calamitaswrath · 3 months
Im proud of you for making so much progress, keep on going
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whump-protocol · 2 years
The Thing
SecUnit is in my medical bay.
So is SecUnit’s right arm, although it’s not currently attached to SecUnit. For all intents and purposes, it is sufficiently complex to a.) watch media with SecUnit in the feed and b.) have opinions about said media. 
It’s tapping out those opinions on a modified display surface. 
Iris is lying inside MedSystem with minor bruising and a gash in her shoulder. The disembodied arm is the reason she is alive at all, so I am being very lenient with its continued existence.
SecUnit pings me on a private channel. Explain it to me again. It’s alive?
I focus on the question because accuracy is essential. It appears to be. The facts of the situation cannot be expressed accurately in words. To the best of my understanding, 2.0 fused with the alien remnant and, in colloquial terms, hitched a ride in the neural tissues and limited processors associated with your shoulder-arm-hand assembly. It lay dormant until some undefined point where it detached from you and rescued Iris.
I know that part. I was there.
Your arm has been malfunctioning for months. 2.0 is likely the reason.
SectUnit starts another episode of Sanctuary Moon since 2.0 would like to rewatch the entire series. And now what?
I am constructing you a new arm as we speak.
I mean, what happens to 2.0?
I know you did, and I am unsure of the answer, either. I cannot predict whether I can transfer 2.0 in its current state into a more-appropriate system. 
It’s stuck like this? Does it know?
It does, I acknowledge. There’s nothing you or I can do right now to resolve this situation. Its continued existence is an adverse effect of the alien remnant. Now that it is here, we’ll do what we can, but we know very little about alien remnants, much less how they interface with construct code. You might not believe this, but I doubt this has ever happened before.
No shit, ART.
2.0 taps something on the display tablet. GOOD PART.
We’re coming, I tell it indulgently and focus on the serial in the feed, careful not to jar either SecUnit or 2.0. This is not what I expected; I note as much in my logs.
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biglisbonnews · 1 year
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2023 Venice Immersive Selections Revealed (NEWSWIRE) 44 projects from 25 countries and 24 worlds in the Worlds GalleryContinue reading on No Proscenium » https://noproscenium.com/2023-venice-immersive-selections-revealed-newswire-59c8e5e33634
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insomnyahhh · 4 months
my hero academia but all of them trapped in an island and there’s a secret camera crew, recording this reality tv show . there’s drama, fights and romance. its just insanely messy
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topmiata · 1 year
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🔴 @1201miata #TopMiata #nopro #JDM #Mazda #Miata #MX5 #roadster #ncmiata
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simplylib · 8 months
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In just a few weeks, effective February 20th, the Los Santos Government is enforcing the NoPro act - banning us from doing any type of promotional shoot in our country. We are fighting the best we can to have this overturned, but my fear is that us creators will have to leave the country by the 20th. But there are still so many Liberty stories to tell - and she specifically instructed me to create some Lib stories of my own.
So today, I am taking over Liberty’s blog and updating everything - including writing posts to honor both our stories as the Los Santos era comes to a close. We hope you’ll have fun reading what we were up to. It was, after all, a truly American story.
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areyouthatguy · 2 years
It was a quiet week at No Proscenium, but you wouldn’t know that from how many immersive events got listed (15) and who we interviewed on the podcast (the Associate Artistic Director of the Oregon Shakespeare Festival AND the VP & Head of Live Experiences at Netflix).
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writing-protocol · 2 years
Sappy Horror Night
Shiro doesn't remember how the rest of the paladins talked him into this, but here he is, a thirty-year-old man on a couch, watching Alien for the first time.
This is not a movie for the faint of heart, he decides when yet another bystander dies to the jaws of a creature that would probably send even the Lions scampering. This might be worse than the psychological torture he endured.
He glances over at Keith, seated next to him on an oversized couch, clearly having a good time, and shivers. How is everyone else so calm and collected about this? How are they not freaking out whenever the music subtly changes and the lights flicker?
"You all right?" his husband murmurs, leaning in close.
"Fine," Shiro practically squeaks.
"He's not fine," Pidge adds sagely from where they're perched on a cushion on the floor, bowl of popcorn in hand.
Keith reaches over and puts an arm around his husband's shoulders and nuzzles his flesh-and-blood arm reassuringly. "You gonna make it, big guy?"
Shiro swallows and holds back a whimper, just barely. "Definitely."
"Liar," Keith whispers into his ear. "Come on, let's go do something else."
"Nope, I'm fine."
Keith rolls his eyes. "We've been married long enough that I know better."
"Shhh!" Lance mutters. "We're just getting to the good part."
"Shut up, lover boy. One more word—"
Allura snickers and wraps her fiancé in her embrace. Keith is thankful she knows what to do with Lance because he certainly doesn't. Distance hasn't made his heart grow any fonder, at least not about this.
"We can turn the lights on," he offers.
"It's almost over anyway," Shiro protests, endeared at Keith's single-minded protection. "Plus, you like it."
"It's a guy in a suit. You can tell!" Keith protests.
"Well, don't tell us that," Pidge grumbles. "Next time, I'm not inviting either of you to horror movie night. Just kiss him and get it over with!"
"What?" Keith sputters, and even poor Hunk can't help chuckling.
He glares at the back of Pidge's head before turning and doing exactly that. He reaches up to hold Shiro's overheated face and presses their lips together in a gesture that's both familiar and so, so precious.
That they get to spend this life together still feels like a revelation.
Shiro returns the kiss, leans into it, and sighs.
"They're doing it again," Lance mutters quietly.
Allura takes the opportunity to do the same to shut him up.
Someone screams in the background. Hunk makes more popcorn.
It's… pretty much like every other movie night the paladins have ever done. Perfect in all the ways that matter.
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Another attempt at Keith as a SecUnit. At this point, other than looks, this is basically a totally different character, but whatever. It's a picture -- I am not attaching any deeper meaning to it.
This SecUnit has seen some shit.
IMG ID: a gray-white-and-black drawing of a person with shoulder-length hair who is dressed in a t-shirt and pants. Various augments are visible, and some of them are glowing red. Its eyes are also red. On its t-shirt, there are two words, "caution" in red and "SecUnit" in black underneath that.
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candycassie · 3 years
a lil update <3
in Jan, a friend of mine passed due to suicide. Still grieving, and the first 3 weeks were mortifying, I just want to say during the first week I lost weight!
-11pounds in 7/8 days
I only ate soup during the entire first week, but I mainly was fasting.(not intentionally, I genuinely couldnt stomach food, i felt sick and so nauseous...guess it was the guilt eating from the inside out,) BUT! THIS MEANS U GUYS CAN DO IT, I PROMISE YOU WILL MEET YOUR GOAL, PLZ BE SAFE AND TAKE SUPPLIMENTAL PILLS IF NEEDED
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atgrow · 4 years
Hot take: it's easier to be a good person when you're mentally well and yet some people still choose not the be.
It's harder to be a good person when you've been traumatised and yet you're still here trying. That's what matters most. Keep trying. You've got this. You can always be a better person today than you were yesterday. Learn from your mistakes. Take accountability. Forgive yourself. Forgive others where you can and feel is appropriate.
Go forth with love.
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fckml · 4 years
not me flushing more than 5 times at 6am in the morning cause of the laxatives :)
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topmiata · 3 years
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🖤 #nopro @motsu.motsu.ojisan #TopMiata #JDM #Mazda #Miata #MX5 https://www.instagram.com/p/CWWvRqwIwfq/?utm_medium=tumblr
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pieratebay · 3 years
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Nogami Project NC1 GT-S kit
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anaaamiga · 4 years
Hoje tá sendo o dia daqueles.
Comecei feliz porque fui me pesar e quando subi, tava com 73kg.
Quase não acreditei, subi umas 5 vezes pra ficha cair. Eu já cheguei a pesar 80kg. E isso é uma vitória e tanto, Obrigado Ana.
Fiz 16 horas de NF, e hoje no trabalho me disseram que eu estava mais magra (isso foi música pros meus ouvidos), e realmente eu voltei a usar a roupa P de lá 😍
Tentei escapar do almoço, mas por questão de socialização tive que almoçar, comi só um pouco de peixe, arroz e almôndegas enfim, pela primeira vez em anos fiquei com vontade de miar após a refeição (nunca tinha tido essas vontades, porque tenho medo de vomitar) mas não o fiz, entrei em NF de no mínimo 24 horas, como punição.
A parte triste do meu dia foi ver o cara que eu gosto a melhor trepada que eu tive em anos, se casando, partiu meu coração, mas me motivou também, a atual dele é tão bonita impossível eu não me comparar, sempre penso porque ele escolheu ela e não eu, NUNCA VOU ENTENDER mas vez ou outra ele tá no meu colchão, outra coisa que eu não entendo, enfim, as vezes eu fico pensando: "se fosse você se casando com ele, ele estaria traindo você como trai ela com você", e é bem isso mesmo, mas já faz um tempo que ele me procurou. Só sei que quando me reencontrar vai achar uma mulher MAGRA.
As vezes eu acho que talvez eu não sirva pra viver um amor verdadeiro, mas sim vários amores que vão dar errado.
Enfim, de uma forma estranha isso só me serviu pra me deixar mais motivada. Me ajuda Ana.
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