek again), take a break and call Angelic who works at the palace and has been my personal helper through this transition, beg my boss to let me work through the selection, "I can just go to court virtually!", skip dinner, drive home, make sure no one is following me, they still haven't found out where I live at least, pop open a bottle of gin, then research this bitch who I had to somehow, for the sake of my own ass, not murder. 
The office is on floor 10 of the 20 floor building I work in. I park in the parking lot, thankfully the paparazzi can't follow me there as you have to scan in. I walked up to the elevator and pressed the button. Just as the doors closed a larger man ran up and blocked it with his hand. He was around 6’4 and towered over me, he stood a little too close and I clutched my purse to take the anxiety out.
I watched the numbers go up as we rode but felt him watching me. His pinky finger rubbed against my thigh fiddling with the hem of my pencil skirt. He couldn’t do anything to me, not with who I now was, not in a moving elevator. I tried to remember to breathe as we hit floor eight and leaned to the side to avoid him which he leaned closer in response. Finally we stopped at floor ten and I got off. Thankfully, he didn’t follow. 
I tried to put the moment out of my mind while I worked. It wasn’t the first time something like that had happened, but it was the first time that I was completely and utterly alone. I clicked the B key of my laptop over and over trying to get my brain to pump out something. Some kind of work. But all I got in response was the distracting thoughts of what to do next time. 
At lunch I stared at the elevator. I had to take either the stairs or the elevator. If I took the elevator I'd be stuck in the same situation. If I took the stairs I'd be alone in a dark area for longer. I pressed the button and watched my watch as I waited. 
I was thankfully alone as it lowered to the ground. I was able to breathe and let my mind debate over if I should go to the sandwich place near work or drive home and eat leftovers. Going with the sandwich I started to walk down the block.
“Daniel will you get off that stupid device and pass your sister the peas.” Mother ordered as we all sat at the table of our parents estate. Our weekly dinners were normally a lively event, but tonight was the first night before I left. Daniel and I still hadn’t made up since his plan for vengeance against someone who had not harmed him had succeeded. 
I’d tried to make the best of the situation, research some ounce of goodness in the Prince, but all I found were articles of his outrageous college behavior. Dan had been assuring me that once I was eliminated I would have a sea of men to pick from and would be happily married to a two or upper class three, I could quit work and be a simple housewife like his Marina, this outraged me further and caused a fight. My goal in life is not to be a wife but to work and be content with my work. Danny was the only one who could actually provide any solace reminding me that it would just be for a few weeks, possibly less, then I’d be back to work just as before. Eventually, people would forget I was ever someone to know and I could return to my life. 
Just as we finished dinner the doorbell rang, though there was quickly a rattling of the knob and a busting in before the help could get to the door. Grandmother came in with large pink bags, which I believed to be for me. Soon after I learned that they were filled with all kinds of masks. Masks for face, masks for hair, hands, feet. Apparently, being on TV meant my skin had to be extremely soft.  
Grandmother is the current head of the Mars candy corporation. Next in line is my Uncle Dennis, then my cousins, then uncle Ricky. Hopefully though it won’t come down to Ricky. Ricky blew all his money before he could trap a wife, he’s still a two as grandmother keeps him afloat, but barely. One day he’ll probably be caught with some kind of drug, he’ll be dropped to an eight, it’ll be a shame that could have been prevented had the lawyer in the family not been a stuck up bitch. I’m just tired of working for free on a man who will never change, and doesn’t deserve the luxury. But God forbid I charge family. 
The morning of the flight I wasn’t nervous at all. I said my goodbyes to my boss, let her know I’d be available on my phone or through email if she needed anything, locked up my home, and headed to the formal goodbye where I’d meet up with my family. There was a surprising amount of pride in the province for me being selected. I had read an article about how it seemed I would be destined to be the perfect fit for Queen. I already worked in helping those of Illea through complex laws and policies, I was well educated, from a wealthy family but not a literal two. I was the perfect mold and the pride of Labrador. There were other provinces which had an eight selected that were not quite as cheerful. In the quiet of the airport I was finally able to say my goodbyes. Mother told me to remember to not be too closed off, Father told me to be careful, Danny told me to tough it out but give it an honest try; “He may not be terrible, don’t deny yourself happiness.” Some nonsense like that. 
Dan congratulated me on the opportunity, and Daniel stood quietly trying to avoid eye contact. I was still mad at him. What he did was unforgivable. But we couldn’t leave like this. I hugged him tightly and boarded the plane.
The day was a blur, a blur of useless lessons, a blur of mild appearance changes, girls who were possibly friends, possibly enemies, possibly annoying. It was late into the evening by the time I got to my room. My maids, Florence, Abigail, and Eimear seemed eager to be serving possibly ‘the future queen of illea’ and I was eager for a moment to myself. I dismissed them for the night to unpack on my own. 
I’d snuck a few pairs of my own tailored dress pants in, my laptop, phone, a notebook, a few books, and a family photo. Soon enough the room was a strangers room with sprinkles of me throughout. Once I sat down at my laptop I realized it was already getting fairly late. I changed into a silk nightgown, closed my laptop and tried to sleep. 
As I slept I thought of the footsteps around me, everything felt so loud, a screaming echo that I was in the very last place I ever wanted to be. After a while of tossing and turning I finally stood and walked to the wine cellar. We had been told to make ourselves at home afterall. As I walked back to my room I bumped into a stranger. 
After a moment of shock and regaining my grip on the bottle of wine I looked up to see Prince Eaton. He was known to be more sane than his brother, so I was thankful for at least that. “Oh! I'm sorry, Prince Eaton.” I spoke and gave a small curtsy. 
He looks down at the bottle and myself with a bit of a furrowed brow “You don't need to apologize.”
He pauses for a moment and gives a friendly smile, “And you don't need to curtsy, either. Lady Savannah, is that right?” It’s a bit astonishing he’d both remember my name and recognize it as mine upon seeing me. If I were in his place I’m not sure I could. 
I sighed a bit in relief please I wouldn’t be getting yelled at for my carelessness this evening, “Yes. Just Savannah is fine, or Ms. Mars if you insist on formality. Though, the apology is still warranted considering I should have been watching where I was going. At little out of it, first night and all.” I lifted the bottle as the first night related to the bottle. 
He gave a deadpan joke and I was fortunate then that I am competent in people reading. It may have been awkward if his "I'm not sure wine will help you remember the palace geography.”
“Well, the goal is to drink it once I return to my room. That or the courtyard since it is pretty out tonight. Though, you do make an excellent point that the wine combined with being in an unfamiliar location could have negative consequences.” For a moment I paused. It may not be a horrible idea to make the acquaintance of someone here. 
“Care to have a glass with me? Splitting it and being with someone who knows the 'geography' well may decrease the negatives.” I offered. 
“Interesting that you don't drink though. I'd heard you were more....sober, than your brother but it's noted to the extent. *kinda blushes* not that I was researching you or anything, it's just difficult to not hear things when you both went to my undergrad and you're a prince. Kinda a common conversation topic.”
He stood a bit straighter and eyed the bottle, “I do not drink.” After a moment passed he then cleared his throat, the tone of his statement before must have hit him, “However I can keep you company if you want to.”
I stifled a laugh at him clearing his throat not trying to be rude but finding his realization funny, “Great then. You can be my guide then for the evening.”
he seemed embarrassed and put his hands in his jean pockets, “I'm afraid this kind of thing comes along with the title...“ he took a hand out of his pocket, making a motion like ‘shall we go?’ 
“So you went to the University of Labrador?”
“yup. Go Labs *kinda mumbles for a moment* I wasn't really there for long. We started the same year I think, which I don't really remember much of. I was kinda a different person then. Then I graduated in 2 years and went to Yale law so all in all not a whole lot of time there. But I am from Labrador and my family home is near the campus so I know the area pretty well.”
he had a very small smile “And I showed off to my brother for graduating in three years. Labrador is a beautiful province, though. I miss it.”
“Well, I'm sure you had more to do than me. I'm not some kinda royal so I just got to spend all my time working on getting credits. It is pretty though, I already miss it. Not that Angeles isn't. My mom's family lives here so I've been here a few times, but it's just not Labrador.”
“I agree, but I've come to realize Angeles is full of little gems. You just need to find them. Hopefully you'll be able to get out of the palace to see it for yourself.”
I chuckled a bit at my situation, “Well, I don't imagine I'll be here very long so maybe I'll have a little Angeles vacation”
he raised his eyebrows, “I know... My brother's reputation. But I think he's trying to take this seriously.” He paused for a moment, “Or as seriously as he can take anything.” It was a bit shocking to hear him say that. He seemed like a sensible person, any sensible person would be unlikely to defend the Prince. Though, he was also his brother, perhaps there's a familial bias. 
“Mhm.” I nodded then picked the conversation back up, “well, only time will tell. Hopefully for the sake of the country what's been said about him the last few years are baseless rumours” I sighed a bit thinking about which floozy of a wife will be our future Queen. The floozy and the fuckboy, what leaders. 
Prince Eaton clenched his jaw, “Media is prone to exaggeration.” but did not deny what had been said. 
He was being nice by walking with me so I decided to spare him a grilling and change the topic, “I'm sure. So how do you feel with the whole uh, 35 girls in your house situation?” Great now I sound like an interviewer. 
We reached an access to the gardens and he opened a French window for me, “My space is always invaded, it's nothing worse than usual.” He said with a failed attempt at a smile. I assume he isn’t looking for pity but it’s difficult to not be pitying over such an attempt. 
“That's fair I guess. Surprised you stayed though. Had my brother decided to have a bunch of ladies in our home, privacy be damned I don't wanna be around that mess.” I joked.
He snorted and seemed surprised at himself, “I was supposed to avoid it with a world tour. But things took another turn and now work won't get done alone.”
“World tour sounds a lot more fun. Postponed or cancelled?”
He gave his first genuine smile of the night, “Already done, actually. I came back a couple months ago.”
“Where did you go? Since I assume a world tour isn't literal?”
“Oceania, South Asia, Central Africa, and Europe.” He gave a small wistful sigh. I’d be wistful too if I had been all over there. 
“That's very worldly. I've only been to France and Germany. Did you have a favorite visit?”
He didn’t hesitate for a moment, “New Zealand and Scandinavia. What about you though? Did you enjoy your visits?”
The question caught me off guard so I took a moment trying to remember them, “they were alright. Quite a long time ago though. We only went to stay with my Uncle in France since he runs the part of my family's company in France and then we went to Germany because we were there so we may as well head there. Mostly it was just sitting with my brothers at a hotel while my parents went off or my grandma playing dress up with eight year old me”
“Oh. Do you regret not getting to see more of those places?” He said and looked to a bench we were approaching, but more with a thoughtful consideration than a directional goal. 
“A bit. It would have been nice to go out but they were more business trips than anything else. Maybe I'll go again at some point on my own if I have the free time.” I let us pass the bench, I’d been sitting far too much today with all the lessons and makeovers.  
“Sometimes you have to give yourself the time or you'll never do certain things.”  
“Logically I agree. But emotionally.....it's difficult to step back to work when my work directly impacts horrific moments of people's lives. Like if I were to go see a movie and my phone off, a client could be arrested and their treatment and time in jail without being able to contact their legal representation would be on my hands.”
He nodded slowly, “I can understand that. It gets hard to stop when people's lives are on the line.”
I sighed, trying not to get too revealing over my reasons for being here, afterall telling a stranger- regardless of him being a prince, that my brother had forged my application would be dumb, “I don't even really want to be wasting time here. But it is what it is. Trying to view this as a forced vacation. At least there are pretty flowers and good wine.”
He furrowed his brows, “Is there a way we could keep you working, from here? I guess you couldn't do much, but a little is better than nothing.”
I sighed,  “Yeah I tried. I work for the ICLU so I asked if I could just stay in contact with clients and work from a far. But I wouldn't be able to make any proper court appearances and they wouldn't want someone just thrown on for court so it made more sense to just give me paid vacation. They were pretty proud anyways since apparently it's an honor to be selected for this reboot reality TV bachelor show.”
He pursed his lips, “I'm sorry you don't get to keep working. But they're not wrong. You being selected does give visibility to your organisation.”
I stopped for a moment, completely caught off guard by the comment, “That is true I hadn't thought of that. It's a non-profit so I hope donations may increase from me being here.” I dug into the oversized pockets of my nightgown and grabbed a pen, always best to keep a pen in the pocket, then scribbled on my hand, “reminder to think of ways to bring up iclu during this.” I explained. 
He laughed through his nose and smiled, “See, a couple things might come out of your forced vacation.”
I chuckled a bit, “You're a smartass, and I mean that as a compliment. I can tell already which makes me feel much better about Prince Damian being in charge next.” I sighed content for a moment then remembered I was supposed to be making conversation, “So, you know I'm a nut for my work, what are you passionate about?”
He shrugged and looked around as if the gardens would save him, “My work.”
I smiled wondering a bit why that would be something to be ashamed of, “I get that. But do you have a specific part? I mean I'm sure you do a lot. So do you ever wake up and you're like 'man I get to do blank today!" Like for me it's court days because I love the theatrics of it.” I smiled a bit remembering the fun of cross. 
The question seemed too intimate for him as he tucked his hands in his pockets, “I guess I like working on projects. I mean, when the planning part of it.”
“Projects are fun. I hated them when I was in high school. I was very much so not the nerd I am today.” I tried to avoid going too deep into the projects conversation, not wanting to make him more uncomfortable. 
He raised a brow at the comment of my past, “I understand why people can find them boring, though.” Thankfully he didn’t press further on the past. 
“Yeah I was more of a push off project till the last minute and party with my friends type for a while. Now I kinda wish I could have them again, it'd probably be fun to analyse how the flaws of Gregory Illea still impact us from a historical perspective.”
He snorted and shook his head, “It's more nerve-wracking than fun, in my opinion.”
“Well yeah, but if you can identify the flaws you can work to fix them and the research is fun so overall, more fun.”
He looked up at the stars as he thought, “I don't know... Not all of it is fixable. Not that easily at least.”
I thought as well for a moment, the country had been in a bit of unrest for awhile now. He was probably thinking of that, “Well, just because it isn't easy isn't any reason to not be excited about it. The accomplishment of fixing something difficult is arguable even better.” I tried to reason. 
He stayed thoughtful, and looked down at me, “I see your points. But sometimes I think our ancestors just put us in a situation we'll never fully get out of.”
“That's a very cynical outlook and I disagree. It isn't logical to assume that just because a way hasn't been thought up yet that there can be a way out of a problem.” I said and smiled up at him. 
“Maybe it's cynical, but what I see is history repeating itself.” He looked up again, “It doesn't mean I think things aren't worth fighting for, though. But magical solutions don't exist.”
“I agree. Solutions often require a lot of work and even then are often not perfect. But to never fully get out of seems too far cynical for me to believe.”
  He looked down at me curiously, “You're more optimistic than you appear to be.”
I raised an eyebrow, “hm, interesting that I appear to not be optimistic. I take it that it's the wine bottle causing that.”
He smiled slightly, “Maybe. But just a little.”
“Any reason you don't drink?” I asked before realizing that may be very personal, “that is if you're comfortable answering.”
He shrugged, “I don't like the taste. Or the sensation.”
“That's a fair reason. I didn't like it much till I joined a sorority and ended up just liking it because we drank so much.” I kinda shuddered remembering the hangovers.  
He raised an eyebrow,  “I guess it tastes different once you're inebriated enough.”
“Yeah like spicy foods. Everyone hates them when they are a kid but you grow to love them as you get older.”
He snorted, ”I've always liked spicy foods, even as a kid.”
I laughed, “Well then you're weird. I still can't handle wasabi.”
He laughed softly, “You just need to be careful about the quantity.”
“No literally any bit of it and I'm out. My brother Danny put some on my sushi the other night, it was just a dapple from his chopstick but I couldn't eat the piece.” 
“Did you try to?”
“No. Why would I want to be in pain, I'm not a weird masochist.”
“How do you know it's that bad if you never give it another try though?”
“Hmm, traumatic memories.”
He raised his eyebrows, a curious expression on his face, “Care to share?”
I sighed at the memory, “When I was a kid I really loved matcha paste. It was like a sweet matcha pouch of paste that you could suck out, like those applesauce containers. it was my favorite thing. My grandmother gave me some and since my parents found it effective to shut me up I got it a lot. One day they ordered sushi, left it on the table, I was around four so i could reach it, thought the wasabi was matcha and ate a handful of it. Tears ensued and now I'll never touch it again.”
He laughed softly, “Alright, I understand better. But you could try to overcome your trauma someday.”
“Maybe one day, but with a lot of milk in arms reach”
He nodded, “I'm sure it can be easily arranged during your little vacation.”
I kinda shuddered at the thought, “I'll for sure need a friendly face there with me for moral support.” I laughed.
He laughed quietly, “It shouldn't be hard to find.”
“Probably harder than the wasabi though. So that is task number one on mission wasabi.”
He smiled slightly, “Well, if you stay stuck too long on task number one, I can volunteer as a friendly face.”
“Thank you. Same to you if you ever happen to need one.”
He nodded, “I'll remember that.” He jerked his chin to the wine, “Are you still planning on drinking this?”
I lifted the bottle and stared for a moment, “it'll come back to my room for further deliberation. Possibly a nightcap.”
“If it can help you get some sleep…” He glanced at the palace, “I should walk you back to your room.”
“If you don't mind. I would consider you an expert of palace geography after all.”
He snorted and shook his head, “Do you remember your room number? Or Hall?”
“Ummmmm. I'm gonna guess 14. Could be 15 though.”
He took a step towards the palace, gesturing for me to walk along, “Well, hopefully we won't step into anyone's bedroom.”
“Hm. Well the doors do say our names on them, so assuming one of us is literate I think we're safe from that” .
“I'm a humble geographer, I read maps.” He replied, getting a small giggle from myself.
“lead the way, humble geographer.” We walked for a bit through the palace till we found my room.
“That's me.”
He stopped in front of the room, “Well, we've made it. Unscathed, at that.”
“Very impressive. I would say you're a 10 out of 10 guide for such an achievement.”
He bowed, “Please don't hesitate to post a review on TripAdvisor.”
I chuckled at the joke, “well thank you for all your help. Wishing you the best, Prince Eaton.”
“Eaton's just fine. Goodnight.” He smiled.
“Good night, Eaton” I replied with a curtsy then retired to my room. 
Once I got on my laptop I pulled up my email. It wouldn’t be too annoying if I emailed my boss with some advertisement suggestions. If I let her know I’d be willing to help as much as I could. I could take up some interviews and remind people to donate. But as I typed I found myself hitting the same key over and over. 
Finally I scrolled onto Toogle and began to read about Prince Damian. The bottle of wine found its way to my lips as I read about his partying, his boorish public behavior, his absolutely lack of responsibility for his people. Quickly the bottle was empty. 
The world spun and I closed the laptop. My stomach gurgled demanding sustenance. Crackers? Something salty? Maybe popcorn. Popcorn and a movie sounds good, I mean why should I bother with anything else while I’m here in this hell. If I have to wake up early I can simply nap when I have a moment to spare. I took the bottle with me planning to throw it away in some form of recycling bin which I assumed would be in the kitchen.
I couldn’t find the kitchen. Instead I stood in an unknown hallway for a few moments, before finally deciding to give up and just return to my room. I could ask my maids for popcorn in the morning if I still wanted it. 
I walked to my room on the corner of the hallway, walked in and laid on my bed. I let my shoes slip off and rest on the ground next to where I had placed the empty bottle.
“Um…” I hear someone say who then clears their throat and says a bit louder, “hello?”
I Rolled around to look at her. I had dismissed all of my maids, who was this person? After a moment I recognized her as a selected who I had seen earlier in the day, “Um? Hi?” I mumbled and tried to sit up a bit in bed. This was not a good time for me to be receiving visitors and I hadn’t the slightest clue why this girl was in my room. 
She steps a bit closer to me, “Are you alright?”
“More than. Rich asshole got fucking great wine. I'm Savannah Mars of Labradoradora. Why are you in my room?” I slurred. 
She mouthed “Labradoradora” silently to herself before she blinked again, and walked to the edge of the bed and looked at me. Seeming to understand my condition she smiled, “Somehow someway, you ended up in my room. Sienna. Not... Sorry, what’s your name?” 
“Woops.” I giggled a bit at the situation now fully understanding this poor girl's confusion at my intrusion. “Savannah.”  I lifted an arm in a lazy wave, “Mars. If you read the papers I'm the selected whose brother punched a reporter.” 
She half grimaced, “Well hopefully you don’t punch me when I offer to help you back to your room.” 
I laughed a bit at what this girl must be thinking of me, “not at all! They're just protective over a creepy paparazzi.” I sat up more straightly and swayed a little.“you don't have to help me though. I am perfectly capable of finding a room. Regardless of my state I am in fact a lawyer. Therefore I can read.” 
Her smile is a little more at ease with my laugh, then she nodded slowly, “Oh absolutely. But so I don’t get mixed up in the future, can you let me come?” She said, eyeing my swaying carefully. 
“Gotcha!” I cheered and did some finger guns and stood up successfully with the help of the bedpost, “I'm a lawyer, you?”
She stepped near me and offered a hand, answering distractedly, “Illustrator.” 
I took her hand, “Pretty!” Then blushes a bit at the exclamation, “Illustration i mean! You are too though!” Trying not to insult the stranger.
She laughed softly and took my arm into the crook of hers, “Thank you. The compliment goes both ways.”
I nodded enthusiastically, “oh no bad idea dizzy.” I said and settled myself again, “I sleep somewhere around here. Why do all these doors look the same”
“I see why you got confused heading into my room.” She chuckles as she scans the plates, “Are you sure your room’s in this direction?” She blinked “Never mind.”
Suddenly I saw another door, it said S something, how many selected with S names could there be, “S is me!” I exclaimed. 
She squinted and she looked closer at the nameplate, “S is close to you, but this isn’t your room. It’s Soraya’s,” She frowned and nodded at a guard who we passed. 
“Oh... “ I wondered why someone else would have joined this, I suppose this other selected is a perfect person to ask, “Do you have the hots for the prince?”
She seemed startled by the question, “Well... we haven’t even met him yet.” She then raised a brow, “Do you?”
I laughed and nearly threw my head back, “Absolutely not! But I was wondering if all the girls here would be like” I stopped for a moment to gather myself, “UWUWUW Prince Dammmm i wanna be your wifeeyyy” I batted my eyes mimicking my expectation of my fellow selected, “and shit.”
Thankfully she laughed before quickly covering her mouth, “Let’s see how the interviews go then talk. I might go all moony-eyed.” 
I half chuckled, “I don't think there’s a thing he could say to me to make me go all "uwu'. Strongly dislike the man off the bat.”
“Oh?” She raised a brow, a laugh still in her voice, “Is it the partying?”
“120%” I said fully serious. 
She hummed, “What about it don’t you like?
“The fact that he's supposed to be the heir to illea and he's running around partying like he's just some ordinary frat boy. He has an obligation to the country and his choice to party over starting on work directly impacts thousands of peoples lives. I spend freaking days arguing cases that could just be solved if we had a leader who was sand enough to amend laws that deserve amending but he's out there doing jello shots and drinking tequila!” I complained, probably spilling out a bit much.
She sighed and bobbed her head to one side for a moment, focusing on the hallway before they reached the end of it and realized her room is probably back where they were before, she simply missed it. tugs them back in that direction again, “Maybe he’s... getting it out of his system.” She defended and wrinkled her nose clearly not believing her own words.  
I sighed, “Maybe. At least this will let me tell if he's really that hopeless or not. Not that I'm one to speak in my current state.”
She gave a short laugh, “What if he is hopeless? What will you do then?”
I hadn’t quite thought that far out, “I figure out which one of you is the least hopeless and try to help them win.” I suggested.
She seemed amused at my conclusion, “Why did you submit your name then? For kicks and giggles?”
I sighed, “I didn't submit my application. Let's just leave it at that. Why'd you submit yours?” She seemed to agree with me about the large faults of the prince which made me more curious. 
“Second chance at... something.” A vague answer. 
I snorted, “something? What did you date a prince in a past life?”
She looked down with a smile then back up, “Life. Second chance at life.” I knew what she meant. The chance to reinvent yourself. I was able to get it before, if this was hers I wished her the best. 
I looked up at her and smiled, “Well, I hope you get it Ms. Artist.”
She directed a smile at me, “Thank you.” We finally approach a room directly labeled Savannah Mars, which is funnily enough exactly across the hall from Sienna's. “I hope you don’t get too much of a headache tomorrow.”
I waved, “Nah I chug water.” I smiled at her already feeling the effects wearing off, “Thank you for walking me here, and I'm sorry for lying on your bed.” 
“Sure sure.” She let go of her arm and raised a brow, “Positive you’ll be alright?”
“Positive.” I replied with a brief nod, headed into my room, then passed out for the night. 
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pabloattfield · 4 years
Savannah Medical Malpractice Lawyer
Savannah Personal Injury Lawyer
Professional Savannah Medical Malpractice Lawyer You Can Hire
Life is precious and should never be taken for granted. On many occasions, we look up on the qualified medical personnel who know how you can approach various health concerns to keep our overall well-being. These are the basic professionals on who we put our trust if we need medical assistance, along with the trust is justified in many instances. The field of medical practice, just like any other sector, is vulnerable to errors and a degree of risk. Particularly, misleading diagnosis and poorly done surgeries will almost certainly happen at some time. In such instances, patients are utterly frustrated knowing they had their full trust in these medical practitioners.
Going by the statistics on the various death causes in the united states, medical negligence ranks third after cancer and coronary disease. In Savannah, the specific situation is no distinct from this saddening ordeal of medical negligence.
What does medical negligence mean? Precisely, medical negligence in Savannah Georgia takes place when a health practitioner or medical institution does contrary to what is recommended by regulations along with the recommended standards of care. This can mean neglecting or overlooking certain details or practices that eventually result in the death of any patient. Our Atlanta Law office handles personal injury claims, and we guarantee that our clients get their much-deserved compensation and justice.
Medical negligence encompasses many things. For any medical negligence boast of being valid, it must be described as the subsequent:
·        Standard of Care Violation. Inside the healthcare industry, some standards happen to be accepted universally, identified by the law, and for that reason sign up for all medical treatments. Generally, these standards represent such a proficient and cautious doctor is expected to perform or to refrain from doing. This is known as the standard of care. It is also considered as the expectation of patients, who know well their doctors will offer them the most effective healthcare services. Whenever there’s prove of deviation from the standard of care, the person offers the grounds of making an insurance claim.
Healthcare providers ought to use approved equipment and methods when treating their patients in order to avoid potential injuries. They should also anticipate any unexpected occurrences when treating patients. Making use of their experience and knowledge, they need to prevent common risks to have their patients safe. Failure to look at the accepted standard of care might add up to insufficient health care, specially when undertaking surgeries, making prescriptions, not disclosing any risks associated with treatment, and failure to have consent for treatment, among other situations.
For any gainful medical negligence claim, it is important that you provide sufficient evidence that the resultant problem could have been prevented if another competent medical practitioner had done an identical procedure using the same technique and equipment. Additionally it is mandatory that you simply prove that the procedure was the principle source of your injury.
·        Injury was due to the injury. Providing evidence a medical practitioner did not see the standard of care may not be enough to prove the validity of your own claim. Since the complainant, you will need to prove that the injury suffered could have been prevented if only the medical practitioner weren’t negligent. To put it simply, one cannot claim medical negligence since a medical procedure resulted in a negative outcome. You need to prove that negligence was the immediate source of the injury. If negligence didn’t directly result in the injury suffered, then this case might be invalid.
·        The damage resulted in significant damages. Medical negligence cases involve several hours of collecting statements and a lot more medical activities, these suits are normally time-consuming and dear to formally solve. For any case to be considered valid, the complainant should present evidence that the injury suffered was a direct result medical negligence and resulted in huge damages.
Pursuing some of these cases may not be definitely worth the hassle, especially where costs involved are more than the amount that might be compensated. To face a chance for compensation in a medical negligence claim, the complainant must show that the injury suffered resulted in distress, hardship, lack of wages, hardship, or accumulated medical bills.
At Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C., we can help you get all the relevant evidence together and offer a solid claim in a bid to have your life back. What’s more, we know and focus on a ‘no win, no fees’ policy. Therefore, you don’t need to bother about any legal fees and definately will guarantee that we offer you the best legal representation for the case.
Unlike personal injury cases, there needs to be proof beyond doubt about the medical practitioner’s negligence. From the legal viewpoint, an undesirable medical outcome doesn’t really mean that something wrong was completed in the course of treatment. What’s important is proving if the medical practitioner was negligent.
Medical negligence encompasses many things that may go wrong within the treatment process. However, whenever a medical practitioner breaches the job of care, and then there are questions to answer. We help our clients by substantiating claims and presenting the required evidence to ensure that your case is heard. Here are one of the medical negligence claims we can help you with at Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C.
1.     Medical Misdiagnosis
A misdiagnosis can take various forms, as in most personal injury claims. Occasionally, it takes place when the medical practitioner doesn’t do treatment, fails to examine the person accurately, diagnoses the person with all the wrong disease, or misinterprets test results. Numbers indicate that these particular situations exist in most medical negligence cases when compared with surgeries and prescription errors.
Many of the most misdiagnosed health concerns include pulmonary embolism, heart attack, stroke, thyroid conditions, and Lyme disease. In some cases, these conditions may reveal themselves in peculiar ways that may be easy to miss unless the medical practitioner was specifically in search of them. In such instances, negligence is usually ruled out – it only amounts to negligence when another doctor with the exact same measure of knowledge and training can detect the actual issue.
2.     Anesthesia Errors
To the majority people, surgeries are terrifying ordeals. Thinking about the various mistakes that could happen when on the operating table can make it even more frightening. Anesthesia is an important component in surgeries but may also become risky. It is vital for many surgeries and should be administered by a certified anesthesiologist. Before administering anesthesia, the professional should go through your medical records and history, history of medication, allergies, and also think about the duration of the surgery.
Occasionally, patients can wake up before the surgical procedures are concluded, the anesthesia may modify the spine or nerves, and in some instances, there can be improper regulating the hypertension, which might easily result in a stroke or brain damage. In such instances, the patient might be entitled to make a legal claim, and by using a qualified lawyer at Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. proves to be very fruitful.
Surgery Mishaps
While surgical errors usually are not common among patients, they can be of ill-repute when compared with other medical malpractices. Patients who undergo surgeries that last several hours expect that the process will be carried out by a certified, capable, and experienced professional. As mentioned previously, surgeries could be frightening procedures, and the idea of an error in judgment by the surgeon, while you’re on the operating table, definitely makes the thought a whole lot worse. However, mistakes happen, and among the most common ones include:
·        Operating on the wrong patient.
·        Failure to manage bleeding.
·        Risky surgeries that are not approved by the medical body.
·        Leaving medical equipment or substance in the body.
·        Using poorly sterilized surgical equipment.
Surgical errors can easily cause death and occur whenever a medical practitioner fails to look at the regulations put in place, conducting the incorrect surgery, or wrongly interpreting your chart.
4.     Birth Injuries
For almost all families, this is amongst the most devastating malpractices to endure. Even though some childbirth injuries are insignificant and can heal after a while, others prove to get a large impact on the child’s life. Thinking about waiting around for your newest family member, preparing for their arrival, probably giving them a name in advance, imagining anything they could become down the road, crafting a wonderful nursery, and after that having to deal with their injury at birth is utterly devastating.
When a medical practitioner makes this sort of error, the mother might also suffer injuries, including hemorrhaging, when in labor. Other injuries that could occur include placental abruption, wrongly done episiotomies, insufficient oxygen supply for the baby, improper usage of equipment, or injury to vital organs when conducting a Caesarean section procedure.
5.     Delayed Diagnosis
Delayed diagnosis is almost just like misdiagnosis, and occurs when a medical practitioner fails in order to identify a health condition in good time. With time, the disorder worsens and may also even become irreversible. In the case of conditions like cancer, delayed diagnosis could be detrimental on the patient’s health.
In case a medical practitioner offered the incorrect treatment, such that some other practitioner wouldn’t approve of the treatment, then this patient stands legal ground to make a claim for delayed diagnosis. Obviously, this kind of case necessitates the patient to prove that the disease would not have gotten worse had the diagnosis been made earlier, and treatment started.
Medical negligence may occur whenever a patient is certainly going through a medical procedure. In such instances, you will require the most effective legal representation, and employing a lawyer from Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. ensures the most effective representation. Whenever you and your loved suffers injury resulting from medical negligence, employing a proficient Savannah Medical Practice Attorney is useful inside your claim.
Why Work With Ken Nugent’s Team?
Medical negligence claims are usually complex and draining legal processes to get involved with. The plaintiff has to fast-track several of the processes from the very beginning to validate their claims. Fortunately, utilizing our law office helps go ahead and take burden off the shoulders, given the aid of our qualified and experienced lawyers. We make certain you take your path by:
·        Utilizing medical professionals to have neutral and trustworthy info on the health care you received to counter any wrong claims manufactured by the treating medical practitioner Such medical professionals will help prove any incompetence that directly triggered your injury.
·        Helping you get quality health care from proficient doctors.
·        Ensuring you will be compensated for the injuries suffered.
·        Supplying you with quality representation without paying any fees until the case is concluded.
Should you have suffered injuries from the medical procedure which includes gone wrong as a result of negligence or poor judgment from a medical practitioner, you need to seek the guidance of legal experts such as the Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. team to assist you make the claim. We now have years’ experience representing patients who have suffered physical or mental injuries as a result of negligence. Phone us today at 1-888-579-1790
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