#norene kingham
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majormeilani · 2 months ago
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a doodle depicting norie's leather jacket she wears occasionally over her outfit. she's also holding her semi-automatic pistol which she always has holstered to her leg beneath her skirt but i also never draw that lol 😭
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majormeilani · 22 days ago
Hello :] I have come looking for any info related to Norie and Zeta. They be on my brain now...
No pressure of course, and I know there's a lot under wraps for spoilers. Just curious whatcha thinking about with them ^^
they're like really hard to talk about without saying too much but i will share what little i can about them for now. they too every once in a while creep into my mind and i just internally smash my head on a desk about them even though it's my own fault loll.
okay so. their relationship is pretty complicated. they have an extremely codependent relationship on one another that often causes conflicts in other ways. though norie tends to kinda do things to distance herself from him but somehow she always ends up crawling back. they do things that hurt each other, not always meaning to. norie tends to respond to most things that zeta does with a type of jealousy but later ends up doting on zeta and he ends up easily forgiving her. zeta loves her so much that his heart literally feels like it's going to burst every time he's around her but because of some of the things he's done she's gone cold towards him. but every time she comes around again with her sweet talking, gentle hands or other loving gestures he ends up feeling like she loves him again. they confuse each other sometimes. zeta makes poor decisions that he thinks will help norie but she ends up upset again. they cry together often and they do still kiss or do other couple-y from time to time but the intentions aren't clear for either of them. norie doesn't know how to pull herself away from him for good and zeta never wants her to leave. they both have considered breaking things off but something stops them every time. they very much love the idea of one another and that keeps them bonded in this way. they know everything about each other which is why it makes it so much harder too for them. deep down they definitely know they deserve better than one another but in the end it feels like to them they're all each other has and there's so much they share that they stand to lose. there's so much to them i have left unsaid but they make me fucking crazy
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majormeilani · 1 year ago
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some doodles i drew the other night for sunshine stuff. a norie full body sketch and then a norie and zeta talking or something. the top part was where another sketch was to go but i fell asleep so it didn't get done
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majormeilani · 1 year ago
i just remembered a lonnnngg time ago (may 27th 2016 to be exact 🤯) i made a list of my half of the 'sunshine' casts' names and what each part of their names mean and i decided why not share it here!!
bolded = first name bolded and italicized = middle name italicized = last name
Ruben Mano Elanor  "Behold a son, God is with us. Star sun."
Gordon Ikaika "Spacious fort, man of strength."
Kani Hau`oli Ho`opono "Sound, happy, faithful."
Darby Anderson "Free from envy,son of Anders."
Riley Burdoch "Valiant, burring herbaceous plant."
Sparky Ikaika "Animated; lively, strong."
Natalie Connors "Born on Christmas, strong-willed; wise." Bailey Connors "Bailiff; outer castle walls, strong-willed; wise."
Norene Kingham "Honored; honorable; mercy, village; homestead."
Zeta Aplistía Mikos "Born last; Greek letter Ζ, greed, small; little."
Zaria Tyche Mikos "Dice, luck, small; little."
Benjamin Epithymía Mikos "Son of the South, desire; passionate longing, small; little."
Maribelle Iiona _____ "Beautiful Marie, shining light; the bright one."
Halsden (first and last name is classified due to his work so only his code name) "Sounds similar to 'Halston,' meaning Holy stone; Stony hollow; codename is a portmanteau of the name 'Hal,' meaning home leader and the word 'den' meaning 'home' or 'shelter or resting place' "
Aurora Mirai "Dawn; Aurora Borealis, future; rare, hope, beg for"
Oliver Ira Kumar "Olive tree; ancestor's descendants, wrath; watchful, prince, son, boy"
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majormeilani · 4 years ago
B2 with Ale or Norie
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i chose a norie :)
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majormeilani · 5 years ago
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men will be like “i know a place” and take you to the lowest point in your life
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majormeilani · 4 years ago
17, 21, 49 and 56 for any oc of ur choice! <3
i used a random generator thing to pick a character bc i couldn't decide and we got the lovely norie!!!!!
17. Can they fight?
Norie isn't really much the type to fight in a physical sense but can defend herself when necessary. She has a revolver that she has strapped to her thigh as well as a knife in case she needs to use it for anyone who tries to fuck with her. She also will slap or dig her nails into people if necessary when in an altercation. She also knows some self defense to get away when someone tries to hold her.
21. What are their favorite food (s)/favorite drink(s)?
Norie likes mac and cheese and tacos. To drink, she likes to drink iced teas and at times fruity alcoholic cocktails.
49. What are some themes tied to your character’s story?
I want to say in her story it's about coming to terms with how her life has become the way that it is now for her. However, Norie struggles with moving on from the past quite a bit and has quite a struggle with her identity and what she wants to do with her life. It also has underlying themes of trying to cope with the past as well as learning how to reconcile with those she has distanced herself from. A lot of her themes rely on relationships she has and what is best for her in the end.
She also has themes tied to her sense of self as well, struggling with the perception she has from others and how she views herself which is another part of her character.
56. What’s your overall goal with this character? Will they get a happy ending or will they succumb to their faults?
My goal with Norie's character is for her to be able to live on happily without feeling trapped and for her to go into her dream field of work, being a doctor. Norie has always been the kind to take care of other people and has been fascinated with medical sciences since she was very young. She also wants to find unconditional love and trust in another person, without having to prove herself to them and be loved for her, not just for what she can bring to the world.
As far as her getting there, well, that's for me to know and for everyone to find out. :))c (eventually when mice and i are able to produce sunshine hsgsaggashhdjd)
meme here
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majormeilani · 5 years ago
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so free up the cheaper seats  🔪 here comes a greek tragedy 🌹
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majormeilani · 22 days ago
unfortunately their relationship at the point it is in the story there's no candlelit dinners between them to be seen but at one point there were a few in the past. they just have a lot of problems going on in their lives and conflict between each other to settle for long on anything like that. when they do share a moment it goes as quickly as it comes and they're back to conflicts with each other, probably both with aching hearts. zeta still however hopelessly tries to gain that side of norie again that is soft and loves him but it's a lot more rare and it's hard to tell when she's being genuine. it's a whole thing 💔
Hello :] I have come looking for any info related to Norie and Zeta. They be on my brain now...
No pressure of course, and I know there's a lot under wraps for spoilers. Just curious whatcha thinking about with them ^^
they're like really hard to talk about without saying too much but i will share what little i can about them for now. they too every once in a while creep into my mind and i just internally smash my head on a desk about them even though it's my own fault loll.
okay so. their relationship is pretty complicated. they have an extremely codependent relationship on one another that often causes conflicts in other ways. though norie tends to kinda do things to distance herself from him but somehow she always ends up crawling back. they do things that hurt each other, not always meaning to. norie tends to respond to most things that zeta does with a type of jealousy but later ends up doting on zeta and he ends up easily forgiving her. zeta loves her so much that his heart literally feels like it's going to burst every time he's around her but because of some of the things he's done she's gone cold towards him. but every time she comes around again with her sweet talking, gentle hands or other loving gestures he ends up feeling like she loves him again. they confuse each other sometimes. zeta makes poor decisions that he thinks will help norie but she ends up upset again. they cry together often and they do still kiss or do other couple-y from time to time but the intentions aren't clear for either of them. norie doesn't know how to pull herself away from him for good and zeta never wants her to leave. they both have considered breaking things off but something stops them every time. they very much love the idea of one another and that keeps them bonded in this way. they know everything about each other which is why it makes it so much harder too for them. deep down they definitely know they deserve better than one another but in the end it feels like to them they're all each other has and there's so much they share that they stand to lose. there's so much to them i have left unsaid but they make me fucking crazy
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