#nor is there any stopping of this electon
colorisbyshe · 4 years
You know what gets me... we live in a country where voter turnout is never higher than like 60% and yet you still have self-important leftists who really think they're sticking it to the man by not voting. Lmao
I don’t want to call them self important because on an ideological stance... I agree with them. I don’t... want to vote for Biden. Fuck, I barely want to vote for the politicians I don’t mind on the local/state elections. Like my governor can’t even fucking handel legalizing weed and my Senator published a book saying he’s only just realizing black lives matter. I’m not enthused by this shit.
These aren’t the people I want controlling my life.
But you’re absolutely right. We already have low voter turn out and... the elections are still “legitimized.” Democrats and republicans don’t learn shit fromm low voter turn out. Democrats don’t learn “Oh, we need to be more leftist” from Republicans winning, they learn “Oh, we need to appeal more to Republicans.” Every time a third party eats into their voter base, they don’t learn “Oh, maybe we should have more parties than a two party system,” they learn literal fuck shit from that.
The ONLY thing that even VAGUELY teaches politicians fucking ANYTHING is being voted out. Doesn’t teach them MUCH but lol... I’ve spent the last 15 years (which I started being aware of politics) watching democrats learn alllll the wrong lessons rfom losing elections.
I get the impulse to be optimistic about elections. But i don’t get how “inaction is action” is a coherent idea to anyone, especially in the wake of reality.
I don’t get how people can scream about gerrymandering, voter disenfranchisement especially for felons,a nd the electoral college (all things that are meant to suppress the vote, to keep people from voting) and then say voting doesn’t matter. How does behaving how republicans want you to (not voting) help anyone? How does giving in do anything?
I think people have created this dichotomy of “Voting and only voting for change” and “radical” “direct” action. To take part in one is to not take part int the other... only that’s not true. You vote for who you think your direct action would be most effective against.
But the word “action” implies... action. Voting is inaction. Posting abot how we need direct action... is still inaction. Not all people can partake in direct action but then... you must do what you can to support those who do. Inclduing voting for those who will best respond to those actually acting.
Here’s a good video to understand my perspective:
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Today you can smoke when ever you want and the place ever you like, whether the area is for smokers or for non smokers. Yes you can do that with the e cigaret, which it looks like the real cigaret and most importantly it tastes like a real cigaret, yet it is a cigaret without flame, fire, tar or any chemicals that will hurt you. In the following lines you will find out everything about electronic cigarette UK and you will know the difference between the standard cigaret and this cigaret which become the easiest way to quiet smoking.
The e cigaret was released in the market a few years ago, but at that time many people did not accept the idea of smoking e cigaret and use it as an alternative of the real one. And they did not want to talk about e cigaret at all as they thought of it as a toy thing. But now with the more awareness about the bad effect of the real cigaret, this device become the device of choice for all the people who actually care about their health and do not want to have cancer or any heart disease, it is for all the people who wishes to stop hurting themselves and the people around them, it is also for the people who are really serious about quiting smoking for good.
What is this gadget that everybody talks about Recently?
Though there are many varieties of this cigarette the market now, all of them have the same shape, so in basic it is a micro electonic device, that is consist of 3 parts cartridge in which you find the nicotine and the flavor, a chamber that heats the nicotine and evaporate it, and last the battery.
when you smoke the chamber creates a vapor like smoke, so you feel as if you are smoking a real cigaret.
Some research have found that this machine is healthier than the normal cigarets and has many benefits for the consumers and that’s because:
It does not hurt your heart or your lung as the real cigaret does. Though this device contains nicotin, but it does not contain poisons or any substance that can hurt your body, so you and your family members are safe.
With this new device the smokers breath will vanish so the people around the you can not smell or inheal the smoke as it has no smell nor linger, which gives the you the freedom to smoke in most of the sites in which smoking is not allowed.
It comes with a kit, so you are preserving a lot of cash with this type of cigaret.
The cartridge is equivilant to one full pack of usual cigarets. This cartridge costs about $ 2, while the pack of cigaret expenses something between $5 and $9.This gadget will give you the same nice experience you have when you smoke the standard cigaret but of program with no harm to your health and of training course avoid you from spending a lot of income each month on a harmful cigaret.
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